


1.上海八年级上期末英语 篇一









无论是七年级英语教学还是八年级英语教学。最重要的是教学技巧要灵活,教学要扎实。0 0 9、1

2.上海八年级上期末英语 篇二

现在“中国银行”的行徽(见左图)是“圆形方孔”图案。有人习惯于将钱戏称为“孔方兄”,典出“圆形方孔钱”。下列以圆形方孔钱为标准样式、统一全国货币的皇帝是 (A) 。















令我感到奇怪的是, 以老子为例, 谁说他没主张“和”的思想呢?老子认为政治干预是罪恶的渊薮, 如果让百姓任其自然, 天命将与大自然以及彼此之间和谐相处……老子的学说有息事宁人和不因受害而报复的教义 (“有德司契, 无德司彻”) ;主张人与人之间以慈爱为上 (“天将救之, 以慈卫之”) ;提倡平均主义 (“天之道损有余而补不足”) 。[ (美) 拉尔夫等著.赵丰等译.世界文明史 (上卷) .北京:商务印书馆, 1998:200、201]


二、略作改动, 留心细处




阅读下列材料, 回答问题。

连昌宫词 (节录)


开元之末姚宋死, 朝廷渐渐由妃子。

禄山宫里养作儿, 虢国门前闹如市。


(2) 造成诗中所说这种情况的主要原因是什么?这种情况与后来发生的哪一重大历史事件有关? (陶圣坚, 邢泊.文化素养类试题在历史试卷中的体现.中国多媒体教学学报.http://www.chneic.sh.cn/edu/ftp/sucaiku/zonghe/contents/main/lm03/lm0301/lm0301_01.htm.)











3.上海八年级上期末英语 篇三

第一部分 听力部分。(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



( )1. What does the girl want to borrow?

A. B. C.

( )2. Which would the boy want to drink?

A. B. C.

( )3. What does the woman think of the dress?

A. Its large. B. Its small. C. Its dirty.

( )4. Where did they go?

A. To the beach. B. To Disneyland. C. To the zoo.

( )5. How will Tom come to the party?

A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By car.


( )6. What colour does Lingling like best?

A. Green. B. Purple. C. Yellow.

( )7. Where did Lingling buy it?

A. In Hong Kong. B. In Taiwan. C. In Guangzhou.


( )8. How often does Peter exercise?

A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.

( )9. Who plays basketball best?

A. John. B. Tony. C. Peter.


( )10. When will they watch the film?

A. At 6:25 p.m. B. At 6:35 p.m. C. At 6:45 p.m.

( )11. How soon will they get there?

A. In 20 minutes. B. In 25 minutes. C. In 30 minutes.

( )12. How far is it from their home to the cinema?

A. Three kilometers. B. Four kilometers. C. Five kilometers.


( )13. What day is coming soon?

A. Mothers Day. B. Fathers Day. C. The boys birthday.

( )14. What does the boy want at first?

A. A mobile phone. B. A computer. C. A motor.

( )15. Why doesnt the woman agree to buy a motor for the boy?

A. Because its dangerous to ride.

B. Because its expensive.

C. Because its meaningless.

第二节 笔录要点。(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)


Wonderful 16. _______ Display

第二部分 笔试部分



( )21. Recently people care more about the safety of ________. Everyone wants to eat


A. foods B. clothes C. buildings

( )22. —Would you like _______? —Good idea. Lets go!

A. going swimming B. go to swim C. to go swimming

( )23. —________ will you finish your homework, Kate?

—In an hour.

A. How soon B. How often C. How long

( )24. —Why are you late again? —_______ my car broke down on the way here.

A. Because B. Because of C. However

( )25. Li Jun always makes his little sister ________.

A. crying B. to cry C. cry

( )26. —_______ did you buy in Brazil?

—I bought some World Cup gifts. I _______ give them to my friends.

A. What; am going to B. When; will C. Which; was to

( )27. —Is Mary _______ outgoing than Peter? —No. She is as _______ as him.

A. more; hardworking B. more; quiet C. much more; quieter

( )28. —Is your father at home _______? —No, he is arriving home _______.

A. then; quickly B. yet; fast C. now; soon

( )29. —Sunny Beach is a _______ place for holiday.

—Yes. During the May Day, _______ people go there and have a good time.

A. wonderful; thousands B. nice; thousands of C. good; five thousands

( )30. —Whose is the dictionary?

—It ________ be Alices. Look at her name on the cover.

A. must B. can C. may


阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

A robot will play an important part in our future life. The robot will be friendly and 31 to people. At home the robot can do the cleaning and play with you. It can be your friend. It can help you with your homework 32 you meet a difficult problem. It can have a 33 with you when you are alone. It knows what you say.

In the hospital, a mini robot can help doctors 34 operations. When an old patient has blood sickness and he needs to have an operation, the mini robot will go into his blood vessel (血管) and make it clean. This is an advantage 35 mini robot to do a doctors job.

At the restaurant, a robot can make customers 36 their dinner. For example, when you come to a restaurant, the robot welcomes you and 37 hands with you. Maybe it will give you a beautiful flower. You must be 38 . The robot will ask you what you want to eat or what you want to drink.

Also, they can take the 39 of humans to work in some dangerous places. Some robots can search survivors (幸存者) when an earthquake happens. In the army, robots can also do a dangerous job. They know where the bombs (炸弹) are and how deep the bombs are 40 the earth.

( )31. A. helpful B. useless C. careful

( )32. A. while B. until C. when

( )33. A. walk B. talk C. joke

( )34. A. put out B. take out C. carry out

( )35. A. for B. from C. to

( )36. A. enjoyed B. enjoy C. to enjoy

( )37. A. shaking B. shake C. shakes

( )38. A. happy B. angry C. unhappy

( )39. A. job B. place C. business

( )40. A. in B. above C. under




American country music is famous all over the world, such as the songs of John Denver. Many people enjoy listening to the music in their free time. But still some people dont know where it began.

Country music comes from folk music of the Appalachian Mountains (阿巴拉契亚山脉) in the east of America. There, people sing while playing the guitar and violin. They sing about everyday life, love and their problems. So the songs are sometimes a little sad.

John Denver is one of the most popular country music singers. He is also quite famous to the Chinese. For John Denver, music is a language that could bring the world together. He says music can bring people together. They will understand each other through music. People are different in color and they may speak different languages, but people are the same in mind and body. All of them love music and can understand music.

The world lost a great man when John Denver died in 1997. But his words and music will still live on.

( )41. American country music usually tells us about ________.

A. folk songs B. sad stories C. love and problems

( )42. “Music is a language that could bring the world together.” means people ________.

A. can sing songs together

B. from all over the world sing the same songs

C. can show feelings by music and understand each other better

( )43. From the passage we know that John Denver ________.

A. is an American country music singer

B. can bring people to get together

C. is good at playing the guitar and violin

( )44. People from different countries ________.

A. must be the same in mind and body

B. should speak the same language through music

C. can understand each other through music

( )45. Which of the following is RIGHT?

A. Everybody knows where country music began.

B. John Denvers music will live on in peoples hearts.

C. Country music comes from all kinds of music.


Im a thirteen-year-old girl. My classmates say that Im too fat. I worry about myself and feel very sad. What should I do to lose weight? I dont want to be heavy. I got an idea from the Internet and then I made a plan to lose weight.

Do exercise for about one hour every day. The exercise should be something like running, biking, dancing, or swimming. After that do some special exercise for thirty minutes, such as for the legs or for the waist.

I think its not bad to have a good eating habit. Eating less or no eating is not good for health. I will eat bread without butter; only a little beef or pork; eat more vegetables and fruits; and stay away from junk food.

I will drink water or soup before each meal. This will help me feel full sooner. I will try to have four or five meals a day. So that I can eat less at each meal but not feel hungry. Breakfast is very important, and so is lunch.

After three months, I think I will become much thinner and healthier than before. I am very happy with my weight-loss plan.

( )46. What sport doesnt the writer do?

A. Swimming. B. Climbing. C. Dancing.

( )47. What does the writer look like?

A. Thin. B. Tall. C. Heavy.

( )48. Why does the writer drink soup before meal?

A. Because it makes her feel happy.

B. Because it makes her feel full.

C. Because it make her feel hungry.

( )49. Which sentence below has the same meaning of the underlined sentence?

A. Both breakfast and lunch are important.

B. Either breakfast or lunch is important.

C. Neither breakfast nor lunch is important.

( )50. Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A. She will not eat junk food in her plan.

B. She has strong mind to lose weight.

C. She thinks it good to eat nothing.

第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共35分)



Dear Henry,

I would like to invite you to watch the magic show at the City Theater. 51. City Theater is the best theater, isnt it? The magic show will start on the afternoon of Saturday, July 12th at 4:00. I have two tickets. 52. 一张票是你的,另一张票是我的。

After the magic show, we will come back to my house. Today is my birthday. 53. I moved here last week. I am new here. 54. 在这个新城市你是我的第一个朋友。 My parents will cook a big meal for us. You said you could make an apple milk shake. How often do you make an apple milk shake? Could you make an apple milk shake for me tonight?

55. Remember not to be late.

Yours friendly,


51. __________________________________52. __________________________________

53. __________________________________54. __________________________________

55. __________________________________



Peter: Hi, Sally. Come and have a look at my photos.

Sally: Are these the photos you took in Africa, Peter?

Peter: 56. ____________________________. Look, this is a wild beast. Its an animal in Africa.

Sally: Does it eat meat?

Peter: 57. _____________________________. It only eats grass.

Sally: Are there a lot of animals in Africa?

Peter: 58. _____________________________.

Sally: Wow, this photo looks interesting. 59. _____________________________?

Peter: I was riding the elephant.

Sally: 60. _____________________________?

Peter: Yes, of course. I really enjoyed myself.




Dear Dad and Mum,

Hows it going? I got my report card today. ______________________________________


Your daughter,

4.八年级上学期英语期末试题及答案 篇四

( )6.A、An actor. B、An athlete. C、A pilot.

( )7.A、Do the laundry. B、Do the dishes. C、Make the bed.

( )8.A、Lucy. B、Lucy’s friend. C、Lucy’s cousin.

( )9.A、By train. B、By bus. C、By plane.

( )10.A、Chicago. B、New York. C、Tianjin.


( )11.How was Alice’s school trip?

A、Great. B、Terrible. C、Busy.

( )12.Where did they go?

A、To the zoo. B、To the beach. C、To the aquarium.

( )13.How did they get there?

A、By subway. B、By train. C、By school bus.

( )14.Who forgot to bring the camera?

A、Alice’s teacher. B、Alice.

C、Alice’s classmates.

( )15.What was the wea ther like that afternoon?

A、Rainy. B、Sunny. C、Windy.


( )16. too late is your health.

A、Sleeping, bad for B、Sleep, good for

C、Sleeping, good for

( )17.It’s very important for us a healthy lifestyle.

A、have B、had C、to have

( )18.Thanks for asking us to your house for dinner.

A、a lot of B、lot of C、a lot

( )19.This clock doesn’t work. It’s to buy a new one.

A、funny B、professional C、necessary

( )20.— ?

—It’s Monday the 17th.

A、What’s the date B、What day is it today C、What’s today?

( )21.—Who met a famous actor?

—Tina .

A、do B、does C、did

( )22.—When did you go to Beijing for vacation?

— the end of last month.

A、In B、For C、At

( )23.Liu Xiang is a running star.

A、famous as B、famous for C、famous with

( )24. he’s young, he can read such a book.

A、Though B、Because C、For

( )25.— are you going to be when you grow up?

—I’m going to be a teacher.

A、How B、What C、Who

( )26.To fit, you should take 15-minute exercise every day.

A、have B、build C、keep

( )27.Rosa to do chores but she has to do them every day.

A、likes. B、hates C、wants

( )28.The computer is of the three.

A、expensive B、the most expensive

C、the more expensive

( )29.You can’t live water air(空气).

A、with, and B、without, or C、with, or

( )30.This book is that one.

A、more interesting B、as interesting as C、most interesting


Dennis is a schoolboy from Shanghai. He 31 some New Year’s resolutions yesterday. He wants to 32 . So he is going to exercise more and eat a lot of 33 food. He 34 junk food. He is going to make a soccer 35 because he likes it and he is also good at 36 soccer. He is going to be a 37 of the soccer team. He also wants to improve his 38 . He is going to read English 39 morning. He is going to 40 a pen pal 41 England or Australia. And he is going to write let ters or e-mails in English 42 his pen pal. 43 he grows up, he is going to be a doctor fo r children. He wants 44 sick people. He is going to a medical school. He is going to work hard. He loves children and he thinks 45 children will be great.

( )31.A、had B、made C、did

( )32.A、keep fit B、keep young C、keep old

( )33.A、healthier B、unhealthier C、worse

( )34.A、didn’t eat B、is going to eatC、isn’t going to eat

( )35.A、team B、test C、taxi

( )36.A、play B、plays C、playing

( )37.A、player B、student C、friend

( )38.A、Chinese B、English C、Japanese

( )39.A、very B、every C、once

( )40.A、find B、have C、got

( )41.A、on B、at C、in

( )42.A、with B、in C、on

( )43.A、Where B、When C、Why

( )44.A、to help B、help C、helping

( )45.A、looking for B、looking like C、looking after



A plant makes its own(自己的) food in its leaves. Water comes to the leaves through the roots(根). Air gets into the leaves through very small holes(洞). The green coloring in the leaves uses the wat er and air to make food for the plant. It also needs sunshine(阳光) because a plant can make food only when the sun is shining.

Animals and people could not live without green plants. They both eat plants. People and some animals also eat the meat of some animals, and these animals eat plants.


( )46.A plant gets food from .

A、animals B、the air C、its leaves

( )47.Which of the following uses the water and air to make food for the plant?

A、The root. B、The green coloring in the leaves.C、The sun.

( )48.A plant has very small holes in its leaves .

A、for air to come in B、for water to come inC、for sunshine to come in

( )49.A plant can make its food when it is a .

A、sunny day B、rainy day C、cloudy day

( )50.From the text we know that people can’t get .

A、animals without meat

B、food without animals

C、food without plants


A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year. You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam. If you want to be good at English, you have to read stories in English, and speak English as much as possible. A few days before the exam you should go to bed early. Do not go to bed late at night. Before you start the exam, read carefully over the question papers, and try to understand the exact meaning of each question. When you have at last finished your exam, read over your answers. Correct the mistakes if there are any and be sure that you have not missed anything out.


( )51.If people want to do well in an exam, they have to work hard .

A、every day in a year

B、for most of the month

C、for only a few days

( )52.If people want to learn English well, they .

A、only need to learn grammer

B、must often pratice English

C、have to go to England

( )53.It’s important to a few days before the exam.

A、play too much B、have a good sleep

C、read the question papers

( )54.When people have finished the exam, they should .

A、stand up and leave at once

B、answer a few more questions

C、make sure mistakes on the question papers

( )55.The best title for this passage is .

A、An Important Exam B、An Easy Exam

C、How to Pass an Exam


Mary and Her Friends

Mary has some friends. They are Betty, Peter, Alice and Mike. Mary is the oldest of the five. Betty is thirteen years old. She is younger than Mary an d older than Peter. Alice is nine and Mike is seven.

Betty and Peter are good runners. But Peter runs faster(更快地). Mary and Betty like to play basketball. Mary plays better than Betty. Alice sings best of th em.

Mary and Betty study in a middle school. Peter, Alice and Mike study in a primary school. They all work hard at school. But Betty works hardest. Her handwriting(书写) is good, too.


( )56.Mary has friends.

A、four B、five C、six

( )57.Mike is than Alice.

A、the youngest B、oldest C、younger

( )58.Peter runs than Betty.

A、faster B、slow C、slower

( )59.Betty’s handwriting is .

A、worst B、good C、better

( )60.They all .

A、study in the same school

B、like to play basketball

C、work hard



Places Names Comments(评论)

Restaurants Moonlight

Restaurant It has the 61 rooms and the most delicious food.


Restaurant It’s the 62 one in the city and it has the friendliest service.

Parks Green Park It has the most 63 flowers.

People Park It’s 64 to go into the park.

TV channel(频道) Channel 6 It always shows the most 65 movies.



A:Hi, Rosa. What ar e you going to be when you grow up?



B:I’m going to work hard at Engli sh.


B:I study English by watching English movies.


B:I’m not sure. Maybe Guangzhou or Shenzhen. 70

A:No problem. Let’s go.

B:Thank you.


Most of the wealthiest(最富的) people in the world come from the computer business(商业). Bill Gates, the founder(创始人) of Microsoft, is one of the most successful.

He first met with a computer at Lake School in Seattle. At the age of fifteen, he programmed computers while his high school classmates were playing basketball. In 1973, Gates went to Harvard University where he stayed for two years. He left to go into business with his friend Paul Allen. By 1976, the Gater Allen team was already famous in computer circles(圈). Their operating system(操作系统), MS-DOS, became the operating system for personal(个人的) computers all over the world.

Gates started his own company. At the Microsoft company headquarters(总部) near the city of Seattle, workers can wear shorts, have long hair, drink cans of Coca-Cola, and rollerskate(滑旱冰) from one office to the other. Microsoft becomes one of the biggest companies in the world.

根据短文内容, 按要求完成各题

71.Who is the founder of Microsoft?

72.When did Bill Gates start to use computers?

73.What’s the name of the operating system used all over the world?

74.Where is the Microsoft company headquarters?

75.Is Bill Gates a successful man?




Peter had a party on his birthday in his house. Although he had a great time, it made him very 76 . Before the party, he did many things. First he 77 some money 78 his parents to buy some food, and 79 the living room. Then he 80 his car to pick up(接) some of his friends. When the 81 party was over, he found there 82 still(仍然) a lot of things 83 do. He did the 84 , swept the floor, and 85 out the trash. When he could have a rest, it was over twelve o’clock.

76. 77. 78. 79. 80.

81. 82. 83. 84. 85.




What are you doing next week? Can you come over to my house? I want to give you a surprise(惊喜). Please write soon.


Sun. 10th Mon. 11th Tue. 12th Wed. 13th Thu. 14th Fri. 15th Sat. 16th

Have a meeting at 4 pm Go fishing with Dad Go shopping with friends Piano lesson from 18∶00 to 19∶30 Movies with Tim in the evening Lily’s birthday party Relax at home

Hi, Tony,

5.上海八年级上期末英语 篇五



I、听力(共四节,满分⒛ 分)第一节 情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话。请你根据听到的内容,从A、B、C三幅 图中选出与对话内容相符的一项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。

第二节 对话理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话和一个问题。请你根据听到的内容和提 出的问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。()

6、A、After high school

B、After college

C、Right now

()7.A.There will be fresher air

B.There will be fewer trees C.There will be more pollution()8.A.Stay at home

B.Have a piano lesson

C.Prepare for the test()9.A.One


C.Three()10.A.Lily is a hard-working girl

B.Lily can’ t become successful, C.Lily should work hard at English 第三节 语篇理解(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。()11.When did Dave go to Sanya? A.Last January

B.This spring Festival

C.Next Jannuary()12.How was the weather in sanya? A.Cold


C.Hot()13,Whom did Dave play games with? A.His uncle

B.His cousins C.His classmates()14.How did Dave go to the shop? A.By car

B.On foot

C.By bus()15.Where will Dave go this year? A.Sanya


C.Beijing 第四节 听力填空(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)这一节你将听到一篇短文。请你根据听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空工词。

第Ⅱ卷书面测试(选择题共50分)Ⅱ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入提前的括号内。()21.Tu Youyou is a great scientist._______ work makes the world see.A.She B.Her C.Hers()22.—NASA made a(an)_______ that human will move to another planet in a few years.—Oh, It made us surprised.A.prediction B.invitation C.decision()23.—What is your dream when you grow up? —I want to be a(an)_______ and save a lot of sick people.A.engineer B.reporter C.doctor()24.Now, you can easily pay for the things _______ your mobile phones if you shop online.A.about B.to C.through()25.—You know that the_______ driving can make a lotof danger.—That’s quite right.So we must keep the traffic(交通)rule.A.serious B.normal C.careless()26.If you spend _______ time watching TV, your grades will be better and better.A.fewer B.less C.more()27.—I _______ there will be no smog(雾霾)in our city.—Yeah!It’s very dangerous to go outside on such a day.A.decide B.agree C.expect()28._______ my mother was very tired, she still stayed up late to buy a lot of things online on Singles’Day(双十一).A.Although B.When C.Unless()29.—DIDI doctor will be available on the Internet and it is helpful for people.—Oh, _______ we don’t need to go to see the doctor in hospital.A.simply B.hardly C.probably()30.—Do you know the latest news about Paris after the terrorist attacked(恐怖袭击)it? —I’ve no idea.Let’s _______ the TV to care about it.A.turn on B.turn down C.turn off()31.—I think it’s easy to make a resolution but difficult to keep.—_______.So I never make resolutions.A.Sorry to hear that B.I agree with you C.I don’t think so()32.In order to make a green school, we should _______ planting trees now.A.play a part in B.look forward to C.be halfway to()33.—In our city, there _______ several subways in five years.A.is B.was C.will be()34.—Year of the Monkey is coming!What will you do to _______ the new year? —I will organize a family party.A.celebrate B.choose C.share()35.—What do you think of the new teaching way WeClass(微课)? —_______.Because it can help me with lessons.A.I can’t stand it.B.I love it.C.I don’t mind it.Ⅲ.完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)


This summer, our whole family went to the famous place called “paradise”— Hong Kong.What impressed me most is Disneyland.My family had a(an)___36___ holiday there.There were lots of exciting things to do.And one thing made our ___37___ very special.At first, we got to the front line at Space Mountain, only to ___38___ there was a rule--our little daughter Alice couldn’t take her ice-cream on the ride.Alice cried and we all had no idea what to do.Then Mike, one of the workers in Disneyland came over.He bent down(弯腰)and ___39___ Alice that he would hold the ice-cream for her and give it back when she finished the ride.Alice asked, “You ___40___ it?” Seeing Mike nodded(点头)his head, she gave him the ice-cream and went onto the ride ___41___.Sure enough, Alice’s new friend with “her” ice-cream appeared ___42___ we walked out of the exit(出口).In fact we all knew what happened, because we know that an ice-cream ___43___keep as long as ten minutes on a summer afternoon.Mike went to the nearest shop and bought a new one.Alice said thank you and ___44___ it but I’m sure she thought it was the same ice-cream.We know that ___45___ tried hard to make our travel special.Thanks so much for his kind help!()36.A.dangerous B.enjoyable C.meaningless()37.A.travel B.program C.plan()38.A.help out B.find out C.bring out()39.A.advised B.served C.replied()40.A.are talented in B.are ready for C.are sure about()41.A.happily B.comfortably C.quietly()42.A.because B.when C.until()43.A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t()44.A.touched B.chose C.accepted()45.A.everyone B.anyone C.someone IV.阅读理解



A Yu Jie Middle School will have a School Day on Friday.Students don’t need to have any classes.Instead, they are going to do a lot of things for fun.Here is a poster for it.For further information, please call the school office.Just do it!Enjoy yourself!

()46.If you want to see the school basketball stars, you can go at _____.A.8:00 am〜10:30 am B.3:00 pm〜5:00 pm C.1:00 pm〜3:00 pm()47.You can have water sports at _____.A.Xingsha Beach B.Music Hall C.Basketball Court()48.If you want to be a member of the acting club, you should _____.A.be good at sports B.do well in class C.have some talents()49.You can _____ either in the morning or in the afternoon.A.watch the basketball game B.go to the talent show C.have the chess competition()50.Which is TRUE according to the article? A.There are a lot of exciting classes on Friday.B.You can call 3757465 to know about acting club.C.Playing basketball is the most wonderful game on School Day.B In order to make students become more interested in English learning, No.21 Primary School in South Korea started to use robot teachers.The robot teacher has a beautiful name—Angel.However, she looks very funny.She was developed by the Korea Institute of Science(韩国科学院).She is about one meter high and is white,egg-shaped.She can move around the classroom while she speaks to students.She can also read books to them and dance to music by moving her head and arms.Now, Angel has been used to teach English.She is controlled(控制)by English teachers outside the classroom.There is a camera(照相机)in the robot teacher.With the help of the camera, the English teacher can see and hear the students in the classroom.In fact, there are a lot of robot teachers like Angel.They make the English class very meaningful and interesting.Sometimes the robot English teachers can make faces.If students don’t listen to the teacher, the robot teachers will be angry.If students do well in class,they will be happy.This is very interesting.The robot teacher is becoming more and more popular in school.Besides helping students to become more interested in English, the robot teachers can also help children in poor areas without English teachers.()51.What does Angel look like? A.Beautiful.B.Ugly.C.Funny.()52.What kind of job can robot teachers do? A.They can read books to the students.B.They can sing to music.C.They help students do their homework()53.Who controls the robots when they teach English? A.The teachers outside the classroom.B.The teachers in the classroom.C.The teachers in the Korea Institute of Science.()54.Why do many students like the robot teachers? A.Because the robot teachers never get angry.B.Because the robot teachers can make students popular.C.Because the robot teachers can help students become more interested in English.()55.What can we know from the article? A.The robot teachers can teach different subjects.B.The robot teachers are helpful in learning English.C.The robot teachers can take the place of the English teachers easily Ⅴ.补全对话(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

从对话右边的方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使对话内容完整,通顺,并将其字母标号填在相应的横线上,其中有两项是多余选项。Kim: Hello, Sarah!Sarah: Hi, Kim!This Saturday is my fourteenth birthday.Can you come to my party? Kim: 56.____________ But I can’t.I’m going out with my parents.Sarah: 57.___________ Kim: We’re going to climb Mount Meng and eat food in a farmer’s house.Sarah: That sounds great.58.___________ Kim: We climb mountains twice a week.We think it’s good for us.Sarah: I think so.59.____________ Kim: Thank you!See you.Sarah: 60._____________ A: How are you getting there? B: What are you going to do? C: How often do you climb mountains? D: Sure, I’d love to.E: See you.F: I disagree.G: Have a good time!书面测试(非选择题共30分)



In November, 2015, China ended its one-child policy(政策)which started in the 1970s, and nowevery family can have two children.But what would be like growing up with a brother or a sister? Most people see the good side of the policy.Children want to have brothers or sisters because there is someone else to play with.They can talk about interesting things and share their own stories with each other.However, some parents worry that it will put a lot of pressure(压力)on food, education and jobs when they have the second kid.In fact,there is no need to worry.The US psychologist(心理学家)Kevin Leman said that the first child really wants to succeed.When the family has a second child, they are more relaxed.So the second kid is usually funny and creative.61.When did China start one-child policy? ___________________________________________________________________________ 62.Can a family have two children from now on? ___________________________________________________________________________ 63.Why do children want to have brothers or sisters? ___________________________________________________________________________ 64.What do some parents worry about when they have the second kid? ___________________________________________________________________________ 65.What is the second kid usually like? ___________________________________________________________________________ Ⅶ.词汇应用(本题包含A、B两部分,学生可选做A或B,共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)A.从方框中选出适当的词或短语补全句子,每个单词或短语只能使用一次。

66.My brother is__________.He has quite a few friends inside and outside the school.67.Tony was late for school__________the bad weather.68.__________you work really hard, your dream will come true.69.The students decided to have a concert by__________.70.__________the winter holiday, I plan to do lots of meaningful things.71.The president of the USA__________Xi Jinping to visit his country last year.72.The cleaners clean our streets every day__________on a snowy day.73.Most students have too much __________ and little time to relax nowadays.74.Teenagers__________ join Sunshine Sports to make them strong.75.Our parents often tells us to __________ ourparents to thank for their love.B.根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的适当形式填空,每空一词。

The year of 2015 was unusual for Chinese pop star Lu Han.With his good look and talent,the 25-year-old singer 66.__________ over millions of fans.On the one side, he tried hisbest to sing beautiful 67.__________ for people.On the other side, he practiced68.__________ really hard.He also made some fantastic movies.His 69.__________movie Miss Granny(重返20岁)was very interesting.At the end of 2015, he became a memberof the Running Manin the TV show.Lu Han 70.__________ run very fast and made hisrunning man family believe his skills.He always finished the work 71.__________ at last.Now Lu Han 72.__________ anew movie called The LostTomb(盗墓笔记).Hewill playthe lead role by 73.__________.2016 is coming.Lu Han believes that ifhe 74.__________ his best, he will do better.We hope the new year will be 75.__________for Lu Han.Ⅷ.书面表达(满分10分)


6.八年级物理上 期末试卷分析 篇六















八四班最高分: 119平均分:77.3


及格率:42.9% 2.卷面存在的问题分析:

选择题: 失分主要集中在3、5、6、9、11题。


5题选“A”的较多,失分原因: 审题不清,对于新颖题学生非常怕

6题 失分原因: 运动与静止参照物的选择判断不清

9题 失分原因: 惯性的理解与认识存在不足

11题 失分原因:部分学生不会处理图像信息题。

填空题: 失分多的是14题第三四问,原因是物态变化与光的三原色未撑握好其次是16题,失分原因:语言表述不准确。

作图题: 实验探究题:由于阅卷不公正无法分析

综合应用题: 没有把物理知识和数学知识联系起来,计算能力差






















通过此次考试,我们发现教师在教学过程中存在着以下问题: a)基础知识的教学有待加强;


c)实验教学进一步落实;学生基本技能训练不到位; d)学生课外实践活动未能认真开展;














































7.上海八年级上期末英语 篇七


语音阶段没有打好基础, 单词读不准, 就会直接影响到单词的记忆和积累, 词汇量少了, 阅读就会有困难, 这样就造成了部分学生对英语学习的放弃。那就需要加强学生在语音学习方面的重要性的认识, 培养他们对一些规则发音的单词做到见词即能读, 听词即能写的能力。


单词是学习外语的一大障碍。尤其是农村学生, 在学校英语学习的时间少, 在家又缺少家长的督促, 一些困难学生就是在单词记忆上落下了好多。所以教师应尽力在课堂上指导学生掌握单词记忆的方法, 在课堂上完成新单词的记忆。要引导学生根据单词的拼写、读音、构词法、类别、搭配等内在规律, 学会“拼读记忆法”“构词记忆法”“搭配记忆法”“联想记忆法”、“归类记忆法”“比较记忆法”“情景记忆法”等, 促进学生多、快、好、省地记忆单词。


初学英语时, 教师要从“严”字上狠下工夫, 注意培养良好的学习习惯, 这是学好英语的根本所在。没有良好的学习习惯, 学生的学习热情就会减退。在英语教学时, 教师要遵循语言的认知规律, 通过学习活动, 让学生形成良好的学习习惯。如培养学生勤学好问、大胆开口的习惯, 培养学生读音准确、书写规范的习惯, 培养学生正确朗读、善于背诵的习惯, 培养学生课前预习、课后复习的习惯, 培养学生勤于动笔的习惯, 培养学生善于总结、勤于归纳的习惯等。


“知之者不如好之者, 好之者不如乐之者。”两千多年前, 孔子在《论语》中早已这样说过。兴趣是最好的老师, 是学习的先导。教师在英语教学过程上须着力激发学生“好之”“乐之”的浓厚兴趣, 激发学生主动参与英语学习的意愿, 激发学生的主观能动性。为此, 我们要根据中学生的年龄特点, 采用各种教学方法、手段来激发学生的兴趣, 运用新异刺激, 唤起好奇注意, 让学生

合运用能力。一是平时校内或校周边地区情况调查。如讲到“统计调查和统计整理”时, 要求学生自行设计调查方案、调查问卷, 并自行在校内调查学生手机普及情况或到校门口调查“小吃摊”情况等, 然后进行统计整理, 发现一些问题。如讲完全部内容后, 则还要要求学生写一篇调查报告等。二是利用寒暑假开展社会调查。社会调查可以是采用自行组织的调查、承担委托的调查、参与政府的调查等形式, 通过开展社会调查教学形式可以培养、训练学生观察社会、认识社会以及提高学生实际调查分析能力。

(4) 采用校外综合实习实践教学, 增强学生对实际工作的适应能力。校外实习实践形式能使学生在真实的环境下, 获得第一手感性知识, 是学生真正体会到所学知识运用到实际工作中的实践教学环节。它可以大大激发学生的学习兴趣, 进一步提高学在玩中学、在乐中学, 从中培养学生的主体意识, 从而达到自主学习的目的。还要多与学生沟通, 了解学生的喜、怒、哀、乐, 做学生的知心朋友, 以教师的人格魅力吸引学生, 让学生喜欢上英语课。这样, 学生就会积极地投入到英语学习的过程中。古人云:“信其师者信其道。”教师在日常生活中倾注了爱心, 以情感人, 以智服人, 融洽师生间的关系, 这是培养学生英语学习的兴趣, 调动学生自主学习的前提。


当学生取得成绩时可及时地予以表扬, 还可以与家长取得联系, 向其汇报学生取得的成绩。这样学生对学习就会充满信心, 以更大的热情投入学习, 成绩就会步步高升;相反成绩不佳, 就可能情绪低落, 甚至灰心丧气。因此, 评估学生要客观公正, 多表扬, 少指责, 多鼓励, 少挖苦。让每个学生都看到自己的成绩和进步, 从而坚定他们的学习信念。总之, 在英语教学中, 只有从思想上重视, 正确领悟《新课标》的要求, 指导学生正确的学习方法, 培养学生的学习兴趣, 注重教学方法的改进, 拓展学生的实践空间, 调动学生的主动性和创造性, 使学生感到学习英语“乐在其中”, 一定能避免两极分化现象的产生。 (1) 老师要尽量从学生的实际学情出发, 充分利用教学资源, 激发学生的学习兴趣。对于分化点较多的教学内容, 应采取合适的教学手段和方法, 放慢教学进度, 在容易出现分化的关键处因势利导, 及时提醒和点拨, 防微杜渐, 使中下学生不掉队, 增强他们学习的自信心。 (2) 老师积极创设民主、平等、和谐的教学氛围, 充分激发学优生的潜能, 给学困生更多的关爱, 把他们看做教学活动不可或缺的资源, 给他们必要的支持和鼓励, 让他们也能获得成功体验, 品尝成功的喜悦。 (3) 老师要研究一些特困生在学习策略、习惯和态度等方面存在的问题, 利用课余时间多开“小灶”, 及时帮助他们消化每天学习的新知, 指导他们掌握科学的学习方法, 真正实现从想学到会学的转变。

两极分化是自然和不可避免的, 但这并不意味着, 我们可以因此而忽略一部分学生。更不能成为放弃学生的理由。要帮助差一点的学生, 同时给好一点的学生空间。如果好学生可以学得更好, 但老师却为了避免两极分化没有给他继续发展的机会, 这同样是教学中不允许犯的错误。所以有人说, 或许两极分化还是件好事呢, 也是从这个角度说的。不过我感觉, 许多老师更多的时候是在担心差一点的学生。如何去帮助他们?我想, 首先, 老师要给予他们足够的关注, 可能要比好同学的关注更多。情感上的沟通也许是很重要的, 让他们感觉到老师在关心他们, 并想办法帮助他们树立自尊心和自信心。设计一部分他们能够回答出来的问题提问他们, 这样对他们的自信心有好处。课堂上的教学要照顾到他们, 可以采用与好学生结对子练习的方法, 使其从同学那里获得帮助。老师的教学游戏, 可以考虑选择一些全班同学都能有机会参与的, 比如:传毛绒玩具并回答问题, 谁都有机会被逮着。

生实际工作能力, 并为学生走上社会和工作岗位做准备。

只有将统计学实践教学作为统计学课程教学环节的重要组成部分, 确立其实践教学的中心地位, 彻底改变传统统计学教学模式下与人才培养目标不相符的地方, 形成一种科学的、规范的实践教学体系, 才能将人才培养目标真正落实到实处, 从而培养出适应经济管理需要、具有较强动手能力、创新能力的高素质应用型复合人才。


[1]朱励.高等职业教育《统计学》实践教学探讨[J].教学与科技, 2006 (12) .[2]徐秋艳, 万秋成.统计专业实践教学模式的探讨[J].统计与决策, 2006 (6) .[3]孙占学, 周林图.高校特色实践教学体系之构建[J].教学评论, 2006 (4) .


摘要:本文以八年级英语中的“分化”现象为思考点, 从五个方面, 集中论述了八年级英语教学中的“分化”问题, 对这一特殊现象从多角度进行思考与探索。

8.新目标八年级(上)期末综合练习 篇八

A) 从括号里选出适当的词语,用其恰当的形式填入空白处。(10分)

(instruction, weather, survey, mix, achievement, outstanding, need, lend, autograph, friendly)

1. You may ____ these drinks up.

2. This is headmaster’s ____.

3. I have Yang Ying’s ____.

4. No one came to the sales because the ____ was so bad.

5. China has had a great ____ since 1978.

6. The man in the story is very ____.

7. We did a ____ of our readers.

8. I’m tired. I ____ to have a rest.

9. He likes this book. Please don’t ____ it to others.

10. The boy is ____ in the class.

B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5分)

11. How many ____(tomato) do we buy?

12. The stars in the sky are ____(count).

13. There are some ____(sheep) on that hill.

14. They are American ____(visit).

15. I often go ____(boat) with my classmates.


1. The green one is ____ than the yellow one.

A. much expensiveB. much more expensive

C. expensiverD. expensive

2. He speaks English ____ than any other student in his class.

A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best

3. Of all the apples in the basket, this one is ____.

A. redB. redderC. reddestD. the reddest

4. My bike is ____ Lucy’s.

A. as better asB. as good asC. as well asD. as best as

5. The population of Australia is ____ than that of Canada.

A. fewerB. smallerC. largerD. more

6. When the teacher came into the classroom, the students ____ at once. A. stopped to talkB. stopped talking

C. stop to talkD. stop talking

7. It ____ him nearly an hour to get there by bike.

A. spentB. tookC. paidD. used

8. Don’t forget ____ your dictionary next time.

A. to takeB. to bringC. bringD. to get

9. I liked sports ____ I was young.

A. becauseB. whileC. ifD. when

10. If it ____ tomorrow, we’ll go to the Great Wall.

A. isn’t rainB. doesn’t rainC. rainsD. not rains

11. Could you ____ me how to ____ this word in English?

A. tell; speakB. speak; sayC. tell; sayD. say; speak

12. They can’t find the answer ____ this question.

A. forB. withC. toD. of

13. He spends most of his money ____ stamps.

A. onB. forC. inD. by

14. ____ my way home, I bought a shirt ____ my father.

A. By; forB. On; forC. On; toD. Of; to

15. The American people like fried chicken. ____ do we.

A. SoB. SuchC. NeitherD. Either



1. How do you do?

2. Could you come to my party?

3. How long does it take you to make dinner every day?

4. How many bananas do we need?

5. How do you get to school?

6. Where were you born?

7. What’s the time by your watch?

8. What’s the matter with you?

9. Were there any sheep in the field?

10. When did you visit her house?

A. Twenty minutes.

B. I was born in Shanghai.

C. It’s six o’clock.

D. Yes, there were.

E. Three.

F. Yes. I’d love to.

G. Last weekends.

H. I have a toothache.

I. How do you do?

J. By bike.


1. She is tall and fat. She has long hair. (合并为一句)

She is ____ tall and fat girl ____ long hair.

2. You should eat more fruit. (改为否定句)

You ____ ____ more fruit.

3. Kate is going fishing on May 2nd. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ Kate ____ fishing?

4. Mr Wang usually goes to work by bus. (改为同义句)

Mr Wang usually ____ a ____ ____ work.

5. It takes me half an hour to get to the shop. (对划线部分提问)

____ ____ ____ it take ____ to get to the shop?

6. His bike is new. My bike is newer. (合并为一句)

My bike is ____ ____ ____.

7. Peel the bananas and apples. (改为否定句)

____ peel the bananas ____ apples.

8. We have a good time every day. (用last Sunday改写句子)

We ____ a good time last Sunday.

9. He went to school when he was 7 years old. (对划线部分提问)

____ did he ____ to school?

10. They are going to have an English party this evening.


____ are they going to ____ this evening?


1. 多数学生每天晚上在家做作业。


2. 当你疲劳时,你应该听听音乐。


3. 盒子里有不同的东西。


4. 他花了两天的时间看这本书。


5. 明天我不得不帮母亲打扫房间。


6. Kate likes to wear the same clothes with me.


7. How many sandwiches did you eat yesterday?


8. I went to the Summer Palace the day before yesterday.


9. She started skating at the age of five.


10. It’s fine today. How about going fishing?



Who is your idol(偶像)? Why do you like the person? Cool looks? Money? A lot of talent?

Shanghai teenagers say they __1__ more than that. Most of them say their idols are hardworking and brave(勇敢).

This summer, Shanghai’s Xinwen Evening News __2__ around 1,000 middle school students about their idols.

The newspaper __3__ people in six different groups: leaders, young heroes, teenagers, writers, artists and business people. Students were asked to __4__ one from each group.

NBA __5__ Yao Ming was the No. 1 Chinese idol __6__ 48% of all votes (投票).

Popular singer Jay Chou(周杰伦) is the teen’s __7__ star. A teenager said, “Jay is so kind to his mother and grandma. He __8__ good care of them.”

Shanghai students also like U.S. businessman Bill Gates. More than half picked him as their idol. A junior student who likes Gates said, “Bill was not __9__ rich. He worked hard. And he doesn’t like to tell everyone how rich he is. He also has courage(勇气). He __10__ school to start his own business!”

1. A. look upB. look afterC. look atD. look for

2. A. askedB. talkedC. spokeD. told

3. A. getB. keepC. putD. play

4. A. pickB. pick upC. hopeD. give

5. A. writerB. starC. businessmanD. leader

6. A. inB. withC. byD. for

7. A. bestB. funnyC. favoriteD. pleasant

8. A. looksB. paysC. drawsD. takes

9. A. keptB. hopedC. bornD. wanted

10. A. leftB. returnedC. went toD. went out



Two tramps(流浪汉) were sleeping under a tree by a busy main road when a large expensive car drove up and a man stepped out, walking up to the two tramps and waking them up.

“Just look at what you are doing there! ”the man began to say. “If you get up and look for a job, then you can live a better life. You might even become rich like me. By the time I was 40, I had become a leader (领导) of the company and now I am 60 and I am rich and can retire (退休).”

One of the tramps looked at him over and answered, “And if we had done all those things, we could also retire and sit under a tree and watch rich men driving by in expensive cars.”

1. The two tramps were waken up by ____.

A. a treeB. a manC. a busy roadD. a car

2. How did the man feel about the tramps? ____.

A. He took pity (可怜;同情) on them

B. He was proud of them

C. He felt happy for them

D. He showed his love to them

3. The man wanted the tramps to ____.

A. make a better lifeB. become a leader

C. have dinner with himD. retire at 60

4. The two tramps ____.

A. liked to go begging(乞讨)B. were very sad for their life

C. enjoyed their lifeD. admired(羡慕) the rich man

5. We can infer(推断) that ____.

A. the two tramps would try their best to find a job and live a better life

B. the man would give the two tramps a lot of money to spend

C. the man would do as the tramps did

D. the two tramps would do as they used to


Today the children of this country at last returned to work. After a two-month holiday pupils have started a new term. How many adults (成年人) get such a long holiday? Two or four weeks in the summer and public (公共的) holidays—that’s all working men get. For most women, they are not lucky to have a holiday at all.

Children don’t need such a long holiday. In term time they start work later and finish earlier than anyone else. In holidays most of them get bored(厌烦), and some get into trouble. What a waste!If their parents were given more free time instead, everyone would be happier. This is not just a national problem either—it is worldwide. Dates may be different from country to country, but the pattern(模式) is the same. Why should children do half as much work and get twice as much holidays as their parents?

1. Most working men get ____ weeks in the summer and public holidays. A. three and fiveB. two or fourC. four and sixD. two or six

2. From the passage we know that ____.

A. it is not easy for a woman to get a holiday

B. most women have holidays

C. no woman gets holidays

D. most men don’t have holidays

3. The writer thinks children ____.

A. must have such a long holiday

B. should have a long holiday

C. don’t need such a long holiday

D. should get into trouble in holidays

4. How long do children have for their holidays? ____.

A. Two weeks

B. Two days

C. Half of their parents’ holidays

D. Twice of their parents’ holidays

5. Children in ____ have long holidays.

A. few countriesB. many countries

C. just this countriesD. a few of countries



1. 假设你是李磊,你给你的美国朋友Bill写一封信,介绍你是如何学习


2. 要求内容完整,书写规范,表达准确,标点正确,卷面清楚整洁。

3. 至少写五句话以上,多者不限,信的开头已经给出。

4. 关键词:favorite subject, work hard, practise reading, speaking, listening, writing, keep on doing, remember words, listen to…, watch English videos, talk in English (答卷时,不必局限于所给的关键词,可以根据自己的实际情况适当发挥。)

Dear Bill,

How are you? Today I want to tell you about my English study._____



