


1.jog的意思用法 篇一


I began by jogging in the park and worked up to running five miles a day.


It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.


Someone jogged her elbow, making her spill her coffee.


They set off at a jog up one street and down another


2.及的用法和意思 篇二











3.kilogram的意思用法 篇三


2、A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.


3、Apple costs five yuan a kilogram.



kilograms n. [计量] 公斤,千克


kilogram force [力] 千克力,公斤力

kg Kilograms 公斤

kilogram weight 公斤,公斤重

kilogram calorie [热] 千卡

one kilogram 一千克

per kilogram 每公斤

Kilograms 公斤; 千克;

kilogram kalorie 千克

kilogram calory 千克卡

kg kilogram 千克; 公斤; 毫升;

kilogram kilogramme 公斤

Kilogram kg 千克; 质量;

Kilograms Force 公斤力

eight kilograms 八千克

several kilograms 如几千克


1.The weight lifter maxed out at 180 kilograms.举重运动员使出了最大力量举起180公斤

2.The standard kilogram is maintained as a measure of mass.标准的千克是测量质量的量度

3.Every tonne of coal contains,on average,30 kilograms of nitrogen.每吨煤平均含30公斤氮。

4.Apple costs five yuan a kilogram.苹果每公斤5元。

5.A kilogram of garlic sausage, please.请给我一千克蒜肠。

6.Your suitcase is five kilograms overweight.你的衣箱超重五公斤。

7.Molality - The number of moles of solute divided by the number of kilograms of solvent.质量摩尔浓度 -痣的数目溶质除以公斤的溶剂。

8.My Lang Qing watch just exchange 15 kilogram of carrots and a bowl of funked durra flour.我的一块浪琴表只换到三十斤黄萝卜和一碗发霉的高粱面。

9.The 2-kilogram creature supplants the chicken-sized insectivore Albertonykus Borealis as the smallest known dinosaur in North America.这个重两公斤的生物,取代了如鸡大小般的食虫动物—亚伯达爪龙,为北美现今所知最小的恐龙。

10.The casting of such a big copperware needed the metals above 1000 kilograms, also must have the big furnace.铸造这样高大的铜器,所需金属料当在1000千克以上,且必须有较大的熔炉。

11.Treats Annual output up to 6706 kilograms, Wu cornelian cherry up to 22.8 quintal, Campanulaceae annual output up to 171,384 kilograms.黄柏年产量达6706公斤,吴萸达22.8公担,桔梗年产量达171384公斤。

12.Land owners around Burnie in Tasmania state helped scrape together 25 kilograms of kangaroo and wallaby dung for Creative Paper Tasmania to make its first batch of the unique paper pulp.塔斯马尼亚省伯尼一带的地主,为「塔斯马尼亚创意纸业」公司搜集了二十五公斤大小袋鼠的粪便,用来制造首批独特纸浆。

4.leaf的意思用法 篇四


2、Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.


3、Bay leaf is an excellent herb for mackerel.


leaf词组 |习惯用语

leaf blade 叶片

in leaf 有叶子的;叶茂的;长满叶子的

leaf area 叶面积;叶面

tobacco leaf 烟叶

lotus leaf 荷莲叶

maple leaf n. 枫叶

leaf surface 叶面

tea leaf 茶叶

leaf spot [植物病理学]叶斑病

leaf spring 弹簧片,钢板弹簧

mulberry leaf 桑叶

leaf sheath 叶鞘

gold leaf n. 金叶;金箔

leaf margin 叶缘

red leaf 红叶病;红色的叶子

leaf base 叶基

leaf node 叶节点

door leaf 门扉,门扇

loquat leaf 枇杷叶,枇杷叶粉末

leaf through 迅速翻阅


1.An oak leaf is a simple leaf.橡树叶为单叶。

2.2Mean values of leaf natality(A)and leaf mortality(B).图2叶出生率(A)和死亡率(B)的平均值 Fig.

3.Radical leaves 3-foliolate, pedate, or palmate, rarely some leaves pinnate.胚根叶具3小叶,鸟足状,掌状的或,羽状的一些叶的很少。(38

4.The path was bestrewn with fallen leaves.小径上落叶满铺。

5.The trees are clothed in green leaves.树木被绿叶覆盖着。

6.Deciduous trees shed their leaves in autumn.落叶树木在秋天落叶。

7.The falling leaves inspired her with sadness.落叶触动了她的伤感

8.The trees leaf out in the spring.树在春季长叶。

9.The plane trees have come into leaf.这些梧桐树已经长出叶子了。

10.The leaves start to colour in autumn.树叶在秋天开始变色。

11.Maple leaves glowed red in the sunlight.枫叶在阳光里闪耀着红光。

12.She plucked some leaves off the sapling.她从树苗上摘下一些叶子。

13.The sea leaves ripples on the sand.海水在沙滩上留下了波痕。

14.The trees are sending out new leaves.树木长出新叶。

15.The wind whirled the dead leaves about.风吹得枯叶在四处回转。

16.I dudder and shake like an aspen leaf.我发哆嗦和颤抖就像是一片摇晃的树叶。

17.The dying leaves became brown and curled up.快死的叶子发黄而拳曲。

18.The wind divested the tree of their leaves.风吹掉了树上的叶子。

19.Gay broad leaves shone and swung in rhyme.轻盈的宽叶子有节奏地闪烁摇摆。

20.Rays of sun glinted among the autumn leaves.太阳光穿过秋叶照射下来。

5.keep的意思用法 篇五

vi. (食品)保持新,保持健康

n. 保持,保养,供养,抚养,生活,生计,饲料;牧草

变形:过去式: kept; 现在分词:keeping; 过去分词:kept;

★ 关于aid用法及解释

★ 关于worth的用法及解释

★ 关于risk的用法及解释

★ 关于before的用法及解释

★ 关于though的用法及解释

★ 神奇的词语解释和用法

★ 五颜六色的成语解释及用法

★ keep off是什么意思翻译

★ 初一英语作文:The Way to Keep Healthy

6.many的意思用法总结 篇六

adj. 许多,多的

pron. (与复数动词连用)大多数人

变形:比较级:more; 最高级:most;




many可用来强调more,可用too, so, how等修饰。



many用作代词时,作“许多,许多人”解,常用于many of...结构中,谓语动词须用复数。

many或a good〔great〕 many用作主语时,其谓语动词用复数。

在英语口语中, many通常用于否定句、疑问句中。在肯定句中many多用于正式文体,相当于口语中的a lot of或lots of。另外,当其单独作主语或宾语,含有对比意味时,当其充当名词词组中心,只带有后置定语时或当其前面常有as, so, too, very, a good, a great等词或词组时, many也用于肯定句中。


1、The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are stronger at the broken places.


2、I recall many discussions with her on these and kindred topics.


3、She has had many credits and name-checks in American Vogue.


many词组 |习惯用语

so many 那么多的

many people 许多人;很多人;好多人

as many 一样多

many of 许多…

how many 多少

for many years 多年;已经很多年了

many kinds of 许多种

many times 多次

as many as 多达;和…一样多

a great many 很多,许多

many a 许多的

many more 更多的(修饰可数名词)

in many ways 在许多方面;用许多方法

a good many 许多,很多

in many cases 在许多情况下

many thanks 非常感谢

on many occasions 许多次

a great many of 许多;大量

in many instances 在许多情况下

in so many ways 在很多方面


1.The royal family is insulated from many of the difficulties faced by ordinary people.


2.It has many advertisements and many different sections.星期日报有很多广告和许多栏目。

3.She had fought many battles, vanquished many foes.她身经百战,挫败过很多对手。

4.He received many honors from many cities, colleges and societies.他享有许多城市、大学及学会所授予的荣誉称号。

5.Many students were absent, notably the monitor.许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。

6.There were many absentees from the meeting.这次会议有很多人缺席。

7.He made many abusive remarks to me.他对我口出恶言。

8.His action is accusable in many respects.他的行为有许多可非难的地方。

9.I adjusted to my husband’s many idiosyncrasies.我适应了我丈夫的许多习性。

10.Stamens 5 to many, adnate with perigone.雄蕊5到很多,贴生于花被。

11.This remark caused affront to many people.这句话得罪了不少人。

12.He felt strange amid so many people.他处在那么多人当中感到不习惯。

13.Many priceless antiques went on the block.许多价值连城的古董被放置在拍卖台上

14.Many doctors don’t approve of unorthodox medicine.许多医生不赞成使用非传统药品。

15.The aquarium has many tanks of fish.那家水族馆有许多装在水箱中的鱼类。

16.This old auditorium has witnessed many ceremonies.这个古老的礼堂内举行过许多次典礼

17.I heard the babble of many voices.我听到许多乱哄哄的说话声。

18.How many bananas are in the basket?这个篮子里有多少香蕉?

19.The player was benched for many fouls.这位运动员因犯规过多被罚下场。

20.Many parents are biased against popular music.许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。
