


1.“希望之星”英语风采大赛小学组问答题目参考 篇一

英语希望之星风采大赛问答题 两分钟口语交流(小学组)

1.Which school do you study in? Which subject do you like best?Why? 2.How many people are there in your family? Can you tell us a story that happened in your family? 3.Who is your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? 4.Who is your English teacher? Do you like her(him)? Why? 5.Do you have to do homework everyday? How do you think of too much homework? 6.Do you like animals? Why? 7.Do you like sports? Why? 8.What do you do when school is off? Do you go home immediately or play outside? Tell us the reason.9.Do you like singing? Can you sing any English songs? 10.Why do you choose that story? Can you tell us the reason why you choose that story for your prepared speech? 11.Do you like watching TV? Which program do you like best? Why? 12.Who cook in your family? Which dish is your favorite? Why? 13.What are your hobbies? Can you share with us some of your hobbies? 14.Do you like swimming? Why? 15.Do you think keep reading a story everyday is a good way of improving one’s English? Why? 16.When do you get up in the morning? Do you often do morning exercises? Why? 17.Do you like eating hamburger or any other western food? Why? 18.Do you have English class everyday? Can you tell us an interesting thing that happened in your English class?

19.How do you go to school everyday? Can you ride a bicycle to school? 20.Do you often help your mother do some housework? What can you learn from doing those housework? 21.Do you like ball games? Football, basketball, volleyball, or any other kinds of ball? 22.If today were your mother’s birthday, what would you give her for present? Why? 23.Do you know how many days are there in a week? Can you name them? 24.Do you like watching cartoon? Why? 25.What’s the weather like today? What kinds of weather do you like best? Why? 26.How many seasons are there in a year? Can you name all the seasons? And which season do you like best? 27.What do you usually do on weekends? You play ourside or study at home? Why? 28.Do you like flowers? Why? 29.How many hours do you spend in studying English per day? Why do you think English is important? 30.Do you like going shopping? Why? 31.What kinds of books do you like to read? Can you tell us one of your favorite books? 32.Do you like playing computer games? 33.Do you think playing computer games is fun or a waste of time? Why? 34.How many months are there in a year? What are they? 35.Have you ever got up late for school? If one day you got up very late, what would you do? 36.Do you know your father’s hobbies? Can you tell us some of your father’s hobbies? 37.Who’s your best friend? Why he or she is your best friend? 38.Do you like eating ice cream? What kinds of food do you like best?

39.Can you tell me what is the most difficult thing in learning English? 40.What other languages would you like to learn? 41.If you were a tourist guide, could you introduce your city to us? 42.Do you learn English everyday? 43.Can you share with us your way of learning English? 44.Do you like this competition? 45.If you won this competition and went into the final, what would you do next? 46.Do you think learning English is hard or easy? Why do you learn English? 47.Do you get on well with your classmates? How many classes do you have everyday? Can you name some of them? 48.Do you learn something on weekends? What kind of thing would you like to learn? 49.What is your favorite activity on weekends? 50.Do you often play games with your friends? What games do you like to play? 51.Do you like traveling? Which city do you think is the best place to visit? Why do you think so? 52.What is the name of the festival for children? When is that day? 53.Do you know any other festivals? What do you usually do during festivals? 54.Do you have many friends in your school? Who is your best friend? What do you do when you are together? 55.How long have you been learning English? 56.What do you think is the greatest difficulties in learning English? How can you solve that problem? 57.When and where were you born? 58.Have you ever had a birthday party with your classmates?

59.What kind of presents do you want most? 60.Do you have a computer in your home? What can you do with the computer? 61.Do you have many good friends? Do you like asking your friend for help when you are in trouble? 62.Do you raise a pet at home? If possible, what animal do you want to raise most? Why? 63.Do you want to be a teacher? If possible, which subject would you like to teach? Why? 64.How far is it from your home to your school? How do you go to school everyday? 65.What fruit do you like best? Do you know what kind of fruit we often eat in summer? 66.What fruit do we have in autumn? 67.Can you tell us something about your hometown? 68.How would you like to celebrate your next birthday? 69.If a foreign friend sends you a bunch of beautiful flowers as a gift, what would you give him or her in return? 70.Do you like traveling? If you could go anywhere of the world, where would you go? 71.How do you go home after class? 72.Among all the subjects you take at school, which subject you dislike most? 73.Who is your best friend? Do you want to have a beautiful friend or a ugly one? 74.You must spend a lot of time learning English, but do you have any other hobbies? 75.Do you have any hobbies? Does it affect your studies? 76.Which is your favorite animal? 77.Do you like Pop star, Movie star, TV star? Do you want to be one? 78.Do you like Harry Potter? Have you seen the movie? Who do you like in the book?

79.If one day after school your best friend played too long and had to go home late, and then they 80.ask you to lie to their parents.Would you do this for them? 81.What do you want to do when you grow up? 82.What’s your favorite sport? And tell us why.83.What 3 words will you use to describe yourself? 84.Do you think it is necessary for your parents to sign on your test paper? 85.What is your favorite color? And why? 86.How much pocket money did you get last spring festival? And how did you spend it? 87.Why is it important to wash your hands? And what does washing hands prevent? 88.Every New Year a lot of children like to send out greeting card to their little friends.What’s your way of greeting your friends in the New Year? 89.What is your favorite season and why? 90.Do you often go to an English corner? Why? 91.Do you think listening to English tapes is a good way of learning English? Why? 92.What do you want to be when you grow up? Why? 93.Have you ever watched an English movie? Do you think that watching English movies is a good way of learning English? 94.Which animal do you like best? Do you agree with that animals are our friends? 95.Have you ever made your parents angry? Tell us a story about that.96.Do you want to be an English teacher when you grow up? Why or why not? 97.Can you tell us something about your school life? 98.Do you think study hard is the only way of getting a high score? Why? Who do you like most and who do you dislike most? Why?

99.What is the biggest problem in your study? Do you think you can solve it? 100.Some people say that watching TV is not good for a primary school student.Do you think so? 101.Do you like playing computer games? Why or why not? 102.Do you think learning English is a hard thing or not ? Why? 103.Do you want to make friends with a good student or a bad one? Why? 104.If your best friend want you to do his homework for him, will you help him or not? Why? 105.English and Chinese, which one you like better? Why? 106.Some students say that it is boring to memorize new words.Do you also have this kind of feeling? 107.Do you like Cartoon films? Can you tell us something about Cartoon? 108.Can you ride a bicycle? Please tell us how to ride a bicycle.109.Do you know the weather forecast of today? What’s the weather like today?

2.“希望之星”英语风采大赛小学组问答题目参考 篇二

1. Which doyouprefer, chinese food or western food? Why?

2. Whodo you like best in your life, why?

3. Whichi tv programme do you like best ?why?

4. What do you think about the idea of sharing?

5. Do you like PE class at school ? why?

6. What’s your favourite sport ? why?

7. What do you usually do in your spare time?

8. Is tv a good thing in our life ? why?

9. Do you like reading? What kind of bood do you like to read in your free time?

10. What would you like to keep as a pet ? why?

11. What’s your favourite subject at school? Why?

12. Do you often go to the cinema? What kind of film do you like best? Why?

13. What do you want for your birthday this year? Why?

14. Do you like traveling ? what’s your travel plan for the coming summer holiday?

15. How did you spend your winter holiday last year? Talk about it.16. How didi you spend your spring festival last year? Talk about it.17. How do you usually spend your weekend?

18. Is there anything we can do to reduce polution?

19. There are five weekdays in a week , which one do you like best? Why?

20. What present would you give your mother on mother’s day? Why?

21. Do you want to be the monitor of your class ? why?

22. How long have you been living in your house or flat? Can you describe it to us?

23. What will you do this evening if you have some free time?

24. Do you like the spring festival ? why?

25. If you have enough free time , what would you like to do?

26. Do you think entering the key middle school is very important for you?

27. What kiind of job do you think you will do when you grow up?

28. Do youthink fast food is a good try for people today?

29. Would you rather listen to some music or play some musical intruments?

30. If possibel , doyou want to have a brother or sister? Why?

31. What’s your dream in the near future, talk about your new plan in the coming new school

term.32. What can you do to pretect the environment?

33. Will you make friends with those students who are poor at study?

34. Can you describe a teacher that you like best?

35. Can you think of a job that you would like to do in the future? Why?

36. What’s your favourite color ? why do you like it?

37. What kind of whether do you like best? Why?

38. What subjects do you like best in school ? why?

39. Do you like examinations in school ? why?

40. How do you celebrate your birthday? Can youtell us something about your last birthday?

41. Where do you like to live? In the city or in the countryside? Why?

42. Which is your favourite cartoon ? why do you like it?

43. Who is the best student in you class ? how does he study?

3.“希望之星”英语风采大赛小学组问答题目参考 篇三





































1.自我介绍+自选题英文朗诵 2分钟


2.看图说话 1分钟




1.自我介绍+自选题英文朗诵 2分钟















* 比赛内容参考范围出自外语与教学研究出版社的《希望之星英语风采大赛培训教程》。















(2)进入初赛环节的选手每人需交纳 50元的初赛费。进入复赛环节的选手每人需交纳 60元的复赛费,同时获得由赛区组委会向选手赠送的大赛指定参考资料一套和参赛注册卡一张。







(1)为了满足广大参赛选手的要求,全国组委会研究决定,2011全国总决赛期间,将举办“‘希望之星’北京万人夏令营活动”,届时报名选手将有幸作为嘉宾进入中央电视台10号演播大厅,直接参与全国总决赛的赛事,亲眼目睹全国优秀选手的风采展示,还将参加全国组委会统一安排的多位 “央视著名主持人与大赛选手见面会”,实现与央视名嘴零距离接触。











2.联 系 人:于老师

4.“希望之星”英语风采大赛小学组问答题目参考 篇四





★ 第一环节

· 自命题演讲(含自我介绍)+评委互动问答:


· 时间:1.5分钟

★ 第二环节

· 个人才艺展示


· 时间:1分钟

★ 评分标准:100分






风采(30分):选手需要通过个人风采感染观众,具有亲和力和号召力,得体的着装,建设校区:5384000 大观校区:5376352 北市校区:5216566 曲靖校区:0874-8976868





★ 第一环节



★ 第二环节



· 时间:1分钟

★ 评分标准:100分

· 发音:选手发音应清晰、自然、完整、易懂。

· 准确度:语序合理,用词恰当。

· 内容:内容指选手参赛过程中所表达的所有内容。内容需积极向上,倡导乐观的工作、生活、学习态度和良好的价值观,要求内容充实,结构清晰,完整,有新意。

· 风度/才艺:选手的表现力强,有一定的台风并能有得体、生动的肢体语言和跟英语相关的才艺。



