


1.爱与感恩演讲稿优秀 篇一








2.传递爱与感恩演讲稿最新2020 篇二

传递爱与感恩的演讲稿 1 感恩”是个舶来词,“感恩”二字,字典给的定义是:“乐于把得到好处的感激呈现出来且回馈他人”。“感恩”,是因为我们生活在这个世界上。








回报父母之恩,是他们让我们看到这个精彩纷呈的世界;回报母校之恩,是各位师长们呕心沥血地培育我们成长;回报社会之恩,是社会给我们提供一个美好的时代和自由生活的舞台;然而如今社会上忘恩负义的事太多了。深圳著名歌手丛飞曾耗资,资助了 178 个贫困学生,而当他自己重病住院,经费十分困难时,他先前资助过的那么多学生,竟然没有一个人来看他,更别说帮他看病。这其中就有好几个已经大学毕业,有几个就在深圳。新闻披露后,有一个受助者居然怨气十足地说,让他很没有面子。古人说:滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。感恩,是我们民族的优良传统,也是一个正直的人的起码品德。事实上,我们也非常需要感恩,因为父母对我们有养育之恩,老师对我们有教育之恩,同学对我们有协助之恩,社会对我们有关爱之恩。“赠人玫瑰,手留余香”,一个常怀着感恩之心的人,会自觉地给人以帮助。而那些不会感恩的人,带给社会的只能是冷漠和残酷,这样的人如果多了,社会就会变成冷酷而毫无希望的沙漠。

传递爱与感恩的演讲稿 2 同学们:



舍,那天正当地铁又蹿入一个黑洞时,一个老人坐在脏呼呼的地上,一只手撑着地向前划,另一只手却伸向了每一个人的眼皮下。他仅有一条腿,另一条腿已经只剩下一手掌宽,长长的裤腿在残腿处打了一个大结,显的很明显,也很刺眼。他的脸黑黄,但黄色还是占了主体,脸上布满了深深的皱纹,枯裂着,似乎一触就会流血。应对这样一个老人,那些被所要的人,有的装做没看见,有的故意和同伴讲话,有的眼里充满了怜悯,有的布满了惊奇。地铁渐渐滑出了黑洞,光明射入了车厢,老人的那只手也渐渐离我而近,当他即将要将那只又黑又脏又丑陋的手伸到我眼皮下时,我忽的闭上了眼,不由自主的闭上了眼,我是多么害怕那只手,就如在午夜遇见一具死尸一般,但我却又实在说不清对老人的感觉,似可悲又恐惧却又实在想帮帮他。我很惊慌的睁开眼,见老人已将身子挪到另一处,我不晓得当我闭上眼时,那只手是麻木的悬在空中,还是像断了的弦一样弹落在地上或是惊恐的缩了回去,老人又将那只手伸到一个中年人眼皮下“可怜可怜吧!”他几乎是呻吟的说出这句话,很微弱,像是一个人临死前的语气,可是他的眼里还是充满一种期待一种渴望。中年人从身上摸出一角钱丢在了老 人的怀里,可钱币却又不偏不斜的落在了老人的大腿根下,老人立刻将双手放在背后的地方,身子吃力的向后挪,然后从腿下摸出那一角钱,紧紧的握在手里,仿佛只要一松手,那钱就会永远的消失。老人弯下已经很弯的腰,这时我才看到他的脑后已全是白发,然而不是银白,是暗淡的白,是苍白。老人又向中年人一字一句吞吐着“多谢好心人,多谢”依旧那么轻微,如果地铁的杂音再大一点,我必须听不见。



此刻有那么多残疾人工厂、社团,我们能够送他们去那里,让他们学到,品到人生的美,而不是丢给他们一角钱做为这世界上最肮脏的施舍。同学们,如果你们也有这样的心愿,能够试着做一做,让他们的脸色变得像你们一样红润,让他们的声音变得像你们一样有力,让他们坐在地铁软软的椅子上,而不是地上,让这些残疾人过上并不残疾的生活,让他们像《千手观音》中的演员们一样,当展此刻我们眼前时,不再是可怕,而是美丽!传递爱与感恩的演讲稿 3 亲爱的老师、同学们:





感恩,在于具体而细微的行动。一句亲切的问候,一声美好的祝福,一个善意的微笑,一_贴的搀扶,甚至彼此心灵的默契,无言的支撑,都能让我们心旌摇动,感激满怀。朋友,积极行动起来吧,将感恩的歌声载入我们成长的专列,让我们一路踏歌而行!谢谢大家!传递爱与感恩的演讲稿 4 尊敬的老师,亲爱的同学们:


感恩是一种文明,感恩是一种品德。人有了感恩之心,人与人、人与自然、人与社会才能变得更加和谐,更加亲切。在我们的生活中,有许多需要我们去感恩的人。首先,我们要感恩的是父母,是他们给予了我们生命,任劳任怨地哺育我们成长;其次,我们要感恩老师,是他们传授了我们知识,教会了我们做人的道理和孜孜不倦地教诲;我们还要感恩身边的朋友,是他们和我们一起同甘苦,共患难;当我们将来长大成人时,还要感恩社会,是社会使我们有了立足和展示自我的机会…… 是啊,我们的生活需要爱,更需要拥有一颗感恩的心!英国作家萨克雷曾说:“生活就是一面镜子,你笑,它也笑;你哭,它也哭。”你感恩生活,生活将赐予你灿烂的阳光!感恩,让生活充满阳光,让世界充满温馨。让我们感谢明月照亮夜空,感谢春光融化冰雪,感谢大地哺育生灵,感谢这美好的所有。


传递爱与感恩的演讲稿 5 敬爱的教师、亲爱的同学们:







开始时,小姑娘只捐些自我不想玩或是已经旧了的玩具,经过小姑娘妈妈的劝导:“捐赠时,需要捐赠对自我,对别人很重要的物品。”年幼的小姑娘思索了一会儿,又问了一句:“妈妈,捐赠的物品能够要回吗?”妈妈说:“当然不能够。”小姑娘静静地思索着,最终含着泪,牵着自我妈妈的手跑向小强,对小强说:“小强,我把妈妈给你了,今后你就有妈妈了。”说完小姑娘便跑出了人群,哭泣着…… 当然这对于我们来说,这小姑娘是多么的幼稚,可从她身上,我们能够看出小姑娘的内心是多么的完美。爱心是无价的,爱心是永存的,只要我们心中充满爱心,这个世界将会变得更加完美。




3.学生爱与责任优秀演讲稿 篇三
















4.爱与感恩征文 篇四



感情们祝在小岛上。一天,情感们得知小岛快要下沉了,于是,大家都准备船只,离开小岛。只有爱留了下来,她想坚持到最后一刻。 过了几天,小岛真的要下沉了,爱想请人帮忙。 没有感情愿意帮它,只有时间愿意帮他,因为只有时间知道爱又多么伟大。






5.爱与感恩2020感恩节手抄报 篇五








6.感恩三月,爱与我同行 篇六



活动时间:3月 活动对象:全校学生 助人篇


活动时间:3月5 和 3月15日(第一、三周)活动主题:让雷锋精神永记心头 活动内容: 1、3月5校园广播台专题介绍雷锋事迹和精神,学校网站也在当天推出《学雷锋专栏》。大队部号召全体学生在这一天里为学校、班级、父母、同学做一件好事。






活动内容: 1、7-9年级在3月8日布置学生写一篇题为《母爱伴我成长》的征文,每班推荐不少于5篇优秀征文于3月16日前上交到濮曦瑾老师处。2、1——6年级开展制作感恩卡活动,要求学生自己设计、制作一张感恩卡,并写上几句对妈妈说的悄悄话,以表达对母亲深深的感激和尊重之情。











活动主题:青春 奉献 责任 进步 活动内容:


7.优秀感恩演讲稿 篇七

Net of business affairs of electron of interview of recreational originality character earns trends of home page news experience of dispatch promotion by-talk shares current position: Information home page > recreational originality > outstanding be thankful speech draft model essay is outstanding be thankful speech draft model essay on November 15, 2012 14:55:00 origin: 0 people click time money net pay close attention to us: Time money net can offer all sorts of brand designs, VI design, product to pack originality of table of development of construction of design, application design, website, software, article, building to decorate for vast enterprise, businessman, the service such as sale of net inn promotion, network, want to carry the mission that the network can solve only, can be solved through time money net, a task clinchs a deal amount fixes a price freely by you.Needless ask full-time staff technically and need to pay many salary, and this this task is by the network power customer is finished, often a task can collect a lot of work, and the just chooses your satisfaction from inside numerous work work that you should do and pay work author to write cost.Release offer a reward instantly >> person and person get along, need a heart that be thankful;Build harmonious society, need everybody has a heart that be thankful;Face nature, same need has a heart that be thankful;Face parents, we need to have a heart that be thankful more.The heart that be thankful, thank life, our society will better.Share 5 to stalk of grain about the speech that be thankful, mutual encourage, maintain a heart that be thankful.Be thankful the heart that the speech stalks of grain to often conceive to be thankful “ I come from accidental, resemble a dust, those who who sees me is flimsy.I come from He Fang, affection puts in where ‘s charge, who is falling to call me momently “.Be in “ perfect sound “ in CD, a song cries “ the heart that be thankful “ , hear it every time, sing it, I can experience the ablution of love and shock in the heart, it makes my ground torturous oneself: Who am I? I come from He Fang, go going to where? Perhaps everybody comes to this world, it is really a kind accidental, drift like random of a dust, wind lives after dirt breath, just descend right now, here, this.Where is a home to return to that knows oneself without the person after all, life is destined in die a violent death, blue sky also meets embarrass person sometimes, the person’s life is commendable, it is flimsy, but not be attempt and accomplish nothing.Anyway, no matter come from He Fang, will go again to where, existence is value, be thankful to just tell cherish good fortune.“Although heaven and earth is wide, this route goes hard however, I see this world twist work hard.“ life is destined to cannot leave to struggle, be full of hardships, the road of life also is met bramble is spread all over.The desire that plain sailing, rapidly go up in the world just is happiness stopped.The person always is imagining conquer world, but we want to know, be about to conquer the world, want him conquer first.Plaint with its life suffering is short, be inferior to prolonging life in struggle.Although heaven and earth is wide heart of it would be better is wide, the heart is wide can have a dream, the dream can have a miracle, because have popular feeling average of the dream,put the heart that be thankful.“I still have how many love, I still have how many tear, want blue sky to know I am agonistic “.Because the mankind had dream and great, because life had love and wonderful.Life always also can accompany tear, be fond of sometimes extremely and sob, sometimes stamp one’s foot and beat one’s breast, may not having a tear is not hero, but life can admit defeat anything but miss mark.Life was full of exploration actually, also was full of success and failure.Someone lost, always meet blame everyone and everything but not oneself, those who blame God is unjust, actually one is paid have a results, do not abandon, agonistic, become somewhat eventually.The person that succeed abandons anything but, abdicator succeeds

anything but, have a reason successfully only, that is, I should succeed.Successful person is known cherish, cherish ability to be able to be had, be thankful ability will be everlasting.“The heart that be thankful, acknowledgment has you, accompany me to let me courage does myself all one’s life.The heart that be thankful, thank a destiny, the flower blossoms fall can cherish like me.“ at the moment, as ideal person, I am extremely proud, because we have a heart that be thankful, be thankful society, be thankful parents, be thankful company, be thankful each person beside us, gave us existent courage and struggling power because of them.Music rings again, I was sung cannot refrain fromingly again, “The heart that be thankful, acknowledgment has you, the flower blossoms fall can cherish like me...“ be thankful the speech stalks of grain 2 teachers, classmates: Everybody is good!The title that I make a speech today is: The society is thankful.Be thankful nowhere is absent.What is the reason that my station is here? Be thankful namely.Thank teachers the support of classmates, appreciate the chance that the school gives, appreciate parental birth and education, also want those who thank myself to pay.Because thanking these, I stand today was here.Religion is most advocate be thankful.They thank deity, thank advocate.Of course, our benedictory, far want than them a lot of more.Thank parents, they give you life, bring up your grow upping;Thank a teacher, they teach you knowledge, lead you to do “ great person “;Thank a friend, they let you experience the warmth of the world;Thank adversary, they make you ceaseless enterprising, effort.Appreciate the sun, it lets you obtain warmth;Thank Jiang He, it lets you have clear water;Thank the earth, it lets you have vivosphere.Be thankful, it is a kind of state of mind, a kind of character, a kind of art.Be thankful is hopeful.Acknowledgment is difficult, appreciate a frustration, be hopeful? Thank adversary, thank the enemy, be hopeful? To a few people that we do not like very and thing, think of its front as far as possible, think of it is in to our benefit, go thanking it thereby, be hopeful? So, be thankful, it is a kind of hopeful state of mind.Be thankful is courteous.Somebody helped us, our blurt out says voice “ thank “ , may come to inner tube of heart of the other side a warm current.Somebody was paid for us a lot of, we thank him, he may more much side we.Cherish the heart that be thankful, it is polite, it is to tell favour graph newspaper.So, be thankful, it is a kind of polite character.Be thankful is paintbrush.The society is thankful, the life will become extremely wonderful.Be thankful depicting the life, the freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting of the chunk in the life, brandish is aspersed dripping wet of merry and lively;the delicate landscape in the life, adorn comelily elegant;the meticulous traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail in the life, depict exquisitely elegant.So, be thankful, it is a kind of diversiform art.Often say: “3 have 3 to be.“ there is the motherland in the heart, do a thing for the motherland.Be for the motherland with redound, great acknowledgment? There is collective in the heart, do a thing for collective, be for the redound, collective that thanks warmth? There is another person in the heart, do a thing for other.Be for the redound, everybody in thanking the life? Someone says, forget the nature that be thankful is a person.Come to this world accidentally when us, when whats still do not have there’s still time to do, we had begun to enjoy forefathers to bring us all gain on material and spirit.This is reminding us each person, want to have a heart that be thankful.Often conceive the heart that be thankful, we are met more appreciate and those have think about with affection favour at us however not each person of character redound.Exist because of theirs just about, we just had today’s happiness and joyance.Often conceive the heart that be thankful, can mix in order to offer others more helps encourage for the greatest pleasure, perhaps can be in the hand that the people love that seek to live on reachs aid happy and harmoniousingly absolutely

to be in distress, and do not seek get one’s own back.Often conceive the heart that be thankful, meet to the environment to others little nag one minute, and many minutes of appreciation.“The heart that be thankful, acknowledgment has you, accompany my lifetime, let me courage does myself;The heart that be thankful, thank a destiny, the flower blossoms fall, can cherish like me...“ the happiness that learns to cherish you, the society thanks everything beside you, because cherish ability to be able to be had, be thankful ability is everlasting...be thankful, it is the lasting topic in our life.The society is thankful, the society has deep love for the life.We will experience more joy.Be thankful the speech stalks of grain the teacher of 3 respect, dear classmates: Everybody good morning!Last week, 51 squadron began my school “ the wing that love is us “ squadron theme team is met, the Young Pioneers in believing the team is met are thankful then parents, be thankful affectionate speech of the teacher and moving picture still stay in classmates deeply in the heart;51 during, the school also is organized began be thankful of series activity “ today, I am n/COL the head of a family “ , what this activity got wide authority grows is consistent reputably, ask the school continues to begin this kind of activity and education in succession.Yesterday, the 2nd Sunday May, is you know wh what day? Yes, it is mother’s day.This festival, what did you do for the mother that your loves most? Here, I can tell everybody very proudly, my son served a special gift for me in this extraordinary time, he was used full the time afternoon went searching the cobble with 3 peculiar modelling attentively by the side of Jia Lingjiang, one cries “ laugh at a mouth to often leave “ , can clear ground sees a piece of smiling face on stone, additionally one big one small two submit heart form cry “ lasting love “ , in the meantime, still folded for me with chromatic paperboard beautiful “ love “ , write went up affectionate beatific language.Receive this another gift, my heart was touched by the son’s love again, in the meantime, I see haughtily: My child had a heart that be thankful.Classmates, if you forgot yesterday that special red-letter day, forgot to serve beatific word to his mom in this festival, so, today, ask the hug that mom sends a warmth after you come home, personally says to mom: “Mom, I love you!“ , in the meantime, the grind that it is laborious, mom that worked one day is beaten beat a back, knead rub a shoulder!Today, let us talk about the topic that be thankful together.Deciduous leaf circles in sky, the movement that compose wears to be thankful, that is the tree is opposite alimentary of his earth be thankful.Bai Yun drifts in azure sky, a painterly touching picture, that is Bai Yun to feeding of his blue sky be thankful.Because be thankful to just can have this colorful world, because be thankful to just can have true friendly sentiments, because be thankful,we just understood the true meaning of life!Say “ drop Shui Zhien is become with emerging fontal look signs up for “ , tell two conte to everybody!Farmer of a mountain forest stems from love, saved the small boa that suffers serious injury only, come home its belt to attend meticulously, they lived for a long time together, small boa understood human nature gradually, one day, farmer was in tiredly in the house of conflagration, small boa the help favour to repay him, jump change enters a sea of fire, with tail entwine farmer, swung him come out, and small boa collapses in the building however that is flashy in be being buried forever in a sea of fire.Small boa repaid the farmer that once gave it life with its life, the animal still has the heart that is thankful so, can is our mankind done again how? A large ship that holds hundreds person sinks in maritime be on fire, a lot of people lost life, only 90 much people survive.There was a natant expert to swim ten times back and forth in the passenger, after helping a more than 20 people continuously, double foot brings about deformity because of serious cramp, must lifelong sit on wheelchair, he is crying to ask his all the time: “Did I endeavor? “ after a few years of his birthday

that day, does somebody ask him what the deepest memory in lifetime is? He says sentimentally: “Among the more than 20 people that I remember be being saved to rise by me then, will to me thank without one person.“ these two stories tell us to be thankful is goodness, ingrate it is big evil.The heart that we should be thankful with goes living, remember others well to once gave his help and debt.Go thanking that to let us obtain warm sun;Go thanking that to let us have the river of clear water;Go thanking the earth that lets us have vivosphere;Acknowledgment takes us to come to terrestrial parents, acknowledgment hardship breeds our teacher.Teachers, classmates, the heart that lets us be thankful with goes living, make from now, make from the a bit, be thankful in be being put in the heart, put the thank in mouth edge, the life can become warmer necessarily better.Be thankful the speech stalks of grain each leader of 4 respect, teacher, classmates: Everybody is good!Today, the title that I make a speech is “ engrave is thankful “.Annual the autumn, precipitant abide wears migrant the road in the heart, when toward south warm wet ground flies, I always am hoping what the sky sends is slow-witted, always thinking: Southern migrant, whether did it forget that birth woods and that involuntary discharge of urine to fall in the feather in mew.But, the spring of the coming year, it appears in branch Hu Peng to make partner again.At this moment, I thought of to be thankful, is the regression of migrant pair of woods be thankful? Yes, the flower is thankful bounty, because bounty is moist,he grows;Goshawk is thankful vast sky, because vast sky lets him fly;The high mountain is thankful the earth, because the earth makes him topping.Because be thankful to just can have this colorful world, because be thankful to just can have true close feeling, because be thankful to just let us understand the true meaning of life!From the baby “ quack “ object the ground arrives feed we are grown adult, parental care and care are most gain is big the most altruistic, the favour of parents that foster also does not recount forever: Suck is worn of the mother galactic leave swaddling clothes;Hold tight is worn the first pace that parental heart stepped life;Fall into a profound sleep in honeyed children’s song tone, in the thrive in the consideration of meticulously.Parents did not know to cost how many painstaking effort and sweat for us, braided how many day day night, just make we are in this colourful world, experiencing the changes in temperature of life, enjoying the pleasure of the life.Parental love Rou Rouru water, be like smoke gently, dark be like the sea, favour is heavy be like hill.Taller than the day to this kind, than the loving-kindness with thick ground, how much can be we experienced again? How much did we repay again? Use when us very the means of cruel plays the cigarette end that takes surplus when going out, when we say time of him waste time with very light tone, when we use very romantic mood and friend gad, escape with very proud bearing when us when the class gets online, when we deal with the life with very cheesy attitude, and Where is our parents? Always draw out money to us with very rich means, always say to go to work to us with very light tone not tired, always let us eat a dumpling with very extravagant means, always say to have us to us with a kind of very happy snout such child, he is glad.Turn over historical picture scroll, the story that be thankful lifts lift deeply: Gu Youzi road raises close far negative rice, tangerine of red of bosom of Liu Jinian’s mother...today Tian Shiguo contributes a kidney for the mother, zou Zunxi carries the university on father on the back...this each story lets us touch, more make us ashamed.Friends, be thankful our parents!Parental lifetime may be ordinary, so ordinary that let us cannot be mentioned before others;Parental lifetime may be poor, praise shows off poor before let us do not wish to be in everybody;Parental lifetime may be common, common visible like an everywhere cobble.Can be such parents, when you fall, help you up to rise, teach you to stand, how-to you move toward a success
