


1.新东方医学考博英语 篇一

Question1 W:It would help me if you could go over last week and give me an idea how muchbeer drank each evening.M:Well, let me see, I went on to the bar 4 times last week, and drank about 3pints each evening.Question:How much beer did the man drink last week?

Question2 W:Is there anything else I can do to help me sleep at night? M:Don’t worry about so much things about work.I know, I know, easily said thandone.W:Should I stay home from work? M:No, I don’t think that necessary.Just remember to stay calm.Question:What did the doctor suggest the woman do?

Question3 W:How is with your feeling in general? M:No complaints really.Question:What does the man mean?

Question4 W:Our managing director is going to give you a raise.M:Really? Are you kidding me? W:Absolutely!He thinks you would!Question:What does the woman say?

Question5 W:I’ve been so worry about my daughter.She is so different and temperament forme.We are not always on the same wheeling.M:That’s quite common with mothers and daughters.W:She is a further personality and very much on the ball, but she is an excitedball child.Question:What does the woman mean?

Question6 W:Where is your injury? M:Here, my ankle.W:How did it happen? M:I tripped over on the evening and twisted it.It was swollen and very painful.Question:What is true about the woman?

Question7 W:John wants to move upwards and onwards within his new company.M:He is well qualified and the boss was into him.W:So you think he will achieve his goal? M:Year!For a better he will.Question:What did the man mean? Question8 M:Take the slip to the front desk and then arrange an appointment for the tests.W:Thanks doc!Have a nice day!Question:What will the woman do?


M:There is one girl on my school who everybody picks up.W:Why? M:Because she doesn’t wear everybody wears.Question:What can be inferred about the girl in question?

Question10 M:What’s your coming for today, Mrs.Sanderson?

W:I’ve been having some pains in my joints, especially the knees!Question:Where does the conversation most probably take place?

Question11 W:How long does the pain last when you get it? M:It comes and goes!Sometimes I hardly feel anything, other times it can lastfor half an hour or more.W:Is there any type of food that seems to cause the strong pain or other types? M:Um, heavy foods like stake insonnia usually bring it on, I’m trying to avoid those.Question:What kind of food seems to cause strong pain to the man?

Question12 W:Carl, your bicycle is too old, it’s not safe for you to ride.M:Year!I think I need to buy a new one, but it will go with time.Question:What did the man mean?

Question13 M:How long could you have these symptoms? W:Oh, I have the cough for two weeks, but feeling ill just be part a few days.Question:What do we know about the woman’s illness?

Question14 W:I think I could recover the cough at the end of this year.M:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but the stock index still ranges between 1900 and2900 after every year.Question:What does the man mean?

Question15 M:I just want check to understand which pills to take and when? W:The yellow one in the morning and the others, Oh, I think no, maybe, Ah, you’dbetter to write it down!Then you won’t forget!

M:Here is some paper!The yellow one once a day before breakfast, the large roundone three times a day after meals, the small ones when you need one forsleeping.Question:Which of the following statements is true?

W:Hi, Patrick, how is your feeling today? M:A bit better!W:That’s good to hear!Are your still feeling nausea? M:No, I haven’t feel sick to my stomach since you switched my medication.W:Great!See, your test results come in this morning.M:I’s about time!Is it good news or bad? W:I get it a bit of both!Which do you want first? M:Let’s get the bad news over with it.W:OK, it looks like you are going to need a surgery to remove the tumor from yourleg.After the operation, you are going to have to stay off your feet for atleast 3 weeks, that means no soccer!M:Oh, I’m afraid you are going to say that!

W:Now for the good news!The biopsy shows that the tumor is benign, which meansit’s not cancerous.We are going to take it off any way just to be on the safeside!M:Wow, that’s a load off my mind!Thanks doctor!

W:Don’t get too excited!We still need to get the bottom all this way loss!M:I probably just been so worry about this stupid lump!W:These things often our stressed related.But we are still going to have a fewblood tests just to rule off things out!M:Like what? Cancer? W:Actually I’m thinking more of the line of food allergy!

Question16 Whydid the man have to switch medication? Question17 What’sthe bad news for the man? Question18 Whatmedical procedures has the man already undergone? Question19 Whydid the doctor ask the man to take a few blood tests? Question20 Whichof the following could best describe the man’s feeling in the end?

Women may be more susceptible to the lung-damaging effect to smoking than man.According to New research by Inassessali Sohine, MD, and her colleagues from Chiming laboratory,Briven and Women Hospital at University of Bourger, Norway.They analyzed data from the Norwegian case control study, including 954 subjects with chronic obstructed pulmonary disease(COPD)and 955 control, all are current or ex-smokers.The COPD subject have moderate or severe COPD.A role our analysis indicated the women may be more vulnerable to the effect of smoking, which is something previously suspected the(norkuven?), said Dr.Sohine.The study result would be presented on may 18, at the 105 international conference of the American directive society in San Diego.Examining the total study sample there is no gender differences with respect to lung function and COPD severity, but the women were on average younger, and they smoked significantly less than the man.To experience the differences further they also analyzed two subgroup a six study samples.COPD subject on the age of 60 and COPD subject with less than 20 pack years.In both subgroups women have more severe disease and great impairment to the lung function than men.New(flims?)that female smokers in our study experienced reduced lung function at a lower level of smoking exposure and at earlier age than men, said Dr Sohine.It is long been suspected that the effective Smoking on lung function may be modified by gender.Interaction analysis confirm that being female represent a higher risk of reduced lung function and severer COPD.This gender reset were less pronounced when smoking exposure is low.According to Dr Sohine, the reason why the women may be more susceptible to the effect of cigarette smoke is still unknown.But there are four possible explanations.Women have small airways, therefore eat cigarettes may be more harm.Also there are gender differences in the metabolism of cigarette smoke.Genes or hormones could also be important.Question No.21: what is the most likely surface topic for this talk? Question No.22: How many subjects the Dr.Sohine recruited in the study? Question No.23: When and where the Dr Sohine presented their study result? Question No.24: According to the talk, When is the gender difference most likely to be obvious in COPD susceptibility? Question No.25: which of the following is not the explanation for user great susceptibility to the effect of smoking?

2.新东方医学考博英语 篇二

1.My View on… 题型


My View on Donating Blood

.it is glorious to donate blood.can be saved.blood is very precious and loosing 200ml or more may do harm to their health.’s health, it doesn’t mean that donating a little blood is also harmful.doctors say that donating a little blood can promote metabolism.there are many people who need our help.If my little blood can pull back somebody on the way to death, will there be anything that can make me even happier?

donating blood is glorious.2.Advantages and Disadvantages of…题型


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Fridge the fridge it is hygienic.Vegetables can be kept fresh in the fridge.with the fridge people can make ice, ice cream, etc.in summer.can be stored in the freezer for a long time without deteriorating because the growth of bacteria can be checked at a low temperature.the food which has kept in the fridge will not be so tasty as the fresh food.the fridge produces a little noise and so people can not sleep soundly at night.fridges still use Freon, which is harmful to the environment, though the substitute of Freon has been invented and is being popularized.in the city, almost every family has a fridge and it has become people’s life necessity.3.How to …题型


How to Solve the Problem of Heavy Traffic

With the booming of the motor industry, there are an increasing number of vehicles on the roads.As a result, traffic jams often occur.roads should be broadened to lower the degree of congestion and to speed up the flow of heavy traffic.heavy traffic is to open up more bus routes to reduce bicycles and automobiles.more underground passages should be

developed so that people can commute by metro.if the government takes some actions to alleviate the traffic problem, all of us can enjoy more free traffic.4.A or B 题型


Traveling by Train or by Plane

or by plane.target airport.in a plane we can command a good view of fields, buildings, mountains, and even clouds below.traveling by train and by plane a train ticket is cheap.Most of us can afford it.twice as expensive as a train ticket.Most of us grudge paying for it.it is safer to travel by train.If the train gets into some trouble, we may survive by jumping out of it.if we travel by plane, we have to ask God to bless us.Finally, it takes us longer time to travel by plane.save money, we will travel by train;



Why Are There So Many Rural Laborers in Shanghai?

3.2018年医学考博完全解读 篇三


百家号 09-15 18:22









4.考博心得之考博英语阅读理解 篇四


































5.2013人大考博英语 篇五

20分单选20个 20分完型20个 20分阅读20个

20分翻译英译汉汉译英 20分写作 写作题目

Major study and English learning

不少于200字 必须包括以下内容

1.major study is your future 2.English study is important 3.How to manage the time between them

6.怎样准备考博英语 篇六

考博士英语复习应该有针对性: 主要看你报考的事高校还是研究所,报考高校只要不是很国内最牛的学校,如北大和清华,就比较好复习,看看你要报考高校往年的试题熟悉一下题型。并且一定及时把握该校考博的信息,一般都会有招办出的考博复习资料,这些资料一定要完全搞懂,很可能其中的一部分习题就是考题哦。中科院的研究所是全国命题,需要好好准备,难度在六级以上。中科院出了一本书,也是关于英语词汇的,1万多词汇吧。多看看。多做些阅读理解习题,要学会快速阅读,中科院的考题不像六级那样每道题都有陷阱,一般看明白了文章即可答对,但是,阅读的篇幅和内容是相当之大,非六级能比,所以,锻炼快速阅读是基础。其他的,就是熟悉题型后,刻苦加勤奋加多练习了,祝你考试成功!




7.考博英语摘要练习 篇七

Before giant waves slammed into Sri Lanka and Indian coastlines ten days ago, wild and domestic animals seemed to know what was about to happen and fled to safety.According to eyewitness accounts, the following events happened: Elephants screamed and ran for higher ground.Dogs refused to go outdoors.Flamingos abandoned their low-lying breeding areas.Zoo animals rushed into their shelters and could not he enticed to come back out.The belief that wild and domestic animals possess a sixth sense--and knowing in advance when the earth is going to shake--has been around for centuries.Wildlife experts believe animals’ more acute hearing and other senses might enable them to hear or feel the Earth’s vibration, tipping them off to approaching disaster long before humans realize what’s going on.The massive tsunami was triggered by a magnitude 9 temblor off the coast of northern Sumatra island on December 26.The giant waves rolled through the Indian Ocean, killing more than 150,OOO people in a dozens of countries.Relatively few animals have been reported dead, however, reviving speculation that animals somehow sense impending disaster.Ravi Corea, president of the Sri Lanka wildlife Conservation Society was in Sri Lanka when the massive waves struck.Afterward, he traveled to the Patanangala beach inside Yala National Park, where some 60 visitors were washed away.The beach was one of the worst hit areas of the 500-squar-mile wildlife reserve, which is home to a variety of animals, including elephants, leopards, and 130 species of birds.Corea did not see any animal carcasses nor did the park personnel know of any, other than two water buffalos that had died, he said.Along India’s Cuddalore coast, where thousands of people perished, them Indo-Asian News Service reported that buffalos, goats, and dogs were found unharmed.Flamingos that breed this time of year at the Point Calimere wildlife sanctuary in India flew to higher ground beforehand, the news service reported.This article illustrates that animals do sense the natural disasters like the tsunami coming by their sixth sense.According to eyewitness accounts, the following events conducted by the animals such as the elephants, dogs, flamingos and a lot of animals in the zoo seemed to know what was about to happen and fled to safety.The belief that wild and domestic animals possess a sixth sense--and knowing in advance when the earth is going to shake--has been around for centuries.Wildlife experts believe animals’ more acute hearing and other senses might enable them to hear or feel the Earth’s vibration, tipping them off to approaching disaster long before humans realize what’s going on.The massive tsunami was triggered by a magnitude 9 temblor off the coast of northern Sumatra island on December 26.The giant waves rolled through the Indian Ocean, killing more than 150,OOO people in a dozens of countries.Patanangala beach was one of the worst hit areas of the 500-squar-mile wildlife reserve, which is home to a variety of animals, including elephants, leopards, and 130 species of birds.After the massive waves struck some 60 visitors were washed away.But people did not see any animal carcasses nor did the park personnel know of any, other than two water buffalos that had died.This is really a maricle.Therefore it is very important to study the sixth sense existing inside the animal body and making use of the discovery to benefit the human beings.2.Did Humans Lose Their Sixth Sense?

At one time humans also had this sixth sense, Rabinowitz said, but lost the ability, when it was no longer needed or used.Joyce Poole is director of the Savanna Elephant Vocalization Project, which has its headquarters in Norway.She said the reports of Sri Lanka’s elephants in Kenya for 25 years.She said the reports of Sri Lanka’s elephants fleeing to higher ground didn’t surprise her.Research on both acoustic and seismic communication indicates that elephants could easily pick up vibrations generated from the massive earthquake-tsunami, she said.People has also experienced this Firsthand.“I have been with elephants during two small tremors and on both occasions the elephants ran in alarm several seconds before I felt the tremor,”she said.One of the worlds’ most earthquake-prone countries is Japan, where devastation has taken countless lives and caused enormous damage to property.Researchers there have long studied animals in hopes of discovering what they he81of feel before the earth shakes.They hope that animals may be used as a prediction tool.Some US seismologists, on the other hand, are skeptical.There have been documented cases of strange animal behavior prior to earthquakes.But the United States Geological Survey(USGS), a government agency that provides scientific information about the Earth, says a reproducible connection between a specific behavior and the occurrence of a quake has never been made.“What we’re faced with is a lot of anecdotes,”said Andy Michael, a geophysicist at USGS.” Animals react to so many things--being hungry,defending their territories,mating,predators--so it’s hard to have a controlled study to get that advanced warning signal.”

In the 1970s,a few studies on animal prediction were done by USGS, “but

nothing concrete came out of it,” Michael said。Since that time the agency has made no further investigations into the theory.Humans once had the sixth sense but sometimes later lost the ability because it was no longer used.Present days, people discovered that some animals still have the sixth sense.For example elephants, in prior to be aware before a disaster hits, humans are now trying to use animals as a prediction tool.Although there are facts to prove that animals’ behavior change before a natural disaster, still some seismologists doubt that statement is true.People had made various investigations on animals’ sixth sense, but nothing concrete came out of it.Since the 1970s no one had made further investigation into the theory.自己翻的Baths and bathing have long been considered of medical importantce to man.In Greece there are the ruins of a battub and water system built over 3,000 persons could bathe at the same time.Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries.Modern medicinal bathing,or hydrutherapy,first became popular in Europe and by the late 1700`salso became popular in the United States.For many years also frequent bathing was believed to be bad for one`s health.Ordinary bathing just to be clean was avoided and perfume was often used to cover up body smells!

By the 1700`s doctor began to say that soap and water were good for heath.They believed that it was good for people to be clean.Slowly,people began to bathe more frequently.During the Victorian Age of the late 19th century,talking a bath on Saturday night bacame common.In the United States ordinarybathing was slow to bacome popular.During the 18th and early 19th centuries,many Americans were known as “The Great Unwashed!”In one American city,for example,aperson could only take a bath every thirty days!That was law!
