


1.七下英语期末试卷分析 篇一






2.以下列所给线段长为三边,能构成三角形的是()A.3cm.4cm.5cm B.lcm.2cm.3cm C.lcm.lcm.3cm.D.2cm.3cm.7cm 3.如果一个角的余角是40O,那么这个角的大小是()A.130O B.50O C.40O D.14O



6.如图2,OC平分∠AOB,D为OC上任一点,DE⊥OB于E,若DE =4 cm,则D到OA的距离为()A.4cm B.大于4cm C.小于4cm D.无法确定



B.DB是△ABC中AC边上的高 C.DB是△ABC中BC边上的高 D.DB是△DBC中BC边上的高


10.下列说法:①多项式xy +1是二次二项式;②同位角相等;③必然事件发生的概率为1;④等腰三角形的对称轴就是其底边上的中线.其中正确有()A..1个 B.2个 C.3个 D.4个 11.如图4,E、B、F、C四点在一条直线上,EB =CF,证明 的是()




13.“第八届文博会主会场设在深圳会展中心,展出面积10.5万平方米,主展馆共有1928个单位参展.”这则消息中包含的近似数是 ▲,它精确到▲ 位,有 ▲ 个有效数字,14.一只小猫在如图6所示的正方形方砖所铺的地板上走来走去,则它最终停留在阴影方砖上的概率是 ▲ . 15.已知:如图7,在△ABC中,DE是AB的垂直平分线,AE=3,若△CBD的周长为13;则△ABC的周长是▲ .

x2y2xy▲ 16.已知xy4,则.

三、解答题(本题共7小题,其中第17小题8分,第18小题6分,第19小题7分,第20小题5 分,第21小题8分,第22小题9分,第23小题9分,共52分)17.(本题每小题4分,共8分)计算:



其中x1,y2 319.(本题7分)把下面的说理过程补充完整:

20.(本题5分)如图9,要测量河的宽度可以在AB的垂线BF上取两点C、D使CD=BC,再定出BF的垂线DE,使A、C、E三点在一条直线上,若测得DE的长为30米,问:河宽AB是多少?并请你说明理由。21.(本题8分)如图10,已知AB// EF AB∥CD, BE⊥ED,∠B=30.(1)求∠D的度数;









2.七下英语期末试卷分析 篇二

As is known, we are faced with many tests, such as a quiz and final exams, which aims to test students’language proficiency and reinforce teaching and learning.A test refers to a measurement instrument designed to elicit a specific sample of an individual behavior (Bachman, 1997) .It is categorized into diverse types following different criteria.Among those tests, the achievement test is of great significance and is an indispensable part in English teaching.It is designed for students to know how successful individual students, groups of students, or the course themselves have been in achieving objectives (Hughes, 2003) .Previous studies have shown that positive backwash effect of achievement tests is useful for English teaching and can also help students get correct learning methods to improve English skills (Zhao Liang, 2002) .Thus, this thesis aims to analyze the final test from the perspective of reliability and validity to ensure that this test succeeds in testing students’achievement and proficiency.

1 Analysis of Reliability and Validity in an English Final Test for Non-English Majors

1.1 Test Reliability of the English Final Test

Reliability is the consistency of test scores and stability of the test results (Heaton, 2000) .But there are many influencing factors.One is the test itself whose reliability depends on the test range and the amount of items.Another is the scoring whose reliability rests with the objectivity and accuracy of scoring.

The author selects the English final test of the sophomore.The test is based on the New Standard College English (the 4th volume) , including unit 6 to unit 10.It consists of four parts.

The final test measures some aspects.As for the close, it’s a short passage selected from the exercises in the textbook, measuring students’ abilities to comprehend the context and grasp the use of words and key collocations occurring in the textbook.The second part is reading comprehension with 20 items, which are not from the textbook.The first three passages aren’t very long, each within about 800 words.The questions aren’t very hard except those from the third passage.Though the last passage is a little longer, about 1200 words, the questions are not difficult and students can make a correct choice based on the passage.The four passages are different and related with the articles of unit 6 to unit 10.As for the third part, there are two parts:passage translation and sentence translation.The former part selected from the articles in the textbook, is about translation from English to Chinese.The latter part selected from the exercises, is about translation from Chinese to English, including five sentences.The last part is writing.The topic is about“Better to Give”.Students can write a composition within 150 words and should be content-related and grammatically correct.

From the point of the amount of items, there are four parts within two hours.This is rational for the sophomore, even for those students with a low level.From the scoring point of view, 50%of items are objective and the rest is subjective.It indicates that the test is of high reliability.

1.2 Test Validity of the English Final Test

1.2.1 Face Validity

The validity of a test is the extent to which it measures accurately what it is supposed to measure and nothing else.If a test item looks right to other testers, teachers, moderators and testees, it can be described as having at least face validity (Heaton, 2000) .From the above table, it can be seen that the whole test covers four main areas:vocabulary, reading passage, translation and writing.The first and third parts are from the textbook, measuring students’mastery of vocabulary and fundamental sentences.The second and the last parts are out of the textbook, measuring students’reading and writing skills developed from the textbook.Especially, in the last part, students can put what they have learned, like key words and sentences, into practice.Hence, from the perspective of face validity, the English final test is of high face validity, measuring the knowledge or abilities it claims to measure.

1.2.2 Content Validity

A test has the content validity if it is constructed so as to contain a representative sample of the language skills, structures, etc.with which it’s meant to be concerned (Heaton, 2000) .

As is seen, the final test includes four parts.The first part is close, including a short passage selected from the text exercises, but the teachers modify some choices based on the changed blanks to avoid that students just make a choice according to their memory.The modified close tests the use and distinction of words and collocations lectured from the textbook.

The second part is reading comprehension with four passages out of the textbook.The genres are narration and argumentation, concerning coral reefs, a Dutch Sinologist, criminality and securitization.Questions are about the theme, structure, vocabulary and details.Among the passages, the third one is a little difficult, because the choices are similar and ambiguous, which seems beyond the students’abilities.But the four passages measure students’reading skills developed from what they have learned.

The third part is translating the passage and sentences.There is only one passage selected from unit 8 to measure students’abilities of understanding crucial words and expressions and the sentence structure.The next part, selected from text exercises, includes five sentences to measure students’mastery of necessary expressions and sentence patterns that have been lectured.Although the first part is a little harder than the second part, both parts measure the knowledge the test claims to measure and are within students’abilities.

The final part is writing.Given the topic, students are required to write a composition within about 150 words.The writing topic is familiar and students don’t need to write some complex sentences.Thus, the last part measures students’writing skills learned from the textbook and can be regarded as having a high content validity.

To sum up, this test meets the requirements and syllabus of achievement tests and is of high reliability and validity.Although only30%are from the textbook, 70%selected from other materials also measure students’abilities and skills developed from the textbook.Besides, 50%are objective and 50%are subjective.Thus, the scoring is objective and accurate to some extent.

2 Conclusion

This thesis has conducted an analysis of reliability and validity of an English final test for non-English majors.According to the analysis, this test is of high reliability and validity, but there are still some drawbacks.Hence, in order to be reliable and valid, a test should be designed based on teaching contents, purposes and others to assist teachers in adjusting syllabus and help learners be aware of their strengths and weaknesses and make progress.

摘要:语言测试, 作为检验学生语言水平的一种有效方法, 与语言教学之间相辅相成, 并对语言教学有着明显的指导作用。对于英语教学来说, 成绩测试是一个必不可少的环节, 并在大学英语教学中起着举足轻重的作用。因此, 本文从效度和信度着手, 通过分析某校非英语专业学生的英语期末试卷, 从而为试卷设计以及大学英语教学给以一定的参考。



[1]Bachman, Lyle F.Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.

[2]Heaton, J.B.Writing English Language Tests[M].Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[3]Hughes, A.Testing for Language Teachers[M].Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2003.

[4]黄晓文.分析评价广东外语外贸大学公开学院《商务英语阅读》期末考试试卷的效度和信度[J].语文学刊, 2013 (10) :133-137.

3.七下英语期末试卷分析 篇三

1.There are a great number of styles ____, but I am at a loss which

to buy.

A. to be chosenB. to choose from

C. to chooseD. for choosing

2.The old man kept all the children around him ____ with his stories.

A. amuseB. amusingC. amusedD. to amuse

3.——Do you think it’s going to be sunny over the weekend?

——____. It is raining all these days.

A. I don’t believeB. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not soD. I believe not

4.I ____ Mr. Johnson’s house, but he wasn’t in. Then I ____ him, but I couldn’t get through either.

A. called at, called onB. called on, called at

C. called at, called upD. called on, called on

5.He didn’t answer my phone. He ____ asleep.

A. must beB. must have been

C. should beD. may be

6.In order to improve listening, ____.

A. Mary bought a lot of tapes for herself

B. Mary’s father bought her a lot of tapes

C. a lot of tapes were bought by Mary

D. a lot of tapes were bought by Mary’s father

7. ____ role she played in the class!No wonder she has been elected

as the monitor for so many years.

A. How importantB. How an important

C. What importantD. What an important

8. ——The light in the office is still on.

——Oh, I forgot ____.

A. turning it offB. turn it off

C. to turn it offD. having turned it off

9.The director had him ____ the hero in the film all the time,

____ made him a deep impression.

A. act as, thatB. to act, which

C. acting as, whichD. acting as, it

10. I think ____ important ____ my spoken English half an hour a day.

A. this; practiseB. it; to practise

C. this; to practiseD. it; practicing

11. The ancient coins are well worth ____.

A. collectB. being collected

C. collecting D. to collect

12.I will do ____ I can to help you. I won’t ____ your trouble.

A. whatever; add toB. what; add up to

C. as; add toD. what; add up

13.To his surprise, he found himself ____ in the direction of the


A. walkB. walkingC. walkedD. to walk

14.It was ____ I arrived there ____ I heard about the terrible traffic


A. until, whenB. until, that

C. not until, thatD. not when, that

15. They put the plants in the greenhouses so that they ____ the cold


A. protected fromB. prevented from

C. were protected fromD. were prevented from

16. I soon realized that what I was doing has already been finished by

someone else. ____, I was wasting my time.

A. In a wordB. What’s more

C. By the wayD. In other words

17. I came into ____ with all kinds of people in my work.

A. contractB. contactC. attractD. attack

18. ____ finished my homework, I asked my brother ____ interrupt.

A. Having not, not toB. Having not, to not

C. Not having, to notD. Not having, not to

19. Our country now is trying to ____ more advanced technical

information from abroad to develop economy.

A. bring aboutB. bring inC. bring outD. bring back

20. You like music, ____ I’d rather read.

A. while B. since C. when D. as


__1__ the past hundred years, the railway, the car, the radio, the cinema and now the TV, have produced very great __2__ in the amusement(娱乐活动) with which people pass their __3__ time.

A __4__ years ago, people were in the habit of making their own amusements. When a group of people __5__ together, they talked, played cards or __6__ games, read aloud to each other, or went __7__ riding,shooting or walking. Most people could sing __8__, or play the piano, so at a party the guests amused each other. Above all, conversation was an art: amusing conversation could __9__ people happy for hours.

As for games __10__ football and tennis, people were also in the habit of playing __11__ themselves. Most of them did not play very well, but they amused themselves and their friends. Nowadays we are amused__12__ professional(专业的) singers or players. __13__ listen to your friends __14__ when you can hear the great singers of the world __15__the radio or on TV? Why play football with players who __16__ very good at it when you can see some of the best players playing an important match? You may just sit comfortably __17__ and watch the game __18__ the trouble of going outside.

The art of conversation and the habit of playing and singing are dying: people are becoming more and more lookers and listeners, and __19__ doers and talkers. This change does people more harm than good; it is better to do something not very well oneself than __20__ to sit and watch others doing it.

1. A. OnB. AtC. AfterD. During

2. A. singerB. pleasureC. changesD. danger

3. A. busy B. free C. workD. day

4. A. hundredB. thousandC. centuryD. few

5. A. cameB. putC. gotD. worked

6. A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. else

7. A. out B. onC. insideD. to

8. A. littleB. a littleC. lot D. a lot

9. A. made B. bringC. letD. keep

10. A. such asB. for exampleC. likeD. for

11. A. itB. themC. that D. ones

12. A. ofB. byC. inD. on

13. A. WhyB. Why notC. What aboutD. How about

14. A. sayingB. talkingC. playingD. singing

15. A. fromB. inC. byD. over

16. A. is notB. are notC. isD. are

17. A. at homeB. at a cinemaC. at schoolD. at a hospital

18. A. withB. inC. withinD. without

19. A. muchB. littleC. moreD. less

20. A. sometimesB. usuallyC. alwaysD. never



Crosstalk is a kind of Chinese two-person stand-up comedy. Comedy has a comparatively small role, song and dance. The crosstalk comedy was really easy to understand and quite entertaining. As early as the Qin Dynasty, the traditional crosstalk shows had made people all over China roar with laughters for centuries. To the Song Dynasty, there had been many forms and this kind of art had been perfect.

Crosstalk show is very typical for China. The artists play on words, together with body language. They also perform in different forms, such as talking, learning a certain kind of skill, amusing, and tongue twister. Skilled artists make use of all the richness of the spoken language to create a rapid flow of fun. The funny performances always make the audience applaud. In China, there are many famous crosstalk artists, such as Hou Baolin, Hou Yaowen, Niu Qun and Feng Gong, Li Guosheng and Xiao Lin and so on. There is also a famous crosstalk show artist from abroad that is Dashan from Canada.

“Dashan” is the stage name of Mark Rowswell, a Canadian performer in China. Almost unknown by his English name, Dashan is the most famous foreigner in China. He has become a regular fixture on Chinese television and a cultural icon across the nation. Ask anyone in Mainland China—8 out of 10 will be able to tell you who Dashan is.

For the past 17 years Dashan has been appearing on Chinese television to audiences as large as 800 million viewers. Dashan first made his name performing xiangsheng, a traditional form of Chinese comic dialogue often translated as “crosstalk”, which Rowswell began study in 1988 while at Peking University. Dashan still makes guest appearances during the holiday season to perform comedic skits, but more as a hobby than a profession.

1.According to the passage, which of the following statements is wrong?


A. Crosstalk is a typical art form in China

B. Crosstalk performance has many different forms

C. Crosstalk shows often make audience laugh or cry

D. Crosstalk is often performed by two persons

2.____ is not the form of crosstalk performance.

A. TalkingB. SingingC. Tongue twisterD. Magic

3.The first two paragraphs mainly tell us that ____.

A. crosstalk is a typical Chinese two-person stand-up comedy that

brings happiness

B. Dashan is successful at crosstalk performance

C. the crosstalk artists play on words, together with body language

D. in China, there are famous crosstalk artists, such as Hou Baolin,

Hou Yaowen and so on

4. Dashan, a Canadian performer in China, ____.

A. is the most famous crosstalk show artist in China

B. has been a household name in China

C. is known by his English name Mark Rowswell by 88 percent of


D. began studying crosstalk from 15 years ago in Peking University

5.The correct order of the following events is ____.

a. Dashan has become the most famous foreigner across the whole


b. Dashan began to perform on Chinese television

c. Dashan began learning crosstalk while at Peking University

d. Dashan attracted about 800 million viewers

A. b-a-c-dB. c-d-b-aC. b-c-d-aD. c-b-d-a


David Brown and Anne are two patients in the Adult Day Care Program at Merey Hospital. David Brown is seventy-two years old. He’s friendly and likes to talk. He lives with his wife in the city. But David is becoming forgetful. His wife says, “He’ll heat up some soup, then forget to turn off the gas.” She is sixty-one and still works. She is worried about leaving her husband alone by himself.

Anne is eighty and lives with her daughter, who is sixty. Her daughter says that she needs a rest, “Mom follows me everywhere. She follows me from room to room when I clean. She sits down next to me when I read the newspaper. I need a rest and she does, too.”

4.六年级英语期末试卷分析 篇四



















5.三年级英语期末试卷分析 篇五























6.九年级英语期末试卷分析 篇六

洪山镇洪山九年制学校 李品艳












11,二、存在问题及原因分析 12,(一)老师方面












7.七下英语期末试卷分析 篇七

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象

护理专业护理药理课程选用普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《护理药理》 (天津医学高等专科学校罗跃娥教授主编) 为教科书。该教材是卫生职业学校技能型紧缺人才培养培训教学用书, 不仅涵盖《药理学》一般内容, 还包括相关临床护理工作知识, 如用药护理要点等。我院2009级护理专业共10个教学班, 1 300名学生。6位授课教师采用统一的教学大纲, 该教学大纲为教研室教师根据护理专业职业技能课程剖析的护理药理知识点共同编撰。授课教师每2周集体备课一次, 统一教学内容和教学进度。从护理药理期末考试试卷中随机抽取375份试卷进行分析。

1.2 方法

1.2.1 试题组成

根据教学大纲和教学内容, 由高年资教师从题库中选取试题, 教研室主任最后把关。试题主要以教材内容为主, 包括药理学基本概念、基本理论, 代表药物主要的临床应用、不良反应和用药护理注意事项, 以及实验课的基本内容等。题型包括单选题 (含5个选项) 、多选题和简答题, 试题组成见表1。

1.2.2 考试及评分方法

学校教务处统一印制试卷、统一安排监考。按照提前制定的标准答案和评分标准评分, 单选和多选题由4位教师批改, 简答题由2位资深主讲教师评阅, 减少阅卷个体差异。同时, 安排教师复核, 保证了评分公平和公正。1.2.3分析方法将375份试卷每题成绩输入计算机, 建立数据库。使用Office Excel和SPSS 16.0软件分析数据, 对学生成绩分布, 试卷难度、区分度、信度和试题综合评价等进行分析。

2 结果

2.1 考试成绩情况

最高93分, 最低40分, 平均66分。分数全距 (53分) 较大, 平均分偏低, 分数多集中在60~70分间, 知识点掌握很好的护生较少。标准差为8.99, 护生成绩分布相对较集中, 区分度较差, 见表2。

2.2 试卷分析

试卷分析指标主要包括试卷信度、难度和区分度, 这些指标均根据教育测量学有关理论计算[1]。信度是反映整套试卷命题准确性和有效性的重要参数, 试卷信度高表明考试结果很少受随机因素影响, 考分能真实、可靠地反映受试者学习水平[2]。本次试卷的信度值为0.66, 难度系数为0.66, 区分度为0.21。

2.3 试题分析

2.3.1 试题难度系数分析[3]

试题难度系数 (P) 是用以度量试题难易程度的重要指标。一般认为, P值介于0.4~0.7之间, 试题难易程度适中;P值大于0.7, 试题偏易;P值小于0.4, 试题较难。通过统计, 试题难度系数见表3。

2.3.2 试题区分度分析

试题区分度指标是用以鉴别试题对考生实际水平差异能力的重要指标, 用D表示。一般认为D≥0.4, 试题很好;0.4>D≥0.3, 试题良好, 修改更佳;0.3>D≥0.2, 试题尚可, 仍需修改;D<0.2, 试题差, 必须淘汰[4]。本次考试区分度统计见表4。

2.3.3 试题综合评价

根据教育测量学理论, 考查试题质量应综合考虑试题难度系数和区分度。难度适中且区分度较好 (P≥0.5, D≥0.2) 的为“优秀试题”;较难但区分度较好 (P<0.5, D≥0.2) 的为“较好试题”;难度适宜但区分度较差 (P≥0.5, D<0.2) 的为“一般试题”;较难且区分度也差 (P<0.5, D<0.2) 的为“较差试题”[5]。本次试题综合分析结果见表5。

2.3.4 护生各题型失分情况 (见表6)

3 讨论

3.1 试卷题型及内容

本套试卷共包括3种题型, 单选题、多选题和简答题。高职院校提倡多证书制度, 为提高护生护士执业资格考试通过率, 题型设置与考试题型相同, 主要为选择题。本套试卷包括60道单选题和10道多选题, 共70个知识点, 阅卷、评分完全避免阅卷人的主观因素干扰。但考虑到第一次进行期末考试改革, 所以增加了5道简答题, 即传出神经系统药物、中枢神经系统药物、心血管系统药物、激素类药物、抗感染药物各出一题。整套试卷知识点多, 覆盖面广, 但均为教学大纲要求掌握和熟悉的内容, 主要为相关用药护理题目。

3.2 试卷成绩分析

护理药理是一门内容较琐碎的课程, 高职高专学生自主学习能力较差, 他们总希望教师在考试之前“划重点”。考试之前只告诉护生考试题型, 而考试内容以教材及实验实训内容为依据, 主要是护理药理基本理论, 重点药物的临床应用、不良反应及用药护理注意事项。护生觉得复习难度较大, 尤其是平时不注意听讲, 自主学习能力较差的护生。当然, 考试成绩的高低也与授课教师有关, 教师备课认真程度、语言感染力、课件制作精美程度等直接影响护生学习兴趣。此次考试提示教师应加强集体备课, 同时组织一些观摩课活动, 推广授课效果较好教师的授课方法和技巧;调动护生学习积极性, 期中组织药理知识或技能竞赛, 改革实验实训课程等。

3.3 试卷信度分析

信度是测量结果一致性或稳定性的指标, 信度越大, 意味着测量结果越可靠。标准化考试要求信度值α≥0.8, 一般课堂性考试信度值多在0.4~0.7之间[6]。本试卷信度值为0.66, 说明本次考试成绩真实可靠。

3.4 试题难度系数与区分度分析

合格性考试试卷一般要求中等难度的试题占50%, 较难和较易试题各占25%, 整套试题难度系数在0.65~0.70之间为好[7]。本试卷中等难度试题占29.3%, 较易试题占53.3%, 较难试题占17.3%, 中等难度试题偏少, 较易试题偏多。区分度小于0.2的差题占53.3%, 区分度大于等于0.4的优良试题仅占5.3%。因此, 本套试题并不能真正区分优秀学生和中等学生, 说明试题有待改进。题库需及时删减过于简单或复杂的试题, 适当增多中等难度试题量, 使题库总题量和总质量进一步提升。

在53.3%的较易试题中, 有36道单选题和4道简答题, 说明大部分护生能够认真对待学习, 记忆性知识点掌握较熟练, 且有一定归纳总结能力。为了进一步探讨试卷质量, 我们以P:0.5、D:0.2为界值对护理药理期末考试试卷进行综合评价。P<0.5、D<0.2的较差题占9.3%, 包括1道单选题和6道多选题。多选题均属教学大纲要求掌握的内容, 主要考查护生综合运用知识能力。但由于知识涵盖面较广, 备选答案易混淆, 得分率较低。如多选第10题“如何避免阿司匹林诱发的胃溃疡和胃出血?”, 此题要求护生掌握阿司匹林的服药时间、服药环境及联合用药等方面的知识, 对护生要求较高、难度较大, 该题难度系数为0.29, 区分度为0.17。多选第8题“喹诺酮类抗菌药物的不良反应包括哪些?”, 此题难度系数为0.11, 区分度为0.09, 属于答对率最低的题目。说明大多数护生掌握的知识不够全面, 知识记忆不够牢固。提示教师应在今后教学中多采用比较式、问题式教学方法, 激发护生自主学习兴趣, 最大限度调动护生学习积极性。同时, 应安排一定学时帮助护生条理化地复习知识, 如对不同类别药物进行比较学习。另外, 教学中应注重学生综合运用知识能力培养, 密切联系临床护理实践, 采用启发式教学模式, 提高护生综合分析问题能力, 为今后护理专业课程学习打下坚实基础。

综上所述, 教学改革过程中进行试卷分析非常必要, 不仅有利于建立高质量题库, 而且也为今后教学指明了方向。


[1]张正祥, 王廷慧, 赵菊梅, 等.药理学期中和期末考试成绩分析[J].山西医科大学学报 (基础医学教育版) , 2008, 10 (5) :531~534.

[2]方进博.期末考试试卷分析与教学思考[J].护理研究, 2010, 24 (9) :2527~2528.

[3]赵璇, 王兰, 郑慧媛, 等.《组织学和胚胎学》试题质量分析[J].解剖学杂志, 2007, 30 (5) :667.

[4]廖灯彬, 宁宁.外科护理学期末考试试卷分析与评价[J].护理学杂志, 2009, 20 (24) :73~75.

[5]黄淑芸, 蔡青.加强试卷分析提升题库质量[J].西北医学教育, 2010, 18 (2) :305~307.

[6]蒋宁一, 刘生, 梁九根, 等.临床医学本科生核医学课程期末考试试卷分析与思考[J].中国高等医学教育, 2007 (6) :66~67.
