


1.虚拟语气的运用 篇一

表示“建议、请求、命令、要求”等主观意向的词(如:suggest、advise、assume、decide、demand、desire、insist、propose、order、recommend、require、suggest……),引导宾语从句时需用虚拟语气。虚拟语气中的格式很固定:谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略。注意这种句型中的虚拟语气形式不受主句动词时态的影响。Theories concerning on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through interactions with others.(2004 CLOSE)

此句是个含有一个宾语从句、两个原因状语从句的复合句。suggest是主句谓语,Suggest后面的宾语从句中的谓语动词engage in前面省略了should.


2.虚拟语气的运用 篇二

1.与现在事实相反, if引导的条件状语从句中动词时态用一般过去时 (be为were) , 主句中的would/could/should/might+动词原形。

2.与过去事实相反, if从句中用动词的过去完成时。主句中用would/could/should/might+have+过去分词。

3.与将来事实相反, if从句中用 (1) 动词的一般过去时; (2) were to+动词原形; (3) should+动词原形。主句中用would/could/should/might+动词原形。如:If I hadmoney, I would buy a car. (与现在事实相反。) If you had come earlier, you could have met him, (与过去事实相反) 。If it were to snow tomorrow, the crops would be saved. (与将来事实相反) 。


⒈if it be not for...如果不是……主句中用虚拟语气。

If it were not for the guidance of the party committee, we should/would fail.

If it had not been for the help of our teacher, we should not have made so muchprogress.

If it were not for the collective strength (集体的力量) , it would not have been possible for us to live so well.

If it had not been for me, you would not be free.

2.虚拟语气中条件句可以省略if, 而把were, had或should移至主句之前, 但如果从句中没有were, had或should, 则不能。如:

Should it happen, what would you do?

Were I you, I would go.

Had he recognized me, he would havecome over.

3.在insist, order, command, suggest, advise propose, recommend, ask, demand, require request引导的宾语从句中, 要用虚拟语气。

She insisted that she (should) go alone.

The chairman proposed that we (should) put the match off.

The order came that it (should) be started at once.

It is ordered that we (should) arrive there before ten o’clock.


(1) It is time that clause, 主语从句中表示一种建议, 从句的谓语动词用过去时, 或should+动词原形, 意思是“该干某事的时候了”, 但“should”不可省略。

It’s time we went/should go to bed.

It’s (high) time we did/should do our homework.

(2) would rather that sb did sth

I would rather you went to that party instead of me.

I would rather he did shopping for me.


Without water, there would be no living things.

I could not have lived through Christmas without giving you a present.

6.用在so that, in order that引导的目的状语从句中。

She spoke in a loud voice so tha everyone could/might hear her clearly.

He got up early in order that he could/might catch the early bus.

7.用在as if, as though引导的非真实情况的句子中。

She felt as if she were going to die.

They were talking as if they were friends.

She speaks to me as if I were a kid.


I wish that I had lots of money.

I wish that I would fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.

I wish that I would had passed the English exam.

9.It is important/necessary/natural...that sb should do sth.

It is a pity/a shame/no wonder...that sb should do sth.

It is suggested that we should finish the project by next month.

It is a great pity that he should be so careless.

10.otherwise之后的从句中, 可用虚拟语气。

Give me ten million dollars, otherwise Iwould burn your house down.

3.虚拟语气的用法 篇三





If I were you, I would help her. 如果我是你,我会帮助她。

If there were no air or water, there would be no living things on the earth. 如果没有空气和水,地球上就不会存在生物。

If he studied harder, he might pass the exam.



If I had visited the place before, I would have known the way.


If we had left earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train.


If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.



If you should be late tomorrow, we would not wait for you.


If he should see me, he would know me.


If it were to snow in the summer, I would believe you.


If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would not go skating.




I wish I had your brains. 我希望我能有你那样的脑筋。


I wish I had known the truth of the matter.



I wish I should have a chance again. 我真希望再有一次机会。


1. If I come, I ____(see) you.

2. If it is fine, we ____(go) for a walk.

3. If it rained, they ____(stay) at home.

4. You will spoil it if you ____(not be) careful.

5. We would be very much pleased if you ____(come).

6. Will you help me if I ____(need) you?

7. They will get wet if it ____(rain).

8. What a pity!I haven’t got my car. If I had, I ____(take) you to

the airport.

9. We would answer if we ____(can).

10. If you eat too much, you ____(get) ill.


1. A: What are you doing this evening?

B: I’m not sure. If there ____(not be) anything good on TV, I think

I ____(read) a detective story. Or maybe I ____(go) to bed early.

2. A: What time will Kate be home?

B: If I ____(know) I ____(tell) you. But unfortunately, she didn’t say a word with me because we argued yesterday.

A: Well, if she ____(get) home before 10:00, please ask her to call me.

3. A: I’m so stressed out.

B: It’s none of my business, but if I ____(be) you, I ____(take) some time off.

4. A: I’m afraid your flight has been delayed due to bad weather.

B: Oh no!When will it take off?

A: We don’t have any idea yet. If it ____(stop) snowing this evening, then your flight ____(depart) some time tonight.

5. A: What are the chances that will happen?

B: It’s too early to tell. I ____(let) you know if I ____(hear) any news.

4.虚拟语气倒装的用法 篇四

Were I Tom,I would refuse.


Should it be necessary,I would go.


Had it not been for the bad weather we would have arrived on time.


Should he agree to go there,we would send him there.


Were she here,she would agree with us.

5.虚拟语气的运用 篇五


If I accepted it, I would regret in future.


现在时态 → 过去时态形式,将来时态 → 过去将来时


If she had known it, she would not have made the mistake.


过去一般时 → 过去完成时, 过去一般将来时 →过去将来完成时


If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home.


将来一般时 → 过去将来一般时,将来一般时 →过去将来一般时


If they/I/he/we were you, …

He ordered that the barrier/barriers (should) beremoved.


Long live Mother! our parents! all the parents in the world!


Long live Mao!

6.谈论语法学习的难点——虚拟语气 篇六



1 零式即动词原形的运用


Long live world peace!

God bless you!(上帝保佑!)

So be it!(就这样吧!/但愿如此!)

Suffice it to say that...(只要说...就够了。)

Far be it from me(我极不愿)to spoil the fun.

He will remain here if need be.(需要的话,他会留下的。)

Home is home,be it ever so homely.(家就是家,永远那么温馨)

Be that as it may...尽管那样...以及“may”起首的祝福语,例如:

be May the friendship between our two peop

May the friendship between our two peoples last forever.

May this book help to enhance the understanding and friendship between our two peoples.

2 一式即(should)+动词原形的运用




My suggestion is that we(should)send a few people to help the other groups.

The orders were that we stay where we were.



I propose that we(should)set a deadline for handing in the plans.

It’s desired that we(should)get everything ready by tonight.




常见名词短语有:no wonder,a pity,a shame等。例如:

It’s important that we(should)close our ranks in the struggle.

It’s no wonder that Tom cry so sadly.


d.出现在for fear(that),lest,in case(that),in order that,so that引导的状语从句中。例如:

He reminded her twice of it lest she should forget.

I will not make a noise for fear that I should disturb you.


e.出现在句型“It is(high/about)time(that)...”中。例如:

It’s about time we should go to bed.

It’s time she should wash her clothes.


It is high time that we were off.

It’s time that somebody taught you to behave yourself.

3 二式即一般过去式(现在,将来)和过去完成式(过去)的运用

a.出现在would rather,would sooner后的从句中。例如:

I’d rather you paid the money yourself.(现在)

I would sooner she painted the wall green next time.(将来)

I’d rather she hadn’t done that.(过去)


If it were not for the rain,the crops would become withered.(将来)

If you should(or:were to)start early tomorrow morning,you would be at your destination by evening.(将来)

If I were you,I should go.(现在)

If it had not been for your timely help,I would have gone bankrupt.(过去)


表过去用would/might/should+have done

4 三式即would/might/should+动词原形(将来),一般过去式(现在),和过去完成式(过去)的运用

a.出现在wish、as if后的宾语从句和状语从句中。例如:

I wish we could go to the seaside today.(将来)

I wish you told me earlier.(现在)

We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier.(过去)

5 非条件从句的虚拟条件式



With better equipment(=If we had better equipment),we could have finished the job even sooner.要是设备好些,我们是可以更早地完成这项任务的。

I would have lost my head in that position(=if I had been in that position).我处在那种情况下是会丧失理智的。


A judicious man(=If a man had been judicious,he)would not have committed suicide.一个明智的人是不会自杀的。

They would have paid attention to a nice little boy(=if a little boy had been nice).如果是个令人喜爱的孩子,他们就会注意到了。

3)用副词otherwise,but;连词or,or else等表示。例如:

I was ill that day.Otherwise(=If I had not been ill that day)I would have come to see you.我那天病了,要不然我就会去看你。

Doctor Wang said that he would have taken part in the labour,only he went to Beijing(=if he had not gone to Beijing).王医生说他要不是去北京,就参加了那次劳动。


It would be only partly right to answer in this way(=if we answered in this way).这样回答只是一部分正确。

He’d be stupid not to accept that offer(=if he should not accept that offer).如果他不接受那项建议,那可真是太傻了。


This same thing,happening(=if it should happen)in war-time,would amount to disaster.同样的事情如果发生在战争时期,就等于一场灾难。

Everything taken into consideration(=If everything had been taken into consideration),they would have raised their output quickly.如果把一切情况都考虑到,他们是会很快地提高产量的。


On being showing this novel(=IF this novel were to be shown),few of people would be able to consider that it had been written by a child.如果将这本小说让人们读一读,不会有几个人相信这是一个小孩写的。

In doing so(=If he did so),the head might forgive him.要是这样做的话,首长会宽恕他的。


A nation which stopped working(If a nation stopped working,it)would be dead in a fortnight.如果一个国家停止了生产,不出半个月就会灭亡。

He would be a rash man who should venture to forecast the remotest results.要是有人敢预测最遥远的后果,他就是一个轻率的人。


This is a step we should never take.It would give rise to a lot of problems.(=If we took the step,it would give rise...)我们决不能走这一步,否则会引起很多问题。

Reduce the sun to the size of a ball.The earth would then be the size of a grain of sand.(=If we reduced the sun to the size of a ball,the earth...)如果把太阳缩到一个球那么大,那么地球就会是象沙粒那么小。









7.虚拟语气情境教学的导入 篇七

关键词 虚拟语气 情境教学 导入 激发兴趣

中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2015)02-0006-03







可选用Shakin Stevens的歌曲《Because I love you》作为虚拟语气语法课的导入。这首歌曲旋律优美,学生在哼唱的同时也学到了虚拟语气。

Ifl got down on my knees and pleaded with you,


Ifl crossed a million oceans just to be with you,


Would you ever let me down?


Ifl climbed the highest mountain just to hold you tight,


Ifl said that l would love you every single night,


Would you ever let me down?



-Ifl____,would you____?

-Yes, Iwoud./No,1 wouldn't.


-Ifllacked money, would you lend me some?

-No,1 wouldn't.(学生哈哈大笑)




IfLizhen had taken part in the basketball game, our classwould have won the first prize.



If she had been more careful, she would not have got herfinger hurt.


Ifl had been cycling carefully,1 would not have fallenoff my bicycle.




If l were to become President of America in 2013, 1would creat more jobs.

Ifl became President ofAmerica in 2013,I should endall the wars on the earth.

Ifl should become President ofAmerica in 2013,I mightmake health care affordable for every American.


教师提问:What would you do if you became PresidentofChina in 20407学生很感兴趣,积极讨论,并升始争先恐后地回答:

Ifl became President of China in 2040,1 would try tomake all people improve their living standards.

Ifl were to become President of China in 2040,I shouldtake measures to stop the environment from being polluted.





Ifthe God should/were to give/gave me another chance,1 would tell the girl three words:1 love you!

If our love hadto be set a time limit,1 wish it would be 10, 000 years!


Ifthe God should /were to give/gave me____,1 would________.If____

hadto be set a time limit,I wish it would be 10, 000 years!




Life would be too smooth ifit had no rubs in it


Ifa beard were a sign of smartness, the goat would be aSocrates.



Ifl had read as much as other men,I should have knownno more than they.



Ifthings were to be twice, all would be wise.


The virtue ofa man's real character is what he would doifhe knew he would never be found out.




我用PPT呈现节选的Three Days to See《假如给我三天光明》的部分段落:

The First Day

On the first day,I should want to see the people whosekindness and gentleness and companionship(友谊;交谊;)have made my life worth living."....

The Second Day

The next day - the second day of sight -I should arisewith the dawn and see the thrilling miracle by which night istransformed into day……

The Third Day

The following morning,I should again greet the dawn,anxious to discover new delights,.……

(Helen Keller海伦·凯勒,2004)

我先介绍海伦·凯勒,19世纪美国女作家、教育家、慈善家、社会活动家,享年88岁。87年生活在无声、无光的世界中。在十九个月时因忠猩红热而被夺去视力和听力。是一个聋盲哑人。然后带领学生赏析这篇文章,同时引导学生这篇文章是她在表达现在不可能实现的愿望。提醒学生观察语言现象,提问If you had only three days to see,what would you do?让同学们思考并用虚拟语气回答,同时引导他们珍惜现在所拥有的东西。不要等到失去了才后悔莫及,能当一个健全的人本身就是一件很幸福的事。学生边发言边思考,同时增强克服困难的勇气。








8.虚拟语气学习心得 篇八


一、什么情况从句必须用 sb.Should do 的形式

1)should不可以省略的情况:for fear that ,in case that ,lest引导的目的状语。


She examined the door again for fear that a thief should come in.她又把门检查了一遍,以防盗贼的进入。

He started out earlier lest he should be late.他很早就出发了以防迟到。


第一种:表情绪.观点的形容词或名词也要用虚拟语气.如:necessary.important.impossible.natural.strange.surprising.funny.right.wrong.better.a pity等。

句型:It is.......that 结构后的主语从句,从句的谓语动词都要用 should+原型 或只用动词原型.Eg:





四建议(advice.suggest.propose)五要求(demand.require.request.desire.insist)中。无论主句谓语动词为何种时态,从句的谓语动词都用:“should + 动词原形”或只用“动词原形”。

如 He suggested that we(should)take the teacher’s advice

He insisted that we(should)take the teacher’s advice

He demand that we(should)take the teacher’s advice

He ordered that we(should)take the teacher’s advice。

二、在虚拟语气中,不管什么人称,be动词都要用were的形式。If I were you, I would pay more attention to English idioms and phrases.三、虚拟语气用在wish 后的宾语从句,一定都是过去式形态。(if only和as if/as though引导的让步状语从句,结构与之相同)a、与现在事实相反,谓语动词用一般过去时

eg.I wish I had your brains.(事实:我根本比不上你)


eg:.I wish I had known the truth of the matter.(事实:原来不知道)

c、表示将来难以实现的愿望,谓语动词过去将来时 谓语动词:should/would + 动词原形

eg.I wish I should have a chance again.(事实:很难再有这样的机会了)。


①、would rather 从句谓语动词:过去时(对应现在、将来)、过去完成时(对应过去)

I’d rather you had seen the film yesterday.我倒想你昨天看过了这场电影。

I’d rather you were here now.我倒想你现在在这儿。

We’d rather you went here tomorrow.我们倒想你明天去那儿

②、It is time that 从句:过去时。即从句用虚拟过去式。

如It is time that I went to pick up my daughter at school.我该去学校接我的女儿了。

It is high time you should go to work.你早该上班了。

补充:而It is hignt time that从句:表示:“早该做某事了”,其虚拟语气的结构为:It is high time that + 主语+ should + 动词原形,It is high time you should go to work.你早该上班了。

含蓄条件句,在多数情况下,条件会暗含在短语中,如without„., but for„.等

But for his help, we would be working now.要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。

Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress.要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。

五、在whatever,whichever,whenever,whoever, wherever,however, no matter wh-word 等引导的让步状语从句中,从句虚拟语气结构比较特殊。① may +动词原形(指现在或将来)。如:

We will finish it on time no matter what / whatever may happen.不管发生什么事,我们都要按时完成。

We will find him wherever / no matter where he may be.无论他在哪里,我们都要找到他。

I will wait for him no matter how late he may come.不管他来的多么晚,我都会等他。

② may +完成式(指过去),主句结构不限。如:

You mustn’t be proud whatever / no matter what great progress you may have made.不管你取得了多么大的进步,你也不能骄傲

We must respect him no matter what / whatever mistakes he may have made.不管他犯过什么错误,我们必须尊敬他。


①、含蓄条件句,在多数情况下,条件会暗含在短语中,如without„., but for„.等

would +动词原形(指现在或将来)、现在完成式(指过去)。Eg: 1)But for his help, we would be working now.要不是他的帮助,我们还会在工作呢。

2)Without your instruction, I would not have made such great progress.要是没有你的指导,我不会取得如此大的进步。


If I had worked hard at school, I would be an engineer, too.如果我在学校学习刻苦的话,我现在也会成为一个工程师了。2)从句的动作与现在事实相反,而主句的动作与过去事实不符。如:

If he were free today, we would have sent him to Beijing.如果他今天有空的话,我们会已经派他去北京了。
