


1.美丽的英文 篇一

1. Aurora 欧若----黎明的女神,北极光

2. Aviva 阿维娃----(希伯来)同avivahc和avivi,有美好的春天的意思Barbara 芭芭拉----人名

3. Beatrice 碧儿翠丝----同beatrix,(拉丁)带来欢笑之人。人们认为beatrice是高大,强壮的单身女人,有著非凡的厨艺。

4. Becky----beckyrebecca的简写.becky被形容是可爱的顽皮姑娘,注重世俗之物,文静又快乐

5. Belinda 贝琳达----有智慧又长寿的人

6. Bella 贝拉----Isabella 的昵称

7. Belle 贝拉----[法]美女

8. Bernice 柏妮丝----带着胜利讯息来的人

9. Bertha 贝莎----聪明,美丽,灿烂的

10. Beryl 蓓若----绿宝石

11. Bess 贝丝----上帝是誓约

12. Betsy 贝琪----上帝是誓约

13. Betty 贝蒂----上帝是誓约。为elizabeth的简写。betty这个名字让人在脑中浮现一个金发女孩的影像,傻的可爱,又风趣

14. Beverly 贝芙丽---有海狸的小河

15. Blanche 布兰琪----女子名;纯洁无暇的,白皙美丽的

2.美丽的英文 篇二

1.An introduction to romance

In order to acquire a thorough understanding of the artisticcharacteristics of romance upon early English novel,it is necessary to give a brief account of romance.

A.Definition of romance

Romance is the most prevailing kind of literature form in feudalEngland."It was a long composition in verse,sometimes in prose,describing the life and adventure of a noble hero (Liu,2007,p.8)."As Chen Jia states that"Romances,alliterative and metrical,constitute the bulk of the literary works in England in the three centuries after 1066 (1982,p.33)."Based on these two similar definitions of romance,generally speaking,the central character of romance was the knight,a man of noble birth skilled in the use of weapons.The major theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized in romance,and usually emphasized the chivalric love of the Middle Ages in Europe.

B.Romance in Middle Ages and Renaissance period

Romance was born in the Middle Ages of Europe and wonpeople’s taste immediately.In the Middle Ages,romance was usually written to the noble men,and has nothing to do with the common people.Most of the early middle Age romances depict an antique story in the guise of poetry.At the very beginning,romance appears in a verse form with obvious features of poetry,but the conversion from verse romance to prose romance has produced a revolutionary effect on the creation of romances,which paves the way for the coming of early English novel.Anyway,the invention of romances is a transitional literature form from narrative poetry to early English novel,and the contribution made by romances to the coming of English novel is,without doubt,very unique (Jiang,2005,p.18).In a word,the Middle Age romances are prelude of English novel,and we could hardly acquire a good understanding of English novel without some knowledge of romance (Gao,2003,p.14).

If we say the Middle Age romances are more like poetry,thenthe romances produced in Renaissance period are actually the infants of early English novel.

During the period of Renaissance of England,English romancesget a considerable progress,and hold a large number of readers.To name some of the best works,we have George Gascoigne's The Adventures of Master F.J.Robert Greene’s Pandosto,Philip Sydney's Arcadia.These works best exemplify the artistic characteristics of romances in the Renaissance period,and further mold the shape of early English novel.

Ⅱ.Artistic characteristics of romance

To some extent,we could state that romances provide us withan artistic model early English novel (Hou,2005,p.22).These general artistic characteristics of romance play a significant role in the formation of early English novel.As Li Weiping states,there are generally five major artistic characteristics of English romances (2003,p.30).They are as following:

Romances are inclined to present chivalric spirit and romanticlove,trying to make a perfect combination of these two.

Romances have a relatively free narrative form,which clearlyreveal the artistic taste and ideas of early writers in the process of exploring the ways of writing narrative essays.

Apparently,romances display artistic traces of poetry left uponthem,and rhetorical devices of poetry were frequently employed in romances which actually were based on narrative essay.

Romances were written from a relatively mature,sensitive,philosophical and civilized point of view,so they were favored by upper class intellectuals.

Early romances have already shown a sense of realism in theircontents.

Besides,there are still other subtle artistic characteristicsreflected in romances.For instance,the real description of natural surroundings,the psychological portrayal of characters,the relatively neat organization of plots,the sense of moral education,and the universal value of goodness,etc.As a matter of fact,the above artistic characteristics of romance paved a way for early English writers to exploit a new form of literature which immediately won the taste among people all over the world,that is,the birth of early English novel.

Ⅲ.Artistic characteristics of early English novel

The influences of romance upon early English novel areapparent to us,because the artistic similarities between romance and early English novel can never be ignored.Actually,early English novels always show traces of these influences clearly or subtly.

Stylistically speaking,romances often describe a hero whoexperienced lots of adventures in a remote past or somewhere unknown to us.This kind of work can easily arouse reader's interest as much as possible.Coincidentally,Early English novels are inclined to place its hero in a remote environment and envelop him in a series of adventures as well.Daniel Defoe is always regarded as the forerunner of English novel,and his work may best show us the races of romances left on early English novel.Defoe's masterpiece Robinson Crusoe tells us a seemingly realistic story in an autobiographic form.But in nature,Defoe uses his vast imagination to create a hero who has survived in a remote island for several years.Defoe uses his imagination to create a romantic story to reveal the spirit of the rising bourgeois class.

Thematically speaking,most of the romances extol for man's right to pursue happiness and deserved rights,which propose a contest against the religious doctrine that regards the pursuit of happiness as a kind of human deterioration.In Defoe's masterpiece,Robinson Crusoe,Robinson was born in a family of an old English gentle man who wants his son Robinson to become a lawyer,yet Robinson has set his mind on becoming a sailor.Here,Robinson's pursuit of happiness and freedom in right overshadow the senior man's order,which is a kind of rebellion against power.

The psychological painting in early English novel comes has itsorigins in romances.Romances depict the psychological world of its characters for the first time (Gao,2003,p.5).This kind writing style affect early English novel greatly.In the work of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,Gawain is painted as a chivalric knight journeyed to meet a sever fighting.Although Gawain is not a real man,the psychological analysis of him is still presented vividly and analyzed as Sir Gawain encounters one strange event after another (Chen,1982,p.38).Well,in Pamela,or,Virtue Rewarded,written by Samuel Richardson and Tom Jones,written by Fielding's,the psychological movements of the characters are frequently presented.

Realistic description in early English novel also has somethingto do with romances.As (Jiang,2005,p.19) States that though romances are more romantic,fictional and chivalric,yet there are still realistic factors rooted in them.In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,Sir Gawain is an imagined hero who experienced various adventures to challenge the Green Knight.Though many scenes in the story are fabricated,yet the elaborate descriptions of the seasons as well as the places and things witnessed by the hero in the course of his adventure are real reflection of nature (Chen,1982,p.38).It is a sort of realistic presentation of environment.

The artistic characteristics of early English novel show itsintimate relationships with romances.But we should bear in mind that romance is still different from novel in many ways,and it is improper to mix these two literature genres.One thing needs our attention is that romance is a Middle Age literary product which opens the door for diverse flourishing of English literature genres,especially English novel.


Romance does lose its popularity among people's readingflavor,but the abundant literary heritages left by romance are definitely a body of legacies for literature.The artistic characteristics of romance merit our focus if we want to get more knowledge about the birth of English novel.





[2]、高继海.英国小说史[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2003:3-15.

[3]、侯维瑞.李维屏.英国小说史(上)[M].南京:译林出版社, 2005:18-35.

[4]、蒋承勇.英国小说发展史[M].浙江:浙江大学出版社, 2005:18-22.




3.美丽英文励志语句 篇三

1、You have to believe in yourself . That’s the secret of success.人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。

2、Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man。天下奇迹无数,却无一比人更奇妙。

3、While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。

4、What is a man“s first duty? The answer is pief: To be himself。一个人的首要职责是什么?很简单:做自己。

5、We can only love what we know and we can never know completely what we do not love。我们只能爱我们理解的东西,却永远也不能彻底理解我们不爱的东西。

6、To err is human,to forgive,divine。人皆犯错,你能原谅别人,你就是圣人。

7、There is an unconscious heeling process within the mind which mends up in spite of our desperate determination never to forget。心中的伤痛总是不知不觉渐渐愈合,虽然我们也曾痛苦地发誓说永不忘记。

8、There is a time to speak and a time to be silent。该说话时说话,该沉默时沉默。 9、The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm。最惨的破产就是丧失自己的热情。

10、The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist。人应该生活,而非单纯生存。

11、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say ”impossible ". 凡是决心取得胜利的`人是从来不说“不可能的”。

12、The love of country is the first virtue in a civilized man。爱国是文明人类第一美德。

4.美丽心灵英文观后感 篇四

Growe as he was a student from the young and run to the trembling of his life doesnt belong to the man of character, the heart of aloof and by the struggle to make. connally sought as a wife is not acting in crowe auras, she turned to frustration, sexual feelings into obligations complicated mind fitting out. it gives peoples strength and weakness, abstract and true nature of the contradictions among ;

The film about a man of strong and weak, all of abstract numbers and the true nature of the contradictions among ; in effectively, it will be the hero of the devil and struggling, to story of degree, but will it become low-minded.

5.美丽人生读后感英文版 篇五

La Vita E Belle also called Life Is Beautiful, is an Italian movie ran in which tells a story about how Guido―the hero of the film―applies his rich imagination to help his family during their internment in a Nazi concentration camp. The movie is set in the background of World War II and divided into two parts. The first half of it is like a pleasant and romantic story about how Guido meets Dora―a local teacher― and pursues her in a funny but intelligent way. And Dora finally resists her parents and runs away with Guido on a green-painted horse at her engagement party. They marry and have a very naughty but cute son named Giosuegrave; . However, good times don’t last long. In the second half of the movie, Guido and Giosuegrave;are caught by Nazi on Giosuegrave;’s 5th birthday as Jewish and are about to be sent to the concentration camp. But Dora, who could have escaped from the tragedy, chooses to go with them. But she is locked away from the father and the son. In order to protect Giosuegrave;and relieve his pain in the concentration camp, Guido tells his son that they are playing a game and the winner will get a real tank as a prize and act as if he is trying hard to win points. Giosuegrave; believes his dad and behave quite well. Meanwhile, Guido also tries to tell Dora that they are safe in different ways. Finally, in the chaos caused by the American advance, he tells his son to stay in a box until everybody has left, this being the final test before the tank is his. Guido goes off to look for Dora but is caught and shot to death off camera, by a Nazi soldier. I’m impressed by this film as I never imaged that such a tragedy could expressed by a comedy,but the love that Guido expressed to his son touched me more.I think the

theme of this film wanted to show is love.At first,the film tells us a romantic history about Guido and Dora to express the love’s meaning.When Guido encounters Dora,he says that “good morning,princess”and shows his talent to her in by all means to express his love.And when Guido and Giosuegrave;were caught by Nazi,Dora decided to go with him.That’s the power of love.Secondly,the film delves into a very touchy area in which Guido and his family are transported to a concentration camp.As soon as Guido and Giosuegrave; are put into the dormitory in the concentration camp, Guido convinces his son that they are in a game and they need to earn 1000 points to get the big prize. He tells him that if he cries, complains that he wants his mother, or says that he is hungry, he will lose points, while quiet boys who hide from the camp guards earn points. When the Nazi officer comes to announce the rules they should obey, Guido voluntarily becomes the interpreter and tells the rules of the“game”to his son, although he doesn’t know German at all. When Giosuegrave; decides to give up and go home, Guido pretends to be very regretful because they get most points and they quit. As a little boy who wants to get the tank, Giosuegrave; changes his idea and prefers to continue the game. When Giosuegrave; is mistaken as a German and arranged to have meal with other German kids, Guido tells him to keep silent. However, Giosu egrave; still says “thank you’’ when a waiter gives him a dish. The waiter realized something and goes to tell the officer. Then Guido teaches all the kids in the room to say “thank you’’ before the woman officer comes. These are some scenes I remember very clearly. From them, I see that Guido is very clever and good at adapt himself to changing circumstances. No wonder Giosuegrave; is protected well by him. And, at the end of the

story, Guido goes to look for Dora and is found by Nazi, he was taken by a soldier with a gun. When they walk pass the box where Giosu egrave; hides, Guido walks awkwardly and pretends to be happy. At that moment, Giosuegrave; is laughing, but my tears well up in my eyes. We can say that even in the last moment of his life, Guido still makes his son believe that they are in a game. He really loves Giosu egrave; very much and does everything he can to protect him. This is one of those movies that have a lasting effect on me. After watching it, I found that it has less to do with the Holocaust and more to do with the human feelings and the beautiful relationship of a father and his son.I think father ’s love is the greatest love in the world after watching this film.Even never sayed “I love you”,father still love you in a practical action. Besides,I also learned many things from this film.Firstly, Guido taught me that we should keep an optimistic attitude. Things are not as terrible as you think. It all depends how you treat them.If you smile at the mirror, the mirror will smile back. Secondly, as a parent, it is your duty to ensure the healthy growth of your children, not only on physiology, but also on psychology. Children’s soul will be deeply hurt if they are faced with so cruel truth. And it will influence their life. Thirdly, just love who you love. Love your sweetheart, and love your family.Finally,we should believe that life is beautiful.We still can find the beauty of life ,even the life was shrouded in darkness at that time.

6.丢失的行李(英文) 篇六

Rosy approached the baggage claim area and informed that she arrived from France and she could not find her baggage in the carousel(行李传送带).The officer in charge smiled and asked Rosy to stay calm.She informed Rosy that they were professionals with expert training and they would find her luggage and hand over it to her.

Rosy was relaxed.The officer asked her about the color,number of bags,brand etc.Rosy replied.

Finally,the officer asked her,“Has your flight arrived?”

7.中英文结合的英文名言 篇七

诗人是这样的人,他架起通向星星的梯子——一边爬梯子一边拉提琴。(法国作家 龚古尔 e)

a poet is born, not made. (l.a.florus, ancient roman poet)

诗人靠天分,不是靠培养。(古罗马诗人 弗洛鲁 l a)

any one who conducts an argument by appealing to authourity is not using his intelligence; he is just using his memory. (da vinci, italian painter)

一个借着引经据典来辩论的人,不是在运用自己的才智,他是在运用自己的记忆力。(意大利画家 达·芬奇)

a great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight (p.b.shelley, british poet)

伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱 p b)

a novel is a mirror walking along a main road. (stendhcl,french writer)

一部小说犹如一面在大街上走的镜子。(法国作家 司汤达)

a picture is a poem without words. (horace, ancient roman poet)

一幅画是一首没有文字的诗歌。(古罗马诗人 贺拉斯)




8.美丽的英文 篇八

参考资料:网址-http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/63999434.html boxing---拳击

canoe slalom---激流划船 canoe---赛艇 cricket---板球 cycling---自行车 diving---跳水

downhill race---速降滑雪赛,滑降 dragon-boat racing---赛龙船 dressage---盛装舞步 equestrian---骑马 fencing---击剑

figure skating---花样滑冰

football(英语)/soccer(美语)---足球 freestyle----自由式

gliding;sailplaning---滑翔运动 golf----高尔夫球

Greece-Roman wrestling----古典式摔跤 gymnastic apparatus----体操器械 gymnastics----体操 handball-----手球 hockey----曲棍球 hold, lock-----揪钮 horizontal bar-----单杠

hurdles;hurdle race----跨栏比赛 huttlecock kicking---踢毽子 ice skating---滑冰 indoor---室内

item Archery---箭术 judo---柔道 jumping----障碍 kayak----皮划艇

mat exercises---垫上运动

modern pentathlon---现代五项运动 mountain bike---山地车 parallel bars---双杠 polo---马球

relative work---造型跳伞 relay race;relay---接力 rings----吊环

roller skating----滑旱冰 rowing-----划船 rugby---橄榄球 sailing--帆船 shooting---射击

side horse, pommelled horse---鞍马 ski jump---跳高滑雪

ski jumping competition---跳高滑雪比赛 ski---滑雪板 skiing---滑雪

slalom---障碍滑雪 softball---垒球 surfing---冲浪 swimming----游泳 table tennis---乒乓球 taekwondo---跆拳道 tennis----网球 toxophily---射箭 track---赛道

trampoline---蹦床 trapeze---秋千

triathlon---铁人三项 tug-of-war---拔河 volleyball---排球 badminton---羽毛球 baseball---棒球


walking;walking race---竞走 wall bars---肋木 water polo----水球 weightlifting---举重 weights---重量级

9.漂亮的结婚礼物(英文) 篇九

We attended the wedding of a friend's son.Because we did not know theyoung man or his bride,we decided to send them a practical household gift,a fire extinguisher(灭火器).

Apparently,the couple (大批量制作) their thank-you notes be-cause we received a card saying:“Thank you very much for the nice wedding gift.We look forward to using it soon.”

10.美丽的英文 篇十

1、personal diary 个人日记

2、diary of daily activities 记录每天活动的`日记


And in order to practice my writing I keep a diary.



diary, journal这两个词的共同意思是“日记”。其区别在于:

11.野性的呼唤英文读后感英文版 篇十一

The hero of the novel is a dog named Buck. Set during the Alaskan Gold Rush, the story follows Buck as he climbs from a domesticated Southern dog to a barbarian state in order to survive in the treacherous conditions of the North. Buck is a huge cross dog, he was secretly sold from the family of the south, after several difficulties began to set foot on the road of gold, became a sled working dog, in the cruel domestication process, he realized the justice and the law of nature, the harsh living environment taught him the meaning of cunning and deceit, He took his own cunning and deceit to an unsurpassed level, and after a brutal, even mortal, struggle, he finally established himself as the leader dog. We can get a sense of the mental outlook of different people through the change of owners during the arduous sledding journey. It was in these movements, too, that Buck formed a deep and deep bond with the last master, who had rescued him from the most strenuous drudgery, and whom he had rescued many times. Finally, after the tragic death of his beloved master, he went out into the wilderness, answering the ancient wild call he had heard and yearned for so many times along the way.

Buck was only a dog, but his arduous path reflected the true meaning of personal struggle in the age in which the writer lived. It was also a reflection of the naturalism prevalent in American society during the period of the treacherous development of capitalism. On this road, in such a dangerous natural and social environment, only the elite and the strong have the possibility of survival. If they lack the ability to adapt to the changing conditions, it means a quick and tragic death. In front of the laws of nature, man is insignificant and helpless. Moreover, in the struggle for existence, any moral concept becomes “a kind of vanity and an obstacle”. On the one hand, this shows the sinister living environment at that time, on the other hand, it also reveals the immoral side of the capitalist society. In such a society, under the action of natural law, the primitive desire, moral decay, the loss of civilization, all show incisively and vividly. Therefore, if survival is the highest goal of human activity, then the process of animal survival is the process of violent meeting and killing each other. Only through the struggle of the law of the jungle, can we ensure the continued survival of the “elite” or “strong” with competitive advantages. Therefore, it fully expresses the authors naturalism thought.

The more civilized man is, the more stable his life is, so that in a civilized society things are laid out clearly and there are few accidents. But when something goes wrong, and its serious enough, its the end of the world for those who cant adapt. And Bucks experience also tells us: life is often intense and painful, but in fact it is more full of vitality and vitality and we want to be the strong of life.
