Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)


Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)(共9篇)

1.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇一

Unit 11 What do you think of game shows?

Language goal: talk about likes and dislikes.

Teaching aims: What do you think of…?

I love /like/don’t like/ don’t mind/can’t stand it/them.

Language function: Give opinions

Learning strategies: self-evaluation and personality

Teaching aids: multimedia, pictures, radio and objects

Teaching design:

Step 1 Pre-task

Ask some students to make a survey chart and bring some things they like or dislike.

Step 2 Warming up.

①duty report.

2.explain some words.

Step 3 Presentation

T :(show them some objects or pictures)

Do you like…?

S: Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: What do you think of…?

T:I like it.

T: What do you think of…(point to don’t like)

Ss: I don’t like …..

Use the same way to teach love, can’t stand, don’t mind

Step 4 Drill

T : What do you think of…?

S : I ….

(Answer according to what the teacher point to)

S:What do you think of…?


G1 G2: What do you think of …?

G3.G4: I ….

Work in pairs , use their own things or movies

Step 5 Presentation-drill

T: As we know, most of you like watching TV. What kind of TV show do you know ?

S : Talk show.

T: Great . Look at the screen. The picture is from Tell it like it is. It’s a talk show.

Ss: Talk show.

(Use the same way to teach soap opera, sports show, game show and sitcom then drill the target language using the new words.)

Step6 Practice

Make a survey.

Step7 summary :

What do you think of…?

I can’t stand…

Step 8 Games

T: Now, let’s play a game. If I ask in English. You must answer in Chinese. While I ask in Chinese , you must answer in English.

Step 9 Homework:

Read English Weekly.

Collect the names of some TV programmes.

2.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇二






本堂课的教学内容是人教版新目标英语七年级下册Unit4I want to be an actor.第一课时。本堂课主要是在学生掌握了一定的日常用语的基础上,以询问职业为背景,培养学生谈论自己与他人的职业所需要具备的能力,通过对话练习掌握询问对方职业的常用语。






笔者将本课的设计分为五个板块:一是学习目标,包括本堂课学生应掌握的知识目标、能力目标、过程与方法;二是知识,包括本单元的生词、可能用到的相关单词(以图片的形式,帮助学生记忆)以及目前所学的日常用语;三是资源协助,包括本单元所涉及的句型的应用,以flash动画的形式展出,使学生在欣赏动画的同时学会运用询问职业的句型;四是自我检测,包括本课语法功能要点(Grammar Focus)、同步作业和课后探究活动,使学生在自主探究的同时,主动地、有选择地吸收感兴趣的知识,并完成习题;五是交流展示,翼课网作业展示作为学生交流展示的平台,使学生的学习情况能更直观地被反映出来。



1. 知识目标

重点词汇:doctor,nurse,waiter,reporter,policeman,policewoman,bank clerk,shop assistant

重点句型:What do you do?I am a teacher.What does your mother do?She is a nurse.What do you want to be?I want to be a doctor.What does she want to be?She wants to be a policewoman.

2. 能力目标




3. 过程与方法



根据本堂课的教学内容和学生对知识的理解程度,结合本课的教学目标,以及本课的重点———让学生在自主探究的过程中介绍自己或他人的职业,并能询问他人的职业。掌握句型:What do you do?I am a teacher./What do you want to be?I want to be a doctor.难点为对重点句型的实际运用。





1. 学生发现本课的重难点,并在自主探究和与同学交流的过程中掌握它们;

2. 学生能独立完成本课的练习;

3. 学生完成课后探究活动———翼课网拓展训练中关于职业的阅读训练。









3.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇三





1.每个单元的Section B 3b都有写短文的任务,这种学习任务难度较大,对大多数学生来说难以完成,建议降低写作难度。


3.个别练习难度较大,如Unit 2 Selfcheck 2,要求用合适的短语或不定式填空。这个题别说是学生,就是没用过上一套教材的老师做起来难度也非常大,不借助教学参考书,很难得出正确答案。此类练习,建议删除。


新教材内容多是与城市生活相关,有些内容农村学生学习起来脱离生活实际和生活范围,有机械性。例如,在Unit 8 “Have you read Treasure Island yet?”中介绍的几本名著,“Alice In Wonderland”,“Little Woman”,“Treasure Island” ,“Oliver Twist”等,农村学生很少有读过,建议在课后注释中给出简单介绍。


1. Page 12,4a中,“give out”应改为“give away”,因为根据“We will  the money from the sale to homeless people.”意思来看,此处应填“赠送”而不是“分发”。

2. Page 22,2b第一段中,“They dont have time to study and do housework, too.”此句因为是否定句,“too”应改为“either”。

3. Page 38, 2b最后一段中,“I didnt believe him at first,but then I looked out the window and realized that it was true.”根据句意“向窗外看”,“look out”应改为“look out of”。

4. Page 42,2d中,“You have different opinions about the story,and neither of you are wrong.”句中neither 作主语,谓语动词用单数,“are” 应改为“is”。

5. Page 47, Scene Six中,“Maybe it was the birds.” 根据句意,“birds”应改为“birds”。

6. Page 55, 2d 中,“3.Another reason for fewer and fewer pandas is because people are cutting down  so pandas have fewer places to live.”因为“live”是不及物动词,此处应改为“live in”。

7.Page 60, 4a中,“2. I heard you lost your key.”根据语境,时态不对,“heard” 应改为“hear”。

8. Page 78,2a第一段中,“He has lived in Wenzhou for the last 13 years.” 根据英语惯用法,“for”应改为 “in”。

4.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇四

Teaching aims(教学目标)

1. 要求学生熟悉物品的名称。

2. 要求学生学会谈论物品的位置。

Language points(语言点)

1. 要求掌握以下词汇:

(1) 名词:table , bed ,dresser ,plant ,alarm ,picture , TV ,desk ,bag ,bookcase , sofa ,chair ,drawer ,hat

(2) 介词:on , in ,under.

2. 要求掌握以下句式:

(1)----Where’s the…?

----It’s on / in / under the….

(2)----Where are the…?

----They’re on / in / under the….

Difficulties(难点): 介词on, in ,under

Teaching steps:

I. Warming-up and revision

1. Daily greeting to the students

T: What’s your name?

S1: My name is….

T: Nice to meet you.

S2: Nice to meet you ,too.

T: What’s your name?

S2: My name is ….

T: How are you?

S2: Fine, thank you. And you?(What about you?)*

T: I’m fine, too. How is the weather today?

S2:It’s good / beautiful.

II. Revision






T: What’s this in English?

S1: It’s a backpack.

T: Can you spell it?

S1: Yes, B-A-C-K-P-A-C-K, backpack.

T: Yes, thank you. You are very good.

What are these in English?

S2: They are keys.

T: Can you spell it?

S2:Yes, K-E-Y-S,keys.

III. Presentation

T: What’s this in English? Who can tell me?

S3: It’s a table.

T: Can you spell it?

S3: Yes, T-A-B-L-E, table.

T: Good, thank you.

(依次呈现本课的生词bed . dresser .bookcase ,sofa ,chair ,drawer ,plant等。)

IV. Practice

Look at the picture and Make up similar dialogues like these:

1.---What’s this in English?

---It’s a….

2.---What ‘re these in English?

---They are ……

V. Presentation

1. T: This is my room. This is my bed. It’s on the floor. Where is my TV? Oh, it’s on the desk.

Where are my books? They are in the bookcase. Where are my shoes? They’re under my bed.

(教师板书 in , on , under )

2.Let Ss describe the things on their desks.

S1:This is my pen. It’s in the pencil-case.

S2:This is my book. It’s on the desk.

S3:This is my ruler. It’s in the book.

3.Draw a picture of your room and describe it.

This is my room .This is a bed . It’s on the


What’s this in English? What are these in English? 为后面的新课作准备。







This is a ball .It’s under the bed. They are my books .They are in the bookcase….

4. Practise in pairs.

---Where is your…?

---It’s on / in / under the…

---Where are your …?

---They are in / on / under the….

VI.Work on 1a,1b,1c

1.T: Now look at the picture on P19.Match the words with the pictures.

2.T: Now listen to the tape. Number the things 1-5 in the picture.

3. Practise the dialogues .

---Where is my backpack?

----It’s under the table.

---Where are my books?

----They are on the sofa.

---Where is my baseball?

---It’s in the backpack.

VII. Homework

Oral work:1.Read and recite the words in 1a.

2.Read the dialogues.

3.Match similar dialogues with your partner.

Written work: Write the words in 1a.


Unit 4 Where’s my backpack?

(The 2nd period Section A 2a-3c)

Teaching aims:



Language points:

1.要求掌握以下单词:don’t = do not know bag

3. 要求掌握以下句型:

-----Is the…on the…?

-----Yes,it is.(No,it isn’t. It’s under the…)

-----Are they on the…?

----No,they aren’t. They are under… (Yes,they are.)

Difficulties:一般疑问句Is it…? Are they ….?的回答。


Teaching steps:

I. Warming-up and revision

1. Daily greeting to the students

T: What’s your name?

S1: My name is….

T: Nice to meet you.

S2: Nice to meet you ,too.

T: What’s your name?

S2: My name is ….

T: How are you?

S2:Fine,thank you. And you?(What about you?)

T:I’m fine,too. How is the weather today?

S2:It’s good / beautiful.*

2.T:What’s this in English?

S1:It’s a table.




T:Can you spell it,please?


T;Where is the table?

S1:It’s on the floor.



1.Read the dialogues in Section A 2c.

2.Make similar dialogues in pairs. In Section A 3c.

---Where is the…?

---It’s on / in /under the…. (I don’t know.)


1.Show Ss another picture of a room.

T:Is the book on the desk?

S1:Yes,it is.

T:Are the keys on the floors?

S2:No,they aren’t. They are in the….

2.Listen and number these things 1-6 when you hear them. (Section A 2a)

3.Listen again. Where are the things from 2a? Number the things in the pictures.

IV.Group work

Show the pictures of Ss’ rooms,make dialogues in pairs.

1.----Where is your…?

---It’s on / in / under the….

2.---Are these books in the backpack?

---No,they aren’t. They are on the….

3.---Where is the baseball?

---Sorry ,I don’t know.

V.Make a survey.

Interview some of their classmates and fill in the form.

Name Things Places



Oral work:Read the dialogues in Section A 2c,3a




1.Backpack A.in a.the computer

2.notebook B.under b.the bookcase and desk

3.ID card C.on c.the table

4.basketball D.next to d.the dresser

5.video cassette E.behind e.the desk



1.The books are_______.

A.on the sofa. B.on the bed. C.under the table.

2.The pencil case are_______.

A.in the backpack. B.on the bed C.on the table.


3._____is under the bed.

A.The backpack B.The baseball C.The hat

4.The keys are______.

A.on the dresser B.under the sofa C.in the table

5.The computer game is_____.

A.under the bed B.next to book case C.on the table



1.我的书包 ___________ 2。你的父母___________

3.在桌下 ____________ 4。在沙发上___________

5.在抽屉里 ___________ 6。在床下_____________

7.在椅子后 ___________ 8。在书橱旁___________

9.数学书 ____________ 10。闹钟 _____________

II.选词填空。(a , an , the , some)

1.I have_____eraser. It’s in my pencil case. Can you see_____eraser?

2.This is_____math book. _____math book is on_____sofa.

3._____baseball is Jack’s.

4.There are________books in_____backpack.

5.Can you bring_____things to school?

6.______CDs are in the drawer.


1. ----Where’s the backpack? Is it_____the table?

----No,it isn’t. It is on the table.

2.----Where’re the books? Are they on the sofa?

---No,they aren’t. They are_______the bed.

3.----Where is the pencil case? Is it_____the backpack?

4.----Where are the keys? Are they_______the dresser? No,they are on the sofa.

5.----Where’s the soccer ball?

----Oh,it’s_____the desk.


1. Where____the CDs?

A.is B.are C.am D.be

2.---Is his name Tim? ---____________.

A.Yes,he is. B.Yes,he’s. C.Yes,it is. D.No,it is not.

3.Here______your pencils.

A.are B.is C.have D.has

4._______your notebook? Yes,it is.

A.Is this B.It is C.Its D.Are they

5.----_______is he? ---he is my new English teacher.

A.Who B.How C.How old D.Where

6.----_______is LiPing? ----He is in that tree.

A.What B.Where C.He D.It

7.There’s a map of China_____the wall.

A.in B.on C.under D.between

8.Your brother’s CDs_____in the drawer.

A.is B.isn’t C.are D./

9.----Where is Nanjing? ---It’s in_____.

A.Beijing B.Hefei C.Jiangsu D.Hebei

10.----_______the baseball on the desk? ----Yes,it is.

A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are


( )1.What’s in the room? A.Your baseball? I don’t know.

( ) 2.Is that jeff? B.Yes,they are.

( ) 3.Are these your grandparents? C.No,they are in the backpack.

( ) 4.How about my pencil case? D.It’s on the desk.

( ) 5.Are the books on the sofa? E.No,it’s Jack.

( ) 6.Is the computer on the desk? F.Yes,it is.

( ) 7.Who is your friend? G. No,it’s my cousin.

( ) 8.What’s this in Enlgish? H. There are some things in it.

( ) 9.Is that boy your brother? I.Guo Peng.

( )10.Where’s my baseball? J.It’s a clock.

VII. 阅读短文,判断正误。

This is my room. The books are in the bookcase. The picture of my family is on the wall. My backpack is on the chair. And I have a baseball. It’s on the floor, between the bookcase and the desk. A computer is on my desk, and a video cassette is behind the computer. And I have a hat. It’s on my bed.

( ) 1.I have some books. They are in the bookcase.

( ) 2.The picture of my family is on the desk.

( ) 3.I have a basketball on the floor.

( ) 4.A sofa is in my room.

( ) 5.The computer is in my desk.


I.1.----Where’s the backpack?

----It’s under the table.

2.---Mum,where’s my notebook?

----It’s on the desk.

3.---Where’s your ID card,Tom?

---I think it’s in my dresser.

4.---Where’s the baseball? Is it under the table?

---No,it isn’t. It’s next to the bookcase and the desk.

5.---Is my video cassette on the table?

---It’s behind the computer.

(1---B ---c 2---C ---e 3---A---d 4---D ---b 5---E---a)

II.A:---Dad,where’re my books? Are they under the table?

---No,they aren’t. They are on the bed.

---And where’s my pencil case? I really don’t know.

---Your pencil case? Oh,it’s on the table.

B.---Mum,is my baseball under the sofa?

---No.The keys are under the sofa. But where’s your baseball? Oh,it’s there,under the bed.

---Er…where’s my computer game?

5.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇五

1.学会日常生活中食物 水果的名称


Lauguage points (语言栏)

要求掌握以下句式 (1)Do you like┅ Yes I do/No I don’t

(2)I like┅ I don’t like

要求掌握以下词汇 knowledge tomatows broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad bananas strawberries garrots


(1) 可数名词和不可数名词

(2) 可数名词的复数形式

Teaching steps (教学步骤)

1.warning-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)

(1)Daily greeting to the students(日常问候)

(1) Revision(复习) I have┅ Do you have ┅?

T: Good morning /afternoon/children

(showing a ) fruit basket

I have a fruit basket

Do you have a fruit basket

Ask the students to ask and answer using the pettern::

Do you have┅?

2. Guessing games

Taking away the fruit bastet and asking the students to guess:

What’s in the basket? Using the sentence: Do you have┅?

Present the names of all kindsof fruits and food

3. Showing a picture of fridge in the computer

Revise the names of food and fruit

Teach the new words of food and fruit

4. Practise

1a. match the words with the pictures

5. 2a. Listen and circle the food you hear

6. Show the picture again or take out an apple,

act out eating an apple delicious and say: I like apples

for several times then take an egg, “I don’t like eggs” for

several times, working a horrible face at them (Ask more

questions about fruits and food )

7.Guessing game

Guess what my favourite food is, or ask some students to come

to the front and guess what her/his favourite food is.

8. Fill in the chart

Pictures of food&fruits like dislike

9. Discussion

Ask the students to talk about their likes and dislikes in talking pairs

10. Listening

1b. Listen and number the conversation

11. Chant

12. Homework

Oral work:

Rcite the new words

Written work:

1. Copy the new words

2. Making up dialogues between you and your parents about

6.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇六



一. 班情分析:



《Go for it》七年级下册共12个单元,文化背景知识,学习策略,语言,主要语法学习以及听力材料等部分补充材料。全书采取任务型语言教学模式,融汇话题、交际功能和语言结构,形成了一套循序渐进的生活化的学习程序。每个单元都列出明确的语言目标,主要的功能项目与语法结构,需要掌握的基本词汇,并分为A、B两部分。A部分是基本的语言内容,B部分是知识的扩展和综合的语言运用。每个单元还有self check部分,供学生自我检测本单元所学的语言知识之用。它采用“语言的输入——学生的消化吸收——学生的语言输出”为主线编排的。通过确定language Goal,采用听、说、读、写,自我检测等手段,有效提高语言习得者的学习效率,有利于习得者的语言产出,体现了以学生为主体的思想。


1.语音: 句子重音,不完全爆破,音的同化,意群,节奏,语调。2.词汇:掌握一类词的拼写和应用,了解和认识二类词。

3.语法:情态动词,现在完成时,一般现在时,There be结构,介词和句子种类。




















第一周:Unit1 第二周:Unit2 第三周:Unit 3 第四周:Unit4 第五周:Unit5 第六周:Unit 6 第七-八周:复习和期中考试

第九周: Unit7 第十周:Unit8 第十一周:Unit9



第十四周:Unit1 第十五---十六周:复习和期末考试

7.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇七

Identify ownership


Talk about the things.


Demonstratives this, that. What questions. Yes/No questions and short answers


The letters, pencil, pen, book, eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack. ID card, baseball, watch, key, computer game, notebook, ring, dictionary.

Target language:

Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. What’s this in English? It’s a pencil. How do you spell pencil?

Learning strategies:

Use context, guessing.

Four periods

Period 1

Step1 Revision

Revise introduce themselves. My name is… My phone number is…

Step 2 Presentation

1. Locate actual items in the classroom. Hold up each one and say its name. Ask them to repeat. Include: pencil, pen, book. Eraser, ruler, pencil case, backpack, pencil sharpener, dictionary.

2. Match the words and the objects. Do 1a

3. Listen. Do 1b.

Step 3 Pairwork

1. Say the sample conversations. Have them repeat.

2. Ask them to practice the conversations in pairs.

Step 3 Task

Gather some things on the desk and invite students to take turns coming to the front and find the owners? Let’s see who can find all the owners first and write the owners’ names in the chart? Ask Is this your…?

Period 2

Step 1. Revision

Revise is this your …? Is that your…?

Step2. Listening

1. Point to the objects in the illustration and ask students to name each one.

2. Play the recording. Do 2a

3. Do 2b. point to the words in the box and ask them to read them aloud. Listen. Write one of the words form the box on each blank line. Check their answers.

Step 3 Pairwork

Practice the conversation in the picture with a student.

Practice the conversation in the picture with a partner.

Step 4 Grammar focus

1. Ask students to say the questions and answers

2. Point out that the word that shows ownership comes before the item we are talking about.

Step 5 Listen

1. Do 3a.

2. Do 3b. Ask pairs of them to practice the example conversation. Ask them to say the name of each picture.

3. Ask them to work in pairs again. Have them practice the conversation again, substituting the words shown in the pictures.

Step 6 Task

Put some things in a paper bag- your pen, pencil or some thing else. Another student will take sth out of the bag. He or she will ask questions to find out who it belongs to.

Do 4a.4b. Point to the conversation in the picture, ask them to repeat.

Period 3.

Step 1 Revision

Revise is this your…?

Ask students to repeat the words: baseball, watch. Computer game, ID card, key, notebook, ring and pen. Match the words and objects in the picture. Do 1a

Step 2 Practice

1. 1b. Say the conversation with a student. Ask pairs of students to say the example conversation. Ask some to perform one of their conversations for the class.

2. They draw a picture of one of the objects in the picture and write out the conversation they had about that object.

Step 3 Listening

1. Read the words in 1a

2. Listen. Do 2a.

3. Listen. Do 2b.

Step 4. Task

1. Student A will look at p94. Student B will look at P98. Each student has only part of the information needed to complete the activity.

2.Give an example of the first question and answer.

3. A: is this her key?

B. No, it’s his key.

4. Divide the class into pairs.

5. Do 2c. check their answers.

Step 5. Practice

1. Look back at p10. Have them read the list of words.

2. Read the notices and circle the words that were used in 1a.Do 3a

3. Check the answers.

4. Do 3b.

Step 6 Task

Tell them that they will each write a message like one of these. Do a sample in together in class.

Ask them to write their bulletin board messages and write their messages on the board.

Step 7 Task

Most of people have pecked up others’ things. Do you know how to give it back it back to the owners? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?

Period 4

Step 1 Revision

Revise what they learned in this unit

Step 1 Self check

1. Do 1. Ask them to check all the words they know. Find out the meanings of any words they don’t know.

2.Write five new words in their Vocab-builder on p108. share their lists with other students.

3 Complete the questions and answers individually for the other three situations.

4 Read just for fun. Discuss where the humor comes from. Invite pairs of students to present this dialogue to the rest of the class.

Step 3 play the game

Ask them to write their first name, last names and telephone numbers in random order on the board. Next have some other students draw on the board pictures of things they own among the names and numbers. Ask students to use only things whose names they have studied in class. Then ask them to take turns pointing to an item on the board and asking questions such as: Is this your last name?… The student then calls on another student to answer the question with Yes or No.

Step 4 Task

Have you ever lost anything? How could you find it? Do you know how to write Lost & Found?

My English is …

My name is…

8.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇八

一、 设计思路

Starter Unit1是Go for it! 预备篇第三个单元的第一单元,是为初学者准备的入门单元,它的主要作用是要做好一个衔接工作,根据学生的认知特点和心理特点, 通过多样化的、趣味性的学习活动,让没基础的同学克服心理的畏难情绪,感觉到英语不难又很有趣;让有基础的同学更进一步培养起对英语学习的兴趣和自信。

二、 教学内容

1. 学习Aa--Hh八个字母。

2. 学习八个人名。Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen

3. 学习打招呼的用语:

Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening!

4. 学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:

--How are you?

--I’m fine, thanks. How are you?

--I’m OK.

三、 单元课时


第一课时:完成Section A1a,1b,4a,4b,4c(学习打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! 及学习八个人名)

第二课时:完成Section A2a,2b,2c,2d,3,SectionB3a,3b(学习Aa--Hh八个字母)

第三课时:完成SectionB1,2a,2b,5(学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:--How are you?--I’m fine, thanks. How are you?--I’m OK.)

第四课时:完成SectionB4,Self Check and Just for Fun(复习巩固及元音字母A、E的发音。)

Period One


1. 学会打招呼的用语:Hello! / Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening!

2. 识别和掌握八个人名: Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, Helen



Step 1. Warming-up

1. 课前-上课铃响教师就用录音机播放P5的歌曲。

2. 教师自我介绍并用Hello! / Good morning! 问候学生。帮助学生用Hello! / Good morning! 作回应。

Step 2. Presentation

1. 用预先制作的图片或挂图介绍八个人物和姓名。

2. 拿出Bob的图片,帮学生说Hello, Bob! 或 Good morning, Bob! 然后利用其他图片。

Step 3. Work on 1a,1b

1. 先听后读,并操练。


Step 4. Presentation

利用假设的时间,教学生用Good afternoon! / Good evening! 打招呼。

Step 5. Work on 4a,4b,4c

1. 通过4a,4b两个练习,做简单巩固。

2. 结对练习对话,学生可用自己的中文名字,最好为自己选个英文名进行练习。


1. 熟悉八个人名,与图片联系,辨别性别。

2. 用所学语言问候家人或朋友。

3. 预习Section A3。 让学生感受到英语氛围并得到放松。




Period Two


1. 学会正确朗读和书写Aa--Hh八个字母。

2. 了解一些常用缩略词的含义。



Step 1. Warming-up

1. 课前-上课铃响教师就用录音机播放P5的歌曲。

2. 与学生打招呼。

Step 2. Presentation

1. 听字母歌。


Step 3. Work on Section A2a,2b,2c,2d,SectionB3a,3b

1. 听,读,模仿八个字母的发音。

2. 八个字母的排序练习,大小写对应练习。

3. 教师在黑板上一一演示八个字母的大小写。


Step 4. Game


Step 5.Presentation

1. 让学生说出书中几个缩略词的含义。

2. 教师介绍几个常见的。

3. 让学生想一想,说一说。








Period Three


1. 复习不同时段的打招呼用语和八个人名。

2. 复习Aa--Hh八个字母。

3. 学会问候熟识的朋友和应答:--How are you? --I’m fine, thanks. How are you? --I’m OK.

教学重点、难点:How are you?问候语和八个字母的规范书写。


Step 1. Revision

1. 表扬作业书写规范、漂亮的同学,同时指出作业中出现的问题,对共性问题加以强调。

2. 做字母接龙游戏。

3. 任意抽出八个字母中的一个,让学生说出这个字母的前一个和后一个字母。

4. 给出一些常用的缩略词,让学生说出含义。

Step 2. Presentation

1. 使用不同时钟,复习Good morning! / Good afternoon! / Good evening! (让学生用自己的英文名字)

2. 教师用How are you? 问候学生,并帮他们用I’m fine,(或I’m OK.) thanks.来回答。

Step 3. Work on Section B1,2b

1. 先听后读,并操练。Go for itGo for it

2. 结对练习对话。

Step 4. Sing the song.

1. 跟录音机学唱这首歌。(之前学生已听过几遍,学起来应该不难。)

2. 男女生分开唱,进行比赛。








Period Four


1. 复习学过的英语歌曲。

2. 巩固本单元所学字母、单词及句型。

3. 学会将相同音素字母和单词归类。



Step 1. Revision

1. 让学生唱所学的英语歌曲。

2. 默写Aa--Hh八个字母。

Step 2. Work on SectionB4, Self Check4

1. 检查作业,让学生先来说一说,教师然后进行总结。

2. 通过SectionB4的先听后读,让学生试读Self Check4。

3. 教师再次提醒学生并举例说明。

Step 3. Work on Selfcheck1,2,3

1. Selfcheck1,让学生自己解决不认识的单词。

2. Selfcheck2,同学间互相交流答案。

3. Selfcheck3,让学生据图片先写出人名,后排序。

Step 4. Just for fun

1. 让学生读对话。

2. 让学生讨论解释对话中的疑问。






9.Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计) 篇九



1. 本单元的语言目标是“Talk about past experiences”(谈论过去的经历),围绕这一目标,要涉及句型:

---Have you ever been to an amusement park?

---No, I’ve been to an amusement park.

---Yes, I have. I went to there last year.

因此要储备space amusement park, water world, Peru, Holland等表示地点的词,以便为上述句型提供语言材料。同时还有储备tour guide, flight attendant等表示职业身份的词。

2. 本单元中,主要学习现在完成时这一语法概念,因此,要储备现在完成时有关的知识。“have/has+过去分词”是该时态的表达形式,过去分词的变化规律和动词的一般过去时相似。同时还要主要现在完成时和一般过去时用法的不同。

3. 在学习本单元时,还要储备neither引导的倒装句相关的知识,以及用现在进行时表示将来发生的事件的用法。


1. 培养学生能用现在完成时谈论自己过去的经历,能够正确地运用现在完成时和一般过去时。

2. 培养学生的学习兴趣,开拓学生的视野,增强学生对外界知识的了解。

3. 结合教材内容,培养学生的阅读能力。


1. 使学生在学习中学会交流、合作,增强英语的重要性意识和未来的职业意识、世界意识。

2. 使学生通过阅读交流,获得阅读的快乐、促进学习成就感。

3. 引导学生观察、思考,促进认识能力的发展。


1. 重点、难点、疑点



(3)学生在学习现在完成时中,对have been to / have gone to 的区分以及现在完成时中怎样描述动作和时间都有疑惑,这些是本单元的疑难点。

2. 课型及基本教学思路






2. 多媒体课件撷英

(1) 课件构想

教师可以设计一系列卡通动物图片和地点图片,让卡通动物在音乐中说:I have ever been to the Monkey Island. I went there last year. I’m going there next year. 然后请学生复述这些卡通动物的过去经历。同时卡通动物会有一些问题询问学生,请学生们回答,如“Have you ever been to …? When did you go there? Do you want to go there again?”



ever last… next…

(2) 素材准备


A. Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Yes, I have. I went there last year.

No, I haven’t.


Name Place Have you ever … When ...

C. 储备卡通动物的歌曲和地点。储备P70 3a以及P72 3a的文章的录音内容,供学生作文朗读示范。


Section A


1. 掌握现在完成时这一语法项目,即have/has + 动词过去分词。

2. 掌握amusement park, space museum, water park等一些表示地点的词汇。

3. 掌握利用现在完成时来谈论过去的经历这一语言功能目标。

4. 学会区别一般过去、现在完成时和一般将来时这三种语法在时间上的不同。



教师可以让学生看一些熟悉的地点的图片,并问What place is this? Do you like it? Do you want to go there? 学生回答。


教师可让学生看“amusement park, museum, water park”等地方的图片,并问学舌问题“What place is this?”引导学生说,“Yes, I have.或No, I haven’t.”再问学生一些同样的问题,然后向学生指明:“have/has + 动词的过去分词”这种结构为现在完成时。

3. 合作探究

(1) 整体感知

Section A 语言目标是:谈论过去的经历(Talk about past experiences)。1a的图片内容很好地展示了现在完成时的结构用法和意义。同时1b的听力、1c的结对练习也是围绕“现在完成时” 这一语法项目开展练习的。2a、2b、2c是现在完成时在实际生活中的运用,师生可由地图的讨论开始,在完成听力任务后,结合2c的pairwork来进一步练习现在完成时。3a、3b是语言知识的综合运用和示范,学生可在教师的指导下完成。第4部分要求学生完成下来调查表,充分练习现在完成时谈论过去的经历,然后自己制定调查表,并进行调查。

(2) 四边互动




T: What place is this?

S: It’s ….

T: Do you like it?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Have you ever been there?

S: Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.




T: Look at the movie. Has Mimi been to the Monkey Island?

S: Yes, she has.

T: When did she go there?

S: She went there last year.

T: Is she going there next year?

S: Yes, she is.





S1: Have you ever been to an amusement Park?

S2: No, I haven’t. Have you ever been to …?




S1: Have you ever been to the Space Museum?

S2: Yes, I have.

S1: When did you go there?

S2: I went there last week.

S1: Do you like it?

S2: Yes. Very much.

S1: Are you going there next year?

S2: Yes, I am.





A: Have you ever been to Huis Ten Bosch?

B: No, never. But I’d like to go there.

A: Why?

B: Because there is a big zoo in it and I”ve never been to the zoo before.

A: Neither have I.







A: Where is Mr Wang?

B: He _________ Gulang Island. (A. has been to B. has gone to C. went D. has been)



Section B


1. 在本课中,进一步巩固运用现在完成时来谈论过去的经历。

2. 学习现在完成时表示动作从过去一直延续到现在的用法,即对“动作和时间”的要求。

3. 能够综合运用英语知识来谈论自己过去的,提供自己的语言运用的能力。





教师提出问题“Why do you study English?”学生讨论并给出自己的原因。



Section B是Section A内容的复习、延伸和拓展,是语言综合知识的运用和体现。教学过程中,可由1a的讨论、排序开始,再结合1a的内容,完成1b的pariwork。2a、2b的听力部分可在师生间必要的对话铺垫的基础上进行。学生独立完成后,可围绕2a的问题完成2c的对话练习。3a、3b是原因知识的综合运用。3a是范文示例,通完成八个问题的回答加深对文章的理解。3b是写作训练,其中的问题起重要的启示作用,有助于学生写作任务的完成。Self Check鼓励学生参照本单元的相关内容完成。



师生对话,谈论“Why do you study English?”

T: Do you like English?

S: Yes, I like it very much. / No, I don’t like it at all.

T: Why do you study English?

S1: Because English is very important.

S2: Because I have to study English.



T: When did you start learning English?

S: I started learning English two years ago.

T: How long have you been studying English?

S: I have been studying English for 2 years. (教师诱导)

T: Have you ever been to an English-speaking country?

S: NO, I have never been to an English-speaking country.

T: Do you want to improve your English?

S: Yes, because I want to travel the world. (教师诱导)





S1: What’s the boy’s name?

S2: His name is Thomas Buzic.

S1: How long has he been studying English?

S2: He has been studying English for 3 years.

S1: Has he ever been to an English-speaking country?

S2: Yes, he has been to the USA.

S1: When did he go there?

S2: He went there when he was 13.

S1: Why does he want to improve his English?

S2: Because he wants to travel the world.

明确:提供祖国的语言材料和空间给学生,练习利用“现在完成时谈论过去的经历”,强调引导时间的介词for 和since的用法及对句子中动词的要求,动词要用延续性动词。



师生共同看P72 3a的内容,完成内容下的8个问题。

T: What does Mei Shan do?

S: She is a flight attendant.

明确:学习语言知识的综合运用,加深对输入的语言知识的理解。It was because I could speak English that I got the job.这是强调句结构。






(1) How long has he lived in Beijing? (现在完成时)

(2) When did he live in Beijing? (一般过去时)


for 3 years.

He has learned English for 3 years since 3 years ago.

Since he was 14 years old.

