


1.欠税还款计划书范本 篇一







第一条 还款内容




第二条 担保


第三条 双方义务







第四条 违约责任


第五条 本合同经见证后生效。











第五条 :因履行本协议产生诉讼的,由甲方所在地有管辖权的法院管辖。



甲方:________________ 乙方:____________

签订日期:_____________ 签订日期:___________

2.英文还款协议范本 篇二

____________(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”)


Legal representative:

__________________(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”)


Legal representative:


Party A and Party B signed a “____________contract”(nr: _______)on __________(date).The term of the distribution contract started from __________ and ended on __________.Party A shall supply _________ according to its obligation under the contract and Party B shall pay Party A the amount of the contact.By the date of this repayment agreement, Party B still owes Party A the amount of the contract of ________________(RMB______)

NOW, THEREFORE, based on the foregoing and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

Article 1 Parties hereby recognize that Party B shall pay Party A _______________, the total amount of the contract that it owed to Party A.Article 2 Party A and Party B hereby agrees as follows through negotiation: During the period from _____________, in total _______ months, Party B shall pay the amount it owes to Party A.Party B shall pay 10% of the total amount every month namely

______________per month.Party B shall pay the installment before the end of every month.Party B will provide the evidence of payment to Party A within ______working days after anyone of the installment is due, and Party A will justify this fact.Article 3 Compulsory enforcement

4.Party A is entitled to apply for the compulsory enforcement from the court of competent jurisdiction according to this agreement herein which is compulsory enforceable

and the enforcement certification.the eligible business license(duplicate)by annual inspection

(1)letter of authorization /POA power of attorney

(2)the application forcompulsory enforcement.(3)the written documents of Party B’s performance(the repayment status of Party

B including the already paid/unpaid amount of the debt.)

(4)the hereby agreement which is compulsory enforceable by notary.(5)The notification of performance by Party A to Party B under the monitor of th

e notary.(6)Other essential documents.6.Party B undertakes to be enforced with all of its assets including but not limited to the following:

Any breach of provisions hereof shall constitute the material breach of this Agreement.Without prejudice to the relief measures that Party A is entitled to all remedial measures under the related agreement or laws, Party A is entitled to unilaterally take some or all of the following measures if Party B acts in breach of provisions of this Agreement:

the eligible business license(duplicate)by annual inspection;

the financial statements, including but not limited the latest one;

the written documents of Party B’s performance(the repayment status of Party B including the already paid/unpaid amount of the debt.);

(7)Other essential documents.All past-due principal and/or interest shall bear interest at the lesser of the highest rate for which the undersigned may legally contract or the rate of 18% per annum(the “Default Rate”), and such Default Rate shall continue to apply following a judgment in favor of Party A under this Agreement.If Party B fails to ke any payment or installment due under this Agreement within five days of its due date, the unpaid amount will be considered overdue and Party B shall pay to Party A in addition to any other sum dueunder this Agreement or any other agreementa late charge equal to 10% of such past-due payment or installment.(i)Party A is entitled toto declare all payments due under immediately du

e and payable and the right to recover all fees and expenses(including r

easonable attorney fees)in connection with the collection or enforcement thereof, which fees and expenses shall constitute additional Obligations of Party B hereunder;

(ii)should Party B in any respect fail to perform the said payment obligations

contained in the Agreement or commits any breach thereof, require Party Bto take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve performance of the obligation thereof, in accordance with terms of the Agreement.Article 4Confidentiality

Any party of this agreement shall not disclose the relevant matter to any third Party Before the accomplishment of the foregoing transaction without the consent of the otherparty unless specifically set forth by the relevant rules and regulations of PRC, the article of company or any other agreement reached by both parties in writing.Article 6 Dispute Settlement

Both parties agree that any dispute arising out or relating to this agreement shall be settled in the court of competent jurisdiction.Article 7 Miscellaneous

1.This agreement will come into effect

3.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the present Agreement is made in two(3)originals with each party holding one original and keep one in ____(name)the office of public notary as the memorandum.Party A: ____________(chop)

Legal representative or authorized representative:____(signature)

Party B: ______________(chop)

3.个人还款协议书范本 篇三

债权人:________________ 地址:_____________电话:___________邮编:____________ 债务人:________________ 地址:_____________电话:__________邮编:____________经过友好协商,双方就有关事项协议如下: 第一条 还款内容

1.于 年 月 日从 处借款元。经双方协商一致,自二零xx年年x月前保证偿还 借款 元,余下款项自二零xx年 年x月起每半年还至少xxxx元整(如果,还款期间由于工资上调等原因,有权向 提出增加还款额度),直至全部还清。如未按照本协议内容如约偿还,可凭此协议书就未还款部分向人民法院起诉。


第二条 双方义务(一)债权人的义务:



应按照本协议规定时间主动偿还对债权人的欠款及利率。第三条 违约责任


