


1.的大学生心理作文英文版 篇一

Name 刘涧桥

Class 2

Prof Hou

Time 2014.5.18

The way of a university

The topic like “what’s a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age.Not only educationalists but also students take into it.Is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? Or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? Chose A or B, this is a problem.The value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology.In Chinese culture, morality education is always took at first.It said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue, to innovate peoples’ opinions, to get the best goodness.In addition, there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first, to cultivate his moral characters;second, regulate his own family;third, rule the state successfully;forth, let the world get peace.In Chinese traditional value, students in

university need to develop his morality firstly, though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.On the other hand, the practicability of a university course is also worth considering, especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers.The time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different.When students chose which course to learn, it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.Universities give equal access to all of knowledge, including the practical courses and others.What’s more, they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn.Congratulate on diversity!

2.的大学生心理作文英文版 篇二

大学英语教学大纲提出了对写作的要求, “能运用学到的语言知识按规定的题目和提示在半小时时间内写出100~120词的短文, 内容连贯, 无重大语法错误。”英语作文能够全面地考察学生的词汇、语法、遣词造句、组织段落篇章等应用英语的综合能力, 因而是考察学生能否真正的采用英语与外国人交流的标准之一, 然而, 对一部分学生来讲, 出现了写作能力迟迟得不到提高的现象。许多学生一下笔便漏洞百出, 有的寥寥数笔便草草结尾, 个别学生甚至完全不会写作文。笔者在多年的教学中找出学生写作中出现的错误, 并进行研究和总结。


2011年10月, 笔者对30名学生进行了一次作文测试, 要求学生在30分钟内独立完成一篇题目为My life in College的作文。结果共发现各类错误43处, 涉及到非语言表达错误、拼写错误、语法错误、母语迁移错误、连贯性错误等。现对出现的错误进行归纳总结。

1. 非语言表达错误。

非语言表达错误是指各种标点符号及字母大小写错误。标点符号常见的错误是学生乱用逗号, 对一些较长的句子随意使用逗号而不去构成结构严谨的长句子, 也有学生错误的采用冒号, 感叹号等。字母大小写主要体现英文标题上, 题目第一个字母不大写, 月份, 人名, 地名不大写。

2. 单词错误。

单词错误是指单词的拼写错误和相近词 (包括词义、词形相近) 的选取错误。常见的拼写错误为aboundant错误写成abundant, casual错误写成casaul等。相近词的选取错误主要体现在两方面。一方面是对单词含义的理解错误, 把work写成job, 把study写成research。另一方面是学生对词性的理解, 形容词和副词的混淆, 名词和形容词的混淆, 把good写成well, 把lucky写成luck等。

3. 语法错误。

学生作文中的语法错误形形色色, 一些最基本的语法错误出现频率最高, 以下是学生作文中出现的一些典型的语法错误。

(1) 动词形式误用。如:Say what you want to say. (saying)

(2) 第三人称单数的误用。如:If Jackhave time, he will join our team. (has)

(3) 平行结构不对应。如:Speaking loudly in public and laugh in an emergency situation are effective. (laughing)

(4) 人称和代词的混乱使用。如:If one works reasonably hard, you can 1earn to speak a foreign language in a few month. (one和you混合使用)

4. 母语迁移错误。

母语迁移错误是指学生在英文写作中受到汉语语法结构和表达方式的非学术型影响, 不同的学生有不同的表现形式, 是英语作文中最难纠正的错误之一。以下是几种常见的形式。

(1) I have a friend, he is an office person. (×)

I have a friend, he is an officer. (√)

对部分写作者而言, 他们掌握的词条内容只有单词形式上的信息, 使用外语词汇时须通过其母语对等词的词目才能与共享概念系统发生联系, 这便导致了学习者对母语对等词的依赖。

(2) They are hard to find a job in English countries. (×)

It is hard for them to find a job in English countries. (√)

按照中国人的思维方式, 先陈述要说明的事物, 然后对其加以评论。在汉语中, 主题和述题是构成句子的基本结构。英语中, 主语突出;主语和谓语是句子的主要成分。

(3) He said yesterday he will go to Nanjing. (×)

He said yesterday he would go to Nanjing. (√)

英语时间意义的表达是在动词的形式上表现出来, 而汉语是非形态语言, 没有时态、人称、语态的差别, 则要依靠表示时间的副词 (如“曾经”、“正在”、“已经”、“将要”等) 作状语或利用虚词“了”、“着”、“过”等作补语手段来体现, 动词形式没有任何变化。

这种句法表达上的差异是初学英语的中国学生在用英语表达时间意义时, 很容易受汉语句法习惯的影响而产生不正确的句子。

5. 连贯型错误。

Because he studied well, so he had a good job. (×)

Because he studied well, he had a good job. (√)

连贯型错误主要体现的连接句子的单词用法上, because, so, hence, since, as, for等表示原因或理由的连接词都是经常被学生错误使用的。


造成英文作文错误的原因有很多, 主要有以下三个方面的问题:英语基础知识薄弱、写作技巧的缺失和母语迁移的影响。

1. 英语基础知识薄弱。

英语基础知识薄弱主要表现在语法错误和单词和短语的缺乏及滥用。每个错误都不是独立的, 许多错误具有普遍性。一般情况下, 语法错误是由于省略, 过度概括和指代不明而引起的。省略错误是指在写作时, 经常忘记给名词和动词由于时态的变化而作适当的变化, 遗漏冠词、系动词、介词等等。过度概括是指对目标语的某些规则错误地推广使用。虽然学生已形成较完整的语言系统, 但因为对规则理解不够全面, 常常对所学语言规则做出过度概括, 忽略其特殊形式。词汇错误主要包括单词拼写错误和措辞错误。人们常把词汇比作是写作的基本建筑材料之一。没有比较丰富的词汇量, 写作时就必然会出现词不达意、不合表达习惯或表达不得体等情况。由于学生在写作中没有养成良好的措辞推敲习惯, 往往拿来就用。所以作文中用词不当的错误比比皆是。

2. 写作技巧的缺失。

写作技巧的缺失主要是由于写作者缺少足够的日常训练, 在文章的写作过程中体现的理屈词穷, 句子太长或太短, 句子间连接生硬, 部分单词用法有待商榷等现象。追其原因主要有以下几方面:部分学生的汉语作文水平有限, 对作文的整体缺乏一个前期结构规划, 边想边写, 缺乏宏观意识, 造成流水账式论文;部分学生在写作构成中长句和短句不协调, 前面都是长句后面都是短句, 或短句太多等现象;还有学生忽略了连接词的用法, 缺少对部分词汇的必要润色, 写出来的文章僵硬缺少美感;还有部分学生的词汇或短语在一篇文章中频率太高。

3. 母语迁移的影响。

写作从本质上讲是思维和认知活动的体现, 不同文化背景的人在思维方式及考虑问题的角度上差异则更大。母语思维对英语作文的负面影响, 很大一部分学生在英文写作时, 无法脱离中国人的思维表达方式, 采用了中国式英语进行表达, 这反映到学生的作文中可以发现, 大量的迁移错误存在, 汉语气息太浓。产生的原因主要是中国学生长期处在汉语的语言环境中, 习惯采用了中国式的思维方式, 一些表达也被写成了汉语式英语。还有个别人面对作文时首先写出汉语作文, 然后翻译成英文, 这样的文章中明显带有汉语气息, 时间久了习惯很难改正。


笔者通过对非英语专业大学生英语作文常见的错误和原因进行研究, 通过了解形式各样的错误和产生错误的原因, 可以让教师在今后的教学中有针对性地纠正错误。针对不同的错误教师在教学中应采取行之有效的措施加以纠正。第一, 对于来自母语干扰类的错误, 教师在平时教学中应尽量用英语进行授课, 让学生大量接触英语, 课后多读纯英文的报纸, 熟悉英文的交流方式和交流环境。教师在平时授课时要注意方法, 知识要循序渐进, 要讲究因材施教, 容易混淆的知识讲解要清楚或者尽量避免放在一起讲解, 讲解后要及时注意学生的反馈, 看他们是否已经真正掌握。第二, 对于涉及到基础方面的知识, 一定要有针对性的进行训练, 对常用词汇进行强化, 对常用短语进行深入剖析, 掌握常见用法。第三, 应推荐学生读一些比较好的原著、杂志、报纸, 这样学生既可以学到比较地道的表达方式, 又可以扩大学生的词汇量和知识面, 同时还锻炼了他们的写作能力。


[1].李圣平.大学生英语作文错误分析及其归因[J].南京晓庄学院学报, 2005 (11)

[2].张立坤, 鲍德媛.母语迁移对英语学习的影响及教学对策[J].河北农业大学学报 (农林教育版) , 2006 (6)

3.心理学复试面试英文 篇三

Good afternoon,professors:

Thank you for having me here.My name is(名字),(年龄)years old,from(家乡).In 2013,I graduated fromthe(学校),majoring in(专业).Four years’study teaches me a lot,not only the theory and practice,which improve my ability,but also how to communicate with classmates.Learn to solve problems when facing difficulties,deal with conflicts between classmates and keep harmony environment.At the same time, I exercised myself in many aspects.Tolerance,sharing and Equal treatment is also what I got.Moreover,I have got several certificates and the annual scholarship with efforts.The most important is I’m so fascinated in psychology,because the most complicated and interesting thing in the world for me is people’s minds and behaviour.And I’ll feel successful if I could help people with psychological problems.So that everyone can live a scientific,optimistic and happy life.Finally,I really appreciate it if you consider my application.If I could have the honor to study here,I promise that I would never fail your expectation,I’ll try my best to study and learn as much as I could,so as to make contribution to the society and our country.

4.小学生英文作文 篇四

It is very warm last weekend。I read my book。On sunday morning and afternoon。I was very happy,because I read my books all day!

On sunday afternoon,I had my training class,the teacher taught our English,but I was bored。If you aks me why?I tell you:The teacher taught English boring!!!

It was a bored but happy weekend!

5.应用心理学英文求职信 篇五

How do you do!

First of all thank you in spite of being very busy toglance take time to read my cover letter!

I am shandong east university psychology and education college level 2012 students applied psychology, will graduate in July 2009.Having had your units will be recruiting university graduates, through to your company all aspects of thorough understanding, I really appreciate your companys management concept and the development of the future, I really hope to your unit work, therefore, take the liberty to write you introduce ourselves in the corporation.During the period of school, I make full use of the school excellent learning conditions and strong academic atmosphere, earnestly study the applied psychology professional education to plan to set content, has obtained the good result, obtains the teachers received, have a higher theoretical level and practical ability.At the same time I for the application of computer and English has a higher interest, won the shandong province secondary computer grade examination certificate, can skilled use Microsoft Office Word 2003, Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Microsoft Office powerpoint and other Office software, and through the national English level 4 grade examination, and has good English listening, speaking, reading and writing.In the learning culture course at the same time, I also take an active part in social work and summer practice., in the social practice work, I actively investment, modest and prudent, unite classmates, bears hardships and stands hard work, good to complete the job, showed a strong organizational ability, and people close cooperation ability and good environmental adaptability.

6.心理学英文自我介绍(共6篇) 篇六

hello every one.my name is yang yuewu.i am graduatefrom the fourth middle school of tongzhou.now i study in beijing youth political college.there are four people in my falimy.iam the youngest one in my family.in my spare time,i like to read novels.ithink reading could enlarge my knowledge.as for novels,i couldimagine whatever ilike such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master.in addition to reading,when i study alone,i like to listening to music.but i am not lonely,i like to chat with my friends,almost talk everything.my favorite sport is play badminton.i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.i have full confidence in a bright future.my plan during graduate study life is to to get higher degree which is my lifelong goal.工商企业管理2班

杨乐武2013131217 篇二:personal statement 英文自我介绍

/the-vampire-diaries/video/nina-dobrev-now-that-stefans-a-different-person-elena-will-grow-closer-to-damon dear my home-stay family, hi, i’m so lucky and honored to be assigned to live in your house.i don’t want to cause you any trouble during my stay.but i best regards, liu zhongqi personal statement now, i’m 19.just like many other girls, i have already passed the peak of my adolescence.it means that i am not rebellious any more.i know how to control my emotions and try not to let the negative side hurt people around me.generally, i’m an easy-going girl who love to make friends and traveling.i always get inspired by meeting new things and i enjoy this inspiring moment very much, which could shed light on some life puzzles and give me passion to keep moving forward.in my spare time, i always surf the internet for updated information, or do some sports like table tennis, basketball, and swimming with my friends.sometimes i also play the piano to please myself.by the way, my favourite music is classic music--the minuet in g major by beethoven in particular, fascinates me.the reasons i apply for this program are based on my interest and self-development.first of all, i am interested in american culture, with which i fell in love after watching the movie--“titanic” when i was 6 years old.at that time, i found the actress and actor were gorgeous, the cruise ship was splendidly decorated and the scene was so real and spectacular.from then on, i always pay special attention to anything about american.i just want to figure out how this country can develop so well and have such great influence in the world.maybe, i suppose, it’s the diverse culture, the open and democratic environment that nurture a powerful country.since what i know about the usa is kind of shallow, this program provide me a chance to further know about the culture of the country through learning at school, staying with american families, and living american style!i just can’t wait.what’s more, the university’s location—south california, enjoys agreeable weather and convenient public facilities, which enable me to study and play well while adjusting the local life without much difficulty.now i am in my sophomore year.i put my emphasis on my specialized courses and in the meantime, i don’t lose my eye on my english learning.according to the regulation of my university, the cet-4 are allowed to attend only from one’s sophomore year.so i will attend it in december.at this time, i can prove my english ability through this article and my first prize certificate of national english contest of college student(neccs).knowing that the language fluency is the first consideration when moving to america, i will strengthen my english ability through everyday practice.that is, for example, the english listening practice before my sleep should be added to 40minutes.and i will try to remember more professional english expressions.still, don’t give up reading english novels and newspapers.篇三:英文自我介绍 英语面试自我介绍范文











■临场发挥 篇四:我的首尔大学申请(学习计划和自我介绍英文版)seoul national university form 2: personal statement & study plan for undergraduate applicants please type or print in english or korean.academics secondary schools entry date ____________graduation date _____________ mm/yyyy mm/yyyy number & street city/townstate/province country zip/postal code current or most recent secondary school attended _______________________________________________ school address ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ mm/dd/yyyy applicant’s name ______________________ birthdate ________ department of your choice _____________ writing short answer 1.please describe any unique characteristics of your school or distinctive qualities to your secondary education.give a brief account of the curriculum and mention any set of courses which were pedagogically significant in

2.in relation to your academic interests and personal perspectives, please describe your aptitude and motivation for the department of your choice, including your preparation for this field of study, your academic achievement

personal essay and other objective data.it will demonstrate your ability to organize your thoughts and express yourself.given your personal background, evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken;or discuss an issue of personal, local, or international concern and its importance to you, or;describe a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that impact.we are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student.study plan 5.please explain in some detail your purpose in studying at seoul national university and your plans for study.be as specific as you can regarding your academic interests and the curriculum you expect to follow in achieving your goals.required signature i certify that all information submitted during the admissions process – including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials – is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented.i understand that i may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation or expulsion, should the information i’ve certified be false.signature ________________________________________________________ date___________ mm/dd/yyyy 篇五:自我介绍文档 郭景璐老师 2012年授课目录

目 录

一.郭景璐老师简介„„„„„„„„„.„„„„„„„„..2 二.郭景璐老师2012年授课目录清单„..„„„„„„„„..4 三.郭景璐老师2012年授课提纲„.„.„„„„„„„„„...错误!未定义书签。2.心理资源管理„„„„„„..„„„„„„„„„„„„错误!未定义书签。


电话:0631-5190919 手机:*** 郭景璐老师简介




? ? 国家注册一级职业指导师 ? ? 国家注册二级秘书、心理咨询师 ? ? 国家注册高级人力资源管理师


? 亲和兼具专家型讲师风格。




篇六:全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理 talking about ourselves.----全国小学英语旗舰相互自我简短介绍整理(2012.05.03)

时间:2012年5月3日星期四 20:00 地点:全国小学英语旗舰群



话题第一主持人:安徽罗素玲 话题第二主持人:四川王丽君老师





安徽-辛勤:各位好,本人来自安徽,从事小学英语一线教学工作。中文名辛勤,英文名victor,望此平台能充分发挥学习、交流、研讨、分享、进步、提高的作用。现所教教材版本为pep,曾任教过牛津江苏初中版,新目标(go for it)初中版,外研安徽小学版等教材。



浙江 姚贺国:05年毕业后一直从事英语教学,主要任教六年级英语教学工作,两年六年级班主任工作经历,小学初中英语教学均有涉及。








/forum.php?mod=group&fid=1301 同时群组共享有编辑报名表请下载申报








7.的大学生心理作文英文版 篇七

〔作者简介〕王双红 桐梓四中教师,邮编:563200


〔关键词〕混合训练  三步一顿,大小相间



纵观我国诗歌美文,这些作者哪个不是修辞高手?从《诗经》“关关雎鸠,在河之洲”到屈原“举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒”;从杜甫“好雨知时节,当春乃发生”到李白 “君不见黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回”;从《红楼梦》到《西游记》……无处不有修辞在!
















8.小学生四年级英文自我介绍作文 篇八

Hello!I am a student in Grade 4.My name is Lina .My favorite things are swimming and reading books.I also like English and Math.I hope we can help each other in the future(愿我们在今后合作愉快)

我是一年级的学生4 .我的名字是我最喜爱的事情是做游泳和看书我也喜欢英语和数学的.我希望我们能互相帮助未来(愿我们在今后合作愉快).


My name is peter. I am six years old. I am from Taiwan.Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one.

My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person. It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.


Hello, everyone! I’m XXXXXX from Class 12 Grade 4, you can also call me Daniel, that’s my English name. I’m an outgoing boy, and I am good at street dance, especially Breaking and Hiphop. I’m glad to bring happiness to my classmates when I dance for them. They think I dance so well. I’m a sportboy too. I can play table tennis, basket ball, and I run fast. At the free time, I like to read various scientific books. I can make robot programming, and I am the member of our school science club.

I like traveling very much. I travelled different cities with my parents in each summer holiday. I’ve been to Qingdao, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and so on. Last summer, I went to Bangkok and Samui Island in Thailand. From these trips, I learned how to cooperate, how to take care of myself and how to communicate in English.At the same time, I am a hard-working boy. I can tidy my room, wash my clothes and cook without any helps. I wish to be a strong, independent man!I love my parents, I love my teachers and classmates. I hope they’ll proud of me in the future!Thanks.

9.中学生的心理作文 篇九





10.小学生描写矛盾心理的作文 篇十




11.中学生英文作文-童年 篇十一


Walking in the charming sunset glow, hearing the fresh laughter wafting from the frolic children in distance, I can not help recalling my past life。 The rosy clouds allured my memory;what a wonderful childhood I have got。 Childhood is the most colorful time in my life for it is a memory, a mystery and a gift。

Childhood is a precious memory。I still remember that I clinged to my mother listening to her singing the rhymes for me;I still remember that I fought with my old friend desperately just for a red cheery;I still remember I burst into tears the first time I went to schooh I still remember。。。 My childhood is a memory without pressure, competition and hypocrisy。 It is the most naire and innocent period which I can not find when I grow up。The valuable memory of my childhood often glitters in my life and moistens it with great joys。 Childhood is so wonderful because it creates an unforgettable memory。

Childhood is also a charming mystery。It is like a paperplane flying in the sky。 It is like the lonely boat sailing in the sea, though they do not know where they should go, pleasant surprises await them here and there on the way。 Compared with the rigid routine life of adults, childhood was full of magic, full of fantasy。 I had the great curiosity about all the things around us children, which has been worn gradually by the adult society。Childhood offered me infinite room of imagination。 It is like a piece of white paper which I can put any color on to paint my own beautiful picture。 This picture is the most wonderful one I can ever imagine because the childhood is full of mystery。

Childhood is a valuable gift too。 The gift brought me the ability to walk on the street, to speak with others。The gift endowed me with the initial knowledge about the world。 It was in childhood I was fascinated by the story of a falling apple and Newton's discovery of gravitation。 At that time, I made my decision to devote myself to studying science well, so now I can write this composition in Fudan University。

Childhood is a gift which shows me how to become a good person and enables me to acquire various ability。 The scene that my parents told me stories like “Kong Rong Rang Li” “Xuan Liang Ci Gu'often emerges in my mind。 The teachings of childhood

will influence all my life。 When I am tempted to do something bad, what I learnt in my childhood will prevent me from venturing so that I could keep a clear conscience。 Childhood was like a benignant teacher instructing me what I did not know and forgiving all my fault。 I will cherish the gift childhood gives me because it is the guidance of my life。

As a memory, childhood reminded me of the great joys in the old days。As a mystery, childhood created me a colorful thought。 As a gift, childhood flourished my whole life。 In my view, childhood is the most wonderful part of my life。


