


1.英语句型总结 篇一





I agree to/am in favor of the plan.2、首先,建工厂会给人们提供不同的工作。

First, the building of the factory will provide people with different jobs.3、其次,它可以省许多钱。

Second,it can save a lot of money.4、最后,它不会太危害环境。

Last,but not least, it won’t do much harm to the environment.5、我反对这个计划。

I don’t agree to the plan.6、一方面,它会占去学校太多的空间。

On one hand, it will take too much space of our school.7、另一方面,机器的噪音会影响我们的教学工作。

On the other hand, the noise of the machines will have bad effect on our teaching work.8、总之,我认为这不是个好计划。

In a word, we don’t think it a good plan.9、一般来说,我们必须特别注意这个问题。

Generally speaking, we must pay much attention to this problem.10、在我看来,它不值得做。

In my opinion, it is not worth doing.2、图画说明


This is a picture of our school life.2、有一个男孩站在那儿。

There is a boy standing there.3、有一些学生在打篮球。

Some students are playing basketball.4、另外一些人在彼此交谈。

Others are talking with each other.5、甚至有一个人在打太极拳。

There is even one who is practicing taichi.6、阳光明媚。

The sun is shining brightly.7、天空蔚蓝。

The sky is blue.8、微风吹拂。

The wind is blowing softly.9、鸟儿在树上欢快地叫着。

The birds are singing happily in the trees.10、树木充满了生机。

The trees are full of new life.3、数字说明


Opinions are divided about/on the problem.2、百分之八十的学生喜欢校服。

Eighty percent of the students like school uniforms.3、他们认为校服设计得好。

They think the uniforms are well designed.4、其余的人对校服不感兴趣。

Therest are not interested in school uniforms.5、三分之一的学生住得离学校近。

One third of the students live near their school.6、一半多学生要花50分钟才能到学校。

More than half of the students spend 50 minutes on the way to school.7、很少的人坐小汽车上学。

Few of them go to school by car.8、2020年,这个城市将会有三百万辆汽车。

There will be 3 million cars in the city in 2020.9、他们每天花一个半小时做作业。

It takes them an hour and a half to do their homework every day.10、他们学了一年多英语了。

They have learned English for more than a year.4、地方介绍


There is a teaching building in the middle of the school.2、楼的南边有一个游泳池。

As wimming pool lies to the south of the building.3、楼的后面有许多树。

There are many trees behind the building.4、楼的前边有一个小花园。

In front of the building lies a small garden.5、楼的对面是宿舍。

Opposite the building is a dorm.6、宿舍的旁边是食堂。

Beside the dorm stands the dining hall.7、厨房和客厅挨着。

The kitchen stands next to the living room.8、墙上挂着一张世界地图。

A map of the world hangs on the wall.9、桌子下面有一只可爱的小狗。

There is a lovely dog under the table.10、屋子的后面有一个书架。

At the back of the room is a bookshelf.5、人物介绍


They hired a person named Tom.2、他高个子,大眼睛。

He is a tall man with big eyes.3、他擅长英语。

He is good at English.4、他闲暇时经常听音乐。

He usually listens to music in his spare time.5、他的爱好是篮球。

Basketball is his hobby.6、他毕业于第八中学。

He graduated from No.8 Middle School.7、他曾获英语竞赛第一名。

He once got the first place in the English competition.8、他友善并且随和。

He is kind and easy-going.9、他经常帮我们学英语。

He often helps us with our English.10、他被认为是最好的学生之一。

He is regarded as one of the best students.6、活动安排


We will gather at the school gate at seven in the morning.2、我们7:30出发。

We will set off at 7:30.3、我们将乘公共汽车去。

We will go there by bus.4、在那儿的饭店吃午饭。

Lunch will be served in the restaurant there.5、我们将参观那儿的工厂和学校。

We will visit the factories and schools there.6、然后,我们将和当地的农民聊天。

After that, we will chat with the farmers there.7、一个小时后,我们去钓鱼。

An hour later, we will go fishing.8、旅行的费用由学生自己承担。

The cost of the trip will be paid by the students themselves.9、我们下午5点才能回到学校。

We won’t return to our school until 5:00 p.m.10、我将全程陪同。

I will be in your company all the way.7、表示感想



I like the film very much.2、我很喜欢这个戏剧。

I am very fond of the play.3、我厌烦了这儿的食物。

I am tired of the food here.4、我感动得哭了。

I was moved to tears.5、我兴奋得睡不着觉。

I was so excited that I could not fall asleep.6、我如此的悲伤以至于眼里充满泪水。

I was so sad that tears came to my eyes.7、多漂亮的画啊!

What a beautiful picture!


How brave the soldiers are!


I have never seen a better film.10、我的书比你的书多。

I have more books than you.8、叙述事件


The story happened in London.2、起初,他没看见那个人。

At first, he didn’t see the man.3、然后,他走到汽车那儿。

Then he went over to the bus.4、过了一会儿,他上了小汽车。

After a little while,he got on the car.5、后来,他掏出了枪。

Later on he took out his gun.6、最后,他被捕了。

At last, he was arrested.7、开始时,老师给我们做了简短的介绍。

In the beginning, the teacher gave us a brief introduction.8、后来,他开始在黑板上写东西。

Afterwards, he began to write something on the blackboard.9、同时,学生记笔记。

Meanwhile, the students took notes.10、最终,学生们成功了。

In the end, the students succeeded.9、通知与事件


Ladies and gentlemen,attention please!


I have something important to tell you.3、今天下午3点在图书馆有一个讲座。

We are going to have a lecture in the library at 3:00 this afternoon.4、演讲者是一个美国教授。

The speaker will bean American professor.5、他将谈论空气污染的问题。

He will talk about air pollution.6、请大家按时到场。

Please be there on time.7、我要说的就这些,谢谢!

That’s all.Thank you!


How have you been recently?


I am writing to tell you a piece of good news.10、希望早日收到你的回复。

I am looking forward to your early reply.10、杂类


I have little money.2、我家人比你家人多。

There are more people in my family than in yours.3、我们学校的操场比你们学校的操场大。

The playground in my school is larger than that in yours.4、新中国是1949年成立的。

1949 saw the founding of new China.5、我还没来得急接电话他就挂断了。

He hung up before I answered the phone.6、这个老师太值得表扬了。

You can never praise the teacher enough/too much.7、我特别地感谢你。

I can never thank you enough.8、我学得越多就越高兴。

The more I learn, the happier I am.9、这个房子比那个房子大三倍。

The house is three times bigger than that one.10、他还没回家呢。

He is not at home yet.

2.英语句型总结 篇二

21世纪时全球各个角落大融合的大时代。英语, 作为公认的国际语言, 正在越来越多的领域发挥着他的连接作用。而在国内, 随着各国外企的入驻, 越来越多的单位都要求自己的员工具有一定的英语交流能力。只拥有阅读写作能力, 而开口讲不出英语的学生, 将被淘汰。

欧美等发达地区的人才已经具备了充分的双语能力, 一大部分的人才甚至具有三语能力。在亚洲, 除了日本, 韩国, 新加坡等国家也将自己的大学本科毕业生是否具有双语能力是为提高综合国力的重要战略。因此, 我们更加容易看出, 双语教学是大学教学的大势所趋。


20世纪二十年代中, 美国出现了一种思潮, 即“国家主义观点”, 他主张为了使移民为主的美国迅速具有凝聚力和团结力, 使用一种共通的语言, 迫在眉睫。一些学者还提出了“熔炉说”, 主张英语应该成为美国公立学校使用的唯一授课语言。之后, 美国在移民中间兴起了学习英语的热潮, 英语这一共通的元以内为民族融合起了不可磨灭的作用。1968年, 美国通过了“双语教育法案”, 规定了为英语能力不足的学生提供英语教育, 而且提供相应的资金。

加拿大也在双语方面取得了世人瞩目的成绩背景分不开。基于加拿大特殊的英法殖民地历史背景, 家长们发现如果自己的孩子们不会讲法语, 将在双语社会中处于劣势, 只会一种语言将无法被认可成优秀的人才被重用。另一方面, 加拿大教育部门给学生提供尽可能早的法语环境。初始阶段的幼儿园和小学一年级教育, 使用第二语言的授课量占到一半, 甚至是百分之百。

美国和加拿大的成功看似不同, 却又有着相同之处, 那就是他们都是通过浸入式双语教学, 不仅使学生会将一门语言, 更明白了语言背后的文化。我们高校英语教学, 完全可以提倡“浸入式双语教学”, 教学重点应放在浸入式句型教学, 即尽可能为学生提供生动, 引人入胜的语言环境, 让学生在尽可能多的语言中学会应用语言, 进而脱口而出。


母语第一指的是教学中应首先确保学生扎实的母语功底, 为学生营造基本的社会和心理氛围。因此, 对于英语基础的不同, 可以让不同语言背景的老师教授课程。比如, 为蒙古族学生指派会讲蒙语的英语教师, 让学生首先消除心理上的负担;为英语基础薄弱的汉族学生讲课时, 可以加以适当的汉语, 让学生有一个适应期。

通过单语达到双语, 教师在教学的过程不一定一直用英语进行双语教学活动。有些课程可以用汉语授课, 比如写作课, 指出语法错误时;英美文化课, 讲解独特风俗时。这种分离式的教学法比混合教学法更有效, 更合理, 可以说是双语教学的另一体现。

双语占优指的是在教学过程中, 老师应该通过何种方式让学生明白掌握双语的好处, 不仅是为自己开拓美好的未来, 更是增长知识, 体验另一种文化, 思维模式。

以上三点是加拿大浸入式双语教学的成功经验, 值得我们每一个教师好好思考。

我校教授的大学生, 其特点是英语底子相对薄弱, 高中基本不接触听说, 对于英语国家文化所知甚少;这虽然是弱点, 但从另一方面讲, 这也是优点。首先, 我们可以以英语国家的独特文化作为吸引点, 激起学生的兴趣, 其次, 听说能力较弱也意味着提高的空间大, 只要加以正确的方法, 一旦取得了进步, 会增强学生的信心, 使后续的学习变得更加轻松, 愉快。


词语和句子是构成语言的两大要素。很多中国学生学了十多年英语却说不出, 很大程度上是因为他们不知如何开口, 也就是说, 没有让他们脱口而出的句型。语言的运用单位是句子, 人们的交流过程也是通过句子来传达的, 因此, 针对于培养应用型人才的英语教学, 句型教学应该成为重心。

传统的英语句型教学, 主要采用以语法讲解为主, 配以相应的翻译练习。这种方法, 以理论为主, 实践为辅;教师主动教, 学生被动学。学习外语口语变成了机械重复, 枯燥无味;句型练习应该首先考虑的是消除学生对口语的恐惧心理。认知心理学认为理想的学习状态, 是指学习主体能够根据新信息的输入, 不断调整已有图式结构, 从一种被动的适应性行为变成一种主动性的学习行为。只有首先唤起学习者对英语由衷的热爱, 才能调动出内部的潜能, 继而爆发出无穷的创造力。

因此, 在讲授新视野大学英语第三册的美国五大文化象征之一, 自由女神时, 我们可以以role-play, 扮演导游的形式, 让学生沉浸其中。

Out of all of America's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty.This giant figure, torch in hand and clutching a stone tablet, has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream……

这是导游介绍词的一部分, 通过教授这段话的含义, 我们可以让学生学会抓住语言的核心结构, 用自己的话替换有下划线的部分, 进而介绍自己国家的文化象征。

Out of all of China's symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Great Wall.This giant ancient wall, lying among the mountains and standing there for thousands of years, has for endless of centuries, acted as a figurehead for the Chinese Culture……

诸如此类的深化式类训练, 可以使学生把抽象陌生的第二外语和自己熟悉的生活联系起来, 把新知识的认识和旧知识联系起来, 加深对英语结构的认识, 形成较强的实践能力, 进而可以灵活地把学过的知识应用到复杂的环境中。


我校的学生, 很多来自内蒙边远地区, 英语几乎没有接触过听力和口语, 底子薄。英语课的教学, 如果刚开始就全部英语授课, 即实施“沉浸式”英语教学, 对于他们来说, 无疑是不可能收到好的效果的, 如果一味英语授课, 只能挫伤学生的积极性。

这时的英语教学, 根据母语优先的原则, 应该使用过渡性双语教学。过渡性双语教学指的是在教学过程中, 逐步地引入第二外语, 让学生尽快融入到第二外语环境以及第二外语的文化中。过渡性教学的目的是实现语言与文化的同化。因此, 应该本着以句为单位, 进行联系, 并和汉语相关联, 使得学生深刻体会到第二外语的独特魅力;教学中的练习应突出第二外语句型的精华, 抓住语言的核心结构, 可以让多年没有开口说英语的学生迅速张开嘴, 通过不断讲出英语的句子, 而获得自信心, 进而不断进步。

在这一过程中, 迁移式类化训练可以作为开始一周的教学方法, 等学生熟悉了教学内容, 可以在第二周施以浸入式英语教学。如此交叉, 经过若干个星期, 学生的英语能力可以得到实际的提高。通过句型来贯穿课文的核心内容, 可以使英语底子薄的学生很快在下节课当中, 和老师引起共鸣。


将美国和加拿大“沉浸式双语教学模式”的成功思路应用到大学英语教学中, 可以让学生把学到的知识应用在未来的工作中, 成为顺应未来潮流的人才。在这一过程中, 大学英语教师应该明白, 句型教学, 应该将句子的结构, 意义和句子的交际功能联系起来, 赋予具体生的生活情景, 从简单开始, 慢慢变复杂;从课本的例句开始, 再拓展到抽象的文化。将句型的抽象性转变成生活化, 系统性更加明确具体, 代表性更加突出。

摘要:世界经济一体化, 要求21世纪的人才也应该具备一定的语言交际能力, 比如, 英语能力就是其中最突出, 最实用的。大学作为人才的后备基地, 应该朝着这一方向进行自己的教育改革, 借鉴加拿大美国的双语成功经验, 对于我们大学英语教学具有积极地促进作用。



[1]范俊英, 从疯狂英语中借鉴大学英语学习动机的激发, 科技信息, 2010

[2]钟华, 认知学习理论在英语句型教学中的应用, 成都大学学报 (社科版) , 2002第四期

[3]李梅, 英语句型教学的探索与实践, 科技文汇, 2006, 10上半月刊

3.高考英语句型归纳 篇三

(1) I was walking along the river, when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.

(2) I was about to leave when it began to rain.

(3) I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang, announcing the exam was over.

2. It was(not)+时间段+before+一般过去时 过了一段时间就……

It will(not)be+时间段+before+一般现在时 要过一段时间才会……

It is/has been+时间段+since…

(1) It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.

(2) It will be half a year before you graduate from the school.

(3) It is 3 years since he worked here.=since he left here.

3. once…一旦……,表示时间和条件

(1) Once you understand what the teacher explained, you will have no difficulty doing the work.

(2) Once you have decided to do something, you should finish it and do it well.

4. The+比较级……,the+比较级……,越……,越……

(1) The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

(2) The busier he is, the happier he feels.

5. whether…,or…,无论是……,还是……

(1) Whether the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned.

(2) Any person, whether young or old, has his own worth.

6. if/as long as/so long as/providing that/provided that/supposing that/on condition that 假如…….

I will lend you money on condition that you can return it within 3 months.

7. given that/considering that 考虑到……,鉴于……

(1) Given that she is interested in children, Im sure teaching is the right career for her.

(2) Considering his age and his experience, he has done well.

8. in case that/in case of…万一……,以防……

(1) In case of fire, please dial 119 at once.

(2) In case that John comes/John should come, tell him to wait.

9. 祈使句+or/otherwise+结果句或祈使句+and+结果句

(1) Stop doing such foolish thing, or you will be punished in time.

(2) More effort, and the problem would have been settled.

10. 否定词与比较级连用,表达最高级的含义

(1) I have never seen a better film.

(2) I cant agree you more.

11. can never/cant与too, too much, enough, over搭配表示“无论怎样……都不过分”

(1) While you are doing your homework, you cant be careful enough.

(2) The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English, so we cant overemphasize the importance of learning English.

12. It is said/thought/hoped/believed…that…

Sb. is said/thought/hoped/believed to do…


(1) It is said that he is studying abroad. =He is said to be studying abroad.

(2) It is considered that many countries highly value Chinas role in helping worlds peace.=Many countries is considered to highly value Chinas role in helping worlds peace.

13. 表示过去原打算干,却未曾实现的愿望、打算或意图的结构:had hoped to do=hoped to have done。类似的词还有:expect, think, intend, design, plan, mean, suppose等

(1) —Did you go to see the film “Titanic” last night?—Id like to have, but I had an unexpected guest.

(2) The plane was to have take off at 7 this morning, but was held up by the heavy fog.

14. How did sb come to do…? =How come that… 为什么会……/……是怎么回事?表示要求对所发生的事情说明理由或做出解释

(1) How did you come to find out where shes living? =How come that you found out…

(2) How come that you sat there, doing nothing?

15. when it comes to…当谈到或涉及到……

He is a man of few words, but when it comes to playing computer, he will be excited and full of energy.

16. every time/each time/next time/the first time/any time等短语引导时间状语从句,表示“每当……, 每次……,下次……”

(1) Every time you meet with new words while reading, dont always refer to your dictionary.

(2) Next time you come, do remember to bring your son here.

17. There is(no) need to do…/for…. =It is(not) necessary for sb. to do…

There is(no) hope/chance/possibility of doing…

There is(no) difficulty/trouble/point/delay(in) doing

(1) Is there any chance of us/our winning the match?

(2) There is no point in discussing the problem again.

18. It is up to sb. to do sth. 应由某人来做某事……

(1) —When shall we start out?

—Its up to you to decide.

(2) Its up to you to babysit my baby while I am away on business.

19. There be 句型中,be动词还有其他变化形式,常见的有:There seem to be, There happen to be, There used to be, There is likely to be, There have been/has been 等

(1) There seems/appears to be much hope of our team winning the match.

(2) There happened to be nobody in the room when I came in.

(3) There have been great changes in my hometown since 1978.

20. prefer to do rather than do…(两者相比)愿意干A而不愿意干B=would rather do than do

(1) I prefer to stay at home rather than go to the park in such weather.

(2) Rather than ride on a crowded bus, he always prefer to ride a bicycle.

21. 倍数表达法:

A+谓语+倍数+the+n.(size/height/length…)+of B

A+谓语+倍数+as+adj.+as B

A+谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级+than B A+谓语+adj. 比较级+than B+by+倍数


(1) This square is twice the size of that one. =This square is twice, as large as that one.

(2) He is 3 years older than I=He is older than I by 3 years

22. as/with表示“随……进展”,as 连词 后面接句子,with介词 后面接短语

(1) With the industry developing, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

As the industry develops, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

23. 强调句结构形式是:It+be的一定形式+被强调成分+that/who分句(只有当被强调成分是句子的人称主语时,连接词才可以用who,此时也可以用that:其余情况下只能用that)。通过这种结构可以强调除谓语动词外的大多数句子成分。例如:

(1) It was Mary that who needed the cash.

(2) It was the cash that Mary needed.

重点语法一 主从复合句

1. 定语从句

Ⅰ. 定语从句起了形容词的作用,在句中修饰一个名词或代词。被修饰的词叫做先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词,其作用一是放在先行词与定语从句中间起了连接作用,二是在从句中担当一个成分,并与先行词保持数的一致。

Ⅱ. that与which的用法区别:


1. 先行词为all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much,等不定代词时;2. 先行词被all, any, every, each, much, little, no, some, few等修饰时;3. 先行词有形容词最高级和序数词修饰时;4. 先行词既指人又指物时;5. 先行词被the only, the very修饰时;

6. 句中已经有who或which时,为了避免重复时。

只用which, who, whom的情况

1. 在非限制性定语从句中,只能用which指代物,用who/whom指人;

2. 先行词本身是that时,关系词用which, 先行词为those, one, he时多用who。

Ⅲ. as与which的区别:

1. 限制性定语从句中,名词前有such和the same修饰时,关系代词用as,不能用which。

2. 非限制性定语从句中,as和which都可以指代前面整个主句。如果有“正如,象”的含义,并可以放在主句前,也可以放在后面,那么用as;而which引导的从句只能放主句后,并无“正如”的意思。

2. 状语从句




让步状语从句(由though,although, no matter,even if, however,whatever等词引导);


条件状语从句(由if, whether,as long as,provided that等词引导);



The small greenish flowers of the elm tree appear in the Spring, long before the leaves grow.

状语从句中的 “主语+be”可以省略,前提是:从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语“be”省略后的结构为“连词+现在分词/过去分词介词短语/形容词/名词短语”。) 例如:

When well fitted, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.

If necessary,I would like to see you in your office.

3. 名词从句


(1) 主语从句

主语从句常出现在it is+名词、形容词、分词+主语从句”的形式中。例如:

It must be pointed out that you have failed to meet the deadline.

It usually happened that I was late because of traffic jams.


How to arrange the meeting is not your task.


Whoever will go to the party wont change my mind of staying at home.

(2) 宾语从句

宾语从句可由that, 疑问代词或副词how,why和where等引出。例如:To postpone the conference until next month indicated that they were unprepared.

Nearly all the staff agreed with what I said.

由what,whether,how引导的宾语从句可用在介词后,而由that引导的从句只跟but,besides,except,in, save之后。例如:

I can hardly believe in what they have done.

He doesnt know my phone number except that the city code is 021.

一些表语性的形容词,如:alarmed,amazed,annoyed,astonished, certain,confident, disappointed, glad, pleased, proud, sad, shocked, sure, surprised, worried, ect.做表语时,后面可跟由that, how等引导的宾语从句。例如:

I was amazed how he could pass the exam without attending the lectures.

We are all pleased that he will be able to pass the final examination.

(3) 表语从句

表语从句对主语的内容起解释和阐述的作用;若表语从句用that引起,that起连接作用,不能省略。b表语从句也可用连接词how,when,where,why,what引起。由because引起的表语从句通常只用在“this/that/it is because” 结构中。例如:

One thing I admire most about them is that they are hospitable.

She works too hard;That is why she is exhausted.

(4) 同位语从句

同位语从句是由两个或两个以上同一层次语言单位组成的结构,其中前项与后项所指相同,句法功能相同。同位语从句由that引导,也可由whether,how,why,where, when等来引导。例如:

She ignored the teachers instruction that she must study hard.

The question whether or not I should help him in such a case troubled me greatly.


4.三年级英语上册句型总结 篇四


1、向别人问好应该说――A: Hello!(你好!)B: Hi!(你好!)

2、问别人的名字应该说-――A:What’s your name? 你的名字是什么?

B:My name’s Chen Jie.我的名字是陈洁。

3、跟别人分手应该说――A: Good bye!(再见)B: bye.(再见)

4、A: I have a pencil.我有一只铅笔 B: Me too.我也有。

5、早上相见应该说-――A: Good morning.早上好!

B: Good morning!早上好!

6、下午相见应该说――A: Good afternoon!下午好!

B: Good afternoon!下午好!

7、跟新朋友第一次见面――A: Nice to meet you!见到你很高兴。

B: Nice to meet you,too!见到你也很高兴!

8、A: Let’s go to school!让我们一起去上学!B: OK!好的。

9、看见久未见面的朋友或者别人身体不舒服,你该这么打招呼-A: How are you ? 你好吗?

B: Fine,thank you我很好,谢谢你。Very well,thanks.非常好,谢谢

10、A: Let’s make a puppet。让我们一起做个木偶吧!B: Great!棒极了!


A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a duck.它是一只鸭子。

A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a dog.它是一只狗。

A: what‘s this?这是什么?B: It‘s a bear.它是一只熊。


A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s a cat.它是一只猫。

A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s an elephant.它是一头大象。

A: what‘s that?那是什么?B: It‘s a pig.它是一只猪。


Cool.I like it.酷,我喜欢它。I like it.我喜欢它。

14、what‘s that?那是什么? Guess。猜一猜

It‘s a panda.它是一只熊猫。I like it.我喜欢它。Thanks.谢谢

15、你饿了,应该说:A: Mum,I‘m hungry.妈妈,我饿了。B: Have some bread.吃点面包吧。

16、你想请别人吃东西,应该说:A: Have some milk.喝点牛奶吧。B: Thank you.谢谢

17、你想喝点东西应该说:A: I‘d like some juice,please.请给我些果汁。B: Here you are.给你。

8、你想吃点东西,你该说――A: Can I have some water?请给我些水,好吗? B: Here you are.给你。

19、别人给你东西,应该说:A: Here you are.给你。B: Thank you.谢谢

20、别人跟你说谢谢,应该说:A: Thank you.谢谢

B: You‘re welcome.不用谢

21、问几个东西,应该说:A: How many plates?有几个盘子

B: Five 五个

22、问你几岁,应该说:A: How old are you?你几岁?B: I‘m seven years old.我七岁

23、祝别人生日快乐,应该说:A:Happy birthday.祝你生日快乐。B: Thank you.谢谢

24.想要这个东西,应该说:A: This one,please.请给我这个。B:Sure.好的二、读读,记记下面的句子。

Hello!I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。Hi,I’m Sarah.你好,我是萨拉。

I have a ruler.我有一把尺子

What’ s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name’s John.我叫约翰。

Goodbye!再见 Bye,Miss white.再见,怀特小姐。

Mr Jones,this is Miss Green.琼斯先生,这是格林小姐。

I see red.我看见红色。I see green.我看见绿色。

Colour it brown!把它涂成棕色吧!Ok!好的 Good morning,Miss Green.早上好,格林小姐

Good afternoon ,Wu Yifan.下午好,吴一凡

Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴

Nice to meet you,too。见到你也很高兴。

How are you?你好吗? I’m fine,thank you.我很好,谢谢你。Very well,thanks

Let’s go to school!我们一起去上学吧!Ok!好的!

Look at me!this is my face.看我,这是我的脸

Let’s make a puppet。让我们一起做个木偶吧!Great!了!

This is the arm.这是胳膊。This is the leg.这是腿

5.英语句型总结 篇五






1、有一个健康的生活方式是容易的。It’s easy to have a healthy lifestyle.2、每晚8个小时的睡眠是重要的。

It’s important to sleep eight hours a night.3、饮食均衡是重要的。

It’s important to eat a balanced diet.4、你应该通过锻炼来保持健康。You should exercise to stay fit.5、你应该早点上床睡觉。

You should go to bed early for a few nights.下载更多初中英语学习绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信账号:初中英语 chuzhongyingyu,中考 zhongkao010 打开微信搜索关注一下账号你就可获取!在线1对1 家教网



You should also lie down and rest.7、你应该吃水果蔬菜并喝大量的水。

You should eat fruit and vegetables and drink lots of water.8、你也应该听音乐放松。

You should also listen to music to relax.10、你不应该熬夜。You shouldn’t stay up.11、疲劳时你不应该学习。

You shouldn’t study when you’re tired.12、你需要看医生(牙医)。You need to see a doctor / dentist.13、不要有压力,那是不健康的。

Don’t get stressed out.It’s not healthy.下载更多初中英语学习绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信账号:初中英语 chuzhongyingyu,中考 zhongkao010 打开微信搜索关注一下账号你就可获取!在线1对1 家教网



Take a long walk before going to bed.It helps a lot.二.人物描写


I am tall and strong.I have short / long hair.I often wear a pair of glasses.2、我外向(随和、风趣、活跃、可爱、聪明、有创造力)。

I am outgoing / easygoing / funny / active / lovely / smart / creative.3、我聪明活泼,受人欢迎,对人礼貌。

I am a bright and lively boy / girl.I am popular with everyone.I am polite to others.4、我15岁。I am 15 years old.5、我是一中的学生(老师)。

I am a student / teacher in No.1 Middle School.6、我是一名工厂的工人(医院的护士)。

I am a worker / nurse.I work in a factory / hospital.下载更多初中英语学习绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信账号:初中英语 chuzhongyingyu,中考 zhongkao010 打开微信搜索关注一下账号你就可获取!在线1对1 家教网



I want to be an artist / a scientist / a musician in the future.8、我喜欢看书、聊天和放风筝。

I like reading, chatting with friends and flying kites.9、我积极参加运动,对足球(篮球)感兴趣。

I take an active part in sports.I am interested in soccer / basketball.10、我花很多时间在电视和电脑上。

I spend plenty of time on TV and computers.11、我有很多爱好,尤其擅长英语和画画。

I have lots of hobbies, especially I am good at English and drawing.12、我们彼此相处融洽。

We get along well with each other.13、我对人友好,乐于助人。

I am friendly to others.I am ready to help others.下载更多初中英语学习绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信账号:初中英语 chuzhongyingyu,中考 zhongkao010 打开微信搜索关注一下账号你就可获取!在线1对1 家教网



I am strict with myself.I am hard-working.三.参观旅游


We’ll meet at the school gate at 8 am on Sunday.2、我带你参观中国的名胜古迹。

I’ll show you around some places of interest in China.3、不准拍照,禁止大声喧哗。

Don’t take photos.We mustn’t talk loudly.4、乘车(步行)前往。

We’ll go there by bus / on foot.5、动身前准备好一切物品并打包。

Remember to get ready for everything you need before leaving and pack them.6、最好带一把雨伞(笔和笔记本)。

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It’s better to take an umbrella / a pen and notebook with us.7、要守时,不要迟到。Be on time.Don’t be late.8、自备食物和饮料。

We should take our own foods and drinks.9、祝大家玩得开心,旅途愉快。

I hope everyone will have a great time / have fun / enjoy yourselves.I wish you a good trip.10、我准备去爬山(游泳、钓鱼、划船、骑自行车)。

I plan to go hiking / swimming / fishing / boating / bike riding.11、上午我要购物(洗衣、煮饭、做卫生、看书)。

In the morning, I will do some shopping / washing / cooking / cleaning / reading.12、下午我要做作业(做家务、做自愿者工作)。

In the afternoon, I’d like to do homework / chores / volunteer work.下载更多初中英语学习绝密复习总结资料,请关注微信账号:初中英语 chuzhongyingyu,中考 zhongkao010 打开微信搜索关注一下账号你就可获取!在线1对1 家教网



On weekends, I want to take care of my grandma / go over lessons / hang out / go to movies / help my sister with her schoolwork.四.环境

1、不要乱丢垃圾。Don’t drop litter.2、保护园区整洁。

Keep the park clean and tidy.五.安全


Don’t stay too late outside at night.2、未经许可不要独自去任何地方。

Don’t go anywhere alone without permission.3、吃太多的垃圾食品容易生病。

You’re easy to be ill if you eat too much junk food.4、慌慌张张过马路容易发生事故。

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You’re easy to have an accident if you cross the road in a hurry.5、上、下车时注意安全,不要推挤。

Be careful when getting on and getting off the bus.Don’t push others.6、上学、放学的路上注意安全,过马路时要看红绿灯。

Be careful on the way to school and back home.Be sure to look at the traffic lights when crossing the road.7、在湖边玩耍时注意安全,不要单独行动。

Be careful when playing by the lake.It’s not safe to play alone.8、在公园游玩时注意安全,不要离开你的团队。

Be careful when playing in the park, and keep close to your team.9、遇到麻烦时应互相帮助(相互关照)。

6.英语句型总结 篇六

1-1 对立法 : 先引出其他人的不同看法,然后提出自己的看法或者偏向于某一看法,适用于有争议性的主题.例如(e.g)

[1].When asked about....., the vast/overwhelming majority of people say that.......But I think/view a bit differently.[2].When it comes to...., some people bielive that.......Others argue/claim that the opposite/reverse is true.There is probably some truth in both arguements/statements , but(I tend to the profer/latter...)

[3].Now, it is commonly/generally/widely believed/held/acknowledged that....They claim/ believe/argue that...But I wonder/doubt whether.....1-2 现象法 引出要剖析的现象或者问题, 然后评论.e.g

[1].Recently the rise in problem of/(phenomenon of)...has cause/aroused public/popular/wide/ worldwide concern.[2].Recently the issue of the problem of/the phenomenon of...has been brought into focus.(has been brouth to public attention)

[3].Inflation/Corruption/Social inequality...is yet another of the new and bitter truth we have to learn to face now/constantly.-----To be continued!

1-3 观点法----开门见山,直接了当地提出自己对要讨论的问题的看法.e.g:

[1].Never history has the change of..been as evident as...Nowhere in the world/China has the issue/idea of..benn more visible/popular than...[2].Now people in growing/significant numbers are beginnig/coming to realize/accept/(be aware)that...[3].Now there is a growing awareness/recognation ot the necessity to......Now people become increasingly aware/conscious of the importance of......[4].Perhaps it is time to have a fresh look at the attitude/idea that.......1-4 引用法-----先引出名人名言或者有代表性的看法, 来引出文章要展开论述的观点!


[1].“Knowledge is power.” such is the remark made by Bacon.This remark has been shared by more and more people.“Education is not complete with gradulation.” Such is the opnion of a great American philosopher.Now more and more people share his opnion.[2].“.........” How often we hear such statements/words like thoses /this.In our own days we are used to hearing such traditional complains as this “......”.1-5 比较法------通过对过去,现在 两种不同的倾向,观点的比较 , 引出文章要讨论的观点.e.g:

[1].For years,...had been viewed as...But people are taking a fresh look now.With the growing..., people........[2].People used to think that...(In the past,....)But people now share this new.1-6 故事法----先讲一个较短的故事来引发读者的兴趣, 引出文章的主题.e.g:

[1].Once in(a newspaper), I read of/learnt....The phenemenon of...has aroused public concern.[2].I have a friend who...Should he....? Such a dilemma we are often confront with in our daily life.[3].Once upon a time , there lived a man who...This story may be(unbelievable), but it still has a realistic significance now.1-8 问题法-----先用讨论或解答的设问, 引出自己观点, 适用于有争议性的话题.e.g:

Should/What......? Options of...vary greatly , some..., others...But in my opinion ,.......also benefit.....[2].In any case, whether it is posotive or negative, one thing is certain that it will undoubtedly..文章中间主体内容句型


3-1-1.基本原因---分析某事物时, 用此句型说明其基本的或者多方面的原因.e.g:

[1].Why...? For one thing..For another...[2].The answer to this problem invovles many factors.For one thing...For another......Still another...[3].A number of factors , both physical and psychological affect..../both individual and social contribute to....3-1-2 另一原因--------> 在分析了基本原因之后, 再补充一个次要的或者更重要时用!


[1].Another important factor is....[2]....is also responsible for the change/problem.[3].Certainly , the...is not the sole reason for.....3-1-3 后果影响---------分析某事物可能造成的后果或者带来的影响.e.g:

[1].It will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on....[2].In involves some serious consequence for........比较对照句型

3-2-1.两者比较---> 比较两事物, 要说出其一超过另一个, 或肯定一事物的优点, 也肯定其缺点的时候用!


[1].The advantages gained from A are much greater than the advantages we gain from B.[2].Indeed, A carries much weight when compared with B.[3].There is no doubt that it has its negative effects as well as positive effects.3-2-2.两者相同/相似------> 比较两事物共同都有或者共同都没有的特点时用!


[1].A and B have several thing in common.They are similar in that.....[2].A bears some sriking resemblance(s)to B.文章结尾形式

2-1 结论性---------通过对文章前面的讨论 ,引出或重申文章的中心思想及观点.e.g:

[1].From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that.....[2].In summary/In a word , it is more valuable.......2-2 后果性------揭示所讨论的问题若不解决, 将产生的严重后果.e.g:

[1].We must call for an immediate method , because the current phenomenon of..., if allowed to proceed, will surely lead to the heavy cost of.......[2].Obviously , if we ignore/are blind to the problem , there is every chance that..will be put in danger.2-3 号召性--------呼吁读者行动起来, 采取行动或提请注意.e.g:

[1].It is time that we urged an immediate end to the undesirable tendcy of......[2].It is essential thar effective measures should be taken to correct the tendency.2-4 建议性--------对所讨论的问题提出建议性的意见, 包括建议和具体的解决问题的方法.e.g:

[1].While it cannot be solved immediately, still there are ways.The most popular is....Another method is...Still another one is.....[2].Awareness/Recognition of the problem is the first step toward the situation.2-5 方向性的结尾方式----其与建议性的唯一差别就是对问题解决提出总的, 大体的方向或者指明前景.e.g:

[1].Many solutions are being offered here , all of them make some sense, but none is adequate enough.The problem should be recognized in a wide way.[2].There is no quick method to the issue of.., but..might be helpful/benefical.[3].The great challenge today is......There is much difficulty , but........2--6 意义性的结尾方式--------> 文章结尾的时候,从更高的更新的角度指出所讨论的问题的重要性以及其深远的意义!e.g:

7.英语句型教学的操练和作用 篇七


句型就是具有代表性的、常用性的句子模式或模型。英语句型就如同数学中的公式一样, 具有相对稳定的结构和规则。例如“He was born on December23rd, 1987. (他出生于1987年12月23日。) ”表达的是某人于某年月日出生, 句型结构是“Somebody was were born on....”, 我们可以通过自由替换, 增或减句子中的任一项来扩大表达的范围, 表示一个特定时间的某一事件, 如“She was born on December 23rd1987.”是替换人称, “He was born on April 4th, 1987.”是日期的替换。很显然这种替换并没有改变句子的句式结构, 只是其中一些义项的简单变化, 在实际教学中, 可以通过这种替换训练培养学生对句子本身的理解。这样, 不仅同学们学会了句型的灵活变换, 而且极大地激发了他们学习英语的积极性。


英语句型操练有两种不可或缺的方式, 一种是机械操练, 一种是意义操练。操练的目的是使学生熟悉句型结构的形式、语序、搭配, 同时达到口头表达的目的。机械操练也就是句子诵读, 通过大量的诵读训练, 让学生在潜意识中形成英语句式;而意义操练, 则主要是指前文所说的义项替换训练。

在课堂教学过程中, 教师要坚持精讲多练, 始终将“练”的意识贯彻于课堂句型教学的活动中。下面就讲一讲意义操练。

1. 单项替换。

It is possible to put files in one of the baskets.可以把文件放在其中的一个篮子里。


2. 多项替换。

A:I am going to Shanghai next week.

B:Great!Tom is going to there this Friday.



1. 英语句型是模式化的, 为语言交流和书面表达服务。

因此, 掌握和模仿大量的英语句型, 可以逐步培养并形成学生的英语语感, 为其正常的英语会话打好基础。如句子:“The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework. (最近的调查显示, 相当多的孩子对家庭作业没什么好感。) ”基本句式结构是“...show indicate that...”, 表达的是“……显示/表示……”。例如:The altimeter showed that the plane was descending. (高度计显示飞机正在下降。) A signpost indicates the right road for us to follow. (路标指给我们应走的路。) 在完全熟悉这种句式结构的基础上, 我们就可以引导学生通过自由替换各个义项, 拓宽学生对这个句式结构的应用范围。

2. 句子是交流和表达的语言单位。

因此, 通过英语句型操练, 可以培养学生形成以句子为单位阅读的习惯, 从而形成英语会话的正常语言环境。

3. 英语句型教学可以化零为整、化繁为简、化抽象为具体。

如动词不定式作主语, “It is much too difficul for Li Ming to read such a long article.”中, “to read such a long article”是这个句子的真正主语, 放在句首容易造成头重脚轻的感觉, 所以用“it”来代替“to read such a long article”, 达到了化繁为简的目的。

8.如何有效学习英语句型 篇八

【关键词】有效  英语句型  学以致用



著名特级教师于漪老师说:语言不是蜜,但可以粘住学生。所以,我认为一堂课导入部分教师的语言至关重要,需要反复斟酌并加以锤炼,确保一下子抓住学生的心思,凝聚其注意力。这是一个新旧知识的交接期,也就是说教师本人先要将已学旧知识口述,帮助学生回忆使之有一种熟悉感,从心理产生这一知识点很简单的想法,然后导出新知识。例如我在讲解由though,although引导的让步从句那节课时,我是这样导入的I watched a wonderful film just now. I wanted to continue watching it, but I have to give you a lesson. That means I will have a lesson, though I want to watch a film. Do you have something you want to do? Yes, although you have a lot of wonderful things to do, let's have our English lesson first. OK?如此一来,既融洽课堂氛围,吸引学生注意力,又用已学旧知识引出新知识。


新课程标准规定学习英语的目的除了要求获得相应的英语知识外,更重要的是掌握运用英语的技能和技巧。要想使学生在句型学习时能够熟练运用,举一反三,触类旁通必须进行不同形式的操练,因为练习形式单一学生容易厌烦,产生抵触情绪。教师更不能以讲代练,大讲特讲,填鸭式教学。要牢固树立“练”的意识。Practice makes perfect.在课堂中我常常采取由师生练过渡到生生练pair work,group work的形式,即由我与一生或几生对话,make a model,然后学生仿做。操练时老师要做好示范,句子的停顿以及语音语调等等。有时还根据句型进行组组互练,男女生对练。还可要求学生进行采访。例如在操练What's your favorite sport? Why do you like it?句型时,我要求学生在组内采访并记录每一个小组成员最喜欢的运动,分别运用句型like dong sth. Love doing sth. Enjoy doing sth. Be fond of doing sth.等,每名学生都积极参与,开口操练,教学效果明显。



学习的最高境界当然是学以致用,也就是3P教学模式中的product。很多老师在教授新句型时只是多使用了几种practice的形式,就觉得练习结束。因而忽略了最重要的一个环节,产出阶段。因此,我常创设能够使用该句型的情境,给学生活学活用的机会,不让学生有一种英雄无用武之地的感觉,充分给予他们成就感。例如,在学习了It's +adj.+for sb. +to do sth和adj.+enough to do sth.句型最后我让学生习作“The person I admire most.”并兼顾班级好中差学生,作文中出现一句新句型加10分,出现4句以上就是优秀作文,并将张贴班级橱窗,充分调动学生习作兴趣,产生良好教学效果。




