


1.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇一

My good friend

I have a good friend.His name is Tom./ He is Tom.(Her name is Lucy./ She is Lucy.)He is a student.He is 12 years old.He likes music.He can play the guitar.He is good at speaking English.He likes pandas, because they are kind of cute.He usually gets up at half past six in the morning.He rides a bike to(go to)school/ He goes to school by bike.Sometimes, he plays basketball with his friends for half an hour in the afternoon.(He sometimes plays basketball with his friends for half an hour in the afternoon.)

2.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇二



20世纪60年代,情景教学法(Situational Method)开始为英国外语教学界所采用。国内情境教学法的研究则可以追溯到学者张士一。国内情境教学法起初应用于语文学科。1978年,小学语文特级教师李吉林通过广泛借鉴和吸收国外教学中运用的情境教学模式和理念,将情境教学法作为一种独特的教学方法进行了多次探讨,并在小学语文教学领域中进行实践,形成了比较完善的情境教学法理论体系。随后,情境教学法越来越受到人们的重视,并且在各个学科得到广泛使用。随着英语课堂教学的不断改革和完善,情境教学被引入英语教学中,这给英语课堂教学带来了生机和活力,激发了学生的兴趣,提高了学生的学习热情。国内外关于情境教学法的概念不尽相同,目前国内比较流行的情境教学法是指“在教学过程中,教师有目的地引入或创设具有一定情绪色彩的、以形象为主体的、生动具体的场景,以引起学生一定的态度体验,从而帮助学生理解教材内容,以促进学生心智发展的一种教学方法。情境教学法的核心在于激发学生的情感。”









为了充分调动学生的非智力因素,加深学生对课文内容的理解与掌握,提高学生对知识的认知效率,教师需要营造良好的语言环境,使学生尽可能多地接触英语,增强学生的语感,最终达到预期的教学目的。笔者将以人教版初中英语教材七年级(下)Unit 5Why do you like pandas?为例阐释如何在初中英语教学中有效运用情境教学法,为学生学习创设有效的教学情境,从而使学生在形象化的教学情境中更好地学习。


上课伊始,笔者播放最近热映动画电影《疯狂动物城》的主题曲Try everything,以这样一种视听结合的方式开场,不仅可以调节课堂气氛,让学生兴奋起来,而且可以不费力气地将学生的注意力集中,从而使他们以饱满的情绪投入到接下来的学习中去。随后,笔者以“我问你答”游戏形式向学生提问What animals do you like best?Why?设计该环节的目的有两个:一方面是为了让学生回忆起上节课学习的关于描述动物特征的英语表达,主要是复习一些描述性的形容词;另一方面是为即将要讲的内容做铺垫。


在呈现环节,笔者播放《疯狂动物城》的宣传片,给出情境,以Who has a good memory的游戏形式让学生尽可能多地说出他们看到的动物,从而激发他们头脑中存在的已有图式。随后,在描述动物特征的环节,笔者播放四个典型动物(Cheetah,gazelle,rabbit,sloth)的电影片段,让学生用之前的知识进行描述,然后笔者引导学生进行归纳,得到描述动物时我们要从相貌、喜好、能力和特征四个方面进行介绍的语言结构,引导他们掌握描述动物特征的技巧,加深他们语言信息的输入。作为一门语言教学,英语教学不仅要传授给学生一些关于英语语言的基础知识,更关键的是要教会学生如何把已掌握的知识运用到实际生活中,熟练地用英语进行阅读、写作和与人对话、交流,形成一种技能(刘正喜,2012)。所以在教授完学生如何描述动物的特征后,笔者播放影片中狐狸、绵羊的片段,组织他们以小组合作的形式讨论并解决影片中狐狸、绵羊的特征,让他们可以做到学以致用。在这个课堂任务中,笔者考虑学生的实际英语水平,适当地向学生们提供一些备用句型作为辅助,如:










3.四年级英语期中模拟卷 篇三

Ⅰ.Read and choose(选出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的单词编号) 8%

() 1. kneeA. readB. bread

() 2. thief A. think B. there

() 3. cheeseA. schoolB. beach

() 4. tired A. find B. fire

() 5. raisin A. they B. says

() 6. orangeA. whatB. mother

() 7. who A. where B. whose

() 8. sugarA. putB. but

Ⅱ.Write the proper words(根据要求,写出正确的单词) 12%

1. 单数:watches _____;nurses _____;families _____ 2.物主代词:we _______

3. 复数:child _______;foot_______;potato _____ 4.宾格:he ________

5. 反义词:hungry _______;smooth ________6. 否定形式:have _______

7. (改一个字母变另一个单词) tall ________

Ⅲ.Choices (选择) 8%

() 1. ____ her father run fast?Yes, he’s a runner. But her mom ____.

A. Do, don’tB. Is, isn’tC. Can, can’t

() 2. Don’t drink too _____ hot chocolate. It isn’t ______for your teeth.

A. much, bad B. many, goodC. much, good

() 3.________names are Liz and lily.

A. WeB. Their C. They

() 4.The chicken wings are too ______. I don’t like______.

A. salty, themB. sweet, itC. sour, they

() 5.It’s 9 p.m. It’s your_____ time.

A. lunch B. school C. bed

() 6. What _____ your friends _____?Shop assistants.

A. does, do B. do, doC. are, do

() 7.___________________?She’s Mark’s classmate.

A. What’s sheB. Who’s she C. How’s she

( ) 8.___________any policewomen in front of the house.

A. Are thereB. There isn’t C. There aren’t

Ⅳ. Fill in the blanks(填空, 每格一词) 18%


1. May and Ken are ______(we) cousins. May is in Grade 3. _____(she) is smart. ______(she) English

is great. Ken is _______(May) elder brother._______(he) hobby is going fishing. ______(they) are

my good friends. I often play with _______(they).

2. Peter _________(not like) to eat grapes. But this morning he ate too_______(much) grapes. He________(feel) bad now.


1. No ________________________________(饮料在巴士上).

2. I like chilli fish. He _______________(喜欢)chilli fish, too.

3. Do you ___________________(做水果色拉) for tomorrow’s party?

4. Where is _________________________________(丹尼的生日礼物)?

Ⅴ.Sentences transformation(按要求改写句子) 12%

1. There aren’t any ambulance men at the gate. (单数肯定句)


2. This child likes curry chicken rice. (否定句)


3. What are your uncles? Our uncles are doctors. (用另一种方法改写问句)


4. Is there any jam in the bottle?(肯定回答)


5. Those are Terry’s exercise books.(划线提问)


6. The teachers like to have cups of tea after work.(一般疑问句并肯定回答)


Part Two: Reading and Writing

Ⅰ.Read and choose(阅读短文,做选择并回答问题) 16%

( ) 1. What is Mrs. Hudson?

A. A waitress. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.

( ) 2. What subject does she teach?

A. Maths.B. Music.C. English.

( ) 3. Who is Janet?

A.Mrs. Hudson’s good friend.

B.Mrs. Hudson’s daughter.

C.Mrs. Hudson’s student.

( ) 4. Where do you most likely(最有可能) see these words?

A. On a newspaper.B. On a birthday card.C. On a menu.

5. How old is Mrs. Hudson today? ________________________________

6. How are Mrs. Hudson’s English classes? ________________________

7. Do her students like her classes?________________________________

8. How do you think of (认为)your English teacher?__________________

Ⅱ. Read and choose the best answer(选择) 8%

Hello, my name is Sam. I am a ______. I work in a ________ in my town. Everyday _______ people come here and have lunch. Most of them ______ in the offices nearby(附近的). Tom is _____ good friend. He _____ the noodles here. After lunch, he often drinks some ______and read a newspaper _____ the window.

1. ( ) A. waitress B. waiterC. doctor

2. ( ) A. hospital B. restaurantC. school

3. ( ) A. much B. many C. some

4. ( ) A. worksB. workC. go

5. ( ) A. IB. my C. me

6. ( ) A. loves B. love C. can

7. ( ) A. ice-creamB. cakeC. coffee

8. ( ) A. between B. over C. by

Ⅲ. Fill in the gaps and complete the paragraph(填入所缺的词或词组) 18%

Jerry’s New Friend

Jerry is happy. He makes a new_______ in his new school. His name is _______. He is ______ and _______. He has a super_______. Jerry likes this skateboard because its colour is cool. Tom is good at sports. He can ______,______and dive. After school they often ______, do homework and ______ together. Jerry has good time with his new friend.


Part One

I. 1. A2.A3.B4.B5.A6.A 7.B8. A

II. 1.watch, nurse, family2.our3.children, feet, potatoes

4.him5.full, rough6.haven’t7.talk / tell

III. 1. C 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.B 7.B 8.A

IV. A. 1.our, She, Her, May’s, His, They, them

2.doesn’t like, many, is feeling

B. 1.drinks on the bus2. likes

3.make fruit salad4.Danny’s birthday present

V. 1. There is an ambulance man at the gate.

2.This child doesn’t like curry chicken rice.

3.What do your uncles do?

4.Yes, there is.

5.Whose exercise books are those?

6.Do the teachers like to have cups of tea after work?Yes, they do.PartTwo

I. 1.C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.She is forty-five.

6.They are interesting.7. Yes, they do. 8. Pretty good...

II. 1.B2.B3.B 4.B 5.B6.A 7.C 8.C

III.friend, Tom, big, strong, skateboard, play football, skate, talk, play

4.七年级下册英语期中试题及答案 篇四

B. 根据所听到的对话或独白选择正确答案。每段材料听两遍。


( )11. Which is Wang Mei’s favourite festival?

A. Chinese New Year. B. Mid-Autumn Festival C. Dragon Boat Festival

( )12.Why does she like it?

A. Because she can eat mooncakes.

B. Because she can get a lot of presents.

C. Because she can have a long holiday.


( )13.Where does the man come from?

A. China. B. England. C. The USA.

( )14.What does he do?

A. He speaks Chinese. B. He is a student of English. C. He is a teacher.

( )15.Which of the following is true?(下面哪句是正确的)

A. The man goes to English classes every day.

B. The man speaks a little(一点)English.

C. The man teaches English.


( )16.Mr.Green goes to the shop with __________.

A. Mrs. Green B. his son (儿子) C. his father

( )17.The shop is ________.

A. small B. new C. big

( )18.Mr. Green wants to buy a new blouse for_________.

A. Bill’s mother B. Bill C. his friend

( )19.Bill likes ________.

A. all the things B. the new blouse C. oranges

( )20.Bill wants to buy ________.

A. some picture-books B. some colour pencils C. A and B

一、单项选择(15 分)

( )21. —I am sorry I can’t help you ________ your maths.

—Thank you all the same. I can ask Millie ___________ help me.

A. with; for B. for; with C. about; for D. with; to

( )22.Why not _______ the umbrella with you? It’s going to rain. --–OK, Mum.

A. to bring B. bring C. to take D. take

( )23. There is _______ with his legs. He can walk far on his own.

A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. wrong something

( )2 4. They are _______ fathers.

A. Nancy’s and Andy’s B. Nancy and Andy’s

C. Nancy’s and Andy D. Nancy and Andy

( )25. They are new here. Let’s _________ them ________ our school.

A. Show; / B. show; around C. take; / D. take; look

( )26. —Why are you in a hurry, Jack?

— There ________ a basketball game in ten minutes.

A. are going to be B. will have C. is going to have D. will be

( )27. —There is ________ orange backpack on the floor. Whose is it?

—Oh, it’s ________. Thank you.

A. a; mine B. an; mine C. an; my D. an; me

( )28. It takes me about two hours __________ my homework every day.

A. finish B. finishes C. to finish D. finish

( )2 9. The birds flies ________ the window quickly when Jack tries to catch it.

A. across B. cross C. through D. along

( )30. —We are going to visit the Great Wall this Sunday.


A. Congratulations B. That’s all right.

C.Have a good time D. Thanks a lot

( )31. They listened _______ but ________ nothing.

A. care; heard B. careful; listened C. carefully; heard D. carefully; listened

( )32. —Let’s go on a trip to Suzhou.

—That sounds_________. Why not?

A. Well B. badly C. bad D. good

( )33. How do we say the number “2,568”?

A. Two thousands, five hundred sixty eight.

B. Two thousand, five hundred and sixty eight

C. Two thousands, five hundred sixty-eight

D. Two thousand, five hundred and sixty-eight

( )34.My sister ________ a new dress to the party tomorrow.

A. wears B. is wearing C. wearing D. is going to wear

( )35. Last week I met Smith__________.

A. on my way home B. in my way home

C. on my way to home D. in my way to home


Paul and his wife are driving down a busy street. They stop at a crossing and a car stops beside them, too. The driver rolls (卷) 36 his window.

‘ 37 , sir,’ he says. ‘Can you please tell me 38 the main (主要的) street is?’

‘ 39 , sir,’ answers Paul. ‘ 40 we don’t have Main Street in this city.’ The driver looks at Paul strangely (奇怪地) and then rolls up his window and 41 away. Paul’s wife can’t stop 42 .

‘What’s so funny?’ he asks 43 . She says, ‘He doesn’t ask you where Main Street is. He wants to know the main street of the city. Every city has a main 44 , right?’

‘Now I understand. But 45 too late.’

( )36. A. down B. up C. out D. over

( )37. A. Sorry B. Thanks C. Be careful D. Excuse me

( )38. A. what B. where C. who D. how

( )39. A. Yes B. Thank you C. Sorry D. No

( )40. A. And B. But C. Or D. So

( )41. A. walks B. runs C. rides D. drives

( )42. A. crying B. shouting C. singing D. laughing

( )43. A. her B. him C. me D. them

( )44. A. road B. shop C. street D. park

( )45. A. it’s B. you’re C. I’m D. he’s

四. 阅读理解 (每小题1分,共15分)


Animals are our friends. Sometimes they do funny things. Look at the pictures from an English newspaper. The Daily Telegraph chose some funny animal pictures from 2011. Get ready for some good laughs.

Even chipmunks (花栗鼠) learn to smoke. An English woman saw this strange chipmunk on a beach in Spain (西班牙). It has a cigarette (香烟) in his mouth! Smoking is bad. You should stop, chipmunks.

What’s the news today? Chaska, a one-year-old bear, lived in a US zoo. Chaska likes reading newspapers.

Look at this beluga whale (大白鲸)! It lives in an American aquarium (水族馆). It tries to get closer to watch the visitors, but only flattens (压扁) its nose on the glass.

Do I look cool? A monkey in Indonesia (印度尼西亚) takes a camera from a visitor. He takes many pictures of himself.

What a fat squirrel (松鼠)!It lives in a zoo in the US. People there often give it nuts to eat. So it is now twice the weight it should be.

( )46. What does the chipmunk learn to do?

A. It learns to take photos. B. It learns to watch the visitors.

C. It learns to read newspapers. D. It learns to smoke.

( )47. How old is Chaska?

A. One year old. B. Two years old. C. Three years old. D. Four years old.

( )48. Where does the beluga whale live?

A. On a beach in Spain. B. In an American aquarium.

C. In Indonesia. D. In a zoo in the US.

( )49. Who takes the pictures of the monkey?

A. A visitor. B. Animals’ friends. C. The monkey himself. D. A one-year-old boy.

( )50. Why is the squirrel fat?

A. Because it eats too much meat. B. Because it eats too many nuts.

C. Because it never does any exercise. D. Because it lives in a zoo.

Rick goes to Boston for a meeting. The meeting is in Prince’s Building on 44th Street, and Rick wants to be there on time. However, it is Rick’s first time to visit the city, so he doesn’t know the way. When he sees a couple (夫妇) sitting on a bench (长凳), he asks them for help. The couple tell Rick to take the underground and get off at Prince Station. Rick follows their advice, gets off at Prince Station and walks east. An hour later, he is disappointed to find that he is on 41st Street, not 44th Street. The couple misheard (听错) him and told him the wrong way.

Another hour later, when a policeman takes him back, he sees the couple again. They are still sitting on the bench, right in front of Prince’s Building.

( )51. Why does Rick go to Boston?

A. To have a party. B. To have a meeting. C. To go shopping. D. To visit his friends.

( )52. Which of the following is true?

A. Rick lives in Boston. B. Prince’s Building is on 41st Street.

C. Rick doesn’t know Boston well. D. Rick knows the couple.

( )53. Where is Prince Station?

A. On 41st Street. B. On 44th Street. C. On 42nd Street. D. On 43rd Street.

( )54. The underlined word ‘disappointed’ means in Chinese.

A. 兴奋的 B. 欣喜的 C. 满意的 D. 失望的

( )55. How long does it take Rick to find Prince’s Building finally?

A. One hour. B. One and a half hours. C. Two hours. D. Three hours.


Suzhou is an old city with a long history. The city is very clean and has fresh air. There are a lot of nice gardens in Suzhou and Suzhou gardens are famous in the world. When you enjoy the beauty in the gardens, you will feel very peaceful (平静的) and happy. Besides (除……之外) the gardens, Suzhou silk is also very famous. On the streets, you can see many silk shops. You should buy some beautiful silk scarves because they are really beautiful. Suzhou food is so sweet and some people may not like it. But you can have different kinds of foods here. Suzhou is close to Shanghai. It takes about only one hour from Suzhou to Shanghai by bus. The traffic is very convenient (方便的) here. Welcome to Suzhou! You will have a good time here.

( )56. How will you feel when walking in the gardens?

A. Bored. B. Excited. C. Happy and peaceful. D. A little funny.

( )57. Suzhou is famous for its in the world.

A. silk and streets B. gardens and silk C. silk and food D. streets and gardens

( )58. What may some people not like in Suzhou?

A. Suzhou food. B. Suzhou traffic. C. Suzhou silk. D. Suzhou gardens.

( )59. How far is it from Suzhou to Shanghai?

A. Two hours’ bus ride. B. Two hours’ ride on the train.

C. One hour’s bus ride. D. One hour’s ride on the underground.

( )60. What does the writer want to do?

A. To tell about the long history of Suzhou.

B. To tell about the beauty of Suzhou gardens.

C. To tell about the Suzhou food and Suzhou silk.

D. To attract (吸引) visitors to Suzhou.



61. Sally lives next to me. She is my ___________.

62. The __________ (工程师) are checking the broken computers.

63. Beijing duck is very _________ (known by many people).

64. He is ________ (相当) tired. He can’t go on walking any more.

65. Andy is funny. He always makes us _________.

B. 用所给词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。

66. Tomorrow is his father’s _________ birthday.

67. They all want to be ________,when they grow up.

68. The giraffes have long necks to help them eat the _________ from trees.

69. This morning he went to school by bike as __________.

70.These are your tapes. __________ are over there.

C. 用所给单词的适当时态填空,每词限用一次。

71. Listen! The music ________ wonderful.

72. My mother ________ a new T-shirt for me yesterday.

73. The Greens ________ lunch in the dining room now.

74. There ________ two football matches on TV tomorrow.

75.Who_________ you English this term?


76. My Walkman doesn’t work. (同义句转换)

There’s _________ ________ with my Walkman.

77. He does his homework every evening.(改为否定句)

He _________ _________ his homework every evening.

78. We are going to have a picnic tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句)

________ ________ going to have a picnic tomorrow?

79.There are three buildings in our neighborhood?(同义句转换)

We ________ ________ buildings in our neighborhood.

80. It takes me about 20 minutes to go there by bus.(同义句转换)

I ________ about 20 minutes ________ there by bus.


Walk a___81____ the road. To the n___82____ of the Panda House, you’ll find the lions. Lions are the k___83____of the animal world. R__84______ that they’re d___85______ . Never go near them.

“Here it is,” Andy said to h___86_____ . He f___87______ a little can in the bushes. It was very w____88____. When it miaowed, it s____89____ like a whisper. Andy p____90___ up the little cat and went to find Millie and Amy.


Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people. Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind(盲人). They are the Seeing Eye Dogs.

Now we can see this kind of dogs all over the world. They work for the blind .

The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train(训练). He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, it must go to a training school for about three months. First the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. At the end of the training school he must take tests(测试). When it passes the test, it can become the Seeing Eye dog.

The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month to learn to work and live together.

91.Are dogs very friendly?


92.What kind of people does Seeing Eye dog work for?


93.How long must a dog stay in a training school before it becomes a Seeing Eye Dog?


94.What does a dog have to do at the end of the training school?


95.Where can we see the Seeing Eye Dogs?




Dear Kitty,


5.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇五

1. 劳驾,对不起

2. 为什么不…呢?

3. 试穿

4. 别急, 稍等一会

5. ….之一

6. 外出

7. 总有一天

8. 不但..而且

9. 不再

10. 实现

11.  也

12. 能做某事

13. 在  将来

14. 观光

15. 散步

16. 玩得开  心

17. 盼望做某事

18. 和某人交朋友

19. 复习

20. 正如,正像

21. 与某人相处 融洽

22. 担心

23.  乐于做某事

24. 想要, 希望

25. 寻找

26.  成百 上 千

27. 从现在开始

28. 首先

29. 小心

30. 匆匆忙忙

31. 仅此而已

32. 在这儿,下面

33. 母亲节

34. 交通堵塞

35. 暑假

36. 五 一劳动节

37. 手机

38. 失物招领 处

39. 失 物招领箱


1.  手套

2. 钱包

3. 谁的

4. 手表

5. 我的

6. 紫色

7. 仔细的

8. 照相机

9. 百

10. 奇怪的

11. 钢琴

12. 俱乐部

13. 学期

14. 队伍

15. 整 洁的

16. 美丽的

17. 野餐

18. 每个人

19. 我  自己

20. 在…期间

21.  乡下

22.  第二

23. 第三

24. 收集

25. 澳大利亚人

26. 营地,帐篷

27. 早的

28. 晚的

29. 粉笔

30. 拿, 带

31. 改 变

32. 生活,生命

33. 水平

34. 空 闲的

35. 陆地

36. 机器

37. 太空

38. 交 通

39.    真的

40. 便宜 的

41. 到处,处处

42. 容易的

43. 市场

44. 尺码

45. 价格

46. 新 鲜的

47.  任何东西

48. 付钱

49. 收到

50. 安全的

51. 几 个,一些

52. 差不多

53. 营业的

54. 博物馆

55. 在…对面

56. 游客

57. 广场

58. 著名的

59. 晴朗的

60. 桥

61. 教堂

62.  完成

63. 高的

6.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇六


























































①大部分是相同的②必须等待时机 ③与个人的个性和优势有关④是多样、独特的A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④





























②如果处理不好这些烦恼,可能会阻碍我们的发展 ③是青少年向前发展的动力,不用理会它们 ④我们要认真对待这些烦恼,并且要学会合理解决








































1-5 DAABB6-10 ACCCA11-15 DDDBA

16-20 DAAAA21-25 CBCDA26-30 DADCD





(2)要注意以下几个问题: 适合自己;要有弹性;自我激励






7.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇七

把一个多项式化为几个最简整式的乘积的形式, 这种变形叫作把这个多项式因式分解 (也可以叫分解因式) , 它的定义确实简单, 但也足够抽象, 主要还是强调形式上的变化.课本上介绍的方法也很常规, 主要是两种方法:提公因式法和运用公式法. 但是想要顺利解决它却是件不太容易的事情.我认为, 了解因式分解中的数学思想尤为重要. 我将通过课内习题中的几个典型例题略作介绍:


所谓用整体思想来分解因式, 就是将要分解的多项式中的某些项看成一个整体而加以分解.

例1 把多项式 (x2-1) 2+6 (1-x2) +9分解因式.

【分析】把 (x2-1) 看成一个整体利用完全平方公式进行分解, 最后再利用平方差公式达到分解彻底的目的.

例2 把多项式 (a+b) 2-4 (a+b-1) 分解因式.

【分析】原式两项既无公因式可提, 又无公式可套用, 但此结构特点可视a+b为一个整体, 局部展开后或许能运用完全平方公式.


类比思想在因式分解中的运用很广泛, 具体表现在:一是因式分解与整式乘法的对比;二是因式分解与乘法的分配律的对比;三是因式分解与乘法公式的对比.

例3 把多项式6x3y2+12x2y3-6x2y2分解因式.

【分析】对比整式的乘法和乘法的分配律可知, 6、12、6的最大公因数是6, 字母x、y的最低指数均为2, 所以多项式6x3y2+12x2y3-6x2y2的公因式是6x2y2.

例4 分解因式:

(1) x3y-xy3; (2) abx2-2abxy+aby2.

【分析】 (1) 对比平方差公式可先提取xy. (2) 对比完全平方公式可先提取ab.


某些多项式从表面是无法利用因式分解的一般步骤进行的, 必须通过适当的转化, 如经过添项、拆项等变形, 才能利用因式分解的有关方法进行.

例5 把多项式6x (x-y) 2+3 (y-x) 3分解因式.

【分析】考虑到 (y-x) 3=- (x-y) 3, 则多项式转化为6x (x-y) 2-3 (x-y) 3, 因此公因式是3 (x-y) 2.

例6 把多项式x4+x2y2+y4分解因式.

【分析】从表面上看此题不能直接分解因式, 但仔细观察发现若x2y2转化成2x2y2-x2y2, 即可先运用完全平方公式, 再利用平方差公式.


所谓的换元就是将多项式的某些项用另一个新的字母去代换, 通过换元可以将复杂的多项式转变成简单的, 将陌生的转换成熟悉的, 使之得以顺利地分解因式.

例7把多项式 (x+y) (x+y+2xy) + (xy+1) · (xy-1) 分解因式.

【分析】这个多项式形式上比较复杂, 但考虑x+y与xy重复出现, 利用这一特点, 可以把这两个因式通过换元后再分解因式.

8.七年级下册英语期中卷 篇八

Part One 听力部分 (20分)

Ⅰ. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()1. A. sports collectionB. footballC. ball

()2. A. fineB. niceC. five

()3. A. saladB. eggsC. oranges

()4. A. computerB. numberC. dinner

()5. A. basketballB. soccer ballC. baseball

Ⅱ. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择最佳答语。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()6. What does the boy like?

A. Apples.B. Oranges.C. French fries.

()7. What does Tony play every day?

A. Baseball.B. Basketball.C. Soccer ball.

()8. Where are the keys?

A. On the bed.B. On the sofa.C. On the dresser.

()9. What does the girl have for dinner?

A. Two bananas and one hamburger.

B. One banana, two hamburgers and one ice cream.

C. Two bananas and one ice cream.

()10. Whats that?

A. Its a telephone.B. Its a watch.C. Its a clock.

Ⅲ. 听一段长对话,根据对话内容选出最佳选项。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()11. How many people are there in the conversation (对话)?

A. Two.B. Four.C. Three.

()12. Where are they?

A. At home.B. In a restaurant (餐馆).C. In a supermarket (超市).

()13. What doesnt David want to eat?

A. A hamburger.B. Some French fries.C. Some chicken.

()14. What does David want to drink?

A. Orange juice.B. A bottle of milk.C. Water.

()15. What does Davids dad want to have?

A. Some chicken and rice.B. Some French fries.C. A hamburger.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

()16. Dave is Peters ______.

A. father B. uncle C. son

()17. Dave runs every ______.

A. morning B. afternoon C. evening

()18. Dave watches ______ games on TV.

A. volleyball B. basketballC. baseball

()19. Dave likes eggs, bananas and oranges for ______.

A. breakfast B. lunchC. dinner

()20. Dave has chicken, salad and ______ for dinner.

A. eggs B. orangesC. vegetables

Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)


()21. —Excuse me, Sonia. Whats this in English? —Its ______.

A. alarm clockB. a alarm clock C. an alarm clock

()22. —Where are my keys, do you know?

— ______ on the bed.

A. Its B. Theyare C. My keys are

()23. —Lets watch sports game on TV.


A. That sounds relaxingB. Yes, lets do C. No, thats fun

()24. —Is Jim your friend? —______.

A. Yes, she is B. No,he isntC. Yes,it is

()25. Please take the hat ______ your brother.

A. onB. atC. for

()26. —______ Mr. Smith play sports every day?

—No, he doesnt. He only ______ them on TV.

A. Is; watches B. Does; watchesC. Do; watch

()27. My brother ______ a great sports collection.

A. has B. have C. does

()28. —Hello!______ you spell “apple”?

—A-P-P-L-E, apple.

A. DoB. How do C. What do

( )29. —Is your mothers brother your ______? —Yes, he is.

A. aunt B. grandfatherC. uncle

( )30. —______ the erasers in the box? —No, ______.

A. Are; they arent B. Is; it isntC. Are; it is


Im John. 31 is my room. The TV is 32 the table. The video tapes 33 in the drawer. Where are 34 pencils? They 35 on the table. They are in my pencil case. 36 my pencil case? Oh, 37 in my backpack. Wheres my backpack? 38 on the table? No, it isnt. Its on the bed. My alarm clock is on the dresser. My keys and CDs are 39 to my alarm clock. I have lots of

40in my bookcase.

()31. A. ThatB. This C. These

()32. A. in B. on C. under

()33. A. are B. is C. isnt

()34. A. yourB. myC. his

()35. A arent B. dontC. are

()36. A. Whats B. Wheres C. How is

()37. A itsB. theyre C. it

()38. A. Are theyB. It is C. Is it

()39. A. onB. next C. in

()40. A. booksB. bookC. map



Mary is an English girl. She is six years old. Her mother takes her to school in the morning and brings her home in the afternoon. She likes her school. She likes her teachers, too.

One day, she says (说) to her mother, “Mom, we have a new (新的) girl in our class today. Her name is Ann. She is six years old, too. She is very nice, but she isnt English. She is German (德国人).” “Does she speak (说) English?” “No, but she laughs (笑) in English,” Mary says happily (高兴地 ).

()41. Mary is ______ years old.

A. sevenB. six C. eight

()42. ______ takes Mary to school every day.

A. Marys father B. Marys mother C. Marys sister

()43 Mary ______ her school.

A. likes B. doesnt likeC. cant go to

()44. Ann ______ speak English.

A. cant B. canC. doesnt like to

()45. Ann is ______.

A. an Englishgirl B. an English teacher C. a nice girl


Gina: Lets have a picnic (野餐) tomorrow (明天).

Tom: That sounds great.

Frank: I like hamburgers, apples and broccoli. What about you, Mary?

Mary: I like strawberries and chicken. Do you like chicken, Gina?

Gina: Yes, I do. I like eggs and tomatoes, too. What about you, Tom?

Tom: I like French fries and oranges. And my favorite (最喜爱的 ) drink is cola (可乐). Do you like


Gina, Frank, and Mary: Yes, we do.

Tom: OK, lets go shopping.


()46. Frank likes broccoli and oranges.

()47. Gina and Mary like chicken.

()48. Mary doesnt like strawberries.

()49. Tom likes cola very much.

()50. They are going to (将要) have a picnic.

Ⅷ. 阅读短文,然后回答问题。(每小题2分,共10分)

My name is Kim Smith. Im an English girl. I am in Sun Shan Middle School (中学). And Im in Class 1, Grade 7. I have two friends, Zhang Hua and Gina Miller. Zhang Hua is a Chinese (中国的)girl. Her hair (头发) is black. She has an English name——Mary. Her telephone number is 555-6436. How old is Gina? She is eight years old. Her hair is golden (金黄色的). She is American.

51. Is Kim Smith in Class 1, Grade 7?


52. Does Zhang Hua have an English name?


53. What is Zhang Huas telephone number?


54. Is Gina a Chinese girl, too?


55. What color is Ginas hair?


Ⅸ. 写作部分。(共30分)


My good friend is Bill (比尔).(56) He has a great sports collection.(57) He likes playing basketball very much (非常). Bill is a member (成员) of school basketball club.(58) Yao Ming is his favorite (最喜爱的) basketball star.(59) Bill likes China. He likes Chinese food, too. He eats lots of healthy food every day.(60) So (因此) he is a healthy boy.

56. __________________________

57. __________________________

58. __________________________

59. __________________________

60. __________________________



提示词汇: 教师(teacher),第一中学(No.1 Middle School)



