


1.英国文学复习大纲 篇一









(3)英国文学的炽盛时期:A:诗歌 B:戏剧
















(2)丁尼生,布朗宁夫妇,罗塞蒂和斯温伯恩(3)世纪末的文学动向。A:自然主义 B:新浪漫主义 C:唯美主义









1.盎格鲁·撒克逊时代的民族史诗和贝奥武甫。 2.中世纪诗歌和浪漫传奇

杰弗瑞·乔叟;英格兰、苏格兰民歌和罗宾汉之歌。 3.文艺复兴时代:

克利斯托夫.马洛;艾德蒙.斯宾塞;伟大的戏剧家莎士比亚; 4.资产阶级革命和王朝复辟时代: 诗人约翰·弥尔顿和小说家约翰·班扬。 5.十八世纪:


浪漫主义诗人华滋华斯、拜伦、雪菜。 7.十九世纪中期:

批判现实主义小说家狄更斯、萨克雷、勃朗特三姐妹。 8.十九世纪末期: 小说家托马斯·哈代。

9.二十世纪主要代表性作家与现代主义: 萧伯纳、托·斯·艾略特、乔伊斯、英国文学史上从莎士比亚起至当代22位作家以及美国文学史上从富兰克林起至当代15位作家的作品。在体裁上包括诗歌、戏剧、散文和小说,在时代上较侧重于近代。其中包括William Shakespeare、Jonathan Swift、William Wordsworth、Jane Austen、Percy Bysshe Shelley、John Keats、Charles Dickens、Thomas Hardy、Oscar Wilde、George Bernard Shaw、John Boynton Priestley;Nathaniel Hawthorne、Henry Wadsworth Longfellow、Edgar Allan Poe、Walt Whitman、Emily Dickinson、Mark Twain、Theodore Dreiser、Jack London、Robert Frost、Eugene O’Neill、Ernest Hemingway和Arthur Miller 等重要作家的代表作或节选。


1.William Shakespeare … Sonnet 18 / The Merchant of Venice(Act IV, Scene1)2.Henry Fielding………… Joseph Andrews(Chapter 12)3.Robert Burns…………… A Red, Red Rose / Three Satirical Epigrams 4.William Blake………… London / I Heard an Angel Singing 5.William Wordsworth … The Solitary Reaper / Composed upon Westminster Bridge 6.Jane Austen ………… Pride and Prejudice(excerpt)

7.Percy Bysshe Shelley …Song to the Men of England / Ode to the West Wind 8.John Keats ………… On the Grasshopper and Cricket / To Autumn 9.Charles Dickens ………… David Copperfield(excerpt)10.William Makepeace Thackeray ……… Vanity Fair(Chapter 6)11.Emily Bronte …………………………… Wuthering Heights(Chapter 15)12.Tomas Hardy ……………… Tess of the D’Urbervilles(Chapters 13, 55 & 56)13.Oscar Wilde ………………The Importance of Being Earnest(excerpt from Act I)14.George Bernard Shaw …… Pygmalion 15.Thomas Stearns Eliot …… Morning at the Window / Aunt Helen / Cousin Nancy

AMERICAN LITERATURE 1.Benjamin Franklin ……………… Autobiography 2.Ralph Waldo Emerson …………..The American Scholar 3.Nathaniel Hawthorne …………… The Minister’s Black Veil 4.Edgar Allan Poe ………………… Annabel Lee / To Helen 5.Walt Whitman …………………… Selections from Leaves of Grass 6.Emily Dickinson ………………… Selected Poems 7.Mark Twain ……………………… The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 8.Theodore Dreiser ……………… An American Tragedy

9.Robert Frost …………………… The Pasture / Mending Wall / The Road Not Taken 10.Eugene O’Neill ……………… The Hairy Ape 11.Ernest Hemingway …………… A Farewell to Arms 12.Arthur Miller ………………… Death of a Salesman


1、殖民时代的美国作家 Benjamin Franklin

美国文学 生平介绍、作品的流畅、清晰、言简意赅的文风,受18世纪英国作家的影响。作品中清教思想的反映及对后世美国文学的影响。

2、浪漫主义文学时期的美国作家 1)Washington Irving 生平介绍、对美国文学的突出贡献、对欧洲民间故事的移殖,使之成为美国文学的传统,作品的风格。2)James Cooper 生平简介、美国战争历史小说、海洋冒险小说以及边疆小说的开拓者、对小说艺术形式的贡献。3)Edgar Allan Poe 生平及创作简介,对法国象征诗人;对现、当代美国南方文学、对后世侦探作家的影响,文学理论以及对王尔德“为艺术而艺术”等唯美主义作家的影响。4)Walt Whitman 《草叶集》中歌颂自由、民主、平等、人的创造力以及对美国人民的赞颂和对现代科学技术的赞扬。对美国诗歌的独特贡献以及对威廉斯、庞德、垮掉一代作家等的影响。《草叶集》的创新及艺术风格。5)Ralph Emerson 超验主义哲学思想的核心。爱默生超验主义思想在文学中的反映及对梭罗、惠特曼、弗罗斯特的影响。6)Henry David Thoreau 对超验主义者运动的贡献及其作品的影响。7)Emily Dickinson 作品的主题、对现代诗人的影响尤其对意象派的影响、作品的艺术内容。8)Nathaniel Hawthorne 介绍加尔文教、清教思想对霍桑的思想及其作品的影响、《红字》一书的艺术手法以及霍桑对人类心灵的探讨。

3、现实主义作家 1)Mrs.Stowe 介绍废奴文学、《汤姆叔叔的小屋》的社会意义以及黑人在美国社会所受不幸遭遇等。2)Mark Twain 介绍马克“吐温的生活经历在其文学作品中的反映,其作品的社会意义,对美国社会各种腐败现象的揭露,马克”吐温代表作的艺术手法。马克“吐温的口语化语言对现、当代美国作品的影响。马克吐温被誉为“美国文学之父”。3)0.Henry 欧”享利小说的社会意义。其短篇小说的艺术风格,既“欧“享利式”的小说艺术。4)W.Dean Howells 豪威尔斯对现实主义小说的理论贡献。其作品的艺术风格。5)Henry James 詹姆斯对美国小说的贡献:小说叙事角度的转换、对人物内心世界的探索,注重作品的哲学意义和心理意义等。詹姆斯对文艺理论的贡献等。


1)Stephen Crane,Frank Norris 对自然主义文学的理论贡献以及他们的自然主义小说。2)Jack London 杰克”伦敦的自传体式小说,作品的意义。3)Theodore Dreiser 德莱塞的自传体小说。分析代表作《嘉莉妹妹》和《美国的悲剧》。

5、二十世纪二十年代的美国作家 1)一战后的美国文学背景及文学倾向。

简介一战对美国作家的影响。他们对传统道德的摒弃和对传统文学形式的摈弃,他们的创作和为美国文学赢得的世界荣誉。2)Ernest Hemingway 介绍海明威的生活在其文学作品中的反映。海明威的艺术风格、小说的主题思想——“硬汉子”以及“重压下的优雅风度”简介。阐述历久不息的海明威热及其对美国文学的杰出贡献。3)F“Scott Fitzgerald 介绍“二十年代的代言人”菲茨杰拉德。分析其代表作《了不起的盖茨比》的艺术成就和社会意义。4)Imagism”Ezra Pound 介绍意象主义产生的时代背景、意象主义的发展及其消亡、各个时期的发展情况、意象主义的核心思想及对英美现、当代诗的影响。

介绍庞德对意象主义运动的巨大贡献、庞德汉诗英译的成就及其对中国古典诗歌和中国文化的不懈追求,重点讲授其代表作《In a Station of the Metro》(《地铁车站》)。5)Sherwood Anderson 介绍安德森对同时代作家的影响。重点介绍其代表作《Winesbury, Ohio》的艺 术成就、语言特色以及安德森在二十世纪20年代美国文坛上的独特地位。6)Robert Frost 介绍弗罗斯特简洁朴素的语言下蕴含的深䆳哲理。介绍弗罗斯特在传统之路上的诗歌成就、简洁语言、艺术风格以及历久不息的弗罗斯特热的原因。7)W“Carlos”Williams 介绍威廉斯的诗学理论。其诗作的语言风格和清新、质朴的语言。介绍其代表作《红色手推车》。8)T“S”Eliot 其艺术手法,对美国诗歌产生的巨大影响等。9)William Faulkner 福克纳通过对美国南方四个大家族的描述,呈现出的一幅复杂的南方社会的生活图画,表现了二百年来美国南方社会的变迁。分析代表作《愤怒与喧嚣》的社会意义、艺术手法、艺术成就等。10)Sinclair Lewis 刘易斯的小说艺术成就。其代表作《大街》和《巴比特》对美国中产阶级生活的细腻描述等。11)E“E”Cummings 肯明斯诗歌的独创性,诗作的意义。

6、三十年代的美国文学 1)30年代的文学背景

30年代的文学背景,进步作家介绍。30年代作家与20年代作家的区别等。2)Dos Passos 帕索斯《美国》三部曲的社会意义、文学成就。3)John Steinbeck 斯坦贝克的思想倾向介绍以及代表作《愤怒的葡萄》的社会意义和艺术成就。4)逃亡者——重农派——新批评

介绍崛起20于年代、以兰色姆为代表的逃亡者到30年代转向文学批评,即新批评的过程。重点介绍Ransom, Tate, Warren, Brooks 的文学批评及其偏颇。5)O’ Neill






2.英国文学复习大纲 篇二

Ⅰ.Multiple Choice(25points, 共25题,1 point each)。

Ⅱ.True or false(10 points, 共10题,1 point each)。

Ⅲ.Identification of Fragments,(4篇,每篇5个小题,共20小题,40 points,2 points each);

IV.Comment(25 points): 根据提示材料写一篇250字左右的评述。









3.英国文学大事记与文学术语集萃 篇三


1.The Medieval period : 450---1485

Anglo-saxon or Old English Period(450---1066): poetry in oral form

Anglo-Norman Period(1066---1340): romance

The 14th Century(1340---1400):Age of Chaucer

The 15th Century

2.The Renaissance Period(the late 15th century---1750s): Drama and poetry

The Renaissance Humanism The Elizabethan Age(1558-1603): the golden age of English poetry

3.The 17th Century

The Jacobean Age(1603-1625): the Metaphysical poetry The Caroline Period(1625-1649): the Cavalier poetry The Revolutionary period or The Puritan Age(1640---1660): Milton

The Period of Restoration(1660---1688): Age of Dryden

4.The 18th century: Age of Prose

The Enlightenment Movement

New-classicism(1700-1745):The Augustan Age

Realism Sentimentalism



Alliteration or Head Rhyme or Initial Rhyme refers to the repetition of the same sounds—usually initial consonants of words or of stressed syllables—in any sequence of neighboring words.A Ballad is a story told in song, usually in four-line stanzas, with the second and fourth lines rhymed.Romance is the prevailing literary form of literature in the Middle Ages(1000-1453).It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero.Heroic Couplet is a rhymed pair of iambic pentameter lines.It was established by Chaucer as a major English verse-form for narrative and other kinds of non-dramatic poetry;it dominated English poetry of the 18th century notably in the poetry of Pope, before declining in importance in the early 19th century.The Ecologue was a classical form, practiced by Virgil and others;it represents usually in dialogue between shepherds, the moods and feeling and attitudes of the simple life.Essay is a literary form which can be defined as a short piece of expository prose.The purpose is to inform or explain rather than to dramatize or amuse.Its feature is brevity.New-classicism is a revival of classical standards of order, balance and harmony in literature in the 17th and 18th centuries in England.Realism is a mode of writing that gives the impression of recording life as it really is without sentimentalizing or idealizing it.It may be found as an element in the works of Chaucer or Defoe prior to the 19th century, but as a dominant trend in the novels of the middle-or lower class life in the 19th century

The Renaissance in England: Renaissance is the „rebirth‟ of literature, art and learning that progressively transformed European culture from the mid-14th century in Italy to the mid-17th century in England, strongly influenced by the rediscovery of classical Greek and Latin literature, and accelerated by the development of printing.The Renaissance is commonly held to mark the close of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the modern Western world.In literary terms, the Renaissance may be seen as a new tradition running from Petrarch and Boccaccio in Italy to Jonson and Milton in England, embracing the work of Sidney, Spenser, and Shakespeare;it is marked by a new self-confidence in vernacular literatures, a flourishing of lyric poetry, and a revival of such classical forms as epic and pastoral literature.The Enlightenment was a progressive intellectual movement throughout the Western Europe in the 18th century.It greatly influenced the English social life and literature.Generally speaking, the Enlightenment movement was an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.The enlighteners fought against class in equality, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.They thought the chief means for improving society was “enlightenment” or “education” for the people.The English enlighteners fell into two groups: the moderate and the radical.The moderate includes: Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson and Dr.Johnson.The Radical includes such writers as Jonathan Swift, Henry Fielding, Tobias George Smollet, Oliver Goldsmith and Richard Brinsley Sheridan.Spenserian stanza is a 9-line stanza form with the rhyme scheme of abab bcbc c, invented by Edmund Spenser.The first eight are iambic pentameter lines, and the last line is an iambic hexameter line.Pastoral, a highly conventional mode of writing that celebrates the innocent life of shepherds and shepherdesses in poems, plays, and prose romances.Pastoral literature describes the loves and sorrows of musical shepherds, usually in an idealized Golden Age of rustic innocence and idleness;paradoxically, it is an elaborately artificial cult of simplicity and virtuous frugality.Sonnet is a lyric poem consisting of a single stanza of 14 iambic pentameter lines linked by an intricate rhyme scheme.There are two major patterns of rhyme in sonnets written in English.The Italian or Petrarchan sonnet(named after the 14th century Italian poet Petrarch)comprises an octave(8 lines)rhyming abbaabba and a sestet(6 lines)rhyming cdecde or cdccdc.The transition from octave to sestet usually coincides with a „turn‟ in the argument or mood of the poem.The English or Shakespearean sonnet(named after its greatest practitioner)comprises three quatrains and a final couplet, rhyming ababcdcdefefgg.The „turn‟ comes with the final couplet, which may sometimes achieve an epigram.There was one notable variant, the Spenserian sonnet, in which Spenser linked each quatrain to the next by a continuing rhyme: abab bcbc cdcd ee.There are three famous sonnet sequences in the Elizabethan Age----Spenser‟s Amoretti, Shakespeare‟s sonnets and Sidney‟s Astrophel and Stella.Ballad stanza or Ballad metre, the usual form of the folk ballad and its literary imitations, consisting of a quatrain in which the first and third lines have four stresses while the second and fourth have three stresses.Usually only the second and fourth lines rhyme.The rhythm is basically iambic.The Metaphysical Poets: John Dryden said in his Discourse Concerning Satire(1693)that John Donne in his poetry “affects the metaphysics,” meaning that Donne employs the terminology and abstruse arguments of the medieval Scholastic philosophers.In 1779 Samuel Johnson extended the term “metaphysical” from Donne to a school of poets in his “Life of Cowley.” The name is now applied to a diverse group of 17th-century English poets whose work is notable for its ingenious use of intellectual and theological concepts in surprising conceits, strange paradoxes and far-fetched imagery.The leading metaphysical poet was John Donne, whose colloquial, argumentative abruptness of rhythm and tone distinguishes his style from the conventions of Elizabethan love lyrics.Other poets to whom the label is applied include Andrew Marvell, Abraham Cowley, John Cleveland and the predominantly religious poets George Herbert, Henry Vaughan and Richard Crashaw.Conceit: an unusually far-fetched or elaborate metaphor or simile presenting a surprisingly apt parallel between two apparently dissimilar things or feelings.Poetic conceits are prominent in Elizabethan love sonnets, in metaphysical poetry.Conceits often employ the devices of hyperbole, paradox and oxymoron.Originally meaning a concept or image, conceit came to be the term for figures of speech which establish a striking parallel, usually ingeniously elaborate, between two very dissimilar things or situations.The Cavalier poets are a group of English lyric poets who were active, approximately, during the reign of Charles I(1625-1640).This group includes Richard Lovelace, Sir John Suckling, Robert Herrick, Thomas Carew, and Waller.These poets virtually abandoned the sonnet form which had been the favoured medium for love poems for a century.They were considerably influenced by Ben Jonson.Their lyrics are light, witty, elegant and, for the most part, concerned with love.They show much technical virtuosity.Carpe Diem: a tradition theme dating back to classical Greek and Latin poetry and particularly popular among the English Cavalier poets.Carpe Diem means, literally, “seize the day”, that is, “live for today.” The Carpe Diem theme is epitomized in a line from Robert Herrick‟s “To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time”: “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.”

4.英国文学论文提纲 篇四


学号: 200505140803

One’s Sacrifice in His or Her Society--After reading The Mill on the Floss


Thesis statement: This paper is based on George Eliot’ the Mill on the Floss.In the novel there are conflicts among individuals as well as individual and society.Then this paper reveals one’s sacrifice in face of conflicts and the relation between one’s own will and the outside’s bondage upon him or her.At last the conclusion that only mutual understanding and cooperation can solve the problems is drew.I.Introduction.II.The influence of society upon individuals and their responses to the outside A.Man’s and woman’s different responsibilities in 19th century illustrated with members in Maggie’s large family B.The influence of one’s social background on his or her growth 1.Maggie’s sacrifice as a woman during her growth in 19th century 2.Tom’s loss at different time of his growth 3.Philip’s deficiency and his family background 4.Lucy’s merits in Victorian England C.Different characters’ response in the face of various situations 1.Maggie’s fight against discrimination 2.Tom’s reactions to responsibility given by family 3.Philip’s compromise as a gentleman 4.Lucy’s standard behavior as a lady

III.Analysis of the conflicts showed by main character A.The conflicts displayed by Maggie 1.The conflict in Maggie’s inner world

2.The conflict between Maggie and the outside world

B.The cause of the conflicts 1.The traditional attitude towards relationship between people 2.The lack of mutual understanding among people C.The solution to conflicts over the social relation Ⅳ.Conclusion

References Bodenheimer, Rosemarie.The Real Life of Mary Ann Evans.Cornell: Cornell University Press,1994.2 Carrol,David.George Eliot: The Critical Heritage.London: Routledge,1995.3 Henry, Nancy.George Eliot and the British Empire.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002.4 Hogan, Anne.Women of Faith in Victorian Culture: Reassessing the Angel in the House.London: Macmillan Press.1998.5 George Eliot, the Mill on the Floss, Apr, 1996 高晓声:《郑州工业大学学报(社会科学版)》期刊 ISSN : 1009-1270(2001)02-0040-03《郑州工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2001年 第19卷 第02期



