


1.2下八单元 篇一






2.必修三、选修23单元测试 篇二

1.若Cn18-C2n+918=0(n∈N*),则n=    .

2.(2x-1x)6的二项展开式中的常数项为    .





其中产量比较稳定的水稻品种是    .

4.从5名男生和5名女生中任选3人参加综合实践活动,则所选同学中既有男生又有女生的概率是    .

5.如图,随机向半径为R的⊙O内丢一粒豆子,则豆子落入该圆的内接正△ABC内的概率是    .

6.下面是某小组学生在一次数学测验中的得分茎叶图,则该组男生的平均得分与女生的平均得分之差是    .

7.执行右边的程序框图,若p=15,则输出的n=    .

8.根据如图所示的伪代码,可知输出的结果a为    .

9.某校100位学生期中考试语文成绩的频率分布直方图如图所示,其中成绩分组区间是:[50,60)、[60,70)、[70,80)、[80,90)、[90,100].则图中a的值为    .

10.在5次独立重复试验中,随机事件A恰好发生1次的概率不大于其恰好发生2次的概率,则事件A在一次试验中发生的概率P的最小值是    .




其中a,b,c成等差数列,若期望E(ξ)=13,则方差V(ξ)的值是    .

12.若(2x+1)7=a0+a1(x+1)+a2(x+1)2+…+a7(x+1)7,则a4=    .

13.将标号为1,2,3,4,5,6的6张卡片放入3个不同的信封中,若每个信封放2张,其中标号为1,2的卡片放入同一信封,则不同的放入方法共有  种.

14.有两个细胞,每个细胞每次分裂成2个细胞或死亡的概率均为12,则分裂两次后有细胞存活的概率为    .




































1. 3

2. 60

3. 甲

4. 56

5. 334π

6. 2

7. 5

8. 3

9. a=0.005

10. 13

11. 59

12. -560

13. 18

14. 3964























































3.2下八单元 篇三




4.2下八单元 篇四





5.2下八单元 篇五



6.2下八单元 篇六

1. The last year of high school is a time for hard work and also a time for reflection. (L.1—L.2; P.2)

【点拨】 reflection n. 考虑,深思,反映

be lost in reflection 陷入沉思中;on reflection 经再三思考;a reflection of ... ……的反映,显示。例如:

1) Her achievements are a reflection of her courage. 她的成就反映出她的勇气。

2) After a minutes reflection, he answered. 他沉思片刻后才回答。


reflection n. → reflect vt. 反射;反映,表达vi. 仔细考虑。例如:

1) A mirror reflects a picture of you when you look in it. 当你照镜子时,镜子映出你的形象。

2) Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?

3) He reflected before answering my question. 他在回答我的问题之前仔细考虑了一下。


The lack of ecofriendly habits among the public is thought to be a major of global climate change. (2011年福建卷)

A. result

B. cause

C. warning

D. reflection 

【答案与解析】 B。考查名词。result 意为“结果”;cause 意为“原因”;warning 意为“警告”;reflection意为“反射;回响”。

2. Meanwhile, those who are successful and famous have to deal with all kinds of criticism. (L.15—L.16; P.2)

【点拨】 meanwhile 此时 (= meantime);同时 (= at the same time)。例如:

1) Theyll be here soon. Meanwhile well have some coffee. 他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。

2) Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。


1) Last night Mr. Crook didnt come at usual time. , he met some friends and stayed out until midnight. (2008年湖南卷)

A. Meanwhile

B. However

C. Instead

D. Yet

2) Jerry was playing football and Tom was playing volleyball. (2007年天津卷)

A. however

B. meanwhile

C. likely

D. often

【答案与解析】 1) C。克鲁克先生没有和往常一样来,而是在外面会见几个朋友,待到深夜。2) B。杰瑞在踢足球而汤姆在打排球。Meanwhile 强调两个动作在同一时间进行。

3. These people, who perform such ordinary but vital tasks, allow people to go about their daily lives. (L.47—L.48; P.3)

【点拨】 go about something 着手做某事。例如:

1) How do you go about repairing this telex machine? 你怎样着手修理这架电传机?

2) How shall we go about the job? 我们该怎样着手做这件工作? 



set about doing; set out to do; get down to doing ...


Try to at least half an hour each day for learning new vocabulary, and you will learn more words. (2007年湖北卷)

A. take up

B. set aside

C. put away

D. go about 

【答案与解析】 B。take up 意为“开始,从事”;set aside 为“腾出时间”等;put away 意为“把……收好,拿开”;go about 意为“着手做某事”。根据句意,选择B。

Unit 2

1. You should follow it up by writing to the company and thanking them for giving you the interview. (L.54—L.55; P.19)

follow v. 遵守,听从;跟随,跟着,沿着;弄懂,明白。例如:

1) Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully. 请仔细按照包裹背面的说明操作。

2) The book was delivered yesterday with a note saying the bill for it would follow in a day or two. 这本书是昨天发出的,并附有说明:清单随后一两天就到。

His lecture was complicated and difficult to follow. 他的讲座很复杂,难懂。


following adj. The following day / morning etc., 第二天 / 第二天早上……;prep.在……之后。例如:

The weeks following the riots were extremely tense. 动乱后的几周是非常紧张的。

Following the dinner, there will be a dance. 饭后将举行舞会。


1) I think hes just going to deal with this problem day. (2005年广东卷)

A. next

B. other

C. following

D. another 

2) Before building a house, you will have to the governments permission. (2005年全国Ⅲ)

A. get from

B. follow

C. receive

D. ask for 

3) I send you 100 dollars today, the rest in a year. (2005湖南卷)

A. follows

B. followed

C. to follow

D. being followed

【答案与解析】 1) D。another day不久后的某一天。第二天应用:the next day或the following day。2) D。ask for ones permission征询某人的许可。3) C。the rest to follow = and the rest will follow, 其余的将随后到帐。

2. Do you remember that I sent in a job application form, my uptodate CV and a covering letter to a big company? (L.7; P.21)

send sth. in 呈交;send sth. to an organization:上交给某一组织。例如:

The magazine asked its readers to send in their comments about the new style of presentation. 该杂志请读者就新的呈现方式提出他们的意见。

send 常用短语:

send away 派遣,使 (某人) 去,开除,解雇。例如:

He sent his daughter away to school in England. 他把他的女儿送到英国的一所学校。

send for派人去拿 / 叫。例如:

He sent for more beer. 他派人去再拿些啤酒。

send up发送,使向上。例如:

A manmade satellite was sent up last month. 上个月发送了一颗人造卫星。


1) John is leaving for London tomorrow and I will him at the airport. (2005年广东卷)

A. send ... away

B. leave ... off

C. see ... off

D. show ... around 

2) More than a dozen policemen in that station in to keep peace this morning. (2005年上海卷)

A. sent

B. were sent

C. had sent

D. had been sent

【答案与解析】 1) C。see sb. off 送别;send sb. away把某人打发走;show sb. around带某人参观。2) B。send in 把……送达,差……去。

3. I dressedsmartly and carried a handbag with all the documents needed for the interview inside it. (L.25—L.26; P.25)

dress v. 穿衣服,给自己/孩子等穿衣服。例如:

My husband dresses the children while I make breakfast. 我的丈夫给孩子穿衣服,我做早饭。

【词义辨析】 wear, dress, put on, in, have ... on 

wear表示持续性的动作或强调穿着的状态,除了表示穿着以外还可表示佩戴首饰、花等,另外,wear 还可表示面带某种表情,留头发,胡须等。 

She is wearing a pretty dress today. 


The little girl is too young to dress herself.

put on强调穿戴的瞬间动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。与take off (脱去) 意义相反。

When I got home I always take off my coat and put on the pajamas. 

in 做穿解释时候也表示一种状态,常常和dress和be等搭配使用,后面跟的宾语是颜色或者材料等表示物质的属性的词。例如:

She was dressed in blue silk yesterday. 


Do you usually have your glasses on when you read newspaper? 

dress up表示穿比平时引人注目的衣服,有“乔装打扮”之意。 

During Mardi Gras, people like to dress up in colorful and unusual costumes and watch parades in the street. 狂欢节那天,人们喜欢穿五颜六色、不同寻常的衣服,在街头观看游行。


in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. (2005湖南卷)

A. Dressed

B. To dress

C. Dressing

D. Having dressed 

【答案与解析】 A。be dressed in 表穿着状态,穿着……。

4. When I walked into the interview room, the interviewer looked at me in surprise. (L.38; P.25)

in surprise惊讶地。例如:

He looked at her in / with surprise. 他惊讶地看着她。


to ones surprise:使某人惊讶的是。例如:

To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands. 令我惊讶的是,他们同意我们全部的要求。


1) and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006全国卷) 

A. Surprising

B. Surprised

C. Being surprised

D. To be surprising

2) AIDS control and prevention is ato China as well as the whole world. (2007 上海春)

A. surprise

B. challenge

C. reaction

D. threat

【答案与解析】 1) B。surprised and happy 形容词作伴随状语,惊喜交加地。2) B。challenge 挑战。


7.2下八单元 篇七







8.2下八单元 篇八





9.2下八单元 篇九


1. Australias small population, its outstanding performance at the Olympic Games was really .

A. Considered; amazed

B. Considered; amazing

C. Considering; amazed

D. Considering; amazing

2. Montreal is the second largest city in the world, Paris the largest.

A. Frenchspoken; is

B. Frenchspeaking; is

C. Frenchspeaking; being

D. Frenchspoken; being

3. I you an apology for what I said this morning. Anyway I meant no offence.

A. oweB. make

C. demandD. accept

4. Since my brother Jim was studying to be a dentist, one of his classes was medicine.

A. merryB. dynamic

C. oralD. unique

5. Cricket a summer sport in Australia, throughout the country, you will see players all of them in white, hitting and running after the ball.

A. considering; dressing

B. considered; dressed

C. considering; dressed

D. considered; dressing

6. If you find yourself no one will help you, please call me.

A. whereB. when

C. whichD. what

7. Occasions are quite rare I have the time to spend a day with my kids.

A. whenB. which

C. whyD. where

8. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without help I would never have got this far.

A. whoB. whose

C. whomD. which

9. 553 meters into the sky, it is the third tallest tower in the world.

A. RaisingB. Arriving at

C. ToweringD. Arising

10. For loving natural recreation, it is possible to walk, sail and crosscountry ski for hours, without meeting another person.

A. those whoB. anyone

C. whoD. whoever

11. —Im frustrated after so many failures. I cant see any hope.

—Behind every misfortune .

A. does an opportunity lie

B. is an opportunity lying

C. lies an opportunity

D. an opportunity lies

12. with a new type of machine, the explorers went into a cave, hoping to find some treasure.

A. Equipping; buried

B. Equipped; buried

C. Being equipped; being buried

D. Equipped; being buried

13. It was quite for Tom that he passed the driving test though he didnt practice very hard.

A. thrillB. a thrill

C. thrilledD. thrilling

14. Every student in our country is required to receive the education before work.

A. flexibleB. concrete

C. compulsoryD. abundant

15. After each examination, the teacher her students according to their grades.

A. distinguishedB. equipped

C. thrilledD. ranked


1. Not c with the salary, he quit his present job and went to another big firm.

2. Well e with many advanced facilities, the school now takes on a modern look.

3. Many m gathered at the port to pick up their products and then sold them on the market.

4. (移民)to Canada has increased in recent years, giving many cities a more international feel.

5. When asked, she gave an a answer, so no one knew whether she was coming or not.

6. A girl should propose marriage to a boy in our school c today while we were eating.

7. In Taiwan, China and South Korea, the young around 20 are c to join the army serving the country.

8. I like shooting the fishing boats and Indian (定居点) and landscapes.

9. The p who uploaded several pictures of the accident to several Internet websites are criticized for not offering immediate help.

10. Cricket, o from the UK, has existed in Australia for over 60 years.


in addition to,little more than,considering,owe... to,rather than,

compete for,appeal to,second only to,be fond of,for short

1. Many historians believe Roosevelt is Lincoln among American presidents.

2. He always drinking at lunchtime, perhaps too fond.

3. His names Maximilian, but we just call him Max .

4. his salary, he has a bonus of 300 yuan per month.

5. His whole school education added up to three years.

6. Young children will usually their mothers attention.

7. Entertaining programs have to all ages and social groups.

8. Many people their love of sport the perfect weather conditions for it.

9. The expert thought the coins the farmer had found under the ground were just copper gold.

10. he was ill, he did well in the experiment conducted yesterday.


1. On the east and west are the shores of two great oceans—the Atlantic and the Pacific.

Smaller in size, but equally famous, is the city of Vancouver. (主谓倒装)

仿写:1) when we suffered from flood. (我们遭受洪灾的日子一去不复返了。)

2) with a history of hundreds of years. (我们房前有一棵几百年的老树。)

3) is a girl. (坐在教室后面的是个女孩。)

2. Montreal, ..., is the largest Frenchspeaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. (画线部分为独立主格结构)

仿写:1) , we had no trouble getting out of the forest. (向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林)

2) I send you 100 dollars today, the rest in a year. 我今天先给你100美元,剩下的一年之后给你。

3) , we should have done it much better. 给我们更多的时间,我们可以做得更好。

Unit 2


1. The Roman alphabet is Greek invention, as is marathon, long distance race created in honor of Greek soldier who ran from Marathon to Athens to report the victory at the battle of Marathon in 490BC.

A. a; a; a; aB. a; the; the; a

C. a; the; a; a D. a; the; the; the

2. to the extraordinary beauty of Changling is Lingen Palace, known for its simple design and painted ceiling.

A. Added; theB. Adding; the

C. Added; /D. Adding; /

3. According to new safety , anyone who enters the construction site must wear a helmet.

A. regulationsB. restrictions

C. rewardsD. registers

4. The Ming and Qing Imperial Tombs are among the most extraordinary cultural remains anywhere.

A. foundB. to be found

C. being foundD. having been found

5. It is at the heart of Shisanling, with the other tombs on either side of it.

A. placedB. being placed

C. to be placedD. having been placed

6. there are the remains of five emperors, their wives and other royal family member.

A. BuryingB. Buried

C. BuryD. Being buried

7. King Henry her of having , and sent her to the Tower on 2 May 1536.

A. amused; mattersB. abused; affairs

C. excused; mattersD. accused; affairs

8. After that, much progress was made in repairing the Acropolis, with a large amount of work done the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

A. in honor ofB. in preparation for

C. in answer toD. in agreement with

9. Its hard to find a job that can both bring in a lot of money and ones interest as well.

A. fitB. go with

C. suitD. match

10. Misunderstandings from lack of social communications, unless properly , may lead to serious problems.

A. arising; handlingB. risen; handling

C. rising; handledD. arising; handled

11. This nationwide smog should serve as a reminder to all, indicating a high time that we on what weve done to the environment.

A. consideredB. reflected

C. thoughtD. wondered

12. The girl is going to study abroad next month and when he was young.

A. so her father wasB. so her father did

C. so was her fatherD. so did her father

13. —Did your father phone you shortly after the accident?

—No, it was a fortnight he gave me a phone call.

A. sinceB. when

C. whileD. before

14. Difficult as the problem was , the students succeeded in understanding it at last.

A. to be understoodB. being understood

C. to understand D. understanding

15. our foreign policy, we now have multiple threats, very few of which involve the traditional battles of the past.

A. In honor ofB. In terms of

C. In charge ofD. In defence of


1. He found his way to seek the fortune having drawn his i from one of his friends.

2. He sometimes is unable to d fantasy from reality.

3. Beyond our expectations, the innocent childhood friend ended in d after 30 years of marriage.

4. There exists a lot of f in the future negotiation, though China and Russia have declared they signed the contract on trading natural gas.

5. He felt proud to help his grandma to harvest the crops during the summer vacation, though he got a little s.

6. He refused to m his ways and still associated with other questionable guys.

7. Happiness is made of glass; it shines the brightest where it is most f.

8. Everyone on road must obey traffic r.

9. It was after Mr. Green retired that I was (任命) as the director of the department.

10. The customer finally got angry at the (笨拙的) waitress who spilled his coffee all over the table.


in a gesture to, in honor of, occur to, seize control of, in particular, carry out, smooth away, be based on, in terms of, on behalf of

1. A few problems have to be before we can start the project.

2. It suddenly him he had left his keys in the office.

3. reduce pollution, the government tried all means.

4. A grand party was given the visiting president.

5. In 1458, the Turks defeated the Greeks and Athens.

6. , we associate ancient Greek civilization with the capital of Athens, the greatest symbol of which is the Acropolis.

7. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if regularly, can improve our health.

8. The book a true story.

9. Im doing a project my school about global warming.

10. Its a mistake to think of Florida only its tourist attractions.


1. No one has had a greater influence on Western civilization than the ancient Greeks. (否定的比较级)

仿写:1) Nobody else loves you (比你妈妈更爱你的人了).

2) It (再好不过了).

2. The Roman alphabet is a Greek invention, as is the marathon. (as + 助动词 + 主语 意为“……也是一样”)

1) The US is one of the founding members of the UN, (中国也是).

2) John works very hard in school, just (像你们所有人一样).


Unit 1


1—5 DCACD6—10 AABCB11—15 CBBBD


1. content2. equipped3. merchants4. Immigration5. ambiguous

6. canteen7. compulsory8. settlements9. photographers

10. originally / originating


1. second only to2. is... fond of3. for short

4. In addition to5. little more than6. compete for

7. appeal to8. owe... to9. rather than

10. Considering (that)


1. 1) Gone are the days2) In front of our house stands an old tree3) Sitting at the back of the classroom

2. 1) The guide leading the way2) to follow3) More time given

Unit 2


1—5 CBABA6—10 BDBCD11—15 BDDCB


1. inspiration2. distinguish3. divorce

4. friction5. sunburnt

6. mend7. fragile8. regulations9. appointed10. clumsy


1. smoothed away2. occurred to3. In a gesture to4. in honor of

5. seized control of

6. In particular7. carried out8. is based on9. on behalf of10. in terms of


1. 1) more than your mother does2) cant be better

2. 1) as is China2) as do all of you
