


1.观后感英语 篇一

This is an absolutely magnificent movie!I have seen hundreds of films and this movie is only the 6th that I have awarded a 10/10 to.

All this year,I had been anticipating the release of Snyders Man of Steel,with Pacific Rim coming in at a distant 2nd for my “Most Anticipated of ” list.Not only was this movie better than Man of Steel,but I am now prepared to say it is one of my favourite movies of all time!Not being impressed by Del Toros Hellboy,I was a bit anxious when he was directing a movie about giant robots fighting aliens,but my fears were aside with an impressive first trailer.

Giant robots fighting enormous aliens - its not just for meth-heads anymore…Incredible film!

2.观后感英语 篇二


“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。后继有人是社会主义革命和建设事业发展的必然要求,档案战线也是如此。从我们省档案局 (馆) 的现状看,新生力量的文化程度普遍提高,工作环境和客观条件有了很大改善,其工作成果也是明显的。我认为,新同志和老同志之间有个相互学习,取长补短的问题。我们都要向刘义权同志学习,弘扬他的崇高精神,担当起各自应尽的职责。看现在,省档案局领导思路正确,工作有力,服务到位,赢得了省委、省政府领导的重视和认可。在任务加重的繁忙工作中,会遇到各种困难,但在解决难题的过程中也培养了人才,干部队伍的整体实践能力会不断得到提高。

3.电影英语观后感 篇三

My favorite film----3 idiotsidiots is a great Indian film, among them the same problems can be saw sino-indian

similar education system and the rich and the poor strata.Relaxed, laugh, tears,we can feel the power of positive life.Dream and career, do what we like, that is the achievements of the same truth.In my impression,I saw this film introduced by students.The actor Rancho is very handsome.He is very kind, optimistic, humorous and wisdom.He affects the people around him.He studies physics knowledge to teach savage senior, and he use his wisdom break the college hidebound traditional education concept.At last he became a talented scientists.Which I appreciate most is the hero takes care of his friends, in his efforts, his friends also achieved their dreams."The pursuit of excellence, success will be chasing you run.” I think this sentence is very reasonable.In our way to study,we may meet many difficulties, but stick to it, and stick to our ideals.The film, in addition the sincere friendship, and romantic love.It’t Worth a look.

4.英语电影观后感 篇四

Parents and children, inspirational, so the words used in qualitative, on the drama is on the excess; effort, struggle, happiness, and this proceis actually on the drama in excess. Art

comes from life than life; a successful television series might not require a highly anticipated new theme and return to life, perhaps the most real life is the highest art. Bottom line of this struggle in poverty in the inspirational family film more approachable, but also much more likely to live many of our emotional resonance.

5.TED英语观后感 篇五


william 张 blocked for introverts to independent thinking and exploring opportunities, this is a kind of damage for introverts, is also a kind of loss for the society。


william 张

抑郁,我们各自隐藏的秘密 the opposite of depression is not happy, its vitality.and depression not only need to own a strong heart, but also need the tolerance of the whole society, more patience and mutual efforts.高一(6)

william 张篇三:一篇ted演讲观后感

这不是ted演讲,是ted演唱--《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》观后感 一个天生口吃的女孩,站在ted的讲台上,她要说她的故事,唱她的歌。这令我感触不少。


人有天生的差别,只是差别而已,不是差距。很多客观的、现实的因素,我们无法改变。我们能做的就是找到“上帝给我们开的那一扇窗”,并好好利用这扇窗。如果,你是一个有心人,你能透过这扇窗观看整个世界,也能让世界发现你的存在。而有些幸运的人,即使上帝给他们开了很多门,或许他们也从未走到门外去看看外面的世界。因为他们已经拥有很多门,足以看到许多风景,何必到外面经历没有屋檐的漂泊。所以,透过门看到的世界,不一定就比透过窗看到的世界更精彩。我又想起美国诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的《未选择的路》“黄色的林子里有两条路,很遗憾我无法同时选择两者。”不管一个人年轻的时候有多少选择的机会,最终我们只能走一条路。而且,至于另外一条未选择的路,几乎从此就无缘再见。不管多年我们如何叹息,我们只能选择一条路,而且我们这一生已经被自己选择的路改变了。另一条,只是遗憾,它也不一定就比我们选择的路更迷人。所以,不管是给定的路,还是能选择的路,过后都会或多或少留下遗憾。因为,一切没能经历的,错过的事,都会让我们怀念。假如当时我选择了另外一条路,或者我可以选择另外一条路?? 总之,我们选择的路,或者被选择的路,就造成不同的人生,不同的我们。不管怎样,接受自己吧,真实的自己最特别。

再说一下这场演讲《这一次是ted演唱,因为演讲真的很恐怖!》主角megan washington,这个和我们有一点不同的女孩。她从小口吃,却发现唱歌能让她流畅地表达自己。她选择了唱歌,唱歌成就了她。来到ted讲台上,她没有用她培训过的“smooth talking”来做一场完美的演讲,即使她能够这样,也没有刻意的取乐观众。她让一个真实的自己显现在观众面前。我从她的眼神中,看到坦然、平静和坚定。






荷塞.安东尼奥.阿布吕尔:我亲爱的朋友,女士们,先生们,我今天非常高兴 被授予本的ted大奖。这个奖属于委内瑞拉全体 优秀的音乐教师们,艺术家和教育工作者们 他们在过去35年一直无私和忠诚地陪伴着我 一起为遍及委内瑞拉全国的青少年乐唱队项目


当我还是个男孩子时 那时候我还很小 我就一心想当个音乐家,感谢上帝,我成功了。我的老师们、我的家人和我的社区,都在我成长为音乐家的道路上给与了许多必要的支持。我此生一直梦想 让委内瑞拉所有的孩子 都能享有和我一样的机会。因为这个愿望 我心里树立了一个理想:让音乐广泛的植根于我们的国家。

从第一次排练开始,我就看到了光明的未来。因为这次排练对我是一次巨大的挑战。那次别人捐了50个乐谱架给我,预备着给100个孩子排练时用。当我来到排练的场地,发现只来了11个孩子。我就对自己说,“我是应该停止这个项目呢,还是使参与的孩子数量成倍增加呢?” 我决定接受挑战,就在那个晚上,我向这11个孩子承诺,我一定会把我们的乐队 变成世界上最好的乐队之一。两个月前,我想起了自己当年的承诺,因为一位著名的英国乐评人 在伦敦 《时代》杂志上发表了一篇文章,讨论如果交响乐团有世界杯赛,哪支乐团将名列前茅。他提到了4支世界一流乐团,而第五个名字就是委内瑞拉青少年交响乐团。今天我们完全可以说 拉丁美洲的艺术 不再只由精英阶层所专享 它已经成为全社会的权利,为全体人民所享有。


造价值观念训练年轻人 去辅导别的孩子。


我们的项目名为el sistema(即西班牙语中的“体系”)它采用的是一种新型而灵活的管理方式 能灵活地适应每个社区和地区的自身特点 现在有超过30万来自中低下阶层的孩子参与到这个项目来 遍及委内瑞拉全国。它也是一个社会拯救项目 和深层的文化改造 目标人群是委内瑞拉全社会 我们摈弃任何形式的歧视,但更侧重于关注弱势和式微的社会阶层。

el sistema的影响力主要体现在3个方面--在个人/社会层面,家庭层面,以及社区层面。在个人/社会层面,在交响乐团与合唱团的孩子们 他们的智力和情感得以发展。音乐成为帮助人类 在各方面发展的源泉。它使人们的精神得到升华 使人的天性得以全面发展。人类的情感和智力因此获益良多--学会如何领导、教学、训练的方法 培养归宿感,责任感,慷慨与奉献之心 以及个人如何为实现伟大的集体共同目标而努力。这些获益能促成自尊自信之心的形成。

6.《开学第一课》观后感 篇六












7.刮痧电影英语观后感 篇七

After I saw the film Guasha, I was astonished by the great different culture between China and America. In fact, we should find many interesting things in the conflict of these two nations.

In Xu Datong’s family, his son Dennis is totally accepted the American culture. Datong and his wife know American rules and their way of thinking, but the still keep many Chinese habitats and Chinese thoughts. Datong’s father, however, is totally a Chinese. He didn’t know American rules at all even he is profound in China.

We can see that after Dennis fight with the son of Datong’s boss, Datong hit Dennis. It’s totally a Chinese’s way. American don’t hit their child or they think it’s a kind of mistreat. Obviously, this action became one the proof that Datong mistreated Dennis when they were in the court.

John acknowledged that Datong used to hit Dennis. He told truth but Datong was crazy about John “betrayed” him. Here is another aspect. In Chinese’s mind, friends should always help him even tell lie for him, while Americans distinct friendship and justice clearly.

They wouldn’t tell lie in the court. After Datong lost, he vented his angry on John and want to resign for his self-respect. Because Chinese always treat “face” very important. Next the most interesting conflict appeared,

Datong and John argued about why he hit Dennis. Datong said that he hit Dennis to show his respect to John, to save his face. John confused and cried what kind of twisted Chinese logic! Maybe it’s the most different thing between Chinese and American which Americans would never realize.

Another point is in the court, Datong called John to be his lawyer. John thought it’s not comfortable because he is an interlecture property lawyer.

He suggested Datong to find a qualified one. But Datong said John is his best friend and best lawyer, he should know how Datong love his son and John should surely help him. Here is one point.

When somebody in the trouble, Chinese always find friends first whether he is professional or not. Friends would certainly help him. But Americans think that it’s better to find a stranger who can truly help him, rather than a good friend but can’t help him. Another point is after John told Datong he was not a family lawyer, but an interlecture property lawyer,。

Datong said that Dennis was his best creation, so it’s in John’s field. Actually, many Chinese hold the thought that child is parents’ property. They created their children and give birth to their children, so they can do everything to him, even hit them.

However, Americans do not think so. From their perspective, children are equal to adults. They are not parents’ property. So they would never say the same thing as Datong.

There are countless aspects show the difference between Chinese and American, such as logic, habitat, the way of thinking and act.

8.英语优质课观后感 篇八

1. 巧妙运用多媒体 提高了课堂效率

本次参赛的12位选手在各自的优质课展示中都运用了多媒体教学手段,他们在课展中都制作了课件,有的运用了PPT,有的运用了Flash, 有的运用了电影片断, 也有这些都兼而用之的。这是教师们教学手段上的进步和教学理念的更新。运用多媒体手段,制作课件来进行教学,运用得当便可以激活课堂,使课堂更加生动,加大课堂教学容量, 也能充分调动学生的学习积极性,从而提高课堂效率。








4.将interview, talk show引进课堂

有教师精心设计和运用了interview, talk show 在课堂教学中,学生们通过学习新的知识及以往知识的积累,完成特定的任务来充分展示自己观点,表达自己的思想。



大多数教师的英语口语水平确实不错,但给我印象颇为深刻的是一位四中授课的教师,她在组织课堂教学时,能使用清晰,流利, 自然并且富有节奏感的英语口语,因此博得了大家的好评。


6.课堂内容熟练 时间把握准确




9.从中式英语、中国英语到标准英语 篇九


英语作为一门语言, 随着英美两国的崛起而诞生、发展, 随着世界全球化, 成为国际上使用最广泛的交流工具。正因为语言的可变性和包容性, 随着时间的推移, 英语的变体还会源源不断的产生, 英语也将会有继续发展的空间, 这其中也势必融入在泱泱大国——中国所孕育的具有中国特色的英语变体。


人们通常认为中国英语 (Chinese English) 是一种使用型英语变体, 主要用于中国人与非本国人之间的交流和交往。它具有以标准英语为核心并带有中国特色的双重性质。“以标准英语为核心”保证了中国英语作为信息媒介所体现出来的可理解性和可接受性, 而“带有中国特色”则弥补了标准英语在涉及中国人固有的思维模式和中国特有文化传统方面的相对欠缺。

自葛传槼先生1983年首次提出“中国英语”这一概念之后, 国内的学者纷纷从不同的角度对中国英语进行论证。概括而言, 中国英语应具备以下普遍特征:

1.适宜性 (Appropriateness) 。随着以语言在不同社会条件下运用、变异为中心的社会语言学的发展, “标准不标准”的问题已逐渐被“适宜与不适宜”所取代。中国英语虽然表现的是中国特有事物, 但在表达上仍应确保其被英语国家人士所理解和接受。中国英语主要包含两大类:一类诸如一国两制 (one country two systems) 、中草药 (Chinese herbal medicine) 、一箭双雕 (one arrow, two hawks) 等, 这种通过借译或语义再生的手段生成的, 虽然在标准英语中没有出现过, 但英语国家人士还是能从字面的表述中大体明白其所含之意;另一类如麻将 (mahjong) 、功夫 (gongfu) 、汤圆 (tangyuan) 、风水 (fengshui) 、广东人 (Cantonese) 等, 这类通过普通话或粤、闽地区的发音直接转化而成, 且附有必要注解的, 能够让英语国家人士了解中国特有的文化, 也填补了英语语言表达中的空白。

2.中国特色 (Chinese characteristics) 。英语虽然作为一门国际上使用最为广泛的语言, 但对于中国特有的文化和中国人特有的思维方式的指称有时也无计可施, 如科举 (imperial examinations) 、五四运动 (May Fourth Movement) 、四个现代化 (Four Modernizations) 、廉政建设 ( construct clean politics) 等在英语中几乎找不到对应的表达形式。那么, 显然中国英语若应用得当, 它能更忠实地反映原文所含之意。

3.中国文化输出 (Cultural output) 。中国文化的输出早在16 世纪之前就已经开始。例如, 现已被老外普遍接受并成为标准英语词汇的tea, typhoon等就是当时的中国英语。在国际交往日益频繁的今天, 英语国家人士在介绍中国特有的文化时也时常使用中国英语。


传统意义中, 对中式英语 (Chinglish) 的理解从其英语字母的拼写即可得知。Chinese和English两词掐头去尾的拼缀表示说英语者其思维方式、词汇的选择和搭配、以及表达等都不符合标准英语规律和习惯, 其结果往往是不被英语国家人士理解和接受的, 顾有别于中国英语。


在学习第二语言时, 学习者广泛地依赖已经掌握的母语, 并经常把母语中的语言形式、意义以及与母语相联系的文化迁徙到第二语言学习中去, 造成语言迁移 (linguistic transfer) 。然而, 英汉两种语言属于不同的语系。由于两种语言的语系不同、使用语言的民族不同, 因而英汉两个民族的思维方式和表达习惯也不同。英语和汉语在表达同一概念时, 大多会用不同的词汇和不同的语法结构, 并采用不同的表达方式。因此, 当部分中国学生对于简单的汉语句子“我很喜欢你”表达为“I very like you”时, 就产生了对第二语言学习有消极影响的语言负迁移。


中式英语通常不遵循标准英语的特征, 主要表现在:搭配不当、重复累赘、修饰词过多、画蛇添足、省略不当、拟人有误、词末未转换等, 这种英语对英语国家的人来说是不可理解或不被接受的。


部分中式英语, 由于没有或者基本不存在大的语法错误, 同时在国际交流中, 国人又长期和广泛地使用, 因此, 已经逐渐被英语国家人士所认同, 并且逐渐过渡到中国英语。中式英语可以向中国英语转变, 这取决于中式英语所具有的不同于中国英语的独特特征:

1.易变性 (Variability) 。相对于中国英语的相对稳定性, 中式英语是英语学习者在学习英语过程中产生, 并且伴随着英语学习者英语水平的不断提高而不断完善, 最终逐渐向标准英语接近。

2.创造性 (Creativity) 。相对于中国英语, 中式英语更富有创造力。中式英语往往是英语学习者在学习英语过程中, 由于无法用英语实现语言表达, 从而随机选择或创造的单词、词组和句型。但随着英语水平的提高, 英语学习者不断重建和重组语言与形式的相互对应关系, 一些不符合规范英语习惯的中式英语会逐渐消失, 取而代之的是目标语即标准英语。


1.呈现全球化趋势 (Globalization) 。

所有英语变体的集合体, 统称为世界英语 (World Englishes) 。而人们使用英语的目的也不仅是为了英语民族之间的交流, 更是为了非英语民族与英语民族之间、非英语民族相互之间的交往和沟通。因此, 保持一种共同的标准和范式也是必然的, 否则, 交流双方就会因为表达的内涵不一而造成无法沟通, 进而失去英语作为国际交往的语言工具的作用。

2.体现本土化特征 (Localization) 。

在全球化大环境下, 英语正经历着一场前所未有的变革, 带有中国符号的英语正强烈冲击着标准英语。大量的中文词汇涌入, 成为英语新词汇最主要的组成部分。例如, 反映中国古代文化特色的词汇, 儒家思想 (Confucianism) , 四书五经 (Four Books and Five Classics) 等。同时, 随着中国经济的快速发展, 中国文化的独特魅力, 国内学习英语人数的增加以及国际交往的日益频繁, 一些充满中国文化气息和体现地道中国话的中式英语必然要被带入英语交际中去。

中国英语是客观存在的。随着中华民族的复兴、文化输出的日益重要, 中国英语作为体现中国历史文化、政治现实等特色的表达形式将扮演越来越重要的角色。中国英语虽不足以成为国别变体, 但将是世界英语中不可或缺的一部分, 是对标准英语的重要补充。


中国英语和中式英语运用不同的方式表达中国特色。随着英语教学的不断改进和中国人英语水平的不断提高, 部分不符合规范英语标准的中式英语必将消失, 而其余的中式英语会逐渐转变成中国英语, 融入世界标准英语中的大家庭。英语就像经济发展一样具有全球化的趋势, 又有本土化的特征, 只有把握住这两个方向, 才能真正了解现代英语。


[1]王湘萍.思维方式, 文化背景与中式英语[J].湘潭大学社会科学学报, 2000, 24 (2) :132-134.

[2]夏新蓉.论中国英语与中国式英语的区别[J].西华大学学报, 2007, 26 (5) :102-104.

[3]张红芸.谈中国英语与中式英语的区别对大学英语教学的启示[J].牡丹江大学学报, 2004, 17 (7) :151-153.

[4]张毅.谈标准英语、中国英语和中国式英语[J].集美大学学报, 2004, 5 (1) :72-76.

10.英语观后感600字 篇十

When I was a freshman in college I watched the film Gua Sha Treatment for the first time, now I am a junior student and I come back to review the movie from a multicultural aspect, I have many different feelings after watching the film again.

At the beginning of the film, XuDatong is given an award and later he delivers a speech. What makes me impressed most is in his speech he says “one day I will become one of you, a truly successful American, today this award proved that America is a true land of opportunity and I am the living proof of that.” At that moment Xu thinks he has realized his American Dream totally with his lovingly wife and adorable son. However, I think it is ironical that to make a speech like that and I assume it is made on purpose to hind a clue for the story’s development. How many non-American people have such a beautiful American dream? One of my classmate studies in American now and before he went aboard he told me his American dream is he can stand at the top of the New York. To be honest, I also dream that one day I can get the Green Card living there happily and successfully maybe working at the Wall Street. When Xu gets the award he thinks he entirely melted in the melting pot neglecting the multicultural obstruct, later the plot goes against the way he thinks. And later Quinlan asked Xu ‘why you be the scapegoat of your father?’ Xu answers ‘because he is Chinese.’ Then maybe Xu knows that there is always a wide gap between Chinese and American cultures.

The second scene is Xu hit his son Denis because Denis hit the son of xu’s boss, at the middle of the film xu tells his boss that he hit his own son is only to show his respect to his boss John Quinlan, that time Quinlan feels puzzled “what a Chinese logic”, yes, American can never understand such a logic full of Chinese characteristic, because they respect everyone including the children, they won’t beat a child to please the boss, and there is no such a conception of degree between employee and employer, they feel everyone is equal, which is quite different from china.

11.《战狼2》英语观后感 篇十一

A Review on Wolf Warriors 2

Floating in mid-air then falling down to the marble earth this afternoon was the blue-white cinema ticket, a proof of me having watched the hit film Wolf Warriors 2 at 7 p.m. on 23rd, August when I attempted to tidy up my personal zone in the room. Naturally, this precious evident faced the fate of going straight to the dust bin as any others, since the saying goes Discarding useless and sometimes useful items from time to time is the best improvement to life, my U-life dogma.

But there is no way to suppress the impulse of sitting down at my desk and putting something down about the film even in the middle of the night.

First of all, admittedly, it is a nice movie. It is neither extraordinary, super nor perfect. But it did not matter. Although the latest super-film I have watched in the cinema as far as I remembered is Interstellar. (Of course there were better ones but I did not go for a movie very often.) All of these did not change my affection and compliments to Wolf Warriors 2.

I wont spend a single word on the plot. It is now taken granted that Wolf Warriors 2 has been watched when mentioned in a conversation as long as the interlocutor is a Chinese. I dont want to be disingenuous: the story-line is an absolute cliché with a fixed mode that has fallen out of both fashion and favour in the west decades ago: individualistic heroism, single-handed, patriotism, mêlée against the vicious White and all. What needs to be pointed out is these are either completely novel or relatively new to the film industry in China: Against White? Conventional. An actioner? Too Unusual. Military mêlée? Never before! In modern timeline? Neither! Heroism? A No-no. Localised individualistic heroism? Unheard-of! Patriotism yet within an acceptable scale accompanied by comedic elements? Revolutionary.

All above?

Ground-breaking and pioneering.

Although all mentioned techniques are familiar, it is the first time that they have been done by Chinese and presented in a totally Chinese style. It is also the first time they are so combined ever. I am not ashamed of ‘Shanzhai’, counterfeit and plagiarism, since it is an unavoidable process to those who come after: Copy before innovation. What matters in this sense is whether the entity has arrived in the latter stage in the end. Wold Warriors 2 possessed features of copying but also noticeable innovation and originality. Although some of the plots and the handling of the various elements are still immature, they are way advanced, almost a world ahead of their predecessors. WW2 is a juvenile but potential and worth encouragement. And I’m not going to hold back mine this time: Suffice it to say, it is the first time I have found excitement and seen hope in a China-made commercial movie in the theatre. I was wonderstruck and more than content.

As China enjoys the boosting of economy, modernity and living standard, there comes a growing national pride and a need for us to express and emphasize this self-recognition. We are really starting taking pride in the achievement we’ve made and how far we’ve been so far for the first time in history as Chinese. Such desire reaches a record-breaking culmination, a level it has never been on before. The Chinese are demanding for a corresponding culture. We are desperately seeking for an identifier as a movie that reflects up-to-date status. We want our nationalism and patriotism to be inspired and amplified at some moment in the screening room and to have such a film to talk about and find consensus in just like the Americans and find in and identify themselves with Lambo, Roger Stevens, and Cowboy. The existing ones are either so improperly propagandistic that the spectators want to throw up and very much to be exclusive from them, or too old-school and out of date that it is already a brand-new modern urban shame to mention them. WW2 seized this opportunity and met the long empty spiritual need in the nick of time with appropriate ingredients and apt measures under Goldilocks conditions.
