


1.用英语介绍美食 篇一

Generally, we can divided the farming products of main food in China into 3 styles, those are, Rice in Southern and Eastern China, Wheat in Northern China and Sweet Corn in Middle, Northern, Western China.

Because of their farming products, the people living in Southern China will have rice, congee or rice noodle as their main food, and who will have wheat made products like Bun, noodle, pancake in Northern China.

The populace who living on seaside and lakeside will have seafood or lake fishes as meals. Of course, people can have any food as they want nowaday.

2.用英语自我介绍 篇二

Hello, everyone!This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make a good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is Xx.

I came from Laifeng in Hubei Enshi, which is a small beautiful developing town. Does anyone know there? My hobbies are walking, seeing scenery and cheating and playing games on internet.I like playing basketball , football, table tennies and badminton in my leisure time.If some of you have similar hobbies, i am so glad that you can play whth me.I hope that i can study my English well,and make more friends in the future and have a very unforgettable college life! Thank you!

3.求职用英语自我介绍 篇三

Hello! My name is , Normal University, is a 20xxgraduate. Graduation has taught more than a year. Have long teaching experience gained! Lively and outgoing personality, nice, treat people in good faith, understanding, strong language skills and munication skills; diligent, strong and determined, serious and responsible work, down to earth, patient, attentive, careful thinking, have e teachers the basic quality and potential. Determined to be a teacher since childhood, college entrance examination chosen university, is not only a solid basic knowledge of mathematics, but also on the accumulation of educational theory and practice, especially during the internship period, absorbing the best teaching experience of teachers, and students from morning till evening in the day, and more loving education. With self-learning and research capacity in x x x Universit

4.用英语介绍德国加翻译 篇四


首都: 柏林(Berlin),人口:338.7万(2001年9月),年平均气温约8.6℃。

德国统一的象征: 勃兰登堡门,位于柏林市中心菩提树大街和6月17日大街的交汇处,是柏林市区著名的游览胜地和德国统一的象征。

Germany is located in central Europe, Poland, the Czech republic, Austria and Switzerland, south west Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and the north sea and connected in Denmark and the Baltic sea, it is the most

European neighbours.357020 area, 22 square kilometers(December 1999).Terrain can be divided into north meteorological DeXingOu: four, northern Germany, average altitude of less than 100 plains, Sino-german mountains, for the land by high, Southwest Rhine valley area, a fault, the wall;steep hill South of the Bavarian Alps, plateau and the Alps mountain and ZuGeFeng altitude, the highest 2963.The Rhine river is flowing(mainly domestic 865 kilometres), the river, the river, a siddhartha, the Danube river.Large lakes have lake compensates, chiemsee, amare lake, the lake times.Obviously, the climate in northwest toward the east, south of transition to a continental climate.Average temperatures on July 14 ~ 19 degrees Celsius, January-5 ~ 1 ° c.Annual precipitation 500-1000 mm, hill is more.As of January 1, 1995, according to the international law in 1982, Germany in beihai park and

agreement by 3 miles east of the territorial sea to 12 nautical 22 kilometers),the area of each increase 4100 and 1,700 square kilometers.Population: 8237 million(2001), mainly is the German people, and a few danes, carefree gypsy and cable cloth.Foreigners have 7.5 million, total population of 9%.German.People who believe in 33.7% protestant and Roman Catholic 33.2% people believe.Capital: Berlin(Berlin), population: 338.7 million(September 2001), average temperature, about 6 degrees Celsius.German reunification, the symbol of the Brandenburg gate in Berlin: downtown lindens street and June 17th street, is the famous tourist attractions in Berlin, Germany and the symbol of unity.In Germany, it is impolite to cross your arm over people who are shaking hands, as well as chew gum in public.Talking while your hands are in your pockets is also impolite.In general, Germans greet people with handshakes.German men wait for women to extend their hands before shaking hands with them, as well as shaking hands with women first when other men are present.Normally, Germans do not greet strangers on the streets.Titles along with the last names are used when being introduced to a stranger.Germans do not cross the street ignoring the light

Do not cross the street when the light is red, NO MATTER WHAT!Germans always wait for the light to turn green whether there is a car in sight or not.If you attempt to cross, you will probably be chided by at least one of the people in the queue and you will hear a general tsssk.Germans are very direct and they are always right

5.初一学生用英语自我介绍 篇五

Hello everybody,Im XXX.I am a lively and lovely girl/boy.I like sports very much,such as badminton.I usually play badminton with my classmates together after class.Playing badminton is not only physical exercise, and harvest friendship.We can get more joy in it.I love studying,too.English is my favourite subject.Because I have a dream,a great dream.It is to study abroad.Now I work hard for my dream to learn English well.I also like other subjects.I feel that learning is a pleasure,isnt it?In short,I am a love life, love of learning.This is a true self.

大家好!我是XXX。。 To introduce myself(介绍我自己)Hello,every one!(大家好)My name is **** . (我叫****)Im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的。 Hello everyone! My name is (xxx 自己姓名) I is grade 。( 填自己的年级7 8 9)student. I 15 years old. I usually help my family do s。

6.用简单英语谈生意―介绍篇 篇六


A: I don’t believe we’ve met.

B: No, I don’t think we have.

A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.

B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.

A: 我们以前没有见过吧?





A: Here’s my name card.

B: And here’s mine.

A: It’s nice to finally meet you.

B: And I’m glad to meet you, too.

A: 这是我的名片,

B: 这是我的。

A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。

B: 我也很高兴见到你。


A: Is that the office manager over there?

B: Yes, it is,

A: I haven’t met him yet.

B: I’ll introduce him to you .

7.用英语介绍美国的作文 篇七

America, the fourth largest country in the world, is located in North America continent. It is a highly developed country with 3200million people whose native language is English. Many well-known companies such as Microsoft, Nike, Coach, and many greatest universities such as Harvard university, Princeton university, and Stanford university are all in America.


8.初中生用英语自我介绍 篇八

Hello, everybody!

My name is Lu Qing Wen, 13 years old this year, in Minhang District River for two in the third grade. I have a flushed, always smiling little face; a pair of big round yo eyes is a little short-sighted, probably the reason I like to read it since childhood. My slogan is: as long as the persistent efforts will be successful!

I am lively and outgoing, extroverted

9.水文学介绍用,英语翻译 篇九

The first hydraulic project has been lost in the mists of prehistory.Perhaps some prehistoric man found that pile of rocks across a stream would raise the water level sufficiently to overflow the land that was the source of his wild food plants and water them during a drought.Whatever the early history of hydraulics, abundant evidence exists to show that the builders understood little hydrology.Early Greek and Roman writings indicated that these people could accept the oceans as the ultimate source of all water but could not visualize precipitation equaling or exceeding stream-flow.Typical of the ideas of the time was a view that seawater moved underground to the base of the mountains.There a natural still desalted water, and the vapor rose through conduits to the mountain tops, where it condensed and escaped at the source springs of the streams.Marcus Vitruvius Pollio(ca.100 B.C.)seems to have been one of the first to recognize the role of precipitation as we accept it today.最早的水利工程在有史以前就已经销声匿迹了。也许史前的人曾发现横贯河流的一堆石头就能提高水位,足以淹没作为生长野生食用植物源泉的土地,而这样在干旱季节就能给植物浇水。不论水力学的早期如何,充分的的迹象表明,建造者们还不懂多少水文学知识。早期的希腊和罗马文献说明这些人承认海洋是一切水的主要源泉,但是不能想象降雨量会等于或超过河道径流量。当时典型的想法是海水从地下流到山脉底部,那儿有一个天然蒸馏器除去水中的盐分,水汽通过管道上升到山顶,在那里凝结,并从河流的源头流走。M.V.波利欧(大约公元前100年)看来就是像我们今天这样认识降水作用最早的人。

Leonardo da Vinci(1452-1519)was the next to suggest a modern view of the hydrologic cycle, but it remained for Pierre Perrault(1608-1680)to compare measured rainfall with the estimated flow of the Seine River to show that the stream-flow was about one-sixth of the precipitation.The English astronomer Halley(1656-1742)measured evaporation from a small pan and estimated evaporation from the Mediterranean Sea from these data.As late as 1921, however, some people still questioned the concept of the hydrologic cycle.达芬奇(1452-1519)是提出水文循环现代观点的第二个人,但一直到P.贝罗特(1608-1680)才把观测的雨量与估算的塞纳河的径流量进行比较,说明河川径流量约为降雨量的1/6.英国天文家哈罗(哈雷)从一个小盘子中测得的蒸发量,并且用这一资料估算地中海的蒸发量。然而直到1921年,有一些人仍然对水文循环的概念表示怀疑。

Precipitation was measured in India as early as the fourth century B.C., but satisfactory methods for measuring stream-flow were a much later development.Frontinus, water commissioner of Rome in A.D.97, based estimates of flow on cross-sectional area alone without regard to velocity.In the United States, organized measurement of precipitation started under the Surgeon General of the Army in 1819, was transferred to the Signal Corps in 1870, and finally, in 1891, to a newly organized U.S.Weather Bureau, renamed the National Weather Service in 1970.Scattered stream-flow measurements were made on the Mississippi River as early as 1848, but a systematic program was not started until 1888, when the U.S.Geological Survey undertook this work.It is not surprising, therefore, that little quantitative work in hydrology was done before the early years of the twentieth century, when men such as Hortan, Mead, and Sherman began to explore the field.The great expansion of activity in flood control, irrigation, soil conservation, and related fields which began about 1930 gave the first real impetus to organized research in hydrology, as need for more precise design data became evident.Most of today’s concepts of hydrology date from 1930.印度早在公元前4世纪就测量降水量了,但是令人满意的测量河道流量的方法很迟才得到发展。公元97年,罗马水利专员福朗堤努斯只按横断面面积估算流量,而不考虑流速。在美国,有组织地测量降水量是1819年在陆军军医总监领导下开始的,1870年移交给通信兵团,最后,在1891你那移交给新改组的美国气象局,该局于1970年改名为国家气象局。早在1848年密西西比河上就进行分散的河道流量测量了,但是,直到1888年美国地质调查局承担这项工作时,才开始实施系统的观测计划。霍德、米德和谢尔曼等人在20世纪早期刚开始对这一领域进行探索,因此,在这时期之前,在水文方面没有进行什么定量工作是不足为奇的。大约从1930年起,由于在防洪、灌溉、土地改良和有关领域中开展了大量活动,第一次为有组织地研究水文学提供了真正的动力,因为需要更精确的设计资料,这已是十分明显的事了。大多数现代水文学的概念从1930年就开始有了。hydrology in engineering水文学在工程中的应用

Hydrology is used in engineering mainly in connection with the design and operation of hydraulic structures.What flood flows can be expected at a spillway or highway culvert or in a city drainage system ? What reservoir capacity is required to assure adequate water for irrigation or municipal water supply during droughts? What effects will reservoirs, levees, and other control works exert on flood flows in a stream? These are typical of questions the hydrologist is expected to answer.在工程上,水文学主要用于水工建筑物的设计和运行,溢洪道、公路涵洞、或者城市排水系统会期望有什么样的洪水流量?需要多大的水库库容才能保证干旱季节里有足够的灌溉水量或城市供水呢?水库、堤坝或其他控制工程对河流洪水流量有什么影响?这些典型的问题等待水文学家去解答。

Large organization such as federal and state water agencies can maintain staffs of hydrologic specialists to analyze their problems, but smaller offices often have insufficient hydrologic work for full-time specialists.Hence, many civil engineers are called upon for occasional hydrologic studies.It is probable that these civil engineers deal with a larger number of projects and greater annual dollar volume than the specialists do.In any event, it seems that knowledge of the fundamentals of hydrology is an essential part of the civil engineer’s training.像联邦和州辖水利机构这样的大型组织,拥有一批水文专家来分析他们的问题,但较小的单位往往没有足够的水文工作给专职水文专家做。因此,许多土木工程师们应邀进行临时的水文研究。这些土木工程师处理的工程和年费用可能比水文专家还多。无论如何,水文学的基础知识看来是培训土木工程师所必不可少的一部分。subject matter of hydrology水文学研究的主要内容

Hydrology deals with many topics.The subject matter as presented in this book can be broadly classified into two phases: data collection and methods of analysis.Chapter 2 to 6 deals with the basic data of hydrology.Adequate basic data are essential to any science, and hydrology is no exception.In fact, the complex features of the natural processes involved in hydrologic phenomena make it difficult to treat many hydrologic processes by rigorous deductive reasoning.One can not always start with a basic physical law and from this determine the hydrologic result to be expected.Rather, it is necessary to start with a mass of observed facts, analyze these facts, and from this analysis to establish the systematic pattern that governs these events.Thus, without adequate historical data for the particular problem area, the hydrologist is in a difficult position.Most countries have one or more government agencies with responsibility for data collection.It is important that the student learn how these data are collected and published, the limitations on their accuracy, and the proper methods of interpretation and adjustment.水文学研究很多问题。本书所介绍的主要内容可大致分成两个方面:收集资料和分析方法。2~6章研究水文学的基本资料。充足的基本资料是任何一个一门科学所不可少的,水文学也不例外。事实上,水文现象中也包含着许多自然过程的复杂特征,用严密的推理来处理许多水文现象是困难的。人们并不总是能够从基本的自然法则出发,并由此来推求预期的水文结果。相反,从大量观察的事实出发,分析这些事实,并根据分析建立控制这些事件的系统模型确实十分必要的。因此,对于没有足够历史资料的特殊疑难地区,水文学家就将陷入困境。大多数国家有一个或更多的政府机构负责收集资料,重要的是要让学生学会这些资料是如何收集和刊出的,了解这些资料的精确度的局限性,学会整理分析和校正这些资料的专门的方法。

Typical hydrologic problems involve estimates of extremes not observed in a small data sample, hydrologic characteristic at locations where no data have been collected(such locations are much more numerous than sites with data), or estimates of the effects of man’s actions on the hydrologic characteristics of an area.Generally, each hydrologic problem is unique in that it deals with a distinct set of physical conditions within a specific river basin.Hence, quantitative conclusions of one

10.怎么用英语自我介绍呢 篇十

1、 不知从何说起。有很多同学当听到老师问:“Can you make a self-introduction?”时,首先迟疑几秒,然后怔怔的看着:“老师说什么呀?”这一类算是“无准备型”。自我介绍是你与人打交道,参加各类口语考试,职场面试不可或缺的一部分,同时也是非常重要的一部分。作为口语测试,测试的老师其实重点考查的是你运用语言的能力,而不是对你的背景的了解。所以想把口语学好的同学不妨大胆的秀一下。




1、 以星座为话题作自我介绍

I?m an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troublesome followers. Half true. I?m definitely a troublesome. follower. (我是牧羊座的。牧羊座的人据说是很有胆识的领导人物,但同时也是很会惹麻烦的部属。说对了一半,我的确是个麻烦的部属。)

I?m a Leo. Some good Leo traits are: broad-minded, loving, faithful. Bad traits are: bossy, patronizing. I?m a typical Leo. I?m faithful but patronizing. 6park.com


2、I?m a person of principle. I do NOT compromise. Because I don?t smoke , I do NOT wear a T-shirt with a Marlboro logo, even if somebody gives one to me free.


I?m a great salesman. I could sell a knockoff Windows to Bill Gates.

我是一个很棒的推销员,我能把盗版的Windows 2000卖给比尔*盖茨。

3、I love shopping! My mom(friends) says, I should become a legislator ?cause I bring so many bills into the house.

我酷爱买东西!所以我妈(朋友)说我应该当国会议员的。因为,我把那么多的bill(账单/请愿书/法案)带进了the house(家里/议院)。


Sweetness of your name fills my heart when I forget mine — like the morning sun when the mist is melted.



2、I am 瓂ears old, born in province/Beijing, northeast/southeast/southwest…… of china, and I am currently a freshman(大一新生)/sophomore(大二学生)/junior(大三学生)/senior(大四学生) student at Capital Institute of Physical Education.


3、 My major is sports training of basketball/voellyball/football/badminton/pingbang/tennis/


4、In the past 1/2/3 years, I spend most of my time on study. I have passed CET3/4/6 and I have acquired basic knowledge of sports training both in theory and in practice.


5、Besides, I have attended several sports meetings held in Beijing. I am also the volunteers of China Tennis Open, Chinese Badminton Masters…… . Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training.


6、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on.


7、Thank you!
