


1.4d动感影院技术方案 篇一

Notice to visitors of the Ice Age 4D cinema

1.The capacity of viewing of this cinema is 280 people per showing.2.The children whose height is under 1.2 meters and the elder who are older than 65 years old must be accompanied by an adult.The alcoholic, one who has heart disease or high blood pressure, the pregnant and the emotional excitable people are forbidden.3.Enter the movie house in queue under the guidance of our staff.Please don’t push and squeeze or shove others.Inflammables and explosives, snacks and pets are strictly prohibited to take along.Visitors are strictly forbidden to go into warning area or the working area without authorization.4.Please follow the public order and take good care of the environment and equipments and facilities.Don’t smoke, spit everywhere, chew gum and don’t take photo or camera shooting when the film is being showed.Please take the 4D glasses at the entrance of the cinema house and give it back at the exit.Take off your 4D glasses timely if you feel somewhat uncomfortable when you wearing them and take a rest for a short while.5.Don’t make a racket when viewing the film.Keep quiet and don’t stand up or walk about, otherwise you may have a negative influence on other visitors.6.Please be quiet when viewing the film.Don’t stand up, move around or influence other’s watching films.Please switch your phone to silent mode and create a great film viewing environment for the others.7.Don’t stay and lark about in the movie house after the film is over.8.Show respect and comity to each other and be a cultivated visitor.Contact our staff when help is needed.If running into abnormal situations such as power cut, fire hazard and extra, please keep calm and follow the directions of our staff to evacuate in order.9.Please comply with all the provisions in this notice.The responsibility for any breach of the provision will be undertaken by yourself.10.Please comply with this notice and its all requirements;otherwise, any consequences at your own side.

