


1.新概念自己写的随堂作文Lesson39404 篇一

Lesson 1

1.Last night, I went to the theatre with my parents.2.I have a very good seat in my class.Li Ping sits in front of me.I sit behind him.We are good friends.We can help each other.3.In class, our classmates usually talk loudly.They don’t pay my attention to the class.They don’t look at the blackboard.Our teacher is Lesson 2

1.It was Saturday.2.Today is Monday.3.Yesterday it was raining.4.It’s raining now.5.It’s 11 o’clock.6.It’s sunny outside.7.It’s usually raining here.I usually get up early.But today I got up late.Because today is Sunday,不可见的全都设成白色了哦,改一下就行了!不成问我
