


1.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇一


Some people believe governments should spend money on saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources. Discuss both views and give your position?






Today, the death of rare languages has been a heated social issue in debate. Some people think the help to save these languages from dying is useless and no more than a waste of money. In my view, I partially agree with this assertion, while I believe it overlooks the values of less-known languages.

Admittedly, there is always assertion that less well-known languages should not be saved, because their death can facilitate the information exchange worldwide. In an age of deep globalization when cross-border business like import and export, international traveling and meetings are thriving, language diversity is considered the barriers of global communication, for the reason that the repetitive information translation between different languages not only wastes the time and costs of communication, but also makes too many misinterpretations between countries. On this level, the replacement of small languages by globally popular languages is acceptable, in terms of the fact that their extinction can have positive effects on eliminating the misunderstanding and cultural conflicts internationally, as well as speeding up country-to-country trades and information communication.

The second reason of refusing this language-saving policy is that saving a language is not about the language itself, but about the culture behind it, and it is unwise to waste money in fighting a cultural war that will be definitely lost. Obviously, any areas nowadays are dominated with English, a global language. For example, it is overwhelming in airports, mass media and the Internet. Besides, people, especially the youth, have been obsessed with English-based entertainment like Hollywood movies, rock music, NBA and fictions of Harry Potter. Therefore, under an intensive invasion of global pop culture, no matter how much money and social resources a government wants to invest in saving the indigenous language, the result will be certainly failure, because the decline of local culture is unstoppable and irreversible, thus leaving the relevant less-known language no space for survival.

However, there are two main reasons of approving of preserving endangered small languages. Firstly, minority languages can be indispensible materials for academic studying. Different languages have contained different information about history, culture or even beliefs. Therefore, preserving minority languages offers great materials for people to learn from their ancestors and history. For example, linguistics and archeologists may figure out some importance facts about migration and change of the weather in ancient time by studying the change of certain minority languages.

Besides, this measure manifests an important belief of modern society: respect the minority. This is a fundamental principle for a democratic society. The reasons why we need to save the minority languages is not just because these languages are useful for all mankind, but also for delivering respect to the minority who speak these languages since they were born.

In conclusion, advantages caused by the death of rare languages are over the disadvantages. Although saving them can make contributions to recovering the information in old history and building up friendship with minorities speaking them, their death is unavoidable, for the reason that small languages are unsuitable for the in-depth globalization, and the culture environment back them up is gradually disappearing.



Economic globalization benefits the world immensely, especially the prosperity of tourism. As a result,the cultures, languages and customs in the minorities are not mysterious to the world any more, which should be attributed to the popularity of tourism. (39 words)

It is a consensus that tourism can stimulate the economic development in a region, since tourism plays an important role in the acceleration of the improvement of service, such as transportation, accommodation, catering and other marginal business. With a view to attracting more tourists, the minority regions have to consider how to improve their image and service, during the course of which they can have an overall plan to promote the status of their region. Nowadays, many people travel for minority regions to satisfy their curiosity, where they can have unexpected findings. (92 words)

Furthermore, tourism can strengthen the inter flow of cultures and traditions between the people indifferent regions. Trips to minority countries and regions render people a lot of new cultures and customs, which, presumably, have been handed down from old ages and enjoyed very splendid history.Formerly, people can only get some segments about the minorities from videos, films and other incomplete descriptions on books. Now,tourists have more opportunities to communicate or even live with the minority people and acquire first-hand knowledge about them,which provides the researchers with a lot of authentic information.(94 words)

Admittedly, tourism damages the natural environment in some minority regions and spoils the peaceful life of them to some degree due to their frequent activities in the minority regions, the environment being deteriorated in some regions, which is not what we expected. (42words)

Generally, the popularity of English and tourism brings more advantages than damage to the minority regions, since it has enriched people’s knowledge and widened their horizons. But meanwhile, we should be on the alert for the damage to the minority regions and take effective means to tackle the problems tourism arouses. (49 words) (316 words totally)



“Some people think that it is a waste of money for the government to invest in protection of minority languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?”


这道题,可谓是雅思写作的经典题目。大部分人给出的理由都是,language is an integral part of a culture. 但是具体内容很难推进,这是因为很多人并不了解语言究竟和文化有着如何紧密的关系。(close/intimate relationship)



首先,语言描述了一个地区的生活习俗。(lifestyles and customs)

(Lifestyles and customs of a people can be reflected in a language.)


在北加拿大阿奴族的印第安人居住在非常寒冷的地区。(live in extremely frigid areas)所以在他们的语言中,一种有14种词汇(the words used to denote ice)用来描述冰,其中8种来描述“纯冰”,剩下的六种描述不同状态下的冰(ice in different shapes),他们通过描述的语言,就会知道冰的状况,帮助他们决定如何出行。


通过一个词在一个语言中使用频率高低,我们可以研究过去历史中,人们生活的状态。(By studying the variations of one word in a language, we can study the history. )比如,在西部开垦时代,像英文单词gelding, stallion, mare, mare, piebald都是用来描述一种动物,就是“马”。虽然对当时的历史了解不多,但是我们就可以知道,马在当时是多么重要。很明显,语言反映出了各种生活要素对文化的重要性。(The language is crucial to mirror the importance of different life elements to a culture.)


另外,语言也传达了关于不同种族的刻板印象(A language can help us to know the process of a stereotype forming.),可以帮人们了解不同词汇对不同民族引起的不同心理反应。


比如,使用美国出版的字典,查“黑(black)”这个形容词,你会看到它还有阴森恐怖,缺乏道德良知的,恶劣的,邪恶的以及愤怒的意思。(Black is an adjective associated with many negative words.) 而相对的,“白”就和纯洁,天真的特点。因此,语言形式,强化了文化中白色(以及肤色)与正面以及黑色与负面的关联。(Thus, it partially contributes to gender inequality. People judge others by their skin color.) 因此,我们称不利于某些人的名单为“黑名单(black list)”, 而称某些可以接受的谎言为“善意的谎言(white lie)”。


















2.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇二

1.1 农村家庭养老内容

我国规定年龄在65 岁以上称为老年。农村老年人指的是满足这三个方面的人口: (1) 生活居住在中国农村地区; (2) 年龄满60 岁以上; (3) 持有非城镇户口。

1.2 农村家庭养老现状

2000 年下半年, 在国务院领导的批示下, 全国老龄工作委员会办公室和中国老龄协会委托其所属的中国老龄科学研究中心承担并启动了由民政部申报的“中国城乡老年人口状况一次性抽样调查”项目, 调查结果表明:我国农村的老龄化程度高于城镇, 达到10.9%, 农民的养老问题日益突出;大多数农村老人仍需要从事土地劳动作为生存基础和晚年的经济收入, 只有到丧失劳动能力时, 才依靠子女或其他家庭成员的赡养。

1.3 农村家庭养老的重要性

人口老龄化是我国现阶段及未来的人口发展趋势, 且农村这种趋势更为明显和快速。农村家庭养老可以弥补农村养老保障供需失衡问题, 促进和推动我国对养老机制和政策的进程, 同时由家庭承担赡养老人的义务, 可以分担社会压力, 还可以弥补老人们精神方面的需求, 提升幸福指数、促进社会和谐, 切实有效的解决老年人面临的诸多问题等, 对国家和个人发展都有重要意义。

2 农村家庭养老现存问题及产生原因

2.1 农村家庭外出务工潮对家庭养老的影响

外出务工人口数量逐年增多, 且大多是来自农村的年轻务工人员, 于是导致农村许多家庭人口只有老年人和儿童, 甚至出现越来越多的“空巢老人”, 如在2008 年《静寞夕阳:中国农村留守老人》的调查中, 目前子女外出的农村留守老人比例已达48.5%, 已到了令人堪忧的地步。

2.2 农村家庭成员关系矛盾突出、政府解决态度消极

农村的发展及文明程度的普及较城市的发展慢, 乡间习俗风气较多, 一些落后或偏激的观念是整个村落的普遍现象而非个例, 如“重小轻老”观念使大多数老人不能安享晚年, 仍要照顾家中孩子的生活起居。许多老人在家中地位不高, 得不到充分的重视, 被儿女视为“累赘”, 还经常受到孩子的指责和埋怨, 承受巨大的心理压力和精神困扰。还有些老人与儿媳关系紧张, 导致家庭生活极不和谐, 许多老人整天以泪洗面, 对生活失去信心甚至想过以极端的方式结束生活的痛苦。

2.3 农村家庭的普遍低收入

农村家庭的主要经济来源是耕地, 劳动量投入极大, 收入却很低。随着社会的发展, 虽有个别乡村走向富裕但并不代表其中没有贫困家庭, 而且就全国范围而言, 仍有大量的农村处于贫困水平, 许多老人尽管年事已高, 但面对家庭的低收入带来的安全感的缺失以及对贫困的恐惧仍迫使他们要继续参与劳动, 直到身体状况不再允许劳作为止, 许多老年人因经济收入微薄尽管积劳成疾, 也不舍得去医院就医, 长此以往恶性循环。

3 农村家庭养老保障的改善建议与对策

3.1 增强现代人敬老爱老观念

尊老爱老不仅是保障农村养老的社会问题, 更是中华民族的传统美德, 现代人对这种美德的意识愈发淡薄, 应加强对年轻人这一方面的教育。随着科技的先进, 可通过电视、网络等其他传媒进行传播, 加强宣传, 在学校教育中增强这一部分内容, 增强现代人敬老爱老意识, 弘扬中华民族的优良传统。

3.2 政府加大对农村家庭养老保障扶持力度

(一) 政府的基础和主导地位, 政府在农村养老保障中起到监督和执法的作用, 对不履行、不负责履行责任的个人采取相应的处罚措施。 (二) 运用法律手段维护农村养老权利, 法律是约束道德的准则, 对于缺乏道德自律性的人需要用法律来约束, 农村的家庭养老也应纳入到法律约束的范畴, 这样老年人可以通过法律维护自己合法权益。 (三) 激励制度鼓励农村家庭养老, 农村家庭养老得不到保障与农村家庭经济基础薄弱有很大关系, 政府可以制定针对农村养老家庭的奖励政策和其他增收办法, 提高家庭经济, 为农村养老提供保障基础。

3.3 明确农村养老保障的地位和责任

政府应明确农村养老的目的是为了妥善满足老年人养老的合理需求, 亲情的温暖和物质的供给同样重要, 社会要强调农村养老的意义和重要性, 并将这种观念普及, 重视农村养老保障制度的地位, 落实农村养老的相关责任。对于家庭不能自行解决的纠纷, 政府不应推诿责任, 需出面进行适当的干预与调解。

农村养老问题应得到充分的重视, 切实使老年人受赡养的权利得到保障, 使老年人真正感受到老有所依、老有所养。

摘要:本文围绕农村家庭养老展开, 首先介绍农村家庭养老现状并指出其现阶段仍存在的问题, 其次分析产生这些问题的原因, 最后针对以上分析结果提出农村家庭养老现存问题及解决策略, 强调完善农村家庭养老的紧迫性和重要性, 希望本文对我国加快农村家庭养老制度的完善具有推动作用, 为相关研究提供参考。

3.雅思小作文流程图类题目及解析 篇三

Line chart/graph 线形图

Pie chart 饼状图

Bar chart 柱状图

Table 表格题

Mixed graphs 混合类图表,即以上四种数据类图表的任意两者相结合





首先,你需要努力一下了,尽快让自己具备楼上童鞋的心态。其次,我悄悄地告诉你,其实“题型”还可以少一点——2+1 种足够了。

( 一) 动态类图表作文写作

题库真题 1

The graph below shows the consumption of fish and some different kinds of meat in a European country between 1979 and .Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, anc make comparisons where relevant.


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

4.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇四


In my country, a century ago, it was not easy for a child to grow up due to malnutrition and diseases. But today, parents are able to not only guarantee children’s material abundance, but also provide them with qualified education. All these allow children to have more freedom enabling them to have better development.

Admittedly, it seems plausible to assert that children, given the young age, are not mature enough to enjoy much freedom. Obviously, children sometimes lack necessary experience and knowledge for them to make right decision or regulate their behaviors. Without any restriction, they may fail to resist the temptation and indulge themselves with freedom. For example, they are likely to spend all their pocket money on snacks, such as candies and puffed food, which is bad for health, or they waste too much time on watching TV and playing computer games, which squeeze up their time for other more meaningful activities.

However, with parents’ appropriate and effective supervision and guidance, children can benefit a lot from the freedom. It is parents’ responsibility to help children cultivate self-discipline and self-control and teach them how to judge right and wrong. All these are indispensable for children to enjoy freedom. Hence, they are free to explore the outside world and govern their life. The free access to Internet enables them to gain knowledge and make friends; the free choices of study and entertainment help them become independent and responsible. In a word, with the freedom, children are able to nurture many valuable traits and habits.

To sum up, it is beneficial for children today to have much freedom in life.

In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?








5.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇五


在平日的教学中,有这样一个问题经常引起我的思考:很多考生或许已经备考雅思写作很久,也看过不少关于雅思写作的书籍,但是可能很少有学生会深入对雅思写作的要求进行分析和了解考官批改写作考试的时候的过程和他们所使用到得评分标准。首先,我们需要先仔细的来分析一下雅思写作的要求。在这里我们会使用雅思G类的7分标准来做参考。因为第一:7分是现行移民政策所需要的最高分数,同时7分标准也是比较全面并且包括了A类的一些细则。仔细看评分标准,我们可以看到雅思写作的要求被分为了4个部分,Task achievement, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy.这分别为:任务反应,连贯性和衔接性,词汇资源,语法的多样性及准确性,所谓的短时间内提高雅思时使用不同的手段来尽量的满足这4项要求:

Task Achievement



Coherence and cohesion

6.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇六


在我国, 埋地管道主要用作进行油、汽输送, 覆盖面积规模已经扩大到全国。其中部分的管道快要达到或已经达到了使用年限, 由于多方面原因, 各地管道都出现了不同程度的损坏, 整体管线的运输安全受到了一定的威胁。为了确保管线运输的安全性以及平稳性, 相关部门开始加强对管线内管道的检验检测, 这也直接说明了对埋地管道进行检验检测是很有必要的。

1 对埋地管道进行检验检测的必要性

1.1 增加管道使用期限

对埋地管道进行检测检验能够及时发现管道存在的问题, 并有针对性的对其进行维修, 这样能够最大限度的保证管道结构和功能的完整性, 不仅能够保障管道运输的安全, 同时还能有效对管道事故进行控制。从而增加管道的使用年限, 为我国油、汽输送提供可靠的保障。

1.2 能够对维护成本以及运行管理进行有效的控制

检验检测工作以及管道评价工作的开展, 能够使相关人员准确掌握目前对管道安全造成影响的原因, 以便工作人员进行相应的管道维护改造以及运行管理, 这样就可以将资源集中在一处使用, 不仅能够确保检验检测工作的顺利开展, 同时也有效对维护成本以及运行管理进行了控制, 避免了不必要的资源浪费。

1.3 减少了管道安全事故的发生机率

埋地管道安全系数的高低会对运输网络的安全性造成直接的影响, 只有定期对管道进行检验检测与适当的维护, 才能有效降低管道安全事故的发生机率。而且对管道进行严谨的检查和高校的维护改造工作, 也是安全责任落实的体现, 是相关企业负责的一种表现。

2 埋地管道检验检测建议

2.1 使用3年左右的管道检测法

目前我国对这种使用时间较短的管道常用的检测方式为“ECDA”, 这种检测方式会进行剩余寿命、剩余强度以及风险评估等方面的检测, 而且会对管道补口位置的防腐情况重点进行检查, 并会对水泥支墩的防腐以及漏电情况进行仔细的检查。如果管道的外层防腐层保存较为完整、破损率较低, 但出现水泥支墩漏电的情况, 这时要对破损点逐一排查, 并破损点所在位置挖开, 进行相应的修复。同时要对线阴极的防护程度进行抽查, 没有达到有关要求的管道, 也要进行相应的修复, 直到符合相关标准之后, 管道才可继续投入使用。

2.2 6年以下管道检测

对这类管道进行检测时, 还是会使用“ECDA”法进行检验检测, 如果检测的管道外层防腐层的破损率不高, 且阴极保护质量有部分没有达到一定的标准, 这时相关人员要对漏电情况进行全面的检查, 当有电流干扰极为明显的位置时, 则要对该处进行详细的检验检测。值得注意的是, 相关人员不仅要对补口位置的防腐层进行检查, 同时还要对相关的零部件展开全面的调查, 如果是由于零部件的材质导致的管道腐蚀, 甚至出现泄露情况 (如图一所示) , 就要及时对零部件进行更换, 并要对补口位置的防腐涂层进行加固, 以防地下水浸泡导致管道使用年限缩短的情况出现。利用监测不仅可以延长管道的使用时间, 同时也能确保管道安全隐患修复的准确性和及时性。

2.3 对城镇地下管道的检测

由于城镇人口较为密集, 如果燃气管道发生问题就很有可能造成极为恶劣的影响, 因此相关单位必须要对城区内的埋地管道进行严格的管理。由于目前城镇燃气管线多数都设置在人行道、绿化带以及车辆行驶地。这类地区不仅车流、人流较为密集, 而且会设置大量的高压电线, 会对管道产生一定的电磁干扰。多数情况下会使用“ECDA”或者在线内侧的方式对管道进行检测, 但如果条件许可, 可以对部分地段进行封闭, 并使用“向管内发射智能清管器装置”对管理进行检测, 由于这种装置中带有传感系统, 所以可以准确将管道存在的问题检测出来。

3 结语

相关部门必须要对埋地管道进行科学的检验检测, 找出管道隐藏或已经存在的问题, 并有针对性的对其进行修复, 进而保障管线运输的安全性。


[1]周德敏, 何仁洋, 刘长征, 杨永, 肖勇, 任峰.关于埋地管道企业开展管道检验检测的思考及建议[J].石油化工设备技术, 2010, 01:57-60+72-73.

7.雅思大作文真题解析 篇七


Generally, it can be seen that the household sectors had relatively low recycling rates in 1992 especially for plastic as merely 11% of it was collected. The remaining three kinds of trash including cans, paper and glass stood at an almost equal percentage 13%.


Five years later, the situation turned better off. There was a moderate increase in the amount of plastic and paper reused. While the rise was particularly noticeable in glass which nearly doubled in its recycling, a slight drop was actually found in cans.


The following half decade witnessed an overall upward trend except plastic which kept constant at about 12%. More cans and paper were recycled, with the proportion reaching more than 20% and almost 30% respectively. Also noteworthy is that glass remained the principal waste materials, approaching to as high as one half.


Overall, the gap between these waste recycling had enlarged in these years and while the vast quantities of glass and paper were recycled , plastic and cans remained unpopular.



年11月10日的雅思大作文写作题目是:Nowadays, many employers think that social skills are as important as good qualifications for employing people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




A. 双边讨论:认为两者都很重要

B. 一边倒讨论:只认为文凭更重要,或社交能力更重要

C. 批判思维:对某些工作而言,文凭更重要,而对其他工作而言,社交能力更重要。




It is important for job seekers to highlight both their professional qualifications and social skills. Employers are looking to hire those who have the right mix of professional qualifications as hard skills and social skills as soft skills.

(1) 本段开门见山,直接表明观点,即专业资质和社交能力同等重要。本作文采取双边讨论的结构。重要的是如何分别论述专业资质和社交能力的重要性。

(2) Highlight 高亮;强调

(3) Professional 专业的;职业的

(4) Look to do... 希望做......

(5) Mix 混合

On the one hand, hard skills are most important to any job, and the expertise required to do a job is always listed in job postings and job descriptions. That is why those job seekers with perfect certifications and licenses are preferred by their potential employers, for they indicate that their owners possess the sought-after knowledge and abilities.Without them, landing an interview or even getting past applicant tracking systems will become next to impossible. After all, in the job market, nothing can beat the importance of hard skills.

(1) 本段主要论述求职中工作技能的重要性:求职者必须拥有证明其具有某种工作技能的证书和执照。

(2) Expertise 专业知识

(3) Job description 职位描述

(4) Potential 潜在的

(5) Sought-after 急需的

(6) Next to impossible 几乎不可能

(7) Nothing can beat the importance of... 没有什么比......更为重要

Soft skills, on the other hand, are emotional abilities that are useful for an individual to stand out among other job applicants. While hard skills can be learned through proper training, soft skills are harder to develop. And this partly explains why soft skills are extremely valuable these days. Indeed, such emotional traits are so valuable that almost every employer looks for job candidates who are skilled in identifying emotions, using emotions, and regulating emotions. With good soft skills, one is able to connect emotionally with his/her co-workers, clients and superiors as one will look and feel more comfortable and therefore more confident and efficient in job situations.

(1) 本段主要论述社交能力的重要性。首先定义社交能力,然后论述它为什么重要。

(2) Stand out 突出

(3) Partly 部分地

(4) Valuable 有价值的

(5) Identify 识别

(6) Regulate 调节

(7) Superior 上级

In conclusion, the two types of skills are not mutually exclusive as both of them are equally important in the job market. As far as employment is concerned, there is no “either/or” question since the answer must necessarily be both.

(1) 总结前面的主要观点,强调两者都很重要。

(2) Mutually exclusive 相互排斥

(3) Employment 工作

8.关于家庭的雅思作文及解析 篇八


Apart from compulsory courses, university students are also encouraged to take many selective courses which are supposed to help them build academic strength and cultivate interests. Given the various options available, it is impossible for students to sign up for all subjects that they are interested in. Or rather, students ought to focus on one area.

Admittedly, by taking more subjects, students are able to greatly expand outlook and have the opportunities to explore more fields. Thanks to professors’ efforts, the courses equip students with valuable knowledge and help them tap the full potential. It is the experience of attending classes of different areas that enables students to have better understanding of their specialty and strength. For example, a student majoring in computer science can also benefit from the study of physics and artificial intelligence that allow them to finally decide whether they pursue further education or career in hardware or software.

However, spreading oneself too thinly is actually not a wise choice. In fact, a student ought to determine what they will concentrate on in an early stage, and hence invest most of their time and energy in that field. Undoubtedly, what one can do within certain time is quite limited, but to standout or even have breakthrough requires a student to have enough practice, to correct mistakes and to accumulate experience. Therefore, only the perseverance of dedicating to one area can help students succeed in academic study. For instance, an art student should make sure he desires to develop his specialty in oil painting or sculpture as early as possible and then devote himself into that area.

In summary, in consideration to the time and energy one has within certain time period, university students ought to focus on study in one field instead of taking many different subjects.

Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area rather than develop a wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?







9.雅思大作文环保类考题解析 篇九

Some people think that a huge amount of time and money is spent on the protection of wild animals, and that this money could be better spent on the human population. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion ?




第三步:注意题目里有一个对比,保护动物VS 投钱到人类,需要恰当的对比论证



背景铺垫:当今社会,动物的各种悲惨遭遇 (家园被毁、过度捕杀、食物污染等)









当然,在某些deprived areas, 我们还是需要去关心人类的福祉,提高生活水平


Do you think old buildings should be broken down, and give place for modern buildings. How are the old buildings important in our society?

With the rapid development of urbanization, many people advocate the demolition of old houses for the benefit of economic and social development. But others argue that we can’t ruin the traditional cultural heritage. Personally, I side with the former opinion.

In the first place, the existence of old houses is an obstacle to modern urbanization by damaging the image of the city. If they are replaced with modern skyscrapers, the city will take on a new look. Take the Summer Palace in Beijing for example, Being government has demolished a large number of run-down the Summer Palace and constructed many new housing buildings instead.

In the second place, there is a potential danger to people living in old houses or even passers-by. If the houses are old enough to collapse in the end, where does the value of culture or tourism exist? The tourists surely will not travel a long distance to see these so-called “culture heritage” at the risk of their lives. [More:www.cnielts.com]

In the third place, replacing old houses with buildings can help to solve housing problems. It is well-known that China is a densely-populated country and people in urban areas only have little housing space. Undoubtedly, replacing old houses with new buildings is a good way to solve the problem.

As mentioned above, I can draw a conclusion safely: It is irresistible to replace old houses with modern buildings. At the same time, it is necessary for us to restore a limited number of old houses for the sake of conserving traditional culture and attracting tourists.


原文:HLH0220 修改:William(美国华裔),雅思公主(shirleyzrb)

TOPIC:Some people believe that visitors to other countries shoud follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


As to whether local customs and behaviour should assimilation with the other cultures , these arises a contentious discussion . Before presenting my view ,I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.

Advocates of the other cultures hold the belief that it is benefits of host country to interacted to the other cultures. To begin with ,tourism helps to introduce the country to foreigners and showcase the brilliant history and culture to the outside world. Moreover ,tourists from different countries also bring their own cultures , it can enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain world peace .Worst of all ,as we know cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.

Some other people ,however ,are strongly against the host country to have access to the diverses cultures for several sound reasons .Primarily ,it may exert some adverse effects on the aboriginal culture and minority languages to some extent .Furthermore ,cultural globalization will result in one homogenous global culture where everyone speaks the same and thinks the same .Last of all ,globalization poses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and languages .

From the above discussion ,we can see that both sides have sound reasonable . Personally ,I am in favor of assimilating with different cultures .On the other hand , we can not lose the sight of risks of globalization . And it is of great significance for a government to make efforts to conserve endangered culture and language.

Band: 5


TOPIC:Some people believe that visitors to other countries shoud follow local customs and behaviour. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences.

As to whether local customs and behavior should assimilation(assimilate) with the other cultures , these arises a contentious discussion . Before presenting my view, I intend to discuss both sides of the argument.(first of all, for argumentative essay, you have to state your thesis statement first, not to introduce your essay by restating the question again, present your side and assert it , then discuss both sides and conclude it at the end.)

Advocates who believe that foreign cultures are beneficial to host country because the extent to which they interact. Tourism helps to introduce the country to foreigners and it also acts as a showcase to disclose the brilliant history and culture to the outside world. Moreover, tourists from different countries also bring their own culture into the host country, it can enhance mutual understanding between nations and maintain world peace .As we all know cross-cultural communication is becoming increasingly frequent and cultural assimilation and penetration is inevitable.

Some other people, however ,are strongly against the host country to have access to the diversity of culturesfor several reasons .Primarily ,it may exert some adverse effects on the aboriginal culture and minority languages. Furthermore ,cultural globalization will result in one homogenous global culture where everyone speaks the same and thinks the same .Last of all ,globalization poses potential risks to the preservation of aboriginal culture and languages .
