


1.like 作为后缀的单词10个 篇一


The kittens look exactly alike ─ how can you tell which is which?


The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike.


The club is patronized by students and locals alike.


The techniques are being applied almost everywhere by big and small firms alike.

2.10个bility后缀的单词 篇二

credibility n. 可信用,确实性,可靠

debility n. 衰弱,虚弱

dependability n. 可依赖性;可靠性

desirability n. 称心如意的人(东西)

disability n. 无力,无能,残疾

durability n. 耐久性

eligibility n. 适任,合格

feasibility n. 可行性;现实性;可行,可用

flexibility n. 灵活性

immobility n. 不动性,不动,固定

imperturbability n. 沉着,冷静,自若

impossibility n. 不可能之事,不可能

3.ee后缀的单词10个 篇三

9 bribee 受贿人

10 brokee 破产者

11 chickadee n. 山雀

12 chimpanzee n. 黑猩猩

13 coffee n.咖啡

14 committee n.委员会;全体委员

15 consignee 收货人,承销人,受托人

16 debtee n.债权人

17 decree v. & n. (专制君主的)命令;vi. 规定;n. 法令,政令;教令;公告;天命;命令,v. 判决;颁布命令,公告;命令;法令 vt. 颁布(法令、政令)

18 degree n.程度;度;学位

19 devotee n. 热爱家,献身者,皈依者

20 disagree vi.意见不同;不一致

21 drawee n. 受票人,(汇票)付款人

22 employee n.受雇者,雇员,雇工

23 endorsee 被背书人,被转让人,受让人

24 entree n. 入场许可,主菜

25 fee n.费,酬金;赏金

26 fiancee n.未婚

27 filigree n. 金银丝做的工艺品

28 flee vi.逃起 vt.避开

29 foresee vt.预见,预知,看穿

4.10个有cide后缀的单词 篇四


Homicide is the leading cause of death among black men


The police arrived at the scene of the homicide.


He had attempted to cover his tracks by making her death appear like suicide.


She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.

5.10个加sion后缀的单词 篇五

suffusion n. 充满,弥漫,满布

diffusion n. 传播,散布

declension n. 词尾变化,格变化,倾斜,衰退

inversion n. 倒转,否定,倒置

accession n. 到达,即位,增加,同意

subversion n. 颠覆,打倒,破坏

perversion n. 堕落,曲解

repercussion n. 反应,影响,回声

reversion n. 返回(原状,旧习惯),逆转

aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤

rescission n. 废止,取消,使无效,撤消

profusion n. 丰富、大量、浪费

submission n. 服从,恭顺

corrosion n. 腐蚀,侵蚀;锈

adhesion n. 附着,粘着,固守,支持

circumcision n. 割礼

cession n. 割让,转让

collusion n. 勾结,串通

infusion n. 灌输。激励

repulsion n. 击退,反驳,反感,排斥

supervision n. 监督,管理

concision n. 简明,简洁

apprehension n. 焦虑,担忧

manumission n. 解放,解放证书,释放令

tension n. 紧张,不安,拉紧,电压,压力,

aggression n. 进攻,侵略

exclusion n. 拒绝,排斥

decision n. 决定,决心;果断;判决,决议;判定,决策;决断

remission n. 宽恕,赦免

digression n. 离题,枝节话

fission n. 裂变;裂开;分裂生殖;分裂;(核)裂变

effusion n. 流出物,泻出

dismission n. 免职,解雇

concussion n. 脑震荡,震动

cohesion n. 内聚力

contusion n. 殴打,打伤,挫伤

distension n. 膨胀

animadversion n. 批评,非难

delusion n. 欺骗,幻想

progression n. 前进,连续,级数

excision n. 切除,割除

incision n. 切口,切割

incursion n. 侵犯,入侵

expulsion n. 驱逐,开除

dissuasion n. 劝阻,劝戒,谏诤

fusion n. 熔合物,结合,熔合

emulsion n. 乳状液,乳剂

obsession n. 入迷,固执的念头

dispersion n. 散布

convulsion n. 骚动,痉挛

lesion n. 伤口,损害

ascension n. 上升,耶稣的升天

revulsion n. 收回,抽回

recession n. 衰退时期,萧条时期

intrusion n. 私闯,干扰

evasion n. 逃避,藉口

compassion n. 同情,怜悯

secession n. 脱离、退出

transgression n. 违反,犯罪,逸出

6.ence后缀的单词10个 篇六

condolence n. 吊唁,哀悼

conference n.会议,讨论会

confidence n.私房话,秘密,机密

confluence n. 合流,汇流

congruence n. 适合,一致,相合性

conscience n.良心,道德心

consequence n.结果,后果

consistence n. 坚固性,浓度

continence n. 节制、克制力

convalescence n. 病后康复期

convenience n.便利,方便;厕所

convergence n. 集中,收敛

corpulence n. 肥胖,臃肿

correspondence n. 往来函件;通信;符合;相应,相当;信件,一致对应

credence n. 相信,信任

decadence n. 衰落,颓废

7.gent后缀的单词10个 篇七


These two curves are tangent.


Bioengineering is an emergent branch of learning.


Chenguan world& more effulgent due to you!


Meanwhile, “Hanfu” is an important part of Chinese civilization, and it is an effulgent pearl in the history of national culture.

8.10个ation后缀的单词 篇八


He had been with the company since its creation in .


The cake was a delicious creation of sponge, cream and fruit.


He reiterated his opposition to the creation of a central bank


The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of London.
