


1.联合国教科文组织总干事2011语言日致辞 篇一

联合国教科文组织总干事2011妇女节致辞时间:2011-03-08 09:29来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:1403次

Message on the occasion of the International Women’s Day

of the UNESCO Director-General, Irina BokovaMarch 201


联合国教科文组织总干事 伊琳娜·博科娃


International Women’s Day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of European countries.Since then, the celebrationhas become global, and much has been achieved.The2011 International Women’s Dayis an opportunity to celebrate achievements and mobilize against the challenges that remain.一百年前在欧洲的一小部分国家首次庆祝了“国际妇女节”,此后,它便成为全球性的庆祝活动,而且取得了很大的成果。2011年的国际妇女节 使我们有机会颂扬成就并动员力量应对依然存在的挑战。

There is no room for complacency.Less than 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys with equal access to education.Had we reached gender parity in primary education in 2008, there would have been an additional 3.6 million girls in school.Disparities have increased at the secondary level in Africa over the last decade.Only 29 percent of researchers in the world today are women.Two-thirds of the world’s 796 million illiterate adults are women.我们并没有什么可自满的。只有不到百分之四十国家的女孩和男孩有着平等接受教育的权利。如果世界各国在 2008年能够实现初等教育性别平衡的话,就能再有360万女孩进入小学。在过去的十年里,非洲中等教育中的性别失衡问题变得更为严重。当今世界科研人员中妇女的比例仅为29%。全世界7.96亿成人文盲中三分之二是妇女。

The impact is serious.Inequality costs lives in terms of child mortality.It blights lives in terms of poverty and marginalization.And it slights lives in terms of opportunities for growth and development.这种影响的后果是严重的。性别不平等导致儿童死亡率的上升,意味着生命的丧失。从贫困和边缘化的角度来看,它使生活变得更加恶劣。因为影响到成长和发展的机会,它也使生命变得更加脆弱。

Gender equality is a red thread weaving through all UNESCO activities to promote international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture, communication and information.We seek to promote basic human rightsin order to transform our societies and lay the foundations for equitable and sustainable human development.性别平等是贯穿教科文组织所有促进教育、科学、文化、传播与信息领域国际合作活动的一条主线。我们努力促进基本人权和社会变革,为公平和可持续的人类发展奠定基础。

This year’s International Women’s Day is inspired by the theme of ‘Equal access to education, training and science and technology: Pathway to decent work for women.’ This goes to the heart of UNESCO’s mission.We work to strengthen the bridges between education, training, science and technology and the labour market in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment.This starts early, with quality education for all girls and young women from the primary to the tertiary level.It continues with vocational training and education for women who have not acquired basic skills.It proceeds with creating positive role models and career tracks – especially in such areas as science and technology.今年国际妇女节弘扬的主题是“平等接受教育、培训和利用科技的权利:妇女通往体面工作之路”。这正是教科文组织的核心使命。我们努力加强教育、培训、科技与劳动市场之间的衔接,从而促进平等的体面就业机会。为此需要从更早期入手,为所有女孩和女青年提供从小学到大学阶段有质量的教育。要继续为没有掌握基本技能的妇女提供职业培训与教育,并进而树立积极的表率模式和职业途径--尤其是在科技等领域。

These goals guide UNESCO’s work in leading the Education for All initiative.They inspire our partnership with L’Oreal to promote women in scientific research.They explain our work in Pakistan to support income generation for women after the floods of 2010 and to increase literacy among women in Afghanistan.这些目标引导着教科文组织牵头开展全民教育活动,也激励我们与欧莱雅开展合作,促进妇女开展科学研究。正是为了这些目标,我们在2010年洪灾后与巴基斯坦一起支持为妇女开展创收活动,以及努力让更多的阿富汗妇女扫盲。

UNESCO is geared up to do much more – to work with official and private sector partners to provide system-wide policy support forgovernments, to enhance nonformal education and to open learning opportunities for adult women.UNESCO has real leadership in these areas, and we will make the most of this.教科文组织已经准备就绪,将为此做更多的工作--与官方和私营部门合作伙伴一起,向各国政府提供全系统的政策支持,进一步为成年妇女提供非正规教育和开放式学习的机会。教科文组织在这些领域可以发挥切实的领导作用,我们将充分利用这一机会。

Without basic skills, decent work has become a distant dream for too many women.The worlds of science and technology – so important for our lives today – remain beyond the reach of most.Human rights are being violated.Tremendous talents are being lost.This International Women’s’ Day is a chance for us all to address these challenges.In times of economic difficulty, there is no better investment.对许多没有基本技能的妇女来说,要想得到体面的工作那是一个遥远的梦想。对我们今天的生活如此重要的科技世界,大部分人却依然可望而不可及。人权还在受到侵犯。大量的人才在流失。今年的国际妇女节使我们所有人有机会来应对这些挑战。在经济困难时期,这就是最好的投资


2.联合国教科文组织总干事2011语言日致辞 篇二

the World Science Day for Peace and Development


Quality Science Education: securing a sustainable future for all “良好的科学教育:让人人拥有可持续的未来” November 2014 2014年11月10日

More than ever, in this new age of limited resources, we need to nurture the boundless energy and creativity of young women and men to tackle complex new challenges.Quality science education is vital for this, to lay the foundations for a more sustainable future for all.在这个资源有限的新时代,比以往任何时候都更加需要培养青年男女无尽的能力和创造力,以应对新的复杂挑战。良好的科学教育是其关键所在,可为人人拥有更加可持续的未来奠定基础。

We need concerted action today to halt the decline of enrolment of young people in science, starting at an early age.It is not enough to put science in the school curriculum – we must build a supportive environment, by crafting educational policies that give equal access to girls and boys and by investing in laboratories and resources where they can take the lead.We must recognize the importance of traditional and indigenous knowledge, while also harnessing new information and communication technologies for innovation and creativity.All of this is essential to foster more equitable and inclusive growth and to improve employability and entrepreneurial opportunities, while strengthening social resilience and health.今天,我们需要齐心协力,从幼童抓起,遏止学习科学的青年人减少的趋势。仅把科学列入学校课程是不够的,我们必须制定向男女儿童提供平等学习机会的教育政策、在他们可以发挥主导作用的实验室和资源方面加大投入,从而创造一个有利环境。我们必须承认传统和土著知识的重要性,同时也利用新的信息通信技术促进创新和创造性。这一切对于促进更加公平和包容的增长,对于增加就业和创业机会,以及对于增强社会复原力和健康,都是至为重要的。

To these ends, UNESCO is working to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics(STEM)into national development and education policies, in such countries as Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria and Seychelles.In September, we launched the Global STEM Alliance with the New York Academy of Sciences, to connect the dots between government, the United Nations, the private sector and academia, on an issue at heart of all efforts to build a sustainable future.Girls and women are a special focus of UNESCO’s action – through the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme, to inspire and support girls and women into scientific careers, as well as through the UNESCO Global Partnership for Girls’ and Women’s Education.为此目的,教科文组织正在努力把科学、技术、工程学和数学(STEM)纳入坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、尼日利亚和塞舌尔等国家的发展和教育政策之中。9月,我们与纽约科学院一道启动了全球科学、技术、工程学和数学联盟,目的在于围绕建设可持续未来各项工作的一个核心问题,在国家政府、联合国、私营部门和学术界之间建立联系。通过旨在激励、支持女童和妇女从事科学工作的欧莱雅-教科文组织妇女科学奖以及教科文组织女童和妇女教育全球伙伴关系,女童和妇女已成为教科文组织行动的一个特别重点。

We need new alliances to take our vision forward – across the United Nations system, with Member States, within and between societies.This is why, on this World Science Day for Peace and Development, UNESCO is launching with Roche and Nature Education the UNESCO World Library of Science – a free online resource for science learning, which contains hundreds of peer-reviewed articles, using text, pictures, illustrations and videos to make scientific concepts easy to understand.为实现我们的愿景,需要在整个联合国系统、与会员国以及在各个社会内部和之间建立新的联盟。正因为如此,在此争取和平与发展世界科学日,教科文组织与罗氏实验室和自然教育出版社一道启动教科文组织世界科学图书馆。这是一个学习科学的免费在线资源,载有数以百计的同行评议论文。它利用文本、图片、插图和视频,使科学概念简明易懂。

3.联合国教科文组织总干事2011语言日致辞 篇三

UN Secretary-General’s Video Message for Nelson Mandela International Day 2011July, 2011



On Nelson Mandela International Day, we honour a living symbol of courage and integrity.Nelson Mandela has been a lawyer and a freedom fighter.A political prisoner, peacemaker and president.A healer of nations, and a

mentor to generations of leaders and people from all walks of life throughout the world.在此纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日,我们庆祝他活生生的智慧、勇气。纳尔逊·曼德拉曾经是律师和自由战士、一个政治犯、和平缔造者和总统、一个民族创伤的愈合者。他是在世界各地各行各业几代人的良师益友。I had the honour of meeting him.I thanked him for all he has done.But, he insisted that the credit belonged to

others.His humility continues to inspire.我有幸与他见过面。我们感谢纳尔逊·曼德拉所作的一切。但他坚持认为荣誉属于他人。他的谦逊继续


Today, I join the Nelson Mandela Foundation in urging each and every one of us to perform 67 minutes of public service on Mandela Day – one minute for each year of Mandela’s own remarkable service to humanity.Tutor a child.Feed the hungry.Care for your environment.Volunteer at a hospital or community centre.Be part of the Mandela movement to make the world a better place.Together, we can help people achieve the dignity that is

their birthright.今天,我与纳尔逊·曼德拉基金会一道,鼓励世界各地的人们在曼德拉日这一天从事67分钟的公共服务——每一分钟代表曼德拉为人类服务的每一年。去教导一个孩子、帮助饥饿者;关爱您的环境;花时间在本地医院或社区中心做志愿工作;成为参加曼德拉运动的一份子,让世界变得更加美好,让我们一起帮


That is the best way to wish Nelson Mandela a very happy 93rd birthday.And it is the best way we can thank
