


1.英文简历:工作经历 篇一

Stating Your Work Experience

1. Sales manager. In addition to ordinary sales activities and management of department, responsible for recruiting and training of sales staff members.


2. Assistant to the General Manager of Shenzhen Petrochemical Industrial Corporation Ltd..Handled the itinerary schedule of the general manager. Met clients as a representative of the corporation. Helped to negotiate a $5,000,000 deal for the corporation.


3. Secretary to president of Silverlion group Corporation Ltd.. Responsibilities: Receiving visitors, scheduling meetings, taking and typing dictation, writing routine letters and reports.


4. Public relations girl at Guangzhou Holiday Inn. Full-time in summers, part-time during school.


5. Assistant to manager of accounting department of a joint venture enterprise. Analyzed data and relevant financial statistics, and produced monthly financial statements.


2.英文简历:工作经历 篇二

From the past until now, traditional interview (Face-to-Face) is still the dominant format of job interview method during personnel selection in all kinds of organizations (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .The reason why managers prefer to choose this is it indeed has many advantages.Firstly, Face-to-Face interview can take advantage of its synchronous communication of time and place compared with any other method.This advantage not only help managers get information from interviewee's facial language, voice, intonation and body language, but make sure there is no time delay between questions and answers so that the answer of the interviewee is more spontaneous, without an extended reflection (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .Besides, interviewer can create suitable interview ambience for interviewee.For example, if interviewer wants to observe how interviewee performance in real job situation, they can create scenarios simulation ambience; also, if interviewer intends to test the ability to work under pressure, they may create a nervous and stressful atmosphere for interview participants (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .In addition, interview can test interviewee's comprehensive quality according to ask them questions with hypothetical situations or how they handle the situation in previous experience besides job knowledge (Tom Janz, 1982) .

The disadvantage of Face-to-Face interview, however, exists in the process of selection.For instance, Face-to-Face interview has participant limitations.Some participants who live much far from the place of interview are difficult to attend the interview.Moreover, even though managers are willing to recruit employees all over the world, time and cost consuming is also a big problem, such as rent, ticket and facilities.In terms of reliability, Face-to-Face interview has high subjectivity and lack of objectivity to some extent.In other words, most of managers lack of professional skills in many companies.They usually identify whether participants are suitable for jobs just relying on their rich experience rather than specific skills and some quantity analysis.Also, if it is not panel interview, I mean the one-to-one interview is easier to bias results.Finally, most interviews of current companies are un-structured.In a sense, it is unfair that each participant meets different interview contents because of different situations, gender or even mood of interviewers.Discrimination issue may emerge (Michael M.Harris, 1989) .And as the result of un-structured traits, tape recorded and making notes is necessary.Therefore, the transcription of records and notes also needs time consuming (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .

As discussed above, traditional interview has strengths insynchronous communication of time and place, convenience about creating real situation simulation and testing comprehensive quality of interviewees compared with others.And it is dominant personnel selection method all the time.On the other hand, the weaknesses of low reliability, discrimination problem, high time and cost consuming and participant limitation cannot be ignored.Consequently, some suggestions can be considered with respect to the disadvantages of traditional interview method.In the first place, new interview techniques, such as telephoning interview, MSN, email or chat-box interview can be introduced.This asynchronous communication of place or time can make up the drawback of participant limitation for Face-to-Face interview (Raymond Opdenakker, 2006) .What is more, computer mediated communication not only save time and cost to around the world, but also cancel the step of transcription of notes.Another place can be improved is increasing use of structured and standardization quantity analysis.Schmidt and Hunter (1998) estimated the corrected validity of 0.51 for structured interview and 0.38 for unstructured interviews.Furthermore, structured interview is helpful to decrease discrimination issues, because each person will face coessential interview.Furthermore, Current interview focus more attention to qualify analysis and lack of objectivity.Thus making more use of statistical aggregation and correction techniques, like meta-analysis, across validity studies increasing the precision of the prediction task (Paul R.Sackett and Filip Lievens, 2008) .Meanwhile increasing professional training for interviewers and using panel interviews will increase confidence in the validity of interview process and results.

摘要:如今, 面试方法已经几乎是每个公司选拔人才的必要程序, 虽然面试有语言, 表情的沟通, 以及真实情境的模拟等各种优势, 但是它仍然有高成本与时间的消耗, 主观意识大于客观评价以及地域时间匹配不方便等缺陷。针对面试方法的优缺点, 我们应该如何扬长避短, 从而更好地提高面试的效率。



Michael M.Harris. (1989) ‘Reconsidering the Employment Interview:AReview of Recent Literature and Suggestions for Future Research'Personnel Psychology, Volume42, Issue4, Pages691-726.

Neal Schmitt, David Chan. (1998) Personnel Selection:A theoreticalApproach, London:Sage.

Paul R.Sackett, Filip Lievens. (2008) ‘Personnel Selection’, AnnualReview of Psychology, Volume59, Page419-450.

Raymond Opdenakker. (2006, Augus) t‘Advantages and Disadvantagesof Four Interview Techniques in Qualitative Research’, Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum:Qualitative Social Research, 7 (4) , Art.11.


3.英文简历:工作经历 篇三


作为一种自我宣传与自我推销的媒介,简历的功能不容小觑。许多求职者写起中文简历来轻车熟路,可一写起英文简历来,要么是一筹莫展,要么就是机械地将中文简历中的内容翻译成英文。殊不知,尽管中英文简历在内容上相差不大,但由于语言与文化的差异,英文简历有着自己独特的结构与风格。一般而言,英文简历包括以下七个部分:①求职者的联系方式(Contact Information);②求职者的求职目标(Job Objective);③求职者的工作经历(Work Experience);④求职者的教育背景(Education);⑤求职者的电脑、语言及其他技能(Skills);⑥求职者的其他个人信息(Other Information);⑦证明人的相关信息(References)。这七个部分的顺序可以根据求职者的自身情况进行排列,也可能会因求职者自身情况和应聘职位的不同而有所变化。例如,对于有工作经历的求职者来说,工作经历一栏应放在教育背景之前;而对于在校生来说,教育背景一栏应放在工作经历之前。下面笔者就来一一介绍如何撰写这七大部分的内容。

1. 联系方式


①由于求职者没有英文姓名,所以可以直接用中文姓名的拼音代替英文姓名。例如,李明的英文名可以用Li Ming。

②求职者在用英文写家庭地址时,要注意中英文在表达地址时的差异。中文地址的排列顺序是从大到小,而英文则是从小到大,且中间要用逗号隔开。例如,“上海市普陀区顺义路100号78栋1301室”通常译为“Room 1301, Building 78, 100 Shunyi Road, Putuo District, Shanghai”。

2. 求职目标

求职目标要尽量写得具体、明确,不要泛泛而谈,避免出现诸如“Seeking a position in the logistics department”(应聘物流部门的职位)之类的描述。这样给人的感觉好像是你什么都能做,但又什么都做得不精,所以求职者要尽量细化自己的求职目标。下面笔者针对外企的一些重要部门(包括人力资源、销售、研发、信息技术、公关部门),提供相应的求职目标撰写方式,希望能对求职者有所启发。

①Human Resources: To seek a position as an assistant in the HR department of a medical center or health service facility that will utilize my knowledge of labor relations, benefit programs, wage administration, and employment law. Eventual goal is advancement to the position of personnel manager.

②Sales: To obtain a position as a sales representative with a consumer products organization. Eventual goal is to move into a marketing management position with involvement in training, advertising, and marketing research.

③Research and Development: Seeking a position as a laboratory assistant in an industrial chemical research facility.

④Information Technology: Desiring a position as a programmer or systems analyst utilizing quantitative and mathematical training. Special interest in marketing and financial applications (应用软件).

⑤Public Relations: Wishing to join the public relations staff of a large public utility (公用事业公司). Interested in photography, copywriting, preparation of news releases, and working on company publications.

3. 工作经历




③求职者在描述自己的工作成就时,要尽量使用具体的数字表述清楚,例如管理的具体人数、客户增加的具体数字、销售额增长的具体百分比等。求职者应尽量避免使用many、a lot of、some、several、great等模糊或夸大的词汇。

④求职者应避免使用复杂的句式,多使用英文短句进行叙述。例如在介绍工作成就时,求职者可以使用诸如“Completed a project developing a new anti-tumor (抗肿瘤) medicine (GH-02)”之类的短句。如果求职者的工作经历非常丰富,也可以采用项目符号简洁明了地进行分类列举。




4. 教育背景





5. 电脑、语言及其他技能

求职者除列举自己的工作经验和教育背景外,还可以介绍自己的电脑水平、外语水平以及其他与应聘职位相关的技能来为自己的简历加分。具体而言,这些技能一般分为硬技能(hard skills)和软技能(soft skills)两种。硬技能包括电脑、财务、销售等各种专业技能;软技能包括外语水平、沟通能力等人际关系技能。对于简历中常提到的电脑水平和语言能力,求职者要注意以下两点。

①求职者如果熟练掌握某种软件的操作,可以用“Frequent user of +某个软件名”来表达;对于完全没把握的软件,千万不要写。求职者千万不要以为面试时主考官不会当场考你软件操作知识,他们很可能会考你一两个关键的软件操作方法。


6. 其他个人信息




③资格证书要表述清楚。例如,有些求职者在英文简历上只是笼统地写自己获得了CPA (Certified Public Accountant, 注册会计师)证书,但几乎世界各国都有自己的CPA,有些是互不承认的,所以求职者一定要写明CPA证书的国别以及考取证书的年份。

7. 证明人的相关信息









4.英文工作简历个人陈述 篇四

I have ……


I’m confident.I believe in myself/my abilities, but I know my limitations.Assertiveness

I’m assertive, but not pushy.Pride

I take pride in my work.I’m self-assured, but not prideful/boastful/arrogant.A sense of pride

I’m proud of my achievements.Dedication

I’m dedicated.I work hard to do my best.Persistence

I’m persistent.I stick to my job until I get it done.Determination

I’m determined.I push to get my job done.Drive

I’m driven to do my best.I drive hard when I need to.Reliability

I’m reliable.I’m known for reliably doing what I set out to do.Responsibility

I’m responsible.I take responsibility./ I have always handled my responsibilities well.1


I’m dependable.My boss knows he can count on me to do what I say I will do.Loyalty

I’m loyal.I plan to stick with the company and be a loyal employee./I’m not a job-hopper.Energy

I’m energetic.I maintain a high level of energy and get the maximum done each day.Motivation

I’m highly motivated.I’m self-motivated and an achiever.Enthusiasm

I’m enthusiastic.My energy and zeal stimulates others to be positive and to do their best.Optimism

I’m optimistic.I can always see the positive side.A positive attitude

I’m upbeat, positive.My upbeat spirit motivates others.Initiative

I can initiate projects.I take initiative, start action.Follow-through 坚持到底

I’m a finisher.Whenever I start something, I make sure that I complete it(carry it out).A view of process

I’m process-oriented.I can break a big task down into logical, sequential steps and carry the process out to completion.Vision

I am visionary.I can see things that need to be done or developed before others.I foresee trends, needs, problems and take action to prepare.A quick mind

I’m quick-minded.I pick up things quickly./ I quickly master new knowledge or skills.The ability to learn

I’m trainable, teachable.I can be trained, I like to learn.Creativity

I’m creative.I like to create/develop new ways.Integrity/Honesty

I’m honest.I’m a man or woman of integrity.Tact圆滑,机智

I’m tactful.I use tact when negotiating.Consideration

I’m considerate of……

I show respect to my colleagues and am sensitive to their(or the customer’s)needs.Courtesy/Politeness

I’m polite.I know how to make the customer feel respected.Team Spirit

I’m a team player.I can cooperate well with others.Efficiency

I’m efficient.I can make the most of time and resources to get the job done.Effectiveness

I’m effective.I know how to get the most important things done in the shortest amount of time.I know what needs to be accomplished and set out to do it.Clear Goals

I’m a goal-oriented person.I can set goals and reach them.Time sense

5.客服工作英文简历 篇五




Seeking a position in Customer Service where my extensive experience will be further developed and utilised.


Cambridge Telecommunications, Cambridge, MA

2009 - Present

Customer Service Manager

Responsible for the supervision of a staff of twenty-eight people within the customer service department.

Responsible for the recruitment and training of customer service representatives.

Managed the needs/requirements of high revenue commercial accounts through extensive follow-up procedures.

Successful account retention record of 98%.

Performed market research surveys amongst client base to seek feedback on sales techniques, follow-up methods and quality of after sales service.

Improving customer service based on client feedback through the development of new policies and procedures. Successfully handled all public relations issues.

Braintree Digital Inc., Boston, MA

2006 –-2009

Customer Service Representative

Provided support to the sales team, ensuring all sales and service objectives were met.

Responsible for customer service in the digital equipment division, duties included answering customer queries, problem solving and providing detailed information on new products.

Worked with new customers in the development of new accounts and the implementation of new systems.

Assisted in the development of new policies and procedures.

Assisted in the training of new customer service representatives and associates.

Performed market research surveys on customer needs and requirements.

Prepared weekly sales reports for the sales team and sales management.

Generated repeat business through successful client follow-up.


Boston College, Boston, MA

2004 - 2006

6.英文简历:工作经历的时间表示 篇六

Male, 38,

Education: high school

Expected salary: 5001-8000 yuan

Working years: 5-10 years

Working area: Shanghai fengxian

Working experience:

Job seekers had not fill in working experience.

Education experience:

Graduated from high school, in 97 as a soldier, 02 years retired,

Introduce myself:

B2. Qualified, 9 years without accident driving experience, familiar with jiangsu line, can run a long distance. The best holiday work

Give me a call, please make sure that in the xx nets see, thank you!


1.英语翻译 的英文简历

★ 工作经历描述

★ 个人工作经历

★ 团学工作经历范文

★ 工作经历介绍信

★ 基层工作经历

★ 个人简历如何写工作经历

★ 个人工作经历范文大全

★ 工作经历总结

★ 学生工作经历

7.英文简历 有工作经验者 篇七

(英文简历) 有工作经验者以下文章来源于应届毕业生求职网www.yjbys.com为你推荐一篇当代文学编辑的个人求职简历范文为模板参考。现在的求职者都不知道怎样写一份求职简历,那么应届毕业生求职网为您提供市场营销毕业生求职简历范文为写简历模板。注意一切请以自己的真实情况填写求职简历,请继续详细阅读以下文章。


Personal Information:

Famlily Name: Wang Given Name: Bin

Date of Birth: July 12, 1971 Birth Place: Beijing

Sex: Male Marital Status: Unmarried

Telephone: (010)62771234 Pager: 99900-1234567

E-mail: job.sohu.com

Work Experience:

Nov. - present CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .Summer of BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;


1991 - August Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.

Achievements & Activities:

President and Founder of the Costumer Committee

Established the organization as a member of BIT

President of Communications for the Marketing Association

Representative in the Student Association

Computer Abilities:

Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, javascript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills :

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213

Others :

Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.

8.英文简历写作之工作经验 篇八



Interests and achievements should be kept reasonably short. As you grow older your employment section will lengthen and this section will diminish. It is a good chance for you to mention any interests relevant to the job: current affairs if you want to be journalist. Examples of leadership: captain of a sports team, chair of a student society.

9.工作人员英文简历表格 篇九

Personal Information:
Famlily Name:WangGiven Name:Bin
Date of Birth:July 12, 1971Birth Place:Beijing
Sex:MaleMarital Status:Unmarried
Telephone: Pager: 
Work Experience:
Nov. - present

CCIDE Inc, as a director of software development and web publishing .Organized and attended trade shows (Comdex 99) .

Summer of BIT Companyas a technican ,designed various web sites . Designed and maintained the web site of our division independently from s electing suitable materials, content editing to designing web page by FrontPage, Photoshop and Java as well ;
1991 - August Dept.of Automation,Tsinghua University, B.E.
Achievements & Activities:
 President and Founder of the Costumer Committee Established the organization as a member of BIT President of Communications for the Marketing Association Representative in the Student Association
Computer Abilities:
 Skilled in use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, Javabeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software
English Skills : 
 Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE: 2213
Others : 
 Aggressive, independent and be able to work under a dynamic environment . Have coordination skills, teamwork spirit. Studious na ture and dedication are my greatest strengths.

