


1.预定酒店的英语对话 篇一

Dealing with leaving Procedure办理离店手续

Bell Captain (BC): This is the Bell Captain’s Desk. May I help you?


Guest (G): I’m going to check out soon. Could you pick up my luggage, please? 我要退房了,你能上来拿行李吗?

BC: Certainly, sir. May I have your room number, please?


G: Yes. It’s 2932. 。好的,2932房。

BC: Room 2932.We will send a bellman immediately. Could you wait in your room, please?


Bellman (B): Good morning, sir. I’ve come for your bags.


G: Thank you. Could you take these two suitcases, please? I’ll bring the shoulder bag with me.


B: Certainly, sir. Two suitcases? 好的,两件行李箱是吗?

G: Yes. 是的。

B: Is there anything valuable or breakable in them?


G: No. 没有。

B: This is your claim tag, sir. We will keep your bags at the Bell Captain’s Desk. Could you pick them up there, please?


G: Certainly. 好的。

B: Thank you, sir. 谢谢您。


2.预定酒店的英语对话 篇二















3.酒店人员英语面试口语对话版 篇三

Self- Introduction (自我介绍)

Can you introduce yourself?/ Can you say something about yourself?


What’s your name? / May I have your name please?


How old are you?/ What’s your age?


Where is your hometown?/ Where are you from?/ Where do you come from?


— When and where did you graduated?


— I graduated from Luoyang No.2 Vocational secondary school/senior high school in .

我是毕业于洛阳第二中等专业学校/ 高中。

— What are your hobbies?/ In your spare time, what do you like to do?


— My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, surfing the internet, shopping, running, climbing mountains, watching TV, playing football, playing basketball, playing tennis, singing and dancing, etc.

— What’s your character?


— I’m an optimistic/ lovely/gentle/ upright/ honest/ patient/ easy-going/ shy person.

我是一个开朗的/ 可爱的/ 温柔的/ 正直的/ 诚实的./ 耐心的/ 随和的/ 害羞的人。

— What’s your strength?


— I am a honest and positive person, work hard, willing to learn.


— What’s your weakness?


— I’m a stubborn girl. / I’m a timid girl, because I am scared of snake( mouse)./ I’m easy to forget things./ I’m a shy boy.

我是个倔强的女孩儿。/我是个胆小的女孩,因为我害怕蛇(老鼠)。/我很容易忘事。/ 我是个害羞的男孩儿。

— What kind of books do you like to read?

—Why do you want to go to Singapore?


—First, Singapore is a beautiful(漂亮的), clean(干净的), and developed(发达的) garden city(花园城市), I like it very much. Second, I can accumulate(积累) some abroad working experience(国外工作经验), so it is very useful for my future(未来). Third, the most important reason is that I can earn more money(挣钱) there.

—Do you have any working experience? / What have you work as before?

你有工作经验吗?/ 你之前是做什么工作的?

—I work Luoyang hotel as a waitress now. Luoyang hotel is a three-star hotel(三星级酒店) with beverage, guest rooms and entertainment(集餐饮、娱乐、客房为一体).

—What’s your mainly duties?/ What’s your job scope in your past job?/ What do you do there?


—My mainly duties are doing preparation work before dinner(做餐前的准备工作), like setting table(摆台), cleaning the dinning environment(清洁就餐环境). Receiving guests(迎宾), guiding them to their seats(引座), ordering food(点餐) and introducing specialties(介绍特色菜品), serving(上菜) and closing accounts(结账). Moverover, I will providing good service during dinner time, including pouring teas and wines(斟茶倒酒), changing dishes(更换骨碟) so as to satisfied with the cusomers(让顾客满意).

—How do you serve the customer normally?/ Treat me like a customer, how would you serve me?

通常你会怎样的方式去服务你的客人?/ 假如我是客人,你会以怎样的方式招待我?

—First, welcome(欢迎) the guests to our hotel warmly(热情的) and guide them to their seats(引座). Then take orders(点餐), including ordering food and introducing specialties(介绍特色菜品). And I will providing good service(提供优质的服务) for them during dinner time. Next, help guests to pay for the bill(结账). Finally, I will say thank you for your coming, see you next time/again(欢迎下次光临).


— I like reading magzines, novels, newspapers and love stories.


Personnel Questions (个人问题)

— Are you married?


— No, I’m a single.


— Do you have a boyfriend/ girlfriend?

你有男朋友/ 女朋友吗?

— No, I haven’t.

Apologize (道歉用语)

Sorry, I can’t understand./ I can’t catch you./ I can’t hear you very clearly.

对不起,我不懂。/ 我听得不是很清楚。

Could you repeat it again?


Could you speak slowly please?


Pardon? / I beg your pardon?


Family situation (家庭问题)

— How many people in your family?


— There are five people in my family. They are my parents, elder brother, younger sister and I. I love my family very much. They agree with me to go to Singapore, and also will be happy for me.

我家里有五口人。他们是我的父母、哥哥、妹妹。 我很爱我的家人。他们同意我去新加坡工作,而且也会为我感到高兴的。

— What does your parents do?


— They are workers.


— When you come over to Singapore, who will take care of your family members?


— My parents have jobs, and they are very healthy, my brothers and sisters also can take care of themselves. So I don’t worried about that.


— Do you have any relatives or friends in Singapore?


— No, I haven’t.


- If you miss your family, what will you do?


- I will call them.

- 我会给他们打电话的

Interview Diction(面试问题)

—Have you ever been to Singapore or any other countries?


—No, I haven’t./ Yes, I have been to Japan for 3 years.

4.问路的英语对话 篇四

B:Sure,walk along this road to the end,and then turn right,you will see a high building,and the subway station extrance is near the building。

A:thanks a lot

B:you are wele~




5.关于广告的英语对话 篇五

A:Nowadays no matter where you get in a city or in a country.It’s pretty easy for you to find one or two advertisements.B yes.Especially the TV ads.The TV commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising format C: The TV commercial gives the beautiful sight and soft music to the audience.Some ads have its originality.I have seen a ad.It’s about drinking.A football star comes to Japan.A little boy ,one of his football fans, gives him a bottle of Pepsi and bows towards him.he makes a bow in return.In one football game, The football star plays against the Japanese team.He gets a penalty kick on the second half.But the opponent team stand in a line , facing him.He opens a bottle of Pepsi and drinks it , on the moment , A good idea strikes him.He bows towards the Japanese team , when the opponents stoop, he catch the chance to goal.D: how clever of him.And the ad is creating.It combines the Japanese culture.A: It’s not far.The music is very characteristic.I have seen the ad.Its rhythm is symbol of Japan.B: In my memorize, I also have a ad, it impresses me deeply.It is about perfume.A man is driving, But on his way, he smells something , So he gets off the car and searches for the smell.In the final , he find a beautiful girl with the smell.I love the ad so much.The scene is seraphic, the plot is romantic, and the actor is handsome.A: have you bought the perfume? B: No.I think it is the only disadvantage of the ad.I can’t understand the korean.D: It’s true.The language barrier is a important question.If one ad use his country language, The product only sells in his country.It will limit the development of the product.A: what’s more, the language barrier also misleads the audience.It will cause that the theme becomes vague.I have seen the style ad.A man is surfing and is saying about something , suddenly, A drinking turns up.And the ad is over.If the ad have the ending , I don’t what product it will introduce B: en.I think the ad should use the wide-spread language.Maybe English is best.C:The gesture language also is good way.Most people can follow it.What ad impress you best ? D: er… I remember a ad.It also about the drinking.A little boy stands before a seller-machine.He put coins in the machine to get two cans of coca-cola.He put these on the ground and step on it , in order to get one bottle of Pepsi.A: That’s terrible.I know the boy wants Pepsi cola instead of coca-cola.But It’ s unmoral for the company to vilipend another product.D: I can’t agree more.It is unfair competition between Pepsi and Coco-cole.B: in my opinion, good ads ought to have its idea, and it must obey morality.C: And good Advertising bridges the gap between products and services.A: good advertisement is one that effectively transfers the brands purpose while successfully educating your target market on the benefits of the product and winning you both sales and loyal Raving Fans.Bad advertisement does the opposite B:The primary benefit of advertising from the perspective of businesses is that it has the potential to increase the consumer awareness about a product or service.D: in our life, maybe good ads will increase the income, but we must be ware of the False Advertisements.

6.对话:活跃英语课堂的“金钥匙” 篇六

一、同伴对话, 互说心中“疑虑”

对话开启英语课堂教学, 使得师生之间的语言信息得到充分融合, 让教学双方主动调整各自策略方法。 运用同伴对话, 让学生在亲切友好的语言学习环境中主动交流, 表达出疑难困惑, 有利于丰富他们的认知思维情感。

同伴对话的运用使得课堂不再沉默, 让学生真正在课堂中主动表现自己。 如, 在译林版 (下同) 八年级下册Unit 5“Good manners” 的Reading “When in Rome” 教学中, 结合阅读素材中Jenny和Daniel的对话, 建议学生模拟其中的角色进行表达, 特别是鼓励学生大胆说出自己的阅读疑难问题, 像Howdo we have a good manner? How do you understand “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”?等, 让他们在彼此协作的过程中找出相关的词汇短语, 激活认知思维。 通过同伴对话, 学生在主动倾诉的过程中有更多自由发言的机会, 消除学习紧张畏难心理。

同伴对话使得学生在充分预学与自主酝酿的过程中不断生成新的疑问, 让他们在毫无保留的过程中全盘托出自己的见解。 同伴对话要有“纲”, 围绕课程教学要点及各自的难点, 让学生在有目的的表达中阐述自己的认知感悟。 同伴对话要有“度”, 围绕各自的难点, 注意问题的难易度、时间长度等, 引导学生在彻底交流和思维碰撞的过程中产生灵感火花。 同伴对话要有“力”, 鼓励学生排除各种思想杂念, 集中注意力深思难题, 让问题在反复推敲和仔细揣摩的过程中不断生成有价值信息内容。

二、小组讨论, 借鉴学习“取经”

课堂是学生表达倾诉的舞台, 更是群体互动的乐园。 运用任务驱动方式活化教材资源, 让学生在自觉探索的过程中自然有感而发。 小组讨论模式的运用, 让学生在不受拘束的学习中有所感思和积累, 起到相互学习和借鉴的作用。

运用小组讨论, 使得课堂有更多的活力。 如八年级上册Unit 5 “Wild animals”的Reading A “Giant pandas”任务阅读探究中, 笔者结合“The different growth of giant panda”表达主题, 围绕生长特点、生物意义、科研价值等方面的内容, 设计一定的讨论话题, 像 “What else do you know about giant panda?”“Can you introduce the growth of giant panda?” “What do we should do for wild giant pandas?”等, 让学生在小组互动交流的过程中查找相关答案。 学生根据导学问题, 结合在阅读中发现的信息内容, 主动对话, 吸收其他成员的观点和看法, 不断完善和修补自己的观点, 使得课堂在相互讨论协作的过程中生成更多的乐趣。

指导小组讨论, 帮助学生在集思广益的过程中获取有价值的信息线索, 给他们的理解提供更多的辅助。 小组讨论应有“话”, 依据课程教学难点设计相应的话题任务, 帮助学生在主动选择和自由沟通的基础上有更多的讨论内容。 小组讨论要有“议”, 尊重学生的差异和自愿, 引导他们在畅所欲言中主动表达自己的观点, 帮助他们在找出问题和不足的基础上不断开阔视野。 小组讨论要有“辩”, 引导学生主动辩述, 给他们争辩的机会, 让他们在大胆抒发自己认知感悟的基础上有更多的新发现, 让课堂充满灵动与妙想。

三、模拟表达, 毛遂自荐“展露”

实践体验学习能激起学生的学习兴趣, 有利于学生总结反思学习过程与方法。 引导学生跳出单纯听讲模式, 让他们在自我展示的过程中产生学习的兴趣与激情, 让课堂更有人文色彩。

给学生自我模拟表达的机会, 让他们在主动构思和大胆尝试的过程中找到学习的切入点, 便于他们发散思维。 如, 在教学八年级上册Unit5 ”Birdwatchers “的Reading “Birds i Zhalong” 时, 笔者利用多媒体课件向学生展示 “The beautifu place— —— Zhalong”, 建议学生分别模拟扎龙管理人员、 保护区中的鸟类等, 就 “What do I know about Zhalong?” 主动登台表演, 让他们结合自己的阅读理解识记主动提出相应的观点。

模拟表达使得课程资源更丰富, 让学生在动感十足的过程中有所察觉和感知。 模拟表达要有“境”, 创设与课程相关的情境, 突出民主、平等、自由等特征, 让所有的学生都享有一定的权利。 模拟表达要有“台”, 搭建与课程教学内容相关的舞台, 支持学生主动表达和大胆联想, 给他们搭建宽广的舞台, 引导他们自由表演。

如前所言, 运用对话丰富课堂教学内容, 让学生在充分获得自由表达权的基础上主动调整学习策略方法, 更能展现无穷活力和光彩。 创设宽松、和谐情境, 多尊重和关怀学生的认知需要, 给他们提供自由对话的机会, 更使得学生激发表达激情和主动作为, 提高英语表达运用的敏锐性和灵活性。


[1]教育部.全日制义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年) [M].北京师范大学出版社, 2011.

[2]张学平.对话教学理念下初中英语课堂研究[J].中学教学参考, 2015 (30) .

[3]张岚.关于提高学生英语交际能力的探讨[J].科教导刊 (电子版) , 2015 (26) .

7.面试的英语情景对话 篇七


BI am a graduate of a technical university and have been employed as a technician with Company or approximately 10 years.


APlease explain why you are interested in leaving your current position and please elaborate on your technical skills.


BI am looking for a growth opportunity, which I feel is not available at my current employer. In terms of skills, I am Microsoft certified in Windows XP and several other operating syste

我在寻找发展机会,但是现在任职的公司不能提供给我这样的机遇。关于技术,我有Windows XP 和其他几个操作系统的微软证书。

AWhere do you see yourself five years from now?


BI see myself in a management position.

8.英语面试学历问题的对话 篇八

I: Which school are you attending?


A: I am attending XX University .


I: When will you graduate from that university?


A: This coming July.


I: What degree will you receive?


A: I will receive a Bachelor degree.


I: What’s your major?


A: My major is Business Administration.


I: How have you been getting on with your studies so far?


A: I have been doing quite well at college. According to the academic records I’ve achieved so far, I am confident that I will get my Bachelor of Business Administration this coming July.


I: How do you think the education you?ve received will contribute to your work in this institution?


A: I have already learned a lot in the classroom and I hope to be able to make practical use of it in your company. My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with. I am sure I can apply what I have learned to the work in your institute.



I: Which university did you graduate from?


A: I graduated from xx University.


I: What subject did you major in at university?


A: I majored in Economics.


I: Tell me about the courses of your major in university.


A: I take more than 50 courses in university, including microeconomics, macroeconomics, marketing principles, sales management, statistics, and so on.


I: How did you get on with your studies in university?


A: I did well in university. I was one of the top students in the class.


9.浅论小学英语对话教学的实施 篇九

一、借助热身活动, 有效进入对话教学

热身环节在英语对话中具有重要作用, 是教师搞好英语对话教学的关键。热身环节要能够把学生的注意力集中到课堂中, 营造一种积极的学习氛围。在对话教学中, 我主要采取了自由讨论热身、对话热身、利用歌曲热身、通过游戏热身等方式实现巧妙热身, 让学生能够很快进入对话教学中。

二、利用教学情境, 有效进入对话教学

1. 利用旧知识引出新知识

小学英语人教PEP版教材中的对话主要以单元为整体, 一个单元主要表示一个内容, 各个单元中的所有课文之间有一定的联系。所以, 在上新课之前, 我总是利用旧知识引出新知识, 在复习旧知识的基础上引出新知识, 为新的学习内容做好铺垫, 有时我特意为学生创造一个良好的语言环境, 让学生在情境的表演中顺利地过渡到新内容的学习中。

2. 教师的讲解有时更有效

对于重要的语言点, 学生对其印象比较模糊, 教师进行及时的指点与讲解可以起到画龙点睛的作用。有时, 我在讲解对话练习时, 总是找部分学生做助手一起进行演示, 这样既可以调动学生的学习兴趣, 还可以使对话更加形象, 对学生理解知识起到帮助作用。

3. 朗读对对话教学的促进作用

朗读是理解对话内容, 培养会话能力的需要, 学生听得多、听得熟以后就会开口大声说、大声读。英语对话就是通过反复地读, 加深对上下文的理解。借助于听读、朗读, 可以加深学生对课文的进一步理解。

三、通过对话拓展训练, 提高对话教学

教师在进行教学设计时, 对于学习对话操练这一环节, 可以组织学生对教材内容进行表演, 但完成所有的表演也不代表完成了教学任务, 还要在对话练习中做一些拓展训练, 拓展训练也是对话教学的重要内容。

比如, 教师扮演售货员, 请两位口语比较标准的学生充当购物者 (可以在说的时候对学生起到榜样的作用) , 对话主要是在师生的配合下完成购物的对话。教师还请了两名学生扮演售货员, 每位学生需要买一种物品, 在“售货员”的宣传中, 通过你来我往, 大家经历了比较难忘的购物活动。

10.有关点快餐的英语场景对话 篇十

Hi everyone!We talked about ordering food and drink in the restaurant. Today, I would like to share tips about ordering fast food and place a delivery order.

Conversation 1:

W:Welcome to ABC restaurant, how can I help you?


A:Hi,I would like to have combo 2.


W: Sure!


A: Oh, I also want to add one more bag of chips.


W: Sure, what size?


A: Medium is ok!


W: For here or to go?


A: For here, thanks!


W: Your total comes to 10 dollars, ma’am.


A: Here you are.


W: Have a nice day.


A: You too.


Conversation 2

B: Hi, may I have a cheese burger and a mashed potato?


W: Sure, anything to drink,sir?


B: A cup of coffee!


W: Is that for here or to go?


B: To go.


W: You total is 12 dollars.


B: Here is 20.


W: Thanks, your cash back is 8 dollars.


B: Thanks, have a good one.


W: You too, sir.



Conversation 3

A:Hello, I’d like to place a delivery order.


W:Sure,may I have your address, please.


A: 679 Shaw Street.


W:What would you like to order?


A: I would like to order a large cheese pizza, thank you.


W: Anything to drink?


B: No, thanks.


W: All right, your pizzawill arrive in about an hour. Thank you.


11.职场关于合同的英语情景对话 篇十一

A: Can you help me make sense of this contract? I don’t quite understand this phrase…

B: Let me see, “The two undersigned are in agreement to the following terms. Party A shall be responsible for furnishing Party B with materials as follows.” Well, that’s a pretty complicated way to say you both agree to something and sign your names to certify.

A: So is I sign here, that makes me Party A, right?

B: Yes. Then you have to abide by all the requirements listed in this contract for Party A.

A: What about what it says here, “Terms and conditions of this agreement are void in the case of natural disaster or acts of God.”

B: That means unless something very big happens, like an earthquake or a tsunami, you will be bound to the contract and can’t get out of it.

A: That serious, huh?

B: Sounds like it. Before you sign this contract, I would go over it with a fine-tooth comb if I were you. Make sure it’s what you want.

A: Good idea. I’ll probably have to get a dictionary!

上述对话是A关于英语合同的一些细则向B求助的过程,其中Party A(甲方)、the two undersigned(签名双方)、acts of God(不可抗力)、terms and conditions(条款和条件)、in case of(以防万一)都是英语合同中一定会涉及到的词汇,大家必须牢牢掌握。


★ 英语情景对话关于看电影

★ 外贸英语:情景对话

★ 职场衣着英语对话

★ 情景对话:如何用英语请客?

★ 关于哈佛学院校园英语情景对话

★ 职场口语出差英语对话

★ 职场英语取经口语对话

★ 职场英语:广告宣传活动对话

★ 校园英语情景对话:哈佛-耶鲁橄榄球赛

12.预定酒店的英语对话 篇十二


Fact and fantasy的课文提供了有关法国著名科幻小说之父儒勒·凡尔纳 (Jules Verne) 的背景资料, 但不十分全面。教师可以让学生利用网络资源, 查阅相关的资料;然后组织讨论, 用英语介绍Jules Verne的生平和代表作;最后, 引导学生讨论该作者作品的特点。高中学生对于科幻小说十分感兴趣, 有的曾经读过Jules Verne的作品, 如《地心之旅》和《环游地球八十天》等。另外, 网络资源能激发学生参与学习活动的积极性。因此, 学生介绍这些小说时十分投入, 课堂气氛也异常活跃。

此时, 教师再引导学生总结科幻小说的特点: (1) It’s about things that may be possible in the distant future; (2) It’s about fantasy; (3) It’s about people’s strange imaginings; (4) It’s not real。

二、挖掘学生已有知识, 导入话题内容

教师应在充分了解学生现有知识的基础上, 针对学生现有的认知水平, 合理处理教材内容, 使其更适合教学需要。例如教材在Fact and fantasy的Warming up部分设计了以下有关科学事实的问题:What is the highest mountain on earth and how high is it?旨在使学生初步区分科学与幻想的不同。然而, 有些学生这方面的知识相对缺乏, 如果教师让他们回答这几个问题, 学生的反应很可能是沉默不语。笔者认为, 教材编者设计这些问题的目的并不是测试学生对地理知识的掌握程度, 而是让学生在了解相关常识的基础上, 根据所提供的话题练习用英语表达。为此, 教师可以将这些问题改成以下选择题:

教师将这些题目呈现给学生, 并让学生分组讨论, 之后教师宣布正确答案;然后让学生两人一组进行对话, 口头回答教材提出的问题。这样做既降低了知识的难度, 消除了学生的畏难情绪, 又将练习重点转移到训练学生说的能力上来。在学生练习的过程中, 教师不能简单地与学生核对答案, 而是要创造更多的机会, 让学生开口说英语。例如教师可以向学生提出如下问题:Do you feel proud that the highest mountain is in China?教师是学生学习活动的引导者、协助者和监控者。通过讨论, 学生了解了相关科学事实, 教师则可以让学生作出判断, 并概括出符合科学实际的几个特点: (1) They are about real things; (2) People know them as a theory; (3) They are proved by science; (4) People cant make them up。

这样, 学生就可以明白科学事实与科学幻想之间的区别, 也实现了以学生为主体的说的训练。


教师可以让学生观看科幻电影《Spiderman》片段。因为学生对这部电影相当熟悉, 谈论有关话题时不会感到无话可说, 而且描述和拓展相关话题时其表达会十分充实和精彩。例如某学生对蜘蛛侠作了如下描述:“He can fly and jump high in the sky.He has done a lot for others……”学生描述后, 教师可以提出下列拓展性问题: (1) Can you do what he does? (2) Have you ever seen any similar character?经小组讨论和回答问题后, 学生得出了“这部电影是科学幻想而不是科学事实”的结论。


描述图片是教师在对话教学中经常采用的训练学生表达能力的有效方法。学生描述时可以使用刚学过的词汇、语法规则和表达方式。教师不应仅让学生描述图片, 而且要进一步利用图片引导学生就相关话题展开深入讨论。例如教师可以出示“神舟五号”的图片, 待学生稍做准备后口头描述图片;然后让学生四人一组讨论以下问题:If you have a chance to travel in space, what will you do?教师还可以引导学生进一步讨论话题———想象2088年的生活。学生对未来充满幻想, 这一话题能引起他们的兴趣。教师还可以设计一些问题, 让学生分小组讨论, 然后自由对话。例如:How old will you be in the year 2088?What will our houses be like in that time?教师应引导和帮助学生寻找与话题相关的信息, 从而使其有话可说, 同时还可以控制课堂时间。


辩论是高中英语对话教学中经常组织的教学活动。辩论活动要符合学生的认知水平, 有选择地进行。例如教学Fact and fantasy一课时, 由于有了前面充分的铺垫, 此时可以让学生进行辩论以巩固和拓展他们所学知识和运用英语的能力。教师可以设计以下辩题———Young forever。辩论前教师将该课的重点句型呈现给学生, 如I believe……、I suppose……等, 要求学生运用指定句型表达观点。
