


1.中式铺床实训报告 篇一












































2.中式铺床实训报告 篇二

1.Q:How do you respond if a guest wants to buy something nice to take back to his little girl? A:I will recommend the hotel gift shop to the guest.And if time permits, I will recommend the local market to him as well.2.Q:You come to make up room for a guest, but he tells you that he prefers it later

because he is busy doing some paper work , what will you say? A:I will say: That’s all right.I will come back later.What time would it be convenient for you, sir?

3.Q:You are making up rooms when a guest comes and asks you to reschedule and

clean up his room now, since he is having a visitor in an hour.What will you say? A: I will say: We usually do the check-out rooms first, but we can make up rooms earlier on request.4.Q:What will you do if the guest says that she wants to use her hairdryer, but it’s 110 volts?

A:I will tell the guest that the electrical voltage in China is 220 volts.And I will send her a transformer or a hairdryer for 220 volts.5.Q:If the guest says that he will leave and come back 2 days later, and he is not able to take the laundry the next day.What will you say? A:I will tell him: they provide “hold-for-return” service in the Laundry Department, where he can have his laundry kept until he returns.6.Q:You are going to do turn-down service for the guest, but he is working, what will you do?

A:I will ask the guest if he’d like me to do the turn-down service now.If not, I will ask him when it will be convenient for him.7.Q:What will you say if the guest tells you the temperature in the room is not agreeable? A:Don’t worry.I will adjust the air-conditioning for you.8.Q: If the guest comes to you and says he can’t open the door with the key to his room, what will you do? A: I will go and have a check with him, and help to have his key changed if necessary.9.Q:What do you ask so as to see whether the guest needs some more help? A:Good afternoon.Is everything all right? Is there anything else I can do for you?

10.Q:If the guest complains that there is hair all over in the bathroom, what will you do? A: I will apologize first, and then I will tell the guest we’ll have a room attendant take care of this immediately, as hygiene and tidiness is our top priority.11.Q:Try to introduce the different types and styles of rooms in the hotel to Mr.Bellows

who is making a reservation over the phone.A:What kind of room would you like, Mr.Bellows? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, British,Roman, French and presidential styles.12.Q:A guest tells you that he is attending an important conference, and wants to have his suit dry-cleaned as soon as possible.What will you do to help? A: I will suggest that he take the express laundry service.There will be an extra charge of 50% for the express, but the laundry will be sent back to him in four hours.13.Q:What will you do if the guest wants to surf the internet in the hotel?

A:I will tell the guest that the hotel offers free internet service in the room.Besides, guest is always welcome to the Business Centre or the Internet Café of the hotel.14.Q:What’s the information you give when you’re introducing a guestroom to the guest?

A:I will introduce the equipment, the services provided, special facilities and the view the guest may get from the room.15.Q:When a guest calls to ask if you can send someone to take her laundry, what will you say?

A:Sure I will inform the valet to pick up your laundry.May I have your room number, please?

15.Q: You show the guest to his room, and he asks where he can get the slippers.What will you say? A: “Let me get the slippers for you, they are here in the wardrobe.”

17.Q:If the guest says he would like to sleep late the next morning, what will you suggest? A:Please press the “Do Not Disturb”(DND)button before you go to bed, and you won’t be disturbed the next morning.18.Q:A guest wonders if the outdoor swimming pool of the hotel is a right place to cool off and relax.A: Our outdoor roof-top swimming pool features a 150-metre long pool.It presents an excellent oasis for the guests to cool off and relax after a busy day.19.Q: If the guest asks you to look after the baby for her, what will you say? A: I’m sorry, madam.I can’t do that.It’s against our hotel’s regulation.But we have a very good baby-sitting service.The sitters are well-educated and reliable.20.Q:What do you need to check when you collect the guest’s laundry?

A: I will check how many pieces of laundry there are and see if the guest has filled out the laundry list.21.Q:What will the attendant say to help if a guest asks to have a stain on his clothes removed? A:Sure.We will try our best to remove the stain but we cannot guarantee the result.22.Q:What will you say when the guest has finished checking-in at the Front Desk? A:Here is your room key and the bellboy will show you up to your room.Hope you’ll enjoy your stay in our hotel.23.Q:As a Front Office clerk, how do you deal with a miscalculated bill? A:I will apologize for the miscalculation to the guest first, and then check it with the department concerned.24.Q: What will you say if the guest complains the beef steak sent by Room Service is rare, while he asked for well-done? A: I’m terribly sorry.I will inform the Food and Beverage Department;they’ll see to the matter and have another steak prepared to your appetite.25.Q:What will you say if there is no room available for the guest who is calling to make a reservation? A:I’m sorry, but we are fully booked.Shall I put you on the waiting list? We will contact you if there is a cancellation.26.Q: If the guest says some of the lights in the room are flashing, what will you do? A: I’m sorry.I will inform the Maintenance Department to deal with it right away, and they will make sure to change some new lights for you as soon as possible.27.Q:What do you say to the outside phone caller when you’ve got no response after putting him through to one of the guest’s room?

A:I’m afraid he is not in the room at the moment.Would you call back later?

28.Q:What will you say when you notice a guest is not feeling well?

A:Are you all right / What’s the matter, Mr.Simpson? You look pale.Shall I send for a doctor?

29.Q: What will you say if the guest calls to borrow a patch board? A: May I have your room number? I will send an attendant up with a patch board to you right away.30.Q: How do you respond to an unexpected request from the guest?

A: I’m not sure, but we’ll see what we can do for you./ I can’t guarantee, but let’s see what we can do.31.Q:Tell the guest how to use the “Make up Room” sign.A:If you want the housemaid to make up your room earlier, just hang the “Make up Room” sign outside on the door.32.Q:Tell the guest how to ask for Room Service by telephone.A:You can dial 515 to ask for Room Service.Room Service is available round the clock.33.Q:Inform the guests about breakfast service in the hotel.A:The hotel provides buffet service for breakfast, which is available between 6:30am and 10:00 am.34.Q:Explain to the guest the hotel preference policy in making up rooms.A:We always make up the check-out rooms first, unless there is a request.35.Q: Explain to the guest the use of the Hotel Service Directory.A:By referring to the Hotel Service Directory on the writing desk, you’ll find detailed information about all the services we provide in the hotel.36.Q:Inform the guests about the free shoe shining service of the hotel.A:The hotel provides free shoe shining service for the guests.Just put them into the shoe basketif you want to have them polished.37.Q:Tell the guests about the voltage difference between the USA and China;remind him that the sockets in the bathroom are for 110 volts and 220 volts respectively.A:The voltage here is much higher than that in the USA.There’re two sockets in the bathroom, one is for 110 volts and the other 220 volts.38.Q:The guest would prefer the turndown service for him after 9:00 pm when you’ll be off duty.How do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir.I will make sure to let the night staff know, and he’ll do the turndown service for you after 9:00 pm.39.Q:Introduce 3-4 types of laundry services the hotel provides to the guests.A:The Laundry Department of our hotel is experienced, and they provide the same-day service, the express service, the next-day service and the express pressing service.40.Q:A guest calls to complain that there are not enough hangers in his room, how do you respond? A:Don’t worry, sir, I will have some more hangers sent to your room right away.May I know your room number? 41.Q:Explain to the guest how to use the door knob menu to order and have his breakfast in the room.A:You may use the door knob menu to order Room Service.Just tick the items you’d like for breakfast, write down the time, and hang the door knob menu outside the

door before you go to bed tonight 42.Q:The guest orders Room Service, and now you are delivering his breakfast to the room.What do you say after knocking on the door?

A:This is Room Service.I’ve brought you your breakfast.43.Q:The guest complains that the water tap is leaking, and the noise of it is driving him crazy.How do you respond? A: I will tell the guest that I will report it to the Maintenance Department and have the tap fixed as soon as possible.44.Q:Phone the guest and tell him that you’ve found the cell phone he lost the other day.A:This is Lost and Found.We have found your cell phone.45.Q:Apologize to the guest for the delay of his baggage delivery.A:I’m sorry for the delay.But the bellman is delivering your baggage up to your room now.46.Q:A visitor comes to meet Mr.Smith in Room 2501, but he is not in the room now, what do you say to the visitor?

.A:I’m afraid Mr.Smith is not in the room now.Would you like to leave a message?

47.Q:How do you respond if a guest complains that one of the pillows in his room smells funny?

A: I’m sorry, sir.I will have a new pillow sent to your room right away.48.Q:What do you say when you want the guest to follow you to his room?

.A:Room 1502 is nice and comfortable.Let me show you to your room, sir.This way please.49.Q:How do you check with the guest when sending up his luggage?

.A:Here we are, Room 1208.You’ve got three pieces of luggage in all.Is that right, sir?

50.Q:How do you ask the guest to make sure if there is something identical attached to his luggage?

A: Is there a tag or anything identical attached to your luggage, sir?

51.Q:The guest wants to know if he can make a direct dial international call from his room.A:Yes, sir.You can make a direct-dial international call from your room.Please dial 9 first, and then the country code, the area code and finally the telephone number.52.Q:Tell the guest where to leave his laundry..A: Just leave your laundry in the laundry bag behind the bathroom door.The attendant will come and collect the laundry.53.Q:Tell the guests to contact you when they have requests..A:If you have any requests, please feel free to let us know, we are always at your service.54.Q:You’re sending back the laundry to Mr.Dave.Tell him a button on his shirt is missing, and you’ve sewed on a new one for him..A:Mr.Dave, here’s your laundry.By the way, one button was missing from your shirt, and we’ve sewed on a new one.55.Q:One guest looks worried, show your concern and offer your help..A:Good afternoon, you look worried.What has happened? How can I help you? / Can I be of assistance?

56.Q:Apologize for the inconvenience caused to the guest, and assure him it will not happen again..A:I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir.I assure you this won’t happen again.57.Q:The guest tells you that he’s just had a shower, and the bathroom is quite a mess.A:Don’t worry sir.I will tidy up your bathroom right away.58.Q:How do you respond if the guest asks you whether baby-sitting service is available in the hotel? A:Yes, we do have Baby-Sitting Service in the hotel.You can dial 888 for Baby-Sitting Service.The sitters are competent and experienced.59.Q: How do you greet the checking-in guests at the Front Desk?

A: Good morning.Welcome to the Hotel.Do you have a reservation?

60.Q:How do you bid farewell to a checking-out guest?

A:Thank you for coming.Hope you enjoyed your stay with us.Good bye.61.Q:Inform the guests that the hotel provides a hand torch for the guest.A:There’s a hand torch in the drawer of the bedside table for your convenience.62.Q:What are the items of information a receptionist should ask the guests to enter when filling out the registration form? A:The receptionist should make sure that such information items as the guest’s full name, address, nationality, forwarding address, visiting purpose and signature are all entered correctly and legibly.63.Q:How do you ask for guests’ personal information politely?

A:Excuse me.May I have your name, address and your telephone number?

64.Q:Inform the guest that you are able to accept his booking.A: We are glad to tell you that we are able to accept your booking.65.Q:How to ask about the Room Rate for a double room? A:What is the price for a double room? / How much is a double room per night?

66.Q:How do you ask the guest to fill out the registration form while you’re busy with the key card? A:Would you please fill out this registration form while I prepare your key card?

67.Q:You’ve helped the guest check in at the Front Desk.And now tell him to follow the bell boy to his room.A:If you are ready, the bell boy will show you up to your room.68.Q:A guest is making a reservation and he wonders if there is a special rate for group reservation.A:Yes, there is.We offer a 10 per cent discount for a group reservation.69.Q:How to request for an extension of stay in the hotel? A:I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at the hotel.70.Q:How do you inform the guest of the arrival of his visitor? A:A certain Mr.Zhang wants to see you, sir.He is now waiting in the lobby.71.Q: Give an example of making a general comparison of three Hotels.A: The Palace, the Plaza and the Regent are distinguished international hotels.The Regent is the largest but the Palace is the most modern./ The Plaza is not as luxurious as the Palace, but it is just as comfortable as the Regent.72.Q: How do you ask the speaker to slow down? A: Excuse me, but would you please slow down a little? / Excuse me, madam, but would you mind slowing down a bit?

73.Q: How are advance reservations made?

A: Advance reservations are made in different ways.Some people send reservation letters to the hotel.Some go directly to the hotel and make reservations in person.Others call the hotel and make reservations over the telephone.Still others telegraph hotels for rooms.Nowadays, more and more people make reservations by Internet Service.74.Q: Give two examples of recommending an executive suite to the guests.A: May I suggest that you try the executive suite? / You might want to try the executive suite of our hotel./ Why don’t you try the executive suite? / You could try the executive suite if you like.75.Q: Give two examples of making courteous parting remarks.A: Thank you for calling us, sir./ Thank you for choosing us for your service, sir./

Thank you for staying with us, sir./ Thank you for using Room Service, sir.76.Q: Give two examples of quoting a price for a single room to the guests.A: A single room would run you between $80 and $95 at this time of year, madam./ A single room can cost you between $80 and $95, madam./ Room rate ranges from $80 to $95 for a single room, madam./ It is between $80 and $95 per night for a single room, madam.77.Q: How do you talk about distance when showing guests the way? A: It takes about 20 minutes to get there by taxi/bus/on foot./It is 20 minutes’ taxi ride/ bus ride/ walk from here.78.Q: How do you give directions when showing guests the way? A: Walk two blocks down Queen Street, until you hit Cypress Street./ Go straight along Sunshine Street, and turn left at the first traffic light./ Walk all the way down this street, until you get to the first intersection.79.Q: How do you check if the visitor of a guest, named Williams, has an appointment? A: Did Mr.Williams know that you were coming? / Is Mr.Williams expecting you? / Do you have an appointment with Mr.Williams?

