


1.度假村贵宾接待程序 篇一

贵宾接待程序 Standard:


1.All VIP guest must be approved by hotel management and must be welcomed at the lobby by Guest Service Manager on duty or

Front Service Manager, or any other member of Management upon arrival.Normally check-in formalities must be done in

guest room instead of reception.所有的贵宾都是由饭店的管理层批准的并且到店时要由客务服务经理,或前厅部经理,或其它饭店管理委员会成员在大堂迎接。通常登记手续都是在客人房间内进行的。

2.VIP designation or amenity requests should be placed in the Fidelio System at least one day prior to arrival.贵宾的特殊接待申请至少在一天前就输入到电脑系统中。

3.In the event of a same day amenity request, the appropriate amenity requirement should be informed to the Guest Service Supervisor/Manager for processing.对于当天的贵宾申请要立即通知前台的客务服务经理或主管以使其能立即安排。

4.In all cases the amenity codes should be keyed into the guest profile in the Fidelio System.任何级别的贵宾的特殊要求代码都要输入至电脑的客户档案中。

5.Rooms for VIP guests must be ready upon the guest’s arrival;GSM has the responsibility to monitor the room status.贵宾房间在客人抵店前必须准备好,客务服务经理有责任掌控。



1.Any member of Management or any other associate may recommend a person as VIP status.In certain cases, external sources will request their guests for special attention.无论饭店管理人员或普通员工都可以推荐某位客人为贵宾。某些特殊情况下,店外订房者也可向饭店申请把他们的客人做为贵宾接待。

2.Any member of Management or any other associate may recommend a person as VIP status.In certain cases, external sources will request their guests for special attention.Apart from the General Manager, the following members of Management can approve VIP status:

-Excom Member

-Department Heads

-Guest Service Manager, in the absence of the Management above and when required for guest relations





3.Special VIP guest should be advised to the General Manager


4.All specials amenity for VIP guests including welcome gift, treatments, GM meeting and greeting and transport arrangements etc will be entered into the Opera special codes field


5.During “ Arrival Meeting”.GSM checks all details are correct, including guest name, company details and billing instructions etc one day before guest arrival.Then prepare welcome letter for arrival VIP.在贵宾到达的前一天,中班的“预到客人会议”必须检查所有细节的正确,包括客人的姓名、公司的详情和客人的特殊要求等详情。之后打印相关的欢迎贵宾的客信。

6.GSM prepares the vacant clean rooms well for the next day if it is possible.Assign rooms according to the guest’s preference and special requests.在住房率允许的情况下贵宾房间在客人到达的前一天分房。分房时根据客人的喜好及要求,尽量不要分配角落及吵闹的房间.7.Night Shift GSM prepares RC and two keys for arrival VIPs.Ensure the keys for VIP are usable.在贵宾到达的前一天夜班,打印临时入住登记单,配置两张钥匙卡,同时有效期必须比客人预离店日期多一天。

8.The VIP list for arrivals must be reviewed first in the morning briefing and reviewed for any special attention at the daily operations meeting.每天早班客务服务经理必须阅读预抵贵宾报表,并将需要特殊注意的事项在班前会上提出。

9.When room attendant get the VIP room number, they should first prepare it.The Assistant Housekeeper should check the VIP room after shiftleader checks to make sure the VIP room is in good condition.管家部每天都会打印预抵贵宾 的房号,当服务员得到贵宾的房号后,应该首先准备贵宾房间。在楼层主管查过之后助理管家应该再去检查一遍,以确保贵宾房间保持良好的状态

10.If there is a problem with the assigned room that will not be able to be repaired in time, then Reception must be advised as soon as possible so that another room can be allocated and the relevant departments can be given enough time to move the various items requested.如果房间设施损坏又不能及时修理,马上通知前台换房,以便给其它相关部门充足时间更换礼品。

11.With Assistant Housekeeper cooperation, the florist attendant will set up the flower(different size)according to the different VIP

grade on the different place depending on the room type.助理管家将会根据不同级别的贵宾赠送相应的花蓝,并根据房间类型的不同,放在房间内相应的位置。

12.Usually the VIP room should be prepare well before one hour according to the expected arrival time If there is no expected arrival time for VIP, the room should be prepared well at least before 12 o’clock in the afternoon.通常贵宾房间应该在客人预抵饭店的一个小时之前准备好。如贵宾房间没有预抵时间,房间应该最迟在12:00点之前准备好。

13.When the VIP room is checked by the last person in the Housekeeping, the room status should be changed into Vacant Clean.当贵宾房间被管家部的最后一个人检查后,房间的状态应该变成干净的可用房

14.When the room allocated is “Vacant inspected” by housekeeping, Assistant Housekeeper will take the responsibility to check the room amenity and condition.Guest Service Manager must ensure assigned the room remains unchanged.当管家部将房态置为“干净空房”时,楼层必须检查房间状况和物品摆设,客务服务经理需在电脑输入“警示”保证房间不被任


15.Bellboy delivers newspaper to the room and In-room Dining send the related amenities by 12:00pm.行李生必须在12:00以前把报纸送入房间。送餐部在12:00以前把欢迎赠品水果或其它赠品送入房间。

16.For some situation you will be asked to go to the airport and greet the VIP and escort them back to the hotel and to their hotel suite.某些情况下需要安排人员到机场,陪同贵宾回到酒店并送去房。

17.GSM prepared the welcome letter from General Manager or Director of Rooms in the room prior to the guest arrival.Check the keys are working.Ensure all amenities quality and presentation in the room.客务服务经理需在客人到达前,把总经理或前厅经理及房务总监发出的欢迎信放在房间里。确保贵宾的钥匙卡有效工作,留一张以备贵宾入住期间取电。同时检查其它欢迎赠品质量和摆放的位置。

18.General Manager and Excom Members will greet all VIP guests from the hotel entrance and be waiting for their arrival to the hotel.总经理及相关人员应等候在酒店大门迎接贵宾入住。

19.Be familiar with appropriate addresses to call special titles.熟悉用正确的头衔称呼贵宾。

20.Introduce General Manager, Hotel Manager or designated Director to the VIP Guests at entrance of the hotel.在酒店入口处向贵宾介绍总经理、酒店经理或特定的总监。

21.Guest Service Manager will meet VIP guests upon arrival and escort to their rooms for check-in.GSM will stand by for further assistance if required.宾客服务经理应带上客人的入住登记本引领客人去房间进行登记。

22.When on the floor, open the guestroom door with the guest’s key, enter the room first and hold door open, allowing the guest in.在楼层上,用客人的钥匙打开客人的房门,先进入房间为客人开着门,让其进入。

23.Proceed to fill up Registration Card for guest.Ensure the card is properly completed with all required details and signed by guest:


24.Confirm with the guest if he needs room service and transportation.Wish the guest a pleasant stay and leave the room.确认客人是否要送餐服务和用车安排后,祝客人入住愉快,离开房间。

25.All VIP Guests must be met upon departure for an appropriate farewell.所有贵宾在离店的时候也要有相应级别的管理人员与其道别。

2.接待贵宾酒桌礼仪 篇二







3.高铁贵宾厅接待员 篇三





2.不断提高个人的服务质量,提高客户满意率; 3.搞高商品销售量,完成销售任务、增加营收; 4.负责厅内食品卫生、用具卫生、环境卫生及个人卫生; 5.公司产品推广,收集会员对公司的意见及建议及时上报。6.完成贵宾厅经理分配的其它工作。



2.身高1.65米左右(特别优秀的1.63也可考虑),形象气质佳,普通话标准,性格开朗、大方,双眼视力1.2以上,五官端正,身材匀称,举止端庄,微笑甜美,肤色健康;无口吃,无慢性病史、无精神病家族史、遗传病史、癫痫病史; 3.有较强的沟通能力,协调能力,较强的亲和力;

4.工作执行力强,身体健康,吃苦耐劳,有责任心,服从分配; 5.学历大专以上,中专学历优秀也可



2.基本工资1820/月+奖金=综合工资3000元左右/月; 3.试用期是转正工资的80%;


