


1.外研版八年级上m9教案 篇一

Module 3 Sports

Unit1 Nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis. Type of this lesson: Listening and speaking

 Teaching aims: To understand the conversation about the sports.To understand the comparison of sports.To talk about the sports that that one likes and gives reasons, using

comparatives. Teaching key points: Key vocabulary:baseball, volleyball, boring, exciting,relaxing ,matter, hurt, stadium, miss, mind, plenty, plenty of

Key structures:Watching is not dangerous and it’s more relaxing

too!And staying at home was easier than going

to the stadium. Teaching difficulties: the use of comparative degree of adjectives with two or more than two


 Teaching steps:

Step1, Greetings

Step2, Lead-in

1.Ask students some questions.How was your weekend? What do you usually do at the

weekend? Do you usually do some sports at the weekend? Who does some sports at the


2.Say “ I usually do some sports at the weekend.I think it is good for our health.Do you agree

with me ? so today let’s talk about sports.3.Look at the picture, what is he doing?(He is playing tennis)I like playing tennis very much,I think it’s very enjoyable.I think nothing is more enjoyable than playing tennis.Step3, Presentation/ Vocabulary/ Speaking

1.Show student some pictures about sports.Elicit basketball, football, table tennis, volleyball,tennis and baseball

2.Say “I like basketball very much, because it’s very exciting and relaxing.Ask students

“ what sports do you like? Why?Give them more pictures about sports.3.Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives.4.Continue to say “I don’t like baseball, because it’s very boring and difficult.”Ask students

“How about you? Can you tell me what sports you don’t like?”

5.Elicit the answers from the students and elicit some adjectives and write them on the

blackboard.6.Read the adjectives on the blackboard together.7.The teacher says “I not only like playing basketball, but also like swimming.But I think

swimming is more relaxing than playing basketball.”

8.Ask students to make sentences like the example.9.Students say their sentences one by one.10.Work in pairs and ask and answer.Step4, Listening

1, Read the words in the box in Activity 1 chorally.2, Match the word with the pictures.3.Say “Just now we talked about our favourite sports , Daming and Betty also like sports very much.Let’s listen to the tape and find out what sports they like.When you are listen, you should number the words as you hear them..4.Play the recording and listen for the first time.5.Listen again and ask the students to check their answers.6.Elicit the answers from the students.7.Listen and check the answer together.Step5, Listening and reading

1.Ask students to read and listen to Activity 3.And answer the questions.2.Ask a student “ What do you do and say when you meet your teacher?” and write it on the

blackboard.3.Write the answer on the blackboard.4.Do Activity5.Work in pairs and.Talk about what so you do and say when you meet different

people.5.Elicit the answers from students.Step6, Listening and reading

1.Students work in pairs and read the conversation by themselves.2.Listen to the tape.3.Answer the teacher’s questions:

What do Russian/ Chinese/ Americans/ India/ Maori people do when they meet?

4.Work in pairs and find out the answers from the conversation.5.Elicit the answers from students.6.Listen to the tape and read the conversation.7.Read the conversation in roles.8.Complete the table with the correct form of the words from the box.Step7, Pronunciation and speaking

Homework: Copy the new words and try to remember them.Recite the conversation.Reflection:

Unit2 This year we are training more careful. Type of this lesson: Reading and writing

 Teaching aims: To skim the text on sports and understand its main idea

To be able to describe sports and games, using the comparative forms of

adjectives.To make comparison with given information

 Teaching key points: Key vocabulary:beat, careless, coach, fan club, against,practice, warm, warm up, usual, better, pass, pity, loudly, trainKey structures:We all arrive as early as we can so that weave time to warm up.It’s more difficult to practice in winter.It gets dark earlier.This year we are training more carefully.That means we have a better chance of winning. Teaching difficulties: To be able to use imperative sentences

 Teaching steps:

Step1, Greetings

Step2, Revision

Revise the sports we talked about in last class.Step3, Lead-in

1.Show students two pictures on page 20, ask them what sport it is and what people

are doing in the picture.2.Students have discussion about the pictures

Step4, Vocabulary/ Presentation

1.Students say something about the pictures.2.Use the pictures to elicit the new words.Beat, cheer…on, coach, fan club, play against, train,pleased, pity, loudly, confident.3.Read and repeat the new words chorally.Step5, Reading

1.Tell students to look at the title of the passage by Daming and ask them what the passage is

about.Ask them to guess what sport he is training for.2.Elicit the ideas from the class.3.Write some general pre-reading questions on the board for the students to focus on while they

are reading.Why is Daming going to school on Saturday?

How does the team practice this year?

Why is it good to have fans around?

4.Read the passage, students check their guesses and answer the questions.5.Elicit answers to the questions from the class.6.Listen and read the passage.7.Complete the table after the passage.Read the passage again, underline the key information

and complete the table.Step5 Exercises



Step6 Writing

Homework: 1.Copy the new words and try to remember them

2.Finish Activity5 and 6 on Page21.Reflection:

Unit3 Language in use

 Type of this lesson: Revision and application

 Teaching aims: To summarise and consolidate the use of comparatives

To practise using adverbs after verbs and distinguish adverbs from adjectives. Teaching steps:

Step1.Preparation/ Language Practice

Go through the sentences in the practice box with the students.Read the sentences together







2.外研版八年级上m9教案 篇二

指导专家:张志富 (辽宁省基础英语教育中心主任)

曲端 (辽宁省初中英语教研员)

丁春慧 (辽宁省葫芦岛市英语教研员)


本堂课的教学内容为外研版八年级Module7 Unit 2 She was thinking about her cat, 课型为以“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”为主题的阅读写作课, 中心话题为童话故事, 该话题不仅有助于提高学生的学习兴趣, 而且有利于引导学生运用英语进行交际, 从而培养学生的英语口语交际能力。

二、教学设计 (见图1)


八年级学生经过一年多的英语学习, 具备了一定的英语基础和听、说、读、写能力。同时, 在新课程理念和教育信息化趋势的推动下, 他们具备了一定的自主合作、探究的能力。


词汇目标:twice, once or twice, suddenly, pink, pocket, field, think about, deep, while, land, dry.

语法目标:Past continuous-was/were+v-ing.

能力目标: (1) Students will be able to understand the plot development of A lice’s A dventures in W onderland, understanding the major characters and events.

(2) Students can understand and retell the story by the mind map.

(3) Students will be able to write a composition about what happened after Alice fell down the rabbit hole.

情感目标:The students will be wiser and more knowledgeable after reading and writing stories.

策略目标:Through ekwing platform, students are able to enhance their high effective reading and writing learning, using SQ3R reading strategy.


Teaching important points:Try to use the new tense“was/were doing...”freely to continue the story.

Teaching difficult points:How to use the key words and key structures to serve their reading and writing practice.


Step 1:Preview detection

Check the new words and phrases by ekwing.


笔者利用翼课网检测学生的预习情况, 结合后台数据及时对学生进行有效评价。

Step 2:Warming-up

Guess something about the teacher.

The teacher will ask the students some questions to future their affection.

T:Where am I from?/How old am I?

What was I doing at 4:00 yesterday afternoon?


笔者结合幻灯片上的图片, 进行自我介绍, 用“猜猜我是谁”的形式拉近与学生的距离, 并自然引出上一堂课的内容——过去进行时, 起到承上启下的作用。

Step 3:Pre-reading

1. Free talk

T:Look at the screen and answer my question:What was he/she doing at 8 o’clock yesterday evening?

Ss:He/She was...

T:You did a very good job.Then I would like someone to make dialogues like this:

S1:What were you doing at_____yesterday?

S2:I was...

Then the teacher writes down the new tense“was/were doing”on the blackboard to help the students memorize target language in this unit.


用Free talk的形式创设情境, 为接下来的阅读练习和写作奠定语法基础。

2. Presentation

(1) Enjoy a play:Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.

(2) Present two photos of Alice’s Adventures in wonderland.Ask the students to look at the pictures in Activity 2 and say what they think is strange.

S1:It is standing up on its back legs.Rabbits can only walk on four legs.

S2:It is wearing clothes.Rabbits don’t wear clothes.

S3:It is looking at a pocket watch.Rabbits don’t carry watches and can’t tell the time.

Then change all these sentences into Past continuous.

It was looking at a pocket watch.


引入阅读文章的话题, 激发学生的阅读兴趣。

Step 4:While-reading

1.Fast reading

Enjoy the video and do the fast reading.The Students can find the answer to the following question.“When Alice met that strange rabbit, what did she do?”

2.Detailed reading

(1) Read the passage again.

(2) Number the events in the order they happened in Activity 3.

a.Alice landed on some dry leaves.

b.Alice was sitting by the river with her sister.

c.Alice fell down a hole.

d.A rabbit ran by.

e.Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.

(3) Check with a partner.

(4) Check the answers from the whole class.

3. Careful reading

(1) Read paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.

Alice was sitting with her sister______the river and her sister was_______a book.Alice had______to do._______she looked into her sister’s book.Suddenly a white rabbit______pink eyes______by.

(2) Read paragraph 2 and do the T or F questions. (By ekwing)

A.Alice was reading a book by the river. ()

B.The rabbit was looking at Alice. ()

C.Alice ran across the field after the rabbit. ()

D.The rabbit with a pocket went down a large rabbit hole in the ground. ()

E.At last, Alice landed on some dry grass. ()

(3) Read paragraph 3 and answer the questions.

a.What was she falling down?

b.Where did she land?


充分利用翼课网平台提供的视频素材和强大的在线教学互动功能, 通过设计不同层次的阅读训练, 使学生在阅读文本的过程中掌握关于童话故事的语言素材, 同时掌握一定的阅读策略。

Step 5:Post-reading

1.Little examiner

Each group of 1-3 makes up a T&F question and each of the rest makes up a short-answer question according to the passage.

2.Little performer

Act out the story in groups.

3.Little playwright

Write what happened to Alice after she found a small key on the table.Use the answers in Activity 5to help you.

A lic e found a small k e y on the tab le, she op e ned a small door...

4.Sum up by the students


该步骤是重要的输出环节, 是体现重点、突破难点的环节, 为学生创造了展示自我的机会, 使其在完成任务的同时享受在逼真的情境中运用英语的快乐。

Step 6:Homework

1.To retell the story to your parents.

2.To finish the reading task on ekwing.

3.To create another funny ending of the story.


学生在翼课网的同步作业中进行拓展训练, 完成课后的阅读写作探究任务, 并进行自我测试。


笔者参照新课程标准, 采用自主学习、合作学习、探究学习的方式, 借助翼课网平台进行阅读教学, 利用大数据进行及时高效的教学评价分析, 同时结合交互补偿阅读教学模式, 将阅读前、阅读中和阅读后的活动设计成一个相互关联的整体, 从而全面提高学生的综合素养。

首先, 在阅读前, 笔者以“猜猜我是谁”的形式拉近与学生之间的距离, 激起学生的求知欲望, 从而轻松过渡到本文的主题:Alice’s adventures in wonderland。为了使学生在阅读前对文章有所了解, 笔者借助翼课网平台所提供的课文视频, 帮助学生了解文章的主题思想和主要内容。在阅读过程中, 笔者有效使用精读、细读等阅读策略, 设计多种任务型活动, 让学生按所要求的限定时间不同程度地了解课文, 并要求其回答相应的问题。在课堂教学过程中, 笔者借助思维导图引导学生查找信息并进行信息分类, 从而掌握全文。阅读后, 笔者主要采用了口头和笔头的方式, 将文中信息进行再次加工处理, 融入“小小命题人”“小小表演家”的活动中, 启迪学生积极思维, 实现英语阅读教学的最终目的———利用所获取的知识进行信息交流, 从而提高学生的语言运用能力。

其次, 笔者为了激发学生的学习兴趣以及培养学生的想象力、创造力和英语表达能力, 把学生分为六组, 要求其给课文安排一个合乎情理的结尾。学生收到指令后积极地参与课堂讨论活动, 在小组内互助合作, 各抒己见, 出色地完成了课堂学习任务。

最后, 笔者适时进行德育渗透, 鼓励学生多读书。整堂课气氛活跃, 学生渴望用英语表达观点, 积极讨论。其中, 师生互动和生生互动贯穿始终, 在轻松的课堂氛围中寓教于乐, 收到了良好的效果。

本堂课也存在一些不足。例如, 笔者语速过快, 未顾及到学习稍差学生的反应, 导致个别学生听课稍显紧张, 这与教学中所提倡的调动学生非智力因素相悖。另外, 笔者在布置group work和pair work活动时, 对学生性格因素考虑较少, 导致内向型学生怯场, 不敢张嘴说话;外向型学生注意力分散, 脱离课堂内容, 这些不足在今后的课堂教学中都应该避免, 以减少课堂教学的遗憾。


3.外研版八年级英语上册课文翻译 篇三

你好tony,你在干什么? 你好daming,我正在做一个宇宙空间站的模型,你觉得怎么样?




但是我听说他们去上海出差了。 噢,他们这个晚上回来,我想要把这些展示给他们看


M3 u2



我们能在晚上看到星星的是太阳系中的其他星星。有多于200亿万颗星星在我们的星系中,称作银河,我们的太阳是其中之一。 但是科学家们曾在宇宙中发现了其他星系。他们离我们很远并且他们的光要旅行很多年才到达我们。很难想象宇宙有多大。

4.外研版八年级上册英语作文地震 篇四

In the earthquake, we have to know the ten are: one, hiding in the table and other hard home below. Second, shake off the fire, fire immediately when the fire. Third, do not panic to run outdoors. Fourth, the door open to ensure that exports. 5, outdoor occasions, to protect the head, to avoid dangerous places. Six, in the department store, the theater, according to the instructions of the staff action. 7, the car on the roadside parking, control area prohibited parking, driving. Eight, be sure to pay attention to landslides, cliffs or tsunami. Nine, take refuge when walking, carrying items should be minimal. 10, do not listen to rumors, do not act rashly.

5.外研版八年级上m9教案 篇五

1.Stand up, please.2.Good morning.3.sit down, please.4.Good afternoon.5.I’m Susan.6.What’s your name?

7.See you tomorrow.8.say goodbye to….9.greet each other.10.around the world.11.Music Room

12.Computer Room

13.Art Room

14.This is Feifei

15.How do you spell your name?

16.She’s my friend.17.That’s right

18.①(It’s)nice to meet you.②(I’m)happy to meet you.③(I’m)pleased to meet you.19.introduce Tom to Peter.20.come and meet my friend

21.family name

22.given name

23.Student Card

24.①(I’m)sorry ② Excuse me

25.What’s two and three?

26.Try again

27.how about …./ what about…..28.Let’s…=Let us….29.go out

30.call sb.31.Can I come in, please?

32.take one’s seat

33.ask sb.to do sth.34.tell sb.to do sth.35.go to…..36.go back to…..37.in English

38.an eraser

39.the name of sth.40.on the blackboard

41.Who’s that?

42.Who are they?

43.say hello to….44.Peter’s parents

45.How do you do?

46.an American family

47.a Japanese family

48.an Italian family

49.want to do sth.50.Here are the animals

51.look at the…..52.What a big pig!

53.eight years old

54.a picture of …..55.lots of…= a lot of…..56.at the zoo

57.be late for….58.have lunch

59.It’s time to do sth.60.go home

61.get up

62.start school

63.the same time

64.go to bed

65.do one’s homework

66.have breakfast

67.have dinner

68.Thanks a lot

69.That’s OK./ That’s all right.70.go to school

71.on the chair

72.under the table

73.in the kitchen

74.living room

75.pencil case

76.some books

77.computer game

78.mobile phone

79.live with sb.80.I don’t have any…..81.be married to sb.82.two children

83.over there










6.外研版八年级上m9教案 篇六

18.①(It’s)nice to meet you.②(I’m)happy to meet you.③(I’m)pleased to meet you.19.introduce Tom to Peter.20.come and meet my friend 21.family name 22.given name 23.Student Card 24.①(I’m)sorry ② Excuse me 25.What’s two and three? 26.Try again 27.how about …./ what about…..28.Let’s…=Let us….29.go out 30.call sb.31.Can I come in, please?


资料由大小学习网收集 32.take one’s seat 33.ask sb.to do sth.34.tell sb.to do sth.35.go to…..36.go back to…..37.in English 38.an eraser 39.the name of sth.40.on the blackboard 41.Who’s that? 42.Who are they? 43.say hello to….44.Peter’s parents 45.How do you do? 46.an American family 47.a Japanese family 48.an Italian family 49.want to do sth.50.Here are the animals 51.look at the…..52.What a big pig!53.eight years old 54.a picture of …..55.lots of…= a lot of…..56.at the zoo 57.be late for….58.have lunch 59.It’s time to do sth.60.go home 61.get up 62.start school 63.the same time 64.go to bed 65.do one’s homework


资料由大小学习网收集 66.have breakfast 67.have dinner 68.Thanks a lot 69.That’s OK./ That’s all right.70.go to school 71.on the chair 72.under the table 73.in the kitchen 74.living room 75.pencil case 76.some books 77.computer game 78.mobile phone 79.live with sb.80.I don’t have any…..81.be married to sb.82.two children 83.over there 汉语对照:









9、彼此问候10、11、12、13、14、15、世界各地 音乐室 电脑房 美术室 这是菲菲



资料由大小学习网收集 16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、她是我的朋友 那是对的

见到你很高兴(三种)把Tom介绍给Peter 来见一见我的朋友 姓 名 学生卡

①对不起②打扰一下 2加3等于几? 再试一试

…怎么样?(两种)让我们… 出去 给…打电话 请问我能进来吗? 就座

请求某人做某事 告诉某人做某事 去… 回到… 用英语(表达)一块橡皮 某物的名字 在黑板上 那是谁? 他们是谁? 向…问好 Peter 的父母亲(初次见面时)你好 一个美国的家庭 一个日本的家庭 一个意大利的家庭 想去做某事


资料由大小学习网收集 50、51、52、53、54、55、56、57、58、59、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、71、72、73、74、75、76、77、78、79、80、81、82、83、这儿有一些动物 看着…


…的一幅画/照片 许多…/ 大量的… 在动物园 迟于…,晚于… 吃午餐

到做某事的时间了 回家 起床 开始上学 同样的时间 上床睡觉 做某人的家庭作业 吃早餐 吃正餐;吃晚餐 多谢

不用谢;没关系 去上学 在椅子上 在桌子下面 在厨房里 起居室;客厅 铅笔盒 一些书 电脑游戏 手机;移动电话 和某人一起生活 我没有一些… 和某人结婚 两个孩子 在那边

7.2013外研版八上M1测试题 篇七


16.—Can I_______ your ruler?

—Yes.But please give it back to me soon.A.buyB.makeC.borrowD.give

17.—How about going shopping on Sunday?

—_______.A.Yes, I willB.Thank youC.That’s a good ideaD.Yes, please

18.Did it_______ you half an hour_______ this newspaper?

A.take;to readB.cost;to readC.use;to readD.take;reading

19.—Does he know the meaning of the word?

—_______.He’d better ask Mr Wang.A.Yes, he doesB.No, he doesn’tC.Yes, he doesn’tD.No, he does

20.Please translate the sentence_______ Chinese.I can’t understand it.A.toB.forC.intoD.of

21.Linda went to the teacher’s office to ask Miss Hu _______help.A.ofB.toC.withD.for

22.—Why didn’t your sister talk with me?

—She is a _______girl.She is afraid of speaking before strangers(陌生人).A.goodB.happyC.shyD.clever

23.—Excuse me, Mr Li, I don’t know the meaning of the whole sentence.What shall I do? —You should _______the new words first.A.look atB.look upC.look forD.look after

24.My friend Dave helped me a lot by giving me _______on English learning.A.advicesB.many adviceC.some adviceD.an advice

25.—What’s your plan for the coming weekend?

—_______go to fly kites?

A.Why not toB.Let’s

C.Why don’t weD.How about


Most of us have learned English for several years, so we can read English books and magazines without the teacher’an English story or a whole bookcan we be a better reader?

It is some suitable(适宜的)books.Then what books are suitable?Well, I think we should first choose books that are not too difficullet new words take too much of our attention(注意力).Just do as we often do in our own language.While we are reading, try toin reading English books and magazines.26.A.readB.readingC.lookD.looking



29.A.choose(选择)B.choosesC.to chooseD.chose




33.A.look for


35.A.successfulB.usually B.matchB.look atB.booksB.successC.oftenC.number C.look after C.adviceC.succeedD.never D.count D.look up D.meaning D.successfully

四、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分20 分)


Everyone has a hobby.My hobby is keeping a diary in English.When I was nine years old, I began to have my hobby.At first it seemed hard for me, but now it is easy.I know it’s possible to learn English well.After school I often go to the school library to read English stories or articles.Sometimes my English teacher introduces some interesting things to me.I collect information for my diary by doing these.After I finish my diary every day, I always try to correct mistakes with the help of the dictionary.Now my English is very good.I love my hobby.It helps me a lot to learn English well.36.I began to keep a diary_______.A.when I was nine years oldB.before I was nine

C.when I was eight years oldD.for nine years

37._______it was not easy for me to keep a diary in English.A.NowB.UsuallyC.At lastD.At first

38.From the passage we know_______ is one of the best ways to learn English well.A.keeping a diaryB.more reading

C.more speakingD.more listening

39.How do I collect information for my diary?

A.I often read English stories or articles.B.My teacher sometimes introduces some interesting things to me.C.I often go to the cinema.D.Both A and B.40.From the passage we can say it’s_______ for us to have a good hobby.A.badB.uselessC.helpfulD.careless


Almost everybody has a hobby(爱好).My hobby is keeping a diary in English.When I was nine years old, I began to have my hobby.At first it seemed(似乎)hard for me, but now it is easy.I know it’s possible to learn English well.After school I often go to the school library to read English stories or articles.Sometimes my English teacher introduces some interesting things to me.I collect information(收集信息)for my diary by doing these.After I finish my diary every day, I always try to correct mistakes with the help of the dictionary.Now my English is very good.I love my hobby.It helps me to learn English better.41.I began to keep a diary______.A.when I was nine years old

B.before I was nine

C.when I was eight years old

D.for nine years

42.______it was not easy for me to keep a diary in English.A.NowB.UsuallyC.At lastD.At first

43.From the passage we know ______is one of the best ways to learn English well.A.keeping a diaryB.more reading

C.more speakingD.more listening

44.Which of the following is NOT my way of collecting information for my diary?

A.I often read English stories.B.My teacher sometimes introduces some interesting things to me.C.I often go to the cinema.D.I often read English articles.45.From the passage we can say it’s______ for us to have a good hobby.A.badB.uselessC.helpfulD.careless


46.You should find the_______(关键性的)words in the sentence.47.Could you give me some________(建议)on how to play basketball well?

48.It’s a good idea to read English________(大声地).49.Is it________(可能的)to finish the work in a week?

50.How can I________(改善)my reading?


51.I’m afraid your_______(translate)is not correct.52.You can buy _______(you)what you like with the money.53.Lu Xun is a famous writer and _______(write)is a part of his life.54.Please send my best_______(wish)to your parents.55.You should pay attention to your _______(spell).七、根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题1分,满分5分)


_______a good idea _______ _______a walk after supper.57.萨莉害怕在课堂上讲汉语。Sally is ______________ _______Chinese in class.58.你为什么不加入他们呢?

______________ _______ join them?


Please read the conversation ______________.60.记着告诉他这个好消息。

_____________________him the good news.八、书面表达(满分15 分)






______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 答案:

16.C根据题意应该选borrow, 意为“借”。其他三个选项依次表示“买”“做”“给”,都不符合题意。

17.CThat’s a good idea.用来表示赞成对方的建议。

18.AIt takes/took sb.some time to do sth.意为“做某事花费某人一段时间”,本题是该句型的一般疑问句结构。

19.B由“He’d…Mr Wang.” 可知他不知道,故应作否定回答。


21.Dask sb.for help是固定搭配,意为“向某人请求帮助”。


23.Blook at “看„„”;look up “查;查找”;look for “寻找”;look after “照顾”。宾语是the new words(生词),应与look up搭配。


25.Cwhy not后应接动词原形,let’s用于陈述句中,how about 后用动词-ing形式,故排除

A、B、D三项。Why don’t we/you do sth.?是固定句型

26.Bfinish doing sth.是固定搭配,意为“做完某事”。读故事或读书动词应该用read。

27.Bby oneself意为“独自,单独”。


29.C本题考查句型“It+ be+形容词+to do sth.”,动词不定式短语作真正的主语。




33.D在词典中“查找”用look up。




37.D由第二段的第二句“At first it seemed hard for me…”可知。



40.C由文章的最后一句“It helps me a lot to learn English well.”可知,有一个好的爱好对我们是非常有帮助的。








56.It’s, to take57.afraid to speak58.Why don’t you59.in pairs60.Remember to tell One possible version:

8.外研版英语九年级上册教案 篇八



A. 图文并茂。一幅副充满情趣,幽默生动的画面,令你眼睛一亮。它不仅版面设计充满新意,而且在内容和结构方面更富有创意 更具时代感,更有现代气息,更加贴近学生的生活。学生一拿到课本后都爱不释手,迫不及待地翻阅。

B. 实用性强。每个单元的选材都来源于学生的学习和生活。紧紧地与学生的年龄特征、认知结构、生活经验联系在一起。如第一册的十四个话题:认识新朋友、教室里的物品、家庭成员、食品、购物、电影、参加社团、生活习惯、学习科目、国家与语言。第二册的十二个话题:邻居、动物、足球、职业、周末活动、音乐、人物性格与外貌、天气、节日、度假与休闲、流行文化、规章制度与日常生活。由于这些都是学生熟悉的话题,生活中经常碰到的事情,所以学生容易接受,学习热情自然也高。使教学活动由“要我学”转变为“我要学”。

C.注重交际。针对中国学生学英语普遍存在的“聋哑病”,教材设计了大量的听说读写材料。每个单元都有语言活动,且内容不同,形式多样,学生对这些活动充满兴趣,所以大家都能情绪高昂地参加pair work, group work, games等活动。学生们充满了自信,开心地练习说英语,教室里常常充满了欢歌笑语。同学们都喜欢上英语课,他们能为学以致用而感到兴奋,同时也体验到了学习语言的快乐。

D.词汇量大。第一册有词汇700个左右,第二册约450个,第三册约450个,第四册约400个, 第五册约500个,合计2500个。这一点正好达到《英语课程标准》5级的要求。大大丰富了学生的词汇量,让学生能更好地表达自己的所思所想。同时也要求学生必须采取有效的记忆单词的方法,就会事半功倍,否则难以适应教材的要求。这时学生特别需要教师的指导 .。


a.言语、情境真实性原则 (The authenticity principle)


b.形式-功能性原则 (The form-function principle)


c.阶梯型任务原则 (The task dependency principle)


d. 在做中学原则 (Learning by doing)

9.五年级下册英语教案外研版 篇九

bedroom卧室living room客厅;起居室study书房kitchen厨房bathroom卫生间phone电话table桌子bed床sofa长沙发fridge冰箱find找到them他们

二、Let’s spell:

u-e [ju:] use使用cute可爱的excuse原谅,道歉tube管道mule骡子

u [?] cut切us我们fun开心up向上bus公共汽车mum妈妈duck鸭



Where are the keys?钥匙在哪里?Are they on the table?它们在桌子上吗?

No, they aren’t.不,它们不是。 They’re in the door.他们在门里。语法点:1. are开头的句子属于一般疑问句,回答是yes或no,然后根据句子的开头进行颠倒变化。

Be(is, am, are)的用法口诀


变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定,更容易,be(am, is, are)后not莫忘记。


句型:Is she in the living room?她在起居室里吗?

Yes, she is.是的,她是。No, she isn’t.不,她不是。


1.地点类:in the study在书房; in the kitchen在厨房; in the bathroom在浴室;

in your desk在你的课桌里; in your hand在你手里; on the table在桌子上;under the table在桌子下; on the fridge在冰箱上;near the phone在电话旁边;on the bed在床上

2.动作类:watch TV看电视read a book看书have a snack吃点心

have a nap睡一会儿open the door开门look at看

Go to the living room. Watch TV去客厅,看电视

Go to the study. Read a book去书房,读书

Go to the kitchen. Have a snack去厨房,吃零食

Go to the bedroom. Have a nap去卧室,睡觉

Go to the bathroom. Take a shower.去浴室,洗澡


1.Is she in the living room ?她在客厅里吗?

No , she isn’t.不,她不在。 / Yes, she is.是,她在。

2. Are they near the phone ?它们在电话旁边吗?

No , they aren’t .不,它们不在。 / Yes, they are.是的,它们在。

3. Where is the cap ?帽子在哪里?It’s on the bed.它在床上。

4. Where are the keys ?钥匙在哪儿?

Are they on the table ?它们在桌子上吗?

No , they aren’t . They’re in the door .不,不在。它们在门上。

5. Where are the keys?钥匙在哪儿?They’re on the fridge.它们在冰箱上。

6. Open the door, please.请打开门。 OK.好的

7. Is she in the study?她在书房里吗?

No, she isn’t .不,她不在。 /Yes, she is.是,她在。

8. Is it in your hand ?它在你的手里吗?

上一篇:三日歌朗诵词下一篇:初中写景作文: 美丽的月季