


1.大学英语高分作文 篇一


导入:第1段:提出一种现象或某个决定作为议论的话题 As a student, I am strongly in favour of the decision. (亮明自己的观点是zan成还是反对) The reasons for this may be listed as follows. (过渡句,承上启下)

正文: 第2段:First of all... Secondly... Besides...(列出2~3个zan成或反对的理由)

结论: 第3段:In conclusion, I believe that... (照应第1段,构成“总—分—总”结构)

4、“How to”类议论文模板

导入: 1段:提出一种现象或某种困难作为议论的话题

正文: 第2段: Many ways can help to solve this serious problem, but the following may be most effective. First of all... Another way to solve the problem is ... Finally...(列出2~3个解决此类问题的办法)

结论: 第3段:These are not the best but the only two/ three measures we can take. But it should be noted that we should take action to...(强调解决此类问题的根本方法)


The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题.

The first thing we notice is that 图表最大特点 .

This means that as 进一步说明.

We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节

图表细节一:After 动词-ing :细节一中的第一个变化, the动词-ed+幅度+时间(紧跟着的变化) .

The figures also tell us that 图表细节二 .

In the column, we can see that accounts for (进一步描述).

Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that (结论).

The reason for this, as far as I am concerned is that (给出原因). b或是 It is high time that we (发出倡议).



Look at this picture./The picture shows that.../From this picture, we can see.../As is shown in the picture.../As is seen in the picture...


As we all know, .../

As is known to all,.../

It is well known that.../

In my opinion,.../

As far as I am concerned,.../

This sight reminds me of something in mydaily life.


In conclusion.../

In brief.../

On the whole.../

In short.../

In a word.../

Generally speaking.../

As has been stated..

2.大学英语高分作文 篇二


高考书面表达在句子结构方面得高分的评分要求是:应用了较多的语法结构, 语法结构方面有些许错误, 但为尽力使用较复杂结构所致;具备较强的语言表达能力。

依照高考书面表达新标准, 我们既要做到表达方式的多样性、所用词汇和句式的高级性、行文的连贯性和语言的简洁性, 又要注意:物极必反, 过犹不及。切记以下三点:


考生应大胆使用一些出现频率高、表达效果好的表达方式, 如with复合结构、分词、形容词作状语、主从复合句、感叹句、强调句等高级表达方式以增强文章的表达效果, 提高文章的表达档次。

例如: (1) 他到家时又累又饿。

一般表达:When he got home, he was hungry and tired.

高级表达:He got home, hungry and tired.


灵活可增加文章的趣味性, 使之生动活泼, 降低文章的单调枯燥和乏味。但也要符合英文习惯。例如:

He can walk ten kilometres an hour but I can only spread five km per hour.

作者本想避免重复walk却误用spread, 灵活却有误而美中不足。应如下行文:

He can walk 20km an hour but I can only cover 5 km per hour.


一些小巧玲珑的结构, 如独立结构等能使阅卷老师如清风拂面, 心情舒畅, 但要注意完整性。如:

(1) Not knowning what to say, she burst into tears.

(2) As a result of his timely help, I passed the exam.


一篇文章, 如果能更多准确使用表示并列, 递进, 转折关系的词, 便能充分展现你的文字功底, 使文章增彩。

英语中有许多过渡性词汇, 有:

表示递进:also, besides, furthermore, moreover, ad-ditionally, as well as, in addition

表示顺序:meanwhile, earlier, afterwards

表示对比概念:the way, just as, while, however, on the other hand, instead

表示结果:as a result, therefore,

表示目的:for this reason, for the purpose of

表示举例:for example, such as, like, that is

表达观点:generally, basically, in other words, in short, in brief, in a word


写作时不能把材料中要点的顺序当成撰文的顺序。在写作之前, 学生应根据逻辑关系对材料的要点进行组合和调整, 这样才能充分展现作者灵活的思维。例如, 要求写一篇介绍体育明星Sun Shuwei的文章, (METl991) , 题目提供的要点依次为简况 (男, 14岁, 广东人) 、训练目的以及勇夺世界冠军三项。我们可以打乱以上要点的顺序并将其调整为;“Few athleteswill ever be good enough to win the title of world champion, and even fewer will achieve this by the age of 14.But that is Guangdong's young diver, SunShuwei did”上述两句摆脱了汉语句子的羁绊, 通过对要点的调整、重组和添加, 使整个段落行云流水, 令人耳目一新。


邀请信、求职信、通知、演讲以及便条等应用文十分注重读者或听众的交流。因此, 即使题目中没有对语气方面的直接要求, 也应适当地添加信息或改变句式来表达谦恭的语气。例如, 表达“讲座的时间为一个半小时”这句话时可以说;Do you think one and half hours will be enough?

几年来, 按照上述的指导思想和训练方法, 笔者有计划地坚持对学生进行书面表达能力的培养和提高。鼓励学生进行多种形式的书面表达, 如写日记, 给朋友写信, 请学生阅读名人名著后写读后感, 读书报告等。实践结果显示, 学生对书面表达的态度由“怕”转为“爱”。学生的作文质量及语言的驾权能力都明显地高于起始水平。


[1]姜发兵, 《高中英语书面表达文采的提高》, 《中小学外语教学》, 2003年6月刊。

[2]徐鸿鸣, 《怎样提升书面表达能力》, 《中小学外语教学》, 2008年3月刊。

3.英语作文高分攻略 篇三



1. 词汇的使用




Qualified overseas students are welcome in China.

It will be much more convenient for you to look after your parents.



高频句:We must do something good for our country.

同义句:We must make a contribution to our country. (用make a contribution to来代替do something good for)



高频句:He decided to start early the next morning.

短语句:He decided to make an early start the next morning.

高频句:We enjoyed talking about our experience after a long separation.

短语句:We enjoyed having a talk about our experience after a long separation.

2. 较复杂语言结构的使用


高频句:We’ll meet at the bus station and go there by bike early in the morning.

改后句:Early in the morning we’ll meet at the bus station and go there by bike.

高频句:The old lady couldn’t help crying when she heard that her son died in the accident.

改后句:Hearing that her son died in the accident, the old lady couldn’t help crying.

高频句:We can do something good for our country only in this way.

改后句:Only in this way can we do something good for our country.

高频句:If we do so, our parents will be happy and proud of us.

改后句:If so, we’ll make our parents happy and proud of us.



1. 得体性对体裁和题材的要求

不同体裁和题材的文章有不同的用语要求。比如“书面通知”就不宜用“I will tell you a piece of good news.”或“May I have your attention, please?”等口语化的句子,这些句子只有用在“口头通知”中才得体。

2. 得体性对准确性的要求


Heart flower angry open. 心花怒放。

Please call my hand machine. 请给我打手机。

You parents very miss you. 你的父母非常想念你。




关联词就是连贯语篇常用的手段之一。大家应熟记当然不能仅仅是and, then, but等词,还可以用其它来表示“启、承、转、合”的语篇连接词来丰富表达层次。因为好的关联词的恰当使用无疑能使全文过渡自然,令读者对后续的句子产生心理的期待和准备,增强句子间的逻辑性和紧凑性。当然,过渡词也不可滥用,否则就有画蛇添足之嫌。


4.英语作文高分技巧 篇四


在基础阶段,相信同学门都大量背诵了很多英语词汇,尽量抛弃之前的最常见的单词短语运用,多使用在阅读理解中积累的新词汇,或对耳熟能详的词汇进行同义词转换多使用高级词汇。用along the lines of代替like;as a matter of fact 代替in fact;at the present time/at this point in time 代替now/currently;due to the attention/for the reason that/in light of the fact that代替because整个文章的写作水平看起来就高了很多。


总所周知,我们汉语作文写作中排比句式可以起到增强气势的作用,同理我们在英语写作中运用排比句式文章句式结构整齐的同时也增强语言表达效果增加亮点以吸引阅卷老师的注意。如:A culture can be accepted,respected,appreciated and shared.首先 First, Firstly, In the first place, To begin with其次 Second, Secondly, In the second place再次 Besides,In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all, Lastly。


文章由段落组成,段落又由句子构成,文章想要出彩必须从基础的词组句子做起,文章中不宜重复出现同一单词,词组和句型,平时要多积累增强文章用词多样性。as an old saying goes,....正如一句古老的谚语所说;it is not uncommon that...这是常有的事儿;the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明;keep pace with / catch up with/ keep abreast with the latest development of …跟上…的最新发展; take effective measures to do sth采取有效措施来…; attach great importance to…重视;



5.高分英语作文 篇五

I didnt spend too much time playing. I devoted myself to my study and paid close attention to all the meaningful things that happened in my daily life. I learned a lot from Mr.Wang of business class. He is my good friend. Until now, he often puts forward some appropriate suggestions to my problems and puzzles He is also my good adviser.

As he said: my education is very poor, there is nothing for you to clarify. What he has given is far beyond his words. I really think that I was born in a country in Pingtung.

Agriculture is the cause of our generations. My family has four people. My mother is a housewife, my brother is an agricultural college student.

6.四级英语作文高分句子 篇六


The net is increasingly popular

网络越来越流行 Students of universities and colleges Pop music appeals to me

我对流行音乐很感兴趣 Everything cuts both ways

任何事情都有两面性 English is intensely important=English matters much 1.As the economy advances at a fast pace, English plays an increasingly important role in our lives Simply put


He believes women cannot be too thin


2.It pays to cultivat the innovative spirit among students of colleges and universities.3.On college campuses across the nation,playing online game is intensely popular.E-books/digital books/paperless books

电子书 Online courses/web courses


A green campus=an environment-friendly campus 4.It pays to maintain a positive mental attitude when facing adverse situations.put in another way, remaining optimistic in adversities pays off.5.A growing number of college students are hopelessly addicted to matters unrelated to their studies, a worrying trend that should spark public attention.6.We are supposed to be fully aware of the fact that if we continue to harm the environment we are bound to pay heavily/dearly for it.7.As an ancient land enjoying a splendid civilization spanning over 5,000 years.China currently falls behind advanced countries on many fronts.On many fronts


8.It pays to foster the cooperative spirit on many fronts.9.Thanks to advances in technology and economy, a variety of/diversity of digital products, from mobile phone to digital camera, are intensely popular on the Chinese mainland.10.Recent years have witnessed the growing popularity of the topic of a green campus.11.The past decades have seen the fast-paced development of the nation’s economy.On doubly


12.I doubt that she married him for money There is no doubt that=it is beyond doubt that…

13.There is no doubt that this reform is aimed at sharpening the competitive edge of the students in the tough job market.14.It is beyond doubt that far too many college students fail to be aware that achieving/striking a balance between entertainment and studies matters much.15.Undoubtedly, what you do on campus will have profound impact on you in the days ahead.Individual colleges and universities


16.He bought/purchased/acquired this public company 17.With the nation’s economy still in the red, a growing number of college graduates find it is increasingly hard to land a decent job.Loving our country means more than words 18.On my personal level, effective measures should be taken to crack down on piracy/reverse the trend 19.We , college students, are supposed to take the leading role in fighting against this evil trend 20.Only by taking concrete moves can we enjoy a pollution-free environment.Making painstaking efforts


21.Only by making painstaking efforts can we climb the social ladder higher.22.It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese fail to focus on details.place a high value on


23.It is not uncommon that far too many Chinese students fail to place a high value on learning Chinese, their mother tongue The bulk of=the majority of

24.The bulk of Chinese take pride in the country’s abundant natural resources Do all in one’s power to


25.While my command of English is not outstanding, I am doing all in my power to improve it Favor A over B

支持A而不支持B 26.While Romney won the first debate, I favor Obama instead of/rather than over him You deserve it


2.你活该 Digging into


Stress A over B

强调A 而不强调B 27.Traditionally, Chinese education stresses mechanical thinking over creativity A to B is what C to D In an effort to=in order to

28.In an effort to reverse the trend, the government has pumped a wealth of resources into this campaign.Launch a campaign


29.Personally, the government should launch a campaign to crack down on illegal manufactures Be designed to do=be aimed at doing Awaken sb to the crucial importance of sth


30.The government should awaken people across the nation to the crucial importance of respecting intellectual property rights Senior citizens

老人(尤指退休者)be responsible for


31.The shrinking population is responsible for this trend.Get actively involved in


32.In their leisure hours, they consume a good portion of time getting actively involved in serving as volunteers.It is virtually impossible for sb to do sth


33.It is virtually impossible for you to land a decent job without superb professional knowledge and an outstanding command of English.Nothing new


34.Devoting a good portion of leisure time to learning English is nothing new among my fellow students 35.Setting a grand goal but not taking concrete moves is nothing new among my peers.Be capable of


36.Fat too many Chinese are incapable of thinking independently and critically 37.Others, however, are supportive of this campaign.Others, however, see a different picture.Claiming it pays to devote much time to taking optional courses Generate impacts


sth concerns sb


38.How to reverse the trend concerns folks from every walk of life Every walk of life


As the pillar of our society


39.As the pillar of our society, we ,college students, should shoulder more responsibility to respect intellectual proerty rights/should take the leading role in serving as volunteers in the earthquake-stricken area.40.I am striving to earn more money to relieve my parents’ financial load

41.Folks from all walks of life should strive to play a part in building a pollution-free society Sharpen one’s edge


42.Our course focuses on teaching the students how to sharpen their edge when taking the interview Last but definitely not the least


43.People focusing on immediate benefits are bound to pay dearly for it

44.Last but definitely not the least, our lack of attention on this issue is mostly responsible for it.Move oneself beyond


45.It’s my hope that in my college days I could gradually move myself beyond my dependence on parents.In the hope of


46.I am doing all in my power to earn credits in the hope of graduating earlier.Lend A B’s support

B支持A 47.I sincerely hope that you could lend me your support in the election for class president.48.I sincerely hope that you could do everything you can to promote the environmental awareness among your fellow students.49.He , with his superb performance, is gaining growing popularity on campus.Giant leaps


50.Thanks to giant leaps in technology, could computing is gaining growing popularity across the world.51.If You Are The One, a TV reality show, is gaining growing popularity on the Chinese mainland.52.Sina weibo , the Chinese clone of Twitter, is gaining enormous popularity among net citizens.Enable sb to do sth


53.The nets enables us to communicate with each other in ways that were beyond our imagination.Far outweigh


54.The strengths of the net far outweigh it’s weakness.55.The virtual world has generated far more positive impacts on us than negative ones.As sb put it


56.As Kobe Bryant,a legendary figure of NBA, put it ,”it is the teamwork spirit that helps Los Angeles Lakers weather hard times all these years” Taste success


57.Mo Yan ultimately tasted success.Be equipped with


58.High achievers are equipped with a wealth of personal qualities that others lack.A series of=a string of

59.School authorities attribute a string of suicides to our lack of attention on the students’ psychological mental health.60.He stays far ahead of his fellow students on many fronts thanks to his painstaking efforts Attach growing importance to(doing)sth


61.After having suffered some major setbacks in his career, he attaches growing importance to execution.As a consequence

结果 I would argue

我认为 At current stage


Matter much more


62.I would argue that at current stage studies matter much more than entertainment.Be closely linked to


63.Whether you could taste success is closely linked to whether you have a strong will.I couldn’t care less about it

我不关心 I couldn’t care more about it


This movie couldn’t be worse

很糟糕的电影 not simply…but…

不仅…而且 push up=drive up

推动某物上升 to be more specific


excessive exploitation


64.To be more specific, our excessive exploitation of natural resources not only costs us dearly in the short run but may generate profound negative impacts on future generations

In the short run

从短期看来 the post-90s generation

90后 turn around

扭转…趋势 pay lip service


65.All parties involved in this pressing issue are supposed to stop paying lip service.Curb the prevalent trend

遏制(不好的)趋势 Wage campaigns


Governments at all levels

各级政府 Bring…under control


66.Governments at all levels are supposed to wage massive campaign to bring the soaring commodity prices under control.Bear fruits


Bear the costs


Bear the consequence


7.大学英语四级考试写作高分策略 篇七

一、审题, 把握题材、体裁和写作方法

通过分析历年考题, 我们不难发现:英语四级作文考查的类型基本包括议论文 (一般为三段论式的论说文字) 、说明文 (说明事件或现象及原因本质) 、图表作文 (要求描述性的语言要贴近图表信息, 真实反映语言水平) 和应用文写作 (包括书信、便条、通知、海报等) 。从历年考题的题目变化趋势看, 描述现象、分析原因、个人看法仍是四、六级考试写作部分主要考查的重点。在今后相当长的时间内, 英语写作教学和辅导的主要突破口应集中在说明文、议论文、描述文和应用文上。而且一般都是与校园生活相关的题材。我们拿到作文后第一件要做的事就是审题。审题的作用在于使你写作切题, 如果跑题, 条理和语言再好, 也得不到及格分, 甚至得零分。审题把握的是:第一, 题材和体裁。审题就是要依据作文的题目和提纲要求确定题材和体裁。题材都是与校园生活相关的内容或是在大学生熟知话题基础上的翻新或扩展。体裁一般包括议论文、说明文、描述文和应用文。从近些年看, 四级作文不仅是单一的体裁, 而是几种体裁的杂合体。考生平时应有意识地就他们感兴趣的话题进行思考和拓展, 争取在实践中磨练敏锐的审题能力。第二, 根据不同体裁确定写作方法。如果是议论文就要有论点和论据而且往往从正反两方面来论述。最后, 提出作者自身观点。说明文写作方法是提出问题、分析问题、解决问题。描述文要描述现象, 挖掘本质。应用文要掌握格式和内容。其中书信最为常见。书信格式必备的五个部分为:信头、称呼、书信正文、结尾客套语和署名。书信内容因书信的种类而有所变化。

二、谋篇布局, 使结构清晰, 框架合理

要写出一篇相对成功的文章, 首先要树立一个框架, 各段的安排必须合理, 否则即使语言运用得再好, 也很难得高分。一般来说, 四级作文都是由三个段落组成, 有时也可以是四段, 其结构和内容必须根据文章主题和提纲中给出的段落提示来确定, 不能随意安排。开头段交待全文主题;正文段围绕全文主题进行论述;结尾段与开头段相呼应, 或总结、或提出建议、或提供解决方法, 这三部分缺一不可。完成这一任务的最好方法就是套用经典的三段式和十二句法。我们知道, 四级作文一般都是三段式。我们算一下, 如果我们把文章写成常见的三段式格式, 即:引言段、扩展段和结论段。然后在每一段中写上四句话, 即:主题句、两、三句扩展句和一个结尾句。这样全篇在十二句左右, 平均每一句十多个词, 就是120到150个词左右, 完成了对于字数的要求的同时, 也达到了脉络清晰的目的。规范的议论文三段式内容为:甲方观点、乙方观点、作者观点。规范的说明文三段式内容为:提出问题本身, 分析问题原因, 拿出解决办法。当然, 对于不同体裁杂合体的文章, 我们要紧扣所给提纲, 灵活变通三段式的内容, 绝不能拘泥于模式。同时还有一点需要注意, 那就是各段详略要得当。构思时一定要根据主次关系, 对段落进行合理分配。一般来说, 各段的比例应该是:中间部分稍大两头部分稍小既要避免头重脚轻也要避免“头轻脚重”, 即各段的比例不能过分悬殊, 主次详略安排要得当。

三、变换句式, 生动连贯

根据三段式和十二句法, 每一段的第一句为主题句, 接下来的两、三句为扩展句, 最后一般有一句照应主题句的结尾句。一般应在段首就亮出主题句, 表达了本段的中心思想, 其后的每一个扩展句都应围绕这个中心展开。通过各种论证或说明方法对中心进行论证或深化。笔者推荐几种在实践中行之有效的夺取高分的句型构造原则和方法。

第一, 长短句错落有致:文章中都是短句的作文略显水平稚嫩, 写作功底不够深厚, 而都是长句的作文又显得烦琐冗长, 卖弄不成反倒做作。真正的优秀文章应做到长短句搭配合理, 难易结合, 因为阅卷老师一般都会给文章里使用正确的长句子加上印象分, 也会给错落有致的句式变化以奖励分数。恰当地使用一定难度的复杂句子, 能起到锦上添花的作用。大批考生缺乏写作训练, 往往在作文中忽视长短句合理运用, 因此考生在平时训练时就应该有意识地在每段中都运用到简单句、并列句、主从复合句, 使得文章错落有致、行文流畅并体现出语言功底。考生可以通过欣赏范文, 摘录名句, 套用经典句型, 改装结构, 模仿造句等方法达到这一目的。

第二, 主动被动合理运用:在汉语写作思维中, 我们习惯于表现动作执行者, 当把这种思维应用于英语写作中时, 就会出现一个明显的缺陷, 因为英文本土语言使用者在写作过程中, 更注重事情的执行, 所以在他们的文章里, 使用被动语态或者不体现动作执行者的句子更多一些。当然, 在写作过程中, 并不是要一味地追求被动语态的使用, 在什么情况下用主动, 什么情况下用被动, 这与陈述对象有密切的关系, 英语写作中强调叙述对象的一致性, 所以在实际写作中, 一定要合理运用主动和被动。

第三, 倒装强调适当穿插:强调句式是一种突出重点的有效句式。另外, 倒装句式也常用于达到强调的目的。因此, 在写作中适当穿插使用强调句和倒装句, 不仅可以突出强调重点部分, 而且能够丰富句式, 起到修饰作用, 达到意想不到的表达效果。

第四, 经典句型灵活应用:要写出地道的英语作文, 就应该尽可能多地应用英文常见句型, 如:存在句, 先行代词it作形式主语或宾语的句型, 感叹句和虚拟语气等。

第五, 适当运用各种修辞手法。使用修辞手形象, 引人入胜。英文写作中常见的修辞手法有比喻、拟人、排比、反复、象征、修辞问句和引用名言俗语等。

四、选词用语, 准确地道

词语的选用直接关系到句子的优劣, 也势必关系到段落的主题思想, 进而关系到整篇文章的质量。其实, 四级作文要求考生选词范围尽可能灵活宽泛, 但非常忌讳混合乱用。在写作中选择准确的词汇、使用地道的语言, 不仅可以使文章的表达更加到位, 更重要的是能起到“点睛”的作用, 成为作文获得高分的亮点之一。那么考生到底怎样才能利用有限的词汇资源, 写出比较鲜活的英语作文呢?笔者在此列举词汇选择时应注意的几点:一是注意具体语境中用词的准确性。首先选词时要注意词语的语体色彩。英语词有书面语体和口语体之分, 但大多数词汇都是中性词。写作文的时候, 应该用书面语和中性词为主, 少用口语词, 以便使作文的语体和用词的色彩和谐一致。其次要注意用词的深度和等级。考生切不可盲目地使用生词和不常见词汇。要在日常学习中不断总结和积累, 找到能恰当表达特定语境意义的词汇。至于如何做到语言表达地道, 笔者认为只有一种办法, 那就是大量阅读, 分类摘抄, 在具体的语境中有针对性地体验英语表达。二是尽量使用同义词避免简单重复, 尽量使用词性变化来丰富自己的表达手段。和汉语一样, 变化词性也是丰富英语表达的重要途径, 是学习者提高英语水平的重要标志。三是尽量使用派生形式来点缀文章亮点。英语构词的特点之一就是使用前缀、后缀来完成灵活多变的语言特色构成。四是注意使用恰当的连接词来使文章过渡自然。英语中的过渡句和连接词是文章通顺连贯的重要标志, 根据语法中的平行和从属结构原则, 一个复合句中必须要有一个连接词, 否则句子是不符合语法规则的。由此可见连接成分的普遍性和重要性。用好连接词是英语水平较高的体现。

为了在大学英语四级写作中取得高分, 我们还要注意避免一些常见错误。如在时态、语态、拼写、标点符号等方面的错误。同时不能忽视成文之后的修改步骤。

写作是学生英语运用水平的具体体现, 写作的功夫又是通过阅读、欣赏、模仿等具体手段训练出来的。建议学习者有针对性地分体裁、分题材、分阶段地进行实战模拟, 熟能生巧。只要坚持多写、多练, 平时注意扩大阅读, 写作的水平自然就会提高。写作过程中的很多实用技巧, 只要读者舍得花时间、花精力、花心思去挖掘、去发现, 就一定会收获许多惊喜。




[1]庞红梅.四级710分突破[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2007.

8.英语作文高分技巧—逆向思维法 篇八









Live in Harmony






Nowadays the government and people of China are trying to build a country with a harmonious relationship._______________________________






Live in Harmony

Nowadays the government and people of China are trying to build a country with a harmonious relationship. Generally speaking, the relationship between us students and our family members, classmates as well teachers is good. However, there exist some problems. Some students in our grade are easy to lose their temper because of unbearable anxiety and heavy study burden. What’s worse, they sometimes quarrel with others, and even turn a deaf ear to their parents and teachers, which is very disappointing.

In my opinion, we middle school students should make our efforts to improve the situation. First, we should respect our parents and teachers as well as our classmates. Second, when we are not feeling good, we can chat with our friends, teachers and parents. It is likely that they can understand us better and give us some reasonable advice. Third, after a day’s hard work, we can relax ourselves by taking some exercise, such as playing basketball, table tennis and so on. The most important is to create a harmonious atmosphere around us in order to realize self-harmony.



2)语言使用准确性高,较好地使用了英语的各种句型,琅琅上口,英语味道浓厚。作为对当前社会问题的论述,时态的把握特别重要,写作时应以一般现在时为主。另外要能正确地列举事例,有些同学列举时,容易前后不一致,开始时用firstly, secondly,后来就变成了third。还要注意的是标点应用准确,逗号、句号的使用要恰如其分,使文章结构清晰,句意明了,有效的避免汉语句式的简单罗列、词语堆砌。

3)语言的连贯性强,非常恰当地使用了连接词,使全文的结构紧凑,层次清楚,过渡自然。比如使用了如however, what’s worse, generally speaking, inmy opinion等连接词,使文章衔接自然、生动。

4)这篇范文较好地使用了较为复杂的词汇和高级句型,并运用了同位语,插入语以及非限制性定语从句。As well as, lose their temper, turn a deaf ear to, make our efforts to, chat with, quarrel with, create a harmonious atmosphere等词组及应用It is likely that 句型, which is very disappointing非限制性定语从句,在relax ourselves by taking some exercise中非谓语动词的使用无不为文章增添了亮点。






