


1.初中一年级英语 篇一


I am Tom.I am from England.I teach English in No.4 Middle School.Now let me tell you about my life.I get up at 7:20 and have my breakfast with my friends.In the morning, I have two classes for Grade 7.There are forty-three students in my classes for Grade 7.They work very hard.The time after classes is the best.We usually play games together.And sometimes, they teach me Chinese and I tell them more information about England.At 12:00 I have a great lunch with my students at school.In the afternoon, I have three classes for Grade 8.When I get home, I am a little tired.But I feel happy in China.

2.初中一年级英语 篇二



1.背景资料。任务型语言教学法是皮特曼、帕默所和其他一些教学专家在19世纪50年代在英国倡导的理论。在行为主义的指导下, 这种教学方法重视语言的结构, 语言的选择、安排的语境和场景。语言的交际功能, 强调有利于创建一个以学生为中心、轻松、活跃和民主的课堂氛围。

2.任务型教学法定义。任务型教学法以任务组织教学, 在任务的履行过程中, 以参与、体验、互动、交流、合作的学习方式, 充分发挥学习者自身的认知能力, 调动他们已有的目的语资源, 在实践中感知、认识、应用目的语, 在“干”中学, “用”中学, 体现了较为先进的教学理念, 是一种值得推广的有效的外语教学方法。

3.意义。人类最基本的交际行为包括听和说, 这是确保沟通顺利的基本条件。语言学研究表明, 听力和口语的发展是分不开的。如果学生想提高交际能力, 必须要重视听说能力。英语课程标准还规定, “在义务教育之后, 学生能够与他人就每天的话题交换信息”。因此, 听力和口语课程应该接受教育研究者和教育工作者的关注, 英语教师的首要任务和重要部分是指导学生正确地听和说, 所以引导学生开始听说训练和课外自学是非常关键的。任务型语言教学方法是一种有效的方法来激发学生的热情并且改变传统的“填鸭式”教学现象的一种有效方法。将任务型语言教学方法应用于英语听说课程不仅能让学生积极参与教学活动, 也可以让更多的学生对学习英语感兴趣。此外, 它可以积极有效地帮助教师给学生营造一个简单和轻松的学习氛围。最重要的是, 它重视学生的主导地位, 只有这样才能让学生分析和解决实际问题的能力得到提高。


1.相关原理。任务型语言教学法的语言理论基础是结构主义语言学理论。此外, 任务型语言教学理论主要是基于三点。第一个是学生的心理和年龄特点, 让他们有对知识强烈的渴望。所以在这一点, 任务型语言教学方法能使学生充分发挥想象力和创造力。第二点是语言学习的规则, 可以帮助学生理解上下文, 掌握英语的应用。第三点是学生的学习方法。毕竟任务型语言教学方法可以调动学生的有意识的心理活动, 充分挖掘学生的无意识的心理活动。因此, 学生可以在轻松愉快的氛围里学习英语, 这可以让他们和谐地发展。此外, 它可以依靠理论教育、心理学和教育心理学, 包括情感和认知交互, 智力和非智力因素, 所有这些可以使教学过程很好地发展。

2.学情分析。本堂课的教学对象都是七年级学生, 约1岁。他们离开小学到一个新的环境, 他们精力充沛, 对生活中新的东西有强烈的渴望。他们渴望知道更多的事情, 但他们是害怕犯错, 怕被别人嘲笑。他们渴望得到教师的鼓励。如果教师能运用有趣和适当的方式, 特别是在听力和口语课上, 学生对英语将比以前更自信更感兴趣。


1) 语言目标





2) 情感目标











电脑, 黑板, 粉笔, 幻灯片, 一张纸


7.总结与反思。本课是一堂听说课, 教学目标明确。老师主要采用任务型语言教学方法和”PPP”模式, 重视培养学生的创造力和模仿意识。老师也创造了很多有趣的场景来激发学生的学习动机, 使课堂气氛轻松。但教师应该为学生提供更多的互动机会。总之, 它是任务型语言教学方法在听说课上的成功运用。


[1]陈慧媛.任务教学法从理论到实践的探讨[J].中国外语教育, 2008 (2) :11-18.

3.走进广告世界(初中一年级) 篇三














1. 查阅。到图书馆或上网查询,了解广告的概念、类型及功能。

2. 收集。收集有关广告的法规和成功广告、违法广告的典型案例。

3. 调查。拟定一份调查表,了解公务员、商业营销人员、生产厂家、家庭主妇、广告设计人员、教师、医生等社会各界人士对广告的看法、态度、评论等。

4. 了解。到街头巷尾广泛收集广告画、广告语,了解广告宣传方式。走访广告制作者,熟悉广告设计的基本方法。

5. 评论。收集中央电视台和地方电视台中你所喜爱和不喜爱的广告各5则。有条件时,可将广告词及其伴音录制下来。


1. 交流。在小组或班级交流对广告的认识和看法,或者举办一场关于广告利弊的辩论赛。

2. 展示。展示收集的广告画、广告语。开阔思路,促进思考。

3. 评析。将展示的各类广告,依内容等不同的要素分为优、良、差、劣四级。将个人的评析结果填入表1;汇总全班的评析结果,评选优秀广告画、广告语和广告创意。

4. 研讨。举办“我喜欢的广告”研讨会,就大家喜欢的广告,从创意构思、画面设计、广告语言、音乐效果等方面进行研讨,指出其成功与不足。还可以与“我不喜欢的广告”作对比,谈谈对这些广告的改进思路,也可以对不喜欢的广告进行重新设计。
































4.初中一年级英语教案 篇四




1.打招呼用语(Greetings):1)Good morning! 2)Hello! 3)Nice to meet you! 4) How are you?Fine,thank you.And you?

2.句型:1)What’s your name? 2)My name is…





3.本单元难点应该是以下几个字母及单词的发音,提醒学生不要将C[si:]读成[sei],L[el]读成[ailu],N[en]读成B: It is B. (Its B) 这是B。


Whats your name? My name is Wei Hua.

此句用于询问对方的姓名。Whats 是What is 的缩写形式。回答时用“My name is …”


—Whats your name? —Ann Read.

此例中完整的答句应为“My name is Ann Read.”

中国人的姓名按汉语拼音写,姓与名分开,姓在前,名字在后,首字母都分别大写。若名字是两个字,则将两个字的汉语拼写在一起。如:Li Lei李雷,Han Meimei韩梅梅。而英语国家的人士的姓名则恰好相反,名字在前,姓在后。如:Jim Green. 其中Jim是名,Green是姓。


Hello! 喂!

用于相互打招呼、问候等,是英语口语中的常用语。它主要用于熟人或非正式场合。也可以使用Hi! 向对方问候。另外,还可以用于打电话,相当于汉语中的“喂”。回答时也用“Hello!”


(1)hello 与hi可以互用。都表示“喂,你好。”但hi比hello用得更多,显得更随和亲近。尤其美国年轻人所使用。打电话时不用hi用而hello。熟人、朋友见面时,彼此仅仅说声Hi!就可以了。用hello时,不能“Hello, hello, hello!”这样反复使用。

(2)要注意的是Hello/ Hi一般不用于同师长、上级、年长者以及有地位的人打招呼,这样显得不够尊重。

关于How are you的讲解

How are you? 你(身体)好吗?

5.初中一年级英语 篇五

初中一年级英语作文:怎样学好英语②How to Learn English Well

English is an important subject for me.I like learning English.English is not difficult.But you shouldn’t be lazy.How do I learn English?

First, I listen to the teacher carefully and take notes in class.Second, I like speaking English with my classmates after class.It can help me improve my speaking skills.Third, I often read English newspapers and magazines.I also keep an English diary every day.

6.初中一年级英语测试题 篇六


1.You can’t walk a______ the street now.

2.Do you have any t_____ to the concert?

3.A lot of people die in road a____.

4,S____ is my favorite activity.

5.Mrs. White wants to buy a f_____ to put food in it.

6.I have some m_____ cars.

7.My mother usually goes home by s _______.

8.Tom is having a b___ class.

9.There are sixty m______ in an hour.

10.The boy is r_______ to school.


1. Machael goes to school ___ his bike.

A. by B. in C. on D.at

2. _______ do you see a film?

A. How many B. How often C. Hoe long D. How soon

3. I _______ to the zoo.

A. go never B . goes never C. never go D. never goes

4. Listen! Kate _____ now. Oh., she always________

A. is singing ; is singing . B. sings; sings. C.sings; is singing .D, is singing ; sings

5. How long can I _____ the book? Only one week.

A. borrow B. buy. C keep D, lend

6. Mr. Wang teaches _______ English.

A. our B. we C.us D.ours

7. Thank you for________.

A. your help B. help C. helps D.helping

8. There _______ a lamp ,a mirror, a clock and some books on the desk.

A. have B. be C, are D, is.

9. These are your books. Please _______

A, put it away B. put away it C. put them away D. put away them

10. Mr. Smith knows _______ about Spring Festival.

A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few D. many.

11.________ some little sheep on the hill.

A. Has B. Have C. There is D. There are.

12, We are good students. _____ are working hard.

A. All we B. All us C. All of us D. All of we.

13. There is a window ______ the wall.

A. on B. of C. at D. in.

14. The post office is _______ the bookstore and the hospital.

A. from B. between C. at D. on

15. ________ of them are right.

A. Every B. Each C. One D. Both

16, What do you do ______ Sundays?

A. on B. of C. for D. at.

17. There ___ something wrong ______ my computer.

A. are; with B. is ; with C. is on D. are; about

18. There’re a lot of trees on _____ side of the road.

A. every . B. all C. each D. both.

19. ________ of workers work in this factory and about two______ of them go to work bybike

A. Thousand ; thousand B. Thousands ; thousand C. Thousand; thousands D. Thousands; thousands

20. He ______ home late in the evening .

A. goes to B. gets to C. comes to D. gets .


A; Excuse me , 1the nearest hospital, please?

B. Sorry, I don’t know . You’d better 2 the policeman over there. He may know.

A. Thank you all the 3.

A. Excuse me , which is the 4to the nearest hospital, please?

C,Go down this street, turn left and walk on 5 you reach the end. And you will see the hospital. It’s 6 the post office and the fruit shop.

AHow 7is it from here ?

C.It’s about thirty minutes’ walk.

A. My daughter is badly ill. She can’t walk any longer . 8can we getthere?

C.You can go there by bus .the bus stop is over there. On the other 9 of the road.

I see. Thank you very much.

C, You’re10.

四,用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)

1. She always ________( drive) to work.

2. It’s bad _________(read) books on bed.

3. Listen! Someone ______ ( sing) over there.

4. Why _____ you____ ( not fly) a kite?

5. Kangkang finish________( read) the novel.

6. I don’t know how____( get) to the bookstore.

7. The air in the country____ ( not be ) dirty.

8. If you ______ ( work ) hard, you will be good at English.

9. The baby can’t ______( walk)

10. Look. Wu Jun ______( draw) a picture.


1. What other things can you see? ( 同义句)

____ _______ can you see?

2. Li Ming usually walks to school.(同义句)

Li Ming usually go to school ____ ______.

3.There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.(同义句)

My kitchen fan ____ _____.

4, She does her homework every evening ( 用now 改写)

She _______ _______ her homework now.

5.We do some cleaning on Sundays.(否定句)

We ____ ______ any cleaning on Sundays.

6.He always writes letters after supper.(否定句)

He ____ _____ letters after supper.

7. This is an old watch. (复数句)

___ ___ _____ old ____.

8. Today is Saturday.(划线提问)

______ _____ is today?

9.There are some apples over there.( 划线提问)

___ _____ over there?

10. It’s 15 kilometers away from here. (划线提问)

___ _______ is it from here?


It’s Sunday.There are many 1in the bus. And an old man is 2 here and there. He wants to find an empty 3. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small 4is on the seat. And a young man is 5it.

“ Is this seat 6?” asks the old man.

“ No, it’s for 7. She goes to buy some bananas .” says the young man.

“Well.” Says the old man . “Let me sit here , please . When she cones back, I will leave here.”

The bus starts.

“ She doesn’t come, 8her bag is here . Let me give her the bag.” The old man throws the bag 9 of the window.

The young man jumps up and shouts , “Don’t throw! It’s 10 bag.”

1. A. people B. peoples C. a people D. an people

()2. A. looking for B. look for C. looking D.look

()3.A. seat B. chair C. bag D.room

()4. A.dog B. boy C. bag D. girl

() 5. A. or B. at C. beside D. for

()6. A. good B. empty C. clean D. dirty

()7. A. a boy B. a man C. a women D. a man

().8. A. and B. then C.so D. but

() 9. A. from B. out C. through D. away

()10. A. my B. her C. his D. its



This is my school . There are many trees and flowers in it. The classroom building is big and high. There is a big playgroud in our school. Many students come to the playground to play football and ping-pong ball after 4: 30 in the afternoon.

There is a hill behind the school. There are some sheep , a dog, many birds and so on..We likes to go there to play after school, too.

There are 1,200 students in 25 classes in our school .The students all like to study. The teachers in our school are very good.. They help the students to study and the students like then, too.


() 1. The school likes _________.

A. bigB. high C. small D. new

()2. It’s very nice for this school to have _______.

A. trees and flowers B. classroom building C. a playground D. students and teachers.

() . 3,There are at least ________ students in one class.

A. 45B. 55 C 65D. 75

() . 4. After class, the students often go to _______

A. their classroom B. their homes C. the hill to see animals D. the playground to play.

() 5 What may the teachers not do?

A. Give the students lessons B. Water the trees and flowers C. play football and ping-pong ball with the students.D. help the students to study.


When you are in English , you must be very careful because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left. In themorning and in the evening , when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then .

When you are in some English citues, ther arebig buses with two floors, you ca sit on the second floor.From there you can see the city well, It’s very interesting .


( )1. In England the traffic moves_______________

A. on the right B. on the left C. in the middle D. in the park

() 2 , When you cross a street , you must look to _________

A. the front B. the right C. the left D. B and C

() 3, It is ________ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening

A. dangerous B. interesting C. easy D. safe

() 4. You can see the city very well on the ________floor of the bus.

A. first B second C, third D. fourth.

() 5 , When is the traffic the most dangerous in England. .

A, in the morning B, in the evening C, in the afternoon D, A and B.


根据本册内容,以My home 为题, 写一篇不少于100个单词的短文


一.1,along 2ticket 3 accidents 4 sleeping 5fridge 6model 7subway 8biology 9minutes 10 riding


三.1where’s 2ask 3same 4way 5until 6between 7far 8How 9side 10welcome

四.1drives 2to read3is singing 4don’t fly 5reading 6toget 7isn’t 8work 9walk 10 is drawing

五,1What else 2 on foot 3doesn’t work 4is doing 5dong’t do 6never writes 7These are some watches 8 What day 9What is 10 How far


七.A1-5 AAADC . B1-5 BDABD

7.浅谈初中一年级的作文教学 篇七


初一学生一写作就喊没什么好写, 习作题材陈旧, 生搬硬套, 缺乏真情实感, 其根本原因在于学生缺乏属于自己的写作素材。“巧妇难为无米之炊”, 积累丰富的属于自己的写作素材, 是学生写好作文的关键。所谓的属于自己的素材, 不是指能写在文章里的人云亦云的一般的人、事、物, 而是指能包含学生自己一定的“意”的, 即有自己的独特感受的人、事、物。如学生眼中爸爸的白发、妈妈的唠叨, 爷爷奶奶的疼爱, 同学之间的矛盾等。只有学生能从中有独特感受, 这样的事物才是属于学生自己的素材。目前, 不论中考还是高考, 作文的考查内容都十分贴近学生的生活, 都突出考查学生对社会和身边生活的关注。因此, 在作文教学中, 不能只单纯地进行作文训练, 而要把指导学生积累属于自己的写作素材作为一项重要的教学内容, 以确保学生在写作时有充足的“源头活水”。只有这样, 学生在写作时才有话可说, 才可以有真情实感地“表达自己的意思”, 才能适应《新课标》下的作文考查要求。

首先, 引导学生在平常学习中就要重视积累。俗话说:“好记性, 不如烂笔头”, 不无道理。初一的第一堂语文课, 我就要求学生备好两本大本子, 一本用来摘抄, 一本用来练笔。在这儿讲的摘抄是针对阅读时写作素材的积累而言。要求学生每天必读书报, 并从中把自己所读感受深刻的好词好句好段等摘抄下来, 学会积累。当然老师必须给学生推荐一些好书目, 否则, 学生的阅读太杂乱, 积累的效果不佳, 因为初一学生的辨别能力有限。

其次, 要引导学生用一双发现美的眼睛去观察世界, 留意生活。生活是写作的源泉, 生活中许许多多熟视无睹的细节, 都是很好的写作素材。如家庭小事, 校园点滴, 街头见闻, 电视节目, 广告标语等。引导学生平时学会观察, 做一个生活的有心人, 这对写作极为有利。

随着多媒体、网络等现代先进的信息技术广泛应用于教学, 学生积累写作素材的天地更广阔了。但要长期坚持还是有一定的难度。因此老师必须勤快, 当好监督员和伯乐, 每周检查一次, 选出好的定期在班上展览。这样, 日积月累, 学生的写作也就不愁无米下锅了。


应该承认学生的作文练习有别于文人的创作, 不应该一开始就要求学生写成篇的文章, 学生的练笔也不应该一开始就进行创作, 应允许学生模仿。学美术的要临摹别人的画, 要画石膏模型, 画头像 (属局部) , 再画模特儿, 最后才能进行创作, 学书法也是从练习基本笔画开始, 再临摹碑帖。为什么同样是学习一种技能的写作就不能从分解性的单项片断练习开始练呢?又为什么刚刚练笔就要求必须是创作, 且要“立意新, 构思巧”, 甚至还要有点“逆向思维”“发散性思维”而不允许模仿呢?要求学生的习作一蹴而就, 显然是不科学的。

宋代教育家朱熹认为:模仿是古人的有效学习的方法, 古人的作文写诗, 大多也是模仿前人的。因此, 我们要说, 模仿不是什么见不得人的事, 它是一只能抓住老鼠———提高作文能力的黑猫。模仿有时是文章结构的模仿, 有时可是某种写作手法的模仿, 有时是选材立意的模仿, 有时是句式的模仿。但一定要让学生意识到模仿绝不是抄袭, 两者是有本质的区别的。初一学生正处在形象思维能力强, 抽象思维还刚刚萌动的时期, 他们的模仿能力非常强, 许多歌星的歌一唱就会。我们正好抓住学生这一特点, 来引导他们写作, 课文就是很好的范文。

初一学生作文大多还停留在简单叙述一件事上, 文章缺少事件过程的描写, 景物的描写, 细节的描写等。因此读来枯燥乏味, 了无生气。针对这一现状, 我常在课堂教学中引入片断作文, 现学现用, 进行模仿写作。所谓作文片断, 指用一段一节的小篇幅, 表现生活中的一个断面, 说明事物的一个方面, 谈论对某事某现象的一点看法, 做这种片断的写作练习, 就叫作文片断训练。其训练类型共有三种:描叙性训练, 说明性训练, 评议性训练。初一着重于描写性训练。教朱自清的《春》, 梁衡的《夏感》, 宗璞《紫藤萝瀑布》等写景的美文, 就指导学生运用课文所学的写作方法进行写景。要求学生调动自己的一切感官, 抓住景物的特征, 写出层次, 写出自己的独特感受。

“作文结构是作文的核心特征, 是思维表现的过程, 是作文中不可变革或者说变革最小的部分……就像一个万花筒, 万花筒中只有几块彩色玻璃, 但是这几块玻璃只要一转就会变化出千姿百态的图案, 作文结构研究的就是那几块玻璃, 看看文章中有没有那几块玻璃, 要把最基本的样式找出来……”, 可见作文的结构是有样式可寻、可仿的。

8.初中一年级数学学习方法浅析 篇八

摘 要:与小学数学相比,初中数学的知识在深度和广度上都有较大的拓展。对于初一的学生来说,他们小学毕业并不久,脑海当中还是小学学习的那些比较简单的知识,跨入一个新的阶段,接受难度更大的知识可能会感到不适应,对于数学的学习会感到无从下手,没有科学的方法,数学的学习将难以为继。




此外,对于所下的定义要用发展的眼光看待,不能盖棺定论。所以,在学生学习数学概念的时候,要有这样的观念,即它是对于某一变量或常量的一般性而非特殊性的描述。在小學阶段所接触的概念在类型上还比较单一,内容上也比较简单,一般是一句话的概念。比如说:“直线上两个点和它们之间的部分叫做线段”“两组对边分别平行的四边形叫做平行四边形”等,比较容易记忆。小学阶段老师会要求学生一字不差地背诵或抄写这些定义,甚至考试中也会出现概念默写的题型,学生不得不花费大量时间去背诵。但是随着学习的深入,这些概念会越来越晦涩难懂。比如说初中学习的一次函数概念:“一次函数y=kx+b(k≠0),定义域、值域都为全体实数,对应法则是自变量x的一次多项式。” 这样的概念非常抽象,也许花一些时间可以死记硬背下来,但日后学习到二次函数、正反比例函数、三角函数等更多、更复杂的概念时,单靠背是背不完的。










9.初中一年级英语测试题 篇九


1.You can’t walk a______ the street now.

2.Do you have any t_____ to the concert?

3.A lot of people die in road a____.

4,S____ is my favorite activity.

5.Mrs. White wants to buy a f_____ to put food in it.

6.I have some m_____ cars.

7.My mother usually goes home by s _______.

8.Tom is having a b___ class.

9.There are sixty m______ in an hour.

10.The boy is r_______ to school.


1. Machael goes to school ___ his bike.

A. by B. in C. on D.at

2. _______ do you see a film?

A. How many B. How often C. Hoe long D. How soon

3. I _______ to the zoo.

A. go never B . goes never C. never go D. never goes

4. Listen! Kate _____ now. Oh., she always________

A. is singing ; is singing . B. sings; sings. C.sings; is singing .D, is singing ; sings

5. How long can I _____ the book? Only one week.

A. borrow B. buy. C keep D, lend

6. Mr. Wang teaches _______ English.

A. our B. we C.us D.ours

7. Thank you for________.

A. your help B. help C. helps D.helping

8. There _______ a lamp ,a mirror, a clock and some books on the desk.

A. have B. be C, are D, is.

9. These are your books. Please _______

A, put it away B. put away it C. put them away D. put away them

10. Mr. Smith knows _______ about Spring Festival.

A. a lot B. a lot of C. a few D. many.

11.________ some little sheep on the hill.

A. Has B. Have C. There is D. There are.

12, We are good students. _____ are working hard.

A. All we B. All us C. All of us D. All of we.

13. There is a window ______ the wall.

A. on B. of C. at D. in.

14. The post office is _______ the bookstore and the hospital.

A. from B. between C. at D. on

15. ________ of them are right.

A. Every B. Each C. One D. Both

16, What do you do ______ Sundays?

A. on B. of C. for D. at.

17. There ___ something wrong ______ my computer.

A. are; with B. is ; with C. is on D. are; about

18. There’re a lot of trees on _____ side of the road.

A. every . B. all C. each D. both.

19. ________ of workers work in this factory and about two______ of them go to work bybike

A. Thousand ; thousand B. Thousands ; thousand C. Thousand; thousands D. Thousands; thousands

20. He ______ home late in the evening .

A. goes to B. gets to C. comes to D. gets .


A; Excuse me , 1the nearest hospital, please?

B. Sorry, I don’t know . You’d better 2 the policeman over there. He may know.

A. Thank you all the 3.

A. Excuse me , which is the 4to the nearest hospital, please?

C,Go down this street, turn left and walk on 5 you reach the end. And you will see the hospital. It’s 6 the post office and the fruit shop.

AHow 7is it from here ?

C.It’s about thirty minutes’ walk.

A. My daughter is badly ill. She can’t walk any longer . 8can we getthere?

C.You can go there by bus .the bus stop is over there. On the other 9 of the road.

I see. Thank you very much.

C, You’re10.

四,用所给动词的适当形式填空(10 分)

1. She always ________( drive) to work.

2. It’s bad _________(read) books on bed.

3. Listen! Someone ______ ( sing) over there.

4. Why _____ you____ ( not fly) a kite?

5. Kangkang finish________( read) the novel.

6. I don’t know how____( get) to the bookstore.

7. The air in the country____ ( not be ) dirty.

8. If you ______ ( work ) hard, you will be good at English.

9. The baby can’t ______( walk)

10. Look. Wu Jun ______( draw) a picture.


1. What other things can you see? ( 同义句)

____ _______ can you see?

2. Li Ming usually walks to school.(同义句)

Li Ming usually go to school ____ ______.

3.There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.(同义句)

My kitchen fan ____ _____.

4, She does her homework every evening ( 用now 改写)

She _______ _______ her homework now.

5.We do some cleaning on Sundays.(否定句)

We ____ ______ any cleaning on Sundays.

6.He always writes letters after supper.(否定句)

He ____ _____ letters after supper.

7. This is an old watch. (复数句)

___ ___ _____ old ____.

8. Today is Saturday.(划线提问)

______ _____ is today?

9.There are some apples over there.( 划线提问)

___ _____ over there?

10. It’s 15 kilometers away from here. (划线提问)

___ _______ is it from here?


It’s Sunday.There are many 1in the bus. And an old man is 2 here and there. He wants to find an empty 3. Then he finds one. He goes to it. A small 4is on the seat. And a young man is 5it.

“ Is this seat 6?” asks the old man.

“ No, it’s for 7. She goes to buy some bananas .” says the young man.

“Well.” Says the old man . “Let me sit here , please . When she cones back, I will leave here.”

The bus starts.

“ She doesn’t come, 8her bag is here . Let me give her the bag.” The old man throws the bag 9 of the window.

The young man jumps up and shouts , “Don’t throw! It’s 10 bag.”

1. A. people B. peoples C. a people D. an people

()2. A. looking for B. look for C. looking D.look

()3.A. seat B. chair C. bag D.room

()4. A.dog B. boy C. bag D. girl

() 5. A. or B. at C. beside D. for

()6. A. good B. empty C. clean D. dirty

()7. A. a boy B. a man C. a women D. a man

().8. A. and B. then C.so D. but

() 9. A. from B. out C. through D. away

()10. A. my B. her C. his D. its



This is my school . There are many trees and flowers in it. The classroom building is big and high. There is a big playgroud in our school. Many students come to the playground to play football and ping-pong ball after 4: 30 in the afternoon.

There is a hill behind the school. There are some sheep , a dog, many birds and so on..We likes to go there to play after school, too.

There are 1,200 students in 25 classes in our school .The students all like to study. The teachers in our school are very good.. They help the students to study and the students like then, too.


() 1. The school likes _________.

A. bigB. high C. small D. new

()2. It’s very nice for this school to have _______.

A. trees and flowers B. classroom building C. a playground D. students and teachers.

() . 3,There are at least ________ students in one class.

A. 45B. 55 C 65D. 75

() . 4. After class, the students often go to _______

A. their classroom B. their homes C. the hill to see animals D. the playground to play.

() 5 What may the teachers not do?

A. Give the students lessons B. Water the trees and flowers C. play football and ping-pong ball with the students.D. help the students to study.


When you are in English , you must be very careful because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right and the left. In themorning and in the evening , when people go to or come from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then .

When you are in some English citues, ther arebig buses with two floors, you ca sit on the second floor.From there you can see the city well, It’s very interesting .


( )1. In England the traffic moves_______________

A. on the right B. on the left C. in the middle D. in the park

() 2 , When you cross a street , you must look to _________

A. the front B. the right C. the left D. B and C

() 3, It is ________ to cross the streets in the morning and in the evening

A. dangerous B. interesting C. easy D. safe

() 4. You can see the city very well on the ________floor of the bus.

A. first B second C, third D. fourth.

() 5 , When is the traffic the most dangerous in England. .

A, in the morning B, in the evening C, in the afternoon D, A and B.


根据本册内容,以My home 为题, 写一篇不少于100个单词的短文


一.1,along 2ticket 3 accidents 4 sleeping 5fridge 6model 7subway 8biology 9minutes 10 riding


三.1where’s 2ask 3same 4way 5until 6between 7far 8How 9side 10welcome

四.1drives 2to read3is singing 4don’t fly 5reading 6toget 7isn’t 8work 9walk 10 is drawing

五,1What else 2 on foot 3doesn’t work 4is doing 5dong’t do 6never writes 7These are some watches 8 What day 9What is 10 How far


七.A1-5 AAADC . B1-5 BDABD
