


1.教育类英文词汇免费 篇一



acceptablequality 合格质量

acceptancelot 验收批量

aciera 钢材

admixture 外加剂

againstslipcoefficientbetweenfrictionsurfaceofhigh-strengthboltedconnection 高强度螺栓摩擦面抗滑移系数

aggregate 骨料

aircontent 含气量

air-driedtimber 气干材

allowableratioofheighttosectionalthicknessofmasonrywallorcolumn 砌体墙、柱容许高厚比

allowableslendernessratioofsteelmember 钢构件容许长细比

allowableslendernessratiooftimbercompressionmember 受压木构件容许长细比

allowablestressrangeoffatigue 疲劳容许应力幅

allowableultimatetensilestrainofreinforcement 钢筋拉应变限值

allowablevalueofcrackwidth 裂缝宽度容许值

allowablevalueofdeflectionofstructuralmember 构件挠度容许值

allowablevalueofdeflectionoftimberbendingmember 受弯木构件挠度容许值

allowablevalueofdeformationofsteelmember 钢构件变形容许值

allowablevalueofdeformationofstructuralmember 构件变形容许值

allowablevalueofdriftangleofearthquakeresistantstructure 抗震结构层间位移角限值

amplifiedcoefficientofeccentricity 偏心距增大系数

anchorage 锚具

anchoragelengthofsteelbar 钢筋锚固长度

approvalanalysisduringconstructionstage 施工阶段验算

arch 拱

archwithtierod 拉捍拱

arch―shapedrooftruss 拱形屋架

areaofshearplane 剪面面积

areaoftransformedsection 换算截面面积

aseismicdesign 建筑抗震设计

assembledmonolithicconcretestructure 装配整体式混凝土结构



2.雅思作文教育类词汇 篇二

适应(v) become accustomed to sth.

适应能力 adaptability

逆境 adverse circumstances/adversity

团队精神 team spirit(n)

独立思考 thing independently(adv)

在理解的基础上学习learn things through understanding

鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage students to think critically(adv)

学生的反馈 students’ feedback/input

学生评价老师的教学 students appraise/evaluate(vts) their teachers’ performance

学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students’ grasp/command(n) of what has been taught

学生学习的各门功课加在一起称为 curriculum(n)

具体一门课叫 syllabus

课外活动叫 extra-curricular activities

学校是社会的缩影 a school is society in miniature

不遵守纪律(n) indiscipline/misbehavior/mischief(n)

理论知识 theoretical knowledge

就业技能 employable/marketable skills

通才 generalist

专才 specialist

全面发展的 well-rounded/versatile(adj)

为社会健康发展作贡献 contribute to societal(adj) welfare(n)


人文学科(文学 ,历史 语言学等)humanities

社会学科(政治 经济学 社会学的) social sciences

3.医学英文简历免费 篇三

Name: Huang xx Sex: Male photos

Height: 175cm Weight: 65Kg

National: Han origin: Hubei

Date of birth: training in December 1986 by: the National统招

Education: Undergraduate: Medicine

Political landscape: the post of party members who: Section chief

Branches: a series of clinical teaching hospital: The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University School of Medicine

Loving expertise:

Love sports, good at basketball, football, running 1,500 meters, like reading books, reading newspapers, listening to music, repairing electronic products, making friends widely.


Born in rural areas, long in rural areas, a firm belief, perseverance strong, sincere man of integrity, can bear hardships and stand hard, a prudent and realistic character, a strong sense of responsibility and initiative. On the work of a conscientious and responsible, careful and meticulous work, a comprehensive and thoughtful consideration; to respect teachers, united students, a strong collective sense of honor; the positive attitude of life, optimistic about the up and pay attention to not do any work; demanding their own, daring敢拼continuously improve individual self-cultivation and moral, intellectual, physical, such as overall quality.

Life motto:

Without long and short term, there is fear.

Practice of Road:

The elimination of the suffering of patients;

Income-generating benefits for the hospital;

To contribute to the country;

For social development.

English and computer:

4 has passed the national examination in English, have good English listening, speaking, reading and writing ability; two national computer examination, to carry out skilled Word document, Excel spreadsheet, computer programming, such as the initial operation.


In science, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, diagnostics, human anatomy, embryology, physiology, medical immunology, pathogen biology, pathology, pharmacology, pathophysiology, medical imaging, infectious diseases , ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, Dermatovenereology, neurology, psychiatry, oral science.

Internship experience:

2007.3-2008.2 First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University internship.

Attachment period, has heart medicine, digestive, pediatric, endocrine, respiratory, renal, Platts, the brain, the bone, maternity, Hematologists and ECG departments, such as internships. After nearly a year of serious training, is now able to wear the completion of thoracic, abdominal wear, puncture and ECG, surgical hand-washing clothes, disinfection techniques, dressing change, debridement and suturing, such as clinical operations, can be read common heart ECG disease.

Education and experience:

From an early age by the formal school training, the formation of the orthodox philosophy of education, values and world view.

2003.09-2008.07, Nanchang University School of Medicine, clinical medicine, five-year, undergraduate professional, as to defend the members of

广昌县a 2000.09-2003.07, the focus of science classes, as a life member of 1992.09-1997.07 Changqiao Central Primary School, served as squad leader, and participated in Mathematical Olympiad competitions, received second prize

Social experience:

2004.09-2006.12 repeatedly engaged in home, work-study, and has done service in the restaurant. Job search intention:

Multi-disciplinary knowledge and professional skills, both inside and outside the department is willing to engage clinicians.


4.产品销售英文简历免费 篇四


产品销售英文简历模板免费, Lane123, Job Road, Job District,Shanghai,China,XX70(+86)13xxxxxxxxx.comOBJECTIVEA position in the sales and support of scientific products or service.EDUCATION University of Minnesota DuluthBachelor of Science May XXOverall GPA: /Major: Cell Biology Minor: ChemistrySenior project: “Mapping DNA in cloned pigs”Normandale Community CollegeBloomington, MNDiploma of CollegeMay



for Outstanding Performance in a science major, XX presentDean’s List for Academic Excellence, 4 of 6 semestersEagle Scout, XXRELATED EXPERIENCECampus Sales RepresentativeJune XX presentApple Computers Inc.Duluth, MN•Market Apple hardware and software to UMD students and faculty.•Advise customers on computer purchases.•Provide consultation and product demonstrations for current and prospective customers.•Design videos, flyers and photo albums for promotions.•Founded UMD Mac User Group to promote use of Apple products by providing customer education and support.•Develop, design and implement a variety of events such as a promotional billiards tournament, Unreal® gaming tournament and oncampus display tables using a variety of Apple products such as iMovie, iPhoto,.Mac and iDVD.•Present workshops and seminars to educate prospective customers such as seminars on OS X twice a year.Sales AssociateJune XX May XXChemical Products, Inc.Minneapolis, MN•Sold a variety of “green” cleaning products to industrial companies.•Consistently met and exceeded sales goals.ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCEReferee



Basketball AssociationDuluth, MNNovember XX present•Refereed junior high and high school boys and girls basketball games.ACTIVITIES AND SERVICEFounder and PresidentUMD Mac User GroupSeptember XX presentMemberUMD School of Medicine Mac




XX living presentVolunteerAftenro Homes facilitiesOctober XX present 求职牛人教你该如何写好简历














5.英文个人简历免费 篇五

gender: female

graduate school: city university of technology

date of birth: 197 x years march 3

professional: industrial enterprise management (undergraduate)

the communication address: so-and-so province on a street, a town

postal zip code:




can skilled listen, speak, read, and write. and through the national english band 4 examination. particularly good at writing and reply to english business correspondence, proficient in use of network access relevant document in english and can be translated in time.

computer level:

national computer rank examination, familiar with network and electronic business. proficient in office automation, skilled in the operation windows / 2 k. can the independent operation and timely and efficient complete daily office document editing work.

internship experience summary

200 x years july so-and-so chemical site e-commerce practice. during my internship main responsibility is 1. to assist in the internet website editor of both domestic and foreign chemical information. 2. collect and organize related chinese and english material. 3. sorting and translation of english material.

education background

in september 200 x in july mm200x university of technology

in september 200 x mm200x years july so-and-so city the first middle school

major courses:

the higher mathematics, operations research, forecast and never measure, marketing, western economics, international trade, marketing and negotiations, computer sales management, e-commerce
