


1.介绍圣诞节的英文作文 篇一



christmas is a christian holiday that celebrates the birth of jesus christ.no one knows the exact date of christ´s birth, but most christians observe christmas on december 25.on this day, many go to church, where they take part in special religious services.during the christmas season, they also exchange gifts and decorate their homes with holly, mistletoe, and christmas trees.the word christmas comes from cristes maesse, an early english phrase that means mass of christ.the story of christmas comes chiefly from the gospels of saint luke and saint matthew in the new testament.the history of christmas dates back over 4000 years.many of our christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before the christ child was born.the 12 days of christmas, the bright fires, the yule log, the giving of gifts, carnivals(parades)with floats, carolers who sing while going from house to house, the holiday feasts, and the church processions can all be traced back to the early mesopotamians.many of these traditions began with the mesopotamian celebration of new years.the mesopotamians believed in many gods, and as their chief god-marduk.each year as winter arrived it was believed that marduk would do battle with the monsters of chaos.to assist marduk in his struggle the mesopotamians held a festival for the new year.this was zagmuk, the new year´s festival that lasted for 12 days.the persians and the babylonians celebrated a similar festival called the sacaea.part of that celebration included the exchanging of places, the slaves would become the masters and the masters were to obey.the ancient greeks held a festival similar to that of the zagmuk/sacaea festivals to assist their god kronos who would battle the god zeus and his titans.the roman´s celebrated their god saturn.their festival was called saturnalia which began the middle of december and ended january 1st.with cr

2.介绍圣诞节的英文作文 篇二

博物馆是征集、典藏、陈列和研究自然与人类文化遗产的场所, 是为社会发展提供服务的文化复合体。同时, 博物馆作为传承历史文化的重要载体, 是现代人认识人类文明的最佳窗口。纵观中外博物馆, 可以发现它们不仅在建筑外形、展品陈列等方面存在差异, 其解说词谋篇布局的不同更体现了中外思维模式差异。

武汉历史悠久, 湖北省博物馆是其最大博物馆。近年来, 武汉市加快了建设现代化国际性城市的步伐, 加大力度规范公共场所的英文标识并将其纳入“城管革命”。另外, 就武汉市目前的情况来看, 虽然有从事相关方面的研究课题, 但极少细化到博物馆展品及场馆相关英文介绍;并且博物馆作为城市精神文明建设中的重要部分, 应该得到相当高的重视。希望我们的研究能进一步修正和补充中国博物馆英语解说词方面的不足和存在的漏洞, 使博物馆更好地发挥介绍、传播文化的功能。


在宏观上比较了湖北省博物馆和大英博物馆对同类文物展品的英文介绍之后, 初步分析总结出以下几点 (本文所选的语料均来自于湖北省博物馆曾侯乙墓场馆和英国大英博物馆亚洲馆之中国馆文物的相关英文介绍) :

1. 西方思维模式层直线型, 而中国思维模式层圆环内封型

从整体行文来看, 西方思维模式层直线型, 其解说词直接易懂, 参观者理解起来就如过一座桥;中国思维模式则层圆环内封型, 其解说词是以比较迂回、隐含的方法表达出来的, 参观者理解起来就像踩着垫脚石。从中可以看出西方是“低语境” (low context) 语言文化区, 一切都要靠语言讲清楚;而中国是“高语境” (high context) 语言文化区, 许多意思都包括在语境之中, 不用把每一点都明白无误地讲出来。在语言的表达上, 中国倾向于用凝练的四字短语来刻画完整的意象或意境, 译文更强调意境。而西方在语言或语言的翻译上不刻意追求整齐划一, 其文化导向强调具体准确。以下分别以湖北省博物馆十六节龙凤玉挂饰和大英博物馆玉凤凰英文介绍为例:


Dragon-phoenix pendent ornament in 16 parts


Total length:48cm.The pendent carved out of five pieces of raw jade, consists of 16 parts connected by three jade rings and one jade pin.It is adorned with 37 dragons, 7 phoenixes and 10snakes, carved in open work or relief or intaglio methods, and with grain patterns, clouds patterns and slanting-line patterns.It was found on the main occupant’s head.

Jade-phoenix ornament

The Immortal From China

Liao dynasty, 10th-11th century AD

In Western legend, the phoenix, or Red Bird, rises from the ashes of its own funeral pyre to live again.In China, the bird has connotations of immortal worlds and paradise.The phoenix is often associated with the dragon.The dragon came to symbolize the emperor, and the phoenix represented the empress.

通过对比分析可以看出, 由于十六节龙凤玉挂饰, 该展品结构复杂, 展品介绍词中大量介绍其外形结构 (玉料类型, 展品样式, 纹饰) 。一方面, 对其纹饰等象征意义未做注释;而在制造工艺方面, 仅仅只简单提及其制作手法, 并未深入介绍, 对这些工艺手法并未有深入了解的游客易产生疑惑。通篇介绍词虽用词简单明了, 看似明白直接, 却并未增强英文译文的可接受性。而来自大英博物馆的Jade-phoenix ornament的译文简单交代展品所属年代以及来源, 侧重展品本身的文化内涵意义, 如“凤凰”在中西方的不同象征意义。由展品本身历史扩展至大时代背景, 介绍详实, 文化信息量丰富。简明扼要, 用词清晰简单, 不仅体现出西方客观性概念化的直线型思维模式, 同时详实的展品介绍也是其对中国文化的一种尊重。

2. 西方思维模式重逻辑推理, 中国思维模式强调整体联系

从句子结构来看, 西方尤其是说英语民族的思维方式倾向于逻辑推理和分析。其认识事物时一般是从概念到概念地归纳, 因而西方人表达上习惯首先表明看法或观点, 点明主题后再依次说明原因、证据等来进行分析。中国思维模式强调个体与世界、主客观之间的整体性。因而在语言表达上中国人一般是先叙述事情的背景、罗列客观条件或摆出事实, 然后再作出结论。在句子结构上, 汉语大部分的讲话属于“主题—述题” (topic—comment) 结构, 在一个句子中, 主题部分列举人、事物或观念, 述题部分则予以评述;但在英语中则更习惯使用主语—谓语结构。

语言使用方式的差异导致汉英民族对事物的观赏心理不同。汉语文化取向多侧重于物体特征, 给文物命名时往往把表达物体特征的修饰词放在前, 表达物体名称的中心词放在后。特选以下两例进行比较分析:

璧 (湖北省博物馆)

曾侯乙墓出土玉璧67件。璧在周代是六瑞之首, 用为礼器, 以礼苍天。按周礼, 天子、诸侯礼享天子均用一尺二寸的大璧。此外, 璧也可用于作装饰物和佩带之用。

Sixty-seven bi (jade in round shape with a hole in the middle) were unearthed.The bi, the most important of the six kinds of auspicious ornaments in the Zhou Dynasty, was used at rituals to worship Heaven.In the rules on rites at that time, the big bi measuring one chi two cun in diameter was to be used by the king or presented to the king by a feudal lord.The bi could be used for decoration or be worn as an ornament.

Jade plagues (大英博物馆)

From China

Ming dynasty, 16th-17th century AD

Length:5.600 cm (1-2)

Width:15.400 cm (1-2)

A set of sixteen carved belt plaques

The plaques would have been attached to a textile belt, using the small holes around the edges and on the back.The openwork decoration features dragons and flowers.

Jade, as always in Chinese history, was considered the most precious material for belts and other ornaments, and its use was restricted to the highest levels.Civil and military officials of the third rank or higher (on a scale of one to nine) wore jade and gold belts;those of lesser ranks were less splendidly attired.

通过对比分析可以看出“壁”的相关介绍在音译时并没有英文对应词, 此处选择音译。首先, 对于容易造成接受困难的部分介绍, 如:六瑞, 在西方文化中并没有相对应的文物, 英文译文中对此部分适度删减摘译, 能使外国游客更易理解, 加速信息传递和传播。其次, 中英介绍文虽重心相同, 均为“璧”, 但置放位置有别。英文译文介绍中, 通文四句话, 而四个句子全部是以“bi”做主语的被动句, 将重心突出置于句首。而中文介绍, “按周礼, 天子、诸侯礼享天子均用一尺二寸的大璧”中, 将“璧”置于句末。从而也体现出西方民族严格区分主体和客体, 注重客观事物对人的作用和影响。而汉民族主、客体相互融合, 东方思维往往以人为重心。与此同时, 大英博物馆的玉组件的展品介绍, 对展品尺寸, 用途, 来源地和背景介绍皆较为全面。该文物英文介绍中, 同样绝大部分是将物放在句首的被动句, 在句式结构上, 多用主从扣接式句型, 如:“Jade, as always in Chinese history, was considered the most precious material for belts and other ornaments, ”中以“as”衔接, 交代玉在中国的历史以及象征意义。

纵观上述例子还可以发现, 句子结构以及表达方式的不同也影响了整个解说词在叙述风格上的差异。参考大英博物馆的英文解说词, 尽管其更倾向于使用基本词汇和基本语法结构来描述文物特征和背景知识, 但不会遗漏重要信息点, 并能将展品本身的信息准确无误地传达给参观者;字里行间透露出一种浪漫精神, 如童话故事式的叙述很容易使游客融入其中, 激发想象, 更深切地感知文物所承载的人文底蕴。


作为传承历史的载体和人类文化展示的窗口, 博物馆所传递出来的信息更应该追求精准。两博物馆分别是中西文化中具有代表性的博物馆, 译者在撰写文物的解说词时, 应该充分考虑到中西方思维模式上差异, 根据外国游客的文化背景和语言表达习惯来组织译文, 切不可逐字逐句地一一翻译, 也不可仅从字面意思来翻译, 而忽略掉其隐含的文化内涵。译者应把握好展品译文上的全面性和整体性, 使外国游客领略不同国度的文物的魅力之处时, 也能了解到不同的文化特色。

摘要:中外博物馆不仅在建筑外形、展品陈列等方面存在差异, 其解说词谋篇布局的不同更体现了中外思维模式的差异。大英博物馆的解说词更直接明了, 文物的中心词位置灵活多变, 体现其思维模式呈直线型, 比较注重逻辑推理, 而湖北省博物馆的解说词译文更追求意境, 习惯修饰词置前, 中心词置后, 体现其思维模式层圆环内封型, 注重整体联系。了解这些中外思维模式上的差异, 能帮助译者在撰写文物解说词时规范其语言表达, 丰富其译文内容, 完整地传递出其隐含的文化信息。



[1]Linell Davis, 中西文化之鉴:跨文化交际教程 (新) , 外语教学与研究出版社

[2]胡文仲, 跨文化学概论, 北京:外语教育与研究出版社, 2002.

[3]胡文仲, 跨文化交际面面观

[4]李芳, 中西思维差异对博物馆英语解说词的迁移作用, 外语与外语教学, 2009 (1)

[5]李开荣, 试论文物名称英译文化信息的处理, 中国科技翻译, 2001 (11)

[6]刘岚, 关联理论视角下博物馆解说词翻译的外显化, 外语交流, 2001 (4)

[7]郑张敏, 大英博物馆中国文物翻译的几点思考, 内蒙古文物考古, 2008 (2)

3.圣诞节的英文介绍PPT 篇三

hello,everyone.my name is zhou lin.today my topic is about christmas.i wish you will love it.now,lets start.播放ppt和音乐。

fisrt,i think we should know when is christmas day.yeah,its december twenty-fifth.in the western, each family need to prepare a christmas tree to enhance the festive atmosphere.christmas tree is generally made with evergreen such as cypress it is a symbol of life forever.christmas tree often decorated with a variety of candles, flowers, toys, stars and all kinds of christmas gifts.on christmas eve, people around the christmas tree are singing and dancing.although everyone enjoys christmas day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents.it is said that there was a kind old man whose name was saint nicholas.he often helped the poor and gave presents to them.today, santa claus is an imaginary figure, but nearly all children believe in him.they think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.another name for santa claus is father christmas.people always wake up early.in the christmas morning some people may go to a christmas morning church service.but most people will just watch the special christmas programmes tv or play party games but the mothers will be in the kitchen preparing christmas dinner.everyone enjoy it,because christmas dinner is the main meal of the day, some families arrange it at lunch, and some families arrange it at dinner.major food for the christmas meal is turkey or roast goose, puddings and a variety of cookies such as the golden butter cookies, fruit cookies and so on.the custom of eating turkey is popular in the unite states from 1620 and british christmas dinner is roast goose.and now,we know how to celebrate the christmas day in the western.at last,i hope everyone have a good time in the christmas of this year.and this presentation can give you some information that you need.thank you for your attention.篇二:圣诞节英语ppt(b)hello,everyone,today my topic is christmas day.i mainly from three aspects。first is the origin of the christmas.the name christmas is short for “christ’s mass”.a mass is a kind of church service.christmas is a religious festival.it is the day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus.there are special christmas services in christian churches all over the world.but many of the festivities of christmas do not have anything to do with religion.exchanging gifts and sending christmas cards are the modern ways of celebrating the christmas in the world.christmas 是christ‘s mass”基督的弥撒—一种礼拜仪式的缩写。这一天是是用来庆祝耶稣的诞生,在世界各地,都会有特殊的礼拜仪式。但是圣诞节从很多庆祝方式都和宗教无关,交换礼物,互送圣诞卡是庆祝的流行方式了。

the second is christmas customs in different countries。britain they think christmas is a great time for eating.so christmas dinner is extremely rich, including pork and roast turkey, christmas pudding, christmas break hamburger....everyone has a gift, even servants.gifts are dispensed at christmas morning.他们认为圣诞节必须吃得痛快。所以圣诞大餐极为丰富,包括猪肉、烤火鸡、圣诞布丁、圣诞碎肉饼......。家里每一个人都有一份礼物,连仆人也有,礼物都在圣诞节的早晨分赠。america russia in christmas eve, the family sit around the tree.parents tell children the story of grandfather pioneers.on and months before christmas day, people under the middle-class will pour into big markets cause many thing are on sale.圣诞前夕,家人会围绕着圣诞树坐下,给孩子讲述荒诞的老祖父拓荒故事。在圣诞节当天甚至数月前,中产阶级以下的人,会争往大商店抢购因为大多商品会打折促销

thesecond is festival features。one of the rich dinner, conclude christmas turkey, smoked ham, christmas salmon, christmas boudin 圣诞火鸡,烟熏火腿,圣诞三文鱼,圣诞布丁 christmas card people will send card with greetings and good wishes to each other.人们会互送问候和祝福贺卡。篇三:圣诞节英文ppt演讲稿

hello,everyone.my name is zhou lin.today my topic is about christmas.i wish you will love it.now,lets start.播放ppt和音乐。

4.我的圣诞节的英文作文 篇四

In the days of having a unique style, people will hold many interesting activities, such as giveaways, lottery and other activities. People say that on the night of the Christmas, Santa Claus will sit two sika deer dragging ski car gifts to the children, in the morning you will see the pillow Have a nice gift, this is a Christmas present.

In this AQiChengShuang winter there is also a Christmas Eve, it is on the eve of Christmas, the day everyone to pray for peace, everyone has a patron saint of their own, to protect themselves.

5.圣诞节英文作文 篇五

Our English class is not exceptional also, we are carefully laid down by the sun teachers room, held a Christmas party, we are also very excited, also have take adornment to decorate, in high spirits. We also brought gifts and gave them to our good friends.

Trample the balloon has been by far the most interesting link, link, the teacher went to everyones feet were tied on the balloon, then step on someone elses balloon, each moment in our classroom like opened a pot of porridge, boiling up! Our class was particularly strong, and we had a couple of Allies in the league, but just then, our union had a ”traitor“ to it, and just heard ”bang!“ and he crushed my balloon! I quit, thinking: this is a game, dont take it too much! Finally, cengen won, and the teacher blew one balloon after another to congratulate him...

I went to talk about a little tadpole to find my mother, and then we sang Christmas songs, edelweiss, auld lang syne... At last we sang Chinese songs, when the sun went down and grew in the spring of our motherland...

6.庆祝圣诞节英文作文 篇六

Children today would not at all recognize the St. Nick who brought gifts to European children hundreds of years ago except perhaps for his cascading white beard. He made his rounds in full red-and-white bishops robes, complete with twin peaked miter and crooked crozier. He was pulled by no fleet footed reindeer, but coaxed in indolent donkey. And he arrived not late on Christmas Eve, but on his Christian feast day, December 6. The gifts he left beside the hearth were usually small: fruit, nuts, hard candies, wood and clay figurines.

During the Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth century, St. Nicholas was banished from most European countries. Replacing him were more secular figures, who in general were not at center stage at that point in history..The Dutch kept the St. Nicholas tradition alive. As the ”protector of sailors,“ St. Nicholas graced the prow of the first Dutch ship that arrived in America. And the first church built in New York City was named after him. The Dutch brought with them to the New World two Christmas items that were quickly Americanized.

In sixteenth century Holland, children placed wooden shoes by the hearth the night of St. Nicholass arrival. The shoes were filled with straw, a meal for the saints gift laden donkey. In return, Nicholas would a small treat into each clog. In America, the shoe was replaced with the stocking, hung by the chimney.

The Dutch spelled St. Nicholas ”Saint Nikolass,“ which in the New World became ”Sinterklass“. later changed to ”Santa Claus“.

Much of modern day Santa Claus lore, including the reindeer drawn sleigh, originated in America. Dr. Clement Clarke Moore composed ”The Night Before Christmas“ in 1822, to read to his children on Christmas Eve. The poem might have remained privately in the Moore family if a friend had not mailed a copy of it (without authorial attribution) to a newspaper and became part of the Santa legend.

It was in America that Santa put on weight. The rosy-cheeked, roly-poly Santa is credited to the influential nineteenth-century cartoonist Thomas Nast. From 1863 until 1886, Nast created a series of Christmas drawings for Harpers Weekly. These drawings, executed over twenty years, exhibit a gradual evolution in Santa from the pudgy, diminutive, elf-like creature of Dr. Moores immortal poem to the bearded, potbellied, life-size bell ringer familiar on street corners across America today. Nasts cartoons also showed the world how Santa spent his entire year constructing toys, checking on childrens behavior, reading their requests for special gifts. His images were incorporated into the Santa lore.

Santa is known throughout the world in many different names, such as:

7.圣诞节英文考试作文 篇七

Although it could not compete with the speed of email today, the 1800‘s nevertheless experienced a revolution in communication that played an important role in creating the tradition of the Christmas greeting card. Helped by the new railway system, the public postal service made corresponding a popular past time. In England, Sir Henry Cole recognized the advantage of a more efficient mail service and initiated the practice of sending Christmas greeting cards to friends.

The first card was designed by J.C.Horsley as a commercial endeavor. One thousand copies were sold in London, and soon others followed suit. An English artist, William Egley, produced a popular card in 1849. Louis Prang, a German born printer, working from his shop in Roxbury, Massachusetts, printed his first American cards in 1875. Even more important than his printing was the fact that he did more than anyone else to popularize the cards by instituting nationwide contests for the best Christmas designs, which were awarded cash prizes.

8.圣诞树的英文作文 篇八

Back home, I looked at the beautiful packaging of the little Christmas tree. Im anxious to plant it. I asked my father to help, but my father asked me to try it myself. So I opened the plastic package outside. There are two pieces of Christmas tree shaped cardboard, a small basin and two packages of transparent water like liquid. It turns out that the cardboard should be put together in a small basin. I poured two more packages of liquid carefully. Waiting quietly, according to the instructions, the tree will respond in 50 minutes. Colorful flowers will bloom in two hours. The minutes passed, and an hour later I went to have a look. It seemed that nothing had changed. Two hours later, Ill go and have a look, and it doesnt change much. Ive been waiting and watching for many times, and its almost the same. Until dad told me to go to bed. Dad said: ”such a cheap thing is nothing magical! Maybe its fake!“ I listened to dubious, reluctant to go to bed.

When I woke up the next day, I went to see the Christmas tree. WOW! I was surprised. The little tree was full of flowers. There are some red flowers in the snow-white flowers. Its very beautiful against the green leaves. When I blow with my mouth, the flower will swing slightly. Why is this? My father told me that it may be that the liquid below slowly seeps through the branches. It reaches the leaves and reacts with the substance at the top of the tree before it becomes a flower. Oh, its amazing.
