


1.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇一

1 (see 、hear 、notice 、find 、feel 、listen to 、look at (感官动词)+do eg:I like watching monkeys jump

2 (比较级 and 比较级) 表示越来越怎么样

3 a piece of cake =easy 小菜一碟(容易)

4 agree with sb 赞成某人

5 all kinds of 各种各样 a kind of 一样

6 all over the world = the whole world 整个 世界

7 along with同……一道,伴随…… eg : Iwill go along with you我将和你一起去

the students planted trees along with their teachers 学生同老师们一起种树

8 As soon as 一怎么样就怎么样

9 as you can see 你是知道的

10 ask for ……求助 向…要…(直接接想要的东西) eg : ask you for my book

11 ask sb for sth 向某人什么

12 ask sb to do sth 询问某人某事 ask sb not to do 叫某人不要做某事

13 at the age of 在……岁时 eg:I am sixteen I am at the age of sixteen

14 at the beginning of …… ……的起初;……的开始

15 at the end of +地点/+时间 最后;尽头;末尾 eg : At the end of the day

2.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇二

唐宪宗名李纯, 自小机智灵敏。他六七岁时, 祖父唐德宗曾经把他抱在自己膝上问:“汝谁子在吾怀?”他回答说:“是第三天子。”唐德宗甚为他的聪异而惊奇。他即位后, 奋发有为, 削平了藩镇, 加强了皇权, 取得了唐后期的中兴局面, 是一个典型的中兴之主。他成功的经验就是启用了大批名相, 将“军国枢机, 尽归之于宰相”, 也就是相当于今天的老板雇到了精明的CEO, 效果不同凡响。

李吉甫是唐宪宗即位不久就任用的宰相。李吉甫自幼敏而好学, 明练典故, 博闻强记。元和元年宪宗即位, 李吉甫由考功郎中升为中书舍人。当时, 剑南西川节度使刘辟叛变, 宪宗主张讨伐, 李吉甫曾参与策划平定策略, 献计献策, 宪宗予以采纳, 很快平定叛乱。元和二年李吉甫升任中书侍郎, 同中书门下平章事, 担任宰相。镇海节度使李锜拒不执行朝廷命令, 李吉甫力主予以打击, 多次给宪宗出谋划策, 讨伐李锜, 也取得了胜利。为了进一步打击藩镇势力, 李吉甫在一年多的时间内, 调换了三十六镇节度使。

元和三年九月, 他因与窦群等有矛盾, 转任淮南节度使。他在地方做官, 也是兢兢业业, 颇有政绩。他鼓励百姓兴修水利, 改善生产条件, 带领农民在高邮筑“富人”“固本”二塘, 灌溉农田。元和六年正月, 李吉甫二度入相, 他在唐宪宗的支持下, 裁减冗官冗吏、精兵简政。史书称李吉甫“善任贤良”“不忌不克”, 是宪宗朝举足轻重的“经纬之臣”。并且值得一提的是, 李吉甫治学严谨, 学识渊博, 著名的《元和郡县图志》就是他编纂的, 是我国现存最早的较完整的地方总志。

3.初中英语语法教学教案 篇三



一、Teaching Content:

Topic:Unit5Can you play the guitar?

Grammar:Using “can”/ “could” to talk about ability

二、Teaching Aims:

1.Use can talk about the ability at present.2.Use could talk about ability in the past.三、Teaching KeyandDifficult Points:

How to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past.四、Teaching Methods:

Task-Based Language Teaching Method

五、Teaching Procedures:

Step 1:Warming up Task 1: Revision

T: What can you do now? S1: I can sing.S2: I can draw S3: I can dance.T: Can you ride a bike / swim / fly a kite / play football / play chess? Ss:Yes, I can./ No, I can’t.Task 2: Playing a game

T: Now letusplay a game.Five students come to the front and perform for the class according to myinstructions.andgestures.Theothers answer my questions.T : What can she do?

Ss : She can ride a bike /swim/ fly a kite/ play football / play chess.T: Can she swim/ fly a kite/play football /play chess.Ss: Yes ,She can? No, she can’t.T: Say the whole sentences: eg: Acan ride a bike.He can’t / cannot swim.Step2:Presentation

T: Can you ride a bike now? S1:Yes.I can

T:Couldyou ride a bike five years ago ?

Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t(Help him answer)S1:Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t.T: we can use “could” t talk about the past

.e.gI can play computer now.But, last year I couldn’t play.T: Could you row a boat last year? S1:Yes I could.No, I couldn’t.T: Could she he row a boat last year?(Ask other students)Ss: Yes she he could.No she he couldn’t T:Yes, A could ride a bike five years ago.He couldn’t swim five years ago.(Teach the students to say the whole sentences): A could ride a bike five years ago.He couldn’t swim five years ago.)

(Ask other students in the same ways)Step3:Practice :work in pairs T: Ask your partner more questions eg:Could he / she …?

(Yes, he / she could./ No, he / she couldn’t.)...Step 4: Production Task 3: Explanation

T: Let’s work out the rule.①肯定句式: cancould

②否定句式: can’tcouldn’t

③疑问句式: Can„?Could„?

T:We can use “am(is , are)able to “ instead of “can”,and“was(were)able to “ instead of “could“.eg.①Mike can sing more than 20 English songs.Mike is able to …

②She could speak English when she was four.She was able to…

T: Please give moreexamples.topractice them.Step5:Summary

T:Inthis class,wehavelearnt the use of can and could about talking about abilities.Who knows the differences between “can” and “could”

Step 6:Homework

4.初中英语语法听力理解教案 篇四












5.高一第一单元英语语法教案 篇五

Language aims: ①students are able to recognize the difference

between the present simple tense and the present continuous tense;

②Students are able to distinguish the –ed and

–ing adjectives.Ability aims: students can use the present simple tense and the

present continuous tense to describe their first day and can use –ed or –ing adjectives to describe their feelings.Teaching focus: the revision of the present simple tense and the

present continuous tense;the difference between –ed and –ing adjectives.Teaching method :inductive method and guided discovery

method.Teaching aid: pictures and the textbook.Teaching procedures: Lead-in: free talk about the first day in senior high.“How is

your first day in senior high?” Do you like your new teacher?” Presentation: ⑴review the present simple tense to indicate a

habit or something you do regularly by asking questions and(what do you like?→watch TV→Do you often watch TV?→What do you often do or usually do? →What does ** often do ?)

⑵review the present simple tense to indicate a

scientific fact or truth by showing pictures and answering questions.⑶review the present continuous tense by answering

questions according to pictures.Practice: ①Do activity 1,3rd questions then 1st,2nd questions,P4.②Answer my questions according my pictures.Presentation: By talking about their feeling about English

learning to introduce –ed and –ing adjectives.Then by answering questions about the pictures to learn the difference.Practice: ①combine the given words to make a whole sentence.②Do the activity 3,P7 Production: Do a interview about your classmates’ first day in

6.高一英语第四单元语法课教案 篇六

T: Look at the PPT, and make a sentence according to these two sentences.(1)a.One million people of the city were asleep as usual that night.b.One million people thought little of these events.Can you do it all by yourself? If you have any difficulties, please open your text

book and turn to Page 26.Maybe you can find the answer in our text.Now, who can tell me the answer?

Ss: One million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.T: Yes, well done.You are so clever.And let’s do another example.(2)a.It was felt in Beijing.b.Beijing is more than two hundred kilometers away.c.It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away.(3)a.A huge crack cut across houses, roads and canals.b.A huge crack was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide.c.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty kilometers wide cut across houses, roads and canals.(4)a.Another big quake shook Tangshan.b.Another big quake was almost as strong as the first one.c.Another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.(5)a.The army organized teams to dig out those people.b.Those people were trapped.c.The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped.(6)a.Workers built shelters for survivors.b.The survivors’ homes had been destroyed.c.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.T: The sentences we have made just now all can be called attributive clauses.They all use one sentence to describe another one.T: OK.Now, let’s enjoy a series of pictures.Do you know the men who were moving stone in the picture? Ss: They are soldiers.T: Yes, they’re soldiers.And the whole sentence is “The men who/ that were moving stone are soldiers.” And also we can say “The men we just saw in the picture are soldiers.”

T: relative pronoun Antecedent modify

7.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇七

22.1 名词练习答案D 15 B 29 D 43 D 57 A 2 D 16 B 30 B 44 B 58 C 3 C 17 B 31 C 45 A 59 D 4 C 18 C 32 C 46 B 60 B 5 A 19 C 33 B 47 D 61 C 6 C 20 B 34 C 48 B 62 B 7 A 21 C 35 A 49 C 63 B 8 D 22 A 36 C 50 B 64 D 9 C 23 D 37 C 51 C 65 B 10 D 24 C 38 B 52 A 66 C 11 C 25 A 39 B 53 D 67 C 12 A 26 A 40 C 54 C 68 D 13 D 27 C 41 D 55 A 69 D 14 B 28 C 42 A 56 D 70 A

22.3 冠词练习答案C 19 C 37 B 55 C 2 B 20 A 38 B 56 A 3 D 21 A 39 C 57 D 4 A 22 B 40 C 58 D 5 A 23 C 41 B 59 B 6 D 24 B 42 A 60 A 7 B 25 D 43 C 61 8 C 26 B 44 B 62 9 B 27 D 45 A 63 10 C 28 D 46 C 64 11 C 29 B 47 B 65 12 A 30 A 48 C 66 13 C 31 B 49 A 67 14 D 32 B 50 D 68 15 C 33 C 51 A 69

A 22 C 40 C 58 C 76 B 5 C 23 D 41 A 59 B 77 D 6 D 24 C 42 D 60 D 78 C 7 B 25 D 43 C 61 A 79 C 8 D 26 B 44 A 62 A 80 A 9 C 27 A 45 B 63 C 81 10 D 28 D 46 C 64 C 82 11 B 29 B 47 B 65 A 83 12 D 30 B 48 B 66 B 84 13 B 31 A 49 C 67 D 85 14 A 32 B 50 D 68 D 86 15 C 33 B 51 C 69 C 87 16 A 34 D 52 A 70 A 88 17 A 35 A 53 D 71 B 89 18 C 36 B 54 D 72 C 90

22.8 B 19 C 37 C 55 C 73 C 2 D 20 B 38 A 56 B 74 B 3 A 21 D 39 D 57 D 75 B 4 C 22 D 40 A 58 A 76 C 5 D 23 C 41 D 59 B 77 A 6 B 24 A 42 B 60 B 78 B 7 D 25 B 43 B 61 C 79 C 8 B 26 D 44 D 62 B 80 A 9 C 27 A 45 B 63 A 81 10 B 28 B 46 B 64 B 82 11 C 29 C 47 A 65 A 83 12 D 30 A 48 B 66 C 84 13 C 31 D 49 D 67 B 85 14 B 32 B 50 B 68 D 86 15 D 33 B 51 C 69 D 87 16 B 34 B 52 A 70 B 88 17 B 35 B 53 D 71 A 89 18 C 36 A 54 A 72 B 90

B 34 D 52 B 70 C 88 D 106 17 A 35 D 53 D 71 A 89 D 107 18 C 36 A 54 D 72 C 90 B 108

22.11反意疑问句练习答案C 19 D 37 A 2 A 20 D 38 C 3 B 21 C 39 D 4 C 22 A 40 A 5 A 23 B 41 6 A 24 C 42 7 C 25 D 43 8 B 26 C 44 9 D 27 B 45 10 B 28 B 46 11 A 29 A 47 12 C 30 C 48 13 B 31 B 49 14 D 32 C 50 15 A 33 D 51 16 D 34 C 52 17 B 35 A 53 18 A 36 D 54

22.12倒装练习答案A 19 D 37 A 2 B 20 D 38 C 3 D 21 A 39 B 4 C 22 B 40 A 5 B 23 A 41 A 6 B 24 C 42 B 7 D 25 A 43 D 8 C 26 B 44 A 9 C 27 C 45 C 10 C 28 B 46 B 11 C 29 A 47 C

8.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇八

高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案 第13讲 宾语从句

高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案   第13讲宾语从句 来源:中学学科网     宾语从句的三要素:引导词、陈述句语序、时态一致   1.宾语从句的引导词 (1)由陈述句变成的宾语从句,用that引导,语序不变。that在句中无实际意义,可以省略。如:     He is a teacher. →He said (that) he was a teacher.   I have already seen the film. →He said that he (had) already seen the film. (2)由一般疑问句变成的宾语从句,用if或whether引导,表示“是否”,原来一般疑问句的语序要变为陈述句语序。如: Does the boy like English? →The teacher asked me if the boy liked English.     Are they students?→I dont know if they are students. 注意:当宾语从句中出现“or not”或“or + 供具体选择的.内容”时,就只能用whether来引导。例如: I don’t know whether he will come back soon or not. (3)由特殊疑问句变成宾语从句时,疑问代词或疑问副词作宾语从句的引导词,并在宾语从句中充当成分,表示对不清楚的人、事物、时间、地点、方式等的询问。原来特殊疑问句的疑问语序要变为陈述语序。如:   Who is that boy? → Miss Li wants to know who that boy is.   What does the girl want to buy? → He asked what the girl wanted to buy.   Where have they gone? → I didn’t know where they had gone.   When did you leave? → He asked when I left.   2.宾语从句的语序要用陈述句语序,即宾语从句的主语前不可有be动词、情态动  词或助动词do, does, did, have, has, had等。   3.时态一致性,即若主句时态是现在时态(包括一般现在时,现在进行时,现在完成时),宾语从句的时态可根据实际情况而定;若主句是过去时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时),宾语从句的时态也用过去时态,如: We know he is a teacher at a school. We know he lost his son last year. We know he will come here soon. He said that he was ill.


9.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇九


作者:元稹朝代:唐体裁:五律 国付重离后,身随十圣仙。北辰移帝座,西日到虞泉。





10.英语语法教案.宪宗doc 篇十

高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案 第9讲 助动词

高考英语二轮语法专讲精品教案 第9讲助动词 来源:中学学科网   一.助动词的定义 在英语中,助动词本身是没有词义的,它主要帮助构成谓语,表示时态,语态,语气或构成否定形式,疑问形式。请注意,助动词在句子中必须同主语的人称和数保持一致。 例:1)He is reading the newspaper. (时态)  他正在看报纸。 2)Tom was punished by his teacher.(语态) 3)Do be quiet,please. (语气) 4)She does not speak English.(否定) 5)Did you read this book ? (疑问) 二.助动词的种类 五个助动词(be,have,do,shall,will) 原形 现在时 过去时 过去分词 be is, am, are was, were been have have, has had had do do, does did done ― shall should ― ― will Would ― A→be动词的.用法 形 式 用  法 be+现在分词 表示进行时态 be+过去分词 表示被动语态 be+不定式(to+动词原形) 表示约定,义务,希望,可能   例:1) We are to meet at the school at noon.(约定) 2)You are to obey your parents.(义务) 说明:am,is,are,was,were,have, has, had, do, does, did即可作助动词有可作实义动词。 例:1)She does not speak English.(助动词) 2)She does her look carefully. (实义动词)   B→have的用法 形式 用法 have+过去分词 表示现在完成时(主动语态) have+been+过去分词 表示现在完成时(被动语态) have+been+现在分词 表示现在完成进行时 Have +to+动词原形 作情态动词,表“必须”(=must) 例:I have to work hard during this vacation. C→Shall/will的用法 形式 用法 Shall/will+动词原形 表示过去将来时或虚拟语气 Should/would+动词原形 D→do的用法 助动词do只有三个形式:do,does,did a. 构成疑问句和否定句 疑问句:Do(does/did)+主语+动词原形+……? 否定句:主语+do(does/did)+not+动词原形+…… b. 用在动词原形之前,加强语气,此时助动词只有两个形式:do,did 例:1)He did answer in this way. 2) I do believe you can do it well. c.代替前面刚提到的动词以避免重复 例:1)I like English and so does he. 2) He doesn’t watch TV everyday and nor/neither do I. 3) He works hard but his son doesn’t. d.用于倒装句,特别强调never,rarely,seldom,so等副词。 例:Never did I see such an animal. =I never saw such an animal.


11.初中英语语法阅读理解一教案 篇十一










