


1.生物七年级下册九单元检测题 篇一





3、97,92,87,() , ()


5、1,4,2,5,3,6 (), ()



1、一个鸡蛋大约重5克。 ()

2、1千克棉花比1千克铁轻。 ()


4、5篮苹果重40千克,每篮苹果重8千克。 ()





































1、20个圆,每4个一份 ,可以分成几份?


2、被除数是30,除数是5 ,商是几?









★ 二年级语文下册第一单元检测题

★ 小学二年级数学下册期中检测题

★ 苏教版四年级数学上册第一单元检测题

★ 小学二年级下册数学单元测试题

★ 二年级数学下册期末检测题的内容

★ 小学语文四年级下册第七单元检测题

★ 小学语文二年级下学期第二单元检测题

★ 小学四年级数学上册第一单元的检测试题

★ 小学二年级语文下册第一单元的测试题

★ 五年级数学下册体积和体积单位检测题

2.生物七年级下册九单元检测题 篇二

A)语法知识 从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

( )1. —Did you buy ________ on vacation?

—I bought a mini bag ________ my little sister.

A. special something; for B. anything special; for C. special anything; to

( )2. —Do you remember Mr. Lee?

—________!He is a kind teacher.

A. It sounds great B. Many thanks C. Of course

( )3. I look forward to ________ my pen pal soon.

A. receiving B. hearing from C. receive the gift from

( )4. —Bob feels ________ today.

—He should see a doctor.

A. terrible B. happy C. unlucky

( )5. —How have you changed ________ you started junior school?

—Ive learned a lot and Im more outgoing.

A. when B. while C. since

( )6. Good luck and ________ see you again ________ soon!

A. wish to; some time B. expect to; sometimes C. hope to; sometime

( )7. —Remember ________ me this weekend.

—Yes, I ________. Well meet at the zoo.

A. to call; will B. calling; do C. to ring; can

( )8. —May I ________ your short story?

—Sorry, I ________ it to Peter yesterday.

A. lend; borrowed B. have; give C. borrow; lent

( )9. —________ are you going to do ________ you graduate?

—I want to go to senior high school.

A. Where; when B. What; after C. How; till

( )10. —I wonder if ________ our graduation party, Mom?

—Id love to. It depends ________ my time.

A. will you take part in; upon B. you would join; /

C. you can take part in; on

B)詞语填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计20分)

Do you like to be a volunteer? What kind of job does a volunteer do? Will people pay money for volunteers? If you 11 the word “volunteer” up in a dictionary, it explains like this: “A person who offers to do 12 of his or her own free will.” So, people will not pay money for volunteers.

Last weekend, my English teacher Mr. Zhang asked me 13 I was willing to help the old people in the Peoples Hospital. I asked him 14 I should do. He said that we would sing songs and have a fashion show for them. I can sing English songs, but I can not make a fashion show 15 I dont know how to design my own fashion. Mr. Zhang gave me some 16 with a whisper. I smiled and nodded.

The show was 17 . First, I sang an English song for the old people. They liked it very much. When it was my 18 to show my“fashion clothes”, I ran to the dressing room to change my “clothes”. 19 I was walking out in newspaper, the applause was breaking out for me. Haha, my fashion was made of newspaper. It made them surprised and 20 !

( )11. A. look B. see C. watch

( )12. A. anything B. something C. everything

( )13. A. when B. how C. if

( )14. A. whatever B. what C. what if

( )15. A. because B. so C. until

( )16. A. help B. orders C. advice

( )17. A. going B. turning C. coming

( )18. A. order B. turn C. number

( )19. A. While B. As if C. Before

( )20. A. friendly B. happy C. exciting



Our junior school life is so fast that we will say good bye to each other soon. June is coming and students like to write memories and wishes on cards. Here are three cards from Grade Nine.

“Hi, Meng. You are my best friend. Do you remember the first day we met together in this school? You wore a pair of jeans, with a pair of glasses on you small nose. Your glasses were always slipping down because of your sweat. We studied from Grade Seven to Grade Nine. We were always desk-mates. We had dinner together and played on playground, too. You leave me good memories in my mind and I will never forget you. I always remember the days we spent together!” her desk-mate Lily wrote.

“You like red color and you are always in red. You always made me cry. You were so tiresome that I didnt want to talk with you any longer. But when you said sorry to me, I forgot all the pranks (恶作剧) as soon as possible. You always made me laugh. When I felt sad, you always encouraged me to go ahead. We had happy life together. We cried, we laughed, we played games and we did homework together. This is our school life, simple and easy, pure and innocent, but now we are saying good bye!Dont forget me, my tiresomeness!” a girl named Jane wrote to her friend Amily.

“You said you would buy another new football for our school team. Dont you remember? Why not keep your promise? Later I knew your pocket money was lost. I misunderstood you. I am sorry, John. You play football as well as a star and you helped me with my Science subject as carefully as a teacher. You will be a football player when you grow up, wont you? I hope you can achieve your dream!” Tommy wrote on a card to his partner.

( )21. What was Meng wearing when Lily first met her desk-mate?

A. She was in red. B. A pair of jeans. C. Sport clothes.

( )22. Tommy misunderstood his partner because ________.

A. John did not keep his promise

B. his partner didnt win the match

C. John helped with his Science

( )23. What does the underlined word “encourage” mean in Chinese?

A. 误解 B. 嘲弄 C. 鼓励

( )24. Which one is NOT mentioned for Amily?

A. She likes making pranks. B. She is lazy to play sports.

C. She plays games with Jane.

( )25. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Three Good Junior Students.

B. Message Cards for Graduation.

C. Saying Goodbye to Yesterday.



[Dear Sam,

How are you? This is my montage album. Is it funny? When I was a baby, I liked soft toy rabbit. I also liked eating junk food. I knew its not good for health, but I cant help eating it!

Now I am in Grade Nine. I like English very much. But sometimes I think its difficult to write it. Can you please teach me how to improve my English writing? Sam, you are in Scotland, arent you? Youre learning Chinese, arent you? I think its very interesting to make a foreign pen pal...]<\\Dandan\《中学生英语》初中版\2015年\2014年1-2期(湖南版)九年级\2015年1-2期(湖南版) 九年级 图1.tif>

( )26. This is probably a letter from a ________.

A. Chinese girl in junior school to a boy Scotland

B. Chinese girl to an English girl

C. girl in China to a boy in England

( )27. The girl is going to________.

A. teach her pen friend how to write Chinese letter

B. show her photos to her classmate in junior school

C. ask her pen friend to teach her English writing

( )28. What do you think of the girls English?

A. Her English is good but with grammar mistakes.

B. Her English is good but with spelling mistakes.

C. Her English is excellent without any mistakes.



Well have a graduation party on Saturday evening. Remember to bring your mobile phones to take photos at night. This is the last night to record our school life. Well have some interesting games and talk shows as well.

Time: at 8:00 p.m. on 21st June

Place: in the dining hall at school

Host: Mr. Jiang (will give us a speech)] ( )29. This is a notice for ________.

A. birthday party B. graduation party C. concert party

( )30. Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A. It will start at eight in the evening. B. Youre allowed to take mobile phones.

C. Mr. Jiang will give us a magic show.


A)完成对话 通读对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。(每空2分,共5小题,计10分)

Dingdong: 31. ____________________ after graduation, Lingling?

Lingling: Im going to have a summer vacation.

Dingdong: 32. ____________________?

Lingling: Im going to Shenzhen.

Dingdong: 33. ____________________?

Lingling: Im going to leave on July 10th.

Dingdong: 34. ____________________?

Lingling: I will stay there for one month.

Dingdong: 35. ____________________?

Lingling: Ill go by train. Its cheaper than by plane.


Welcome to BBC World Service. Typhoon Kalmaegi has swept past Hong Kong, closing schools and disrupting flights because of the strong wind. More than 500 flights were delayed as the storm passed by on its way to Chinas Hainan Island. Morning trading was cancelled on the Hong Kong stock exchange, while schools and business were ordered to close until the storm was lowered.

The storm blew in from the Philippines, where it cut power and soaked (浸湿) farmland. At least six people are reported to have died when a ferry (渡船) sank in the central Philippines on Saturday evening, after stalling (熄火) in bad weather. Twenty-five people needed hospital treatment for storm-related injuries. Before midday on Tuesday the warning was down to three, however, as the storm headed to Hainan.

“Although Kalmaegi is moving away, it will still affect the south-west part and high ground of Hong Kong,” the Hong Kong Observatory (气象台) said. In China, dozens of flights were cancelled as the typhoon approached, including all flights out of Haikou, the capital of Hainan province.

36. Why did Hong Kong close schools?

___________________________________________________________________________37. When did the ferry sink in Philippines?

___________________________________________________________________________38. How many people did they need hospital treatment?

___________________________________________________________________________39. Where is Haikou?

___________________________________________________________________________40. What media is the news from?




1. 学习和生活上的关心和照顾;

2. 鼓励自己克服困难,迎接挑战;

3. 爱好、困惑、进步、感恩等等。


1. 80词左右,文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数;

2. 请不要逐字翻译,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名和校名。

Dear Mr. Li,

How is it going? ____________________________________________________________




Best wishes to you and your family!

Your student,

3.生物七年级下册九单元检测题 篇三



2、选择字形完全正确的一组()(2分)A.仁慈 人迹罕致 似曾相识 B.迷惑 绅士风度 茫然若失 C.和蔼 白驹过隙 摹然回首 D.琢磨 清翠笑声 蓝色绒衣



A运用全部精力,掌握科学方法 C掌握现代科技,发扬拼搏精神B集中全部的精力,抓紧分分秒秒 D掌握现代的科技,发扬拼搏的精神
















阅读下列文段,完成 10~24题(一)《爸爸的花儿落了》节选









13、“爸爸的花儿落了 ”与“我已长大了”之间有什么内在联系?(3分)_____________________________________________________________________ 14.“我”听到爸爸辞世的消息时,表现出了从未有过的“镇定”和“从容”,你能理解这种反常的现象吗?(3分)




(二)三味书屋后面也有一个园,虽然小,但在那里也可以爬上花坛去折腊梅花,在 地上或桂花树上寻蝉蜕。最好的工作是捉了苍蝇喂蚂蚁,静悄悄地没有声音。然而 同窗们到园里的太多,太久,可就不行了,先生在书房里便大叫起来:——„„听说现在自己已经做 了店主,而且快要升到绅士的地位了。这东西早已没有了罢。






19、文段中“先生读书入神的时候,于我们是很相宜的。有几个便用纸糊的盔甲套在指甲上 做戏。我是画画儿„„”这里所描写的课堂,你认为学生这样做对不对?谈谈你的看法。(4分)





















4.七年级下册第九单元公开课教案 篇四

Unit 9 What does he look like?

(Section A, 2d–3d)

Teaching aims

1.Knowledge Objects:

(1)Function: Describe people’s outlooking.(2)Target Language:--What does he/she look like?

--She/He is …, and she/he has…

(3)Structure:① Yes/No questions and short answers.② Adjectives of general description.2.Ability Objects:

(1)The students can listen and understand what a person looks like.(2)The students can describe people’s appearance using the words and phrases in this unit.3.Moral Objects:

Through the activities of talking about people’s looks, the students can learn to respect and understand others and not to judge the person from their appearance.Teaching Key Pionts: 1.To use “is” and “has” correctly.2.To describe people’s looks.Teaching Difficult Pionts: To know the differences between “is” and “has”.Teaching procedure: 1.Warm-up and revision

(1)Greet the class.(2)Review the words and sentences we learnt yestoday.(3)Show some pictures of pop stars, and ask some students to describe them by using the words and sentences we learnt.2.Teaching 2d: Role-play the conversation.(1)Ask some students to role-play the conversation.(2)Teach the key points.(3)Give the students two minutes to recite the conversation,(4)Ask a pair of the students to act the conversation in front of the class.3.Grammar focus:

(1)Devide the students into two groups, one group ask and the other answer.(2)Give the students two minutes to review the sentences and check who has recited it.4.teaching 3a and 3b

(1)Teach the differences between “is” and “has”.:

(2)Finish 3a and 3b

(3)Check the answer 5.Play games: Guess who is she/he

Ask one of the students come to the platform and think about a person, give some description of the person to the class, the others try to guess who she/he is by asking specific questions.Attention: Try to use “is” and “has” correctly.6.Homework:

5.七年级语文下册第二单元基础题 篇五


1、确凿( )2、油蛉( )3、蟋蟀( )4、攒集( )5、收敛( )6、竹筛( )7、啄食( ) .......

8、暴躁( )9、蝉蜕( )10、倜傥( )11、执拗( )12、盔甲( )13、屏气( )14、嫉妒( ).......

15、酥油( )16、锨刃( )17、粗糙( )18、依偎( )19、枸杞( )20、叶鞘( )21、训斥( ).......

22、桦木( )23、半晌( )24、花蕊( )25、引擎( )26、香蒿( )27、鲜为人知( ) ......

28、喃喃( )29、殷红( )30、风靡( )31、吃荤( )32、搀扶( )33、嘴馋( )34、恍惚( )........

35、胆怯( )36、打量( )37、难以下咽( )38、捋柳叶( )39、逞能( )40、噌噌( ) .......

41、勒紧( )42、唾沫( )43、飕飕( )44、攥干( )45、一茬( ) ......


蟋shuài( ) chán( )络 桑sh?n( ) 书shú( )tì tǎng( ) 油líng( ) 斑máo( ) 脑suǐ( )kuī( )甲 shān hú( )

3.选出下列加粗字中注音完全正确的一项( )

A.倜(tì)傥 云霄(xiāo) 恍(huǎng)惚 拗(ào)过去

B.桑椹(sh?n) 脊(jǐ)梁 倔(ju?)强 蒲(pú)公英

C.风靡(mí) 蝉蜕(tuì) 脑髓(suǐ) 嚼(ju?)一嚼

D.半晌(shǎng) 轮廓(ku?) 锡箔(b?) 口头禅(chán)


人迹( )至 人声( )沸面面相( )炊烟( )( ) 笑容可( ) 灰心( )气不( )设想人才

( )( )可歌可( )芳草如( )心旷神( )极目远( ) 波光( ) ( )美不( )收奇闻( )事





6.下面句子中加粗词语使用恰当的一句是( )





7.下列句子没有语病的一项是( )

A. 在阅读文学名著的`过程中,常常能够使我们明白许多做人的道理,悟出人生的真谛。



D. 你就像空气,无时无刻围绕在我的身边,而我却无视你的存在。




以上文字主要可以看出猪八戒什么样的性格特点?(1分) (一)宋濂,字景濂。性诚谨,官内延久,未尝讦①人过。主事茹太素上书万余言,帝怒,问廷臣。或指其书曰“此不敬,此诽谤非法。”问濂,对曰:“彼尽忠于陛下耳,陛下方开言路,恶可深罪。”既而帝览其书,有足采者。悉召廷臣诘责,因呼濂字曰:“微景濂,几误罪言者。” (濂)自少至老,未尝一日去书卷,于学无所不通,屡推为开国文臣之首。士大夫造门乞文者,后先相踵。高丽、安南、日本至出兼金购文集。四方学者悉称为“太史公”,不以姓氏。



①未尝讦人过:②悉召廷臣诘责:___________ ..

③微景濂:___________ ④发箧视之:___________ ..


A.尝驾黄鹤返憩于此 B.其剑自舟中坠于水 ..

C.于土墙凹凸处 D.何有于我哉 ..




12. 简要说说选文中宋濂和赵普什么相同之处?选段(一)还表现了宋濂怎样的性格特点?(2分)



11、(4分)①有的人指着茹太素的上书说:“ 这是不敬, 是诽谤,是违法。”(“或”、“非”、判断句、句意通顺各0.5分) ②等到第二天处理政务,处理决断很快。(“及”“次日”“临政”“处决”,各0.5分)





一、1.A B B B A B B A A B B A B B B B AB B B

2.蟀 缠 椹 塾 倜傥 蛉 蝥 髓 盔 珊瑚

3.F H J E G A

4.C 5.C 6.C

二、(一)7.碧绿 光滑 高大 紫红 长吟 伏 窜





9.拟人 排比

10.D 11.C 12.C






18.神态 为自己这一次观察到自然的一点秘密而兴奋






一、1.D 2.D 3.D 4.B 5.C




6.生物七年级下册九单元检测题 篇六

( )1. —An iPad is really a great thing.

—I agree. However, ______. Using iPad too much has a bad influence on us.

A. every dog has its day

B. the grass is always greener on the other side

C. no pains, no gains

D. every coin has two sides

( )2. —Mummy, can I put the apples in the cupboard?

—No, dear. They dont ______ well. Put them in the fridge instead.

A. keep B. fit C. get D. last

( )3. —The task is sure to be finished by this Friday.

—Its impossible. Some things appear simple on the ______, but in fact, it isnt.

A. front B. process C. surface D. cap

( )4. —Is your grandma serious ill?

—I am afraid so. A doctor must ______ right now.

A. be waited for B. be sent out C. be handed out D. be sent for

( )5. —Jim, would you please tidy up your room by yourself? ______, you are no longer a child.

—All right, Im coming.

A. First of all B. After all C. As a result D. For example

( )6. —What did Mike say about his absence from the party?

—He ______ that he was too tired the day before and overslept.

A. complained B. argued C. explained D. added

( )7. —Is everybody ______?

—Yes, we are waiting for your order to start.

A. ready B. happy C. fair D. humorous

( )8. —Why are there guards in all ______ of the hotel?

—Because an important meeting is being held here.

A. sides B. surfaces C. rows D. parts

( )9. —These days, western newspapers are making tons of reports on China.

—They show a ______ interest in Chinese developments.

A. embarrassed B. opposite C. poor D. lively

( )10. —What do you think of the skirt?

—Great. It is made of good ______.

A. brand B. material C. process D. appearance


One day my father asked us to get together in the living-room on a 1 January night. We sat around the fire, and we didnt 2 that something important would happen. “In May, were moving to Tucson,” said my father.

The words, so small, didnt seem 3 enough to hold my new life. But the world changed and I woke up on a train moving 4 the country. I watched the views (风景) outside the window 5 from green trees to plains (平原) and to high mountains. At that time I also saw some strange new 6 . Finally, we arrived at our new home.

One afternoon, while my sisters were still 7 for losing friends, I was out exploring the 8 and saw a new kind of cactus (仙人掌). I moved 9 and looked at it. “Youd better not touch that.”

I 10 around to see an old woman.

“Are you 11 to this neighborhood?”

I 12 that I was.

“My name is Tina. Do you know anything about life in the desert?”

I couldnt seem to find the 13 words to answer. “Its big and 14 ,” she offered, “That was it.” That was the feeling I had when I first saw the mountains of my new home. At that moment, I understood how much my 15 had changed.

“Would you like to come to my home tomorrow? Someone should teach you something about the plants in the desert.”

( )1. A. amazing B. boring C. relaxing D. freezing

( )2. A. hope B. imagine C. realize D. believe

( )3. A. good B. useful C. big D. helpful

( )4. A. to B. for C. across D. past

( )5. A. move B. change C. run D. become

( )6. A. plants B. people C. books D. houses

( )7. A. worried B. excited C. sad D. afraid

( )8. A. home B. neighborhood C. school D. sea

( )9. A. faster B. closer C. nearer D. farther

( )10. A. walked B. turned C. looked D. traveled

( )11. A. far B. strange C. kind D. new

( )12. A. feared B. knew C. thought D. explained

( )13. A. good B. certain C. right D. short

( )14. A. warm B. common C. wild D. empty

( )15. A. idea B. life C. home D. influence



For most young people, getting your first car opens up a new world of freedom and allows you to go wherever you want, whenever you want. Getting a car did all this for me, and it also brought my best friend and me closer. But then it tore (撕裂) us apart.

My best friend lived three-minute walk from my home. Since her birthday was in late summer, seven months behind mine, I almost became her driver when I turned 16 in December.

And so I picked her up for school and took her home. We made ice-cream trip, went shopping and to the movies—all in my car. I would drive to her house just to sit on her bed, read magazines and have a good laugh. I went to her house so often that she gave me a key to her house.

A week after I got my license, she was with me when I had my first accident. She was there and comforted me and we kept it a secret, since I didnt want people to know. From then on, through thick and thin, it was just me, my car and my best friend.

High school is a time of change, but I couldnt understand for a long time how we became so distant (疏远) after being so close. My friend waited three months after her birthday to get her dream car: a green 2004 Beetle. Since then the passenger seat of my car became empty. Our car trips became less frequent until I didnt even drive down her street.

Its funny how a car can change a relationship so much. I had wanted her to get a car, but once she did, I regretted it. I wanted her friendship back, even if it couldnt be the same.

( )1. Which is the best title of this passage?

A. My Best Friend. B. My First Car.

C. Car—a Favorite but Frustrating Thing. D. Friendship—Good for My Growth.

( )2. My best friend and I ______.

A. lived a little far from each other B. had very different ideas

C. used to be very close D. were classmates

( )3. When I had my first accident, my best friend ______.

A. helped me a lot B. got me into trouble

C. was driving the car D. made a big mistake

( )4. Our friendship ______.

A. would last forever B. changed after she got her own car

C. made us become best friends D. improved during high school

( )5. What does the underlined sentence “I almost became her driver when I turned 16 in December” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. When I am older, I didnt want to drive her everywhere again.

B. I got license at 16, and I could drive her anywhere.

C. My best friend wanted me to be her driver when I was old enough.

D. I almost became her driver if she hadnt got her own car.


A lot of teenagers are good at art at school, but how would you feel if people called you “the new Picasso (畢加索)” or if presidents and other famous people collected your paintings?

Alexandra Nechita was ten when her paintings became famous all over the world. She visited Britain, France, Italy, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and her familys native place (祖籍), Romania where 5,000 fans came to see her at the airport. Alexandra said, “When it all started, I was moved. It was very exciting and I loved the traveling, but I got very tired. And I missed home.”

Alexandra is a good student. Her studies always come first. She only starts painting after shes done her homework. She works on two or three paintings at a time. The paintings sell for thousands and Alexandras parents have given up their jobs to work for their daughter. Life for the Nechita family is very different from what it was like a few years ago.

Alexandras father Niki left Romania for political reasons in 1985. At first he tried his best to learn English and had different kinds of low-paid jobs. In 1987, he brought his wife and Alexandra, who was then 18 months old, to America. The family was very poor. Alexandra began to draw at the age of three.

She was drawing for four or five hours a day. Soon people offered to buy her paintings and she had her first art show at the age of eight. Stories about this child appeared in the newspapers and television. They now live in a large house with a swimming pool. Her mother said, “We started without anything, but thanks to Alexandra, we have everything we ever dreamed of.”

( )6. Alexandra became well-known all over the world for her paintings at the age of ______.

A. 18 months B. three C. eight D. ten

( )7. Which country does Alexandra come from?

A. America. Britain. C. Romania. D. France.

( )8. Alexandras painting ______.

A. took her a lot of time at school

B. made her drop out of school

C. didnt influence her studies at school

D. made her fall behind others in studies at school

( )9. When her family arrived in America in 1987, ______.

A. their life was very hard

B. they lived by selling Alexandras paintings

C. Alexandra began to draw her painting

D. her parents left their jobs and worked for her

( )10. From the passage, we can learn ______.

A. Alexandra was not interested in travelling

B. Alexandras success changed her familys life

C. Alexandras parents were good at English

D. Alexandras stories often appeared on the radio and TV


Tom is the son of a farm owner. One New Years Day, when he was 15, his father asked him to work on the farm for one year when he was f 1 . Tom was unhappy with his fathers idea. “That isnt my job. I have too much s 2 work to do.” Hearing this, his father said, “I promise to give you the best present if you can finish one years work.” Tom thought for a while and a 3 .

Starting one Saturday, the boy got up e 4 and worked hard until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed q 5 . Toms crops grew well. On the last day of the year, the father c 6 his son to him. “Im happy to see that you have worked very hard the w 7 year,” said the father, “Now, tell me what you want.”

The boy smiled and s 8 his father a big piece of bread m 9 from his wheat(小麦). “Ive already got the best present. No pains, no gains. I think this is what you wanted me to know.” His father was quite h 10 to hear that.

1. f________ 2. s________ 3. a________ 4. e________ 5. q________

6. c________ 7. w________ 8. s________ 9. m________ 10. h________

五、书面表达。 (计10分)



1. 它一般是用塑料和金属制造的,有很多颜色和形状;

2. 它不仅可以用来打电话,还可以用来做很多其他事情,例如:听歌、玩游戏、上网聊天、发邮件、看电影等;

3. 几乎所有的学生都有手机,有的还很贵;

4. 你对学生们使用手机是什么看法,请表达一至两点自己的看法。

参考词汇:plastic n. 塑料;metal n. 金属;send e-mails 发邮件
