


1.定语从句教学反思 篇一





2.定语从句教学反思 篇二


很多学生知道定语从句需要用关系代词或关系副词来引导, 但对于众多的关系词, 究竟该选哪个总是模棱两可, 出现这种情况的原因主要有以下几个方面。


关系词有三大作用, 一是放在从句与先行词之间, 起引导定语从句的作用;二是起指代或替代先行词的作用;三是在定语从句中充当适当的句子成分, 即主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等。

首先要让学生牢记引导定语从句的关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as和关系副词when, where, why的具体功能, 即可指代什么, 能在从句中充当什么成分, 特别要记清楚that与which不能替换的几种情况。如以下情况, 引导词用that, 不用which:

(1) 先行词为不定代词everything, little, much, all, anything, nothing或被不定代词修饰时。

(2) 先行词前有形容词最高级、序数词修饰时。

(3) 先行词被the only, the very, the last 修饰时。

(4) 先行词同时指人和指物时。

(5) 由which或who提问的句子。

(6) 定语从句的内容为解释名词的性质、概念时。

引导非限定性定语从句和作介词宾语时, 只用which, that不可替换which。

其次还要对对于句子结构、句子成分模糊不清的学生进行讲解引导, 让这些学生知道句子的基本结构和基本成分。


很多学生将名词性从句、状语从句、定语从句以及强调结构的引导词混为一谈, 结果不能正确选定定语从句的关系词。请看下面的例子。

(2009 湖北卷) It is obvious to the students they should get well prepared for their future.

A.as B. which C.whether D.that

此句中的It 为形式主语, the students 之后是一个主语从句, 其引导词为that, 此处的that 在名词性从句中只作为引导词, 不担任句子成分。as只引导状语从句和定语从句, which 和whether虽可引导名词性从句, 但which意为“哪个 (些) ”, whether意为“是否”, 均与句子语义不符。又如:

①It is in the park that I met him.

②It is the park where I met him.

这两个句子之所以用that和where作引导词, 是因为句①是一个强调结构, 强调了地点状语in the park, 根据强调结构可知用that作引导词, 而句②是一个主系表结构的句子, 其中的表语the park之后为定语从句, 故用关系副词where作引导词。教学中遇到类似的问题时要多分析句子, 使学生真正把握句子结构, 这样才能比较轻松地选出正确的引导词。


定语从句分限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句, 前者是先行词不可缺少的修饰和限定内容, 而后者是对先行词的补充说明, 去掉非限定性定语从句, 整个句子在结构上及语义上还是完整的。从形式上看, 限定性定语从句一般紧跟先行词, 而非限定性定语从句往往用逗号与先行词分开, 那么在选引导词时就有了差别, 如that既指人又指物, 在限定性定语从句中可以who, whom, which替换, 但在非限定性定语从句中不可用that。所以一定要让学生牢牢记住这一点。同时要弄清as与which在引导非限定性定语从句时的异同, 二者都是关系代词, 都能引导非限定性定语从句, 指代主句内容, 在从句中充当主语、宾语或表语, 但which引导的从句多放在主句之后, as引导的非限定性定语从句多置于主句前或主句中。


定语从句中出现介词时, 介词往往被置于关系代词之前, 介词+关系代词的选定也是高考中定语从句考查的常见模式, 但很多学生对这类问题却束手无策。在教学中可告诉学生根据以下四点进行选择。






一般情况下, 定语从句紧跟在先行词后, 但有时先行词与其定语从句会出现割裂情况, 其间可能插入短语或从句, 这就给对全句结构的理解造成了困难。如:

(2010 江西卷) The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister she would stay for an hour.

A.where B.who C.which D.what

根据语义可知从句是用来修饰限定the training centre的, 而不是修饰her sister的, 代入从句为:She would stay at the training centre for an hour, 故选where作引导词, 在从句中充当地点状语。如果看不到with her sister割裂了先行词the training centre和定语从句, 误认为her sister是先行词, 那么就不能选出B 项了。

3.定语从句教学心得 篇三

关键词:定语从句 概念 引导词

带定语从句的谚语有God helps those who help themselves,自助者天助之;He who laughs last laughs best,誰笑到最后,谁笑得最好;He who doesn't reach the Great Wall is not a true man,不到长城非好汉。上面的几句谚语,汉语对中国孩子而言,个个耳熟能详,亲切中让人醍醐灌顶。但看看英语,多孩子觉得很难理解。其实这三个句子里面只是包含了高中英语的一个重要的语法知识——定语从句。如果定语从句的知识弄清楚了,这几句英语的谚语也会变的和汉语一样的亲切可爱。高一必修课本用了4个单元分块循序渐进的教授这个知识点,足见其重要性和难度。定语从句的教学很有意思,常常能给人带来拨开云雾见太阳的喜悦和成就感。一旦定语从句的知识掌握了,除了直接考察的单项选择题学生能顺利的完成,学生的阅读能力,写作水平都会有很大的提高。


定语从句是指的在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句。先行词,指的是被修饰的名词、代词或者是整句话。例如,“There was an earthquake which happened in Tangshan in 1976”中的an earthquake就是先行词;引导定语从句的词,是关系代词、关系副词,例如,句子中的which。关系代词一般有who,whom,whose,which,that等;关系副词一般有when,where,why等。具体教学中,应先帮助学生复习弄清楚基础知识:什么是复合句及复合句的构成分类。否则学生容易模糊迷糊,觉得复合句似乎是很难的一大堆东西,从而迷茫,产生为难情绪。

解释如下:英语中的句子,由简及难,分为简单句、并列句和复合句。复合句分问名词性从句、状语从句和定语从句。简单的说即为用一个句子做了主句的什么成份,就叫什么从句。而定语从句即意为用个句子来修饰限定某个名词会代词。如下的简单句中:I know that beautiful girl. 其中beautiful为主句宾语girl的定语,是用单个的形容词作定语的。用句子来替换I know that girl who is eating banana .即为一个含定语从句的复合句。再如,The sweet apple is form LiLei其中sweet为主句主语apple 的定语。用句子可以替换如下:The apple which is sweet is form LiLei .这样的解释在我看来,可以立竿见影的帮助学生理解什么定语从句,特别是普通班的学生。


常识补充:英语中所有复合句的主句和从句之间,一般都必须要有连接词。复合句即为:简单句+连词+简单句。连接词一般依附从句,有的可以省、有的则不可省。定语从句的引导词分为关系代词(who, whom, whose, which, that等)和关系副词(when、where、why等)。讲解定语从句引导词的选择的时候,我总是兴致勃勃的神秘的告诉学生,我们有一把金晃晃的万能钥匙!它就是定语从句引导词和先行词及整个句子之间的关系。定语句子结构可以简写为:名词+引导词+从句。其中引导词要指代先行词,并在从句里担任一定的成分,担任的成分不同引导词不同。以关系代词为例,列表如下:


例1. This is the book(that/which)my mother bought for me yesterday . 这是我妈妈昨天买给我的那本书!其中book为先行词,that为引导词,my mother bought for me为从句部分。那么,关键的是要给学生解释清楚为什么这里应该用that来引导整个句子。定语从句实际上是把两个有重叠点的简答句合为一个句子。上面的句子根据意思,可以拆分为:This is the book.和My mother bought a book for me yesterday.我们把前面句子中的book定为先行词,那么我们就要分析后一个句子中的book在句子中承担的是动词bought的宾语。而定语从句中,指物做宾语要用that或which引导,并且可以省略。所以便有了以上的句子。

例2.The book which /that is talking about flowers is form my mother.讲述关于花草的那本书是我妈妈的。该句可以拆分为The book is form my mother和The book is talking about flowers. 我们将前面的句子中的 book定为先行词,分析后一个句子中book为整个句子陈述的对象即主语。定语从句中,指物做主语可以用that或which,不能省略。同样的道理,我们也可以把两个有重叠名词或代词的简单句合为一个定语从句。



4.走出定语从句教学误区 教学反思 篇四


有些教师在讲授定语从句时,总是一味强调它的构成和形式,而对于它的内涵及与主句的关系却讲的很少。因而学生的理解是:只要先行词是表示时间、地点和原因的名词,引导定语从句的肯定是关系副词when, where和why。其他先行词则由关系代词which和that引导。针对这种情况,我们教师在讲定语从句时一定要仔细分析一下定语从句的含义。不要一见到先行词是时间或者地点名词就用when或where引导,而应看看引导词在定语从句中应作什么成份。如果作时间、地点或原因状语才能用when,where和why。也可以分析一下定语从句中是否有主语或宾语。如果既有主语又有宾语,可以用when, where或why引导;假若没有主语和宾语,那么就要考虑是否用that或which来引导了。

如:A. Do you still remember the day(when)we met?

B. Do you remember the day (which/that) we spent with professor Li in Xi’ an?

这两句话里都含有表示时间的先行词“the day”。那么,我们试着分析一下:A句从句中有主语“We”,也有不及物动词“met”,因而,我们可以说先行词“the day”既没有作该从句的主语,也没有作宾语,因此只能用关系副词when引导,相当于“on which”也就是“on the day”的意思。而B句中主语是“we”,宾语没有在“spent”后出现。由于“spent”是个及物动词,故其引导词只能用在从句中充当宾语的关系代词“which”或“that”来引导了。类似的例子还有:

C. This is the place we visited last year.

(Where、which、to which、by which). 这是我去年参观的地方。(which是关系代词作宾语,指物)

D. we will visit the place he worked three years ago.

(where、which、that、which) 我们将参观他三年前工作的地方。(where是关系副词作状语)。

E. I went to Beijing last year, I visited the Great Wall.

(when、where、which、that) 我去年去了北京,在那儿我参观了长城。在这句话里where也是关系副词作状语。但从形式上看主句和从句用逗号隔开,从内容上看从句对先行词作了补充说明而不是修饰限制。因此它是一个非限制性定语从句。(注意限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别)



A. This is the book (that) I have learned a lot from.

B. This is the book from which I have learned a lot.


C. Do you know the man (that) she was talking to?

D. Do you know the man to whom she was talking?


E. The house (that) he is living in is now a shop.

F. The house in which he is living is now a shop.


G. The fellow (that) I spoke to made no answer.

H. The fellow to whom I spoke made no answer.




A. He is talking with the girl whose brother is my classmate.


B. This is the boy whose father is our English teacher.



C. He lives in a house whose window opens to the south. 他住在一间窗户朝南开的房子里。(whose意为“房子的”)

I have just bought a new bike whose color is white.





1. 先行词为all、everything、something、anything、nothing时只能用that引导。

A. Please tell me all (that) you know.


B. I’ll tell you everything (that) I saw in the United States.


C. I’d like to tell you something that will make you surprised.


D. Is there anything (that) I can do for you?


E. There is nothing that has to be done today.


2. 先行词被数词,最高级形容词以及the very、the only、the last等修饰时只能用that引导。

A. The first student that put up hands was Zhang ping.


B. Agriculture was the most important invention that led to the beginning of civilization.


C. This is the very pen (that) he is looking for.


D. That is the only English book (that) he bought from the bookstore yesterday.



A. Henry and his dog that appeared in street last week disappeared mysteriously in the forest yesterday.


B. we were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited.


4. 先行词在主句中作表语,或关系代词在从句中作表语时。

A. It is a dictionary that will help you a lot.


B. He is no longer the man that he was in our university.



This is the house in which I lived ten years ago.


6. 先行词本身是that时不用that。

I will tell you that which he said yesterday.



A. I have lost my mobile phone, which is bought by my father.


B. She entered a new vocational and technical college, which made her mother very happy.




A. She was ill yesterday, which made her mother very worried.


B. She was patient towards the children, which made them very excited.


C. Eating too much, as is well known, is not good for our health. (as译为“正如”)


D.He opposed the idea, as could be expected.



5.英语:定语从句教学案 篇五


I 概念



that, which, who, whom, whose, as, but, than 关系词

关系副词 when, where, why 解题思路:找先行词,看先行词在定语从句中充当何种成分,然后确定用何种关系词。He still lives in the house ______is in the north of the city.He still lives in the house ______window faces to the south.He still lives in the house ____there is a piece of furniture.(先行词分别在定语从句中作主语、定语、地点状语。因此分别用which/that;whose;where.)I’ll never forget the days ______we spent together.I’ll never forget the days ______we stayed together.(先行词the days分别在定语从句中作宾语、时间状语。因此分别用which/that;in which/ when.)The reason ______he gave us was reasonable.The reason ______he didn’t attend the meeting was that he was ill.(先行词the reason分别在定语从句中作宾语、原因状语。因此分别用which/that;why.)This is the only way ______you can find.I didn’t like the way _____he spoke to his mother.(先行词分别在定语从句中作宾语、方式状语。因此分别用that或省略;in which/that或省略)那么该如何确定关系词呢?首先看在限制性定语从句中: 一 当先行词在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语/宾补时:



表语/宾补 人

who;that who;whom;that;/

that 物

which, that


that 人和物 that



1)The lady who/that came to our class is from Australia.2)I visited the country which/that had been bombed by the US-led NATO a month before.3)He is the person(who/whom/that)I met in the park yesterday.4)I’ll never forget the years(which/that)I spent with my cousin in Australia? 5)Watch the girl and her dog that are crossing the street.6)We liked the farmers and their farm(that)we visited yesterday.7)He is not the man that he used to be.8)Hong Kong isn’t the city that it used to be.9)I’m not the fool that you thought me.注意:


1)当先行词是people, those, one/ones, anyone/anybody等时

People who can see sometimes act just as foolishly.Those who were either fools or unfit for their offices could not see the cloth.


Anyone/Anybody who breaks the rules is punished.One who doesn’t work hard will never be happy.2)He who„„用于谚语、格言中

He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man不到长城非好汉 He who plays with fire gets burnt.玩火者必自焚

He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.不犯错误的人一事无成 He laughs best who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好.He who hesitates is lost.当断不断,必受其乱 3)在非限制性定语从句中

Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977, is considered one of the greatest and funniest actors in the history of the cinema.4)在分隔定语从句中

A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you German.教你们德语的老师明天来

5)一个句子带有两个定语从句,一个用who,另一个用that.The student who was praised at the meeting is the monitor that is very modest and studies very hard.在会上受到表扬的那个学生是班长,他谦虚好学 2.在下列情况下,通常用that,而不用who 1)先行词前面有the first, the last, the only或the same等所修饰时 She is the last man(that)I want to see.她是我最不愿意见到的人

She is the only person that understands me.She is the same teacher that was praised the other day.2)主句是以who或which开头的特殊疑问句时

Who that has common sense will do such a thing? Which one of us that knows something about physics does not know this? 3.先行词是物,在定语从句中作主语或宾语时,一般用which或that都可以。但在下列情况下, 通常用that,而不用which.。

1).先行词被形容词最高级或者序数词所修饰时,通常用that This is the best article that has been written on the subject.This is the first composition(that)I have written in English.2).当先行词是all, any, anything, nothing, everything, much, little 等时,通常用that I have done all(that)you told me to.Is there anything(that)I can do for you? This book contains much/little that is useful.3).当先行词被all, any, the very, the only, the last 等修饰时,通常用that.All the books that have been selected are useful ones.Is there any question that troubles you much? Corn was not the only food that was taken to Europe.4).主句是which开头的特殊疑问句时,通常用that.Which of the books that you have read is the most instructive? 4.在下列情况下,通常用which,而不用that.1)介词的宾语


He paid the boy 10 dollars for washing ten windows, most of which had not been cleaned for years.2)在非限制性定语从句中,代表前面的名词或整个句子

One of the Charlie Chaplin’s most famous films was “The Gold Rush”, which was made in 1925.Carol said the work would be done by October, which personally I doubt very much.The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we could expect.5.当先行词在定语从句中作主语时,关系代词通常不能省略。但是,当定语从句是there be 结构时,可以省略

We must make full use of the time(that)there is left to us and do as much as I can for the people.我要充分利用我剩下的岁月尽量为人民多做些事 This is the fastest train(that)there is to Nanjing.这是到南京的最快的一班车

6.注意下列两种句式的定语从句: 1)It is(high/about)time(that)„过去式

2)It/This/That is/will be the first/second/third„time(that)„

从句的时态用现在完成时 It/This/That was the first/second/third„time(that)„

从句的时态用过去完成时 It is time we went to bed It is the first time that he has come to meet me at the station.It will be the second time that I have been there.It was the first time that he had passed the examination in English.7.注意避免出现以下几种情况:

1)The storybook(which/that)I have just read it cannot be easily forgotten.定语从句中不可使用与关系词意义相重复的词。应删除it,因为it与关系代词which/that在意义相重复。

2)Her two daughters who are studying in Beijing.缺少谓语动词,应去掉who,改为Her two daughters are studying in Beijing.3)Prices of daily goods are bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.两个谓语动词,缺少连接词。改为Prices of daily goods(which are)bought through a computer can be lower than store prices.4)Is this museum they visited last week? 缺少表语,加上the one 使句子成立。改为Is this museum the one they visited last week? /Is this the museum they visited last week? 5)We all like Harry because he is a man whom everybody thinks is pleasant to get along with.将whom改为who.everybody thinks是插入语。

He made another wonderful discovery, which I think is of great importance to science.二 当先行词在定语从句中作定语时: 指人 指物

broken 2)Do you know the man whose house(the house of whom/of whom the house)was burned down? 2.“介词+whose+宾语” 引导的定语从句。

whose of whom whose

of which 1)They study in a classroom whose windows(the windows of which/of which the windows)are


1)The boss in whose department Mr.King worked called at the hospital.2)The engineer, from whose doctor we know all the truth, was put in a women’s room.3)The doctor, with whose help the sick child was saved, is very kind to her patients.3 在下列情况下,只能用of whom, of which.而不用whose引导定语从句。1).定语从句的主语是some, most, many, few, much, little等时.About 200 people, many of whom were Europeans, worked on the project.Those foreign engineers, most of whom have never been to China before, are enjoying their work here.They gave me much ink, little of which is red.2).定语从句的主语是all, none, both, neither, each等时

She has two sons, both of whom are PLA men.He gave us many books, none of which was interesting.3).定语从句的主语是数词时

In Barcelona the Chinese team got 16 gold medals, 12 of which/of which 12 were won by women.There are forty-five students in our class, two thirds of whom are girls.4).在定语从句中作表语的定语时

Look!There come a lot of students, of whom Lucy is one.The stories about the Long March, of which this is one example, are well written.三 当先行词在定语从句中作状语时: 状语 时间状语



方式状语 when where why in which;that;/ 1).My girl friend told me the day on which /when she was born.2)The bookstore in which/where his sister works is the largest one in Nanjing.3).The reason for which /why I’m writing to you is to tell you about a party on Saturday.4).I don’t like the way(in which / that)you speak to her.注意:

1.when/where=at/in/on which等 why=for which.2.原因状语其先行词通常是reason,方式状语其先行词通常是way 3.当先行词是situation, point, case, conditions等相当于under which, in which等。表示“在什么情况下,从„„中”。He has got himself into a dangerous situation where he has no control.The newly-married couple quarreled so much that they reached the point where they had to separate from each other.这对新婚夫妇吵架吵得这么凶,以至于到了不得不分手的地步 we had to face the conditions where pressure was heavy.我们必须面对压力很大的情况 四 as的用法: 1.引导限制性定语从句

当先行词被the same, such, so, as所修饰时,关系代词通常用as 1).You have the same opinion as I have.2).He’s such a funny sort of person as I don’t understand at all 3).Here is so heavy a stone as no one can remove.4).You will see as many children as come 你将见到所有到来的孩子们 比较:


That is the same bike as I lost.那辆自行车和我丢失的一模一样(the same„as „泛指同一类)That is the same bike that I lost.那就是我丢失的那辆自行车(the same„that„特指同一个)2.引导非限制性定语从句


As was usual with him, he went out for a walk after dinner.他又像往常一样,吃完晚饭后出去散步了

He was late for school, as is often the case.他上学迟到了,这一点对他来说是常有的事 The Beatles, as many of you are old enough to remember, came from Liverpool.你们这样年纪的人大多还记得披头士乐队吧,他们都是利物浦人 3.as和which的区别


This elephant is like a snake, as/which anybody can see.但是: 1).as引导非限制性定语从句,代表整个句子的概念,可以位于句首、句末或者句中。而which引导非限制性定语从句只能位于句末。

As is known to us everybody, the moon travels round the earth once every month.= The moon travels round the earth once every month, as is known to us everybody.= The moon, as is known to us everybody, travels round the earth once every month.2)as引导的非限制性定语从句,除了具有which的功能外,还多了一层含义:“正如„„所(期待/预料/想象/猜测/知道/„„)的那样”。Cyprus, as you know, is an island in the Mediterranean.He was punished, as I had expected.3)当从句和主句语义一致时,用as;反之用which.She has married again, as was expected.She has married again, which was unexpected.4)定语从句是主谓宾补结构或是否定句时,用which而不用as.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappy.Betty always tells a lie, which her parents find strange.Mr.Smith usually praises his student Rose in public, which she doesn’t like at all.五 but的用法: but作关系代词引导定语从句时,用于否定词语之后,相当于who do/does not或that do/does not意思是 “无人/事物不„„”.There is no man but feels pity for starving children.= There is no man who does not feel pity for starving children 没有人不同情那些嗷嗷待哺的孩子

There is not one of us but wishes to help you.= There is not one of us that does not wish to help you.我们没有一个人不想帮助你 六 than的用法: than作为关系代词,引导的一个带有比较意义的定语从句。


Yesterday he ate more than was good for him.昨天他吃的太多了,对健康没好处。


You spent more money than was intended to be spent.你花的钱超出了原来的打算 II 非限制性定语从句

非限制性定语从句通常和主句之间用逗号隔开。主语 指人 who

指物 which 宾语 指人

指物 定语 状语 whom which

whose 时间状语 when where


Einstein, who cared little for money, made great contributions to modern physics.The young musician, whom you often talk about, will go abroad for further study.The museum, which we visited last week, is newly built.His grandfather was born in 1937, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out.Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high.注意: 1.that;why不能引导非限制性定语从句。


2.限制性定语从句是主句不可缺少的一部分,不用逗号隔开,翻译成“ „„的”.而非限制性定语从句是对主句的补充说明,常用逗号隔开,翻译成两个简单句。比较:

Her brother who is a teacher is strict with her.她那位当老师的哥哥对她要求严格(不止一个哥哥)Her brother, who is a teacher, is strict with her.她哥哥是一位老师,对她要求严格(只有一个哥哥)

The journalists who reached Beijing yesterday have already started to work.昨天到达北京的那些记者们已经开始工作了(暗示还有更早到达或尚未到达的记者们)

The journalists, who reached Beijing yesterday, have already started to work.那些记者们已经开始工作了,他们是昨天到达北京的


Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14,1865 at a theatre in Washington D.C.His father, who is a drug-taker, is very weak.I have been to Mount Everest, which is the highest mountain in the world.The earth, which we live on, is round.4.破折号后面和括号里面的定语从句看作是非限制性定语从句 The government----which promised to cut taxes----will be popular.这个政府将会得人心,它保证要减税

The house(for which he really paid too much money)stands in a large garden.那房子座落在一个大花园里,那房子他确实买贵了 III 介词+关系词



1.这一结构用什么关系词取决于先行词的指代.指人用whom,指物用which..注意不能用who或that,也不能省略.用什么介词取决于定语从句中谓语动词结构及“介词+whom/which”在句中的作用.He is the man for whom my sister bought a gift.(先行词指人,用whom, 谓语动词是buy sth.for sb.这一习惯搭配.故用for whom)The two things of/about which Marx was not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms of English.(先行词指物,用which.谓语动词是be sure of /about这一习惯搭配.故用of/about which)2.这一结构中的介词的位置比较灵活.但是“动词+介词”构成的短语动词一般不拆开.The person(who/whom/that)you should write to is Mr.Ball.=The person to whom you should write is Mr.Ball.Nearby were two canoes(which /that)they had come to the island in.=Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island.The babies(who/whom/that)the nurses are looking after are very healthy.Is this the book(which/that)she was looking for? 3.where 和when有时用作关系代词相当于which point/place和which time用来充当定语从句中介词的宾语

His head soon appeared out of one of the second storey windows, from where he could see nothing but trees.He stood near the north window, from where she could see the whole garden.I met him ten years ago, since when I haven’t seen anything of him.4.介词+which+宾语

In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., by which time many people have gone home.(by which time即by after 5:30 p.m.“到五点三十分以后”)Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance, in which case I would but stand there.Water boils at 100C,at which temperature it changes to gas Jane spent four years in college, during which time she studied medicine.Ten years of hard work changed her greatly, for which reason he could hardly recognized her at first sight.I called her by the wrong name, for which mistake I apologize.5.“短语介词+which”的结构.They arrived at a house, in front of which sat a small boy.Sound is a tool by means of which people communicate with each other.He was found disappointed at his failure, because of which he was criticized.四.分隔定语从句

一般说来,定语从句是紧跟在先行词后面作先行词的定语,但有时出于平衡句子结构或强调某个成份的需要而将定语从句与先行词分隔开来。这样的从句称为分隔定语从句。I was the only person in my office who was invited.(被状语分隔)Do you remember one afternoon ten years ago when I came to your house and borrowed a diamond necklace? But the Southern states wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep black slaves.(被定语分隔)What have I said that makes you so angry? 我说了什么,把你气成这个样子?


The days are gone when we used foreign oil.(被谓语分隔)The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away village.(被宾语分隔)But his enemies, the slave owners in the south and the bankers in big cities, who had grown rich on the work of slaves, could not let Lincoln continue his work.(被同位语分隔)五.定语从句中的主谓一致

(1).先行词在定语从句中作主语时,定语从句中谓语动词的单复数以及其形式取决于先行词。A biologist is a person who has a great knowledge of biology.I, who am your friend, will try my best to help you.(2)在„„one of„„who/that„„的结构中,先行词是of后面的复数名词,定语从句中的谓语动词用复数形式

在„„the(only/very)one of„„who/that„„的结构中,先行词是the(only/very)one,定语从句中的谓语动词用单数形式

He is one of the students in our class who were praised by the headmaster yesterday.他是我班昨天受到校长表扬的学生中的一个

He is the only one of the students in our class who was praised by the headmaster yesterday.他就是我班昨天唯一受到校长表扬的那个学生 六.定语从句和其他结构的区别 1.定语从句与分词

Who is the comrade that is standing by the door? =Who is the comrade standing by the door? They built a highway which leads into the mountains.=They built a highway leading into the mountains.They’re problems that have been left over by history.=They’re problems left over by history.2.定语从句与并列结构、独立主格结构

A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of whom are women.= A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, and most of them are women.=A team of 15 Indian experts are organizing a workforce of 400 Cambodians, most of them women.3.定语从句与强调句型

Was it the day on which /when you joined the army?

Was it on the day that you joined the army? 如果It is/was„的后面接的是名词词组,一般是定语从句。如果It is/was„的后面接的是副词、介词短语,一般是强调句型。4.定语从句与主语从句

Anyone who leaves(Those who leave)the room last ought to turn off the lights.=Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.As is known to us all, Charles Babbage invented the first computer.=It is known to us all that Charles Babbage invented the first computer.5.定语从句与宾语从句


His father’s second wife did all/everything(that)she could(do)to help him.=His father’s second wife did what she could(do)to help him.



Kennedy and Johnson, both of whom were murdered in their terms, once co-worked as president and vice-president It was a matter of who would take the position.He will shoot at whoever comes near him.6.定语从句与表语从句

What is worth remembering is the time when we came here =What is worth remembering is when we came here This is the place where we met last time =This is where we met last time Is that the reason why you are late? =Is that why you are late? This is the way(in which/that)the whole city is fed.=This is how the whole city is fed.7.定语从句与同位语从句的区别

We heard the news which/that had spread quickly.We heard the news that our team had won.引导定语从句的关系词,在定语从句中必须充当句子的成分。


He is such a good teacher as we all love and respect =He is such a good teacher that we all love and respect him Here is so difficult a question as no one can answer = Here is so difficult a question that no one can answer it.解题时,看从句中是否缺少成分。缺少成分as,是定语从句;不缺少成分,用that,是结果状语从句。


After living in Paris for fifty years, he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.He found her calculator where she lost it.Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often.= Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often.解题时,看有没有表示地点的名词作先行词,在从句中充当成分。如果有,是定语从句;如果没有,是地点状语从句。10定语从句与插入语

6.定语从句(教学设计) 篇六

class 15 Grade 1


定语从句是高考考察的语法重点之一,是学生理解长难句及各类文章的基础,因此本节课的内容十分重要。本人将以讲练结合的方式,通过本课的教学,加深学生对定语从句的了解, 最终达到运用定语从句的目的。


学生刚刚接触定语从句, 很需要对它进行更进一步的学习和了解,通过本课的对定语从句的学习,学生最终达到运用它的学习目标。



2.能力目标:掌握定语从句的引导词who, whom,which,whose和that的基本用法。3.情感目标:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,建立学习英语的成就感和自信心,使学生学在其中,乐在其中。



Step 1: Greetings

Step 2:



3)定语从句引导词:关系代词 :who﹑whom﹑that﹑which﹑whose


关系副词:where﹑when﹑why 4)引导词的作用:1 连接先行词和从句.2 代替先行词.3 在从句中充当句子成分:主语,宾语,定语,状语 5)关系代词 :who﹑whom﹑that﹑which﹑whose的用法 6)总结定语从句引导词的选择 定语从句四步:

第一步,找出先行词; 第二,找出定语从句


7.定语从句教学反思 篇七

语法教学作为二语习得的重要组成部分, 一直是颇受争议的话题。采用哪种教学法教授语法, 正是中外外语教学界争论的焦点之一。而最具代表性的两种语法教学法是显性教学法和隐性教学法。定语从句可谓是中学语法中的重难点, 这一语法的教学无论是对教师还是对学生都是一个巨大的挑战, 我认为在教授定语从句时可将显性教学法和隐性教学法结合起来。


(一) 国外研究现状

国外众多学者对显性教学法和隐性教学法在语法教学中的教学效果进行了实验。斯科特 (Scott, 1989) 就法语中的虚拟语气和关系代词进行试验, 通过口语和写作测试对两种教学法的效果进行测试, 结果显示接受显性教学的实验组在掌握目标与结构方面优于对照组。克拉申 (Krashen) 、琼斯 (Jones) 等人通过研究也得出显性教学对成年人更有效。诺里斯 (Norris) 和奥尔特加 (Ortega, 2001:202) 得出从总体上来看, 显性教学要优于隐性教学。这些学者中也不乏支持隐性教学的学者们, 麦克劳林 (Mclaughlin, 1987) 就是其中的支持者之一, 认为只有语言学习基于隐性的学习, 才能促成交际能力。有些学者不简单局限于某种教学法。埃利斯 (Ellis, 1994) 认为那些语言点突出、结构复杂、变项较少的语法项目, 采用显性教学法的效果要比隐性教学法的效果好;而对于那些语言点不明显, 结构较简单、变项较多的语法项目, 隐性教学法要好于显性教学法。埃利斯 (Ellis, 1994) 同样也指出, 显性教学法更适用于智力水平在中等以上或者女性青少年。同时也有一些学者指出对于不同阶段不同人群可以采用不同的教学方法。

(二) 国内研究现状

在我国对于显性教学和隐性教学的研究起步较晚。高海英和戴曼纯 (2004) 进行的就英语关系从句的外置结构的研究, 其结果显示显性组成绩高于隐性组。田金平 (2005) 就英语关系从句的研究结果显示隐性教学法在以考察语言产出为目的的测试中有显著效果。宋月琴 (2009) 的研究结果显示在口语方面隐性教学法优于显性教学法。纵观我国研究现状, 教育者更愿意在某一语法点单独采用某种教学法, 而很少将两种方法融合在同一个语法项目中。


(一) 显性教学法

埃利斯 (Ellis, 1994) 指出显性教学法是指给学生语法规则, 然后加以练习。通常在这种方法指导下, 教师首先将语法点呈现给学生, 然后组织学生进行练习, 如替换、模仿, 当学生对该语法项目了解进一步加深之后, 再将该语法点放入语境让学生进行进一步练习。显性教学法强调的是教师系统的讲授和学生有意识地学习, 它强调的是教师一方的作用。

(二) 隐性教学法

埃利斯 (Ellis, 1994) 指出隐性教学法是指学习者从所给的例子中归纳出语法规则。但是教师不是直接给出例句, 而是给出情景让学生自己体验语言, 通过交际运用从而得知语法规则。隐性教学法强调学习者在学习语法规则时必须是在可理解的且有实际意义的情境下, 只有这样, 学习者才能自然且无意识地习得目标语语法规则, 这种方法主要强调学生一方的作用。


定语从句的关键是分析句子成分, 而初中语文课本已经将汉语句子基本成分这部分拿掉了。因此在课程进行之前, 我们有必要将句子成分介绍给学生, 并且加以训练, 在这一部分我们可以使用显性教学法, 进行一些机械训练。

(一) 关系代词引导的定语从句

由于汉语体系中没有定语从句, 因此学生对于关系代词、先行词的概念也不知道。我们可以在讲解关系代词引导的定语从句之前先介绍五种基本句型。通过合并两个简单句来引出定语从句:

1. The books are on the desk.They are mine.

The books which/that are on the desk are mine.

2. The boy stands under the tree.He is my cousin.

The boy who/that stands under the tree is my cousin.

3. Please pass me the dictionary.The dictionary's cover is blue.

Please pass me the dictionary whose cover is blue.

通过这种方法, 我们可以让学生初步了解定语从句的构成、引导定语从句的关系代词有哪些以及什么是先行词。接下来我们再用显性教学法来分析划线部分的关系代词都指代什么以及充当什么成分。在这个过程中我们可以用表格的形式来呈现。

that与which和who的区别是难点, 这就需要教师通过显性教学法将这些特殊情况归纳出来, 并对学生加以训练。之后我们可以找出含有定语从句的歌曲, 如Eversleeping, 让学生找出其中的定语从句并学会这首歌曲。

(二) 关系副词和关系代词引导的定语从句区别

并非所有先行词表示时间、地点、原因的定语从句都要用关系副词when、where和why来引导, 而这一部分又是学生十分难以理解的, 这就需要教师通过显性教学法来呈现给学生, 这样既省时又有效。


1. I'll never forget the Tuesday when I first visit London.

2. I'll never forget the days that/which we spent together.

3. Hangzhou is a city where there is a famous lake.

4. Hangzhou is a city which/that has a famous lake.

5. The reason why he was late is that he was sick.

6. The reason which/that/×he gave isn't true.

列举完几个句子之后, 让学生辨别划线部分在从句中充当的成分。1、3、5中划线部分在句子中作状语, 而2、6划线部分分别在从句中作宾语, 4的划线部分在从句中充当主语。然后再做一些练习, 如单选、填空, 以此来加深学生对这部分的理解。


综上所述, 虽然显性教学法和隐性教学法各有利弊, 但两者并不矛盾, 而是互补互利的关系。在教学实践过程中, 我们可以根据学生的实际情况、教学内容的难易程度、教学环境等因素选择合适的语法教学法, 在必要时可以将两种教学法结合起来, 这样就可以在教学过程中达到事半功倍的效果。

摘要:显性与隐性教学法是当今英语语法教学中两种主要的教学方法。虽然他们是两种完全不同的教学方法, 但两者并不对立, 相反他们之间是互补互利的关系。本文结合自己的教学实践, 谈论如何在定语从句中将两者整合。



[1]Ellis, R.The Study of Second Language Acquisition[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press, 1994.

[2]McLaughlin, B.Theories of Second Language Learning[M].London:Edward ArnoLd, 1987.

8.浅淡初中英语限制性定语从句教学 篇八









①A scientist is a person who/that invents or discovers things.(主语)

②A train is a machine that can run..(主语)

③He is the man that/whom we should learn from.(宾语)


①The teacher who/that teaches us English is from the USA.(主语)

②She is the person whom/that I met at the school gate yesterday.(宾语)


The letter which/that he received yesterday is his mother’s(宾语)

(4)Whose指人或物。在从句中作定语。指物时常可用of which代替。

①The man whose bike was stolen was my uncle.(指人作定语)

②Mr Green lives in a house whose roof is red.(指物作定语)



(1)先行词为all,much,little,everything,anything,nothing,none,few,the one等不定代词时。

①That’s all that I have seen and heard.

②I mean the one that was bought yesterday.

(2)指物的先行词被形容词最高级或被only,any,one of,few等修饰时。

①It is the most important task that should be finished soon.

②My necklace is not the only thing that is missing.


Look at there flowers.You can see the two that you gave me.


we were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited.



The clock is that which tells the time.


Eg:This is the room in which Lu Xun lived.


①The tool(that/which)he is working with is called a saw.

②Do you know the woman(who/that)she was talking to?


①The child who is reading there is my brother.

②The children who are reading are my classmates.





①I still remember the day when you first came here.

②The day when we won the match finally came.



①I like the places where it is warm.

②Do you still remember the village where you were born?



①The reason why he was late was that he missed the bus.
