


1.求职英语Lesson 篇一


Well, hello there! Heream, back in the lobby of the hotel, having afternoon tea.can see visitors here from all around the world: there are plenty of Americans, of course, and Japanese and many other Europeans, like, therea group of French people over there and some Italians… butca see Alan- my husband, Alan. He’s not in our room;asked, of course. So maybe he went,do know, for a walk. Yeah. He’s on vacation; he can take a walk if he want to, ca he? No problem. I’m sure he’ll be right back, I’m sure he didgo backPittsburgh...

Oh, Geez! That was horrible! I’m getting worse, not better. Do think about these damn women, just think about golf. There’s no finer game! Golf, the game of kings, and the king of games! Golfmy wife! Golfmy life! Yeah! Who needs a woman, when you can get a good game of golf? Only problemthis damn rain! Never mind I’m sure it will stop soon!

So, I’m still in the hotel lobby, drinking some more afternoon tea. Yeah, I’ve had about six cups of tea by now. I’ve tried all the different kinds they have. They had all these cookies and cakes too, butjust said “no“, like a good girl. You know me: ifjust think about cake-wham!put on a couple of pounds. So, no cakes or cookies for me. And no Alan, either. Maybe he went for a really really long walk. No,do think so,know he doeslike walking. Or maybe he wentsee a movie. Or maybe he went backPittsburgh. Maybe he really did. Maybe he was that mad… The rain isstopping; it’s getting worse! Ah, Geez!ca play golf in this damn rain. It’s impossible! Ah, thisjust so damn stupid!never wantedplay golf on my own, anyway.wantedplay a round of golf with Deborah. That’s the truth. Darn it! Oh, Geez, I’m goinggo backthe hotel,guess she’ll be there by now.do know what I’m goingsayher…

I really think I’ve had enough tea now. I’ve had uh…ten cups. Yeah,really ca drink any more tea. Do mistake me;like tea.really do, but, uh… I’ve had enough now so what amgoingdo?do know,just wait a moment, who’s that coming through thedoor. Yes, it’s him. It really is! Alan!

-Hello Deborah!

-Hello, Alan, you look wet.

-That’s becauseam wet. It’s raining


-Very hard.

-Yeah. Uh…where have you been?

-I wentplay golf.

-Oh, of course! Did you have a good round?

-No,had terrible round.

-Oh, gee! Why was that?

-Because of the damn rain! And because you were there.


-Look, I’m sorry. Deborah, for just walking off like that.was so mad.

-That’s alright, honey. Anyway, you came back, did you?

-Listen Deborah,do wantgo backAlice.wantbe with you.

-Is that really true, honey?

-Yes, of course it is. Why do you thinkmarried you?

-Oh, gee!do know whatsay.

-Then do say anything, honey.

-Well, that’s all for now. See you next time, folks.

2.求职英语Lesson 篇二

(一) 教学内容

本课为北京版小学英语三年级上册第三单元的Lesson 10。本单元的功能话题为“谈论生日和年龄”, 主要句型结构为“When is your birthday?It’s in... When was... born? She /He was born on...How old is ...? He /She is....”通过学习, 使学生能够运用这些句型询问他人的生日、年龄, 并与他人进行简单的交流, 且能在交流过程中关心朋友、家人的情感。

本单元共有四课时内容, 其中Lesson 9~Lesson11 为新授内容, Lesson 12 为复习课内容。 在Lesson 9 中, 学生已经学习了询问生日的一种表达法:When is your birthday?在Lesson 1~Lesson 9 中已经学习了12 个月份词、序数词的表达法以及日期的表达法, 本课时是在前面课时学习的基础上继续学习另一种生日表达法:When were you born?When was... born?

本课时主要包括Listen and say;Listen, look and learn;Write and tell三个教学板块。其中第一个板块是对话学习, 第二个板块是重点词句的学习, 第三个板块是联系生活实际运用语言。第一板块Listen and say中共有两幅图片, 对话情景是Guoguo和Dad在家里谈论爸爸和奶奶的生日。重点句型分别为:“When were you born?”“I was born on...”和“When was ...born? She was born ...”。第二板块Listen, look and learn中呈现了本课时的重点句型和4 个家庭成员的生日信息, 通过运用所给句型谈论4 个人物的生日, 对词句进行专项学习。第三个板块通过画家庭成员的头像, 并写出每个人生日的活动, 引导学生对语言的综合运用以及体验关心亲人和朋友的感情。

(二) 学生情况

本课所教授的对象是延庆三小三年级1 班的学生, 属于借班上课。通过课前接触了解到, 他们对英语有着浓厚的兴趣, 对本节课有着热情的期盼。通过自然真实的英语对话, 可以看出学生对When is your birthday?It’s in... 的生日表达法以及日期掌握得很扎实, 这为新知的学习打下了良好的认知基础。同时, 为了保证课堂上的有效互动, 笔者和学生沟通了本节课的“集得小贴画, 以最多的贴画个数换取小礼物”的评价方式, 学生很兴奋, 对礼物充满了好奇, 这为本节课的顺利实施奠定了很好的行为基础。

(三) 教学方式、手段

通过唱月份歌曲、看日历说日期等活动, 帮助学生复习日期的表达法;通过以旧带新, When is your birthday? = When were you born? 帮助学生理解新句含义;通过观察主题图, 引导学生明确对话中的人物, 对话发生的地点、时间、内容等, 使学生对语言的功能有更好的理解;通过两遍完整视听对话内容, 找到对话的核心信息, 帮助学生更好地理解对话;通过引导学生逐句静听并尝试复述出对话中的原句, 发展学生的听说能力, 更好地理解语言功能;通过选择不同的朗读任务;体现对学生个体差异的尊重, 引导学生体验成功;通过利用所给信息, 谈论Lingling一家人的生日, 引导学生初步运用所学语言。

(四) 技术准备



本节课要达到的教学目标为以下四个方面:学生能够正确理解、朗读对话内容, 并尝试着在小组内进行角色扮演;学生能够初步运用所学句型When was /were you born? I /She /He was born on... 和短语May 23rd, June 15th, February9th, July 29th, August 14th来谈论Lingling家庭成员的生日;学生能够初步运用所学的两种句型It’s in... 或I was born on... 来表达自己的生日;学生通过询问家庭成员生日的活动, 体会关心他人的情感。


(一) 重点

1. 学生能够正确理解、朗读对话内容, 并尝试着在小组内进行角色扮演。

2. 学生能够初步运用所学句型When was /were you born? I /She /He was born on...和短语May23rd, June 15th, February 9th, July 29th, August14th来谈论Lingling家庭成员的生日。

(二) 难点



(一) Step1:Warming up

1. 师生问好。

2. 预热活动, 师生跟唱歌曲Months。

【设计意图】活跃课堂气氛, 复习12 个月份名称词, 唤起学生的原有认知。

(二) Step 2:Review and Lead in

1. Look and say some dates

(1) 教师课件出示一张日历图, 给学生做示范:What’s the date? For example, this is May 23rd.

(2) 师生问答如下日历图:

T:What’s the date?

S1:June 15th.

T:Yes, thank you.A sticker for you.Now who can say it again?

(教师选2~3 名学生回答问题)

T:Very good.A sticker for you.Now next one, what’s the date?

S4:February 9th.



【设计意图】采用色彩艳丽、画面可爱的日期图片, 能够激发学生的学习兴趣;同时, 这6 个日期中有5 个均是本课时重点学习内容, 还有一个是教师本人的生日。选择本课时的重点新授内容在复习环节出现, 不仅帮助学生复习了日期的正确表达法, 也增加了日期短语的复现和表达的机会, 利于学生的理解、记忆和运用。选择教师本人的生日, 有利于导入下一个环节, 自然过渡。

2. Talk about Ss’birthdays

师生谈论完最后一张日历图后, 教师介绍说:October 22nd is my birthday. So when is your birthday? (教师出示句型条) Who can answer my question? My birthday is on...

S1:My birthday is on February 16th.

T:Good. A sticker for you. Who can? When is your birthday?


T:When is your birthday? That means when were you born? (教师出示句型条) 是询问生日的另一种表达法. You can answer I was born on... (教师出示句型条, 并带读)





T:Was born

Ss:Was born

T:I was born on October 22nd. So when were you born? Who can answer?

S3:I was born on March 29th.

T:Very good, two stickers for you. Who can answer? When were you born?

S4:I was born on July 28th.


教师呈现课题:Today we are going to learn Lesson 10 When were you born? (板贴)

【设计意图】通过复习环节出示的最后一个日期, 教师巧妙地引出自己的生日, 并询问学生的生日, 引导学生用已学的知识进行真实的表达运用, 然后通过两种询问生日表达法意义的相同性, 引导学生尝试着用新句型表达自己的生日, 不仅理解了新知的含义, 而且进行了初步的学习, 降低了后续学习的难度。

(三) Step 3:Listen and say

1. 谈论主题图, 获取对话背景信息

T:Look! Who are they?

S1:Lingling and Father.

T:Yes. They are Lingling and dad. Where are they? At school or at home?

S2:At home.

T:Yes, two stickers for you. What are they talking about?Birthday or Teacher’s Day?


T:How do you know that? You can say it in Chinese.


T:Excellent! Three stickers for you. Because they are watching TV and some children are having a birthday party on TV. So they are talking about birthday.

T:Look at this picture, there is a photo of Lingling’s family.

T:Who’s this? (教师逐一指向人物图像)

Ss:Grandma /Grandpa /Mother /Father. (学生根据教师所指顺序回答)

T:There are five people in Lingling’s family.Whose birthdays are they talking about? Can you guess?

Ss:Lingling’s /Father’s /Mother’s /Dad and grandma’s. (学生根据自己的猜测回答)


【设计意图】教师引导学生充分观察主题图, 明确对话发生的时间、地点、人物和谈论的话题, 帮助学生更好地理解语言的功能;同时, 提供选项帮助学生找到问题的答案, 降低了交流的难度, 使信息更加聚焦;问题的引导有助于培养学生的观察能力, 发散学生思维, 促进语言应用。

2. 整体感知对话, 提取主要信息

(1) 第一遍整体视听对话, 回答问题:Whose birthday are they talking about?

T:Whose birthday are they talking about?

Ss:Grandma and dad.

(2) 第二遍整体视听对话, 回答问题:When was grandma /dad born?

T:They are talking about grandma and dad’s birthday. When were they born? Let’s see the cartoon again, and find out the answer.


T:When was Dad born?

S1:May 23rd.

T:Great! Two stickers for you. When was grandma born?

S2:June 15th.

T:Good. A sticker for you.

【设计意图】整体感知对话, 提取对话主要信息, 帮助学生梳理对话的内容, 为进一步学习语言奠定良好的理解基础。

3. 学习对话1

(1) 逐句呈现并学习对话1中的句子

①学习句子When were you born, Dad?

T:OK, let’s go to the Dialogue 1. Lingling wants to know her father’s birthday. How does Lingling ask? Let’s listen.

(学生听句子When were you born, Dad?两遍)

T:Who can?

S1:When were you born, Dad?

T:Yes or no?


T:Let’s check. (教师点击课件, 呈现句子, 确认学生的答案)

T:OK. Lingling asks:When were you born, Dad?Read after me.

(教师板贴句型条, 带读, 并开展男女生、组与组之间的朗读比赛。)

② 学习句子I was born on May 23rd.

T:How does Ling ling’s father answer?Listen.

(学生静听句子Iwas born on May23rd.两遍)

T:How does Lingling’s father answer?

S1:May 23rd.

T:The whole sentence.Let’s listen to it again.

(学生再次静听I was born on May 23rd.)

T:How does Lingling’s father answer?

S2:I was born on May 23rd.

T:Yes or no.


T:Let’s check. (教师点击课件, 呈现句子, 确认学生的答案)

T:OK.Lingling’s father says:I was born on May 23rd.Read after me.

(教师板贴句型条, 带读, 并开展男女生、组与组之间的朗读比赛。)

③ 学习句子I will make a cake for you.

T:What will Lingling do for his father? Let’s listen.

(学生静听句子I will make a cake for you.两遍)

T:What does Lingling say?

S1:I will make a cake for you.

T:Yes. Lingling says I will make a cake for you. (教师点击课件呈现答案并板贴句型条)

T:Which picture is“make a cake”A, B or C? (教师呈现PPT图片请学生选择)


T:A sticker for you.

师生练习朗读句子:I will make a cake for you.

【设计意图】以听入手, 引导学生通过辨音尝试重复听到的内容, 训练学生的听力技能;开展男、女生比赛读句子等多种方式朗读课文句型, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 体验成功, 帮助学生内化语言。

(2) 练习朗读对话1


T:Open your books, Page 20, please. Let’s read Dialogue One. Are you ready? Let’s begin.




T:Now I’m Lingling, you are Dad. When were you born, Dad?

Ss:I was born on May 23rd.

T:I will make a cake for you. Very good! Now this time, you are Lingling, I am Dad.


4. 以同样方法学习对话2


(1) 师生分角色朗读示范

T:Look at blackboard. I am Lingling, you are Lingling’s father. Let’s role play. OK?


(2) 呈现朗读任务及评价方式

T:This time, work in groups. Four in a group, two are Ling, the other two are father. You can choose the different task. If you act Dialogue 1, you can get two stickers. If you act Dialogue 2, you can get one sticker. But if you act the whole dialogue, you can get 3 stickers.

(3) 小组选择任务并练习

(4) 小组展示

T:Which group wants to show?


T:Who are Lingling?Who are dad?


T:Two stickers for you.


【设计意图】通过布置不同的任务, 照顾不同层次的学生, 为每个学生的展示提供机会;通过组内分角色练习朗读, 体会人物角色, 梳理人物话语, 促进语言内化。

(四) Step 4:Listen, look and learn

1. 谈论Lingling的家庭成员的生日

T:This is Lingling’s family. Can you answer my question? When was Lingling born?

— When was...born?

—He/She was born on...

S1:She was born on January 21st.

T:Very good. A sticker for you.When was grandma born? Who can?

S2:She was born on June on 15th.

T:She was born on June on 15th. Very good, a sticker for you. When was Grandpa born?

S3:He was born on February 9th.


2.扮演Lingling, 介绍家庭成员的生日

(1) 教师示范

教师逐一出示图中人物的生日, 进行介绍:I’m Lingling. I was born on January 21st.

My grandma was born on June 15th. My grandpa was born on February 9th. My mother was born on August 14th. My father was born on May 23rd.

I was born on...

My grandma was born on...

(2) 学生小组内练习

(3) 学生展示

T:Who wants to be Lingling? Come here please.

【设计意图】运用本节课所学功能句型When was... born? 询问Lingling家庭成员的生日, 引导学生用She /He was born on...来进行回答, 复现原有知识, 对功能句型进一步巩固和运用;引导学生扮演Lingling, 介绍她的家庭成员的生日信息, 不仅使学生初步练习从对话到语段的表达方法, 也为后面的Write and tell板块做了铺垫和准备。

(五) Step 5:Homework

1. Read the dialogue.

2. Talk about your family.

(六) Step 6:Sum-up

教师统计学生所得的贴画数, 对得到贴画个数较多的前几名学生颁发小礼物。

T:Who has got twelve? A toy rabbit for you.



在宽松、和谐的教学氛围中, 笔者完成了本节课的教学。通过本节课的学习, 学生基本掌握了所学内容, 在学习的过程中, 充分体验了英语学习的乐趣, 取得了较好的效果。笔者认为在今后的教学中值得借鉴成功之处有如下三点:

(一) 注重信息提取, 强调理解先行

苏霍姆林斯基指出“理解是识记的基础, 应该引导学生通过理解, 弄清大量的事物、现象和事实以后再进行识记”。英语学习也一样, 学生只有理解了语言的功能和含义, 才能模仿、识记并运用。本节课上, 为了帮助学生理解所学内容, 笔者设计了不同的活动。例如, 引导学生通过观察主题图背景信息, 明确对话发生的时间、地点、人物、起因和话题, 完成对目标语的话题和功能的理解;引导学生通过两遍整体视听, 找出对话的主要信息, 完成对课文内容的理解;通过图片选择, 完成对课文中的情景语言I’ll make a cake for you的理解。这些理解活动的设计, 有效地帮助学生感知、体验语言, 并实现了最终的运用。

(二) 注重细节设计, 引领学生发展

细节决定成败。本节课在整体活动设计的基础上, 还关注了细节的设计与实施, 帮助学生更好地达成学习目标。例如:将本课时的重点短语分别在复习环节、新授环节和拓展提高环节以不同的任务情境呈现, 增加了复现率, 强化了学生记忆;将本课时的重难点功能句When were you born?以When is your birthday?同义句的形式呈现, 帮助学生理解其含义;在对话学习中, 通过听辨、多种形式朗读等方式帮助学生练习语音语调, 分散了难点, 降低了学习难度;将Lingling一家人的概念引入课堂, 创设了一节课都在谈论Lingling的家庭成员生日的整体情景, 使应用板块Write and tell的教学水到渠成。这些细节设计, 环环相扣、首尾相应、化整为零, 帮助学生循序渐进地构建了知识体系, 引领学生多元发展。

(三) 注重分层评价, 关注学生差异

在本节课中, 为了激发学生参与英语学习活动的积极性, 帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯, 笔者将评价贯穿课堂始终, 并根据学生的表现进行了分层设计。在学生个体活动展示时, 笔者会根据问题的难易度、学生回答的准确性以及回答的时机等给予学生不同个数的贴画奖励。在学生小组或结对展示活动中, 笔者会根据学生对不同任务的选择给予不同个数的贴画奖励, 例如在课文分角色朗读环节, 如果学生只选择展示对话1, 就会在展示后得到两个贴画的奖励;如果只选择展示对话2, 则会得到一个贴画奖励, 因为对话2的难度要相对小一些;但如果学生选择展示整个对话 (包括对话1和2) , 则会得到三个贴画奖励。这种奖励与展示的效果关联不是很大, 主要是鼓励学生挑战自我, 获得更多的展示体验, 并在准备和展示的过程中付出努力, 获得更好的发展。


张洲 (北京教育学院国际语言与文化学院)

本节课以《英语》 (北京版) 三年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 10 When were you born?为教学内容, 在教学设计过程中, 教师通过对问题的层次性设计, 并对对话信息进行交互式处理, 使整个课堂知识的教授循序渐进, 真正贯穿落实了以学生为主体的教学理念。

一、提问设计层次清晰, 强调整体理解

“提问是课堂教学中不可缺少的一种重要手段。恰到好处的提问可以提高教学质量。”学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的。本节课教师采取了问题导读式引领学生理解对话, 并通过问题的层次性设计, 完成了对话信息的交互式处理。例如:在整体感知对话环节, 教师播放了两遍对话动画, 每遍播放之前都提出了问题, 问题内容采用了由表及里、由易到难、循序渐进的方式。通过视听、回答问题, 学生理解了对话的主要信息。有效地启迪了学生的思维, 改变了他们学习的方式, 有效地提高了课堂学习效果。通过问题的引导, 发散了学生的思维。

二、课堂教学扎实有效, 关注学生、以学生为中心

本节课中, 教师通过图片预测内容、观看动画检验预测、听录音提取主要功能句型三个步骤进行故事教学, 逐层递进, 抓住学生的注意力, 引导学生小梯度、细致、深入的进行练习;并通过跟录音读、跟教师读、男生读、女生读、小组读、分角色朗读等多种形式的练习达到能够理解、朗读、表演本课故事的教学目标;本节课教师始终关注学生, 例如:学生听录音没有听清楚, 教师就再播放一遍;出现了学生不会回答的问题, 教师对学生进行及时的交流与引导, 把学生放在主体位置。

摘要:以《英语》 (北京版) 三年级上册Unit 3 Lesson 10 When were you born?为例, 在教学设计过程中, 采取问题导读式引领学生理解对话, 并通过问题的层次性设计, 完成了对话信息的交互式处理。整个课堂活动逐层递进, 抓住了学生的注意力, 引导学生小梯度、细致、深入地进行练习, 有效地完成了教学目标。

3.求职英语Lesson 篇三








(一) 知识目标

词汇:people, America, grow, harvest, God.句型: In September 1620, some English people went to America in a boat. In spring, they learned to grow corn. In fall, they had a very good harvest. They thanked God for giving them food.




1. 了解节日文化,学会讲述感恩节的由来,谈论自己最喜欢的节日的由来。

2. 培养学生努力学习、克服困难、积极面对生活的情感态度。

3. 话题具体,有利于培养学生的全体参与、合作能力。






(包括师生活动、时间分配及设计意图等)Step 1: Warm-up (8 minutes)

1、Sing the song:There are twelve months in a year. (在活跃的歌声中开始四十分钟的课程,可以大大提高学生的兴趣。)

2、复习月份和节日的说法,“在某年某月”的表达法及表示四季的单词。 教师出示自制的日历,复习学过的月份单词。T: Which month? Ss: September.

[设计意图] 复习月份单词。由月份单词的复习,可以引出Thanksgiving的学习。Free talk谈论感恩节的活动,既复习了前面的内容,又为后面的环节做了很好的铺垫。

Step 2: While-reading(20 minutes)

1. 整体扫读,捕捉信息。

What's the text about? (It's about Thanksgiving.) What do people usually do on Thanksgiving? (They have a big dinner party.) 课件出示礼物图和派


4.英语教案-Lesson 20 篇四

1 Revise Lesson 19, Part 1, as in Step 3 of the TB.

2 Get the Ss to retell the story in SB page 19, Part 2.

Step 2 Word families

SB page 20, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 20.

Play the tape: Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then words by showing flashcards randomly and asking Ss to pronounce the words written on them.

Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. The answers are: half, sock, work, month.

Step 3 Puzzle

SB page 20, Part 2. Let the Ss work on the puzzle alone or with a partner.

Check the answers with the whole class .

Note that in puzzle clues full stops are not usually required .

The answers are:

DOWN: 1 September, 2 dangerous

ACROSS:1 stand, 2 parent, 3 eleven,

4 borrow, 5 trucks

Step 4 Checkpoint 5

Go through Checkpoint 5 in the usual way.

Practise the s0i useful expressions s0i .

Discuss any problems raised by the Ss .

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. It is a good idea if you have the information available in case the Ss do not know the answers .

The Ss ask and answer in pairs . Then collect the results on the Bb and ask questions about them:

Does Class 4 have fewer boys than Class 3?

Step 6 Test

Give a short dictation .

Look! * Li Lei is climbing* up the ladder.*

Now hes picking* the apples . * Hes putting them* in a basket. * Li Leis basket* is full. * It is heavier* than Jims basket. * Li Lei has more apples* than Jim, * but Polly has* the fewest of all ! *

Step 7 Song

Teach the song in Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 3 if there is time.

Note:The song is on the Speech Cassette. Play the whole song on cassette to the students .Then play the first verse and get the students to join in. Do the other verses in the same way.

Divide the class into three groups and one group sings one verse. Repeat.

If you like, have a competiton between the groups .


Revise the language items in Unit 5.

Learn the contents of Checkpoint 5.

5.高二英语教案Lesson 89 篇五

3.Words and phrases: chat/ have„ on / get together / all the best / have a word with Teaching aids: a recorder, a computer, a telephone, etc.Teaching procedure: A.Preparation 1.Revision 1)Daily report: As usual, each student says something that they are familiar with, such as film stars, pop stars, sports stars, daily life, etc.(Ex.Ⅰ in AB)2)Make some brief telephone conversations with the Ss in the class, for example: T:(Use the telephone and dial the number.)S1: Hello.T: Can I.speak to Hou Ying? S1: This is Hou Ying.T: Hello.This is Wang Bing.How are you? S1: Fine.Thank you.And you? T: Im OK.Thank you.„„

S2:(Use the telephone and dial the number.)T: Hello.S2: Can I speak to Shi Wei? T: Im sorry, shes not in.Can I take a message? S2: OK.This afternoon well have a meeting at 2 oclock in the school hall.Please tell her to attend it on time.Dont he late.T: OK.2.Presentation Tell the students in this unit we are going to learn about telephones.From this unit, you can get some information about telephones, such as How were telephones connected with each other in the past and how about today? etc.B.The body of the lesson 1.Listening 1)Ask the Ss what can you see in the picture?(A man is ringing somebody up)and get the Ss to tell you what they think is happening.2)Tell the Ss Today We are going to learn a dialogue between Steve and Pippa.They are talking about something.3)Teacher may say: Listen to the dialogue(Book closed.)and think about the question: What does Steve ask Pippa to do?(To go to a lecture about the universe.)2.Drill 1)The students work in pairs to practise the dialogue.Walk around the room and correct pronunciation as necessary.Ask some pairs to present the dialogue to the class.2)Pair work.Complete the following dialogues.(Ex.Ⅱ in AB)A: Thanks for the message.B: Not at all.A: Theres no one called Mary here.B: Im sorry.I think I dialed the wrong number.A: Please could I have a word with her? B: Just a moment.Ill go and get her.A: Have you got time for a chat? B: No, Ill have to ring off now.Someone wants to use the phone.A: Ive got sth.on that evening.B: What a pity!A: Are you free to come to a party on Friday? B: Just a minute.Ill have a look to see if Im free then.A: Is this a convenient time? B: Sure, go ahead.A: Would you like a word with her? B: Yes, please.3)You can give the following exercise.Say: We just know sth.of making a short telephone dialogue.Please tell me what we shall say when we make a short telephone dialogue? S1: Hello.Can I speak to„? S2: Hello.Is that Bob? S3: Hi, this is Steve.Is Pippa there? S4: Would you like a word with Bob? S5: Hold on.S6: Im sorry.I think I dialed the wrong number.S7: Please could I have a word with„? S8: Ill have to ring off now.Someone wants to use the phone.„„ 3.Comprehension 1)Ask the students to say the general meaning of the dialogue.2)New words:(Before class, the teacher made them look up these words in the dictionary and explain them both in Chinese and in English.At the same time, they can learn the usage of the word in the dictionaries.)excellent: very good dial: an action while ringing somebody chat: a talk 3)Language points:(1)Would you like a word with her? =(informal)would you like to speak to her? Would like a word /a few words with somebody = have a word with somebody eg: The boss would like a word with you in his office.(2)Hold on.= Wait a moment;don’t put down the telephone.(3)The speakers supposed to be excellent.Suppose somebody / something to be„ = consider somebody / something to be„

eg: All the classmates suppose him to be stupid.But in fact, he is a good student.Jenny is supposed to be the best student in our class.be supposed to = should eg: Youre supposed to start work at 8:30 every morning.Lucy was supposed to come to lunch.What happened?(4)All the best.= All the best wishes to you.= All the very best.eg: All the best in your new job.All the best with your family.4)Fill in the blanks with the new words and expressions(Ex.Ⅲ in AB).(1)I dialed the wrong number yesterday, so I couldnt find her.(2)She is such an excellent girl that all the teachers like her.(3)Tomorrow well get together at the school gate to go outing.(4)Shes supposed to come here.(5)Please could I have a word with her?(6)Mary sees Peter off at the railway station.She says to Peter: “All the best.” C.Consolidation 1.Practice Divide the whole class into four groups.And let them make up new dialogues with their partners according to the dialogue and practice.Ask the Ss to pay attention to daily expressions of telephones.Group1: Make up a dialogue between two Ss who want to watch a football match.Group2: Make up a dialogue between two Ss, one of whom doesnt know the English homework.Group3: Make up a dialogue about visiting the Great Wall.Group4: Make up a dialogue between a teacher and a student about asking for a leave.Give the Ss a few minutes to prepare for the new dialogues.And then ask some pairs to act their dialogues out.See which group can do it well.Give them some red flowers.2.Development Teacher may say: We know how to make a short telephone dialogue.Now lets have a discussion about the good of telephones.Is it convenient? S1: Its easily used.S2: Its easy to communicate.S3: Its convenient.„„

6.轮机英语 翻译lesson8 篇六


至于增压,是在一定压力下把大量空气吹入气缸。老式柴油机采用“自然换气”—在大 气压下吸入新鲜空气。通过在吸气管和气缸之间采用合适的压气机增加充气密度,使进入每 个工作冲程的空气重量增加,因此可燃烧更多的燃油,相应的,每缸输出功率增加。在大多 数现代柴油机上,采用废气涡轮增压实现空气密度的增加。在涡轮增压装置中,一个由柴油 机排气驱动的涡轮直接和离心压气机相连。无论是四冲程机还是二冲程机均可增压。应当注 意,增压对非增压柴油机而言,并非只是设备的增加。增压柴油机必须能经受所增加的压力 及所产生的热负荷。

对换气过程而言,进入气缸的空气压力高于排气总管的压力十分必要。由于废气涡轮增 压器在低转速下不能提供足够的空气,就二冲程柴油机而言,通常配备一台电动辅助鼓风机。高增压发动机使用串联(多级)涡轮增压。增压后的空气通过冷却来增加空气的密度。涡轮风机或涡轮增压器是在同一根轴相对的两端装废气涡轮和压气机。压气机和涡轮之 间彼此密封。

在新充的新鲜空气被压缩之前,每个气缸充分地驱除废气十分必要,否则新充新鲜空气 将被循环的残余废气污染。而且,若新充空气因与废气混合与热的缸壁及活塞接触而被加热,则循环的温度会毫无必要地增加。

在四冲程柴油机中,从进气阀打开到排气阀关闭,其间有一个适度的重叠。在重叠期间 流过气缸的空气流产生有益的冷却效果。这将有助于增加容积效率,并确保循环温度较低,而且还使作用在涡轮叶片上的废气温度相对较低。而在二冲程柴油机中,这一重叠受到柴油 机设计特点的限制,进排气的轻微混合确实存在。

低速二冲程柴油机有多种不同的扫气方式。无论哪一种都是从向下运动的活塞打开进 气口开始至向上运动的活塞关闭进气口为止。扫气空气的流动线路取决于柴油机气口的形状 设计以及排气布置。通常有三种基本的扫气方式:横流、回流及直流扫气。17

在横流扫气中,进气直接上行,驱赶前面的废气,然后,废气下行,从扫气口排出。在回流扫气中,进气经活塞头上部,朝缸盖方向上行,进气前的废气被迫下行。从位于 进气口上方的排气口排出。

在直流扫气中,进气从气缸下端进入,从顶部排出。气缸顶部的出口可以是排气口,也 可以是大的排气阀。
