


1.秘书专业英语自我介绍 篇一


My name is juanjuan Xu , and I will graduate from Xi’an FanYi University in the year 20XX, My major is secretary in English department.

It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding. During the three %26–year college study, I tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge, and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; I have mastered English listening, speaking, writing and reading skills.

Moreover, I have a good command of Business English and the basic theory, public relationship of secretary. Meanwhile, in order to enlarge my knowledge, I always read some newspapers and magazines about business and trade, and I used to do some representative of business in my spare time. At the same time, I learnt computer skills during my summer vacation, and now I’m familiar with Office . It is my three %26–year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Also my three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge, and it’s also my three-year college life that makes me form my life attitude. Honesty, Trust, Diligence is principle of how to be a man.

As a college graduate, I believe “where there is a will, there is a way”, and I will try my best to do a good job in my business. So I sincerely hope that I can make a position in your company so that I can serve for the company in thefuture.

2.秘书专业英语自我介绍 篇二

在美国只要具有高中学历, 经过一定的办公技能的培训, 就可以获得初级秘书资格。一些商学院、假期技能培训学院、社区学院等都开设办公管理课程成为秘书资格培训的摇篮。随着科学技术的发展和经济的全球化, 社会对秘书工作的要求也越来越高。目前绝大多数秘书都需要具有本科学历、接受系统的职业培训、经考试获得资格证书后, 才能从事秘书工作。美国的国际行政专业人员协会每年都举行秘书职业资格考试, 合格者被授予职业秘书资格证书 (CPS) 、职业管理资格证书 (CAP) , 考试强调判断、理解、沟通及通过教育和实际工作培养行政管理能力。考试内容涉及经济学、管理学、企业行为学、企业法、办公技术、人际关学、秘书会计学等各个方面。全国法律秘书协会 (NALS) 、法律秘书协会 (LSI) 则对有志于从事法律秘书工作的人员进行资格考试。这种考试的难度更大些, 考生必须经过特殊的培训而且要从事过一年以上的法律工作实践。考试合格者被授予法律秘书认可证书 (ALS) 。全国法律秘书协会还颁发专业法律秘书证 (PLS) , 这是为从事专业法律业务而设计的高级职业秘书资格证书。

在美国, 秘书工作呈现出日益细化的趋势。美国行政管理协会把秘书分为企业秘书:主要为企业的经理服务, 负责收集信息、整理文档、安排会议、起草信函、迎来送往等;行政秘书:又称行政助或执行助理, 是高级行政参谋人员, 全面负责秘书和行政工作、减轻经理日常管理的负担, 并对各项工作的完成情况负责;法律秘书, 主要在工商业组织的法律部门任职或在司法部门为法官、律师、检察官等担任助手;政府秘书:在联邦、州政府以及地方政府或驻外使领馆工作的秘书;医学秘书:主要就职于医院或医疗初构;教育秘书:主要是在教育行政部门或大、中、小学办公室工作的人员。每一种秘书都有不同的要求和工作特点, 其中, 法律秘书和医学秘书由于工作任务特殊, 要求更苛刻些。

从总体来看, 相对于美国的其他行业而言, 秘书数量的增加要慢些。主要原因是, 随着办公自动化的发展, 秘书的工作更加富有成效, 他们能在相同的时间借助现代化的设备完成更多的工作。组织机构不像以前那样雇用更多的秘书来处理日常工作。再者, 由于经济的发展, 职业的开放性更强, 对于熟悉管理、精通办公业务的秘书来说, 很容易从一个职业转换到另一个职业, 流动起来更具有优势。

随着社会的发展和组织结构的科学化, 秘书岗位分工也越来越细, 专业化的趋势更加明显, 秘书被赋予更多的管理职能, 而管理者们始终在不断地寻找那些既具有丰富的专业知识, 又掌握高超业务技能的秘书, 井依赖他们来处理日常工作。而且, 由于现代社会竞争的加剧, 雇主们希望秘书能够具有更高的人际交流技巧, 在处理人际关系时能博得客户的好感, 为他们提供更好的服务。那些接受更多的教育、专业技能强、管理水平高的人越来越被看重。由此, 接受培训和继续教育成为职业秘书生活中不可缺少的组成部分。

同为发达资本主义的英国的秘书及秘书工作与美国却有着不同的意义和职责。英文中秘书Secretary一词, 来自拉丁语Sererum。在中世纪, 大不列颠的秘书原本是处理国王通信, 处理机密或秘密紧要问题的高级官员。当今英国秘书工作的范围, 随着社会的发展虽有变化, 处理机密和通信等职责却依然保持着。秘书一词在英国的概念, 按英国牛津字典解释:秘书一为办事处、营业所、公司或企业的雇员。其任务是处理通信, 整理记录, 安排约会。往往有地位有财富的人士, 将秘书作为一种特殊成员, 几乎都有私人秘书;二为高级官员。其职责为负责通讯、记录等事宜。不以盈利为目的、团体会社的秘书, 是义务的不领取报酬。三为国家的秘书。负责政府机关的政务工作, 名为秘书, 实为部长。如英国的国务大臣、外交大臣、陆军大臣, 其名称为Minister (部长或大臣) , 但也称Secretary (秘书) 。就英国高级官员和国家的秘书而言, 英国内阁办公厅及议会下院的办事机构, 均设有秘书机构, 不仅为内阁服务, 还为内阁委员服务, 如为委员安排议事日程、起草决议等, 在各方面协助委员会主席进行工作并为大臣的特别会议服务。英国议会下院设议长办事处, 下设四个办公室, 即议长办公室, 秘书主要负责处理议长的公文和信件, 协助议长们进行社交和工作方面的联系;官方报告办公室, 主要负责《下院每周议事录》的印发工作;决议事宜办公室, 主要负责向议员发送一切有关议会的文件;供销办公室, 主要负责出售报纸和议员需要购买的其它资料。

3.秘书专业英语自我介绍 篇三

【关键词】教师 自我效能感 教师专业发展














[1]Bandura A Self-efficacy: Toward unifying theory of behavioral change[J].Psychological Review,1977(84).



4.英语专业面试自我介绍 篇四


5.英语专业答辩自我介绍 篇五

My thesis is about the Celie’s transmutation from an obedient, numb, oppressed country girl to an independent and strong woman both in economy and emotion, exploring the growth path of black women. I choose this as my topic due to several reasons. First, I’m fond of literary works and I was impressed a lot the first time I read the color purple. Second, As the protagonist of the book, Celie is the representative of all the repressed women who fight to be free. The path of Celie’s independence is an important and inspiring part in The Color Purple.

I hope by studying this topic, we can help to provide spiritual power for oppressed women who want to seek for freedom and find a solution for the plight of women in ethnic minorities in western society.

There are three chapters in addition to introduction and conclusion in this paper.

Part one is the introduction part which presents the social conditions of the American Feminist Movement and main story of the color purple.

Part two is chapter one. It analyses the causes of celie’s ugliness, including social oppression from racism and patriarchal society and family causes.

Chapter two discusses the driving forces for the transmutation of celie. Black women’s creativity and mutual assistance among them are key points to her transmutation. Through the love and concern among women, she learns with the spirit of resistance, finding her own spiritual beliefs and pillars.

Chapter three presents the basic definition of female beauty and analyses the celie’s beauty after her independence. She grows from an ugly duckling who can only tolerate everything silently into an independent and beautiful white swan with women consciousness.

The conclusion part summarizes the main content of this paper and the social meaning of this topic. In The Color Purple, Alice Walker portrays several independent and strong females. She criticizes the traditional patriarchal society and advocates the spirit of fighting. It has a profound effect in enhancing the status of black women. Through the description of Celie, Alice Walker uses a unique perspective to reflect the life and feelings, pain and hope of American blacks, especially black women. They are not only oppressed and injured by racial discrimination of the white people, but also suffer from the abuse and insult from black men. Feminist movement in the 1960s improves this situation. They begin to think about how to defend their dignity and how to struggle against racial discrimination and sexual discrimination. The Color Purple repines against the fate of black women. It also reveals the ways of fighting for their liberation.

6.英语专业的自我介绍 篇六





7.英语专业考研复试自我介绍 篇七


Respected professors, good afternoon!I am very glad to be here for this interview.First, let me introduce myself.My name is Chen Yunfang, and my English name is Michelle Chan.I am about to finish my undergraduate education in Hunan University of Science and Technology in June this year, majoring in English in Xiaoxiang Institute.Generally speaking, I am a very diligent student.I will spare no effort to finish it no matter how difficult it is.What’s more, I am a person with great perseverance.During the days preparing forthe national entrance examination for postgraduate, I insisted on going to the library every day, no matter what the weather was like.And just owning to my diligence and perseverance, I could concentrate on my study and succeed in the end.Well, in my spare time, I like reading books, communicating with my friends and doing sports, such as table tennis, volleyball as well as badminton.Of course, there is no doubt that English is my favorite.I like watching English movies, listening to English songs.I used to join the English corner to practice my oral English on every Thursday when I was a sophomore , and write compositions to improve my writing ability.But I know my English is not good enough, I do believe there is still a long way for me to learn English well enough, however I will not shrink back.It is not simply because I major in English but because I realize that English is a bridge connected our country with the outside world.Learning English is the most direct and available method for intercourse among countries and also useful for us to get advanced knowledge and technology from other nations.The reasons why I took the postgraduate exams is very clear and simple.First of all, I love my major.It plays an important part in modernization of our country.What’s more, it is very close to our daily life and can help us communicate with people from other countries better.I am really fascinated by the elegance of the language.But I am not easily satisfied with such superficial knowledge.I hope I could have a better understanding in my major by studying further.This is a very important reason for me to take the postgraduate exams.Next, I love the feeling in the university.It is full of youthful spirit.And I am deeply attracted by the scholarly atmosphere.Finally, I want to talk about a very practical problem.That is my dream of becoming a teacher in the near future.I want to realize my dream and make myself to be a well-qualified teacher.I think the postgraduate studies can enrich my knowledge and make me competent in my future job.So, that’s all.Thank you!

8.适合电子专业英语自我介绍 篇八

Good Morning/afternoon, my name is xxx I’m studying for bachelor degree in Beijing University of Technology, majoring in Microelectronics. It’s a really pleasure to be here today with all of you.


Essentially my college life is some kind of gone on two tracks; I will say my researching work in the lab and my activity experiences at the student’s unions. About projects experiences, I have joined many students’ researching programs held by whether friends or professors, in which I carried out experiment with others. So, through the four years of university life, I have a lot of opportunities to do electronic designs, work together with other classmates, and learn things from each other. I can also come up of a good idea of my own and plan it, and execute it. Sometimes I work alone in a self motivated way; sometimes when I found that job is really a huge project, very hard for me alone to finish it, I will recruit people in to help me work it out together.

Coming to the other track, it’s through my experience in the student’s unions that I got the opportunities to lead teams and organize activities, you see, many times I was the leader leading a team of 10 to 20 or even more people. We also have to invites oversea students and foreign teachers to join our activities, like English corners. Sometimes there are obstacles in our work, for example, we need money to organize activities, but as you can see, we students unions are nonprofit organizations, so we often lack of money, and have to go outside to find sponsors, so we have to deal with people from those companies who sponsor us. All of this endows me the ability to communicate with different people effectively.

除了学习外,大学生活里我还加入过许多学生研究项目,积极参加各种班级的、学院的.、学校的集体活动。在大学生活里,由于参加的项目比较多,所以我有很多跟同学、老师一起开展项目、进行电子设计的机会,有很多与人交流学习的机会。当然,除了加入他人研究项目外,我有时还会有自己的想法,主动构思出一个研究项目,然后为制定计划并实现它。有时我会选择一个人去实现它,有些则会选择邀请同学加入我的项目中,然后一起努力实现计划。 至于活动经历,我加入过两个社团组织,一个是爱心社,一个是英语推广社。在爱心社里,我们经常组织各类志愿者活动,比如进行贺卡义卖活动,把通过卖自己制作的贺卡筹集到的自己用来看望福利院孤儿。在英语推广社里,我获得了比较多的组织活动的机会,比如日常的英语角的开展活动,还有中澳学生交流会等。

About my studies, I won a third prize scholarship in our university, and I passed CET4 and CET6 both with excellent results

My personality is very easygoing, so I’m easy to get along with, and I Think my character of being patient and careful makes me good at dealing with complex detailed work.



I’m very interested in IC layout. As you can see, my major is Microelectronics, so I got a good foundation in electronics circuit, and very familiar with semiconductor manufacturing process, what’s more, I’m very proficient in major CAD tools and software. All of this makes me feel sure that I’m quite fit for the position offered by your company.

If I would be luckily employed, I will be willing to start from the bottom, and then gain more experiences, and grow together with the company.


Thank you!


What does your company do in training and employee development?

9.商务英语专业学生英语自我介绍 篇九


Hello everyone! I would like to take thisopportunity to introduce myself. My name is ……, but you can just call me ……. Icome from a beautiful city Guilin Guangxi. I’m currently a student at Nanning College for Vocational Technology andmajoring in accounting. My favorite pastimes are reading、writing、listeningto music and spending time with my friends. I’m confident to myself. Persistenceand patience is my biggest personality. English is my favorite subject and itis important to me. I want to be an English teacher in the future and share myexperience with them. That’s all. Thank you.

10.药学专业考研英语自我介绍 篇十

my name is xxx is a proposals for college students, i love my professional and for its input and a huge enthusiasm and energy,optimistic, cheerful i in thought self-motivated, obtain dangke certificate, the psychology bearing capacity is strong, strong adaptability, honest honest, has the responsibility,during the period of school actively participate in various activities and to get good rankings, often joining campus of all kinds of sports activities, and on behalf of college take part in the game, so i have excellent physical quality.through the practice of inside and outside school enable me to have a strong organizational skills, coordination, hands ability,collective concept is strong;innovative consciousness.my life is in energetic period, never satisfied with current level of knowledge.if, in the valley of hearts after medical work more for the patients should be based on responsible attitude, strengthen the practice and study.may lead to me a chance, let my strengths, realize self-worth and social values.

11.电子信息工程专业英语自我介绍 篇十一

My name is xx, xx, a College from electronic professional graduates. Three years, the teachers teaching, students love and nurture all aspects, so I got a lot of knowledge, know a lot of sense, as a beginner, I have excellent ability to learn and willing to learn, dare to innovate, and constantly strive for excellence; As a participant, I have honest character, full of team spirit; as a leader able to do things I have, resolute style, good communication and interpersonal coordination. Have a strong endurance, willpower, and hard-working quality, serious and responsible work, proactive, optimistic personality persistent, dare to face the difficulties and challenges.

In order to better adapt to society in need of, I grasp the premise of the school curriculum to make full use of spare time, read a lot in extra-curricular reading, to broaden their knowledge.

Through professional courses, I now have strong computer skills and professional use of the software. Proficient in office, wps software, skilled use of quartus ii, max + plus ii, altium designer 6, altium dxp, protel 99 se software, proficient in verilog hdl, vhdl, c language. Computer hardware, I am familiar with principles of its composition, can skillfully assembled by computer to an independent computer to rule out all kinds of trouble.

12.英语作文,会计专业自我介绍 篇十二

Good morning everyone, my name isXXX, I come from XXX city,XXX Province, now I am a students in XXX class of XXXX of XXXX University.Now I am very pleased to have the opportunity of this speech.After a semester of study on the financial accounting in English, I’d like to share my learning experiences of this course.we can learn six accounting elements of business accounting from this course in English, they are assets, liabilities, owner’s equity, revenue, expense and profit, and also include financial statements and analysis.At the beginning of the book we can find the introduction of the double-entry bookkeeping and accounts set up, which fill out the gap between the basic accounting and financial processing.This course, namely financial accounting in English, is a course that

helps us to apply the accounting knowledge we have learned to international business successfully.Financial accounting in English which is a tool for our accounting work and also a sample of our ability.I think, it is a must quality for eligible accounting personnel to master the course.After the study of this book, we can not only grasp the operating capacity to deal with accounting problems in English, but also learn and consolidate knowledge of English we have been learned.Further more I recognize that the accounting study can not be merely on the theory of teaching in Chinese.This course, which teaches financial accounting in English expanding the scope of knowledge, enables us to be capable for any work of financial accounting in the foreign companies after graduation.In a word, the course will do a lot of help to our work in the future.
