


1.unit2视听说答案 篇一



The World Heritage Organization: Preserving Our Past

Today many organizations, both local and global, are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings, and even entire cities.The World Heritage Organization(WHO)is one such group.The following is a brief update on what is being done to preserve cultural heritage worldwide.The Tombs of Buganda Kings in Kampala, Uganda

The Buganda are one of eight tribal groups who have lived in Uganda for centuries.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.Their leader, called the Kabaka, was assisted by a prime minister as well as the head of the army and the commander of the navy.Over the years, the tribe has continued to maintain many of their original customs and beliefs.Tribal loyalty remains important to the Bugandans, even as many of them leave the country to make lives for themselves overseas.In 1884, in order to preserve and honor the memory of the former kings, the palace grounds of the Kabaka were turned into a burial ground for them.In 2001, WHO declared the area an officialWorld Heritage Site.The City of Quito, Ecuador

Before Europeans arrived in 1532, Ecuador was part of the great Inca kingdom.The area that is now called Quito became an important political center, and by the end of the 1500s the main streets of the city had been laid out and remain essentially the same today.As part of Quito’s early development, many grand public buildings such as palaces and cathedrals were constructed and decorated with beautiful statues and paintings.A powerfully original form of artwork emerged, combining European and South American Indian influences.This style of art greatly influenced the development of art in Latin America over the next 200 years and resulted in Quito being declared a WHO site in 1978.The Antonine Wall in Scotland, United Kingdom

The Antonine Wall is a 37-mile-long earth and stone barrier built across Scotland by the Romans to protect its lands to the south from invasion by enemy groups.It was begun in A.D.140 and completed two years later.Originally, forts were built every six miles along the wall, but this was later increased to every two miles.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length, and it just recently became an official WHO site.Key:

I.1)Uganda2)burial site3)20014)South America5)Quito6)historic7)1500s


II.1.remains important;even as2.constructed and decorated with3.resulted in


III.1.Many organizations are devoted to preserving works of art, buildings and even entire cities.2.By 1750 they had created a well-planned centralized form of government.3.The tribe has maintained many of their original customs and beliefs.4.This style of art influenced the development of art in Latin America.5.Today, the remains of the wall are clearly visible in many areas along its length.Unit8

Slow Food And More

The Slow Movement is composed of a variety of groups worldwide that advocate paying careful attention to the beauty and pleasure available around us, instead of rushing through life.Slow Food

The Slow Food movement has been growing slowly but steadily since it was started in 1986.It was developed in response to the opening of a hamburger restaurant near the Spanish Steps in Rome, Italy.Today there are several hundred regional groups in over 100 nations worldwide.In 2008, a group in San Francisco sponsored a Slow Food Nation event where 60,000 people convened.In 2004, the organization opened the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Bra, Italy, to promote awareness of good food and nutrition.Slow Cities

Like the Slow Food movement, the Slow Cities movement started in Italy.Its followers believe that cities should retain as much of their originality as possible to preserve their beauty and charm.This involves creating strict rules as to where cars can and can‘t go, and what businesses are allowed to operate in the city.Pedestrians and bicyclists are given priority over motor vehicles, and supermarkets and coffee shops with hundreds of identical stores are not welcome.There are currently 42 Slow Cities in Italy and many more in Germany, Great Britain, Spain, and elsewhere.Slow Homes

Slow Home is a movement founded by John Brown, a professor of architecture at the University of Calgary in Canada.He and his group believe that most new houses are being built cheaply and easily, but are unoriginal and boring.Therefore, the Slow Home movement encourages people to avoid standardized housing.According to Professor Brown, it is important for people to learn about design and construction when building a home, and to become involved with making intelligent decisions about the place where they will spend so much of their lives.Slow Travel

In this age of superhighways and jet planes, some people are talking about slowing down the travel experience.In 2008, two Swedish tour companies offered 8,000 train trips to various destinations in Europe.Typically, if one were to take a plane, the trips would take two hours on average.Alternatively, the train rides take a day or two.Despite the longer time needed, the program was extremely popular and better for the environment, releasing about 20 percent less harmful gas into the atmosphere than the same trip made by car or plane.Key:

I.1.A hamburger restaurant.2.Pedestrians and bicyclists.3.42.4.Standardized housing.5.20 percent less.II.1.The Slow Movement is composed of a variety of groups that advocate enjoying the beauty and pleasure around us.2.The Slow Food movement was developed in response to the opening of a hamburger restaurant in Rome.3.The followers of the Slow Cities movement believe that cities should retain as much of their originality as possible.4.People should become involved with making intelligent decisions about the place where they will spend their lives.5.Despite the longer time needed, the program was extremely popular and better for the environment.

2.unit2视听说答案 篇二

I live in a very nice neighbourhood.It is modern, clean and beautiful.There is a community centre, a hospital, a library, a sports centre, some shops and restaurants in the neighbourhood.The old people and the children like the garden best.They have lots of fun there.Our neighbours are kind and helpful.Some of them are volunteers.They have different skills.Every weekend they help people with all kinds of problems.We are lucky to live in a neighbourhood like this.

3.语言游戏说与英语视听说教学 篇三



作 者:梁兰 LIANG Lan 作者单位:大连交通大学,辽宁大连,116028刊 名:忻州师范学院学报英文刊名:JOURNAL OF XINZHOU TEACHERS UNIVERSITY年,卷(期):24(3)分类号:H319.3关键词:语言游戏说 游戏 英语视听说教学

4.商务英语视听说内容 篇四













Unit Introduction 单元概述:介绍单元基本内容。

Part I Warm-up 热身活动:就学生所熟悉的话题展开讨论,导入教学。Part II Listening Practice 听力练习:通过听力训练进入本单元主题。Part III Language Focus A 语言要点 A:通过录音,介绍本单元的重点交际功


Part IV Video 1 情景录像 1:通过真实商务场景中的人物对话,演示与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识,采用任务型Teamwork 或讨论式听说巩固语言知


Part V Language Focus B 语言要点 B:通过录音,介绍本单元的重点交际功能

语言,可供学生反复模仿,语言难度比Language Focus A 稍高。

Part VI Video 2 情景录像2:为Video 1 的延续,语言难度有所提高。通过真实商务场景对话,演示与单元主题相关的交际技巧和商务知识,采用任务型

Teamwork 或讨论式听说巩固语言知识和实践技能。

Part VII Business Culture 商务文化:通过简洁的语言介绍常见的商务文化和

5.原声电影与视听说课程教学 篇五



作 者:张弛 作者单位:怀化学院外语系,湖南,怀化,418008刊 名:硅谷英文刊名:SILICON VALLEY年,卷(期):“”(7)分类号:G42关键词:原声电影 视听说 听译 电影文本分析

6.别具一格的英语视听说课 篇六





7.英语语音室视听说实训小结 篇七


实训中,王老师每次都检查了前日发下来的模拟试题完成情况。由于语速较快,以及之前提到的英式英语的关系,我一次听下来并没有能够顺利完成课后的练习题,方法只有一个,那就是只有反反复复地听。总的看来,视频听力的难度并不是很大,关键是耳急手快,把听见的信息记录下来。例如听力填空这种题,可以把听到的信息点用关键词的形 式记录下来,或用几个字母把一两个关键词记录下来,只要自己能看懂就行,最后在把没完成的句子补充完整,没写完的词写完。听力的训练贵在坚持,不是一朝一夕就能提高的,关键在于坚持,看来这学期的B级考试,最重要的就是尽快提高我自己的听力能力。


8.unit2视听说答案 篇八



作 者:卢尚玉 作者单位:海南大学外国语学院刊 名:中国外资英文刊名:FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN CHINA年,卷(期):“”(6)分类号:H3关键词:英语 语法教学 视听说教学

9.unit2视听说答案 篇九



作 者:王虹亮 作者单位:太原师范学院公共外语部刊 名:科技信息(学术版)英文刊名:SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION年,卷(期):“”(17)分类号:H3关键词:英语电影 视听教学 任务型语言教学

10.英语视听说论文撰写规范 篇十





2.章节的标题:“Times News Roman”,四号,左侧顶格排列。

3.正文:英文为“Times News Roman”,小四号。正文中的图名和表名,五号。正文采用1.5倍行间距,首行缩进2字符。

4.页码:“Times News Roman”小五号,排在页脚居中位置,不加任何修饰。


(1)题目:“Times News Roman”,黑体,三号,居中排列。






[序号]作者.文献名.期刊名称.年 , 月,卷(期).页码。

其中作者采用姓在前、名在后的形式。当作者超过三个时,只著录前三个人,其后 加“等”字即可。



装订线--1厘米;页眉— 2厘米;页脚 — 1厘米。版面设置数据为:文字的行间距 — 1.5倍 ;公式的行间距 — 1.5倍字符间距 — 标准;

