


1.两人情景对话英文 篇一

男:Hello, I’m Ben. May I ask you some questions?


男:What is your father’s name?


男:Then, What is your mother’s name?


男:Are you joking?

女:No! That’s my sister! I am Kidding. By the way, are you a census staff?

男:Of course not.

女:Go ahead.

男:OK. Your name is Kidding. Kidding, Im going to start a

band. Will you join us?

女:Sure, Ben. Id love to be in a band

男:OK, good. Which instrument do you play? I heard that you

can play piano very well.

女:Piano? I dont play an instrument actually.

男:What are you good at?

女:I sing. I like music with great lyrics.

男: So do I. Who else do you think can join us?

女:Well, Dave is supposed to be a good one.

男:Really? What does he like?

女:He prefers quiet music.

男:Good. How about Harry? He plays the guitar, doesn’t he?

女:Yes, but Harry loves loud music such as disco .

男:Thats OK. I often go to disco with my friends.

女:You mean we can play both loud music and quiet music?

男:Why not?

女:What kind of music style do you prefer, Ben?

男:Oh, I like music that I can dance to.

But we have one problem with our band

女:what is it?

男:Im not a musician and I cant sing.

女:Are you joking?

男:No, that’s your sister’s name. Just now I was kidding.

女:Well, that makes sense!

2.两人的对话搞笑段子精选 篇二


3.有个人出门找茬,到处叫嚣,“谁敢惹我?” 结果一个壮汉一把拦住,“我敢”。 这人打量了一下,立马站到那壮汉身边,“谁敢惹咱俩!”


5.三个老鼠分别品尝美国,日本,中国的美酒! 一只喝了美国酒之后,走三步倒了! 另一只喝了日本酒之后,走二步倒了! 最后一只喝了中国的二锅头之后,提了把菜刀大喊:“妈的!猫呢?”


7.提问:美国人尿急的时候会变成。。。 回答:姜国人!!!


9.医生对将开刀的病人说: “这个手术有些风险,要是失败了,会造成你左半身麻痹。” 病人用手摸了摸命根子…… 医生:“你干嘛?” 病人:“我只是将它移到右边。”

3.雅思口语情景对话 篇三

在澳洲的第一个住所,位于该国的第五大城市阿德莱德的最西侧,一个靠海的叫Fulham的平均收入水平中等的区域。由于临海,每一口呼吸都显得格外清新,虽然我知道自己正身处全世界最适宜人类居住的国家和城市之一,理应如此。阿德莱德的7月,正逢冬季的最低温,每每夜幕降临时,房东老太太都会热心得提醒我打开暖气。至今还怀念她那时候经常会做的姜丝炒牛肉,很香,配一碗米饭,从头到脚感觉都是暖暖的。后来我才知道,跟很多寄宿家庭相比,她算很贴心了。由于澳洲是一个常年紧缺淡水资源的国度,当地居民都会尽可能节约用水,例如,每天洗澡,都会控制在5-10分钟,再比如,拖完地的水可以二次利用地浇灌自家的花园和庭院。因为是冬天,老太太希望我能每天临睡前洗个舒服的热水澡,完全不限制我的用水时间:”Please feel free to have a warm shower whenever you want.Your parents must be worried about you if you get cold in Australia.”

一个周末的午后,她端着一杯加了奶的咖啡和几块自己烘烤的曲奇饼干,来到我的房间:”Would you like to try some coffee and cookies? I made the cookies this morning and see if you like them.And I also added some milk to the coffee.““Oh, thank you so much, Kathy.You have been really kind to me.”

(当时我正在听歌)“No worries.So do you like music? By the way, who is singing? Amazing vocal„”

“He is American Born Chinese, and his name is Leehom Wang.The song’s name is Forever Love.”

“Oh, great to know that you like to listen to music.I could feel the melody of this song, which is peaceful.”

“Yeah, it’s a nice song, isn’t it? Kathy, the cookies taste delicious, and could you please teach me how to make them when you have some time?”

“Of course, you are always more than welcome, you know.What about the coffee?” “Great!Kathy, appreciated for your kindness, really!”

4.面试英语情景对话 篇四

1. Are you hiring?你们招人吗?2. I saw your ad* in the paper and wanted to apply for the job.我看到你们在报纸上登的广告想来应聘这个工作。3. When can you come in for an interview?你什么时候可以来面试?4. Do you have any references?你有介绍信吗?5. What s your past job experience?你以往有何工作经验?6. This is a very impressive resume, Mr. Smith.你的履历表给人印象深刻,史密斯先生。7. What are your qualifications?您具备什么资历?8. What s the starting salary?起始薪金是多少?9. What possibilities are there for advancement?获得提升有何要求?10. What kind of holidays/ benefits do you have for your employees?你们为职员提供何种假期/福利?


5.旅游英语情景对话 篇五

C&D游客 –

A:大家好,我是A,是负责今天大家行程的导游。旁边这位是我们的译员。欢迎参加我们广之旅。今天我们的行程主要是游览万里长城。如果在旅途中有什么问题都找我。B.Good morning.I am interpreter B.and this is our tour guide A.welcome to our 广之旅。Today we are going to visit the Great wall.If you have any need during the trip, me and A is at your service.C : I have heard so much about the Great Wall, and today I am very happy that I can visit this marvelous piece in person.B: 我听说过很多关于长城的故事,今天我很高兴能亲自来此地参观这伟大的杰作。

D:So do I.i did a lot of research before I came to China.And the Great Wall is one of the most popular tourist attractions in China.and I can not wait to visit..B: 我也是。在我来中国之前,我做了很多调查。长城是中国最有名的名胜古迹之一。我已经等不及要参观了。


B:I am gladly that you all are interested in the Great Wall.At first, here are your tickets.Please put your tickets away.When we leave, you can go to the customers service center near the exit to get a souvenir by the ticket.C&D : ok.thank u.B: 好的,谢谢。

A:长城又称万里长城。它的第一道主城墙建于秦朝。当时长城并非一次建成,而是由交战的几个国家各自修建城墙,后来经过统一合并而成。B:The Great Wall of China is also known in China as the Great Wall of 10,000 Li.The first major wall was built during Qin dynasty.This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by combining several regional walls built by the Warring States.A: 不过,秦朝修建的长城现在几乎不复存在了。如今仍能清晰可见的长城建于明朝(14世纪末到17世纪初)。

B: However,the walls built in Qin Dynasty are no longer in existence.The Great Wall that can still be seen today was built during the Ming Dynasty, which was from late 14th century to 17th century.A: 这次修建规模比以往任何一次都要大,所用材料也更加坚固。B:It was built on a much larger scale and with longer-lasting materials than any wall that bad been built before.C: Oh.It is very impressive.I have a question that the Great Wall is built for protect the another country to attack or for other reason? B: 噢。这真的令我留下很深的印象。我有一个问题,修建长城主要是为了防止他国入侵还是有其他其他原因。


B:During he Qin dynasty, the wall was built to protect the Kingdom from reids by the Mongolian nomadic tribes.The primary purpose of the wall in Ming dynasty was to easure that semi-nomadic people outside of the wall could not across with their horses or return easily with the stolen properties.D: I read a story about the Meng Jiangnu, Is it a true story? B: 我听说过有一个孟姜女的故事。这是一个真实故事吗?

A:这是一个民间传说。主要是反映了古代中国人民付出了沉重的血汗和残酷的古制度。B:this is a folklore.This story tells the hard work of Chinese commoners as well as expose the cruel system.A: 中国有一句俗语,不到长城非好汉。

B:He who has never been to the Great Wall is hardly a real man.C&D:hahaha… really? B:哈哈哈…真的吗?

A: 这是真的。接下是自由游动时间,你们可以到处去拍照留念。一个小时后在出口处集合。B:yes。And next we will have one hour for free activities, you can go anywhere to have some photographs as memory.We will need to gather in the exit one hour later..(At last)A: 再次感谢你们参加我们广之旅的旅行团。希望你们今天都玩得开心。下次再见。

6.日常情景英语对话:问路 篇六

Jessica:Hi, may I buy a ticket back to New York city?


O:Sorry, we had an accident this morning, so we do not sell any ticket back to New York right now.不好意思,我们早上有事故,所以回去纽约市的票不买了现在。

Jessica:What? But I have to go back to New York city today.


O:You may take flight, but I am not sure about flight schedule. Or you can take greyhound.


Jessica:What is greyhound?


O:It is a name of bus. It can bring you back to New York this afternoon, but you have to go to their station to check. Wait, let me call first.

巴士的名字。它今儿下午可以把你带回纽约,但是你也要去车站查看一下,等等, 我可以先打个电话问问。



O:Yes, they told me the bus will departure at 1:00 pm. Your time is ok. It is not far. 巴士下午一点开。你的时间可以的。不远。

Jessica:Great, would you like to give me the address of Greyhound station?




Jessica:Thanks a lot.


O:You are welcome.

7.职场英语责备情景对话 篇七

Hi, Tony. You look unhappy. What’s wrong?



Oh, Mary. I made a big mistake.



What happened?



I really wish I hadn’t done it.



What on earth? are you talking about?



I got caught cheating. I feel so ashamed. The teacher saw me and told me I failed.



What were you thinking?



You know my father. If I fail, he’ll kill me. I have to do well.



But what you should do is study hard.



I know…I know…it’s all my fault. I feel awful that I didn’t study, and I cheated, and I got caught.



So long as you learn from your mistakes.



I know. I feel like a failure. My father is going to be so disappointed when he finds out what I’ve done.

8.英语情景对话:问路 篇八

Hello Everyone! This is 豆子. I flew to New York in March, 2017. I had to take a train to a small city, Albany, which is not far away from New York. Actually it was my second time to visit New York. I took subway from Brooklyn to Manhattan; then, I need to go to Penn Station to take the tain. Today, I am sharing some key words and phrases about how to get direction to some places.

Jessica: Excuse me sir, would you like to tell me the way to the Penn Station?


Police: Penn Station? Ok, Just go down this street and turn left at the third corner. You will see the station is at the end of that street.


Jessica: Sorry, would you like to say it again? I didn’t catch it. Thanks.


Police: No problem. Go down this street and turn left at the third corner. The station is at the end of that street.


Jessica: Got it! Thanks. Have a good day.明白了,谢谢!祝您今天愉快!

Police: You too!



S: Next one, please!


Jessica: Hi! May I have a cup of jasmine green tea?


S: Sure, what size?


Jessica: Tall one!


S: Ok, may I have your name please?


Jessica: Jessica, thanks.


S: 5 dollars, and wait over there. Have a nice day.


Jessica: Oh, may I get the Wi-Fi password?


S: Sure, it is on the back of your receipt.


Jessica: Ok. May I also get the password for the bathroom?


S: Sure, Let me write it for you.



Jessica: Hi, I need to buy a ticket to Albany. Where can I buy the ticket?


Police: Sale windows are over there! You just tell the officer where you are going to.售票窗口在那,你就跟售票的说你去哪!

Jessica: Thanks.


Police: You are welcome.


Jessica: Hi, I would like to buy a train ticket to Albany.


S: Ok, let me check. We have the next train to Albany at 2:00 pm, is that ok?


Jessica: Yes, that is ok.


S: 30 dollars, may I see your ID please?


Jessica: Sure!


S: Ok, here is your ticket.


Jessica: Thanks! Is anyone going to give me a notice to take the train?


S: Yes, the notice will be announced 20 minutes in advance.


Jessica: Great! Thanks.


S:No problem!

