


1.competition作文 篇一



competition is very important for the society. With competition,the society keeps moving forward and without competition,everything remains the same because everybody is waiting for others to do the job. Therefore competition should be encouraged and people should attach great importance to it.

competition moves our society forward because as it has three main functions. Firstly,animals pete for survival and the same is true with human beings. Secondly,competition makes people original and creative. To get ahead in competition means to make oneself different and better from others; that is,people must make their own contribution outmatch others? . Thirdly,the originality and creativeness generated from competition move the collective course forward and crease productivity.

The advancement of businesses leads to the advancement of a certain industry and hence the advancement of the whole nation?s economy. The shift from planned economy to market economy is a good example to illustrate the role of competition. competition makes factories responsible for their own living. To get one step ahead of others is the only way out. Through competition,the stronger ones survive and the whole field is activated advanced and the whole nation?s economy regains its liveliness and energy.





2.competition作文 篇二

This afternoon our school held an English singing competition in our school hall. All the classes took part in it. Luckily, my class won the first prize.

Everybody in my class was glad. We think it is one of the best ways to study English. Learning English songs is not only interesting, but it can also help us remember the new words and useful sentences.


4月47日 星期五 晴


3.competition作文 篇三

Abstract:China is facing severe problem of water scarcity.Agricultural sector,the main consumer of water resource has remarkably changed its institutions on water resource deployment,due to heavy environmental pressure.As a new and spontaneous institution,groundwater market has developed rapidly in northern China,and has impacts on water using behaviors and benefits of farmers.Using household survey data from Hebei and Henan in ,this paper at tempts to pin down the development and operating of groundwater market in rural China.We focus on the monopoly and competition in the market.Empirical analysis reveals that Chinese farmers are trying to make rational decision when they compete with others in groundwater market.In general,monopoly is not fierce in Chinese rural ground water market,with great variations among different villages and even different tubewells within one village.Tubewell costs,regulation and the density of tubewells are the main determinants that affect monopoly level of groundwater market.To make water market benefit more and more farmers of low income,corresponding policies are needed to modify its development in the future.作 者:LIANG Qin MI Jian-wei MA Hua WU Li-li 作者单位:LIANG Qin(Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,P.R.China;Graduate University,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,P.R.China)

MI Jian-wei(State Information Center,Beijing 100045,P.R.China)

MA Hua(College of Economics and Management,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,P.R.China)

WU Li-li(Jinshui Branch Bureau of Land and Resources,Zhengzhou 450002,P.R.China)

上一篇:招生志愿者活动感想下一篇:语文 - 《蝙蝠和雷达》