


1.应聘机械工程师英语面试 篇一


Why do you think you are qualified for this position?



I have four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and it has given me a solid theory foundation. Moreover, I have worked at CBA Company for 4 years and got a lot of practical experience.



Great. Then what`s your technical post title now?



I am a senior mechanical design engineer.



Do you take the original certificate with you?



Yes. Here it is.



Can you briefly tell me about one of your designs?



Of course, I designed a more powerful gasoline engine, which greatly increased the speed of limousines.



be qualified for 有资格做

Cheats will not be qualified for the position.


theory foundation 理论基础

You have a magnificent foundation in theory


2.应聘空姐英语面试 篇二

Zoe: Why do you want to be a stewardess?

Celia: I have always enjoyed flying. And I amgood with people.

Zoe: Could you handle flying for 24 hoursstraight?

Celia: Yes, I can adjust to anything.

Zoe: That‘s good.

Celia: I am also calm under pressure andtrained in first aid.

Zoe: You should very qualified.

Celia: Thank you. It has always been my dream to be a stewaredess.

佐伊: 你为什么想成为一名空姐?

西莉娅: 因为我一直喜欢飞行。而且我善于和人打交道。

佐伊: 你可以承受二十四小时的直飞吗?

西莉娅: 是的,我可以适应任何工作。

佐伊: 那很好。

西莉娅: 我在压力下很冷静,而且也受过急救训练。

佐伊: 听起来你很够资格。

西莉娅: 谢谢。做一名空姐一直是我的梦想。


1. Do you think friendly service is very important for the airline staff? 你是否认为,热情的服务对空勤人员来说很重要?

2. If one of your passengers had an accident, what would you do? 如果有旅客发生意外,你该怎么做?

3. Could you handle flying for 24 hours straight? 你能承受24小时的直飞吗?

4. The main responsibility of the flight crew is to ensure the safety of the passengers incase of an emergency. Other responsibilities are providing for the comfort of the passengersand serving meals. 空勤人员的主要职责是出现紧急情况时保证旅客的安全。其他职责是为乘客提供舒适和招待饮食。

3.应聘面试英语自我介绍 篇三

My name is *** years old. I hope this interview can show me and improve myself. Im a * family. ****. I like reading books and surfing the Internet. I am more outgoing and easy-going. Be able to relate to everything around you, get along with your family and friends, and be confident in your life. I have worked as an intern in ***, so I have some practical experience.

In the four years of studying abroad, I have developed a strong character, which has enabled me to overcome some difficulties in my study and life and make progress. If I have the opportunity to be hired, I will be able to get exercise in my work and realize my value. I will be a civil servant and a qualified civil servant. At the same time, I also realized that the relationship between people and work is based on self-knowledge, and I think I have the ability and confidence to do the job well. The civil servant is a sacred and noble profession, which pursues the maximization of the public interest. Its fundamental purpose is to serve the people and serve the country. Lei feng said: peoples life is limited, and the service to the people is infinite. I want to devote my limited life to the unlimited service of the people. This is also my best interpretation of civil service cognition.

4.应聘外企面试英语如何提高 篇四











5.大学毕业生应聘面试英语 篇五


Dear teachers, good morning.Thank you for giving me the opportunity for this interview.I sincerely hope that I can impress you and get the chance today.First, allow me to introduce myself.I’m a nineteen-year-old girl.I was born in Zhejiang province, a beautiful and fertile place.My dream is to be a simultaneous interpreter.I hope one day I

6.应聘飞行员面试英语自我介绍 篇六

I hope I can make a good performance today. Im confident that I can succeed.Now i will introduce myself briefly :

Im 22 years old , born in ~~provinnce . And Im a senior student at ~~ 大学~University.. My major is ~专业~. And I will receive my bachelor degree after my graduation in June. In the past four years, I spent most of my time on study. I passed CET4 and CET6 with a ease and acquired basic theoretical and practical knowledge of Language. And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major. Courses completed ~谈一下你的专业~

In my extracurricular time, I like running, basketball, boxing, especially basketball and boxing, because playing basketball can let me feel happy, also can let me have a better coordination, reaction more agile, while playing basketball can also deepen the friendship between friends, improve our team work.(谈一下你的个人爱好,业余时间安排)

Flying in the blue sky, one feels free and pleasant. However, to be a true pilot, one has to have high quality and great personality. I have been working hard with great effort in the past, and I will continue to do so in future. I also enjoy very much the culture and custom of foreign conutries. I am so attracted to the difference of different countries. My dream can come true if I am a pilot for international flight.(谈下对飞行员的认识及自己愿望。)

And I will try my best.

That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.

7.应聘英语教师面试的几点建议 篇七

来源:考试大2010/5/28【考试大:中国教育考试第一门户】模拟考场视频课程字号:T T


1.别拿着书本或教案。每人20分钟左右,有Self-introduction, 有课文讲解,有主题发挥,有回答问题。所以,课文讲解也就10分钟,难道背不过?有的试讲人每个老师都给一份教案,刚开始有个好印象,但随后就没新意了。2 .写板书时不要完全把后背转向评委。师范生可能注意这一点,但非师范毕业的就要注意了。写板书时后转最大限度是身体与黑板成90度,要随时和评委或学生保持目光接触。.板书要适中。一般而言,试讲人的板书易于偏多,最后完全是写板书,很少说话了。板书占的比例只是10%左右。.语音语调不要起伏太大。相信大家的发音没问题,但语调就有差别了。有一些人,yeah, ok, hmm, right, am I right 等用的很多,影响了表达的流利度。.不要选择偏僻的主题。让评委感到自己的词汇量有限不是好事,同时也因此没有了衡量你水平高低的标准。




8.应聘机械工程师英语面试 篇八

。贵公司是一家具有创新精神的年轻公司,自创建以来,在市场拓展方面取得了巨大的成功。能为你们工作,正是我所追求的那种挑战。I: 为什么你认为你能胜任我们公司这个职位呢?A: 我的人际交往能力很强。在我工作的上个公司,我熟练掌握了工作流程,而且我具有团队精神和出色的人际关系技能。Dialogue 2I: Why do you want to apply for a position in our company? Dont you like the present job?A: I like the job and it is similar to the position I am applying for in your company, but the salary of my present job is too low, so I decided to leave.I: Is that the only reason why you are leaving?A: No, another reason is that your operations are global, so I feel I can gain the most from working in this kind of environment.I: If you are hired, when will it be convenient for you to begin to work?A: If you like, tomorrow is ok.I: 为什么你要应聘我们公司这个职位,你不喜欢你目前这个工作吗?A: 我喜欢目前这个工作,而且它和我在贵公司应聘的这个职位很相似,但是我目前这份工作的薪水太低,所以我想离开。I: 这是你想离职的唯一原因吗?A:不,另一个原因是因为你们公司的运作是全球化的,我觉得在这样一个环境中工作会收获最多。I: 如果你被录用,什么时候方便来本公司上班呢?A:如果你愿意,明天就可以。Dialogue 3I: How would you describe your ideal job?A: I think the job should make use of the professional experience I have obtained, and offer me opportunity for advancement.I: Why do you think you might like to work for our company?A: I feel my background and experience are a good fit for this position and I am very interested.Whats more, your company is outstanding in this field.I: What makes you think you would be a success in this position?A: My graduate school training combined with my experience as an intern should qualify me for this particular job. I am sure I will be successful.I: How do you know about this company?A: Your company is very reputed in this city; I heard much praise to your company.I: 你理想的工作是什么样的?A: 我认为应该能发挥我掌握的专业知识,而且能为我提供升职的机会,I: 那你为什么认为你会喜欢在我们公司工作呢?A: 我认为我的背景和经验非常适合这个工作,而且我对这个工作也非常感兴趣,况且贵公司又是这个领域的佼佼者。I: 你怎么知道能胜任这份工作呢?A: 我在研究所所受的`训练,加上实习工作经验,应该使我适合做这份工作。我相信我会成功的。I: 你是如何知道本公司的?A: 贵公司在本市很有名,我听到很多对贵公司的好评。be of no challenge 不具有挑战性 position 职位responsibility 责任,职责 be qualified for 适于担任apply for 申请 advancement 提升,晋升operation 运作 environment 环境,外界convenient 方便的 professional 专业的background 背景 intern 实习生NOTES 注释以下是常用离职、应聘原因:1)The job is out of my major.我的工作不属于我的专业范围。2)I want to do a job that can offer me the opportunity for advancement.我想找一个能给我带来提升机会的工作。3)I am looking for a more challenging opportunity.我想找一个更具挑战性的工作。4)My former company has been bankrupt.我原先那个公司已经破产了。5)Because Im very interested in your companys training program.因为我对贵公司的培训计划非常感兴趣。6)Your company has a great future and is conducive to the further development of my abilities.贵公司前途光明,有助于我个人能力的发展7)Working in this company can give me the chance to exert all my strengths.在贵公司工作能发挥我最大的能力 I needed to consider my future.因为那家公司没有什么前途,所以我必需考虑我的未来。

9.机械工程应聘简历 篇九


性别: 男

出生日期: 1987-11-24

民族: 汉族

身高: 174

体重: 62

籍贯: 安徽省

目前所在地: 北京市

学历: 本科

政治面貌: 其它

毕业院校: 北京理工大学

毕业时间: 6月

所学专业类别: 机械制造类

专业名称: 机械工程及自动化


9月至206月 北京理工大学

2005-国家奖学金获得者 、-北京理工大学军训优秀学员


外语语种: 英语 外语水平: 四级

计算机能力: 优秀 普通话程度: 优秀





.3—2007.6 北京理工大学校工厂 北京理工大学校工程训练中心是国家级的工程训练中心,设备齐全,拥有各种可操作的机床,实习期间,在工厂进行了各种机床的操作及加工,了解了基本零件及产品的加工工艺等。

2007.6—2007.7 SMC中国有限公司 在SMC中国有限公司实习期间,了解到专业相关的一些设备及加工方法,开阔眼界和知识面。

2007.7—2007.7 北京现代汽车公司 参观实习了包括汽车流水线上的生产加工,是对优秀企业先进制造方法的一次学习和吸收。

2008.10-2008.10 洛阳市第一拖拉机厂 洛拖实习期间,把握到了产品生产过程中整个的生产流程及工艺知识,是一次综合、全面的学习。


求职类型: 全职

月薪要求: 面议

希望应聘的岗位: 机械工程师

应聘的`其它岗位: 模具工程师

希望工作地点: 北京市

其它工作地点: 安徽省


10.关于应聘原因的英语面试 篇十

Why do you come here for a job?你为何到此处来找工作?

Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job?谢谢你对本公司的兴趣,为何你认为自己符合这职位的资格?

I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of people,so I think I could handle the work of a receptionist.我能说流利的英语,而且我喜欢接触不同的人,所以我认为我能胜任接待员一职。

Why did you choose to come here for a job?你为何选定到此地来谋职?

I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.我希望有一个提供升级机会的工作。

What interest you most about this job?你对这份工作最感兴趣的是什么?

I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together.我喜欢和一班人一起工作及解决问题。

What do you think you would bring to the job?你认为你将能为这份工作带来什么?

Why should I hire you?我为什么要聘请你?

Did you choose this company on account of high pay?你是因为薪水高才选择本公司的吗?

I have the educational background and relevant experience required by the job.Besides,I am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.


★ 应聘面试英语―离职和应聘原因

★ 英语面试口语参考

★ 应聘销售员之职英语面试对话口语

★ 英语面试:自我介绍常用口语

★ 个人技能英语面试口语

★ 应聘飞行员面试英语自我介绍

★ 乘务员应聘求职面试英语自我介绍

★ 常用面试英语精彩口语:你有兄弟姐妹吗?

★ 应聘会计师英语面试基本句型表达
