


1.高三冲刺班英语中译英 篇一

冲刺最后60天 高三9班工作计划






























2.高三英语写作冲刺教学策略 篇二



书写工整是全员能达标的要求,选取班级书写潦草的学生,专门安排一定的时间练习誊抄英文单词和短文,既是练字又是积累词汇和材料。词汇贫乏或者多拼写错误,在引导学生加强记忆,做记忆方法指导的同时,要引导学生善于转换思路,用同义或近义的词语代替,不能感觉不对仍存侥幸心理。平时多练习用学过的单词、词组来解释新词或旧词——先让学生把单词翻译成汉语,然后根据汉语用单词、词组解释,用这种几乎归类、比较的方法拓展词汇量,同时也训练学生的英语思维能力,减少写作时的汉化语句,为英语写作打下坚实的基础。这样,考试时想表达一个意思又不会写单词时,就可以用解释的方式来代替,比如,不会写“cinch”,就可以用“to make certain of”来代替。这似乎有简单问题复杂化之嫌,但作为一种补救措施,还是很有效的。当然,平时加强复查,练习互相批改,养成复查的习惯也是很重要的。




指导学生就课文内容进行长句短写、短句长写的口头或笔头训练,熟悉英语中常用动词句子的结构变化,掌握常用的动词句子结构和词义区别,逐步在心理上树立用英语造句达意的信心和习惯。或者采用各种形式指导学生对课文进行改写、缩写,或选取段落由学生连词完成或填词完成。改写,不仅是对句子、段落的释义,还可以对整篇课文的体裁、人称或情节进行改写。如短剧“The Lost Necklace”就可以改成路瓦栽夫人晚年回忆的形式,用第一人称述说的记叙文。改写课文可培养学生语言表达的应变能力,掌握英语表达方法,可调动学习的积极性,促使其钻研、思考。而缩写课文时,限定字数,允许改动原意,但不能遗漏主要内容,提倡用自己的话,避免拼凑原文的词句,或者逐句、逐段改写。它能激励学生去钻研课文内容,加深理解,提高归纳总结和简要表达的能力。




3.高三英语冲刺讲座3 篇三










20高考天津卷的“完型填空”选材与相似,仍为记叙文,以第一人称讲述了“我”在参加3000米赛跑中的思想变化,倡导通过体育比赛锻炼意志、培养坚定的品格。 考生需要把握人物行为活动的进展以及人物心理活动的描写。本题对于阅读过程中的思维活动提出了较高的要求。









三. 体裁专项突破















As she waited at the edge of the ice for her music to start,. Peggy took a quick look at her father standing nearby with a group of parents and teachers. He smiled at her. Then she 1._____ out at the audience, 2._____ to see her mother. These two, Alvert and Doris Flemint, had 3._____ all the way from California more than 2,000 miles away, to see their 4._____ compete in this sports meet in Cleveland, Ohio.

The music 5._____ and Peggy moved onto the ice, letting the music 6._____ her along into her turns, and she began skating with much 7._____ in herself. The cold fear she always had in the 8._____ seconds before skating onto the ice was 9._____. She was feeling the movement of the 10._____ and letting it carry her. She skated easily, 11._____ did some jumps, a final turn and her performance was 12._____.

The crowd loved it and cheered 13._____ she skated off the ice. “Nice job,” said one of the other 14._____. It was the remark that 15._____ came after a free-skating performance. But what should the 16._____ say? Standing beside her father, Peggy 17._____ for the scoring to be finished. On all sides were other young skaters, some waiting 18._____ alone, others with a parent. Shortly before 10 o’clock the results were 19._____. The new United States Women’s Figure Skating Champion was Peggy Fleming of Passdena, 20._____.

1.A.looked B. watched C. found D. stepped

2.A.failing B. looking forward C. wanting D. hoping

3.A.bicycled B. driven C. run D. walked

4.A.friend B. children C. son D. daughter

5.A.started B. played C. developed D. sang

6.A.allow B. set out C. carry D. support

7.A.thought B. belief C. success D. design

8.A.following B. last C. recent D. past

9.A.lost B. present C. strong D. gone

10.A.music B. fear C. ice D. audiences

11.A.so B. or C. before D. then

12.A.satisfied B. unsatisfactory C. finished D. welcome

13.A.because B. until C. before D. as

14.A.skaters B. parents C. judges D. parents

15.A.always B. seldom C. again D. hardly

16.A players B. audience C. judges D. parents

17.A.waited B. looked C. wished D. asked

18.A.comfortably B. hurriedly C. happily D. anxiously

19.A.cried out B. let out C. announced D. declared

20.A.England B. Cleveland C. Ohio D. California











议论文有自己的语言个性,它不同于记叙文的生动形象,也不同于说明文的简明易懂。议论是对具体事物、事理作出的理论上分析与阐述,因此,它的语言自然客观的、抽象的、概括的。同时,它的语言也很准确,合乎逻辑。文中会较多地使用,诸如since(既然),now that(既然),therefore(因而),in that case(在那种情况下),so(所以),It follows that…(因而…),If…,we may conclude that …(如果……,我们可以这样下结论……),Should it be the case (如果是这样的话……),Idon’t want to…,but…(我并不想……),It is true that…,but…(诚然……但是……),Even if …(即使……)等有辩论和推理含义的连接和过渡词语与结构,以增强语言的准确性和逻辑性。此外,作者的写作态度一般也较诚恳,在文章中通常使用的是与读者平等交流的语气,不会给人以居高临下、以势居人、逼人接受的感觉,在遣词造句方面多使用虚拟语气、让步状语从句和can, may, might, could, would, should等情态动词。




Recently, a professor of philosophy(哲学) in the United States has written a book called Money and the Meaning of Life. He has 1._____ that how we deal with money in our day to day life has more meaning than we usually 2._____. One of the exercises he has asked his students to do is to keep a 3_____ of every penny they spend for a week. From the 4._____ they spend their money, they can see what they really 5._____ in life.

The professor says our 6._____ with others often becomes clearly defined(明确) when money enters the picture. You 7._____ have wonderful friendship with somebody and you think that you are very good friends. But you will know him only when you ask him to lend you some 8._____. If he does, it brings something to the relationship that seems 9._____ than ever before. 10._____it can suddenly weaken the relationship if he doesn’t.

Since money is so important to us, we consider those who are 11._____ to be very important. The professor 12._____some rich people in researching his book.

Question: What is the most 13._____ thing you have discovered about being rich?

Answer: The most surprising thing is why people give me so much 14._____. I am nothing. I don’t know much. All I am is rich.

People just have an idea of making more and more money, but what is it 15._____? How much money do I need for any given 16._____ in my life? In his book, the professor uncovered an important 17._____ in modern society: to bring back the idea that the money is an instrument 18._____than the end. Money plays an important 19._____ in the material world, but 20._____ money to give happiness may be missing the meaning of life.

1.A.pointed B. studied C. discovered D. noticed

2.A.imagine B. think C. recognize D. plan

3.A.secrect B. diary C. promise D. record

4.A.way B. method C. opinion D. attitude

5.A.mean B. value C. get D. make

6.A.work B. friendship C. relation D. union

7.A.should B. must C. had to D. might

8.A.cars B. books C. rooms D. money

9.A.stronger B. weaker C. worse D. looser

10.A.But B. Otherwise C. And D. Then

11.A.rich B. poor C. helpful D. ordinary

12.A.saw B. interviewed C. questioned D. knew

13.A.puzzling B. disappointing C. surprising D. interesting

14.A.worry B. doubt C. hate D. respect

15.A.about B. against C. for D. at

16.A.achievemant B. result C. purpose D. success

17.A.need B. discovery C. lack D. event

18.A.better B. rather C. more D. less

19.A.action B. performance C. role D. trick

20.A.demanding B. hoping C. getting D. expecting


说明文是对事物的特征、本质、性能、状态,或事物的发生、发展、结果、用途、原理等进行介绍、解释、说明的一种文体。它所说明的对象可以是实体的事物,如仪器仪表、自然环境等,也可以是抽象的事理、如概念、原理、定律、规章等。它包括说明书、解说词、文献资料、图表等形式。尽管说明文中可能会掺有一些记述、描写或议论的成分,但说明文的最主要表达方式还是说明。必须说明的是与汉语说明文相比,英语说明文所涉及的范围似乎更大,在英语中,天文地理、人情世故、客观事物、主观意识等宇宙间的一切都可以通过说明文加以阐述说明,象the importance of being on time(准时的重要性)和the happiness of reading books(读书之乐)之类的话题,在汉语中似乎应该属于议论文的范围,但在英语中却一般列在说明文中。













6界说(定义)说明文。就是用简洁而明确的语言把事物的本质属性揭示出来,给人们以清晰的概念。界说(定义)说明文中总是有一个定义句,其句式为被定义对象的所属类别+限制性定语。定义句中限制性定语越详细,定义就越精确,如A bat(蝙蝠)is a small mouse-like animal that flies at night and feeds on fruit and insects but is not a bird .因此,界说(定义)说明文既能使读者对被说明文的事物有一个明确的本质的了解,又能使读者将该事物与其他事物区别开来。





One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future. In our 1._____we can see what has not yet happened. For example, while we are looking forward to 2._____a new place or country, we 3._____what it will be like. We predict( 预料) the 4._____ people will eat, dress and act. Of course, we do not always predict things 5._____. Things are often very different from the way we 6._____them to be.

One of the 7._____ dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist, Kekule, who had been 8._____ to work out a very difficult problem in physics. He had 9._____and analysed(分析) the problem from every angle(角度) for days, but there 10._____ to be no way of 11._____ out the answer. Then one night he went to bed and dreamed. When he 12._____ up, he realized that he knew the answer. He had solved the problem in his 13._____.

The hypnotist(催眠者)sat in the chair opposite him and spoke 14._____: I want you to concentrate on my voice. Think about 15._____. You know nothing but my voice. And as you pay attention to my voice, your 16._____ will get heavier. Soon you’ll be asleep.

You will hear my voice and 17._____ my words, but your body will be asleep, your eyes are too heavy. You are 18._____ asleep, and when you wake up you will 19._____ nothing.

You will forget everything. Now I am going to 20._____ slowly from one to five. One, two, three, four, five.

1.A.brains B. senses C. minds D. sights

2.A.visiting B. seeking C. reaching D. discovering

3.A.imagine B. know C. feel D. guess

4.A.custom B. habit C. style D. way

5.A.quickly B. simply C. correctly D. neatly

6.A.required B. wished C. left D. expected

7.A.funny B. dull C. famous D. silly

8.A.managing B. trying C. thinking D. hoping

9.A.studied B. learned C. discussed D. researched

10.A.used B. ought C. seemed D. had

11.A. making B. finding C. turning D. letting

12.A.gave B. sat C. woke D. got

13.A.dream B. lesson C. research D. exercise

14.A.softly B. loudly C. slowly D. firmly

15.A.everything B. something C. nothing D. anything

16.A.eyes B. feet C. head D. body

17.A.believe B. repeat C. take D. understand

18.A.really B. extremely C. actually D. almost

19.A.accept B. remember C. hear D. receive

20.A.count B. say C. add D. speak





3、选A。imagine表示一种心理描绘,与look forward to,predict 和expect 等词意相吻合。



6、选D。四个选项中只有expect与predict 同义。

7、选C。开普勒的梦不具有 funny,dull和silly的特征。


9、选A。“研究”与“分析”是紧密相联的。study 此处意为“研究”。research作“研究”讲时,若接宾语,须加上介词on 或into。


11、选B。find out 意为“弄清”、“找出”。其余三个词组不合文意。

12、选C。wake up“醒来”,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉--做梦--醒来。


14、选A。softly意为 gently and slowly,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式。


16、选A。从下文your eyes are too heavy一句中可得到暗示。


18、选D。almost asleep意为迷迷糊糊地睡着了,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看,不能说是完全睡着了。

19、选B。这里的remember nothing等于下一句中的forget everything。






Is the world really going mad? 1._____day I was sittng in a restaurant 2._____ a quick drink and a talk with a few friends when it suddenly 3._____ me that almost everyone in the restaurant was smoking. It wasn’t long 4._____ the whole room was 5._____ with smoke. I asked with an apology for 6._____ to open a window to stop myself 7._____!

Nowadays air pollution is something that hardly question any more. However, I still can’t walk down the street in any of the big cities without 8._____ that people are 9._____ the air pollution. It is time for the government departments of the world to introduce emission(废气排放) controls on all cars and 10._____ the public transport system(公共交通体系) to encourage people to 11._____ their cars at home. A friend of mine takes flying lesson each morning and it really makes him 12._____ when he climbs above the smog layer(烟雾) and looks down 13._____ it and thinks: “I’m breathing that!” This kind of 14._____ results from the bad management of resources. Waste things can 15._____ should, be treated properly. House building, road 16._____, and industrial development are all earthmoving(or earth-reducing) operations and can change the balances of 17._____ created over millions of years. I would like to 18._____serious studies done on all these main works before they are built. Also, there should be 19._____ national parks set up to keep the most beautiful parts of our countries in their natural 20._____.

1.A.The other B. Another C. Every D. Each

2.A.asking for B. drinking C. having D. buying

3.A.seemed B. struck C. sank D. showed

4.A.ago B. after C. before D. now

5.A.full B. filled C. crowed D. parked

6.A.promise B. help C. suggestion D. permission

7.A.standing B. sitting C. talking D. dying

8.A.thinking B. persuading C. deciding D. learning

9.A.suffering B. dying C. walking D. standing

10.A.increase B. reduce C. improve D. raise

11.A.wash B. repair C. drive D. leave

12.A. sick B. tired C. foolish D. excited

13.A.on B. at C. from D. for

14.A.discussion B. question C. pollution D. operation

15.A.but B. yet C. still D. and

16.A.work B. construction C. building D. setting

17.A.life B. mind C. human being D. plants

18.A.see B. start C. enjoy D. pay

19.A.few B. any C. more D. no

20.A.situation B. states C. soils D. places


1、选A。the other day意为“几天前”,可以用作状语。

2、选C。四个选项中只有have可以同时后接a drink和a talk这样两个宾语。

3、选B。it 为形式主语,that从句为真主语从句,全句意为“餐馆里几乎每个人都在抽烟,此事突然引起了我的注意”。A、C不能接人,应予排除,show表示人为地展示给他人看,在此不合语境。

4、选C。it is not long before …是一个句型,表示没过多久就……,由此可以看出烟雾之大。


6、选D。ask for permission意为“请求允许”,其他三个选项不合逻辑。






12、选A。由于高空中的烟雾,作者朋友在上飞行课时自然会感到身体,尤其是眼睛不舒服,由作者朋友的心理活动I’m breathing that也可作出这种推断。

13、选B。在高处向下看物体应用look down at sth。















What is intelligence(智力)anyway? When I was in the army I 1_____an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against 2______of 100,scored 160.

I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 3_____ have scored more than 80.4_____, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him---and he always 5_____ it.

Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man 6_____ questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I’d prove myself a 7_____. In a word where I have to work with my 8_____,I’d do poorly.

Consider my auto-repair man 9_____.He had a habit of telling 10_____. One time he said,” Doc, a deaf-and-dumb(聋哑)man 11_____ some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made 12_____ movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He 13_____ his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk 14_____ him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the 15_____ man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors(剪刀).16_____ do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his 17_____ and asked for them. I’ve been 18_____ that on all my customers today, but I knew 19_____ I’d catch you.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn’t be very 20_____.”

And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.

1.A.failed B.wrote C.received D.chose

2.A.an average B.a total C.an exam D.a number

3.A.always B.possibly C.certainly D.frequently

4.A.Then B.Thus C.Therefore D.Yet

5.A.fixed B.checked C.drove D.changed

6.A.answered B.practised C.designed D.tried

7.A.teacher B.doctor C.winner D.fool

8.A.brains B.effort C.hands D.attention

9.A.again B.as usual C.too D.as well

10.A.lies B.jokes C.news D.tales

11.A.bought B.tested C.found D.needed

12.A.cutting B.hammering C.waving D.circling

13.A.nodded B.raised C.shook D.turned

14.A.brought B.packed C.sent D.sold

15.A.clever B.other C.right D.next

16.A.What B.How C.Who D.Which

17.A.imagination B.hand C.voice D.information

18.A.trying B.proving C.practising D.examining

19.A.for sure B.at once C.in fact D.right now

20.A.clear B.silly C.slow D.smart













五. 应试准备


1. 注意固定短语的积累


3. 每天应该做一篇完型填空




I did it .

A. myself B. yesterday C. carefully D. again


She said I was not strong enough but I did it .

A. myself B. yesterday C. carefully D. again


Failure(失败)told me that I was not too careful then, so I did it to see the result.

A. myself B. yesterday C. carefully D. again


Failure is the mother of success. The famous saying encouraged me. I did it _____.

A. myself B. yesterday C. carefully D. again

4.冲刺必备高三英语翻译练习11 篇四

It is believed that more people should be sent to prison for drink-driving offences.2.他私下里所做的和在公众场合所说的不一致。(private)

What he does in private doesn’t agree with what he says in public.3.在银行开个帐户要办什么手续?(procedure)

What’s the procedure for opening a bank account? 4.处理你的申请也许要等几个星期。(process)

It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed.5.她近来作品很少。(produce)

She has produced very little work recently.6.你需要专业人士替你管理财务。(professional)

You need a professional to sort out your finances.7.尽管价格被压低了,建筑商们仍能从这笔买卖中获利。(profit)

Even though the price has been reduced, the builders will still make a profit on the deal.8.两国在为解决争端而举行的谈判中取得了巨大的进展。(progress)

The two countries made great progress in the negotiation to settle the conflicts.9.新的政府法规将禁止未煮熟的肉类制品的进口.(prohibit)

New government regulations will prohibit imports of uncooked meat products.10.我祖父放弃了法律界有前途的职业转而去为祖国战斗.(promising)

My grandfather gave up a promising career in law to fight for his country.11.Jason坚信有第十颗行星, 但他没有确凿的证据证明它的存在.(proof)

Jason firmly believed there was a tenth planet, but he had no conclusive proof of its existence.12.报酬应与工作量成比例, 而不是与花费的时间成比例.(in proportion to)

Payment should be in proportion to the work done, not to the time spent doing it.13.你提议董事长应当早些退休, 这是很不明智的.(propose)

It was unwise of you to propose that the director should take early retirement.14.这家公司在那地区勘探金矿.(prospect)

The company are prospecting for gold in that area.15.这项任务原来比我们预想的难得多.(prove)

The task proved to be more difficult than we’d thought.16.上海已经有能力为商务会议提供合适的设施.(provide)

Shanghai has been able to provide suitable facilities for business conferences.17.他们靠着吃树根和野果熬了过来.(pull through)

They managed to pull through by eating roots and berries.18.那个拳击手向他对手的鼻子猛击了一拳.(punch)

The boxer gave his opponent a hard punch on the nose.19.外国投资商不得购买土地.(purchase)

Foreign investors are not permitted to purchase land.20.要成为一个成功的语言学习者, 你必须独立, 主动而又有目的地学习.(purposefully)

To be a successful language learner, you must study independently, actively and purposefully.21.她决定在获得学士学位之后继续深造.(pursue)

She decided to pursue her studies after obtaining her first degree.22.把这事记在你的备忘录里,以免忘了.(put down)

Put it down in your memorandum in case you should forget it.23.最后一个走的人请熄灯.(put out)

Whoever leaves last should put out the lights.翻译11


Your passport qualifies you to receive free medical treatment.25.我们的匹萨饼只选用最上乘的原料.(quality)

We use only the best quality ingredients for our pizzas.26.他们仔细盘问她与死者的关系.(question)

They questioned her closely about her relationship with the dead man.27.他经常引用圣经中的章节.(quote)

He is always quoting verses from the Bible.28.这个公司在雇人时不考虑年龄, 种族和宗教信仰问题.(race)

This company hires people regardless of age, race or religion.29.Frank 是在肯塔基州的一个小农场里长大的.(raise)

Frank was raised on a small farm in Kentucky.30.在这个班上, 残障的程度从轻微的听力障碍到完全失聪,各不相同.(range from … to …)

In this class, levels of disability may range from very slight hearing problems to total deafness.31.老师不应该将自己的观点强加给学生。(force)

Teachers shouldn’t force their(own)ideas on students.32.我们盼望能参加下星期举行的艺术节开幕式。(look forward to)

We are looking forward to taking part in the opening ceremony of the art festival next week.33.垄断行业应该进行有效改革来引入竞争机制。(introduce)

Monopoly industries should carry out effective reforms to introduce competition mechanisms.34.泰坦尼克号及时地转了方向,勉强避开了一块超过海面一百英尺的巨大的冰墙。(narrowly)

The Titanic turned just in time, narrowly missing an immense wall of ice that rose over 100 feet out of the water.35.许多国内企业不愿意雇佣那些离开中国社会很长时间,并且几乎没有工作经历的海归人士。(hesitate)

Many domestic firms hesitate to hire overseas returnees who have left the Chinese society for a long time and have little working experiences.36.他拿起了手提箱,给人的印象是他要登上飞机了。(impression)

He grabbed his suitcase and gave the impression that he was boarding(/ he was going to board the plane).37.直到我在澳大利亚生活,我才意识到树袋熊是多么的独一无二。(It)

It was not until I was living(/ I lived)in Australia that I realized how unique koalas were.38.那可怜的男孩坐到另一个座位以避开那些恶棍,但无济于事。(escape)

The poor boy moved to another seat to escape the tough guys, but that did no good.39.网上购物很有趣。但另一方面,我们可能在上面花了太多时间。(on the other hand)

Shopping on the Internet is interesting.On the other hand, we probably spend too much time on it.40.据报道湖南卫视花了将近一个月说服鸟叔(Psy)在他们的新年联欢晚会上表演。(persuade)

It was reported that Hunan Satellite TV Station spent nearly a month persuading Psy to perform at their New Year gala.41.仅凭你提供的证据不能证明他是有罪的。(alone)

The proof/evidence alone(that/which)you provide can’t prove that he is guilty.42.乘船游玩,你会被浦江沿岸的建筑迷住,尤其在夜晚灯光下。(fascinate)

Take a boat trip, and you will be fascinated by the buildings along the Huangpu River,especially in the lights at night.43. 依我看,你的知识面就越广,就越有能力应付工作中遇到的问题。(capable)

In my opinion, the wider range/scope of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing 翻译11

with the problems you have met at work.44.只有当我们完全理解生命的价值时我们才会珍惜幸福的每一刻并且帮助周围的人。(Only…)

Only when we fully understand the value of life can we cherish/treasure every moment of happiness and help the people around.45.今天我们开会的目的是要讨论如何来解决问题,而不是谁造成了这个问题,所以请不要再浪费时间争论该责备谁了。(blame)

The purpose of our meeting today is to discuss how to solve the problem, not who(has)caused it, so please don’t waste time arguing about who is to blame(any longer).46.老师们今天都不在,下午的足球比赛不得不推迟到下周。(have to)

Due to the absence of the teachers today, the football match this afternoon has to be put off till next week.47.正因为他一直记得熟能生巧的道理,他的英语才能讲得那么流利。(It is … that…)

It is because he always remembers that practice makes perfect that he can speak English so fluently.48.在对这个计划进行热烈讨论的过程中,同学们提出了一个又一个有创意的想法。(come up with)

During the heated discussion on this plan, the students came up with creative ideas one after another.49.地震之后,国内开展了一场运动,呼吁人们捐献食品和药品,或去地震灾区做志愿者。(launch)

After the earthquake, a campaign was launched in the country/ at home to appeal to people to donate food and medicine, or to go to the earthquake-striken area to be/ serve as volunteers.50.一名有资质的外科医生不仅应具备扎实的医学知识,还要用细心,耐心和爱心来对待病人。(Not only)

5.高三年级一班英语作文 篇五

I’m more than delighted to know you are curious about the club activities of our school and want to join one next term. I’d like to recommend Peking opera club to you, which I believe you will enjoy a lot from.

I recommend this club to you for the following reasons. First, Peking opera is like a pearl in Chinese traditional art. Joining this club can give you a taste of Chinese traditional art forms and even have a hands-on experience. Besides, the club will regularly organize various activities, such as inviting famous actors to perform, and drawing Peking opera make-ups. Considering your interest in Chinese history, I believe getting close to Peking opera will also be a good way of learning more about it.

When it comes to preparation, you can watch some famous Peking opera videos on the Internet or read some relevant materials, which will definitely be beneficial for you.

Hope my suggestions can be of help. If you want to learn anything more, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes.

