


1.新目标九年级英语课件 篇一

Unit 13 Rainy days make me sad.

Part 1: Teaching design (第一部分:教学设计)

Structures: make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective

Target language: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. Me too! Loud music makes me tense. I agree. Loud music makes me uncomfortable.

Vocabulary: lighting, mysterious, tense, silky, owner, product, knowledge, for instance, shiny, skin, cream, toothpaste, endangered, uncomfortable, useful

Learning strategies: Personalizing, Matching

Section A


●To learn to use make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective

●To listen and talk about eating in a restaurant


Warming up by learning to use make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective

On page 103 is the grammar focus chart. Read the three sentences and try to understand its structure.

Loud music makes me tense.

Loud music makes me want to dance.

That movie made me sad.

Now you are supposed to make as many sentences with the

make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective structure as possible.

1a Looking and saying

On page 102 is a picture of restaurants. Which one would you like to go? And why?

◆ I like to go to the one on the left because the music there would make me excited.

◆ I like to go to the one on the right because the music there would make me quiet.

◆ I like to go to the one on the left because the pictures there would make me tense.

◆ I like to go to the one on the right because the things there would make me happy.

1b Listening and completing

Listen to a conversation between Amy and Tina talking about eating in restaurants.

While listening, pay attention to the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me +

adjective structure” .


Girl1: I’m hungry, Amy.

Girl2: So am I. Why don’t we get something to eat?

Girl1: Yeah. Let’s go to the Rockin’ Restaurant. I love their hamburgers.

Girl2: Oh, Tina… I hate the Rockin’ Restaurant.

Girl1: Why? The food is great, isn’t it?

Girl2: The food’s fine. I just don’t like the atmosphere. Those awful pictures on the walls make me sad, and the loud music makes me tense.

Girl1: OK. So where do you want to go, Amy?

Girl2: Let’s go to the Blue Lagoon. The soft music makes me relaxed.

Girl1: Not me. It makes me sleepy.

And now complete the unfinished sentences in the chart on page 102.

The Rockin’s Restaurant The Blue Lagoon

The awful pictures make Amy sad. The soft music makes Amy relaxed.

The loud music makes Amy tense. The soft music makes Tina sleepy.

Now you are supposed to read the tapescript. While reading, underline the expressions and circle the connectives.

1c Doing pairwork

What are your opinions about the two restaurants? Which on would you like better?

A: I’d rather go to the Blue Lagoon Restaurant because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating.

B: Me, too! Loud music makes me tense.

A: I agree! Loud music makes me uncomfortable.

A: I’d rather go to the Rockin’s Restaurant because I like to listen to loud music while I’m eating.

B: Me, too! Loud music makes me excited.

A: I agree! Loud music makes me happy.

2a Listening and numbering

3 4

2 1

A boy and a girl are talking about their past experiences. Listen to their talk and number the pictures on page 103.


Boy: Did you and Amy have fun last night, Tina?

Girl: Well, John… yes and no.

Boy: Was Amy late as usual?

Girl: Yes, she was. And waiting for her made me angry.

Boy: Where did you go?

Girl: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant, but Amy didn’t want to stay. She said that loud music made he tense.

Boy: That’s funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.

Girl: Me too. So then we went to the Blue Lagoon. It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good time.

Boy: Then did you go to the concert at the high school?

Girl: No. We decided to go to the movies. We saw Remember Me Forever. It was a really good movie, but it was so sad it made us cry.

Boy: Sad movies don’t make me cry. They just make me want to leave!

Girl: You sound just like my brother!

2b Listening and checking

You are supposed to listen to the conversation once again. Before you listen, go over the seven sentences said by Tina and John in the box on page 103. While you listen, check √the things said by them respectively. After you listen, check your answers against each other’s.

√Waiting for her made me angry.

√She said that loud music made her tense.

×Loud music makes me happy.

√Loud music always makes me want to dance.

√It was so sad it made me cry.

√Sad movies don’t make me cry. They just make me want to leave!

×It made me sad.

All right now, you are supposed to read the tapescript. While

Reading, try to circle the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective structure”, underline the expressions and blacken the connectives.

2c Doing pairwork

Go over the activities in 2a and 2b. Then in pairs try to role play the conversation between Tina and John. You may make use of the examples on page 103 to begin with.

John: Did you have fun with Amy last night?

Tina: Well…yes and no. She was really late.

John: Amy was late as usual, wasn’t she?

Tina: Yes, she was.

John: And waiting for her made me angry?

Tina: Yes, it made me angry.

John: What did you do?

Tina: First we went to the Rockin’ Restaurant.

John: Did you stay long there?

Tina: No, we didn’t because Amy didn’t want to stay.

John: Why?

Tina: She said that loud music made he tense.

John: That’s strange. Loud music always makes me excited and want to dance.

Tina: Me too.

John: So then you went to the Blue Lagoon as usually, didn’t you?

Tina: yes, you guess right.

John: It was quiet and the food was great there. Did you have a good time there?

Tina: Yes, we did.

John: Where did you go then?

Tina: I wanted to go to the concert at the high school. But Amy didn’t like to go there. We decided to go to the movies.

John: What movie did you watch?

Tina: We saw Remember Me Forever.

John: It was a really good movie, wasn’t it?

Tina: Yes, it was, but it was so sad it made us cry.

John: Sad movies make me want to leave!

Tina: You behave just like my brother!

3a Reading and answering

On page 104 is an article about restaurant science. Before you read, imagine just what a restaurant science is. While you read, try to divide the sentences into parts, underline the expressions and, blacken the connectives and circle the “make/s me + infinitive, make/s me + adjective” structure.

Restaurant science

Restaurant owners have to know how to make food. They also have to know how to make money. Here are some things they’ve learned from scientific studies. The color red makes people hungry. Red also makes customers eat faster. Many fast food restaurants, therefore, have red furniture or walls. Soft colors like pink and light blue ma ke people relaxed, so they spend more time eating their meals. Soft lighting makes people look good, but it makes food look bad. Loud music may be nice at first, but it soon makes people want to leave. Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave. Many restaurants, especially fast food restaurants, use this knowledge to make customers eat faster. Customers only sit for about 20 minutes before they leave. Because customers don’t stay very long, small restaurants can serve many people every day.

Now you are to answer the three questions on page 104 in the box.

1.What does the color red make most people feel? →The color red makes people

hungry. Red also makes customers eat faster.

2.Why do so many fast food restaurant paint their walls red, play loud music, and have hard seats? →Because red color makes customers eat faster, loud music makes people want to leave and hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.

3.Do you think it’s fair that some restaurants are designed to be uncomfortable. → No, I don’t think so. The restaurant owners are running the restaurants in order to make money. They want more customers to come to spend money in their restaurants.

3b Doing groupwork

Now let’s play a game. Tell your group members about a place you know well. Let them try to guess the name of the place.

A: The seats are very hard.

The white walls make me stressed.

B: Is it this classroom?

A: No, it isn’t.

B: Is it a hospital?

A: Yes, that’s right.

A: The house is very big.

The noise makes me tense.

B: Is it a railway station?

A: No, it isn’t.

B: Is it a dancing hall?

A: No, it isn’t.

B: Is it a therter?

A: Yes, that’s right.

4 Completing and surveying

1) How do you feel about pollution?

2) It makes me kind of angry. How about you?

3) It makes me want to join a clean-up campain.

A survey about…

How do you feel about…? You Zhao Mingyuan Li Baoguo

Pollution Makes me uncomfortable Makes me unhealthy Makes me headache

Heavy traffic Makes me tense Makes me go on foot Makes me stay indoors

Loud music Makes me excited Makes me shut my ears Makes me crazy

Endangered animals Makes me sad Makes me unable to fall asleep Makes me stop eating meats

Smoking Makes me sick Makes me stressed Makes me cry

People who keep you waiting Makes me angry Makes me hungry Makes me thirsty

Closing down by looking and saying

2.新目标九年级英语课件 篇二

语言有着丰富的文化内涵。学生通过学习英语, 可以了解所学语言国家的历史地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、行为规范、文学艺术、价值观念等。语言与文化有着非常密切的关系, 在跨文化的交往中, 假如我们没有对文化知识的深入了解, 只局限地以自己母语文化中所形成的思维方式、行为方式、习俗观和世界观去和外国人交往, 必然会形成不同文化观念在某个话题或论点方面存在差异、分歧的问题。教师教授文化的重要性不言而喻。笔者在本文中以《新目标》英语九年级部分单元为研究对象, 深入挖掘教材中的文化元素, 探讨教师如何在教授课程中巧妙地渗透文化教育。


笔者结合自身的教学经验, 认为要挖掘出教材中的文化元素, 应做到以下五点:一是认真研读教材, 捕捉含有文化元素的内容;二是结合教师用书中教学目标部分, 明确本单元应该教授的文化知识, 关注文化注释部分的参考资料;三是多阅读、观看介绍英语国家社会与文化概况的书籍、文章、影片, 拓宽自身的文化知识底蕴;四是结识外国朋友, 在交谈、相处时留意、体会中外文化差异, 并将这种对文化的敏感性运用到教学中;五是年级组英语教师集体备课, 发挥团队力量, 不遗漏教材中任何一处含文化元素的内容。


(一) 民族文化与跨文化交际教学的关系

本教材中有介绍我国民族文化的单元, 这能增强学生对本民族文化的了解和热爱, 培养学生用英语介绍我国文化的能力。

1. 中国传统节日

第二单元Section A涉及中国的传统节日——中秋节, 课文通过我国古代神话“嫦娥奔月”的故事, 引出中秋节。本单元旨在让学生掌握节日专属文化词汇后, 能用英语介绍本国文化, 学会沟通, 提高跨文化交际意识。

2. 中国传统艺术

第五单元介绍中国传统文化中具有代表性的风筝、孔明灯、剪纸和泥塑, 通过介绍传统的中国文化元素, 让学生了解与中国传统文化艺术有关的风俗习惯;学会制作工艺、制作原料和象征意义的表达, 提升学生的民族自豪感, 这对学生跨文化交际中所需的文化敏感也有潜移默化的作用。

3. 中国传统文化

第六单元介绍了中国的茶文化。唐代陆羽的《茶经》是世界上的第一部茶书。中国茶文化对世界影响显著, 这是中华民族对人类文化及文明的一大贡献。茶文化是茶艺与精神的结合, 并通过茶艺表现精神, 以茶会友是茶文化最广泛的社会功能之一。

(二) 关注外国礼仪、文化、节日, 了解中外异同, 发展跨文化意识

1. 不同点

(1) 中外风俗礼仪的不同

习俗文化指的是贯穿于日常社会生活和交际活动中由民族的风俗、习惯形成的文化。中外习俗差异是多方面的, 如第十单元介绍了不同国家的人们初次见面的礼仪及餐桌礼仪:印度人用手抓着吃饭;在韩国吃饭时长者先吃;在中国不能把筷子插到食物上、不能用筷子敲碗。法国的餐桌礼仪:不应该把面包放到盘子里, 应该放在桌子上, 除面包外, 其他东西不应该用手抓着吃, 应该切开用叉子吃;如果你饱了, 不应该说饱, 而应说“很美味”。对比哥伦比亚和瑞士的风俗礼仪:约会是否准时、拜访朋友前是否告知对方、见面后活动是否提前安排。对话中还提到了因风俗礼仪的不同发生的尴尬事情:约翰在美国朋友家聚餐时犯了一些礼仪错误, 如与日本学生见面后, 他伸出手去同对方握手, 对方向他鞠躬;凯特伸出手向一个法国朋友问候, 但法国朋友吻了她的双颊。

(2) 词语文化内涵的不同

第三单元section A 2d部分通过对话形式讲述了由厕所名称的不同表达引起的交际误会, 让学生明白了restroom就是toilet, washroom的不同叫法, 而不是休息室 (lounge) 。

(3) 教育观点和教育方法的不同

第七单元4b中提到中外父母对待年满18 岁孩子是否可以搬出去住的不同态度。在西方国家, 父母允许孩子搬出去, 他们相信孩子能照顾好自己, 教育孩子独立;而中国家长担心孩子安全问题, 认为孩子和父母待在一起更好些, 年老后孩子可以照顾他们。

西方父母注重培养孩子独立、自食其力的精神, 孩子干活家长适当付费很常见。对孩子的管教, 西方父母很少用棍棒式的方法, 而多进行说服教育。

(4) 欢庆节日内涵的不同

第二单元介绍了一个西方的重要节日———圣诞节, 让学生领会圣诞精神, 将爱和快乐传递给周围人, 给需要帮助的人以帮助。

2. 相同点:都重视语言使用的得体性与礼貌性

教师可利用恰当时的机告诉学生语言运用的得体性, 提升其依据场合得体运用语言的意识及使用语言的礼貌意识。如第三单元中礼貌问路的方法, 应使用“Could you please tell me where...? / Excuse me / pardon me, do you know ...? / May I ask...? / I wonder if you can help me, I’m sorry to trouble you, but...”语言的得体性与使用者的身份、性别、年龄、熟悉及亲密程度等因素有关, 不是所有场合语言越礼貌就越合适。

第四单元介绍了used to的用法, 在与外国朋友交流今昔比较时, 若双方关系一般或较为生疏, 我们就不应该在交流中涉及有可能令对方尴尬或不自在的话题内容, 如“You used to be slim and thin and now you’re fat.”等, 这一点中外也是一致的。


笔者针对前面第二点挖掘出教材中的文化元素, 试着探讨如何运用教学机智, 渗透人文性教育。

(一) 中国文化的渗透

1. 中国传统节日

教师在讲课的时候应该补充介绍一些其他节日的资料。有了这些铺垫后, 再让学生制作英文手抄报, 主题为“介绍我国的泼水节、端午节、春节或元宵节”。然后, 让学生以小组为单位, 评选出该组的最佳手抄报。在这个过程中, 学生对一些节日专属词汇及节日文化了解更深, 达到了用英语介绍本国文化的目的。

2. 中国传统艺术

教师组织一次班级艺术品展示会, 让每个学生为自己参展的艺术品充当讲解员, 向其他同学讲解该艺术品的材质、产地、用途、象征意义等, 学生要提前准备讲解词, 查资料、练习的过程就是在用英语做事情的过程, 学以致用, 对培养学生的自信心有很大益处。

3. 中国传统文化

教师在网上发帖, 表达自己对茶与咖啡的好恶, 然后让学生跟帖, 围绕茶与咖啡中外两种不同的饮品进行交流, 可以谈它们的起源、发展、文化等。在跟帖中, 学生可以读到同伴的看法, 能形成互相比拼用英语进行交流的氛围, 对激励学生的英语学习大有好处, 即便自己不会表达, 阅读同伴的作品也是一种学习。

(二) 中外异同文化的渗透

1. 中外风俗礼仪的不同

教师与学生一起总结出Unit 10 中体现不同国家礼仪方面的词或短语, 然后组织学生以小组为单位表演情景剧。例如, 一个组表演中国留学生去拜访一个法国学生, 他们如何问候交谈;在吃饭期间, 他们如何运用正确的餐桌礼仪。其他组可以扮演中国留学生去日本学生家里做客等。让学生体验不同国家的风俗礼仪, 在这个过程中, 若学生使用了不恰当的礼仪, 教师可以适时纠正。在愉悦轻松的情景剧表演中, 学生可以感受不同国家的风俗礼仪。

2. 词语文化内涵的差异

教师向学生介绍中英文中对同一个事物表述不一致的词汇, 如“张老师”这一称谓, 英文中不能说Teacher Zhang, 或Zhang Teacher, 而要用Mr. /Miss Zhang去表达这一称谓。教师要告诉学生, 不能用中国的文化思维去理解、学习西方的语言以及它背后的文化。

3. 教育观点和教育方法的不同观念

教师设计一个情境, 如电台倾诉节目, 让学生倾诉自己和父母之间在学习、交友、购物等方面存在的问题和沟通的不顺畅, 鼓励学生用英文表达自己的想法和感受。或者教师开辟一个“知心姐姐”写作专栏, 让学生将自己平时学习、生活中的困惑写下来, 知心姐姐答疑解惑, 这也能起到用英语解决问题的目的。

4. 了解西方国家的节日文化内涵

第二单元介绍了国外的一些节日, 文化气息浓郁。教师可以让学生上网搜集相关节日的信息, 如Thai New Year, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter, Halloween (trick or treat, jack-o-lantern, costume) , April Fool’s Day的信息, 为学校广播站英语栏目“西方国家重要节日系列专题”提供播音素材或为制作英语墙报提供材料。

(三) 渗透人文性教育时应注意的问题

1. 根据学生的语言水平、认知能力和生活经验, 创设尽可能真实的跨文化交际情境, 让学生在体验跨文化交际的过程中逐步形成跨文化交际能力。

2. 充分利用自身的生活经历和实例来丰富教学, 组织开展多种多样的活动, 给学生提供展示和交流的机会。如举办英语节, 让学生展示才艺;让学生做Duty report、举办口语竞赛、演讲比赛、辩论会等;开展读书交流活动、写作活动, 把学生的作品张贴在学校展示栏或班级展示栏中。

3. 让学生策划活动。组织学生建立班级图书角或图书柜, 鼓励学生制作班级英文日志、英语墙报;引导学生在班级进行英语环境设计, 创建英语广播站, 尝试组织学生用英语开展网上交流和讨论等。


总之, 教材中丰富的文化元素为我们进行跨文化交际意识的培养提供了很好的素材, 挖掘教材人文性因素、渗透人文性教育就成为英语授课中的更高追求。因此, 教师不仅要在备课时充分领悟教材编者的意图, 读懂教材, 挖掘教材本身的人文性元素, 而且要发挥教学机智, 创造性地运用各种方法, 尽可能多地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会, 让学生体验、实践、参与、感知文化。巧妙地把人文性教育渗透在教学的每一个环节中, 让学生在学习中体验, 在体验中感悟, 在感悟中收获。


3.新目标九年级英语课件 篇三

Christmas is one of the most important festivals in Western countries. But what does Christmas mean? Does it just mean having parties, decorating Christmas trees or exchanging 1. ______? No, not exactly. The true meaning of Christmas 2. ______ behind all these things. Maybe Charles Dickens 3. ______, A Christmas Carol, can make you think more of Christmas.

Charles Dickens told us a story about a mean old man called Scrooge. Scrooge cares about nothing but his 4. ______ and money. He treats others badly. Then one Christmas Eve, Scrooge has a dream, where he meets the ghost of Jacob Marley, one of his partners. Marley was as mean as Scrooge when he was alive. But after he died, he was 5. ______ for his unkindness. He tells Scrooge that three spirits will visit him soon.

And then they come. One of them is the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come. The spirit takes Scrooge to see what will happen to him when he is 6. ______. Scrooge is sad and frightened to find that 7. ______ cares about his death. He is so afraid that he wakes up and finds out it is just a nightmare (噩梦).

The dream 8. ______ Scrooge to change himself and be kind to others. He changes quickly and he celebrates Christmas happily with his relatives by giving gifts. From then on, he treats everyone with kindness and

9. ______. So what does the story tell us? Yes, it tells us that we should show kindness to others by 10. ______ love and joy.

Ⅱ. 阅读理解。

What is your favorite holiday? Here are some students opinions.

Sandy from Taiwan says:

My favorite holiday is the Mid-Autumn festival. I always visit my grandfather and grandmother, and we always go to the same restaurant on the mountain to hold jubilation. At night, we always have a barbecue, and watch the moon together. I enjoy it a lot.

Zhenia from Ukraine says:

My favorite day is New Years Day. We celebrate the New Year on the 31st of December. Father Frost comes with his granddaughter on that night. He puts his presents under the New Year Tree. We have a party and stay up until midnight to see the New Year in and the Old Year off. We cook delicious food for the party. People also celebrate Old New Year in our country. It is on the 14th of January.

Yagna from India says:

My favorite day is Deepavali(屠妖节), which is also called Festival of Lights. People do some cleaning at home and light their oil lamps to thank for the defeat of the bad king. To celebrate it, we also eat sweets and delicious food, wear new clothes, and give presents to our friends and relatives.

Pat from Thailand says:

My name is Pat. My favorite holiday is Songkran. It takes place from the 13th to 15th of April. On the holiday people pour water on each other. It is a lot of fun. People also buy new clothes and they have big parties.

( )1. What is Sandys favorite holiday?

A. The Mid-Autumn festival.

B. New Years Day.

C. Deepavali.

D. Songkran.

( )2. The underlined word “jubilation” is

closest in meaning to “______”.

A. hope B. celebration

C. present D. exercise

( )3. What does the underlined word

“Songkran” probably mean in Chinese?

A. 音乐会 B. 新年

C. 中秋节 D. 泼水节

( )4. In order to celebrate Deepavali, we can ______.

A. eat sweets and delicious food

B. wear new clothes

C. give presents to others

D. A, B and C

( )5. Where does Zhenia come from according to the passage?

A. Taiwan. B. India.

4.新目标九年级英语课件 篇四







在这一阶段我们计划按考纲要求的语法项目,由易到难,对各个语法点的知识加以归纳和梳理,结合近几年的中考题加以训练。在复习语法过程中,复习几 1




4.第四强化阶段 补全对话和书面表达。

5.新目标九年级英语课本作文范例 篇五

① Unit 1 Section B 3c 范文

How do I learn English?

I think the best way to learn English is to use it.Every morning I read English aloud after I get up.I practice my listening skills by watching English language videos.Every Friday afternoon I go to the English club to practice conversations with friends.I think it helps me with my speaking skills.Ohkeeping a diary in English is also helpful.In my free timeI usually listen to English songs.It also helps.Now I can sing many English songs.What do you think is the best way to learn Englilsh?Can you tell me?

②Self Check Activity 2范文

Xu Zheng is a middle school student.He won a prize for his essay about the importance of English.He likes taking noteswatching movies and listening to pop songs.He finds the pronunciation is difficult.And native speakers speak English too quickly.He often learns English by making up conveersations and speaking to friends in English.He thinks most people speak English as a second language.English is used around the world for computers and also used in science.Englilsh can help us understand many new books and movies.③Unit2 Section B 3c作文范文

My life has changed a lot.When I was in primary schoolI used to study four subjectsbut now I have seven subjects.I used to like mathbut now I find it so difficult for me.I used to like testsbut now I hate them.When I was youngthere is little homework every day.So I had much time to play.But now I’m a middle school student.I have to study hard all day.④Self Check 范文

It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot.She used to be short when she was youngerbut now she is much taller.She used to have longcurly hairbut now she has shortstraight hair.She used to play soccerbut now she plays tennis.Yu Mei used to be quiet and seriousbut now she is outing and friendly.We all like her very much.We are good friends.⑤Unit 3 Self Check 范文

Dear Editor

I would like to reply the article “Helping and Learning”in your last newsletter.I agree with some ideas and disagree with others.The article said that students should be allowed to do these thingssuch as going to an old people’s home.I agreeand we should have a special day to help others.By doing thiswe can understand the society more.But I disagree that students should be allowed to have Friday afternoon off to volunteer and help others.I think we can do that on Saturday and Sunday.As for Friday afternoonwe should join different clubs.That would be more fun!Yours sincerely

⑥Unit 4Self Check范文

Dear Fran

I’ve got your e-mail.After I read your e-mailI just want to give you some advice.FirstI think you should help your friend Mei set up her confidence.If she has confidence in herselfshe won’t be terrified of speaking in front of other people.Secondit’s a good chance to practice English.Don’t take it as a contest.Thirdif your friend is really hard at everythingthough she failsnobody will blame on her.Your friends and other students will understand her.Finallyit’s inportant to take part in the activitybut not the results.I really hope your friend will win this contest.Wait for your good news.Yours


⑦Unit 5 Section B 3b范文

Then we interviewed some other neighbors.Everyone had their own ideas.Chu family said “last nightwe found footsteps in the hallway.We thought it might be the neighborsso we didn’t mind it at all.”Lao Zheng said “I thought someone trying to go get in the window when I heard the noise.But I couldn’t find anyone.At lastI thought it might be the wind.”Xiao Ning said “Each time when I get homeI can find garbage in front of my houseso I think it might be cats which often eat near my home.”

Unit 6

Section B 3c

My favorite great book is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.Tom is the hero of the storybut there are other important characters.Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him.Becky is pretty with fair hairJoe is Tom’s best friendand Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.The theme of the story is about children growing up.It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America.Finallyit talks about freedomsocial rules and how people are punished for bad behavior.It is read and loved by people all over the world today.Go on---read it!I know you’ll enjoy ittoo.Self Check 2

Dear Lingling

Thanks for your letter.How are you?I have just finished the exams.I’m glad I have time to write to you.Each has his own favorites;so do I.In my spare time I like to enjoy music that is gentle and traditional.And I also love to see some French filmswhich can be good for my French study.I really want to learn some Frenchtoo.UnfortunatelyI’ve never seen an Indian film.BesidesI often do sports to build up my body and keep healthy.But most time I like to read books on science.Another thingI usually eat fruit and vegetablessometimes meat and fish.I’m sure that it will keep me healthy.A healthy body is the most importantisn’t it? Yours

Pen pal

Unit 7

Section B 3b

Dear S.T.Zhang

I’d like you to travel to Dalian.Here are the reasons.Firstyou can enjoy the fascinating sights on the seasideand then you can enjoy swimming and hiking.Secondthere are different kinds of hotels where they provide you with food that you like.If you don’you can rent a large room with a kitchen so you can cook meals by yourselves.Since you have about three weeks.I suggest you take a bus.Enjoy yourselves.Yours Ace Travel

Self Check 2

I’d like to go to a beautiful place.I think it would be Paris.If I went thereI would visit the famous Eiffel Tower.I can also relax therebecause the streets of Paris are so beautiful and have many zoos.So I can go to the zoo and have a look at the animals.The traffic is heavybut I can take the subway all the time go get around the city and the people there are really friendly.There are so many museums and theatres that I can see plays or shows on art at any time.Unit 8

Section B 2

Sally Brown is a young woman who wants to be a professional singer.As a volunteershe sings at a local hospital to cheep up sick people and also sings at school.But after she ran out of money for singing lessonsshe came up with ideas for making money.She put up signs asking for singing jobs and also called up parents offering singing lessons for children.Now she will be able to continue her lessons and become a professional singer.Section 4

Dear Liz

I was so happy to recerve your letter.Thank you very much for writing to tell me about Lucky.I would really love to come and visit you one day and see how I Lucky helps you.I’d also like to help you some more because I have some extra time at the moment.Perhaps I could help you at homeor do some work for ‘Animal Helpers.’I’d enjoy watching them train the animals too.I’ll call them one day soon.Here is my phone number:486-3852.Please call me so we can arrange a time for me to visit.Best wishes

Ming Li

Unit 9

Section B 3b

From pie plate to flying disk

The flying disk was invented by college students.It was a new toy invented in the 1950s.They used a metal pie plate from a bakery in

BridgeportConnecticut.Students ate the bakey’s piesthen threw the pie plates.Todaythere are flying disk clubsmagazines and a festival.Unit 10

Section B 3b

On April Fool’s Day Nick ‘s alarm went off.He got up and took a

shower.Then he got dressed and went to school.When he got to schoolthe building was empty.An hour later the other kids showed up.Then he realized that his brother had fooled him.His brother had set his alarm an hour early.Self Check 2

6.新目标九年级英语单词黑体带音标 篇六

belowprep.&adv.在…的下面;低于 towards prep.向着;朝着 develop v.(使)发展;(使)成长;risen v.rise的过去分词gotten v.get的过去式rushv.冲;奔 realize matter v.认识到;了解到afraid v.重要;了解complete adj.sentence adj.害怕的完整的;;犯愁的完全的secret n.句子 term n.秘诀;诀窍;秘密troublen.学期 fast n.困难;苦恼;忧虑 softadv.快地;迅速地 dealunlessadj.v.软的处理;;柔软的应付regard conj.如果不;除非 dutyeasilyn.v.将……视为 influence adv.责任friendship容易地;义务 v.影响;简单地;对 losefacev.n.失去友情;友谊……;友爱起作用soldierv.airplane n.面临;丧失 军人;;面对;正视 on candyadj.n.飞机开着的 士兵;接同的;工作着的daily deathn.adj.糖果afford n.“死每日的;死亡 ,日常的”cause v.himself v.买得起造成;负担得起patient pron.;(使发生反身代词)necessary adj.有耐心;忍耐的 他自己;attentionadj.waste license v.注意浪费;必须的;必需的;留心滥用silly studyadj.n.执照愚蠢的;许可证;傻的present n.experience n.学习目前;研究member v.;经历现在;sleepyreply adj.n.会员体验困倦的;成员;不活跃的achieve v.回答;答复race taughtv.v.完成;实现 importance v.赛跑teach;比赛 care n.重要的过去式过去分词;重要性succeedv point v 关心 成功;;忧虑达到medical n.researchadj.要点;医学的论点;完成;医疗的 tie worryn.n.领带 研究;调查herself n.plenty pron.烦恼;忧虑 circle pron.(充足反身代词;)她本身 listener n.大量..knowledgeable n.圈子听者;;rest adj.收听者知识渊博;shelfn.cover n.剩余部分架子;搁扳deep v.覆盖 downstairs adj.深的correct burn adj.adv.对的;顺楼梯而下正确的;准确的;在楼下kneev.烧伤;烧坏 hurtsafetyv.n.膝盖offer refusen.感到疼痛安全helpful v.v.提供拒绝 author adj.picnic n.有帮助 possibly n.作家.(自带食物的;作者)drop adv.可能地;也许 郊游野餐 finalv.落下;掉下 worriedadj.最后的;最终的 owner adj.sky n.忧虑所有者;焦虑;catchn.v.天物主 赶上;天空;捕获finger lift stonev.n.手指 ant n.举起石头 oceann.蚂蚁heart n.海洋 Fishermann.心;内心 photographn.interest n.渔民;渔夫 class v.引起…照片关注;相片;使感…兴趣 whatever n.misspron.等级;不管什么类别;无论什么;suggestv.energy v.错过显示;;遗漏间接表明;暗示okay n.活力;力量honest adj.course adj.好的expect n.诚实的课程;真诚的 sweet v.taste adj.期待;预料 itself laboratorypron.(v.甜的品尝.反身代词;尝起来 cancer n.)它自己;它本身 increase n.实验室 risk v.癌症 biscuitn.“危险增加;风险,增大”main n.fall considern.adj.饼干 主要的;首要的 lively v.瀑布考虑;sight includingadj.n.充满活力的思考.tower名胜prep.;风景包括church n.塔楼.underground n.教堂wine adj..地下的 translate v.n.葡萄酒;酒 lightwonderfuladj.翻译轻的provide sail v.adj.令人惊叹的;绝妙的 continuev.提供航行;;供应在…… 上航行programming v.继续 report dream v.n.报道;编程报告 cheer upv.做梦advertisement 使振奋coach n.;使高兴起来fix repairv.v.训练修理、修补;广告指导;广告活动similar v.修理、修补 website adj.fill n.相似的站点;相仿的.pleasure n.v.装满 blind 愉快;;填满快乐 deaf imagineadj.adj.盲的shutv.聋的[ def ] carryv.想像关上 specially adv.v.搬运;携带 fetch invent v.特意地heat v.(去)拿来;专门地;请来sourv.发明加热;;创造使变热ancientadj.酸的;remain adj.酸味的 notice v.古代 produce v.留下pleasant v.注意到;被遗留产生;制造;察觉到pie adj.合意的;令人愉快的 thrown.馅饼 taste centuryv.n.投active n.味道 世纪;;风味百年 create adj.knock v.活动的 divide v.创造敲;;创作 basket v.n.分开击篮;筐;;划分撞碰lockbrokev.锁

empty v.farmer adj.break的过去式 marry n.排空magic v.农夫

嫁;与;农场主……结婚 fresh lendparkn.魔术;魔力v.adj.新鲜的;清新的借给;借出directorderadj.v.直接的停车

wonderful n.命令;直率的;直截了当的 lead v.;觉得奇怪指示;troublev.shake v.引导想知道 烦恼;;引诱麻烦

kiss relaxedv.;打扰v.&n.摇动;吻震动 landstickn.adj.放松的国家;;宽松的;亲吻pointv.;国土;土地 fork v.刺(用 ……)指;指向 spoon n.叉knife n.;餐叉

crowd n.匙rubbish v.刀;调羹 挤满;餐刀;充满 form phrasev.n.垃圾构成;;废物 组成symbol n.词组

mark n.象征;标志;符号 beside n.riddle prep.记号;符号 experiment n.谜语

在……旁边 proper normally adj.v.合适的试验 whose adv.通常;正常地

scientific adj.pron.谁的 pink科学的 hard serveadj.adj.粉红色的fair v.坚硬的服务;招待;坚固的;shinyadj.端上 list adj.公平的有光泽的;公道的 truthschoolbagv..n.事实列举 purple n.书包

purse adj.taste n.紫色的钱包thoughttowel n.n.品位 water n.思想手巾;毛巾 woodv.light n.浇灌 farmerv.木头点燃

hit appearn.n.农场;农庄

poem v.成功且轰动一时的事物出现turnn.诗

mailgovernmentn.n.一次机会邮件;邮包southern adj.n.政府 villager 南方的 purpose n.strongly n.村民目的step weighadv.坚定的;坚决的 pound v.n.步称;;脚步称……

重量.tiny n.磅

expressionadj.微小的builtpull planetn.词语;表达方式v.buildv.拉;的过去式和过去分词拖society n.spare n.行星社团.;社会model adj.多余的;空闲的business n.n.模型plastic 商行

;生意certainly adj.proud adv.塑料的adj.确实地自豪的;

7.新目标九年级英语课件 篇七


明德中学 “三生”理念 ( 生命教育、生活教育和生态教育) 是在新一轮课程改革背景下引进的。其主旨是减负增效, 打造高效课堂。“中小学生命教育的理论和实践研究”首席专家肖川教授认为:“生命教育”作为教育的价值追求, 作为真正人道的教育, 其目的是帮助学生更好的理解生命的意义, 确立生命尊严的意识, 高扬生命的价值, 使他们能拥有一个美好的人生。1生活教育即从生活中学习, 教育在生活中进行。生态教育是指教育中的教师、学生、教学内容以及教学资源等各因素应该像自然界的生态系统一样, 相互联系、相互依存、相互作用, 最终实现人与人、人与自然以及人与社会的全面和谐、可持续发展的教育。

所谓英语 “三生课堂”, 是指让英语课堂 “生命化、生活化和生态化”。“三生课堂”要求老师关注学生个体的 “生命、生活、生态”, 创设优质高效课堂。要打造英语 “三生课堂”教师应明确学生才是学习的主体, 把课堂还给学生, 让学生自主学习、自主探究、自主发展、让教学结果自然生成, 从而提高课堂效率。下面笔者以 《人教版新目标七年级英语下册》为例, 分析如何有效实现英语 “三生课堂”。

1. 让学生自主, 打造生命化课堂

英语 “三生课堂”以学生终身发展、全面发展为本, 为学生的终身发展和幸福奠基。这就要求我们教师尊重每一个学生, 把自主性还给学生, 让每一朵花都能绽放。要营造出富有生命力的英语课堂氛围, 教师在设置教学环节时要难度适宜, 跳一跳就能够得着的目标才是适合学生的, 否则将大大挫伤学生的积极性, 让课堂沉闷无聊。以记英语单词为例, 很多学生畏难不愿记单词, 为此笔者将每单元单词按10个一组分配, 每天记10个, 大大降低了难度, 第二天课前笔者将花5分钟时间以学习小组为单位口头抽查单词记忆情况。每个学生抽查一个单词, 全对的小组可以加分。因为第一天回家抄写并默写了这10个单词, 第二天他们通常都很有信心来回答单词。学生们总是抢着预约第二天的单词抽查名单。再比如默写单词, 笔者先前一次默写一个单元, 学生得满分者甚少, 后来笔者把一个单元分两次默写, 全对者比先前多了, 学生也更喜欢默单词了。所以教师在设置任务时要充分考虑学生的水平, 布置难度适宜的练习, 这样效果或许更好。

2. 教育从生活中来, 到生活中去, 使学习生活化

陶行知先生说, “生活即教育, 在生活里找教育, 为生活而教育”, 这要求我们备课时不是从教材、教参出发, 而是从学生的生活实际出发, 课堂以生活为本。在讲授Unit 8 Is there a post office near here时, 笔者就先搜集了部分学生家庭附近的建筑物, 在课堂活动 “ A guessing game”中, 选择一些学生上讲台来, 其他学生猜测 “Is there a/an…near your home?”, 因为这些建筑物来自学生身边, 所以学生们积极性很高, 他们想知道自己同学家附近有些什么建筑物, 而那些上台的学生也很希望与大家分享自己家旁边有何种建筑物。再比如在讲授Unit 9 What does he look like? 时, 笔者预先搜集了学生家长的一些照片并设置了一个孩子用英语描述自己父母的长相的环节, 再出其不意地放出孩子们父母的照片, 家长的参与让孩子对本堂课印象十分深刻。当笔者问孩子们: “Do you love your mother / father?” 和 “I think your mother is the most beautiful woman /your father is the most handsome man” 时, 孩子们都给予了肯定回答。这样的环节取材于孩子们的生活, 同时还渗透着浓浓的亲情教育。

3. 小组合作, 人人参与, 教师巧设问题, 打造生态化的课堂

英语 “三生课堂”强调小组合作, 共同参与。生态化英语课堂强调把教学各要素看成一个教学的生态系统, 以实现教师和学生共同和谐发展。教师着眼于学生整体, 让学生小组合作探究问题, 自然生成。以Unit 4 Don’t eat in class为例, 这个单元重点是谈论规则, 笔者设置了一个环节, 小组合作为本班制定班规, 同时选出最酷班规。孩子们分组合作, 讨论热烈。最后纷纷要求展示自己小组制定的班规。再比如英语写作, 传统写作模式中老师把题目给定, 对题目做点简单分析, 让学生独立完成, 结果是一些学生总觉得无话可写。笔者的做法是对于一些难度较大的作文, 采取合作学习模式, 大家集思广益, 共同探讨完成作文。在这种模式下, 平时不爱写作文的学生在其他同学的带领下纷纷提出自己的观点或看法, 每个小组成员都会或多或少地贡献自己的力量。以小组合作形式写出文章, 再以小组合作的方式互相批改作文, 最后老师总结。随着合作机会的增多, 学生们的互帮互助意识增强了, 团队感也增强了。写作变得有趣味性了。要打造生态化课堂, 作为课堂组织者, 引领者的老师也要善于设置问题。

“三生”英语课堂要求老师以培养学生将来的生存能力为目标更加用心地去备课, 让自己的课堂符合基本的认知规律和教学规律, 不能破坏学生自然的生长过程, 让每一朵花都自然地开放。




[3]汪小红, 刘忠政.论中学英语课堂教学的生态化[J]贵州师范学院学报2014 (11)

8.新目标九年级英语课件 篇八

Step Ⅰ (for Section A)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. Hes afraid he cant p______ get away tonight.

2. Youd better make an a______ with the doctor tomorrow morning.

3. I was a______ to finish my work on time.

4. Every point in this game c______.

5. Now I am the o______ of the room.

6. The Japanese book must b______ to He Ying.

Shes the only one whos studying Japanese.

7. C______ the police if you are in danger.

8. You m______ be tired after such a long journey.

9. This is not my key. Then w______ key is it?

10. Theres a s______ smell in the room. Do you know what it is?

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. —Whose basketball is this?

—It ______ be Jacks. He hates it very much.

A. mustB. canC. mightD. cant

( )2. The tennis racket ______ belong to Ms Lin. She loves playing tennis.

A. canB. might C. must D. cant

( )3. —Must I finish my homework today?

—______. You can do it tomorrow.

A. Yes, you canB. Yes, you must

C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt

( )4. —Whose Japanese book is this?

—It must be ______. She ______ Japanese.

A. Lisa; studyB. Lisas; studies

C. Lisas; study D. Lisa; studied

( )5. —Why were you late for class this morning?

—I was late ______ the snow.

A. forB. because

C. asD. because of

( )6. I ______ rather stay at home than go to the cinema on such a rainy day.

A. would B. might

C. shouldD. had better

Ⅲ. 完形填空。

There are many words in the English language. You will never 1 the meaning of every word in English. When you read, you will often find many 2 you do not know. You will not have enough time to 3 reading and try to find every new word in a dictionary.

Sometimes you can 4 a new word because you know some of the parts of the new word. For example, if a word ends 5 the letters “er”, that word 6 be the name of a 7 or a thing that does a certain action (某个动作). A writer is a person who writes. 8 it is not 9 to know the parts of a new word to understand it, 10 it will help you many times.

( )1. A. know B. learnC. find D. look up

( )2. A. booksB. lettersC. storiesD. words

( )3. A. stopB. enjoy C. keep D. start

( )4. A. findB. getC. study D. guess

( )5. A. inB. offC. up D. with

( )6. A. can B. might C. shouldD. must

( )7. A. friendB. boy C. personD. girl

( )8. A. ThenB. Now

C. YetD. Sometimes

( )9. A. helpful B. useful

C. enoughD. good

( )10. A. butB. and C. soD. for

Step Ⅱ (for Section B)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. It is c______ for English learners to speak idiomatic English.

2. Have you got p______ to go shopping withme?

3. Lily is better at a______ than at geometry.

4. The leading d______ of the Beijing Olympics opening and closing ceremonies is Zhang Yi Mou, one of the most famous film directors in China.

5. “Dont ask such s______ questions again,” said the mother to the boy.

6. We should be h______ and never tell a lie.

7. The most famous a______ in Chinese recent history was of course Lu Xun.

8. This is a car s______ made for driving learners.

9. The street is covered with all forms of g______.

10. Such a machine i______ by Zhang Heng in the old times was to forecast earthquakes.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. —Time is up. I must go home now.

—Please wait a moment. I have ______ to tell you.

A. something important

B. important something

C. anything important

D. important anything

( )2. She was very ______ because she found her mobile phone.

A. pleasedB. strange

C. carelesslyD. anxious

( )3. Her parents have bought a large house with a swimming pool. It ______ be very expensive.

A. mustB. mustnt C. canD. might

( )4. Jack was late for school because of ______ up late.

A. to getB. get C. getsD. getting

( )5. Mrs While is ______ her baby now.

A. inB. wearing

C. putting onD. dressing

( )6. —Must I come back before 11:00?

—No, you ______. But you ______ be back later than lunch-time.

A. neednt; cant B. cant; may

C. mustnt; mustD. neednt; can

( )7. A teacher ______also make a mistake if he or she is not careful enough.

A. mustB. shouldC. has toD. may

( )8. —Wheres Mr. Wang?

—Im not sure. He ______ in the school library.

A. maybeB. may be

C. must beD. will be

( )9. The sunshine ______ bright for us to read in.

A. mustB. so C. must be D. too much

( )10. It is not how much you read but what you read that ______.

A. learnsB. countsC. helpsD. chases

Ⅲ. 英汉短语互译。

1. be worried about________________

2. in the symphony hall_______________

3. escape from ... ________________

4. go to the concert________________

5. try ones best to do sth. _____________

6. 知识的海洋________________________

7. 设计校服________________________

8. 偶然看到一场交通事故


9. 过去一直很安静


10. 用完,用尽


Step Ⅲ (for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 根据首字母及中文提示,完成单词。

1. What a pleasant s______!

2. We must try to know the m______ of life.

3. Who is the a______ of the book, do you know?

4. Dont p______ to know everything.

5. I have an important a______ with the doctor tomorrow.

6. Im afraid of ______ (代数). I think its very difficult for me to learn it well.

7. The soldier ______ (逃离) from the robber successfully.

8. He hurt his two ______ (手指) because of carelessness.

9. Unluckily I left my handbag in the ______(交响乐) hall.

10. Im very ______ (忧虑的) because I cant find my wallet.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. When we got home last night, we found the front door open. My parents called the police, but they couldnt find ______.

A. something strange

B. strange something

C. nothing strange

D. anything strange

( )2. —Have you worked out the problem?

—No, it is ______ difficult for me.

A. much tooB. too much

C. muchD. such

( )3. Oh, Danny. Its raining outside. Youd better ______ your raincoat.

A. put on B. put up C. dress D. wear

( )4. —Whos that woman with Lucy?

—Im not sure. It ______ be her mother.

A. mayB. canC. willD. must

( )5. Theres an old saying: The cleverest housewife ______ cook a meal without rice.

A. mayB. cant

C. mustntD. neednt

( )6. More than 230 thousand people lost their lives ______ the tsunami (海啸) in the Indian Ocean at the end of 2004.

A. becauseB. as C. because ofD. to

( )7. That man ______ be Mr. Hill. He has gone to Beijing.

A. mustB. cant

C. mustntD. couldnt

( )8. So strange! The light is on. I remembered ______ last night.

A. to turn it offB. to turn off it

C. turning it offD. turning off it

( )9. —Who will teach ______ English? Is______ Mr. Smith?


A. our; itB. us; it C. our; he D. us; he

( )10. My family had a lot of ______ picnicking in West Hill Farm last Sunday. We all enjoyed ourselves.

A. funB. funnyC. fanD. famous

Ⅲ. 完成句子。

1. 这本英语书是汤姆的。

The English book ______ ______ Tom.

2. 这本书对一年级学生来说太难了。

The book is ______ ______ for students of Grade One.

3. 小心保管这些文件,它对你爸爸来说非常重要。

______ ______ ______ the documents. It is ______ to your father.

4. 要是没赶上火车,那就意味着要再多等一天。

Missing the train ______ ______ for another day.

5. 因为下雨,所以运动会延期了。

The sports meeting was ______ ______ because of the rain.

6. 一滴雨落在我的头上。

______ ______ ______ rain ______ on my head.

7. 那个人可能在跑步赶公共汽车。

The man ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ a bus.

8. 他已经用完了所有的钱。

He ______ ______ ______ all his money.

9. 肯定是某个东西在光顾附近的家庭。

There ______ ______ something ______ in the neighborhood.

10. 我试着走一走,最后摔倒了。

I ______ ______ until I fell over.

Step Ⅳ (能力拓展)

Ⅰ. 阅读理解。

A Strange Thing

本单元Section B中有篇文章Strange events in Bell Town neighborhood,它讲述了一件在我们身边看似很怪异的事情。其实有的时候,是人们的心理在作怪。在挪威西部的一户人家里,当主妇打开水龙头想洗碗时,却发现水管里哗哗流出的竟然是价格不菲的啤酒。这是怎么回事呢?

A woman thought she was in heaven (天堂) when beer instead of water flowed (流淌)from the taps in her apartment in west Norway(挪威).

“I turned on the tap to clean some knives and forks and beer came out,” Haldis Gundersen told Reuters from her home in Kristiansund, west Norway. “We thought we were in heaven.”

Beer in Norway is among the most expensive in the world with a 0.4 litre (0.7 pint) costing about 50 crowns (4.3 pounds ) in a bar.

Gundersen said she tried the beer but it tasted a bit odd (古怪的) and was not fizzy(发泡的).

It turned out (查明真相) that a worker in a bar two floors below had mixed up the pipes(管子) on Saturday evening, wrongly (错误地)connecting a new barrel to a water pipe leading to Gundersens flat. The bar got water in its beer taps.

“If it happens again, Im going to order coffee,” she said.


()1. Gundersen liked beer so it came out of the taps.

()2. Beer is very expensive in Norway.

()3. The story happened in heaven.

Ⅱ. 写作训练营。

话题: 对某事进行推断。(Make inferences. )


● 词语提示:maybe 也许;may be 也许是; cant be 不可能是;in fact 事实上;mistake ... for ... 把……误解成……;be interested in doing sth. 对做某事感兴趣

● 句型提示:

Im sure .... 我确信……

I think ....我认为……


1. 越来越多的人们对研究飞碟(UFOs)感兴趣。

2. 我确信我们周围没有飞碟。

3. 事实上,人们只能从书本、电影、收音机、电视、网络上得到飞碟的信息。

4. 许多人经常把一些人造的物体误解成飞碟。

5. 不久的将来科学家们会明白飞碟的真相(truth)。


我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题历来被人们所津津乐道。上星期,郑雷所在的班级开展了 “Are there really UFOs around us?” 的主题班会。会上同学们对我们周围是否存在飞碟这一话题展开激烈讨论,有两种观点:









