


1.英语发音与听力练习心得 篇一


第一课 建立英音的肌肉反射


每一种语言或者语言中的方言,在发音的时候,嘴部都会有侧重的用力点,或者说是一个聚焦的点(Focus Point).这个点可能在口中,也可能在嘴的周围。在讲话过程中,说话者将会感觉到声音以及能量在嘴部所形成的振动。这个振动的现象也经常性的出现在肌肉运动发生的地方。



练习一 在我们开始练习的第一步,我们并不真正的去做一些生理上,物理上的适应性变化。我们只是想象声音在靠前的用力点发出。好,如果对一些人来说,这样的想象技术含量太高了,你的想象和发音联系不上。别着急,我们现在就来做一些实际的联系,一些肌肉运动方式的改变。好,我们现在要数数字。首先,用发音用力点在嘴中间的美音来数,然后用发音在唇间的英音来数,试着去想象振动的能量,在你的唇间,脸的前部,牙齿前面爆发。

好下面我们来试一下。嘴的中间,one two three。重复;现在换到牙齿前面,试着去感受唇间的振动,one two three.再来一边。现在继续数four five six试着感受在唇间的振动的爆发。首先感受在嘴中的振动,four five six;然后感受在唇间的振动,four five six。现在到中间,seven eight nine;然后让能量向前滑动,seven eight nine。现在十个数字一起说。One two three four five six seven eight nine ten.。


现在我们要做一个类似的数数字练习。但是,在用英音的时候,我们要试着把舌头和嘴唇向前滑动一点。让我们从单独的数字开始,首先用普通美音说 ONE,现在嘴唇和舌头都向前滑动或者说是撅起一点,但是别让你的嘴唇在那个前面的位置冻住,发完音后,再滑动回来。ONE。滑回来,TWO,滑回来。 THREE,滑回来。现在一起来说,在中间的美音,123;现在向前滑,123。中间 456;向前,456。


现在是把这2种练习综合在一起的时间了。再数的话,希望大家能向前滑动嘴唇和舌头,并且感受牙齿前面,嘴唇之间的振动。one two three.A B C。

练习三 下面我们要讲一个特殊的练习。但是一定要记住,这只是一个练习的方法,你不能做的太过。你真正说话的时候也许并不需要这么做。具体来说就是,让上嘴唇和鼻子之间的肌肉更加活跃起来。在我们开始说话的时候,试着把鼻孔张开。在每一个音的开始,试着张大鼻孔。







英语用来给字母和单词注音的符号,共48个。每个符号是一个音素。单个音素一般不能给字母和单词注音,因此单个音素一般不能被称作音标。能称作音标的是几个音素拼读在一起的形式。音素成为音标必须用括号[ ]括起来,或用两条斜线/ /标出来。括号[ ]和斜线/ /被称作音标符号。/ /是近些年为书写时快捷和微机操作时方便而发明的新的音标符号。

英语用来组拼音标的48个符号或48个音素课见下面的英语音素一览表(Pronunciation Table)


美式音素符号 英式音素符号 传统式国际音标的音素符号






αΑalpha /alpha/ h表示送气音,在古希腊语中尚没有音位/f/,所以/pha/的发音类似普通话的“趴”。

βΒbeta /be:ta/ /e:/表示长元音,/e/的发音不是英语D.J.音标里的[e],而类似K.K.音标里的/e/或者法语的/e/。/t/不送气,所以/ta/类似普通话“搭”而不是“他”。

γΓgamma /gam:a//m:/表示长辅音,即在发辅音时,其持阻阶段应该适当延长,然后再做除阻动作。

δΔdelta /de:lta/

εΕepsilon /epsilo:n/ /o/的发音要比英国英语字母组合au的发音更闭一些。

ζΖzeta /ze:ta, dze:ta/ /z, dz/浊的塞音或塞擦音。

ηΗeta /e:ta/ 第一个音节为长音。

θΘtheta /the:ta/ /th/表示送气音,t为齿化的(dentalised)塞音,而不是英语里的/t/,类似汉语里的t,但要更紧一些。

ιΙiota /jo:ta,io:ta/

κΚkappa /kap:a/ /p:/表示长辅音,其描述类似/m:/,前一个p类似于英语里“失去爆破”或者汉语粤方言中的塞音韵尾/-p/,/k/不送气。

λΛlambda /lambda/

μΜmy /my:/ /y:/是长元音,类似汉语的“淤”以及法语字母u单独存在时的发音。

νΝny /ny:/

ξΞxi /ksi:/

οΟomicron /omikro:n/ micron表示“小”,所以是“短o”的意思。

πΠpi /pi:/ /p/不送气,所以应该类似“逼”而不是“批”。

ρΡrho /rho:/ /rh/实际上表示清化的擦颤音,这里打不出来,姑且用这个组合吧。据说捷克语里有,这就是为什么Dvorak被翻译为“德沃夏克”而不是“德沃拉克”的原因。据说古希腊语有两个颤音,一个是词头的擦颤音,一个是词尾的成音节的真正浊颤音,所以希腊字母标里有两个rho,一个只用在词头,一个只用在词尾。

σΣsigma /sigma/ /s/为齿化的,类似汉语的s-,而不是英语的[s]。与rho类似希腊字母表里也有两个sigma,一个在词头,一个在词尾,据说在词尾的也能成音节,会不会读得象汉语的“丝”一样就不得而知了。

τΤtau /tau,tay?/ 后面一部分得读音不得而知,/u/还是/y/?/t/不送气,所以应该类似“搭屋”/“搭淤”,而非“套”。

υΥypsilon /y:psilo:n/ /y/类似汉语的“淤”而非“乌”,拉丁语里没有这个音,所以字母命名为 igraeca,即“希腊的i”的意思。与/i/部位相同,但是圆唇元音。

φΦphi [ fai ] /ph/表示送气音,所以应该类似“批”。

χΧchi /khi:/ c在古代拉丁语里的读音总是为/k/,/kh/为送气音。

ψΨpsi /psi:/

ωΩomega /o:me:ga/ /o:/是长音,因为mega表示大的意思,即“大的o”


2.英语六级听力练习 篇二

An uneasy quiet has settled over Nahal Oz. Eighty of the communitys residents stayed during the recent conflict. They keep in close touch, but mostly stay indoors.

The communitys 300 cows survived the shells that fell here for one month. They still provide the dairy products the kibbutz is known for.

But the fields outside the perimeter go largely unattended. And most of the 400 residents who evacuated at the start of the conflict have yet to return.

This 60-year-old farming community lies 800 meters from the Gaza Strip. Even in quieter times, it is hit regularly by rockets and mortars from across the border.

Dov Hartuv, the kibbutz archivist, has lived here for more than 50 years. He says the conflict was different this time.










3.英语六级标准听力练习 篇三

For one rare weekend Afghans like Ismail Qoreshi were happy. Standing outside Golds Gym in central Kabul, Qoreshi says the weekend presidential elections were a huge success.

He says, this is a happy moment for Afghans, we have voted for a new leader. ... 95 percent of the people are happy that things were quiet and they cast their votes. It is good for our people.

About seven million voters braved Taliban death threats to cast their ballots for a new president Saturday.

The vote, says Andrew Wilder of the United States Institute of Peace, was a decisive message to the militants.

If seven million Afghans turned out to vote, despite all these threats, I think there is only to interpret that as a real significant defeat for the Taliban, he said.

But while the voting is over, the election process is not. Allegations of fraud have begun to come in and the Taliban on Sunday attacked a convoy carrying boxes full of ballots to be counted. The election workers were killed, and the boxes destroyed.










4.关于英语六级听力练习 篇四

On April 5th, men and women across Afghanistan voted in presidential and provincial council elections. As Secretary of State John Kerry stated, the April 5th vote demonstrated how committed the Afghan people are to protecting and advancing their democracy.

Election Day was a triumph for the Afghan people. Millions of Afghan men and women participated in the elections despite the Taliban violence directed at disrupting Afghanistans democratic process. With great preparation and dedication, the Afghan National Security Forces provided the security that allowed these elections to take place. As the EU Observation Assessment Team stated, We dont know who has won, but we know the Taliban have lost.

5.英语六级的听力练习 篇五

Haunting scenes of Ebola victims in West Africa are a common sight on television news. But for many West African immigrants living in New York City, the deadly outbreak is personal.

New York City is home to more than 70,000 people born in Western Africa. Many hail from countries hardest hit by Ebola, including Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Many still have family and friends in those nations.

Like Leo Fraser, whose aunt who lives in Sierra Leone.

Right now the family is figuring out how to get her more supplies, so she wont have to leave the home. You know, because the more she interacts with the general population the more she is at risk for contracting Ebola, said Fraser.

Ebola has no known cure. And the current West African outbreak is on pace to infect more people than all the previous outbreaks combined.











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6.英语四级听力试题练习 篇六


Filmmaker John Rowe discovered a secret after many visits to the Omo River Valley in Ethiopia: people there thought some children were “cursed.”

Villagers blamed the children for sickness, a lack of rainfall and other problems. So they killed them.

The Omo Valley is a place of beauty. It is home to villagers with customs that date back many generations.

Rowe says the villagers believe that if a child’s teeth first appear on the upper gum instead of the lower part of the mouth, the child is cursed and must be killed. He says children are also killed when they are born to a woman who is not married, or if they are disabled or are twins.

Rowe heard about this belief from Lale Labuko, the man who helped him during his visits to the Omo Valley. Rowe made a documentary film about the practice. He called the film “Omo Child.”

Labuko says that when he was 15 years old, he saw a two-year-old child being drowned in a river. His mother told him that he had two sisters who were killed before he was born.

In the film, a woman says 15 of her children were considered cursed. She says when they were born, older members of her village took them and fed them to crocodiles.

In the film, Labuko says “I want to stop these things.”

Labuko was the first member of his village to be educated. He asked Rowe to help him end the killings. First, he persuaded some young villagers, then families and leaders of the village.

Rowe’s son Tyler filmed the documentary over a five year period. He says it was not easy. He says some people admitted they had killed their children. But others said children were not killed.

Tyler says some villagers told him, “It doesn’t happen here. We stopped it a long time ago. It only happens (in another village, not here.)”

Labuko’s work caused people to begin speaking out about the practice. His tribe agreed to ban the killings in . Rowe’s documentary shows Labuko’s efforts.

A charity group created by Labuko and his wife has saved more than 40 children. They now live in a home in Jinka, Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian government has banned the practice, but Rowe says “there are two other tribes that continue to” kill children. But because of the film, more people know about the killings and the efforts of one man to stop them.

I’m Christopher Jones-Cruise.


Words in This Story

twin n. either one of two babies that are born at the same time to the same mother

charity group n. an organization that helps people who are poor, sick, etc.










7.六年级英语口语听力练习 篇七

1invite 2crash 3trash 4form 5skid 6cycling shoes

7a mountain bike race 8give a warning

9wash your face and hands 10 Put off your coat.It‟s hot.二朗读下面的短文

Yesterday Matt received an invitation from Charlie.They decided to enter the mountain bike race together.They were very excited.They liked riding the mountain bike very much.Matt and Charlie‟s friends were there to watch the race and cheer for them.Charlie was really fast.He won the race.But Matt skidded and crashed into the post.He was taken to the hospital.He was very sad.三描述图画 四交流对话。

What do you usually do on Sundays?

What chores do you have to do?

听力理解 一听判断对错

1football gloves

3listen to music

4Don‟t ride bike in the park bike 6leg play chess 8skip rope

9cycling shoes

socks 二听对话排序

mountain bike race()make the bed()

own track()a mountain bike()number23(三连线






high jump

ride bike

ride bike


watch the race 四 听对话选择答语

()What‟s Cathy‟s favorite sport?

()When does Peter often play football?

A Her favorite sport is playing football.A He often plays on Saturdays.B Her favorite sport is playing basketball.B He often plays on Sundays.C Her favorite sport is playing badminton.C He is going to play football this Sunday.()What game is Ann going to watch?

()Who is the first one in the race?

A She is going to watch a mountain bike race.A Ken will.B She is going to watch a running race.B Matt will.C She is going to watch a high jump race.C Ann will.()What‟s the matter with Tom? A His leg hurts.B Her leg hurts.C He is going to the hospital.五听短文简要回答问题

26who likes to ride bikes? Who goes to work by bike? 28Who goes to school by bike?

29Are bicycles much expensive than cars? 30 Is it easy for people to learn to bike?)


1bone 2brake 3chin 4fell 5letter 6in the emergency

7in the left ankle

8give you an injection 9I enjoy summer holidays in July and August.10 There „s a jar of juice on the edge of the stage.二朗读下面的短文

Ken comes home and tells his father he has a stomachache.“Well, sit down and eat a cake and drink some water.” says his father, “Your stomach hurts because it‟s empty.It will be well when you get something in it.” Then his mother comes back from her office.She says, “ Oh, my dear!I have a headache.” That‟s because it‟s empty” says her son, “ You‟d be all right if you get something in it.” 三描述图画 四交流对话。

Can you swim?

You are a student, aren‟t you?

听力理解 一听判断对错





5stomachache 6toothache plat ball 8go walking movies

10rainy 二听对话排序







hurts his leg


high fever


hurt his hand 四 听对话选择答语

()Who is ill?

()What‟s the matter with Linda?

A Ann.A She has got a bad cold.B Linda.B She hurts her head.CAnn and Linda.C She has got a stomachache.()What‟s the weather like today?

()What do they do in the park?

A It‟s rainy today.A They spend much time in the sun in the park.B It‟s windy today.B They spend much money in the park.C It‟s sunny today.C They play very well in the park.()What does Li Jun often do? A He sometimes visits his friend.BShe often goes to the movies once every two weeks.C He often goes to the movies once every two weeks..五听对话判断

8.英语六级听力的练习题 篇八

A) The man should work harder to improve his grades。

B) The man will benefit from the effort hes put in。

C) It serves the man right to get a poor grade。

D) It was unfair of the teacher to give the man a C。

2。Q: What does the woman mean?

A) She can make a reservation at the restaurant。

B) The man should decide where to eat。

C) She already has plans for Saturday night。

D) The man should ask his brother for suggestions。


1。M: Just think I went through so much work on my paper only to get a C。

W: Well, I don t think grades are everything。 What you have learned in the process will prove useful in your future work。

2。M: My brother is coming this weekend, and I was thinking the three of us could go out to dinner Saturday night。 Any suggestions?

W: It s up to you。 I don t know the restaurant here that well。





正确答案为B。 对话中男子认为自己付出的努力和成绩不成正比,女子说过程中学到的东西才是关键,可知,女子的意思是男子会从他付出的努力中获益,因此B项正确。A,男子应该更努力,提高成绩,对话中女子说成绩不能代表一切,且并没有A项的意思,因此A项与对话内容不符,排除。C,男子成绩不好是他活该,对话中女子是鼓励,没有落井下石的意思,C项与对话内容不符,排除。D,都是给男子评个C很不公平,对话中无此意,排除。










9.六年级英语期中调研练习听力材料 篇九



1.way2.walk3.more4.there5.at the second crossing


1.Which is heavier? The bear is?

2.How can I get to the park? You can take bus No.3.3.What do you usually do after school? We often play basketball.4.Excuse me, where ‘s the post office? It’s behind the bank.5.Is Su Yang taller than Ben? Yes, she is.三、根据所听内容,选择正确的应答。

1.How far is it from here?

2.How can I get to the zoo?

3.What time do you go to school?

4.Who is stronger, you or Mike?

5.What did you do last night?

四、听录音,完成下列句子。’A: How far is it from here?

10.英语六级听力参考练习 篇十

The groups insurgency has claimed the lives of more than 4,000 people and forced hundreds of thousands to flee their homes. At first targeting police and other government officials and facilities, Boko Haram has broadened its attacks to churches, mosques, schools, media outlets, markets, and other civilian sites, leaving a trail of blood wherever it strikes.

On April 14 the group varied its tactics yet again, attacking a school for girls in the northern state of Borno and abducting more than 250 students, some as young as 15-years old. The groups leader, Abubakar Shekau, released a video brazenly claiming credit for the raid and threatening to sell the girls, saying they should not have been in school, but rather should get married.

Even then the attacks on civilians continued, with hundreds feared dead in a community on Nigerias border with Cameroon where Boko Haram fighters stormed the town, setting fire to shops and houses and shooting residents as they tried to escape.

Long a close friend of the Nigerian people, the United States has been aiding the government in its fight with the militants, providing law enforcement training, communications equipment and intelligence assistance. Boko Haram leaders have been sanctioned and a reward of up to $7 million for information leading to Shekaus location. With the kidnapping of the Chibok students, more assistance still will be provided.









