


1.英语面试常见问题回答 篇一


Let’s now look at a model answer for a typical question from each section:


Type 1: “Why did you decide to seek a position in this company?”

1. “为什么选择这间公司的这个职位?”

“You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work. You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.”


Type 2: “Why did you leave your last job?”

(Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer)

“I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job”




Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?”

As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together. My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success. I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them”



Type 4: “What skills have you developed in your previous roles?”

“During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company. This gave me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation works”



Type 5: “Would you be willing to travel in this job?”

“I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to travel. I am more than willing to do this”



Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?”

“It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”



Type 7: “What suggestions do you have for our organisation?”

“Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your competitors, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”



Type 8: What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”

“Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made, so that I could succeed. I now do everything I can to make them proud of me”



Key concerns (noun) Most important problems or issues

Career goals (noun) Job objectives, what you want in the future from your work

Role model (noun) Someone regarded by others as a good person to follow

Aptitude (noun) Talent, natural ability

Relocate (verb) Move to a new place

Differentiates (verb) Marks as different

Aspirations (noun) Hopes, ambitions

Cope (verb) Deal with successfully, manage

Setbacks (noun) Unfortunate happenings that stop your progress, disappointments

Open working environment (noun) Workplace with a relaxed and easy going environment

Upward mobility (noun) Promotion

Group input (noun) Feedback and constructive comments from other team members

Internship (noun) Position of a student doing supervised practical training

Excel (verb) Do very well, be superior

Streamline (verb) Organise and simplify


2.英语面试常见问题回答 篇二

材料的引入更加有利于对考生真实能力的考查。这种给出材料的形式, 使考生在回答问题时可以更有针对性, 考生可根据题目材料所给出的具体情景, 设计解决问题的方法。这样出题的一个好处, 就是可以避免常规的结构化命题中考生背答案、泛泛而谈的弊端。这更有利于选拔出能力强、综合素质高的优秀人才。

策略一:入情入境, 人题合一

解答材料题, 尤其是案例性材料题, 考生一定要深入题中, 能够结合给定材料中的设定的情景, 在具体的情景中解决给定的任务。

如:2011年2月25号下午, 国家公务员考试面试真题 (厦门边检、辽宁统计局直属调查队) 中的第三题:

小张是借调到某单位的年轻职工, 他和该单位领导及该单位职工老赵一起去某县调研。该县是领导以前工作过的地方。在调研中小张发现该县存在很严重的问题, 他对老赵说要向领导汇报, 老赵建议小张谨慎点好。调研结束后还没等到向领导汇报, 两人就被邀请去吃饭, 席间小张对该县情况插话较多, 而且把他发现的问题直接提出来了, 导致当时现场气氛尴尬。

问:你觉得小张做的有什么问题, 为什么?如果是你, 你会怎么做?

本题中, 小张的问题至少有三个:一是不听老赵的建议;二是在饭局中插话过多, 发言把现场气氛弄得很尴尬;第三点, 也是最主要的, 小张这种做事的方式不符合组织程序, 未经汇报就发表意见。考生只有把自身融入到以上场景中, 才能够有自己切身的体会。

策略二:认清角色, 扮演得当

解答材料题, 必须做到认清角色, 到位不缺位, 得体不越位, 牢牢树立权责意识, 做好自己的工作, 把给定角色扮演得得当、得体、得要领。

同样是上面提到的那道真题, 其中第二问:“如果是你, 你会怎么做?”是一种角色扮演, 考生要答出自己的特色来, 就必须注意材料中的人物关系。

本材料中有小张、老赵、领导、参加聚餐中的该县同事, 其中显性人物有:小张和老赵, 别的人物在里面可以归为隐性人物。特别需要注意给出的角色, 小张是“借调到单位的年轻职工”, 注意“年轻”字样, 同时, 注意小张只是“借调”来的, 而非本单位的在编职工。在问题中, 考生的角色既作为“第三者”, 又作为“第一者”, 因此, 角色“转换”在答题过程中一定要迅速跟进。

策略三:寻找措施, 圆满解决

解决问题的题目经常以“你怎么做”来考查考生。考生首先要分析问题有哪些, 然后有针对性地提出问题的解决措施, 要使问题最后得到圆满解决。解决矛盾, 是材料题的宗旨所在。

从材料中提取对策、运用材料和相关知识思考加工, 形成对策, 可以将其归结为四种方法:就材直取、转因成策、归纳整合、演绎成策。

1.就材直取。即从材料中直接提取对策。材料是对策生成的源泉, 有时材料中会直接涉及解决问题的对策、意见、思路、办法等, 而这些往往可以直接引用。这种方法可以应用于时事背景类的材料题中。

2.转因成策。即将原因转化成对策, 立足对原因的分析, 形成有针对性的破解思路或办法, 即为对策。很多时候, 原因正是解决问题的关键。在一些会揭示问题原因的材料中, 就可以根据这些原因, 得出对策。这种方法是最常用的方法, 有因有果, 措施得当。

3.归纳整合。即归纳零散信息, 把分散在材料中的对策信息梳理、整合, 形成系统而有条理的对策, 是一个从个别到一般的思维过程。材料的有价值信息有时会较为零散, 甚至是潜藏在不同的材料中, 此时就要善于挖掘, 善于抓住不同材料反映问题的共同点, 在比较合理与否、重要性大小及价值高低的基础上, 选出备选对策项目, 按照一定的原则组织起来, 形成内容合理、逻辑严密的对策。

4.梳理成策。把普遍适用的原则、方法、经验具体应用到某一领域的问题上, 提出解决此问题的具体方法, 即由一般到特殊的思维过程。当材料中的信息量不足, 难以找出解决问题的有效对策时, 就需要启用背景知识, 包括理论知识和工作经验, 最终形成解题方略。

策略四:吃透材料, 超越材料

在回答问题前, 首先要明确问题的关键点, 尤其要抓住“题眼”, 是要求“怎么看”还是“怎么做”, 题中设定的身份是什么, 具体的场景是什么, 是要求我们提出大方案还是落实小环节等等。回答时, 可以在给定材料的基础上, 分三种方法进行。

第一, 引用材料。如果能够结合材料答题就结合材料答题。材料的最大作用是为答题提供了一些素材, 其中的一些题目需要引用材料中的某些内容。

第二, 发散材料。材料可以提炼出主题来, 考生需对此主题下的内容有个大概的了解, 这样才能够依托材料进行发散式的答题。特别是针以当前社会热点材料进行的结构化面试, 考生要了解一些社会热点。

第三, 超越材料。题目虽依附材料设置, 但回答问题时并不是完全依靠材料, 回答每类题目的思路还是跟结构化面试的基本题型一致。当题目与材料的结合并不是很紧密时, 千万不要为材料所“束缚”, 一旦联系不上材料就要迅速调整思路, 避免卡壳, 努力答好题目。

3.英语面试常见问题回答 篇三


Q:How would you describe your management style?


参考回答:First of all, I don’t want to be an overly friendly and understanding manager because this may make it difficult for me to discipline my subordinates, nor do I want to be an unfriendly, unapproachable manager who may not be aware of ongoing problems. I think a certain distance between my subordinates and me is necessary. This will enable me to better manage them. In addition, my management style is flexible. That is to say, I can adapt my management style to different people and circumstances and am able to make changes and improvements whenever necessary. For instance, for certain of my employees, I have been trying not to give them the answers when they ask for help with a problem. They need to learn how to come up with the solutions themselves, and I need to guide and facilitate this process. In order to do this, I allocate however much time is needed to sit down with them and work through the problem. We discuss it, and I give my view of the situation and then ask them to go away and think about the best solution.


Q:How do you make your decisions in general?


参考回答:I usually follow several steps to make my decision. First, I work with my team members to brainstorm as many feasible alternatives or solutions as possible. Second, we evaluate each of these solutions by weighing advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we choose the most appropriate solution and carry it out. In addition, we also consider what goes right and wrong with any decision and learn for the future. Without feedback, we would never learn from experiences and may make the same mistake again.


Q:How do you delegate tasks?


参考回答:I don’t think it is effective to delegate tasks to different subordinates in the same way. It is necessary for a manager to adapt his delegating skills according to the individual he is dealing with and the situation. For example, for inexperienced employees I often use a way that involves a high level of task instruction and close supervision. I find this effective because the inexperienced employees need to be assured that they know exactly what to do and how to do it. They also require constant support to build their confidence. For more experienced employees who are comfortable with their work, I encourage independent thinking and expect them to come to me for help only when they need it. This demonstrates my trust in their ability to do the job on their own.


Q:How do you motivate your team members?

应答思路:提到对员工的激励方式,很多人马上会想到物质或金钱奖励。其实,职场中激励员工的方法有很多,例如“动机激励”法:根据员工的建议改善工作环境,让他们更加舒适地办公;让员工参与完成一项富有挑战性的任务,一起分享成功的喜悦等。现代管理理论认为,“动机激励”才是激励的切入点和根本点。应聘者在回答这类问题时可以参考美国研究员Alfie Kohn提出的有助于激励员工动机的3C原则:协作(collaboration)、满意(content)和抉择(choice)。“协作”是指员工在受到合作的鼓舞或有机会互相帮助而获得成功时,会受到激励而更加努力工作;“满意”是指员工在意识到他们的工作对组织的重要性时,会受到激励而更加努力工作;“抉择”是指员工在自己的工作中被授权进行决策时,会受到激励更加努力工作。

参考回答:I use a number of methods to motivate my team members. First, I make sure my team members have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. The more they understand about their jobs and accountabilities, the more motivated they will be. I also discuss with them to help them set clear, specific and realistic targets that are agreed upon rather than dictated. In addition, I involve them in decision-making processes by asking for their suggestions, ideas and feedback. Above all, I establish appropriate reward and incentive structures and support and lead staff to success.


Q:How do you usually develop your team members?


参考回答:I develop my team members by mentoring, coaching and providing performance feedback on a daily basis. Specifically, I assess the needs of my team members and establish a plan for improvement considering available resources and the individuals’ requirements. Additionally I manage their learning by continually focusing my attention on their learning agenda and providing necessary resources to facilitate it. I also monitor their learning by getting regular feedback on their learning process.


Q:How would you describe your communication skills?


参考回答:First of all, I am good at expressing myself and presenting ideas to others. Even when the idea I’m presenting is rather complex and hard for some people to understand, I know instinctively how to communicate it with ease and clarity. Secondly, I can convince others to do what needs to be done by winning their hearts and minds. I find a sense of humor is really helpful in achieving this. Finally, I would say I work well with all types of people, including those who are not hardworking, competent and confident about their abilities. When working with this type of people, I set myself the challenge of developing them and helping them use their skills to their fullest potential. My goal is to support them towards increased competence and confidence through guidance, direction and mentoring.




☆ Describe a time when one of your team members didn’t like your management style.

☆ Describe a time when you had to make changes to your management style.


☆ Tell me about a tough decision you had to make at work. How did you go about making the decision?

☆ Describe a problem you recently experienced with an employee who reported to you. How did you solve it?


☆ Tell me about an important assignment or task that you delegated. How did you ensure that it would be completed successfully?

☆ When delegating a recent assignment, how did you show confidence in the person’s ability to do the job?


☆ Give me an example of when you successfully motivated your staff by using incentives or rewards.

☆ Describe a time you had to motivate a staff member who was reluctant to undertake an assignment.


☆ Give me an example of when you had to provide feedback to a staff member who was performing poorly. How did you go about this and what was the outcome?

☆ Tell me about a time you had to coach an employee to perform a task.


☆ Give me a specific example of when you had to clearly communicate your expectations to a subordinate.

☆ Describe a time when your communication and interpersonal skills helped in dealing with difficult clients or team members.

4.英语面试问题及回答 篇四

1、”What are your goals for the future?” or “Where do you see yourself in five years?”

Don’t discuss your goals for returning to school or having a family, they are not relevant and could knock you out of contention for the job. Rather, you want to connect your answer to the job you are applying for.

-My long-term goals involve growing with a company where I can continue to learn, take on additional responsibilities, and contribute as much of value as I can.

-I see myself as a top performing employee in a well-established organization, like this one. I plan on enhancing my skills and continuing my involvement in (related) professional associations.

-Once I gain additional experience, I would like to move on from a technical position to management.

-In the XYZ Corporation, what is a typical career path for someone with my skills and experiences?

2、Tell me about yourself/ How would you describe yourself?

You walk into the interview room, shake hands with your interviewer and sit down with your best interviewing smile on. Guess what their first question is? “Tell me about yourself.” Your interviewer is not looking for a 10-minute dissertation here. Instead, offer a razor sharp sentence or two that sets the stage for further discussion and sets you apart from your competitors.

Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)说出你的卖点

Give them “your synopsis about you” answer, specifically your Unique Selling Proposition. Known as a personal branding or a value-added statement, the USP is a succinct, one-sentence description of who you are, your biggest strength and the major benefit that a company will derive from this strength. Here is an example of a Unique Selling Proposition: “I’m a seasoned Retail Manager strong in developing training programs and loss prevention techniques that have resulted in revenue savings of over $2.3Million for (employer’s name) during the past 11 years.”

What a difference you’ve made with this statement. Your interviewer is now sitting forward in her chair giving you her full attention. At this point, you might add the following sentence: “I’d like to discuss how I might be able to do something like that for you.” The ball is now back in her court and you have the beginnings of a real discussion and not an interrogation process.

“My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to become the very best financial consultant I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I’ve prepared myself. I am an undergraduate student in finance and accounting at _________ University. My past experiences has been in retail and higher education. Both aspects have prepared me well for this career.”

首先要明确他们想了解的是哪方面的内容Do they want to know about your career so far, about your hobbies or family life? If in doubt, ASK them to clarify what they wish you to talk about. Then give a short factual answer, ending with “is there anything else you’d like to know about me?”

How would you describe yourself?


Try to think about what the interviewers are looking for and keep this in mind as you answer interview questions. Remember the job advert? Were they looking for initiative, a good communicator, someone with good attention to detail? Describe yourself in these terms. Start with “I am..” and not with “I think…” or “I believe..” so that you sound self aware and confident.

3、When you’re interviewing for an internal position within your company, you may be asked what you will do if you don’t get the job. The interviewer wants to know whether you are concerned about just the advancement opportunity or the company. 内部职位竞聘常会被问到如果你没有得到这份工作的话你将会怎么办的问题。

I am committed to this company and its advancement so, should I not be selected, I will work with and support whoever might get selected. However, I do feel that my experience in the department and with the team would make me the best candidate

4、How would your boss describe you?

If you get the job, your interviewer may be your future boss so you need to answer this question carefully. Describe yourself as any boss would want to see you. You might say:

“My boss would describe me as hard working, loyal, friendly and committed. He would say that I work well on my own initiative and deliver what he wants on time and to a high standard”.

Again, don’t use the term “I think my boss would say..” as it gives an element of doubt. Be positive and certain with the interview answer you give.

5、What motivates you?

I am motivated by being around other positive people, we might question if working alone would suit them.

I am motivated by targets.

6、What do you look for in a job?

This is really a question about suitability, though we’ve included it here.

Remember the advert? Focus on the advert criteria and you won’t go far wrong. For example, if the advert called for someone to lead others, you might say:

“I like a job where I can lead and motivate others and enjoy seeing improvements in team performance”.

If the advert called for a target-focused individual, you might say:

“I like having targets. They encourage me to stretch myself and beat them!”

7、What is your personal mission statement or motto?

Not everyone has one, but because you might be asked, think what yours would be.

“Just do it!”

“Right first time, every time”.

“Less talk, more action”.

“Treat others as you’d wish to be treated”.

“Fortune favours the brave”.

“Quality, quality, quality…”.

Our advice: This is one of those times when we ask candidates to explain their answers to our interview questions. So, whatever you say, it’s likely you’ll be asked to give a reason or example so have one in mind. For most jobs, you want to sound positive and motivated, but possibly not ruthless or inconsiderate.

8、What do you enjoy most about what you do now?

“I really enjoy the technical nature of the job and the speed at which I’m able to fix faults. I get a lot of satisfaction from getting people back to work as soon as possible”.

If working as part of a team is mentioned as a requirement of the job, you might answer:

“I really enjoy being part of a team. I like it when the team pulls together to achieve something and everyone can take some credit”.

9、What do you enjoy least about your current role?

A good interview answer might go something like this:

“Actually, I enjoy everything about what I do. I suppose if I had to give something up, it would be…”

The ‘something’ depends on you, but it’s best to mention something incidental to your job, like admin or paperwork. So you might say:

“I’m not sure (pause). I suppose if I had to pick something to give up it would be paperwork. I know it’s important, and I do it well, but if someone else did if for me, that would be great!”

10、Why do you want to leave your current job/company?

If you’re applying for a more senior job, you might answer:

“I really enjoy what I do, but I’m ready for more responsibility and challenge which your job offers. Unfortunately, my current job/employer can’t give me this.”

If this isn’t the reason, use yours instead, but always be positive in your answers to tough interview question

11、What do you think of your current boss?

“My current boss is great. He sets the team challenging but realistic targets and motivates us to achieve them…”

“My current boss is very good. She deals with her team firmly but fairly and enjoys our respect because of this…”

If your current boss is not great, and you are prepared to answer more interview questions about this, say so, but do balance each criticism with a positive point. Remember the need to appear positive in your answers to interview questions. You might say:

“My current boss has strengths and weaknesses. He is very good at listening to people but sometimes, in my view, doesn’t deal with underperformers firmly enough. This affects team morale sometimes…”

12、What will you miss about your present job?

People is the best interview answer here. Say anything else and you’re suggesting the job you’re applying for won’t give you everything you had and more, and might even leave you wanting!

As you think about answers to interview questions, always have in mind the need to create a positive impression.

“Well I’m confident that the job you’re offering will give me everything I have now and more so I don’t think I’ll miss anything about the job itself. But I’ll miss some of the people of course…”

13、What can you tell me about XYZ Company?

If you need to, start by saying “Is it ok if I refer to my notes?”. When you get the nod, off you go.

A good interview answer should include short factual statements covering such things as the Company’s history, its products, staff numbers, turnover and future business objectives. Something like this is fine:

“I believe the Company began in 1967, with just one outlet, but now has 25. From what I’ve read, you sell A, B and C products across Europe and the States and have a turnover in excess of $5 million. You employ 125 staff. I beleive you hope to enter the Asian market by ″. “I’ve done some research and can tell you more if you like”.

You will likely hear “No, that’s fine. Thank you.”

Your interviewers will be impressed that you prepared and made notes and you’re off to a good start.

14、What do you think XYZ Company can offer you?

There are two bits to this interview question, the role and the Company. Mention both. You might say:

“I’m told the Company has a firm commitment to individual training and development. This is great news for me because I’m keen to learn and advance in the Company. The role itself appears challenging and rewarding which I’ll find very motivating”.

15、If you’re successful, what do you think you’ll be doing day-to-day?

You might start by saying “I understand that I’ll be…”. Then you could talk about the main role, any other activities and any targets you expect to be given.

16、What are your strengths/weaknesses?

IMPORTANT — this common job interview question can be asked in many different ways, such as “What qualities do you admire in others that you would like to develop in yourself?”

Strengths should be easy enough to think about (keep the position in mind).

Talking about weaknesses can be harder but good interview answers are still possible. Many people choose to mention something which they’ve recognized as being a weakness but have overcome.

“I’d like to be more organized, like one of my colleagues. She doesn’t have to try. But because I don’t find it as easy as her, I use to-do lists and a diary to help me successfully manage my work”.

On a final note, it’s much safer to highlight your lack of experience or knowledge as a weakness than a fault in your personality. Employers can always give you experience but few want to help you overcome shortcomings in your personality! So avoid telling interviewers that you “get bored” or “too involved” or “frustrated”!

17、Why did you think you are suited to this job?

What they are really asking is “You know what we are looking for so can you tell us what you have done or what you have, that is relevant.”

18、Why should we give the job to you above other applicants?

This is often our closing question. We want to know, in a nutshell, why you are the best candidate for the job. This is a chance to list your best attributes as they relate to the vacancy. Don’t be cocky, but don’t be shy.

19、How well do you work under pressure?

“I know that all jobs involve some sort of pressure at some time. I can work as well under pressure as I do at any other time but when I am busy, I prioritize activities so that my workload is manageable.”

If the interviewers focus on other pressure, such as pressure to meet targets, dealing with difficult customers etc, give an appropriate reply, mentioning past situations where you have coped under such pressure.

20、What sort of people do you find it difficult to work with?

“I am an easy going person who seems to get on with everyone. If I have to pick a type of person that bothers me, it’s the one who doesn’t pull their weight or isn’t worried about the standard of their work because it reflects badly on the rest of the team.”

21、Sell me this pen!

In interviews for sales job, you may hear this, believe us! In fact, one of us had a non-sales interview and was asked this, unexpectedly. The object you are asked to sell could in fact be anything. Some interviewers like to see whether you focus on the benefits of the object or its features. The features of the pen might be that it’s blue, with a roller ball and plastic coating. The benefits might be that it’s reliable, easy to hold and leak proof.

22、What key skills do you think you need to be successful in this role?

You got this far because your job application form or resume or CV matched the interviewers’ criteria as specified in the job advert. Just expand on this in your job interview answers. List the skills you think are required, giving a little explanation as to why each is needed.

You might then be asked to give examples where you’ve used one or more of these skills. These are behavioural interview questions.

23、Where do you see yourself in five years time?

This can be a difficult job interview question to answer, especially if you’ve not thought beyond getting this job! When you answer, you want to sound ambitious enough to be motivated to do a good job, but not too ambitious in case your interviewers think you’re only using this job as a stepping stone to something better.

I can be successful in this job and taken on additional responsibilities and be considered suitable for promotion.

24、How does this job fit into your career plans?

This is a similar job interview question to the one above really, except that it looks beyond five years. Be realistic. You might say something like this if you’re going for a middle-management position:

“My ambition is to lead a department and be involved in strategic decision-making at a senior level. I expect the role I’m applying for to give me more experience of leading and some introduction to strategy so that I’m ready for a senior role in a few years time”.

25、Where did you think you’d be at this stage in your life?

Avoid saying further than you are now! It’s better to show you’ve met or exceeded your ambitions than fallen short of them. Tell the interviewers that you are happy with your life and career, but are looking for more challenge as you like to stretch yourself to achieve more.

26、If you could start again, what career decisions would you make differently?

You’re on sticky ground if you start trying to think of hypothetical career changes that might have served you better in the past. Your answers to interview questions will suggest you’re not happy with the way things are and no-one wants to hire an unhappy person.

“I wouldn’t change anything. I am happy with my career as it is now but want fresh challenges.”

“I’m not the kind of person who looks back with regrets. I prefer to invest my energy looking forward”.

27、How would you approach a typical project?

If you’re applying for a project based job, such as a project manager, you will be asked this job interview question. Don’t give a long winded answer, but try to demonstrate that you would take into account the main components of effective project planning such as:

- Planning the schedule backwards from completion

- Working out what you need to get the job done effectively and on time

- Budgeting — costs, time and resources

- Allowing a contingency

28、How would you get the best from people?

If you are applying for any management role, it is highly likely you’ll be asked this job interview question. The kind of skills that we’d be looking for in a good applicant are:

- Good communication

- Teamwork skills

- Recognizing what each person can bring

- Setting a good example

- Praising good performances

29、Give us an example of how you have resolved conflict.

As this is a behavioural interview question, you need to find an example of conflict that you have resolved. The sort of skills you need to demonstrate in your interview answer are:

- Fairness

- Discussing problems with individuals in private

- Making sure you get to the root of the problem

- Finding a solution that everyone will accept

30、What did you look for when you hired people in the past?

This is a general question. Don’t think about specific skills of the job you are applying for. Think generally about the key attributes everyone looks for in a good applicant. Among others, these include:

- Aptitude

- Skills

- Initiative

- Flexibility

5.典型英语面试问题及回答 篇五

“You are a top company and I am convinced there would be no better place to work. You provide your employees with an open working environment based on team work.”

Type 2: “Why did you leave your last job?”

(Hint: Don’t lie and don’t speak badly of your past employer)

“I felt there was a lack of potential for upward mobility, I needed a more challenging job”

Type 3: “How would you describe your ability to work in a team?”

”As part of my college basketball team I learned we must work together. My individual training in the gym contributed to the team’s overall success. I like a mix, with a group I get the group input, but some projects are done better if just one person is working on them”

Type 4: “What skills have you developed in your previous roles?”

“During my internship I worked for a few days in each of the departments of a company. This gave me a great insight into management techniques and how a big organisation works”

Type 5: “Would you be willing to travel in this job?”

“I understand that in order to build a good long term relationship with our customers it sometimes necessary to travel. I am more than willing to do this”

Type 6: “Describe your leadership skills?”

“It is important to take everyone’s opinion into account and give them the opportunity to excel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order”

Type 7: “What suggestions do you have for our organisation?”

“Looking at your website, and comparing it with those of your competitors, I think you should streamline the site and emphasis the recent upgrades to your products”

Type 8: “What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?”

“Taking for granted the huge sacrifices my parents made, so that I could succeed. I now do everything I can to make them proud of me”

6.外企英语面试问题及回答技巧 篇六

1. Tell me about yourself?1.向我介绍一下你自己。

2. What are your greatest strengths?2.你最大的优点是什么?

3. What are your greatest weakness?3.你最大的缺点是什么?

4. Why did you quit your last job?4.你为什么从上一份工作离职?

5. Why do you want to work here?5.你为什么想在这儿工作?

6. What do co-workers say about you?6.你的同事如何评价你?

7. Would you be willing to relocate if required?7.如果需要你到其他地点工作,你愿意吗?

8. What do you know about us?8.你对我们公司有什么了解?

9. What kind of salary are you looking for?9.你的期望薪资是多少?

10.What were you earning at your last job?10.你上一份工作的薪水是多少?

11. What have you learned from mistakes on the job?11.你从工作所犯的错误中学到了什么?

12. Why should we hire you?12.我们为什么要雇用你?

13. What Is Your Dream Job?13.你理想的工作是什么?

14. What are you looking for in a job?14.你希望从工作中得到些什么?

15. Are you willing to work overtime?15.你愿意加班吗?

16. What experience do you have in this field?16.你有什么这个行业的经验?

17. Do you consider yourself successful?17.你觉得自己成功吗?

18. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?18.在最近的一年里,你做了什么来提高你的知识技能?

19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?19. 你的五年工作规划是什么?

20. Are you a team player?20.你善于团队合作吗?

21. What motivates you to do your best on the job?21.工作中最能激励你的是什么?

22. What is your philosophy towards work?22.你的工作哲学是什么?

23. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure?23.描述一下你的抗压性。

24. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?24.你被解雇过吗?

25. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?25.你将怎样成为企业的难得之材?

26. Tell me about a suggestion you have made?26.告诉我一个你曾经提过的建议。

27. Why do you think you would do well at this job?27.你为什么认为你会做好这份工作。

28. What irritates you about co-workers?28.你同事的什么行为会惹恼你?

29. What is more important to you: the money or the work?29.什么对你比较重要:金钱还是工作?

30. How long would you expect to work for us if hired?30.如果被录用了,你预计会在我们公司工作多久?










7.英语面试常见问题回答 篇七



Q: How will you handle a customer complaint on the phone?


参考回答:First of all, I will smile as I answer the phone. Our customers can’t see my smile, but they can “hear” my smile. Then, once I’m told the problem, I will apologize and acknowledge their feelings, prepare to help, and convey my personal empathy. Next, I will listen carefully to the details of the complaint and take notes about them, and make sure that the customers won’t have to repeat themselves. After that, I will either provide a resolution, or promise that I or a senior staff member will get back to them at a specific time with a solution to the problem. Finally, I will thank them for calling; apologizing again for any inconvenience they’ve experienced.


☆ Describe a situation where you had to calm down a very angry customer.

☆ Describe a situation where you had to change your approach because your first attempts to persuade a customer failed.

☆ Tell me about a time when it was particularly difficult for the caller to explain the problem to you. How did you reach an understanding of the issue?

☆ What steps did you take when you found out that a problem was a result of inefficient service by your company or colleagues?

☆ If given a chance to make or recommend a change in the company’s operational practices (with respect to improving customer satisfaction), what would you suggest?



Q: How much do you know about Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?


参考回答:CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is a company-wide business strategy designed to reduce costs and increase profitability by solidifying customer satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy (拥护). It also helps a company manage customer relationships in a more organized way. For example, a company might build a database about its customers that describes relationships in sufficient detail so that the management, salespeople and customer service staff of the company could directly access information, match customer needs with product plans and offerings, remind customers of service requirements, know what other products a customer purchased before, and so on.


☆ Which is more important—a good product or friendly, fast service?

☆ Which software applications are you proficient in?

☆ Give me an example of how you have used data to improve your team’s productivity.

☆ Do you have the necessary technical know-how to transfer information and data?










Q: What makes you angry?


参考回答:I’m an even-tempered (冷静的), optimistic and positive person by nature, and I believe this helps me a great deal in getting along with my colleagues and dealing with my clients in a friendly and patient manner. When dealing with a complaint from our client, I believe in understanding exactly what the problem is, finding out the cause, and seeking a solution to the problem. No matter how unreasonable or even hostile the client is, I will keep calm and solve the problem without getting emotional.


☆ How did you respond when you received negative feedback from a caller about you personally?

☆ How do you define going the extra mile (提供尽可能多的服务) for your customer, and give me an example of when you have done this.

☆ Working in this face-to-face customer service environment, how would you demonstrate that you are listening to a customer?

☆ Describe a time that you picked up an error or problem that had been overlooked by others at work.

☆ What kind of people are your current users? How do you adapt to their particular demands?

☆ Tell me about one of the toughest groups you have had to work with in order to achieve a task or objective.

☆ Describe a situation when you felt a team member was not contributing enough. What steps did you take?
