


1.刀具术语中英文对照 篇一

film industry 电影工业

cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机

cinema, pictures 电影院(美作:movie theater)

first-run cinema 首轮影院

second-run cinema 二轮影院

art theatre 艺术影院

continuous performance cinema 循环场电影院

film society 电影协会,电影俱乐部(美作:film club)

film library 电影资料馆

premiere 首映式

film festival 电影节

distributor 发行人

Board of Censors 审查署

shooting schedule 摄制计划

censor’s certificate 审查级别

release 准予上映

banned film 禁映影片

A-certificate A级(儿童不宜)

U-certificate U级

X-certificate X级(成人级)

direction 导演 production 制片 adaptation 改编

scenario, screenplay, script 编剧 scene 场景 exterior 外景

lighting 灯光 shooting 摄制 to shoot 拍摄

dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出 fade-out 淡出 fade-in 淡入

pan 摇镜头

frame, picture 镜头

still 静止

double exposure 两次曝光

superimposition 叠印

exposure meter 曝光表

printing 洗印

影片类型films types

film, motion picture 影片,电影(美作:movie)

newsreel 新闻片,纪录片


filmdom 电影界

literary film 文艺片

musicals 音乐片

comedy 喜剧片

tragedy 悲剧片

dracula movie 恐怖片

sowordsmen film 武侠片

detective film 侦探片

ethical film 伦理片

affectional film 爱情片

erotic film 黄色片

western movies 西部片

film d’avant-garde 前卫片

serial 系列片

trailer 预告片


footage 影片长度

full-length film, feature film 长片


colour film 彩色片(美作:color film)

silent film 默片,无声片

dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片

silent cinema, silent films 无声电影

sound motion picture, talkie 有声电影

cinemascope, CinemaScope 西涅玛斯科普型立体声宽银幕电影,变 形镜头式宽银幕电影

cinerama, Cinerama 西涅拉玛型立体声宽银幕电影,全景电影

title 片名

original version 原著

dialogue 对白

subtitles, subtitling 字幕

credits, credit titles 对原作者及其他有贡献者的谢启和姓名

telefilm 电视片


cast 阵容

film star, movie star 电影明星

star, lead 主角

double, stand-in 替身演员

stunt man 特技替身演员

extra, walker-on 临时演员

character actor 性格演员

regular player 基本演员

extra 特别客串

film star 电影明星

film actor 男电影明星

film actress 女电影明星

support 配角

util 跑龙套


adapter 改编

scenarist, scriptwriter 脚本作者

dialogue writer 对白作者

production manager 制片人

producer 制片主任

film director 导演

assistant director 副导演,助理导演

cameraman, set photographer 摄影师

assistant cameraman 摄影助理

property manager, propsman 道具员

art director 布景师(美作:set decorator)

stagehand 化装师

lighting engineer 灯光师

film cutter 剪辑师

sound engineer, recording director 录音师

script girl, continuity girl 场记员

scenario writer, scenarist 剧作家


reel, spool(影片的)卷,本

sound track 音带,声带

showing, screening, projection 放映

projector 放映机

projection booth, projection room 放映室

panoramic screen 宽银幕


1....Presents 出品

2....Production, A Production of...摄制

3.A...Film 制片人

4.Director, Directed by, A Film by 导演

5.Screenplay by


6.Based on a Story by 原著

7.Produced by 制片

8.Executive Producer 执行制片

9.Production Manager 制片主任

10.Director of Photography 摄影

11.Music by 音乐

12.Sound Effect 音响效果

13.Sound Mixer 声音合成

14.1st Assistant Director 首席助理导演

15.Casting by 选派演员

16.Cast of Characters 演员表

17.Starring 主演

18.Costumer Designer 服装设计

19.Art Director 美术

20.Editor 剪辑

21.Set Designer 布景设计

22.Property Master


23.Gaffer 灯光

24.Key Grip 首席场务

25.Dolly Grip 轮架场务

26.Best Boy 场务助理

27.Make Up 化妆

28.Hairdresser 发型

29.Stunt Coordinator 特技协调

30.Visual Effects 视觉效果

31.Title 字幕

32.Set Decorator


33.Script Supervisor 剧本指导

Academy Awards(奥斯卡奖项)


1.Costume Design


2.Actor in a Supporting Role 男配角

3.Make up 化妆

4.Art Direction 艺术指导

5.Live Action Short Film 纪实短片

Animated Short Film 动画短片

6.Sound Effects Editing 音响效果剪辑

7.Sound 音响

8.Actress in a Supporting Role 女配角

9.Cinematography 摄影

10.Film Editing 剪辑

11.Visual Effects 视觉效果

12.Documentary Short Subject 记录短片

Documentary Feature 记录长片

13.Foreign Language Film 外语片

14.Lifetime Achievement 终身成就

15.Original Musical or Comedy Score 音乐(喜剧)

Original Dramatic Score 音乐(戏剧)

16.Original Screenplay 原著剧本

Screenplay Adaptation 剧本改编

17.Original Song 歌曲

18.Director 导演

19.Actress in a leading Role 最佳女主角

20.Actor in a leading Role 最佳男主角

21.Picture 影片

2.围棋术语中英文对照 篇二

围棋术语中英文对照   段位 dan grading

级 kyu

读秒 byo-yomi

欺招 hamete(trick play)

厚 thickness

气 liberty

轻 karui(light)

失着 slip

本手 honte(proper move)

对杀 semeai

好手 tesuji

后手 gote

劫 ko

缓气劫 yose-ko(approach-move-ko)

筋 suji

双活 seki(impasse)

脱先 kenuki

无忧劫 hanami-ko

交换 furikawari(exchange)

味道 aji(potential)

先手得利 kikashi

眼 eye

星小目布局 hoshi-komoku fuseki

一间夹 ikken bsasme

手筋 tesuji

见合 miai

大模样作战 big moyo , large moyo

生死劫 tsume-ko

劫材 kozai

先手 sente

定式 formalized series of moves

围 contain

拆 extend

立 sagari

叫吃 atari(cheok)

打入 uehikomi

挂角 kakari

逼 tsume(checking extension)

夹 hasami(pincer)

枷 geta

尖 diagonal move

空 chi ,territory

长 nobi

切断 cut-in

腾挪 sabaki

提通 ponnuki

挖 warikom(wedge)

压 kake(pressing move),oshi(push)

挤去眼 sashikomi

断点 cutting point

空提 ponnuki

断 cut

靠 tsuke

跳 j

3.音乐专业术语中英文对照 篇三

Aftertouch 触后

Alto 女低音

Amplitude 振幅

Amplitude Modulation(AM)调幅

Analogue 模拟的Anticipation 先现音

Arpeggio 琶音,分解和弦

Attack 起音

Audio 音频

Augmented 增音程,增和弦

Ballade 叙事曲

Band 波段,大乐队

Banjo 班卓琴(美国民间乐器)

Bank 音色库

Baritone 男中音

Barline 小节线

Baroque 巴罗克

Bass 贝司

Bassoon 大管(巴松)

Brass 铜管总称

Cassette 卡座

Cello 大提琴

Channel 音色通道

Choir 人声合唱

Chord 和弦

Chorus 合唱效果器

Clarinet 单簧管

Clef 谱号

Combination 组合音色

Compressor 压缩效果器

Concerto 协奏曲

Console 调音台

Contrabass 低音提琴

Ctrl 控制器

Cymbal 镲,钹

Decay 衰减

Delay 延迟效果器

Digital 数码的

Diminished 减音程,减和弦

Distorted 失真效果器

Dolby NR 杜比降噪 Dominant 属音(和弦)

Dot 附点

Drum 鼓

Duration 音符的时值

Echo 回声,反射

Effector 效果器

Encore 返场加演曲目

English Horn 英国管

Enhance 增益

Envelope 包络


Exciter 激励器

External 外置的,外部设备的Fade in 淡入

Fade out 淡出

Fantasia 幻想曲

Filter 滤波器

Flange 凸缘效果器

Flat 降号

Flute 长笛

French Horn 圆号(法国号)

Frequency 频率

Frequency Modulation(FM)调频

Fret 吉它指板

Fretless Bass 无品贝司

Grace Note 装饰音

Grand Piano 三角钢琴

Graphic 图解式的Guitar 吉它

Harmonica 口琴

Harmony 和声,和声学

Harp 竖琴

Harpsichord 古钢琴

Instrument 乐器

Intermezzo 间奏曲

Internal 内置的,内部的Interval 音程

Inversion 转位

Key 调

Keyboard 键盘

Leading-note 导音

LFO 低频震荡器 Loop 循环反复

Lyric 歌词

Major 大调的March 进行曲

Measure 小节

Metronome 节拍器

Minor 小调的Modulation 调制

Mordent 波音

Monitor 监听

Mono 单声道

Multiple 多重,多轨

Mute 静音

Nocturne 夜曲

Normalize 最大化波形

Note 音符

Nylon 尼龙弦吉它

Oboe 双簧管

Octave 八度

Opera 歌剧

Orchestral 交响乐团

Organ 管风琴

Overdrive 过载效果器

Overture 序曲

Pad 铺垫和弦

Pan 相位

Pattern 模板

Pedal 踏板

Percussion 打击乐

Phase 相位调整

Phones 耳机

Piccolo 短笛

Pitch 音高

Pitch Bend 音高的滑动(推弦)

Pizz String 弦乐器拨弦

Playback 回放

Polyphony 复调,复音数

Prelude 前奏曲

Quantize 量化

Quartet 四重奏(唱)

Quintet 五重奏(唱)

Realtime 实时的 Recorder 竖笛

Relative key 关系调

Release 释音

Renaissance 文艺复兴

Reverb 混响

Reverse 颠倒位置

Rhapsody 狂想曲

Sample 采样器

Sample rate 采样率

Sampler 采样器

Sawtooth 锯齿波

Sax 萨克斯

Scale 音阶

Score 谱面

Serenade 小夜曲

Sequencer 音序器

Sharp 升号

Sine 正弦波

Sitar 西他(印度乐器)

SMPTE 音视频同步码

Solo 独奏

Sonata 奏鸣曲

Soprano 女高音

Spectrum 频谱

Square 方型波

Staff 五线谱

Steel 钢弦吉它

Stereo 立体声

Strings 弦乐器

Subdominant 下属音(和弦)

Suspension 延留音

Sustain 延音(踏板)

Symphony 交响曲

Synth 合成的

Synthesizer 合成器

Tab 吉它六线谱

Tape 磁带

Tempo 速度

Tenor 男高音

Timpani 定音鼓

Tonica 主和弦

Track 音轨 Transpose 移调

Tremolo 颤音

Trembone 长号

Trio 三重奏(唱)

Trumpet 小号

Tuba 大号

Turn 调音

Velocity 触键力度

Vibrato 颤音,振动

Viola 中提琴

Violin 小提琴

Voice 声部

Volume 音量

Wah 哇音效果器

4.热门商业术语中英文对照 篇四

outbound travel:出境游

Outbound travel by Chinese citizens started in 1997 with destinations consisting merely of Thailand,Singapore,Malaysia,the Philippines as well as China’s Hong Kong and Macao.Only 5.32 million Chinese citizens traveled abroad the same year,the official said.assembly line:装配线

Airbus agreed with Premier Wen Jiabao on Sunday to study the possibility of setting up an assembly line in China —— a move that could see its jets being built outside Europe for the first time.attrition:人员自然缩减

Wagoner said the job cuts will come primarily through attrition and early-retirement packages to mitigate the impact on workers.money broker:货币经纪人

China’s banking regulator on Friday published detailed rules for the implementation of provisions to manage money brokers.blockbuster:巨片、大片

Hong Kong blockbusters swept the major prizes of Taiwan’s 42nd Golden Horse Film Awards,considered one of the top awards events of the Chinese-language film industry.smooth over:消除

The accord is aimed at smoothing over a rough spot in the US-China trade relationship before President George Bush visits Beijing in the middle of this month.reshuffle:改组;调整

A financial reshuffle by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China,which was transformed into a joint stock company,is more or less finished.severence pay:解雇金

“Laying of workers is a tough decision to make because of the strong relation witth workers and the high severance pay,” he said.cutoff point:起征点

China’s monthly personal income tax cutoff point was lifted to 1,600 yuan from 1,500 yuan after drawing on public opinions from the first-ever legislature hearing held on Sept.27.write off:勾销债款

Reform measures,including 2 billion yuan(US$246 million)in central bank bills to help write off bad loans as well as efforts to improve management,have already yielded results.upstart:暴发户;新贵

Facing intense competition both from global rivals like General Motors Corp.and domestic upstarts like Chery Automobile Co.,VW has seen its market share drop to 18 percent,from well over 50 percent in the 1990s.buy into:买入股票

Once finalized,the deal would mark the European firm’s first direct investment in China’s banking industry,after it lost a bid to buy into Bank of Beijing in March to Dutch rival ING and the World Bank’s International Finance Corp.liquidator:清算人

Stephen Liu Yiu-keung and Yeo Boon-ann have been appointed as joint liquidatorsof the company,to implement the transactions outlined in the Settlement Deed.brisk:兴旺的;生机勃勃的It is estimated that the sales volume of gold and jewelry during the week-long holiday saw a year-on-year increase of around 35 percent as business was brisk throughout the country

at a discount:打折扣

The valuation is at a discount to the country’s number-five lender,Bank of Communications(BoCom),whose shares trade at about 2.2 times book.peak season:高峰期

The first and last three days will be thepeak season of the National Day holiday.The aviation industry has entered into high season,with 400,000 passengers transporting everyday and load factor is close to 75 percent.headcount:职员总数

“These headcount reductions are indispensable.They will contribute to significant improvements in the competitiveness of Mercedes-Benz through an increase in productivity,” the company said.bow out:由…退出

Dozens of MP3 player manufacturers in Shenzhen are bowing outas fierce competition has severely squeezed their profit margins.market maker:做市商

The People’s Bank of China may name banks including HSBC Holdings Plc.,Citigroup Inc.and Bank of China as market makers in the yuan,a step toward a freely traded currency,bankers and traders familiar with the situation said.tone up:增加

“These firms make a decisive contribution to job creation.Our aim is to liberate their massive potential to improve competitiveness,tone up employment,boost economic growth and encourage social cohesion,” Sioufas said.gyration:波动

Disruptions to oil and gas supplies may add to energy price gyrations,they said.wean off:使脱离

China’s central bank pledged Monday to keep the newly unshackled yuan basically stable but urged fresh efforts to wean the economy off export-driven growth.curb:抑制;控制

The physical and psychological damage caused by Hurricane Katrina is likely to reverberate across the global economy in ways that will curb growth well into 2006,economists say.perk up:振作起来

There were no significant changes from prior quarters,and SupportSoft met revenue estimates.During the conference call,however,management raised an issue that made my ears perk up.cap:限制

In an effort to gain some control over what motorists pay at the pump,Hawaii on Wednesday became the first state in the U.S.to set caps on the wholesale price of gasoline.mortgage:抵押贷款

Rates on 30-year mortgages declined this week after posting increases for six consecutive weeks.proceeds:收益

The Internet search leader said it will use the proceeds for “general corporate purposes,” including possible acquisitions.Google added that it currently has no agreements or commitments to make a material purchase.downturn:衰退

“Six weeks after the July 7 attacks killed 56 people,including four suicide bombers,the Greater London

Authority(GLA)accepts there has been some downturn,”the economic daily reported.inflation :通货膨胀

Consumer inflation shot up in July as rising gasoline prices pinched drivers’ wallets from coast to coast.Initial public offering:公开募股

Now the startup founded by two Chinese veterans of American tech firms is preparing to follow Google’s example with an initial public offering in the United States,hoping to raise $45 million.Skew:曲解;歪曲

However,that comparison is skewed because the sale of IBM’s personal computer division to China’s Lenovo Group Ltd.closed on May 1,lowering the figures IBM posted in the remaining two months of the quarter.Looking only at continuing operations,IBM showed a profit of $1.85 billion,$1.14 per share.Population:种群,族群

“There are clear differences between the two populations that had not been previously recognized and these were confirmed by the studies on DNA,” said Isabel Beasley,a doctoral student at James Cook University’s School of Tropical Environmental Studies and Geography.Unionized:工会组织的But aside from giving interns valuable experience,the program is a relatively cheap source of labor for Disney and sometimes worries the unionized workers,although union officials approved the program when it began almost 25 years ago.Same-store sales:同店销售额

Wal-Mart Stores Inc.raised its forecast for June same-store sales,citing demand for seasonal and general merchandise.Threshold:上限,极限

With $60 no longer a thresholdprices appeared set to go even higher,analysts said.Big-ticket:高价的,昂贵的Entrepreneurs grumble that executives pander to big-ticket electronics vendors and industrial manufacturersa symbolic gesture,analysts said,since the cartel is already pumping that much.Including Iraq,which is not bound by the official quota,OPEC’s daily output was 29.3 million barrels a day in May,according to the International Energy Agency.Newswire:新闻专线

The April figure was also better than the 4.5 percent forecast by economists surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires.Happy Hour:欢乐时光

Beer-swilling Britons face a sobering prospect: an unhappy hour.A group representing about half the country’s pubs and bars said Monday it is curbing Happy Hour offers and other deals that encourage irresponsible drinking,a British pastime that has come under increasing attack from the government.Bear out:证实

Scientists are excited about a vitamin again.But unlike fads that sizzled and fizzled,the evidence this time is strong and keeps growing.If it bears out,it will challenge one of medicine’s most fundamental beliefs: that

people need to coat themselves with sunscreen whenever they’re in the sun.Doing that may actually contribute to far more cancer deaths than it prevents,some researchers think.Stitch:缝合,缝缀

The goal of the merger is to stitch together two geographically distinct carriers wih a history of financial struggles into a stronger airline that would compete better with lower-cost rivals such as Southwest Airlines Inc.and JetBlue Airways Corp.US Airways has a strong presence on the East Coast,and in the Caribbean,while America West operates across the West from hubs in Phoenix and Las Vegas.Out-of-state:外州的Wine lovers can’t be barred from shipping home bottles purchased from out-of-state vineyards they visit in person or on the Internet,the Supreme Court said Monday in a decision toasted by the wine industry.Shade:细微差别

Disney’s profit of $698 million,or 33 cents a share,was a shade above Wall Street estimates and contrasts with the $537 million,or 26 cents,it earned a year earlier.Revenue in the period ended April 2 climbed 9% to $7.8 billion.Ratification:批准,承认

Bahrain has its own agreement awaiting U.S.Congress ratification.Two other members of the six-state Gulf Cooperation Council —— Oman and the United Arab Emirates —— have started talks on free trade deals with the U.S.Repellent:驱虫剂

After years of promoting the chemical DEET as the best defense against West Nile-bearing mosquitoes,the government for the first time is recommending the use of two other insect repellents.Thriller:惊悚片

Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn’s “The Interpreter” translated into solid box-office as the United Nations thriller debuted with $22.8 million to top the weekend for Hollywood.Peck:啄,轻吻

The “MareNostrum,” built by IBM Corp.,boasts 40 teraflops of speed.It can make more calculations in one second than a human pecking at a calculator could make in 10 million years.Buyout:全部买下

Shares in Lenovo Group,the largest Chinese maker of personal computers,rose Thursday after three buyout funds bought a stake in the company for $350 million.Oust:驱逐,罢黜

Mr Hurd,currently head of smaller US computer services group NCR,will replace Carly Fiorina,who was ousted from HP in February.HP’s shares closed up 8.1% in Tuesday trading in New York,following initial speculation of Mr Hurd’s appointment.Realism:真实性,逼真度

A judge has ordered Sony Corp.to pay $90.7 million to a company that develops technology that enhances video game realism but immediately stayed an order that would halt U.S.sales of Sony’s popular PlayStation consoles.Epizootic:家畜流行病

The report said the State Emergency Veterinary and Anti-Epizootic Committee was working on the problem,reporting outbreaks in “a few” locations,including the Hadang Chicken Farm,one of Pyongyang’s largest.Capsize:倾覆

Bernard Ebbers,the once-swaggering CEO of WorldCom,was convicted Tuesday of engineering the largest corporate fraud in U.S.historyfor the first million sold-a copy of the “Spider-Man 2” movie on the new Universal Media Disc format that Sony designed for the PSP.Shoot up:暴涨,迅速生长

Shares in Google jumped 9 percent to a record high after the company reported net income shot up more than seven times from a year earlier,beating estimates by a wide margin.Holidaymaker:度假者

The devastating tsunami that wiped out cities,seaside communities and holiday resorts in southern Asia has not put holidaymakers off visiting the region,a survey has found.Get an edge:取胜

5.交通行业术语中英文对照概要 篇五

A congested link—— 阻塞路段 Weighting factor—— 权重因子 Controller—— 控制器 Emissions Model—— 排气仿真 the traffic pattern——交通方式 Controller——信号机 Amber—— 黄灯

Start-up delay—— 启动延误 Lost time—— 损失时间 Off-peak——非高峰期 The morning peak——早高峰 Pedestrian crossing—— 人行横道

Coordinated control systems——协调控制系统 On-line——实时 Two-way——双向交通 Absolute Offset——绝对相位差 Overlapping Phase—— 搭接相位 Critical Phase—— 关键相位 Change Interval——绿灯间隔时间 Flow Ratio—— 流量比 Arterial Intersection Control 干线信号协调控制 Fixed-time Control——固定式信号控制

Real-time Adaptive Traffic Control——实时自适应信号控制 Green Ratio—— 绿信比

Through movement—— 直行车流 Congestion——阻塞,拥挤

The percentage congestion——阻塞率 The degree of saturation—— 饱和度 The effective green time——有效绿灯时间 The maximum queue value—— 最大排队长度 Flow Profiles——车流图示 Double cycling——双周期 Single cycling—— 单周期 Peak——高峰期

The evening peak periods—— 晚高峰 Siemens——西门子 Pelican——人行横道

Fixed time plans—— 固定配时方案 One-way traffic——单向交通 Green Ratio——绿信比 Relative Offset——相对相位差 Non-overlapping Phase—— 非搭接相位 Critical Movement——关键车流 Saturation Flow Rate——饱和流率

Isolated Intersection Control——单点信号控制(点控)Area-wide Control—— 区域信号协调控制 Vehicle Actuated(VA)——感应式信号控制 The Minimum Green Time——最小绿灯时间 Unit Extension Time——单位绿灯延长时间 The Maximum Green Time—— 最大绿灯时间 Opposing traffic—— 对向交通(车流)Actuation——Control——感应控制方式 Pre-timed Control——定周期控制方式 Remote Control—— 有缆线控方式 Self-Inductfanse—— 环形线圈检测器 Signal—— spacing——信号间距 Though-traffic lane—— 直行车道 Inbound——正向 Outbound——反向


交通工程—— Traffic Engineering 运输工程—— Transportation Engineering 铁路交通—— Rail Transportation 航空交通—— Air Transportation 水上交通—— Water Transportation 管道交通—— Pipeline Transportation 交通系统—— Traffic System 交通特性—— Traffic Characteristics 人的特性—— Human Characteristics 车辆特性—— Vehicular Characteristics 交通流特性—— Traffic Flow Characteristics 道路特性—— Roadway Characteristics 交通调查—— Traffic Survey 交通流理论—— Traffic Flow Theory 交通管理—— Traffic Management 交通环境保护——Traffic Environment Protection 交通设计—— Traffic Design 交通统计学—— Traffic Statistics 交通心理学—— Traffic Psychology 汽车力学—— Automobile Mechanics 交通经济学—— Traffic Economics 汽车工程—— Automobile Engineering 人类工程—— Human Engineering 环境工程—— Environment Engineering 自动控制—— Automatic Control 应用数学—— Applied Mathematics 电子计算机—— Electric Computer 第二章

公共汽车—— Bus 无轨电车—— Trolley Bus 有轨电车—— Tram Car 大客车—— Coach 小轿车—— Sedan 载货卡车—— Truck 拖挂车—— Trailer平板车—— Flat-bed Truck 动力特性—— Driving Force Characteristics 牵引力—— Tractive Force 空气阻力—— Air Resistance 滚动阻力—— Rolling Resistance 坡度阻力—— Grade Resistance 加速阻力—— Acceleration Resistance 附着力—— Adhesive Force 汽车的制动力—— Braking of Motor Vehicle 自行车流特性—— Bicycle flow Characteristics 驾驶员特性—— Driver Characteristics 刺激—— Stimulation 感觉—— Sense 判断—— Judgment 行动—— Action 视觉—— Visual Sense 听觉—— Hearing Sense 嗅觉—— Sense of Smell 味觉—— Sense of Touch 视觉特性—— Visual Characteristics 视力—— Vision 视野—— Field of Vision 色彩感觉—— Color Sense 眩目时的视力—— Glare Vision 视力恢复—— Return Time of Vision 动视力—— Visual in Motion 亮度—— Luminance 照度—— Luminance 反应特性—— Reactive Characteristics 刺激信息—— Stimulant Information 驾驶员疲劳与兴奋—— Driving Fating and Excitability 交通量—— Traffic Volume 交通密度—— Traffic Density 地点车速—— Spot Speed 瞬时车速—— Instantaneous Speed 时间平均车速—— Time mean Speed 空间平均车速—— Space mean speed 车头时距—— Time headway 车头间距—— Space headway0 交通流模型—— Traffic flow model 自由行驶车速—— Free flow speed 阻塞密度—— Jam density 速度-密度曲线—— Speed-density curve 流量-密度曲线—— Flow-density curve 最佳密度—— Optimum concentration 流量——速度曲线—— Flow-speed curve 最佳速度—— Optimum speed 连续流—— Uninterrupted traffic 间断流—— Interrupted traffic 第三章

交通调查分析—— Traffic survey and analysis 交通流调查—— Traffic volume survey 车速调查—— Speed survey 通行能力调查—— Capacity survey 车辆耗油调查—— Energy Consumption Survey 居民出行调查—— Trip Survey 车辆出行调查—— Vehicle Trip Survey 停车场调查—— Parking Area Survey 交通事故调查—— Traffic Accident Survey 交通噪声调查—— Traffic Noise Survey 车辆废气调查—— Vehicle Emission Survey平均日交通量—— Average Daily Traffic(ADT)周平均日交通量—— Week Average Daily Traffic 月平均日交通量—— Month Average Daily Traffic 年平均日交通量—— Annual Average Daily Traffic 高峰小时交通量—— Peak hour Volume 年最大小时交通量——Highest Annual Hourly Volume 年第30位最高小时交通量——Thirtieth Highest Annual Hourly Volume 高峰小时比率—— Peak Ratio 时间变化—— Time Variation 空间变化—— Spatial Variation 样本选择—— Selection Sample 样本大小—— Size of Sample 自由度—— Freedom 车速分布—— Speed Distribution 组中值—— Mid-Class Mark 累计频率—— Cumulative Frequency 频率分布直方图——Frequency Distribution Histogram 85%位车速—— 85% Percentile Speed 限制车速—— Regulation Speed 服务水平—— Level of Service 牌照对号法—— License Number Matching Method 跟车测速—— Car Following Method 浮动车测速法——Moving Observer Speed Method 通行能力调查—— Capacity Studies 饱和流量—— Saturation Flow 第四章

泊松分布—— Poisson Distribution 交通特性的统计分布—— Statistical Distribution of Traffic Characteristics 驾驶员处理信息的特性 Driver Information Processing Characteristics 跟车理论—— Car Following Theory 交通流模拟—— Simulation of Traffic Flow 间隔分布—— Interval Distribution 二项分布—— Binomial Distribution 拟合—— Fitting 移位负指数分布—— Shifted Exponential Distribution 排队论—— Queuing Theory 运筹学—— Operations Research 加速骚扰—— Acceleration Noise 停车波—— Stopping Wave 起动波—— Starting Wave 第五章

城市交通规划—— Urban Traffic Planning 土地利用—— Land-Use 可达性—— Accessibility 起讫点调查—— Origin –Destination Survey 出行端点—— Trip End 期望线—— Desire Line 主流倾向线—— Major Directional Desire Line 调查区境界线—— Cordon Line 分隔查核线—— Screen Line 样本量—— Sample Size 出行发生—— Trip Generation 出行产生—— Trip Production 出行吸引—— Trip Attraction 发生率法—— Generation Rate Method 回归发生模型—— Regression Generation Model 类型发生模型—— Category Generation Model 出行分布—— Trip Distribution 现在型式法—— Present Pattern Method 重力模型法—— Gravity Model Method 行程时间模型—— Travel Time Model 相互影响模型—— Interactive Model 分布系数模型—— Distribution Factor Model 交通方式划分—— Model Split , Mode Choice 转移曲线—— Diversion Curve 交通量分配—— Traffic Assignment 最短路径分配(全有全无)Shortest Path Assignment(All-or-Nothing)多路线概率分配 Probabilistic Multi-Route Assignment 线权—— Link Weight 点权—— Point Weight 费用——效益分析—— Cost –benefit Analysis 现值法—— Present Value Method


交通安全—— Traffic Safety 交通事故—— Traffic Accident 交通死亡事故率—— Traffic Fatal-Accident Rate 交通法规—— Traffic Law 多发事故地点—— High accident Location 交通条例—— Traffic Regulation 交通监视—— Traffic Surveillance 事故报告—— Accident Report 冲撞形式—— Collision Manner 财产损失—— Property Damage 事故档案—— Accident File 事故报表—— Accident Inventory 固定目标—— Fixed Object 事故率—— Accident Ratelxy 事故数法——Accident Number Method 质量控制法——Quality Control Method 人行横道——Pedestrian Crosswalk

行人过街道信号——Pedestrian Crossing Beacon 人行天桥——Passenger Foot-Bridge 人行地道——Passenger Subway 栅栏——Gate


无信号控制交叉口——Uncontrolled Intersection 让路标志——Yield Sign 停车标志——Stop Sign

渠化交通——Channelization traffic 单向交通——One-Way 禁止转弯——No Turn Regulation 禁止进入——No-Entry 禁止超车——Prohibitory Overtaking 禁止停车——Prohibitory Parking 禁止通行——Road Closed 安全带——Life Belt

