1.中级口译必备篇 篇一
When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation.It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch.This was in the late 1960′s, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and Polaroid cameras.It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.我年轻那会儿,有一本非常好的杂志,叫做《环球目录》,算得上我那一辈人的圣经。创办这本杂志的人名叫斯图尔特·布兰德,他就住在离这里不远的门罗公园。他用诗意的笔触为这本杂志赋予了生命。那是六十年代,个人电脑和电脑出版还未普及,因此整本杂志都是用打字机、剪刀和拍立得相机完成的,可以成为纸质版的谷歌搜索,但却比谷歌早出现了35年。它是理想主义的化身,满篇都是整洁的工具和伟大的观点。
Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue.It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age.On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous.Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off.Stay Hungry.Stay Foolish.And I have always wished that for myself.And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.斯图尔特和他的团队推出了几期《环球目录》,当他们遇到瓶颈便出版了最后一期。当时是70年代中期,那时的我和你们现在差不多大。最后一期的黑色封面上有一张照片,照片上是一条清晨的乡间小路,是那种你搭车出游时一定能看见的小路,如果你有这样的冒险精神的话。照片下方有这样一句话:“求知若渴,虚怀若愚。”这是他们谢幕时留下的告别辞。保持饥饿,保持愚蠢。我一直都希望自己能做到这一点。现在,你们就要毕业了,我也希望你们能够这样做。
poetic:充满诗情画意的idealistic: 理想主义的run his course: 完成使命
hitchhiking: 搭乘
sign off: 停止签发,停止
2.口译考试必备 篇二
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主席先生,尊敬的各国元首和政府首脑,尊敬的各位代表,女士们,先生们,欢迎各位在这个美丽的季节来到纽约,并欢迎出席第65届会议一般性辩论开幕式,主席先生,祝贺你,我期待着在未来的一年与你密切合作,克服我们国际社会所面临的各种 挑战。
4.我们同英国朋友再次聚首在美丽的泰晤士河畔,召开我们的第三次大会。我谨代表参加此次会议的中方代表,感谢英方的盛情邀请和精心安排。自去年的大Created by Trans-flash
All Rights Reserved 会以来,中国又发生了很大变化。
7th ASEM Summit I’m delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurture nation’s leaders of tomorrow.I’m particularly pleased since the European Commission has had the opportunity to support the school.But let me begin by commending you all for the successful Olympic Games.These Games brought today’s China into homes around the world.It is a vivid picture of a dynamic society undergoing tremendous change.It is a picture that those who ever able to attend the Games will carry with them forever.I’m convinced that the Games brought the world and China closer together.This is something we should build on for the future.Business Negotiation When we import from other exporters, we usually need to pay at most 10% for an advance payment.Assuming an interest rate of 10%, compared with others, the bond you asked will let us loose 34,000 dollars in interest in only one year.It is well known that the interest rate is going up;the risk of higher interest rate is added to the risks that we run.So I will pay at most 10% for the advance Created by Trans-flash
All Rights Reserved payment, and I ‘m not prepared to make concessions.If you can’t agree with this term, I will retract the order.Finance in LD London has 3.5 trillion pounds under management, more than any other market in the world and lists more companies in any one year than the New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ and Hong Kong combined.Last year, 104 billion dollars was raised on the London Stock Exchange, compared with 69 billion dollars on the NYSE and NASDAQ combined.Most major US investment banks locate the HQs for Europe, Africa, the Middle East and South Asia in London, and it’s interesting as well that big EU players also choose London as a focus for the investment banking activity.It really is the bridge between Europe and the global finance markets.And with 34% of global currency trading, London is the most international and most liquid of all the world’s financial centers.Within the city of London, a stunning 90% of the world’s trade in metals takes place, 25% of the world’s aviation and marine insurance, and almost 50% of all ship brokering.And in the ever expanding area of derivatives trading, London has 43% of the Over the Counter Market.Im & Ex Volume in China China has already enjoyed a huge and continually growing import demand.China’s annual import volume increased from 10.9 billion US dollars in 1978 to 561.4 billion US dollars in 2004.In the last five years, China realized an average import growth rate of over 28%.Such considerably and rapidly growing import will provide the world economy with a broad market.According to conservative estimates, by 2010 China’s import and export volume with North America and the EU would surpass 400 billion US dollars respectively, with Japan and Republic of Korea topping 550 billion US dollars and with ten Asian countries acceding 200 billion US dollars.NPI New Product Introduction refers to the complete business process of introducing new products to market.It spans the entire product life-cycle from initial identification of market, technology, opportunity, conception, design and development through to production, market launch, support, enhancement and retirement.As such, NPI is one of the forms of innovation, namely product innovation.A number of alternative terms are used to describe the NPI process, such as the New Product Development or NPD process, Innovation Process, or Product Creation Process.The exact meaning of the terms will vary from company to company.Historically, the NPI process has been characterized by functional division, notably between Marketing, Engineering(R&D)and Production.Nowadays, NPI is more likely to be seen as a vital cross-functional business process, involving both internal groups and external suppliers or partners.Created by Trans-flash
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3.中级口译复习方法 篇三
5.里面礼仪祝词部分一定要变成条件反射,基本上每年笔试或者口试肯定有这种题目的,我自己考的时候就是口试碰到的6.除了这个捏,最好多做几套真题,反正现在市面上的真题也很多,网上的话也都有mp3,因为你不仅要熟悉速度、题型,还要熟悉读录音的那个人的语音语调,7.最主要还是要多听英语新闻,多看英文报纸,像china daily,shanghai daily之类的,尤其注意经济政治方面的东西,因为听力和阅读部分肯定会考到这些方面,要牢记,听力可以靠突击。英语报纸不需要多,一个星期一两份就可以了,但是一定要看透,把里面常用的经济术语、政治术语牢记,像什么“和平共处五项原则”、“通胀”、“睦邻友好关系”之类的东西,还是把它变成条件反射吧...8.做口译的阅读,整篇看完发现读不懂是正常现象,所以解题技巧也很重要,千万记得先看题再看文,否则只是浪费时间,具体的这里也没办法讲清楚,有上过培训班的话老师应该会讲,但最终还是要靠你自己琢磨
10.现在是第三个版,培训教材为上海紧缺人才培训工程教学系列丛书,共五册 中级口语教程严诚忠 戚元方编著
中级阅读教程 陈汉生编著
11.如果你英语还不错的话不用怎么复习考前一个礼拜做两套题培养培养感觉就行 如果觉得不放心的话把那本听力教程的题做做吧
翻译教程上主要是一些单词如果你没有报班的话看的时候可以自己整理一下背背 阅读没什么看头的主要是把握好时间
4.中级口译笔试复习方法 篇四
有很多同学复习的时候会选择分部分进行练习,这并不是不可取,但冲刺阶段,建议大家至少留两套完整真题。第一套在考前一个月左右做,另一套在考前三天到一周左右的时间做。在这之前,大家通过上课、做练习已经对自己的薄弱环节有一定的了解了,那么经过一段时间的积累,现在进展如何了呢?做这一套真题,帮你了解前一阶段的学习成果,细致定位薄弱环节:比如之前知道自己听力部分是弱项,经过一段时间的努力,Spot Dictation 错误率降低了,选择题基本没什么大问题了,句子听译也有明显的改善„„那么接下来就要研究一下错题,比如看一下Spot Dictation是因为单词听不清、不会拼而扣分还是因为跟不上而扣分。花相对多的时间在失误多的地方,不要盲目做真题、模拟题。此外,这个时候做完整的真题,要尽量掐好时间,以便在后面几周的复习中,针对性地加快做题速度。
做了大量的练习,不进行错题整理以及笔记复习是万万不行的。练到后来可能速度是上去了,但正确率却迟迟上不去。所以,不论是平时练习还是考前冲刺,整理环节是必不可少的。错题整理一般包括单词和知识点的整理。Spot Dictation 以及听译部分的生词以及词组必整理,阅读理解部分感觉常出现但老是记不住的单词必整理,翻译部分生词以及重要词组必整理。此外,还需要注意整理一些小技巧,比如Spot Dictation中碰到的单词的连读、弱读,多整理一下其中的规则自然而然会有领悟,还有要注意翻译中用词的对比,比如说“加强”一词,就可以有strengthen, enhance, promote等等多个词与之对应,多积累一些这样的词在汉译英中才能避免用词重复。
英语 中级口译 历年真题2002.9答案08-24