


1.雅思口语话题预测 篇一

Wander around 徘徊

Be supposed to 应该

Give someone a ring 给某人打电话

Hit the ceiling 撞到天花板

Collide something/somebody 碰撞的东西/人

Friend indeed 真朋友

Draw a lesson 画一个教训

Jump to the conclusion 跳的结论

Impose something on someone 的东西强加给别人

New words for person description 人的新词汇

Humble 卑微的

Sincere 真诚的

Aggressive 咄咄逼人的

Furious 愤怒的

Guilty 有罪

雅思口语Part 3

1. Is it important to say sorry?

“Yes, of course! Everyone makes mistakes that leads to a misunderstanding or even argument and it’s very important that you should say that you are sorry for what you have done for your and for others ‘sake. On the one hand it will help you to release bad feelings you’re definitely holding when you did something bad. On the other hand, saying sorry and showing that you’re sincere can bridge any gaps between you two, I believe that. If you didn’t say that, they would hold ill feelings for you in the future and you can even end up ruin a relationship”

2. What situations do people say sorry?

“Well, there are many situations that lead people to say sorry, when you do something wrong, you broke something, or simply just bump against or collide with each other on the bus, you know but the one that comes up quite often is when you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings. Then we really need to say that we are sorry for our thoughtlessness, as soon as possible”

3. Why do some people hate to say sorry?

“Well, admittedly, saying that you’re sorry to a person for what you have done, especially in serious situations, not the casual ones is really hard. It takes you courage to do that because everyone has their own self-esteem and no one wants to admit that they’re wrong, especially for those who are pigheaded and stubborn”

4. When will people say thank you?

“Well I believe that “Thank you” can be an incredibly powerful pair of words, especially if the person you’re thanking really needs to hear them, or isn’t expecting them. People often say thank you when they really appreciate something that you did for them, even if it’s something that you’re supposed to be doing anyway or even the simplest gestures in daily life. And saying thank you is as important as saying sorry because being appreciated is one of those things that really satisfies and motivates us so a little goes a long way if you can offer up a genuine thank you when it’s appropriated”

5. When was the last time you found it hard to accept an apology? “It’s when I and my friend we had a big fight and one thing leads to another, somehow she ended up insulting me and my family. I couldn’t accept her apology at all even though it seemed honest. I then still forgave her but our friendship can never be the same anymore. I feel sorry for that”

2.雅思口语pat1话题预测 篇二

2.Have you ever bought mirrors?

3.Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?

4.Do you often look in the mirror?

5.Do you have mirror at home?

6.Is it a good idea to use mirrors in the interior design?

I have a mirror in my bathroom, and I look at myself while I am brushing my teeth. I then have another mirror at my makeup stand, and I look at it while putting on makeup. After that I do not really use it during the day.

Yes, when we were redecorating our bathroom, my mother asked me to come with her to choose a new mirror.

There are several different types of mirrors being made these days, and some are quite artistic. I have seen ones that are decorated with shells, as well as other types of decoration. This means that mirrors can be used as a wall decoration, rather than just something to look at our reflection, and I would use them in my house.

Not frequently. But, if I am going out for a party or may be on a date or if sometimes when I try a new look, I do look at mirror more than the usual times. So, one can find me catching a glimpse of me in the mirror of the car or the flash of a shiny thing, just to make sure that I am looking good. Apart from this, while preparing for a speech, well I usually prefer mirrors for that. But, otherwise mirror is surely not my best friend.

Presently, I am living in a furnished apartment. So, everything that is there was already placed and yes I do have mirrors in my home. There are two mirrors, each in one room and then there is a mirror in the bathroom as well.

I believe it depends on the individual’s choice. Someone who loves their own reflection, can probably have lot of mirrors in their interior designs, otherwise one may choose not to have. But, for me, I would love to have mirrors in the interiors of my house. But, I would prefer having them in such a way that they reflect the outside beauty in the mirrors.











3.雅思口语part1话题新题预测 篇三

1. Do you have a favourite teacher?

2. Why do you like the teacher?

3. How does (did) this teacher help you?

4. Do you think you could be a teacher?

5. Would you like to be a teacher?

6. Do you think you could be a teacher?

7. Do you have a favourite teacher?

8. What are the qualities of a good teacher?

9. Should teachers use discipline in the classroom?

10. Do you want to be a teacher someday?

11. Why people choose to become teachers?

12. What kind of person makes a good teacher?


I don’t think I am suitable to be a teacher, I am not a patient man and cannot bear to repeat the same things frequently. Teachers’ job is really boring to me, you have to make your explanations as easy as possible for students to fully understand. It is a challenging job, I am afraid I cannot do it.

My favourite teacher was my physics teacher whose name was Mr. Zhang in my middle school. He was the most influential teacher I had ever had. He told us a lot of physical background knowledge to encourage and motivate us because physics was quite complicated for us. I still remembered that he frequently gave us articulate speeches that the physics was the gymnastics for the brain, which inspired my enthusiasm to learn it well.

I should say a good teacher is one who always is well prepared for the class. And I guess if the person has a good sense of humour that would help because, you know, boring, ah, session, nobody would sit in the class, you know, hours after hours.

Coming from where I, um, am, I think yes, teachers should discipline students. In Korea, students would respect the teachers. My mum’s generation was more so, and my mum had to say one day, she thought teachers don’t eat, don’t go to the toilet, they are demi-Gods and wouldn’t even step on the shadow of the teacher, because you respect the teacher so much. But I don’t think same kind of respect is here and students sometimes misbehave during class hours and I just find it hard to understand. There is not enough respect for the teachers and also for the learning itself.

Umm! not really. I have not given it that much thought. But among my many career plans, entering in the teaching profession is not the one that ever attracted me.

People mostly choose to be teachers because this is the profession which is praised across the world. People always pay proper respect to a teacher regardless of geographical location. Moreover, when the knowledge is spread among the students, the teachers receive an unimaginable pleasure.

4.雅思口语话题预测 篇四



对于第一部分的雅思口语话题,问题比较浅,只要回答是什么,为什么,怎么呢 就可以。

比如你觉得骑自行车好吗? 可以回答好,对自身身体好。很多人把每天骑自行车作为自己健身方式,比如老年人。

不需要回答的太多,以免1 让考官认为这是自己提前准备好背诵的,2 以后遇到话题深入时没有话说了。

一般来说,第一部分会围绕2个大方向(比如家乡 爱好 搜集 假日 运动 邻居 花园 鸟等)各问3个问题。


比如描述一条法律。要提到是什么法律、何时颁布、内容及对社会的影响。拿到卡片 可以准备30到60秒期间可以做笔记。之后进行2分钟的演讲。演讲后考官会根据内容选择性的问一个问题。


比如,准备一个堵车的话题,可以用再交通、一次散步、想买的交通工具、迟到、有噪音的地方、一个新闻等众多卡片。只要将自己准备的内容根据实际要求 微调内容即可。

这种方法大量学生都有在使用。优点在于减少备考的时间,而相比较缺点是考官也会明白这点,于是往往难以拿高分。于是想冲刺6.5以上的学生,记得要在其中加入针对自己卡片 尽可能说出 有深度的观点。







5.雅思口语话题 篇五

Describe an experience that the vehicle you took broke down in your travel

You should say:

Where it happened

When it happened

Who you were with at that time

And what impacts this breakdown had



Describe a time you solved a problem through the Internet

You should say:

What the problem was

How you solved this problem

How long it took to solve this problem

And how you felt about it



Describe a water sport you would like to try in the future

You should say:

What it is

Where you would like to try it

How difficult it is

And why you would like to try it




Describe an experience that you went out with your friends and had a good time

You should say:

Where you went

When you went out

What you did

And explain why you had a good time




Describe an unusual experience of traveling

You should say:

Where you went

When you went there

Who you were with

What you did there

And explain why it is unusual

6.雅思口语话题解析 篇六



首先,准备雅思口语真题前,一定要做好审题,先来看一下题目:Describe something important that you lost,确定话题核心要点:丢的是什么?什么时候丢的?为什么会丢,结果找回来了吗?丢了或捡回来了之后是什么感觉?然后我们来分析一下细节,你丢失的一定是一件重要的东西,可能是价值昂贵或者有特殊纪念价值。虽然这是一道物品类话题,但考生可以用叙述方式来描述,最终的结果:丢了会难过;找回来失而复得的惊喜。这样话题内容就变得很丰富,考生可以从不同的侧重点来描述话题,而不是简单的流水账。小站雅思君建议:雅思口语话题如何说的动人,吸引人一定程度上会影响口语分数,同时,口语话题的连贯性也方便考生备考记忆话题。





7.雅思口语话题 篇七

vulnerable in strange places

not used to the climate, the food and the local environment

tight budget

Well, it’s hard to say why some people don’t like it, because there are various reasons. Firstly, I suppose safety is what they’ve concerned most about. Travelers are more likely to be targets of muggings, pick-pockets, attacks, etc., because they appear more vulnerable in strange places. Especially during high season, in some hot tourist spots, cases about travelers being stolen, mugged or attacked become quite common. And the other reason is that may be some people couldn’t get used to the climate, the food and the local environment of a new place, they feel more comfortable staying at home. Moreover, perhaps a tight budget deters them from starting a vacation, after all, traveling means spending.

8.雅思口语话题总结 篇八

<1> JOB

Are you working or studying?

Can you describe your daily work?

Are you satisfied with your current job?

Do you want to change your job?

What do you think of your future job?


What places do you often go shopping?

What things do you often buy?


Who do major housework in your family?

Do you do housework in your home? What housework do you like to do?

What are the changes of status of family members in Chinese families?

What kind of housework do you think it is the most important?

What benefits can we get from the improvement of technology?

<4> FOOD

What foods do you like or dislike?

What food can you cook?

What are the differences betweenshavingsmeals at home and going to restaurant?

What is your favorite restaurant? Why?


Can you outline the industries in China?

What is major industry of China?

What technologies is China lack of?


Do Chinese like or dislike animal? Why?

How to preserve the animals?

What animals can people see in China?

What is the most famous animal in China?

What is the role of animal in China? What should animal be use as?


What do people do in their spare time? What do you like to do?

Do you think spare time is important to you? Why?


Do you like watching films?

What kind of movies do like?

What are the difference between watching films on TV and going to cinema?

Do you like to see a film alone or with your friends? Why?

How do think of the future of movie?


What’s your favorite transport?

>>What are advantages and disadvantages of the different transports?

>>Do transports cause pollution?

>>How to improve the traffic of cities?


Can you describe your childhood briefly?

Where do you play? Play what?

What is the most memorable thing in your childhood?

What is your favorite story in your childhood?



here is your hometown? What do you like/dislike your hometown?

<12> HOBBY


hat’s your hobby? Why?



hat kinds of legal holidays are there in China?

How do you arrange your holidays?

What activities do you do to relax in your spare time?



hich festival is important for the Chinese people?

How do Chinese celebrate the festivals?

<15> FAMILY_

What do you think of the increase of divorce rate and single-parent household?

雅思口语PART 2 & PART 3


Describe your favorite TV program

-What is it? Which channel?

-When andswheresdo you watch it?

-What kind of it? What’s it talk about?

And explain why you like it?

-What are the differences between day programs and evening programs?

-What are the TV program’s effect on the children and the elderly?

-What are the differences of TV programs between now and past?

-What are the improvements on TV program in China?

-What is the situation of cinemas in China?

-How do you think that many people buy DVD and watch at home instead of going to the cinema?


Describe a sports star

-Who she/he is

-What sports he/she play

-Why you like this star

Do your friends like him?

What are the benefits from sports?

Do people around you like sports?

What sport do they like?

Do you think it is rational that sportsmen get high salary?

Can sports star earn money through commercial advertising?

What are differences of view on sport between men and women?

Can you have a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of Beijing’s holding Olympic Games?


Describe an important/recent success in your life

When /where/what about it

How do you make it

Why it is important for you

How can you get to success?

What are the essential conditions /qualifications of success?

Why people must have a future goal?

What is the effect of goal?

What is people’s goal nowadays?

What is your aim of life?


Describe a child you are familiar with

-His or her name

-Age, appearance

-Hobby and explain why you like him/her

Which are happier, children nowadays or the ones 20 years ago?

What do you think of adolescent education in China?

What are the effects of pressures exerted by teachers and parents?

How do think of educational mode of elementary school in China? Are there any problems?

What is the proper educational mode?

What are the improvements in educational mode in China?

What do you like to play when you were young, for example, when you were 10?

What are the differences between Chinese children and foreign children?

What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?

What do you think of the problem the problem the parents overindulge their children?


Describe your best friend.

how you knew each other

How you became friends

How you spend time together

Explain why he/she is your best friend

What is the difference in requirements for making friends between now and in your childhood?

What’s the most important thing between friends?

Is it more difficult to make a bosom friend when one is grown up than before?


Describe your favorite music/song


-What it is about

-Why you like it

How about the music’s development of China?

What is the difference between native music and foreign music?

<7> TOY

Describe a toy for children

-What it is

-Who gave you?

-Why you like it

What are the differences in toys between now and past?

What are the differences of toys between boys like and girls like?

What role do toys play in the process of children’s growth?

What are the factors that influence adolescent?

What are parent’s attitudes toward too early love affairs of their child?

What are the differences between children nowadays and the ones in the past?

Is there any relation between toy and education?

<8> PARK

Describe your favorite park or garden


-How often

-What kind of people like it

-Why you like it

What are the effect of parks on people’s life?

What are advantages and disadvantages of private garden?

To what the purpose people want to possess a private garden?

Do you think we need much more parks?

Is it convenient to go outing?


Describe your ideal house or department

-Where it is

-Outside/inside? surrounding?

-Why you like it

Where do you live?swheresdo you want to live?

Do you live in city or countryside? Tell about advantages and disadvantages from both areas.

Do private space become smaller? How to solve/settle it?

Are there many people live in high buildings and large mansions?

What is the difference between old house and modern house? Which one do you prefer? Why? What is the advantage of the one that you exclude?

How do government settle the problem of houses in danger? What’s your opinion?

What kind of house is popular?

What are the good houses that majority believe?

Why people like big house?

Why should we preserve the old building?


Describe an exciting period in your life

-When is it

-What did you do during that time

-Who are the friends you made in that time

-Why it is exciting

What is the legal age of Chinese people?

What is the purpose of legal age? Why?

May the legal age change?

What can people do when they reach legal age?

What do you do when you were at university?

What do old people concern about?

Who would look after them when people get old?

When does the early education usually begin in your country? What is the advantage and disadvantage of beginning education at this age? Why?


Describe the features of four seasons in you country

-What the seasons are


-What people do in each season?

-Which season you like best?

With the alternation of seasons, are there any changes in wearing clothes?

What differences are there in architectural style between north and south considering the differences in season and climate?

What differences are there in life style between people from south and the ones from north, For instance, Beijing and Nanjing?

Is there any change of climate in the past 20 years?

What do you think of the environment in the future?

What is the cause of disasters? What are effects of disasters? Can we solve it?

What should government do to prevent disasters? Such as flood.

What do you think of the climate of China?

Can you describe the bad weather you met?

What is your favorite season? Why?

Which season do Chinese like best?

What is green house effect?


Describe a piece of equipment you think it is useful

-What it is

-How it is used

-Advantages and disadvantages

Will today’s technology/electric apparatus still be in use (popular) 50 years later?

What differences in purposes of use are there between the young and the old?

Are there any differences in attitudes about technology between men and women? What are those?

Do the young people nowadays rely/depend too much on technology?

How does technology influence people? Does it make life better?

Do you think the development of science and technology would bring people much more convenience? In what aspects does it show? Can you imagine what aspect it is?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of new technologiy?

Are there any people around you who don’t accept new technology?

<13> TRIP

Describe a exciting trip you made

.When did you take it?

.How did you get there? By what transport?

.Introduce that trip. What did you see there?

.Who do you with?

.Explain why you liked it.

What transports are available for Chinese people’s trip?

What is the difference between traveling by single and traveling in a group?

What are defects of tourism?

Why many people come to China? Are there any advantages and disadvantages?

Why many people go abroad for a trip? What are advantages and disadvantages?

What your opinion about the prospect of tourism in China?

What kind of people go to China for trips? Why?


Describe a book/story you read before



.What influence it brings to you

What kind of libraries do you often go to?

What facilities are there in the library?

What improvement do you think that we should make?

Where do you like to read, in the library or at home?

Do every village and city have libraries

Do majority of people read for study or entertainment?

Do you like reading novels?

Some writings can be handed down as classics. What requirements do they must fulfill to make these achievements? / What are the preconditions to be classic?

What is your ideal library?


Describe a normal commodity in Chinese family?

.What it is

.How it is used

.Advantages and disadvantages

Note: This topic is similar to the “EQUIPMENT” topic

What are advantages and disadvantages of high technology?


Note: For this topic, you can combine the “HOLIDAY” of PART 1 and the “TRIP” topic to answer it.


Note: There are some questions about international relations in PART 3.

With competition between countries, how to reinforce the cooperation between countries?

Can you describe one of your country’s success? What are the native effects and international effects of your country’s success?

What is your goal of life?
