


1.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇一

Unit Two

1.have a cold

2.a few

3.at the moment

4.have a stomachache

5.have a sore throat

6.have a fever

7.lie down

8.see a dentist

9.have a headache

10.have a toothache

11.hot tea with honey

12.stressed out

13.go to bed early

14.listen to music

15.go to party

16.on the other hand

17.stay healthy

18.have a sore back

19.traditional Chinese doctors

20.a balance of yin and yang

21.too much

22.a balanced diet

23.go out at night

24.feel well

25.conversation practice

26.host family

27.give sb a fever患感冒 有些 此时现在 肚子疼 嗓子疼 发烧 躺下 看牙医 头疼 牙疼 热茶加蜂蜜 紧张 早睡觉 听音乐 参加音乐会 在另一方面 保持健康 背疼 传统中医 阴阳平衡 太多 饮食平衡 在晚上出去 感觉舒服 对话练习房东 导致某人发烧

2.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇二


★一般过去时表示过去某个时间或某一段时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如yesterday, last week, in 2008, two years ago等 .


1. 包含be动词过去式的句式

(1)陈述句句式:主语 +was或were+ 其他成分 . 如:

They were at home last Sunday. 上周日他们在家里。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +wasn’t/weren’t+ 其他成分,如:

I wasn’t on the Internet when my father came into the room. 当我父亲进入房间时,我没在上网。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Was/Were+ 主语 + 其他成分?

(4)特殊疑问句句式: 疑问词 +was/were+ 主语 + 其他成分?如:Where were you last Sunday? 上周日你在哪儿?

2. 包含实义动词过去式的句式

(1)肯定句句式:主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其他成分,如:He stayed at home last night. 他昨晚待在家里了。

(2)否定句句式:主语 +did not(didn’t)+ 动词原形 + 其他成分 . 如:They didn’t go shopping last week. 上周他们没有去购物。

(3)一般疑问句句式:Did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?肯定回答:Yes, 主语 +did, 否定回答:No, 主语 +didn’t. 如:

—Did he go to Guangzhou yesterday? 昨天他去广州了吗?

—Yes, he did./No, he didn’t. 是的,他去了。/ 不,他没去。

(4)特殊疑问句句式:特殊疑问词 +did+ 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他成分?如:

What time did he get to school this morning? 今天上午他是什么时间到达学校的?


( ) 1.——what did you do yesterday evening,Gina?

——I ____Titanic in the City Cinema.

A. watch B.watched C. am watching D.will watch

( ) 2.——You look very nice in your new dress today.

____ Oh,really?I ____it when it when it was on sale.

A. buy B.bought C. have bought D.will buy


频率副词表示动作发生的频率,常见的频度副词有always, usually,often, sometimes, hardly, never等。但是程度上有所不同,频率由高到低,如下所示:


★always频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,意为“一直、总是”,其反义词为never. always与not连用时,表示部分否定。



★sometimes“有时”, 表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。



2. 对上述频率副词提问时,常用how often。

I often play basketball. → How often do you play basketball?

3. 常见的表示频率的短语还有:every day/ week/month/year, once/twice a day/week/month/year, five times a week/month等。

【注:三次或三次以上一般用“基数词 +times”来表示】。


1. 形容词的原级即形容词原形形式,常用于very, so, quite, too之后。还用于句型as…as(和……一样……),以及not as/so…as(不如……)中。例如:

The coat is too expensive.

The boy isn’t as/so old as the girl.

2. 形容词的比较级常用于两者之间进行比较,后用连词than连接另一个所比较的人或物。在上下文明确的情况下,形容词比较级也可单独使用。例如:

I’m more outgoing than my sister.

This book is old. Can you give me a newer one.

3. 形容词比较级形式的构成:


比较级,有变化,一般词尾加er;词尾不发音e简单化,之后另把 -r加。

辅音字母 +y型,改y为i,加er; 一辅重读闭音节,词尾字母应双写后再加er。


“坏 / 病”(bad/ill) 是worse;“老 / 远”(old/far)变化有两个。


例如:We can’t go any farther steps.

Let’s have a further study.



My elder brother is two years older than I.

4. 形容词比较级的用法:


( ) 1. The boy is ____than the girl.

A. older 2 years B.2 years older

C. 2 years elder D. elder 2 years

( ) 2. You can get____ more water if you go there.

A. much B. many C. little D. few

( ) 3. This book is_____ .

A. more interesting and more interesting

B. much interesting and much interesting

C. more and more interesting

D. much and much interesting

( ) 4. Shanghai is bigger than___ city in Australia.

A. any B. any other C. other D. another



1. 最高级的句型

(1)A+be+the+ 形容词最高级 + 表示范围的介词词组

Dream Clothes is the worst store in town.(in后接表示地点或范围的名词)梦想服装店是镇上最差的。

(2)A+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级(+ 表示范围的介词词组)He does his work(the)most carefully of the three.(of后接表示比较对象的复数名词或数词)这三个人当中他工作最认真。


(1)“one of+the+ 形容词最高级 + 名词复数”表示“最……之一”。

One of the most popular teachers is Mr Green. 格林先生是最受欢迎的老师之一。

Shanghai is one of the largest cities in the world. 上海是世界上最大的城市之一。


Mike is the third strongest boy in his class. 迈克是他班里第三强壮的男孩。

Taiwan Island is the first largest island in China. 台湾岛是中国的第一大岛。

(3)Which/Who+is+the+ 形容词最 高级,A,B or C? 或Which/Who+ 动词 +(the)+ 副词最高级,A,B or C? 如:

—Which is the smallest,the sun,the moon or the earth?

—Of course the moon is.

“哪个最小,太阳,月亮还是地球 ?”




Tom is the tallest in his class.汤姆是他班上最高的。


Tom is taller than any other student in his class.=Tom is taller than the other students in his class.=Tom is taller than anybody else in his class.=Nobody else is taller than Tom in his class.


He is my best friend. 他是我最好的朋友。

This is Zhang Yimou’s latest movie. 这是张艺谋最新的电影。



1. Of all the subjects.English is ____for me.

A.interesting B.more interesting

C.the most interesting D.much more interesting

2. Tony is only shorter than Jim.He is ____in his class.

A.two tallest B.the two tallest

C.the second tallest D.second tallest

3.Nanjing isn’t so large ___Shanghai,however,it’s the second ___city in East china.

A.1ike;largest B.as;largest

C.1ike;large D.as;large


1. 动词不定式做宾语的形式有两种,带to的动词不定式和不带to的动词不定式,其否定形式为直接在不定式符号to之前直接加not。以write为例,动词不定式的肯定形式为to write,否定形式为not towrite。

2. 动词不定式的语法功能



I hope to see you tomorrow. 我希望明天见到你。

I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道下一步做什么。

He doesn’t know how to do it. 他不知道怎样做这件事情。


We are talking about what to do next. 我们正在讨论下一步干什么。


I found it easy to make a model ship.



1. Tina decided _____(work)in Shanghai.

2. We planned _____(make)a school radio program.

3. Does Mary agree _____(visit)the new museum with you this weekend?

4. Remember_____ (take)your bag.

5. He wants____ (go)to study in Beijing University.

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升

( ) 1. This English newspaper is very easy for the students becausethere are ____new words in it.

A. littleB. a littleC. fewD. a few

( ) 2. My host family tried to cook ____for me when I studied inNew Zealand.

A. different somethingB. different anything

C. something different D. anything different

( ) 3. Last Sunday we didn’t go out____ the rain.

A. because of B. because

C. on front of D. before

( ) 4.—It snowed heavily last night.Is everyone in our class here today?

— Yes, and____ of us was late for school this morning.

A. none B. neither C. all D. either

( ) 5. — Many boy students think math is___ English.

— I agree. I’m weak in English.

A. much difficult thanB. so difficult as

C. less difficult thanD. more difficult than

( ) 6. The volunteer spoke as ____as she could to make the visitorsunderstand her.

A. clearlyB. more clearly

C. most clearlyD. the most clearly

( ) 7. Li Tao, my best friend, is ___more outgoing than any otherstudent in his class.

A. very B. a little C. too D. quite

( ) 8. I had no money and I couldn’t buy___ for my parents.

A. nothing B. anyone C. anything D. something

( ) 9. He asked us___ in the river. It’s too dangerous is serious.

A. to swim B. not to swim C. to not swim D. don’t to swim

( ) 10. ____it was raining, we went there.

A. But B. Though C. Because D. So

( )11. Our life is getting ______now.

A. good and good B. better and better

C. well and well D. more and more

( ) 12. —What happened ____you yesterday?

—I happened ____meet my old friend, Lucy.

A.to, to B. with, to C. to, with D. with, with

( ) 13. Mickey Mouse was the first cartoon_____ sound and music.

A.and B. with C. in D. of

( ) 14. We should eat many fruits ___apples and oranges.

A.for example B. such as C. so as D. such like

( ) 15. —I think Boonie Bears ( 熊出没 )isn’t as ____as Pleasant Goat( 喜羊羊 ).

—I agree with you. Boonie Bears is ____than Pleasant Goat.

A. famous, more famous B. famous, less famous

C. more famous, less famous D. less famous, more famous








【实战演练】答案:1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B


答案:1.C 2.C 3.B


答案:1.to work 2.to make 3.to visit 4.to take 5.to go

【6】(1-5单元 ) 知识点能力提升解析及答案

1.C解析:本题考查a little表示有点,little几乎没有。修饰不可数名词 ;a few表示一些,few表示几乎没有。修饰可数名词。


3.A解析;because of后接短语,名词及名词词组。Because后接句子。




7.B解析:修饰比较级的词,a little /much /far/even/still等。


9.B解析:本题考查固定搭配ask ab to do sth和不定式的否定即在to前加not。


11.B解析:比较级 +and+ 比较级,表示“越来越”。

12.A解析:sth. happen to sb, 表示“某人发生某事”,sb happen to do sth, 表示“某人碰巧做某事”。


14.B解析:for example与所接成分常用逗号隔开,而such as则不用。另外,for example用来举例说明某一论点或情况时,一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例;such as用来列举事物时,一般列举同类人或物中的几个为例。

3.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇三



《新目标英语》八年级上册第六单元section A的主要学习内容有以下3点:

1词汇:tall, thin, short, heavy, calm, wild, long hair,short hair, outgoing, quiet, funny, serious, smart, athletic,ect.


Pedro is funnier than Paul.Tina is taller than Tara.Tom is more athletic than Sam.









Taskl: Guessing games

Show some riddles such as the following to the stu-dents to guess.

T:I have a friend. She is a girl with long hair in our class. She has a round face. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She often wears a pair of glasses. She is thin. She is taller than any other girl. She is the mast hard-working in our class. Who is she?

T:Let's look at some photos of my family. (Show them on the screen.) Please describe them.

S:She is shorter than you. /She has shorter hair than you. /She is thinner than you. /'--(Students get informa-tion from the photos.)

T:I'm more outgoing than my sister. ( Lead in the class subject.)


Task2:Revise the adjectives to describe people's ap-pearance and personalities

1.Divide the class into four groups and have a com-petition to see which group can get as much as possible.Students can write their descriptions on a piece of paper before class. (Students must collect them before class.)

2.Show some photos of famous persons and describe them, using description words, such as short hair/long hair, curly hair/straight hair, tall/short,...etc, on the screen.


Task3 : Presentution

1.Learn some new words about personal traits:calm/wild,athletic/weak,using the pictures of 3 pairs of twins in Section A.

T: Who is eaimer, Tom or Sam?

S: Torn is calmer than Sam. Sam is wilder than Tam.Tom is more athletic than Sam. Sam is weaker than Tom.

2.DoSectionA-la.Matcheachwordwith the opposite. Check the answers.

3.Get students to introduce the rules of the compara-tive and superlative degrees of adjectives. (Show them on

the screen.)


Task4: Listening

1.Listen to the tape and number the pictures in 1b.

2.Listen to the tape and complete the chat in 2a.Listen again and fill in chat in 2b.

3.Check the answers.



1.Imagine your partner is a famous person, interview him/her.(Show an example on the screen.)

2.Divide the class into 4 groups and then work in groups.

3.Suppose you are a super star in the future, design your future.


Task6: Reading and writing

1.Teach "look the same", "look different", " be as good as","be not as good as","a little",using some pic-tures and comparing some students in class.

2.Students read the article and the statements (1-5)about the article. Write "T","F" or "DK".

3.Check the answers. (Ask students to give reasons.)

4.Ask students to write another letter.

T: You are Isabel now. Write a letter to reply Liu Li. Talk about the same and different between you and one of your friends.

5.Choose two or three to share the replies with the whole class.


Task7: Consolidation and sum-up

1.Give studentsa chanceto sum up what have learned in this class. (Students can talk about it freely.)Then teacher makes a brief sum-up.

2.Get the students to do some consolidation exercises.Teacher goes around and gives some help to students.



4.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇四


1.work on doing sth.致力于做某事2.as soon as......一……就…....3.once upon a time 从前4.continue to do sth.继续做某事

5.make sth.happen 使某事发生6.try to do sth.试图做某事

7.the journey to sp.......之旅8.tell the/a story 讲故事

9.put on 穿上10.a little b it 有点儿

11.keep doing sth.坚持做某事12.give up 放弃

13.instead of 代替;反而14.turn...into 变成15.get married 结婚16.the main character 主要人物;主人公

17.at other times 在另外一些时候18.be able to 能;会

19.come out(书、电影等)出版20.become interested in.对……感兴趣

21.walk to the other side 走到另一边去22.a fairy tale 一个神话故事

23.the rest of the story 故事的其余部分24.leave sb.to do sth.让某人做某事

25.make a plan to do sth.筹划/计划做某事26.go to sleep 去睡觉

27.lead sb.to sp.把某人领到某地28.get lost 迷路

29.change one’s plan 改变计划30.tell sb.to do sth.叫某人做某事

31.in the moonlight 在月光下32.find one’ s way home 找到某人回家的路

33.the next day 第二天34.send sb.to sp.派某人去某地

Unit 7 W hat’s the highest mountain in the world?


1.as big as 与……一样大2.one of the oldest countries 最古老的国家之一

3.feel free to do sth.随意地做某事4.as far as I know 据我所知

5.man-made objects 人造物体6.part o f.........的组成部分

7.the highest mountain 最高的山脉8.in the w orld 在世界上

9.any other mountain 其他任何一座山10.of a ll the salt lakes 在所有的咸水湖中

11.run along 跨越… …12.freezing weather 冰冻的天气

13.take in a ir 呼吸空气14.the first people to do sth.第一个做某事的人

15.in the face of difficulties 面临危险16.give up doing sth.放弃做某事

17.achieve one’ s dream 实现某人的梦想18.the forces of nature 自然界的力量

19.reach the top 到达顶峰20.even though 虽然;尽管

21.at birth 在出生的时候22.be awake 醒着

23.run over with excitement 兴奋地跑过去24.w alk into sb.撞到某人

25.fa ll over 摔倒26.take care of 照顾;照料

27.every two years 每两年28.cut down the forests 砍伐林木

29.endangered animals 濒危动物30.fewer and fewer pandas 大熊猫越来越少

31.be in danger 处于危险之中

32.the importance of saving these animals 拯救这些动物的重要性

Unit 8Have you read Treasure Island


1.on page 25 在第2 5 页2.the back of the book 书的背面

3.hurry up 赶快;匆忙4.in two weeks 在两周之内

5.go out to sea 出海6.an island full of treasures 一个满是宝藏的岛屿

7.write about 写作关于……的内容8.finish doing sth.做完某事

9.wait for another ship 等待另一艘船到来10.learn to do sth.学会做某事

11.grow fruits and vegetables 种水果和蔬菜 12.a few weeks ago 几个星期前

13.the marks of another man’ s feet另一个人的脚印14.not long after that 不久之后

15.run towards sp.跑向某地16.use...to do sth.用……来做某事

17.signs left behind by someone某人留下的标记18.read the newspaper 看报

19.science fiction 科幻小说20.can’ t w ait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事

21.a good way to wake up 醒来的一个好办法22.number of people 人数

23.used to do sth.(过去)常常做某事24.study abroad 在国外学习

25.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事26.come to realize 开始意识到

27.ever since then 自从那时起28.the southern states of America美国的南部地区

29.belong to 属于30.be kind to each other 善待彼此

31.trust one another 互相信任32.the beauty of nature 大自然的美

33.have been to sp.去过某地34.do some research on sth.对……做研究

35.hope to do sth.希望做某事36.see sb.do sth.看到某人做某事

37.the firs t line in the song歌曲的第一行38.enjoy success in享受……的成功

5.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇五

1、rubbish n.垃圾;抛弃物throw v.扔;掷

3、sweep v.打扫;打pass v.给递neither adv.也不

6、lend v.借给;借出while conj.在…期;当…的时

8、waste v.浪费provide v.提供;供应depend v.依赖;

11、borrow v.借入;借develop v.发展;壮大


1.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾2.all the time频繁反复

3.in order to 目的是/为了4.take care of照顾/爱护

5.depend on依赖;信赖6.come over过来/顺便来访

7.in surprise惊讶地8.hang out闲逛

1、fold 叠mess 不整洁 threw 扔neither 也没有

5、shirt 衬衫 pass 递borrow 借 lend 借给

9、finger 手指hate讨厌

Section B

snacks 小吃Sandy’s 桑迪的chores 杂务

stress 压力waste 浪费provide 提供

anyway 而且depend 依赖develop 培养

fairness 公正性since 自…以来 neighbors 邻居

ill 生病dropped 下降 independent 独立


do the dishes 洗餐具take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

go out 出去stay out 待在外面;不在家

help out 帮助完成某事 at least 至少

throw down 扔下all the time 频繁;反复

in surprise 惊讶地as soon as一……就……

spend…on… 在……花费(时间或金钱)

in order to 为了provide sth.for sb.向某人提供物

depend on 依赖;信赖look after 照顾

keep it clean and tidy 保持它干净整洁get into 进入take care of 照顾as a result 结果


1、finish doing sth.做完某事

2、want sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事

3、try(not)to do sth.尽力(不)做某事

4、let sb.do sth.让某人做某事

5、spend..(in)doing sth.花费……做某事

6、mind doing sth.介意做某事

7、learn to do sth.学会做某事

8、learn how to do sth.学会怎样做某事

6.人教版新目标八年级上册经典英语 篇六


We went to a summer camp today.The weather was great.The mountains were really beautiful.We had great fun singing and dacning there.We enjoyed ourselves.I felt like I was a bird.We had a lot of food dan drinks with us.So we had a big lunch.I had two hamburgers and some orange juice.My frends all enjoyed their lunch very much.It was so nice eating in the open air.In the evening ,I was very tired , but felt really happy.我们今天去参加夏令营了,天气晴朗。大山很美。我们在那了唱歌、跳舞,很有意思。我们玩得很高兴。我觉得我就像一只小鸟。我们带来很多饮料和食物。因此,我们吃了一顿丰盛的午餐。我吃了两个汉堡,喝了一些橘子汁。我的朋友们很喜欢他们的午餐。在户外吃饭太好了。在晚上,我很累,但是感到很开心。

2、关于健康(用一般现在时描述)Everyone wants to keep healthy today.But some students in china have trouble keeping fit these days.Some students don’t have enough time to sleep.Some don’t have healthy habits.Lots of them are too busy to play sports.They always have too much homework to do.What should we do to keep in good health ? Firstly ,I think we need at least eight hour’s sleep every day.Sedondly , we should learn to relax through exercise.We can do sports every day ,such as running and playing ball games.Thirdly , we should eat more vegetables ,fruit and less junk food.如今,大家都想保持健康。但是,现在一些中国学生在保持健康方面遇到困难了。一些学生没有足够的时间睡眠。一些没有健康的饮食习惯。他们中有许多人太忙而不去进行体育锻炼。他们总是有太多的家庭作业要做。我们应该怎样保持健康呢?首先,我认为我们每天至少需要休息至少8小时。第二,我们应该学习通过锻炼放松。我们可以每天做锻炼。例如,跑步、玩球类运动等。第三,我们应该吃更多的蔬菜和水果,少吃垃圾食品。


Lucy and Lily are twins.In some ways ,they look the same ,but they are different in other ways.Lucy is as tall as Lily ,but she has longer hair than Lily.Lily is more outing than Lucy.They both like sports very much ,but Lily is much more athletic(强壮的)than Lucy than Lucy.They play basketball and volleyball and enjoy watching sports on TV.Both sisters like study ,and get good grades.But Lucy is more serious about her schoolwork ,so her schoolwork is better than Lily’s.露西和莉莉是双胞胎。在一些方面,她们看起来很像。但是,她们在一些方面不同。露西和莉莉一样高。但是她的头发比莉莉长。莉莉比露西更外向。她们俩都喜欢运动,但是莉莉比露西更强壮。她们喜欢打篮球和排球,她们也喜欢在电视上看运动节目。姐妹俩都喜欢学习,并且取得好的成绩。但是露西在学业方面更认真,所以,她的功课比莉莉好。

4、梦想的工作 My drem job

When I grow up , I’m going to be a journalist.Next year I’m going to write articles for magazines and newspaper.I’m gong to a university in Beijing after senior school.Maybe I’m going to find a part-time job and save some money.Then , I’m gong to work for a TV station as a journalist and travel all over the world.我长大以后,我想成为一名新闻记者。明年,我打算给杂志社和报社投稿。高中毕业后,我准备去北京。或许我会找一份兼职的工作,赞一些钱。然后,我去电视台当一名记者,去环球旅行。


There will be more robots in our homes in the future.We will have different shapes of robots.Some will look the same as humans.Some like snakes.After an earthquake ,a snake robot could help look for people under buildings.Robots will be also used in space.Robots will become our friends in 100 years.They will dance and sing.They will talk with us every day if we are free.在将来,我们的家里会有更多的机器人。我们将会拥有不同外形的机器人。一些看起来像人类,一些看起来像蛇。地震之后,蛇形机器人帮助人们寻找废墟下的人。机器人也将会在太空中使用。100年后,机器人将会成为我们的朋友。他们将会跳舞、唱歌。如果我们有空,他们将每天和我们交谈。


How to make apple milk shake ? Do you like drinking apple milk shake ? Do you know how to make ? Now let me tell you something about it.First , peel the apples and cut them up , Next ,put the apples and ice cream into the blender.After that , pour the milk into the blender and mix them up.Then , turn on the blender for about two minutes.Finally , pour the apple milk shake in a glass and drink it.Now you can have a try.如何做苹果奶昔?


7、拒绝邀请的回信(一般将来时)Hi Andy ,Thank you for your invitaion.I’m sorry I can’t visit you next Saturday.I’ll be busy that day.In the morning , I have to do my homework.I have too much homework.In the afternoon , I have soccer training with the school team.In the evening , I am going to the movies with my friends.There is a new movie.I think it’s intering and exciting.I can’t miss it.Can you cmoe to the movies with us next Saturday evening ?

Write soon.Vince 你好:安迪。





The winter holiday is coming.We will have lots of time enjoy ourselves.But I think we should plan the time carefully.We had better make a list of all the things we wish to do and try to keep a balance between work and play.In the holiday we can do many activities.For example , we can play with friends.We can do different sports.It is also meaningful for us to work as volunteers.Besides , we can do some reading.It can help us get perpared for the new term.I hope all of us will have a wonderful holidays.寒假就要来临了。我们将会有很多时间来玩。但是我认为我们应该认真计划这个时间。我们最好列一个我们希望做的所以事情的清单。并且尽量保持工作和玩的平衡。在寒假,我们可以做很多活动。例如,我们可以和朋友玩。我们可以做不同的运动。对我们来说,当志愿者也是有意义的。之外,我们可以读读书。那可以帮助我们为新学期做准备。我希望我们所有的人都能过一个精彩的假期。

9、生日聚会(发出邀请,一般将来时)(英文书信)Dear friends ,I would like to invite you to comt to my birthday party.My birthday party will be on next Friday evening.I will invite a lot of friends to take part in the party.There will be many interesting games.I think everyone will have a good time.If you can come to my party , I will be very happy.I look forward to your coming to my party.Yours, He Wei




10、如果以后你有钱,你将干什么(一般将来时)If I’m rich

7.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇七




人教版新目标英语八年级上册由十二个单元和两个复习单元组成。每个单元的内部结构完全不同:分为section A、section B、self-check三部分,并且各有侧重点。

Section A主要是讲重点词汇;呈现新的表达方式;几个循序渐进的操练活动;语法聚焦框,总结本单元使用的语法;互动活动,学生在互相合作中使用目标语言来完成本部分的学习。

Section B在循环section A所呈现的语言的同时引出新的词汇;以活动帮助学生整合新的目标语言和前面学过的语言。



3、以活动为载体,融知识点、技能、教学法为一体。每个小任务都可以成为一个活动,或个人或小组或团体。以明显的小标题形式显示了教学方法,暗示了学生应该获得的使用英语语言的具体技能。从而明确了师生在具体教学中的每个小目标。同时根据具体的活动任务和学习目标,听、说、读、写各个技能或一个或两个进行不同的组合。体现了 “听说领先、读写跟随”的功能意念教学法的外语教学主流理论。另外“活动”无处不在,有意无意地引导学生走向语言学习的人际交往之路、合作之路,进一步培育学生“有声”运用语言的胆识和能力。以此逐渐避免“哑巴”语言教学的不利因素。








(4)一般过去时(5)形容词,付词的比较级,最高级(6)情态动词的用法 2. 必掌握的语言目标

(1)学会以how often引导的特殊疑问句,表达频度的付词。(2)学会提出建议,掌握表述身体种种不适的表达,学习合理安排自己的饮食结构

(3)学会用现在进行时表示将来计划或行动,掌握where, when ,how long引导的特殊疑问句。允许做某事及写留言以请求他人的














3、外语教育教学的“情景教学”、“功能教学”、“听说领先、读写跟上教学” 等理论。





8.人教新目标英语八年级上册各单元作文(2013新版) 篇八

Ⅰ.Teaching article:(教学课题)

Unit 2 What should I do?

II.Teaching aims and demands(教学目的和要求):

1.Knowledge Objects

Talk about problems and give advice

2. Process and method

By listening、speaking、reading、and writing.

3. Emotion and attitude

Learn to list problems and give advice and help others..

III. Teaching importance (教学重点)

Talk about problems and give advice

IV.Teaching diffculty(教学难点):

How to give advice

V. Teaching ways(教学方法):

Revision, learning, practice and reading.

V.Teaching tools(教学工具):

Tape-recorder and Lattern.

VI.Teaching time(教学时间): 八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 1 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points could / should, how to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Leading in

1.Greetings .

2.Free talk.

Step 2 Pre-task

Teach the new words and phrases.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page10,1a & 1b.

Point to the advice and ask someone to read the each one to the class .

Discuss and finish the box in group.

3、Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .

SB Page 10 , 1c .

1、Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .

2、Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?


Serious ot Serious

What’s wrong…?== What’s the matter……?

Maybe I should------.

A: What’s wrong/the matter?

B: My clothes are out of style.

A: Maybe you should buy some new clothes.

B: But I don’t have enough money.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 2 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points How to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 warm up.

Greet the class as usual and check the homework.

Step 2 Post-task

SB Page 11 , 2a & 2b .

1、First point to the chart in activity 2a and get Ss to know what to do ,then play the recording and ask Ss to check “yes” or “no” .

2、Correct the answers .

Do with activity 2b in the same way .

Step 3 Pairwork

SB Page 11 , 2c .

Ss work in pairs , then ask some pairs to act out their conversations .

Step 4 Summary

1.Today we’ve reviewed the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

2.Grammar focus.

1)Learn the grammar focus by heart.Get ss to go over grammar focus。


Step 5 Extension

Show some pictures and get ss to say “What should we do?”

Ss say according to the pictures:What should we do?

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

keep out want sb to do sth

enough money, old enough… , enough to…

argue with, agree with , help with…

out of style, in style

What’s wrong?/up?/the matter?

call sb. up 8.a ticket to the ball game, a key to the door on the phone

Homework Recite the Grammar focus

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 3 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability Learn read and write the target language.

Learn to give advice.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to list problems and give advice and help others.


Points Talk about problems.

Give advice

Difficult Points How to give advice

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

1.Ask ss question:What problems do you have ?

What should I do ?

2.Ss try to answer the questions and give some good advice.

Step 2 Presentation

1.Ask ss question like:What do you think the advive?

Is it a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea?

2.ss try to answer the question.

Step 3 While-task

SB Page12,3a & 3b.

1.Show Eve’s problem and try to give her some good advice

2.show Eve’s friens’ some advice and say it is a good idea/a bad idea/an okay idea.

ss try to give Eve advice.

.Learn about Eve’s friends’ adive

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 3b. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Discuss in group

1.Show Jim’s problem(4 p12)

2.Ss work in group and give Jim some good advice.

Step 6 practice.

Show some problems and let ss give advice.ss give advice

Step 7 Summary

Recite 3a(P12)

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

1.need to do sth. I need to get some money.

2.pay for. You must pay for it.

3.borrow …from… I borrow a book from him.

4.ask for. I ask my parents for some money.

5.either/also/too I can swim, too I can also swim. I can’t swim, either.

Homework Recite 3a(P12)

Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 4 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?


Aims Language and Ability 1.Language points

2. Read and write the target language.

3.Learn to help others to solve problems.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to list problems and give advice and help others.


Points Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Original, what to do, except/besides, leave out, get on

Methods Task-based teaching method;

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

greeting the class

2.show some problems and give some advice.

Try to anwser the questions .

Step 2 Presentation

1.show pictures to learn language items

2.Ss answer the question

Step 3 Practice

1.Show example to ss,Work in pairs

2.Get ss to work in groups and discuss

SB Page13,1a

Point to the advice and ask someone to read the each one to the class .

Discuss and finish the box in group.

3、Play the recording and let Ss fill in the chart .Check the answers .

SB Page 13 , 1b .

1、Point out the sample conversation in activity 1c .

2、Ask two Ss to read it to the class .Have Ss work in pairs .

Step4 Pair work:

1.Point out the conversation in the box in activity 1c. ask two students to read it to the class.

2.Ask the students work with a partner. Make your own conversations about the people in the picture.

3.Then ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

.Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

My friend has the same haircut as I do.

Everyone else/ What else.

I don’t know that to do.

Everyone is here except John.

Besides us, all the other Ss went to the movie.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 5 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

SectionB (2a----2c)

Aims Language and Ability Talk about problems.

Give advice

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Training the student’s hobbies of studying


Points Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Original, what to do, except/besides, leave out, get on

Methods Task-based teaching method;

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

greeting the class

2.Free talk.

Step 2 Pre-task

SB Page 13 ,1a .

1、Say , Look at the items on the list .

2、ask Ss to complete the writing on their own .

3、Correct the answers .

Step 3 While-task

SB Page 13, 2a.

1、Read the instructions and point out the sample conversation.

2、Ask Ss to work with a partner and make their own conversations about the items in activity 1a .

3、Call several pairs to say one or more of their conversations to the class .

SB Page 13, 2b .

1、Read the instructions and have Ss know what to do .Play the recording and ask Ss to write their answer on their own .

2、Ask two Ss to write their answers on the Bb .

Correct the answers.

Step 4 pairwork.

SB Page 13, 2c .

1、Point out the sample conversation and ask two Ss to read it to the class .

2、Then point to the phrases in the box .Ask Ss to ask and answer with a partner .

3、Ask several pairs to say their questions and answers to the class .Correct any incorrect questions or answers .

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?

My friend has the same haircut as I do.

Everyone else/ What else.

I don’t know that to do.

Everyone is here except John.

Besides us, all the other Ss went to the movie.

Homework Make a conversation using “What’s wrong…?

.八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 6 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

Aims Language and Ability Revise the words and the target language.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to give advice.


Points 1. Language points 2. Read and write the target language.

Difficult Points Read and write the target language.

Methods 1.Reading method.

2.Speaking method.

3.Self check method.

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1 Warm up

1.greeting the class

2.Show pictures to talk about the problems and give advice 3.Ask ss questions just like:What’s the matter? What should he/she do?

3.Look at the pictures.

4.Try to answer teacher’s questions

Step 2 Presentation

1、Show a picture of Ann and Mary

2、Get ss to compare Ann to Mary

3、show Mary’s problem

Step 3 Task 1 reading(3a P14)

1.Read the passage quickly and try to answer the question “Why is the boy upset and lonely?”

2.give your advice according to the boy’s problem

.Step 4 Task 2 practice

1、Get ss to write a letter to the boy。

2、Ss write a letter and give good advice.

Step 5 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

1.recite the letter (P14)

2.finish off 3c(P14)

Blackboard design Unit 2 What should I do?


be angry with

get on well with,

have a fight with,

the same age as, give some advice


finish off 3c(P14)


Reflection after class

八 年 级 英 语 教 学 设 计


Period Period 7 Main teacher Wang Haiyan

Assistant Song Haixia Class teacher

Content Unit 2 What should I do?

Aims Language and Ability 1. Language points 2. Reading and writing.

Process and method To understand the target language by listening、reading.

Emotion and attitude Learn to relax and plan things for themselves..


Points 1. Language points 2. Reading and writing.

Difficult Points Reading and writing.

Methods Task-based teaching method,

Aids 1.A projector.

2.Large chart paper, colored markers. Revision and perfection



Step 1warm up

1.Greetings .

2.Free talk.

Step 2 presentation

1、Ask question:What do you usually do after class?

2、Discuss the question.

Step 3 Learn the strate

Show the two strategies

Get ss to understand the strategies

Step4Reading(while 1)

1.Show the question:Why are the children under

too much pressure?

2.Get ss to read the passage as quickly as possible and find out the answer to the question.

Step5 reading (while 2)

1.Read again and answer more questions.

2.Get ss to read it carefully and answer the questions

3.Get ss to discuss and give the answers to the questions:

1)When do you feel under pressure

2) What should you do to relax?

Step6Language items

1. points in the passage.

2.Listen to the tape and read it

3.Listen to points in the passage.

4.Listen to the tape and read itGet ss to write a letter to Cathy

Step 6 Summary

Today we’ve learned the key vocabulary and the target of the unit by reading and writing.

Blackboard design

Unit 2 What should I do?

What do you usually do after class?

why are students now under too much pressure?

When do you feel under pressure?

What should you do to relax?


Finish off 3c .
