


1.以ce结尾的单词有哪些 篇一

ambivalence n. 有两种相冲突的情感;矛盾心理

ambulance n.救护车;野战医院

announce vt.宣布,宣告,发表

annoyance n. 烦恼,可厌之事

antecedence n. 居先,在先

apace ad. 快速地,急速地

apiece ad. 每人,每个,各

abeyance n. 中止,暂搁

abhorrence n. 痛恨

absence n.缺席,不在场;缺乏

abstinence n. 节制,禁欲,戒酒

abundance n.丰富,充裕

acceptance n.接受,验收;承认

accomplice n. 同谋者,帮凶

2.以ack结尾的单词有哪些 篇二

Cossack n.

crack n.裂缝,裂纹 vi.爆裂

cutback n. 计划中的削减;中止;减少

drawback n.退款;妨碍;弊端

fastback n. 快速返回

feedback n. 回授,反馈,反应;(信息的)反馈;反债

gimcrack 花哨不值钱的东西

giroback n.转账支票

greenback n. 美钞,背部为绿色之动物

hack v. 乱劈,乱砍,n. 驽马

haversack n. 肩背包,干粮袋

haystack n. 干草堆

3.ce结尾的单词有哪带中文 篇三


There was music and dancing till two in the morning.


The road was covered with a sheet of ice.


She made a pig of herself with the ice cream.


Use ice to reduce the swelling.

4.结尾的单词加es的单词有哪些 篇四


Safety deposit boxes are available at a supplement.


Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes.


Enter your name and occupation in the boxes.


The pottery was packed in boxes and shipped to the US.


This is a movie that ticks all the boxes.

5.nk结尾的单词有哪些? 篇五

skunk n. 臭鼬,黄鼠狼

hunk n. 大块(食物)

mink n. 貂,貂皮衣

clink n. 丁当声

chunk n. 短厚木头,大量

prank n. 恶作剧,玩笑

punk n. 废物,小阿飞,半朽的木头

chipmunk n. 花粟鼠(象松鼠的美洲小动物)

mountebank n. 江湖郎中,骗子

shank n. 胫,腿骨,杆,柄

clank n. 铿然之声,叮当声

funk n. 恐惧,恐怖

rink n. 溜冰场;冰球场;vi. 溜冰

kink n. 纽结,蜷缩,颈

bunk n. 铺位,废话,逃走

honk n. 汽车喇叭声,雁叫声

chink n. 隙缝,裂口n./v. 丁当作响,破裂

hank n. 一束,一卷,一仔

spunk n. 勇气,胆量

sink n.(厨房内的)洗涤槽

stink n./v. 发臭,臭味

junk n.废弃的旧物;旧货

pink n.粉红色 a.粉红色的

monk n.和尚

6.e开头f结尾的单词有哪些 篇六

engulf :

The vehicle was engulfed in flames.


The little boat was engulfed in the waves.


They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames.



Design and research of running ELF file based on microkernel system


Design and simulation of ELF antenna based on the wavelength conversion theory


The Analysis of the ELF File in the Linux System

7.以o开头的单词有哪些 篇七

12 oath n.誓言,誓约,宣誓

13 oatmeal n. 燕麦片,燕麦粥

14 obduracy n. 顽固,执拗,冷酷

15 obdurate adj. 固执的,顽固的

16 obedience n.服从,顺从;管辖

17 obedient n.服从的,顺从的

18 obeisance n. 鞠躬,敬礼

19 obelisk n. 方尖石塔,短剑号,疑问记号

20 obese adj. 极肥胖的

21 obesity n. 肥胖

22 obey vt.顺从 vi.服从

23 obfuscate v. 使困惑,使迷惑

24 obigor n.债务人,欠债者

25 obituary a. 死亡的`

26 object n.物,物体;目的

27 objection n.反对,异议;不喜欢

28 objectionable adj. 令人厌恶的

29 objective a.客观的;无偏见的

30 objurgate v. 怒斥,谴责

31 objurgation n. 叱责,非难

32 oblation n. 宗教的供品,祭品

33 obligate vt. 使负义务,强制,预留,施恩惠于

34 obligation n.义务,职责,责任

35 obligator 欠债者,债务人

36 obligatory adj. 强制性的,义务的

37 oblige vt.强迫;迫使

38 obligee 债权人,权利人

39 obliging adj. 恳切的,热心助人的

40 obligor 债务人,义务人

41 oblique adj. 间接的,斜的

42 obliquity n. 倾斜,交叉,暧昧,不坦率,倾角

43 obliterate v. 涂掉,擦掉

44 oblivion n. 遗忘

45 oblivious adj. 不在意的,疏忽的

46 oblong n. 长方形,椭圆形

47 oblongata n. 延髓

48 obloquy n. 大骂,斥责,坏名声

49 obnoxious adj. 令人不愉快的,可憎的

8.以t开头的单词有哪些? 篇八


The spokesman refused to disclose details of the takeover to the press.


The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses.


Profits fell sharply following the takeover.


Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.

9.cial结尾的单词有哪些? 篇九

social a.社会的;社交的

beneficial a.有利的,有益的

benficial a.有益的,有利的

racial a.种族的,人种的`

judicial adj. 法庭的,法官的

provincial adj. 偏狭的,粗俗的

prejudicial adj. 有害的,引起偏见的

official adj.官方的,正式的

special adj.特别的;特殊的
