


1.英语考试写作高分词汇替换 篇一


常见表达 famous;

替换表达 distinguished


常见表达 possible;

替换表达 feasible


常见表达 so;

替换表达 consequently, accordingly


常见表达 difficult;

替换表达 arduous/formidable


常见表达 poor;

替换表达 financially-challenged/undeveloped


常见表达 show;

替换表达 demonstrate/manifest


常见表达 firstly, secondly, thirdly;

替换表达 in the first place/the first and foremost; there is one more point, I should touch on; the last but not the least


常见表达 hard-working;

替换表达 assiduous


常见表达 always;

替换表达 invariably


常见表达 dangerous;

替换表达 perilous/hazardous


常见表达 about;

替换表达 regarding/concerning/as to/as regards/as for


常见表达 nearly;

替换表达 next to/virtually impossible


常见表达 for example/ for instance;

替换表达 to name only a few/as an example


常见表达 be against/disagree with sth;

替换表达 frown on sth


常见表达 important;

替换表达 crucial/paramount


2.英语考试写作高分词汇替换 篇二

中学英语教学改革中的一个显著特征就是越来越注重培养学生听、说、读、写的综合语言能力。人民教育出版社最新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) 》[1]和北京师范大学出版社出版的《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 (实验稿) 》[2]在对各种技能的教学建议中都倡导任务型的教学途径, 在设计任务型教学活动时又强调活动明确的目的性以及活动内容和方式的真实性。

那么, 高中英语写作教学贯彻新课标的情况和效果又如何呢?为此, 笔者相继在北京市海淀区和东城区的两所学校进行了调研。两所学校分别选用的是人教版和北师大版的高中英语教材。两所学校高中英语教师的访谈显示, 写作部分的教学时间分配只占到一个单元7到8课时中的1或0.5个课时, 其中, 一所学校教师主要让学生课下完成写作任务, 课上利用半节课的时间进行简单的讲评。另外, 对两所学校高中三个年级学生习作中的错误分析结果显示:学生的作文中85%的错误为语法、句式错误。受访的教师和学生普遍表示, 教材中对于文章结构和内容的搭建有明确的指导, 因此, 学生在写作时不愁“言之无物”;虽然学生可以在听力和阅读任务中轻松识别课文中出现过的单词、理解课文中出现过的句式和语法形式, 但是无法将所学语言知识运用于习作中的遣词造句上, 语言表达的准确性不高。为解决这个问题, 笔者认为在高中, 特别是高一阶段, 任务型的写作教学活动应该缓行, 代之以基于课文语言现象设计的多种多样、循序渐进的替换练习, 为实施真实情境、略显复杂的写作任务作铺垫。这种想法与英国教学法专家Anita Pincas所倡导的二语写作教学理念不谋而合。下面, 笔者将首先介绍Anita Pincas所倡导的“替换法”的理论基础和表现形式, 而后再结合北师大版的高中英语教材设计可行的替换练习。


1920年以来, 受日益流行的巴甫洛夫的条件反射理论和行为主义理论的影响, 行为主义学家和语言学家开始重视语言环境的作用。他们认为, 在第二语言习得过程中, 语言输入是学习者得到的外部刺激以及相应的反馈。刺激是指语言学习者通过模仿而吸收的特定语言形式。能否提供适合学习者的刺激决定第二语言习得的成败。行为主义者主张通过大量的、循序渐进的输入, 使学习者充分认识、吸收正确的语言形式 (养成一定的行为定式) , 并进行语言输出。[3]


结构主义语言学的发现证明, 在教授语法和发音时, 系统而严格的限制性教法是必要的。Pincas, A.认为, 为了减少母语干扰, 这种方法同样适用于二语写作教学。对于初学者来说, 自由度过大的写作活动设计不利于使学习者掌握正确的语言表达形式。相反, 活动越自由, 错误衍生的机率就越大。[4]Pincas以行为论为理论基础, 总结了语法和发音教学的经验, 提出了限制性写作教学的必要性, 并提出了切实可行的方法:替换练习法。

替换练习首先向学习者提供范例, 即语言输入, 然后根据学习者的语言水平调整替换的内容和形式, 进而强化学习者对正确语言形式的认识, 使学习者充分吸收第二语言的表达方法, 最终输出正确的语言形式。

针对本文开头部分提出的高中生英语习作中出现的主要问题, 笔者认为, 为了夯实语言基础有必要在实施任务型写作练习之前, 辅之以大量的语言练习。为了使替换练习更有针对性, 建议语言输入尽量选取课本中的例句, 以强化语言点, 易于学生接受和掌握。下面, 笔者就以北师大版的高中教材《英语2》[5]中的一篇文章为例, 说明如何设计和实施替换练习。


北师大版英语2 Unit 6 Design的语法重点是介词的使用和定语从句。本单元Lesson 4 The House on Mango Street描述了爸爸、妈妈梦想的房子和他们实际居住的房子之间的差异。课文中表示方位的介词频繁出现;主要涉及that引导的定语从句。Lesson 4设计的写作活动要求学生描写他们理想的房子或梦中小屋。课本设计的写作辅助活动主要包括文章内容和结构的构建以及部分词汇, 并为学生提供了一篇范文。对高一学生完成这个任务的调查结果显示, 学生普遍认为范文过难, 涵盖了过多课文中未出现的生词和表达方式 (如detached house, ecological, solar panels, insulation, fit in with the local environment) ;他们在阅读范文后对写作任务的结构安排和各部分的内容没有疑义, 但对于如何用恰当的语言完成写作任务显得信心不足。为此, 教师可以考虑适当降低写作任务的难度, 并让学生在写全文之前, 先进行一定量的替换练习。这些替换练习都是结合本章、本课的语言点设计的, 具体设计如下。

(一) 降低写作任务的难度

写作任务由“描述你的梦中小屋”, 改为“描述你的家”或者“描述你的小屋”。这个写作任务和课文“芒果街的小屋”的内容更为接近, 有助于学生将从阅读中吸收的知识进行加工和输出。

(二) 进行替换练习

在写作前, 教师可先按照课后的要求帮助学生进行内容和结构的搭建, 再辅之以相关词汇和句式紧密结合的大量替换练习。这样有意识的、突出语法点的操练可以帮助学生强化和加深对新的语言现象的认识、理解和运用。结合前面提到的本单元语言点和范文中反复出现的语言现象, 教师可以考虑设计如下替换练习。

1. 介词练习

仿照原句, 把每一行的词语按照顺序组成一句话, 注意介词的用法。

1) My house is quite large in the middle of a wood.

(1) Apartment;small;on the third floor;of a tall building

(2) Apartment;big;on Garden Street

(3) House;white;with trees and flowers;around it

(4) House;beautiful;on Mango Street;with tall trees;on both sides of it

2) On back is a small garage for the car and a small yard between the two buildings on either side.

(1) Close to the door;a wardrobe;for clothes of the whole family

(2) In front of you;bookcase;for textbooks;magazines and novels

(3) Next to it;desk;for homework and toys

(4) Under the window;chair;for a box of tissues and my radio

介词练习以文章中的句子为例句, 强调了表示方位的多个介词的使用。第二组练习还强化了句式中介词放在句首的一种表达方法, 有意识地使学生跳出在谈到“某地有某物”时只会使用There be句式的束缚。在进行这个练习时, 在第一阶段, 教师可以让学生仿照两个例句进行简单的替换练习, 即学生只需在所给词的基础上添加必要的冠词和谓语动词等成分;在第二个阶段, 教师可以为学生提供一些自由发挥的空间, 使他们通过添加修饰成分等丰富句子的内容。例如, 在替换练习Under the window is a chair for a box of tissues and my radio.这个句子的基础上, 教师可以引导学生进一步将句子改写为:Under thewindow is a chair for a box of pink tissues and my old friend:a small radio.

2. 定语从句练习

仿照原句, 把每一行的词语按照顺序组成一句话, 注意定语从句关联词的使用。

1) The most important room in the house is the sitting room where there are lots of bookshelves and some very large, comfortable sofas.

(1) Smallest;study;where;computer and bookcase

(2) Favorite;bedroom;in which;cozy little bed and a big desk

(3) Most beautiful thing;carpet;whose color;match the wallpaper

(4) The only new furniture;tea table in the sitting room;on which;two or three cups

2) This was the house Papa talked about.

(1) The place;my sister;eager to visit

(2) The teacher;he;like to talk with

(3) The question;I;not answer

(4) The key;she;look for

这两个替换练习体现了课文中定语从句关联词的两个基本用法, 即根据关联词在定语从句中所替代的成分决定关联词的取舍。教师可以在学生能熟练替换句子中个别词的基础上加大练习的难度, 如通过增加修饰语或者再添加其他的句子成分以增加句式的多样性。

教师可以在设计写作活动时能够突出语言点, 并且在布置具体写作任务时有意识地让学生在替换练习中练习反复出现的语法现象, 促使学生牢固掌握已学的语言知识, 提高语言输出的准确性。


写作是一种创造性的思维活动。然而, 对二语学习者而言, 写作, 从某种程度上说, 等同于语法和语音, 也是一种语言的训练活动。创造性的思维要借助准确的语言来表达。而替换练习作为一种限制性 (指语言表达形式) 写作活动并不妨碍思维的自由发展, 它为二语学习者提供了一种增强语言准确性的训练形式, 并为学生的自由表达提供更大的空间。

摘要:在高中阶段, 英语写作是难点。许多高中生受语言水平的限制难以完成任务型的创造性写作活动。本研究介绍的替换练习是一种以强化重点语言现象、并最终帮助学生输出正确语言形式为目的的方法。英语教师可以此方法为铺垫, 加强对学生语言准确性的训练, 从而循序渐进地提高高中生的英语写作水平。



[1]中华人民共和国教育部.普通高中英语课程标准 (实验) [S].北京:人民教育出版社, 2003.

[2]中华人民共和国教育部.全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准 (实验稿) [S].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2001.

[3]Ellis, R. (1985) .Understanding second language acquisi-tion[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press.

[4]Pincas, A. (2001) .Structural linguistics and system-atic composition teaching to students of English as a foreign language[A].In Silva, T.&Matsuda, P.K. (Ed.) , Landmark essays on ESL writing[C].Mahwah, New Jersey:Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.1-9.

3.英语四级考试写作高分攻略 篇三



四级写作的话题、观点和字数都有严格限制,因此,考生应把构思的时间减到最少,把主要精力放在推敲语言上,力争将语法、 拼写、 标点等低级错误减至最少,力求用词、用句准确恰当,表达地道。这样,即便没有使用高难词汇和复杂句式,也可以保证稳得及格分数。


1. 基本正确


2. 丰富多变


(1) 词汇


(2) 句型






1. 关联词


(1) 起:启动观点,开篇点题

第一段和每段的第一句话是“起”,其作用在于启动整篇文章或整个段落。常用的关联词有:nowadays、at present等。

(2) 承:观点承接,正面论证


分类论证:①first(ly)、in the first place、first and foremost、above all、to begin with、on the one hand、for one thing等;②second(ly)、in the second place、besides、furthermore、moreover、in addition、what’s more、on the other hand、for another等;③last(ly)、(the) last but not (the) least、even worse、more importantly等。

举例论证:for example、for instance、a case in point is等。

解释论证:indeed、in fact、certainly、obviously、truly、in other words等。

(3) 转:观点转折,反面论证

第二段和每段的中间部分既可以“承”,又可以“转”。基础好的考生可以考虑用“转”,即进行反面论证,对问题进行逆向思维。此时可以选择使用yet、instead、whereas、otherwise、by contrast、in comparison、conversely、nevertheless、unfortunately、on the contrary等精彩表达,用以代替but、however等普通表达。

(4) 合:文章结尾,合并归纳


因此:thus、hence、therefore、accordingly、consequently、as a result等。

总之:in conclusion、in general、generally speaking、by and large、on the whole等。

简言之:in short/brief、briefly speaking、in a word、to sum up等。

2. 同义替换


3. 代词替换



4.高中英语作文高分替换词 篇四

Meeting: conference, discussion, assembly, conclave, congress, convention, gathering session, assignation, encounter, confrontation, argument, controversy…

Study: learning, application, lessons, reading, research, school work, examination, analysis, consideration, contemplation, inspection, investigation, knowledge,scholarship…

Advantage: benefit, dominance, precedence, profit, superiority, merit…

5.英语六级阅读词汇替换总结 篇五

use —— consumption generate—— convert use —— provide minds —— vision

vigorous、productive —— vitality show —— discover enjoy —— overjoyed debilitating —— hinder cater —— target suit focus on —— center on vary-----different

unlimited —— more than necessary austerity —— shrink

come up with —— develop ultimately the only ——best increase —— improve diverse —— different awake —— conscious surface —— emerge from take …..seriously —— sense purpose —— plan

worth —— worthwhile information —— informed concentration —— attention

learn …..by heart —— memorize

economic and nationalistic ——commercial and state interests

generate ——originate

identical —— more or less the same complaints —— undesirable condition supply —— available unfair —— discriminative

old way of life —— former way over a time of period ——periodical Major impact —— largely effect conditioned by —— influenced by

far beyond its actual importance and usefulness ——unrealistic

definitions —— concepts

human terms —— moral value advance —— raise.rich —— expensive

low-density housing ——less crowded suburban mobile ——remote-control

3-D image ——different angles accurately——greater precision fit —— cater

gifted —— talented

weaknesses ——low efficiency out ——ward off

pay more attention ——over-emphasized keep out —— keep away tilted ——leaned differ —— diversity

their own hands —— themselves controlling —— reprocessing hazardous——harmful lack —— lose

recover —— regrow

irresistible ——overwhelming high earners —— the wealthy consider —— review approve —— support

beat down —— discourage detail —— describe highly —— fully

rags-to-riches —— Start life from very poor specialized —— specific assumption —— definition one in four —— a quarter

cutting back supplies ——Reducing supplies business —— commercial

a transfer of resources ——at the expense of still exist —— virtually untouched used properly ——handle make a plan ——prepare

extreme worries ——over-cautious promote —— guarantee go mad —— be wild

profession —— occupation disintegrating ——divide

6.托福独立写作高分逻辑词汇 篇六


“An essay at this level largely accomplishes all of the following:

1. Effectively addresses the topic and task.

2. Well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and /or details.

3. Displays unity, progression, and coherence.

4. Displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.”


in addition, furthermore, again, also, besides, moreover, what`s more, similarly, next, finally.


in the same way, likewise, similarly, equally, in comparison, just as


whereas, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, however,nevertheless, unlike, even though, on the contrary, while

4.因果(Cause and effect)

because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accordingly, hence, so, thus


certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant


although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is true...


for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, by way of illustration.


to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary


therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise

10.时间和空间(Time and space)

afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyond, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of


Archaeology is a source of history, not just a bumble auxiliary discipline. Archaeological data are historical documents in their own right, not mere illustrations to written texts, Just as much as any other historian, an archaeologist studies and tries to reconstitute the process that has created the human world in which we live - and us ourselves in so far as we are each creatures of our age and social environment. Archaeological data are all changes in the material world resulting from human action or, more succinctly, the fossilized results of human behavior. The sum total of these constitutes what may be called the archaeological record. This record exhibits certain peculiarities and deficiencies the consequences of which produce a rather superficial contrast between archaeological history and the more familiar kind based upon written records.

Not all human behavior fossilizes. The words I utter and you hear as vibrations in the air are certainly human changes in the material world and may be of great historical significance. Yet they leave no sort of trace in the archaeological records unless they are captured by a Dictaphone or written down by a clerk. The movement of troops on the battlefield may “change the course of history,” but this is equally ephemeral from the archaeologist’s standpoint. What are perhaps worse, most organic materials are perishable. Everything made of wood, hide, wool, linen, grass, hair, and similar materials will decay and vanish in dust in a few years or centuries, save under very exceptional conditions. In a relatively brief period the archaeological record is reduce to mere scraps of stone, bone, glass, metal, and earthenware. Still modern archaeology, by applying appropriate techniques and comparative methods, aided by a few lucky finds from peat-bogs, deserts, and frozen soils, is able to fill up a good deal of the gap.

托福写作范文:Types of Speech

Standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. As such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries. Colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered appropriate for more formal situations. Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. Slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. Colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. Both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.

Colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. Some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. In some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. Every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events. It has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. First, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.

Finally, it is worth noting that the terms “standard” “colloquial” and “slang” exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. Most speakers of English will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions.


The speaker is mainly discussing _____, which differs from the main idea in the reading that____.

First of all, the speaker thinks that (the first point offered in the listening). By contrast, the reading materials believes that(the first main point appeared in reading). From the speaker, (the specific reasons or example to support the first point offered by the speaker).

Also, the speaker raises the issue that (the second point offered in lecture), which contradicts what is stated in the reading that(the second point and some concrete reasons or examples). The speaker tells us that (the second point and some concrete reasons or examples).

7.英语考试写作高分词汇替换 篇七




1. 做好段落间的自然衔接过渡


① 使用过渡性表达

使用过渡性表达最主要的目的是让文章内部具有一定的逻辑性。最常见的过渡性表达就是表时间的词语,这在叙事性作文中尤为常用。这类词既有可以单独使用的、类似in the morning、in the afternoon这样的简单短语,还有一些可以联合使用的,如:[起] early in the morning;[承] later、the next day、the following few days;[转] the last day、soon came the day when we had to say goodbye。

对于图表作文、书信作文等应用文,因其内容常包含并列或递进的内在逻辑,所以需用诸如besides、apart from this、in addition to this、what is more、furthermore、moreover等表并列或递进的词语来进行过渡。以2012年全国卷I的书面表达为例,题目要求考生写一封邮件,申请参加国际中学生组织在新加坡举办的夏令营,提示考生在邮件中作自我介绍并表明参加意图和希望获准的意愿。考生在首段简要介绍自己并表明参加意图后,若在紧接下来的一段就说希望获准而不阐述理由自然不妥。那在阐述理由时就可以用到一些过渡性表达。例如:Moreover, I want to take this opportunity to introduce China, my motherland, to students from other countries so that they can have better knowledge of her society, culture and customs. Besides, getting in closer touch with students from other countries gives me the chance to see what the world really looks like with my own eyes rather than from TV programs or newspapers. 这段话利用moreover、besides这两个词很自然地和前文衔接了起来,同时作者的两个参加意图之间关系鲜明,而非简单罗列,字里行间就能让人感觉到作者希望参加该活动的愿望之强烈。

② 通过补充相关动作进行自然衔接

对于叙事性作文,段落间的衔接还可直接用having done或after doing等这种表动作的短语来实现。以2010年北京卷的书面表达为例,题目要求看图写一篇“我”给祖父母安排北戴河旅行的英文周记。考生在第一段写完第一幅图中在网上查询信息和订票的内容之后,在写第二段去火车站取票的内容时就可以用这种衔接方式。例如:Having checked all the useful information on the Internet and noted it down, I went to the train station to take the tickets I just booked online. 这句话利用having checked这样一个分词短语表明了第一幅图和第二幅图之间的时间顺序,一下子让两幅图的内容自然地衔接到了一起。

2. 擅于运用段内层次提示词


① 表并列和递进关系的词汇

除了大家都熟悉的first、second、last but not the least这些提示词以外,还有许多可以运用的表达,如右侧表格中列出的一些词汇。同学们应该灵活使用,避免千篇一律。

这些词汇在大部分文体的作文中都可以用到。以2010年全国卷II的书面表达为例,题目要求给美国笔友写信,告知学校招聘外教的信息。考生在介绍这份工作的工作内容时就可以这样写:You can choose three courses to teach from the four listed as follows: Speaking, Writing, Britain Today and America Today, which are essential for us to improve our English skills and broaden our horizons.

② 表比较、对照和转折关系的词汇

表比较、对照和转折关系的常见词汇有like、unlike、such as、but、however、on the other hand、on the contrary、nevertheless、by contrast、otherwise等。开放式作文常含有对比内容,图表或提纲作文中也常常会要求考生写两派观点的不同,此时都用得上这类词汇。例如:By contrast, some students differ in their opinions on this matter. 这个句子在表达观点不同的作文中都可以套用,同学们应熟记。


3. 补充例子、增加感受或添加细节


① 补充例子

在叙事性作文中,如果出现所指范围较广的名词,就可以通过补充例子使作文内容更加丰富饱满。此时可以用到的结构包括:A. such as/like/including +名词1 +名词2 and名词3;B. 名词1 and名词2 as well。以2012年全国卷II的书面表达为例,题目要求考生写信邀请外教参加小明的生日派对,在介绍题目要求的派对内容时,就可以使用补充例子的方法。例如:Apart from the traditional celebrations like singing the birthday song, cutting the cake and lighting the candles, we also designed several interesting games.

② 增加感受

通过在作文中增加自身感受可以突出主题,丰富内容,使文章有血有肉。书写感受的原则是一定要设身处地,把握文中主要人物的特点(即其身份、地位、职业、动作及动作目的等),切忌喊些假、大、空的口号。不同文体的文章在书写感受时侧重点不同,如:日记中应更多地强调内心感受;信件中应当将自身感受与收信人身份相联系,多写收信人对自己的影响;投稿应考虑到读者身份和写作目的,不可盲目夸大自身感受,而应以读者的感受和收获为出发点。以2012年全国卷I的书面表达为例,考生在进行总结申请国际夏令营的目的时可加入自己的个人感受,增强感染力和说服力。例如:The desire to obtain knowledge and participate in cultural exchange drives me to send this letter to you. I sincerely hope that I can be a member of this summer camp. 类似drive、I sincerely hope这样的词汇显然要比简单的hope、wish好很多,也更能打动申请审核人。




1. 文体不同,结尾侧重点应不同

不同文体的文章结尾应有不同的侧重点。例如,日记是一个人对自己某一天经历的总结,因此要在结尾写出个人的收获和感受,并适度地展望未来;而投稿不是仅仅写给自己的,因此就应想到稿件为他人带去的好处以及对读者的影响,在结尾时往往可以套用“I hope the above methods will be beneficial to all of you”等句子;而信件则应在结尾重申写信目的,最后附上书信格式应有的套句。

2. 有效升华

大家可能都知道写作文时如果能够进行升华,那作文分数肯定会提高,但怎样升华才是有效的呢?像“So meaningful this activity was that I will remember it forever”这类表达太过普遍,没有针对性,属无效升华。要想做到有效升华,需要以小见大,找准中心人物和活动内容,建立两者之间的有效联系。例如,某书面表达题目要求考生写接待美国同学来北京游学的经历,我们就可以按以下步骤来考虑升华内容。





真题1: 2012年北京卷书面表达


注意:1. 日记的开头已为你写好;2. 词数不少于60。

Saturday, June 2 Fine

This morning, ____________________________________________________________________________


Saturday, June 2 Fine

This morning, just as I was walking along the street to my grandparents', I noticed a middle-aged foreign couple standing by the roadside, reading a map, looking confused. It seemed that they had failed to locate their destination in it. Without hesitation, I went up to them and asked if there was anything I could do to help them.


Having been told that they planned to visit the Temple of Heaven, I looked around to find a way to get there. Fortunately, there was a bus stop nearby where Bus 20 would take them to that world renowned scenic spot. For fear that they might lose their way, I offered to lead them to the bus stop.


On our way, I reminded them to prepare the one yuan bus fare in advance and introduced several typical Chinese restaurants around the Temple of Heaven. No sooner had I counted the stops for them than the bus came. We waved goodbye.

Going back home, I felt encouraged, for the smiles on their faces definitely showed their delight and appreciation, which then turned out to be my happiness too. As teachers often put it, learning from Lei Feng not only helps others but ourselves. Today, I harvest the rewards of knowing that I am making Beijing a better place.


文章开头用时间过渡词来引出第一段,符合叙事类文章的风格。To my grandparents'属于作者自己增加的细节,使文章显得可信。而第二句连续使用三个非谓语动词描绘了图中的细节。Without hesitation既是心理感受,也巧妙地实现了图1和图2的衔接。

第二段用动作having been told进行过渡,使上下文衔接紧密。



最后一段中的the smiles on their faces与首段的looking confused在细节上相呼应,使上下文浑然一体,不再是孤立的段落。I felt encouraged属于自身感受。而在最后加粗部分,作者用老师的话引出感悟,紧扣主题,点明“雷锋精神”并加以升华,写出“帮助别人就是帮助自己”的中心思想,又返回事件本身,让之前的升华有了落脚之处,不是空谈之言。

真题2: 2012年山东卷书面表达

假设你是新华中学的学生李华,不久前在学校举办的英语竞赛中获得一等奖。校报请你写一篇稿件刊登在英文版面上,介绍你课外学习英语的经验。请根据以下提示用英语写一篇短文。1. 参加英语角的益处;2. 坚持写英语日记的作用;3. 英文阅读网站Enjoy Reading对你的帮助。

注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


Hello, dear schoolmates. I am Li Hua, the first-prize winner in the English contest held in our school recently. I'd like to share my study methods with you.

Besides listening attentively during classes, I manage to improve my language skills in the following three ways. My first inspiration comes from the English Corner. There, not only do I build up my confidence but erase my fear of speaking in front of other people. Apart from that, I also keep up the habit of keeping English diaries, which trains me to organize sound ideas and develop deep thoughts. Lastly, I want to point out that reading carries within itself the essence of language. Undoubtedly, constant reading articles on the English website Enjoy Reading helps a lot in improving my language skills. Thanks to these, I can now speak more effectively and fluently.

I hope the above methods will be beneficial to all of you.



在根据要求介绍学习方法时,作者用了besides、first、apart from that、lastly这些过渡词语,使文章看起来层次分明,也使要点更加突出。三个英语学习方法有详有略,逐层递进。




8.托福写作热门话题高分词汇句式 篇八

2. It is wise to require every school educator to update knowledge 要求中小学教育者充电学习是明智的选择。

解析:update one’s knowledge v更新知识(充电学习)

拓展:acquire new knowledge v 学习新知识

3. Updating knowledge is a fundamental requirement for a highly qualified teacher .更新知识是对于一个高度合格的教育者的最基本的要求.

4. Students are more likely to enjoy their study if their teachers can disseminate knowledge more vividly and humorously 如果老师们可以更加生动地幽默地传播知识,学生们就会更加享受学习。

拓展:disseminate knowledge = pass on knowledge = convey knowledge v传播知识

解析:dis(分开)+ semin(种子)+ ate(动词词尾)= disseminate v 传播

5. Learners, in most cases, will respect and admire a teacher who is knowledgeable enough to answer the questions they raise. 学生们,多数情况下会尊敬和喜欢一个可以解答他们的疑问的博学的老师。

解析:students = learners n学习者

6. It is commendable for school educators to receive better professional training at least every five years. 中小学教育者至少每五年接受一次职业教育培训的做法是值得赞美的。

8. Otherwise,the sense of burnout will gradually grow on them 否则的话,他们会渐渐产生一种职业的倦怠。

解析:grow on v 加深对于…… 的影响

解析:sense of burnout n倦怠感

9. Therefore,those who receive on-the-job training will become more faithful to the organizations they serve because they can feel the sense of belonging and being valued. 接受在职培训老师们对于所他们服务的企业会更加忠诚,因为他们可以感受到一种归属感,一种被重视的感觉。

解析: on-the-job training n 在职培训

10. When teachers excel in their specialized knowledge, not only does them become more popular among students, but also it may inspire their creativity and passion in teaching.当老师们精通专业知识的时候,他们不仅仅可以受到学生的欢迎,更加可以鼓励他们的创造力和工作热情。

解析:excel in professional knowledge v 精通专业知识

11. If teachers’ motivation can be highly stimulated, their dedication to teaching career and spirit of self-improvement will inject new life into the further prosperity of relevant schools. 当老师们教学热情被极大地激发的时候,他们的敬业态度和自我提高的精神会给相关学校的发展注入新鲜的活力。

拓展:inject new life into = inject fresh vitality into v 为……注入新鲜活力

12. Elementary knowledge are so simple that school teachers needn’t to take trouble to update their knowledge. 基础知识都是很简单的,因此中小学的教育者没有必要专门更新知识。

13. Still, on-job training scheme will impose much pressure upon a school economically. 另外,在职培训的计划会给一个学校增加巨大的经济压力。

解析:impose much pressure upon a …… economically v 为……增加经济压力

14. All school educators should be required to attend relevant training courses to maintain competitive every five years. 所有的教育者应该被要求每五年参加相关的培训以保持竞争力。

15. …… can enhance the reputation of a school = …… can make a school enjoy tremendous popularity …… 可以提高一个学校的美誉度。

解析:enjoy tremendous popularity v 享有盛誉

拓展:tremendous = great adj 极大的

解析:commendable adj 值得赞美的

7. further educational training can make an instructor rediscover the beauty of the teaching career. 进修学习可以使得一个教育者重新发现教学的美丽。

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